V1RG1WIA 12: CAROLINA 0 THAN SG V NG h. 3 V J Woolen PENNSYLVANIA CORNELL 0 r -' ; GELEBRATlGi: Flannels ,V:':?cuPXlng,-':00 much; ? space ; ; in ; our store. Theywere ; bp' t when , the, . market was i r , .1-- at its; lowest. Antics pating the advance we oraerea extremely lib eral. ; .but they must go. Notice how the life is cut out: of Drices. riot merely von paper fcut on the goods. Our 15c Plain 'White Flannel.... .... llc Our 20c Plain WW te "FTnnlV;: .U . 15o ' Our 22c PlainWhlte Flannel 16c ' Our 27c Plain White Flannel. ..... 21c CCitf S3 l-3c Plain White Flannel. . . 25c ;OutC 48c Plain White FJannel. 39c Our 65c Plain White FlanneL .'. 50c vOur 75c Plain WMteJPlanneL ....... 63c Our 25c 30-inch Wnite Twilled Flan nel .......... 20c Our 50c 54-inch. Wnite -Twilled Flan," ; nel .l.V...... ...... 39c Our 15c Red Twill Flanneli... llc OuT 20c Red TwlH Flannel. . . .7. . . 16c Our 25c !Red Twill Flannel. .' 19c On $$6 Red Twill Flannel..,1. 80c Another limited lot rbf bargain pil low cases; ' regular, size' 5 cts each. EIGHER 20 Couh illauv Street Passing Events." - ZEB VANCEJ- CA'MP..-Zeb AVance caanp; . TT. C. V. will. meet Saturday Jn. Tegular .monthly cession. -The nour for meeting 3s H a. 'Hi. , "'' ",' - BPEXTDAIj DRILL. A - special drill of Ch -r Acflieville Light Inf antry v will' be 'held this eremng in-tae armory. . ; - . MARRUAGB LAST 1NIGHT.1-J. fR. Drake ' tKi af.f GhTn- mnmm'tTvr lonul .TTion-n.a 7 To jvTr a.svn uvf tBuncombe were married jlaai night at 7:30 at the residence of .Caleb Jlackson, 'AT THE SWkANOA.MrJo&txel(fo er fltastt evening toad a number) of. Ms clertoi at rthe Swanmanoa for T9ianksgS.v4ng dinner.' in rtihe party were Mr. Otstreiicber, Misses Katie Cruise, Maggie Cruise, Edna Rives, Nettie Levy,; "'Sadie vLeyy and Mr. Jonn Cfoffey. ' - .'wt (s' " , AN ACCIDHNTYesterday afternoon : Ceorge Wilson a-colored ; employe of the fltmore es'tate, susitaine'd qtnite a serious : Unjury wfhile ridings on South'QIain street His !horse became frigh'ten.ed: lamd reared , Ixackward, falling on fhtan and vbreakimg Ms right ieg. The injured nuan-was taken to tne -Biltiniore estjate and-caTed for. . ' fiOCIAfBLB ' THIS " 'EVENING. A soda Me will .be given this evening at Central M. EI. : church by ' tne yoning i ladies of t3ie church. -The entertfaa nment wm cotnrannce "nat 8" o'clock. 'An .admission -fee of twenty , eents wfli be charged. Refreshnients . will : :be served, a- AH; interested, in ;the Klondike - ehould attend. v. , if ' - - uh- " ;MR. FURMAN'i ARRIVES. 'Hon.- R. M. Futtiman, .wiho .will AM the . editorial chair . of the .Morning Post, arrived in the city . 4 ithis anorning tendr Is at. the Yarboro, says tne Raleigh Press-Visitof . Mr. Furman re kceived a warm-welcome on all sidies from Ms to'any friends- !here to iwlioni lit was a . tpBeasure to sihiake ,5ii hand once more.: All t? arrangements r 'the fpublicaition of "fThe Morning Post", are going' ahead1 las rapidly - GEN. CLrNGMJAN'S; FUNERAL. White "'G. Smith land Col J.,M. Ray, composing 4the program committee for General Cllng- mians funeral ; have sen.tout'a large num- her of invitations to organizations, in the ';.r,city,:in'vting them to form -ia. part of ''the procegsion It s probable, that nearly lall " will accept. . The Ashevilie -Light Infantry ; will take' parV and:, the Bingham t?adets ; have .been ' invited1 and will, .probably he v f (permitted to come if . the weather is good. The exercises will be held on the after ' - noon of December " 7,'' Tafter - the arrival of 4 'the ConTdrtrain.y;;3oeatlon has been DCiCVlU . A - -V T 7 - " , iburialof Gen. ; Clingman' remains. . ANOTHER TURKISH WAR . 4 J Serious Fight Between" Albanians and ' 1 Ottonian.Troops; ; " Belgrade, Wov 25,-Reporta ' have been V: ww -.Hhiait- flv. nnviiM3..nd. Albanians - In the districts of Ipek and Xiakova are an - full revolt. A erious fi'ght ha3 taken place near Diakova- 'between VAlbaniams and1 Ot i-tom'an troops,- in .which , both sides lost heavily., , ..t v t '.Dr. W. C. 