i 4 tP ? Would Suppose 1 mew ' 'sanatorium'' close enough to a, xser nain. neighborhood to siatfisfy ouor fancy ftw 'VandierbM Wpifial,'- and fttoin Ifis rlgJit N WAVERLEY : BICYCLES 3 'ASHBTOLB, N,,C. PEOPLE PUBLISHS) B?EY 1WMDSB BICfFT -ljiaw ttn-gle -approximates motor enough) .to THEASHEVILLE GAZETTE PUB- piijct we decrtbed lastly toWle This idea is 'wrongrMystqck is g , V- LISHLNw- LvmrAJ.1! j.. t our pride .in tne auanw jbu i"- .1 AMfcS B, NORTON, President , owner of : a Waverley Bicycle r ever regretted nis purchase, i No gave tt ithiem,Vttie Gazette Bosp'ltjaiL Multum lln; Parvo; Maximum : and Bestum. g . FBED A. JOHNSON, Secretary. I' a .oiVlfA rtWedt lesson of Che possibili BpBSCBIPTION:.RATEB-.r lA , siiatton to 'stat 4 fr Aisplay of articles of 'Bigotiy and Virtue..?; naer ot a Waverly ever felt that he possessed less than the best that could be produced. One Year. , Li " iu"v.si.,. .if ntwrnviine. -It disclose Daily, Six. Months...... nAnr. Eleven Weeks.,. Books, News and Stationery. V. , , . . 1.00 J5 how maxrowly tlhe f?ood people of this tats naiiT. One Month. .... t,- - ' . -rrrtiiilfm thlat -wis P. F.- BAINBRIDGE. afiy One Week- "-'S w" ' , : . Late of Sanntonio, Texas ' , I ZZZ' Weekly Gazeue, ua - attempted: . xne nnsBBi - - This life is full of queer coinddeneea, deas Gazette v i .1, educed rates ar for uDcnptwns i - T?r,r m ADVANCE. 'AAll Lf &t Bubscrtptionswill SS may run. " I ' ' . - ' - in i Slivered in Asheville, J TOtr nd Biltmore .by. carrier attne -wrinHrm rites. Within these Bmlts of territory the paper .may be or- rd bv letter, postal card or teiepnone, nA . the ' SUDSOriDXlOn - pris w " . . .. . 1 . it-nA 1 carrier. . You Cjet it ior i-ess At PELHAM'S. . From 5 to 25 per ct. Saved. "We quote: Quinine (P. & W.,) oz....: . Quinine (P; & W.) oa. .. Glycerine (Gordon's,) lb..; Witch Hazel, per pint Medicine Droppers, each " Bird Seed,, per package : f; ' Rubber Nipples, best quality, two for. . Hamlin's Wizard Oil, $1.00 size, at. . . iKf Hi 25c 5c 5c III Hamlin's Wizard Oil, 50.c size,.-. : : h'&i ijvor"a HTimnnosnn ii.bs. ji.uu eiic u sat 1 Visa's Consumption Cure, 25c size. ... zuc Ely's, Cream aim ,50c size. 3sc o'of TTSTTnft 5? tvr. size 40o I Armour's -Eeer Extract, 4 oz. size -100 Armour's Beef Extract. 8 z. size. . .. . . a.io IMrCini'a rVra-nsA BlrvRSftTTlV $1.00 size.. 75C 1 - HinVs Hbney and Almond Creanv50c' ' size nr.. . Tj.I TT. T .i' Art TK Euthymol Tooth Paste, 25c1 size ' 18c . ruxrs ruis, zoc size ioc VOOZOUOXHL, JdV ................... U51i CTirtteiiTaroaD.' 2Sc -sazre. . ........ . w ; . . 17c Hydrolein $1.00 size 75c Holmes" (Frostilla. 25c size 19c lyon's Katbairon, 50c size : 38c au urwwus iwju-aiiy - Pelham's Pharmacy, The Leading Cut-Rate Drug Store. THURSDAY MORNING, NOV: 25,- 1897. ' . Everybody has cause tor ithanKsgtviPg. Don't let your liver prevent your gTtaspimg ' this' truth- . , The - Hon. Tom Reed's presidential ' chances are blasted. The New York Sun : has endosed him. ' JBdeycle cranks, especially with sprlngless Saddles, wtill find a caxrse for ItJanbsgtvlng r "ill' the repaying of North Main streett- i ' . '. Vocal news has been sacrificedi to . Thanksglvifng reading Jm thiis number of the Gazetlte, partly, in order that the em- ployes of the paper mlay rest f rom, their f .labors sufficientJly to enjoy their turkey -' dinner. ' r The Theosophists of San "Francisco are taking a very active Interest in the fate :'k of Murderer (Durrant. It is a tenet of their faith' , that capital punishment is -wrong, ajjiu : wiwjr eu tircuiiaiu-ag a. peiacron praying . ' " Governor CBudd to stay the execution amd