'Bfownson will -open an office on November 18,' Tat "No. 69 Pattott ave nue, second floori above : ticket oface ' of Southern railway. CfSce . hours, 2 to 4 p. m. Telephone, pfSce, 34, residence. 111 , 240-13 0ERTR Yesterday's , Contests ,011 the Gridiron. Carolina's Snappy Game , in Rich- - 1 "-' month - " ' Cam9 Near Scoring in the 'Seo- bnd Half. Bingham Defeats the - Ashevilie Team. Score 4 to 0 One Touchdown and No Goal . Kicked How the .Game Was Played-r Other Thanksgiving Games.' " Special , to the Gazette. ; Richroond,' Va., Nov. 25. The University of 'Vlrginla, iteaan defeated North Carolina here today by a score of 12 to 0 in a con itest thaft was witnessed by, 4,000 people. ; ,The result was. due to Vlrginiia's per- sistency and steadier -work, mther than superior playing.' - - The work of She OaroJina team was a great surprise to the . crowd. The anen put isp a 'beautiful game, -the best by ! far ever played by Carolina in Richmond. The Chapel H ill hoys, gained In strength dur ing the second half and "kept the . baU 'tin Vir- ginia'e territory most jof the time -During this 'half Carolina , imade , some, brillian r'ayandtheemrwas complimented for. It waa,. a sensational contest" ;VlrgtaJa ', ' v -- . had the advantage in weight, 4ts line was -... " . - , i r stronger and the men showed the 'effects of more rigid training. : Full -back Belden tried three goals from the field; 'but missed them all. Virginia made two touchdowns, and kicked both -goals. rVirgniaa line up was: ' "Left: end MaHory; left itackle, Collier; . . ... Morrison. Left guard, Templeman; center, Wallace; right guard, Fulton; right tackle, Marsh ; right end, Estes ; quarter back, "NaTle;; right half, Carney; left half, HiM; " " i h - --- full-back" Morrison. ' ' .The line up of 'the University of North Carolina was: : -Cunningham center; (Brown, right guard; Bouldin,left guard; Stull, .right - tackle; Burnett, left -' tackle; - Kauttz, right end; White, left; end; Rogersv full hack; Mc Rae, right half .black; Howell, left -half black r BeMen,x captain and quarter back. . !i Umpire Kelly of Princeton; referee Bann- ard; of Princeton. r ' , , . . t J . . . " . ' U. P. 4 CORNELL 0. " . Philadelphia, Nov. 25. Twenty thousand spectajtoTS were . jresent at the TCornell- Pennsylvania football game this afternoon, , despite the cloudy and snowy weather. :'v v The gridiron - was In good condition. The betting was light; - Pennsylvania offering even .money that Cornell' would not ecore. -' . 1 - ' - ? ' - ' A v Cornell won the toss and chose the east r ern goal, giving Pennsylvania the kick off. Wilson! Lender anfd McKeever of Cornell, . , 'v , i- . l , - 'i' - f, were slightly hurt during' the first half. Cornell was twice dangerously near Penn- sylvania's goal. . Neither y side' scored' In - , s' i j V -the first half McCracken did clever: play ing in the second half; which was a feature of the game. ' McCracken made the ' only touch -'down. - Minds, failed to -klclk the goal. , - -. v , i , , ' t ; McLaughlin,' Wilson and Flavel of , Cor nell, ahd Boyle of Pennsylvania, - were hurt .in the second half - - y - - Score Pennsylvania 4 Cornell 0. ;? , IN CHICAGO. " ' Chicago, Nov. 25. A cold drizzle fell all the morning ankL.the football .rounds were soft. Ttoe.BanfceTs'-. AtMetic ' associa'tioB defeated the JCnickertxoker Atheletic cluib of New Torlc 'by a score of 4g to S,1 phicago A'tMetic association' defeated! the New Jersey Athletic associa'tion by a score of 52 to 0. ' s ' AT ANNAPOLIS. Annapolis; Not. 25. Naval cadets- 8, young officers of the iWlhite Squadron 0. ; BROWN WINS. Providence, Nov. 12. Brown 12;.;.IWes- leyan 4. , - -. Bingham vs, Ashevilie. .- On aldcount of the indememt weather on ly a small number of the AshevilCe foot ball enthusiasts, witnessed the Ashevillle Bimgham giatme. yesterday afternoon. !As was expected, 'Bingham was vidtorlwuisv hut the score itself proves that the .two-teams were preibty evenly maJtched.. 'Both claimed to be hand'kapped on account of the ab sence of some of their, best pJayers, Ashey vlUe was forced to put in three siuhsBtutes because of the business ' engagemenit , of some who had promised to participaJte. But had they beeni on, hand it 1- hardly pTobaMe that the result would have --j been diifferentt, for every man on ithe lAsheyiUle team played well, considering that 'they have had no -practice and thait some do not know the first principles of the game. TH E GAME. At 3:30 o'clock the two teams -lined 'up on the gridiron, Ashevfille, , having won the toss, chose the eastern -goal and kicked off.. v. Bingham v Mocked the kick anxi' fell on the ballL Gerstile imade a pretty gain of five yards around right end and. the jball then went to Ashevilie on downs.' - Ashevilie made a fumble, losing 'two yards, --- Miller and Nichols made . short gains and the bail went back to ingham. Bingham again eent Gerstle around right endi- for two yards. Taylor circled Sett end or two more. Ridhardson tried' center but was' unsu-jcessfuJ -and; vthj tsaJl went nac-K to asneviiie on. jocwna.- : -"lliller-and Nietcs ryhed .-teasia tirine for. a;.ixyaid.hga4ttv 'Webste? lost wo-Tard. -M'iiler followed- wfthomt amy gain and on .the next downi the baU wenit back to Bingham. - . - Curtice, Gerstle, Kleberg and Rice'' all made short gains, carrying , the ball . to AshevlHe's forty ryard line. ., The . ball was then lost to Ashevi'llo on downs. : lAsheville fumbled, losing fourjyardi8, but retaining the ball. ; Miller went through right tackle for three yards. . On the third down the ball went to aBingham., Only a few seconds of iflbe time remained an'd after, a short -gain by Rice, the time was called! with, the hall on iAsheville's forty yard line. Score ingham 0, Ashe vilie. . .- " SECOND HALF. Aifiter a ten minute intermission pQay was resumed, RMnnhon t .nrf.iw n Asheville's 4en yard line, and he gained : coanunity wouM have rendered a . dif-fouT-teen yards. Miller went.through right ferent verd'KJt ,upon this same evidence, tackle for one yard and MchoCs 'tried -left. end;.--butt the hall -went to Bingham1 on ac count of a failure to gain the .requisite dis tance. : Gerstle made a long gain around right end and .was brought down by beautiful tackle of Patterson on Asheville's twenty vard' fline. Patterson wb fhaiT. lw tih fb.1T and coutd not resume play for a few mln- was' ooi(pleta7 proven by witnesses of utes. Kleberg went around left end '!tbT''''''.''''',' the admitted facts, of a touch-down."" These two runs were the Pase? strongly indicated that the perpe feiatures of the game.4 Richardson failed - rator 04 crime was familiar, with the to kick goal. Score-4Blnghom 4, Asheviille Shifts of the. prosecutrix in walking along Webster kicked, to ' Blnghiam's twenty yard line and Duncan brough t ... the ball back twenty yards. 'Rice made a short run aroumd rights : Gerstle followed with anoth er pretty rain," gaining twenty yards," Other short gains were made and Ashevflle took the ball on dtowns ' Nichols made two yards around left end and . 'the hall went; back to Binghami on downs." - Rice made ten yards around Asheville's left end; Gerstle followed' with a short gain. ' Rice now; took the ball and would have made a touch down bad he not gone a few feet outside the line. ' Richardlson 'tried to kick,' but it was blocked; resulting in a loss of . fifteen yards for "Bingham. Rice followed with a 'small gain. . Richard son - 'then made a ibeauiti-full - kick," .which would have heen a "touch-back," had not -time been called just las 'the kick was made. Final ! score Bingham 4, Ashe vilie 0 .. , Umpire-Mark Brown. v Ref eree-Harris, of 'Bingham. , " , Linesmen Parker and JHughes. - ' t Time of bialves 'Fifteen minutes each. , The line up was as follows: Bingham.1 . ' ' ' :" " - - f Collier .....V...O..'..:..:l. Taylors ... .... . . R.G.. . -. l . . Glenn , ....Ij.G, Kleberg ". . 1 ; : . . T. .R.T. Ashevilie. ...'