to commute his sentence to life imprison ' ' -i ;menL' Evidently there, are a' good many tiheosophiiists who pose as jurymen in this ' ' ' 'StaiteL: ,''-'; .; 'A few days ago it was mentioned in the Charlotte Observer ''that cotton had been v llaulleol.froia Mooresville to States ville, " fmva: Davidson to Charlotte and from. Stan ley Creek to Charlotte by wagons, and it was suggested that when IthislSt found nec essary it affords, ''proof -that something is wrong' with, railroad freight rates. The Observer; now , states that 'the ' suggestion ! ;tjias nolt passed unnoticed. - It is informa "ion that the rate on the Atlantic, Tennes ' see i& Ohio xoadi. will be lowered at once to meet the complaint. I A,; "FINALLY BRETHREN.' -.The long silence on the part; of our af fectionate friend; the CBtizen, Ss broken. It took nearly two weeks and some sym , pathetic promptings oa the paait of our- selves to do it, and even then we regret to Miy it .'was not done wfth. the frank ac knowdedgement it had seemed tight to ex , peot ' would be the outcome of long and quiet -deliberation. Ula'ther Dt ' was ait -echo V? the past, cou-chedl also in - the kindly and winsome language the Citi- . . ; ' v ' - 'zen has always used in speaking r of Its pighbor, the GazeMe. , - ti The Citizen quotes some portions of am , article in the Gazette of August 31, that ; at least it must acknowledge does credit to . . our credulity when we were younger than we are now,;, tWhlen we wrote ;the words quoted, with Some others mot quidted by our . sweet friend, we rere momentarily s-tkg-- cetredi dolto the belief !that we 'might be ' wrong in stating that great hospital pro Jecst was on foot, though further inves'ti cation immediately after' this "confession." relieved us of tthiserror and leDt us oinjy to awlai't the tflme rwhen the clerk of the E41tmore estate .would nle 'the articles' of " incorporation drawn' up by the-manager, of Ch iDiltmore estate for a hospital to be run . , ' - :." j -1 .! J i i toy the physician . to y whom, the 'f Gazette of July "'9 fc'adi aittribuited th2s Yela'ticosilpi, .TT . . " . . i ktiae. The News an4i Observer al- ludtog to -wnat was aocomplMied arid what flailed of acomplisljiment only on aooouHt ... i4in. ,fv,, fiisiw camp recalls "Che - fact Uhait umariODre 'gram as were other ctis also, yViiilU'iiXiB'uu u4iwmw i J ir:vi.nl.l1inOrfl. r ; iHlM. : KU1UX3 wn ihart to txass under the rod', and the i. nhnnrvAr teaks of the preselilt Lnndition of affairs in GreenvUle .asr.foH hows ; - This town, writes one of its diistia- tudslred citizens, "has aotuaOly heen taken vrftTvj f -hv the nfeCToes. ,The act, as wiu be mOtd. divided he town upin-to out wards. The Imea are so ruai tnaJt une. L Toro-a imaimrlstv Sn two '-wards and tlhe whites in two wards. To the two negro wards the act 'gives' two .aldermen nan inno' :ui 'lira nw nj . , t - four negToes and the wmices . two, wiiiw . . a .. . " ; mi.r!faeerbes ani!Q: two wmxe iuwu. -. .. ... J,J. The mayor and chief of ponce are sistamt policeman as- a coal -black, negro. The clwk oJ joand is a negro. three -qutaalters of a million, and the ! mM-11Jf M . ... J four negro aldermen, the mayor and earner ... 1n lft5, $600 worth Oil ii. " " : " - I property for taxation." Truly the perpetration of the Rep. -Pop. legislature were only exceeded by its possi- j bIiti6. TOPICS OITODA"X The -women who marry old y soldiers ex pecting they will die soon and they will se cure a pension; remarks an exchange, wffl'l have to hurry now or they will be cut off. It is said Pension Commissioner Evans will make a recommendation to congress at its next session. It is that a law be passed that women marrying soldierst hereafter shall not be entitled to any pension -upon the deaths of their husbantU, This 1st in tendedi to put a stop to the promiscuous hunting of husbands in the soldiers' homes of the country and! elsewhere jby;youn women to whom , this method has become so popular of late years. Many old and decrepifd soldiers have recently - married young women and, and after -the ceremony i the "brides" have disappeared; to appear again only after the death of the old sol dier. They are adventurers and are only SIX ROOM HOUSE AND LO" at Wea after the widow's pension. Unless some- verville for Bale cheap; wll, uke a email thing of the kind is done tne appropra- stock of goods, or a good team, or ANY s M- , CONVERTIBLE property in part pay- tions will go on increasing for many years r:" to come. It is now apparently as large as the real necessiti!e8 of the case demand. The ingen Lousiness of the red man' makes ifc necessary to protect him, not only from the white man, hut from himself. Up to itMs time foe has -been allowed to run his own courts in Indian' territory . and some of his reservations, but it has been found that his court practice is so guileless that crti miinalf were often punfished. So it hiai m decided to abolish all native tribunals been at the beginninig of next year. In a recent I case an Indian murdered a member of his tribe, and the Jury met before the' trial discussed the case, decided to convict, lis- -wlthimiit. ittite last in- teres t, and conVtdted, as they hiad agreed. The culprit was thereupon senitencedi , to be hanged next month. Such speea as this naturally shocks those who live by thwart ing tlhe law, in other places, and the In dians will have to be tried Ihereaf tier ; Sy i white men, , moist likely. Toward the close of -tne eighth) cenitury London received her first visit from the fire fiend1; and if the accounts cam be relied upon, the city was almost 'entirely reduced to ashes,. Oisalstrous fires- also occurred subsequently r in the years 982, .1086) and 1212, of which, Ithe iast wasi th!e most de plorable in its, results., In the.confiagra- consumed,' including the ' Guildhall, MSU Paul's church and Newgate "prison, .The nf flftaitruction. covered mo less than 36 acres,' while the tdtiaLtoss of property occasioned by the Are aggregated the enormous sum of $50,000,000. Tne irCcient ter iof the buildings which, occupied this grolind more than made up for 1'tsf resxriat . -i :.. ...,. .'i. v .,,,f ... ' n ed area, and according to general estimates the cost of th'e conflia'gratiion wHD hardly fall (sfliort of $25,000,000.; ; - ; , Everybody has been considering the gain to the .national ;' wealth, says the Spring-1 field Republican, from the good wheat crop andl hiighl prices ; nobody (baa considered how ar this icain was heinfe offset by losses in the cotton trade..., Hence 'the blundering of the markets upon the unexpected con ditions which compel Blower steps in the uipwardi march otf business. - , , TO CURD . A COLD INs ONE DAY 7 m-i, T-.iiira BMmn Quinine "Tablets. All drueists refund the money if ;lt fails to - oK TS cennlnp has L. B. (J.'- On each tablet. 1 ,t - ; ' ? PLEASANT DREAMS. i .After usins: the. Fish- and-Oysters, Cornj JBee and Spicy. Juicy, Pickled tongues atl Goodlakes, 33.' East street. i . - . - n. - Tu y ,n t Ml I i..A 1 r ' ii j OlllC, LOUR dllU Furniture and V V J 16 Patton ,19 PATTON All Goods For Sale or Eent Weaver & Rogers, Box 244. No. 45 Patton Tenus. W. R. LAMBERT. v 33 Patton Avenue. wonnfnn.tnrprR A cent for , ; p i.. Ti1fQ MailteiS, OTatCb, X Electric fixtures j Veietian Blinds. WTTlKTAMSON k Golden Embrace I' ' ttT" ' Buying' for cash has its advantages some- moVLr per. barrel A... 6.00 Klngan'S Hams ....