." Page -McElrath .... WOlf Patterson Rice .....;.......,L.T.... Reed Duncan ........... R..... Robertson . . . . . . .. L.E.. . . . ... Brown , . . Coomes ...... iCocke Houston ...... '..'P.Q.B. Gerstle . i :-. . ... J. L.H. ....... . . Webster Curtice .......... .R.H.. , .. . iNti-chols Richardson ....... F.....; Miller i, t sy , , , t -'-, Gerstle,, Bingham 's Jeft half back, tears upf.the opposite iine and often makes his distance v after being ;-; tackled; by .several men., , ..' s.. -yr z' Xt'i.j7 " ' - T,"-"" . ' ' J " , t vRlchardson, of Bingham; Is a star player at full back, and' Bin'gham can gain with any team In an interchange of kicks. ' ; ! ? ;'.Phil Cocke played, a pretty game at quar ter baclf for Ashevilie. i t . 1 ' v Conls'idering, ; the disadvantage ..1 under' which. Ashevilie labored owing to the small amount of practice and to jthe subsUtuftion for. -two of -its strongest players. Breese and Rankin, two men who had no practice NEW AND ELEGANT COSTUMES, FOR DESCRIPTIONS SEE PAGE FIVU OF TODAY'S GAZETTE. " .wha,teYe;:, the team certainly most creditable game. played a iBingham played ,a fine all-round game and showed the advantage of practice. '- Particular mention should he made of th fine tackling of Jack McElrath and Bob Patterson and the playing of Page, Web-siter,-Nichols, Cocke and Wolfe of - Ashe vilie. There Is some talk of another game be tween the two teams. ' f ?r . - . .. ALLEGED RAPIST RESPITED Q6v- Russell's Reasons for Interfering V'"-'1-, .Wlthi Evans' Sentence. .." Ealeigh, N,'C,"; Nov,; 25. Governor TLvm seH,?In. respiting-John Evans, convicted of nape; in. Ttockingham,- until. Janaiary 26, gave tne IOWOWmg reasons, nj? aewn; , 'kMaafc'thiWFgjht fu investigation.:' Ourtf' ef.4our other like f oases? rthafcT (ham';occU'iTedi:viai.'thIs.-:stalte, during ithls., year,, one of the 5 culprits es caped before the arrest,' two. were hanged byHthe-"-court and one Jsy a mob. ' In the twel 'convictions there was no reasonable douibVof guilt and the probabilities are that the mob -got the right man. Here comes a case where a f rmedles wretch has ! been put on trial in a community fevered with excitement amd indlenation iustlv a- ! roused by the commission of a crime for which the perpetrator ought .to suffer death Ihere were excellent men on the jury, but no Jury can expect to deliberate and cooly weigh evidence uninfluenced 'by the spirit pervading the community. It is possible a y, oi nxe xsnaracier in a oanerenx -u , - rr, r tu wcu l,1""aiBr w JT rors in this Jase may not change v their opinion uipon nua'tjure consideration, under quieter circumstances. Evidence directly material to the prisoner's guilt has been produced since the trial. It is urged that the -identlflcation of the 'prisoner was 4n- i complete ana unsaxisracrory; -nnat an atim that, certain) palth,(and at that certain hour when .the crime was commi bted ; that the prisoner could not have fenowmthese things because he" was virtually a stranger In town ; that he had only heen there once in side of a' year and hence it is most unlike ly 'that he should not have known he pros ecutrix or. been fam-iliar wl'th her habits. As to the Ttruth of these allegations, no o pinion is, expressed, but they come from sources so worthy of consideration as-, to d'emaai'd time for close scrutiny and thouight ful tovestigation. It -further appears from documentary evidence that there is a sen timent -to the effect that aside from the guilt .or innocence of this prisoner, ft wouMt'he.best'"for the county that .the sentence, of the court be at once executed. This sentence- cannot be prevailing among Just , or Christian, people except as a result of temporary ebullition of passions? pro voked by .Mgh'tfuT outrages. In granting a postponement of this execution, the ex ecutive is .sustained! by -the council of the s'taJte, ; by prominent citizens of .Richmond county aiw! "various other counties, by in tenigent'" clergymen; and! eminent .'lawyers and editors,' and f or -the further coneldera- law-abiding -elements of the state. . MURDERFRS 0INE0 ,: Thoza and-Mrsf Nack Sit Down To - f--fWvfgether..f,t' ;-t ,'l t. Long Island, City, "Nov. 25. Thorn and Mrs.- Nacfc enjoyed Thanksgiving , day j In the corridor of , the' Jail, w .Three prisoners sat wi'th them' T At dinner they looked upon Thorn as "their-guest and choice cuts-of turkey 'were .reserved. ' for" him. . Guards wa'tehed over the dinner as it was the first time -within- a week that. Thorn was al lowed to use H knife.. Every precaution Was taken to prevent .him from committisng suicide.' 