-..:.., 11c Kingan's Lard . " 7c V . . ;A9 South Main street. "Phone 125. i ' ' I - ., ' .i-t - , ,t . L ,.""'"""1' .(' :H "TWamMSf'. We have just received I the cheapest and pret- ; tiest iot of - : Iron and Brass 6et Our Prices. Carpet House. . &Co. "7 " Avenue. in now yours. by, buying your furnishings and hats' at ANENUE. at Cost. , Grand Opera House Thanksgiving Day, MATINEE NIGHT NOV. 25 mm , mm mm m M m ' I Mnrar.p. y itnhfi In Mr. Gus Thomas' Successful Comedy Drama, The Greatest ol American Plays! . As produced at the Madison . : Square Theatre, JN ew York, THE BURGLAR A Drama of intermingled Laughter and Tears. Presented witn a (areat Cast of Popular Players. Your readers to know that we have jiist received a large . line of Books nicely bound-in cloth that are going at 25 cents each. They em-r brace the most popular au thors of the day. They are tiarocfline in 1 lin p-r nf crnnntt vome m ana-iooK .ior. - your - ov"" r . ,l mcPHERSOFI & CLARK i -i'DEALEBS lit" Stoves, .Tinware and; House 3 F UrniSIling GOOdS. Sanitary Plumbing, , ..'' - . ' I r"f III' MTIfl nnT WHTMT T1T.I rating, not air iurnacest,.tm, ftirand slate roofing and:gal- jot?"- j-a-i i --t vttmcu ii u ii cornice. .45 Collecje Street. i Telephone 133." '- BUS r. g mblANA BICYCTJB CO. " Indianapolis, Ind. 1 tmiiiiiiiiuuiiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiatiiuiuiiiiituuiiii MEN . . -v" HBBf WISHING WINTER WEIGHT Can find them at our A11 goods guaranteed SH ,A CALL SOLICITED. ? J. D. BLAUTOIT & CO., 39 Patton Avenue. Seasonable . Merchandise in our various lines lately, re- " ceived very best of values. ' ' H. REDWOOD 'fit CO, - ' ', ' Clothing, Dry Goods, Fancy ' ": . Goods, Shoes, Hats. ' . Any kind of "Want" placed in the col umns of the Gazette . m answers iryone. G. A. PARKER, Grocer, 248 COLLEGE STREET,. Keeps full liner of groceries at rock-bottom prices. Will be glad to see all his old customers at his. new place. LIVERY I .We : . . ! ! . . , Good horses; good vehicles. Safe and an accommoaaung anvwv xrn um Larkin Gwyn's carriage on Court Square, or call. Telephone 92. Racket Store News, 30 South Mam Street. l . r i sictL &umc ui wmu wm-sii nil mhn-htiv w trv tr trpor an who call on us1 with true courtesy, whether ou buy, "or'not. " vWe in- ' tend to1 itemize some, of these jobs as I soon as we,, get . time - to . turn :,t-V. -.' -r:-vi'.-r4v,i firouna.r w e are sriaa to sav we opened two large lines of ; SamPIe shocs-tKe. ' very best. CM1U OV UiUll. t.S"- ,v J. M. STONER. E. W. McCOY & CO., 3 ' Arantn ' 35 store at the right prices, to tie i as Represented. ' will bring immediate Tfie vAsMlle; Cycle Tactoy, 60 S. Main St. 20 Second band bicycles for sale, $10.60. up. . , . E, w: McCoy's Bicycle School from 4 to 6p.n ' We make,' sell and rent bicycles. E. W. MpCoy & Co CDimimltoaB are nice to visit; but If profitable are ex pensive. to customers.- . : Now. it stands to reason that at a plaos less assumiag and less expensive the mm goods may ; be bought at a price profttJtbls to. the merchant and at the same tbas economical to you. - For evidence, call, sas and price goods at H. JOHNSON. Phone 188, , " . 1 138 North , Wain Cheapest iciest an m -Is FOB S AXE r THROtJGHi ; AeHEVILLB.ICBNI) COAL COMFAMti " ' Telephone ito. iV v-'--' , ' ; v : CAROLINA coal: compant. ,. Telephons 130. t. BILTMORE LUMBER COMPANY,. ' : .Telephone 7Ti "' The t r t 4 f . . "

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