'Mrs. -Nack "said that she felt bet ter,; butldMn'tiwant tto talk of the' trial. Six WeUdressed jsnd refinedi lookdng iwo mem. visited Mrs. Nack ; this afternoon. All came in carriages. -". , K - i- - " ' B. Coffin,' "auctioneer, .-will sell Saturday, the 27th day'jof November at 12 otclosk; a mar eight yeurs old, in good order, accus tomed to be driven ajnd ridden about Ashe Ville. .Also a lady's saddle. " - '250-2 AN UNLIGHTED CITY DANGERS OF MIDNIGHT DARK - NESS IN ASHEVILLE. A Matter Which is Herewith Respect fully Referred to the Board :. of Aldermen, The darkest place outside of a pocket is Ashevilie these moonless, cloudy nigh'ts af ter ' anMnig-ht. f - The " sfareet lamps are ex finguished and ,he; sidewalk crawl up close to. the .buildings to keep from loosing j waokness, , six -o'clock- yesterday strayed.froml the ;walk,on.Ceii:aviniue and fell down . sudden descent of' teit'f est . v-itK.. v uuaoie to Bee as lar as his nose on account of the darkness t$e most noteworthy feature of the accident was that he broke no 1 bones. ,; He was vhowever so badly disabled that it was necessary to secure another carrier for his route. Those who were on the streets after -11 o'clock last night had a sample of the con dition of affairs in this city during more than half of every cloudy nigh. Drivers could not "keep. their carriages in the road, and pedestrians, be' they never so careful, could not .keep on the sidewalk. The po licemen confess "that it would be impossi ble for -them to make an arrest or to de tect a burglary committed ten feet away from 'thettn. All they can do i-to stand close to a building or a telegraph pole to keep from being run down- by a soft -footed pedestrian or a hack whose driver has anis taken the :. sidewalk for the i street in a hurry to .get somewhere in preference to reimaini-ng all night in one spot with the danger of 'being run into hy some less pa tient companion In misery. - ' - ' AT HENDERSONYILLE Thanksgiving Services and Two Wed r 5 l -yf;;;j , ; ding&" . m Hendersonville, Nov. 25. A majority of the business houses and, law offtoes In Hen dersonville observed; - Thanksgiving today, Union Thanksgiving " services were held by the congregations : . of the . dfifTerenit churches a't the'Presbyterian Caldwell, -Gibson and-Willis . leading in the exercises? f "All HaillTthe Power of Jesus Name" was sung by the congregation and prayer was offered-, by Rev. Mr." Caldwell, after ich -Mr,s Brief and appropriate talks' were , then made by the ministers. The Thanksgiving service was a delightful, one. : :U.r: S MAiRRIAGES. At .8:30 o'clock this morning Miss Nina Patiton,- sister of- Mrs.'.. P.- OmithT- and Ceorge Haynes were united in marriage at the residence of ;B.;S. Smith, 'East College" street. : The ceremony was: performed by Rev. S. S. ; Gibson, and only a few friends of -the bride and groom were present.; ' The coupls left immediately after the ceremony inia private conveyance for their home in Haywood. Mt rHaynts Is a son of "Sheriff Haynes ..of thai. county. - ' , . '. Miss Corbin and Otto WilUams, popular and well known, young, people of this cSty, were married this afternoon, tho ceremony being performed by Rev.' Mr. SampleC Mr. 'WiMams Is a book-keeper in J., P.: Ridki mam's dry goods house.- Mr. and Mrs.. Wil liams ars receiving; the hearty, congratula- . ooi.';ei,mends i : ( f ; , yr. t - udson cokege- pupfls will have holiday wn:tfil Monday, in - honor - of . Thanksgiving. :W. -R. f Howard has' moved his ' jeweleryj store i? from .' the location in frontTof the Globe hotej to the store room adjoining 'the poBtofflce. H. P. Collins, the optician; jwEl .haveTan'ofQce'inTthe;,same storewift't. TrH. G. Bwart, Jr., assistant to the TJnSted States . court .; derk at. Ashevilie, spent Thianksglvta.-home.vtK-.VsA. ;jV 7 .i Mrs. C. ' E. Wilson is ; very ' HI at her home in.;s;c3s:jSa IiNo-: hopes -Jare entertained for the recoVr .4BfieeTtf OTaRocfc - 'V 'G.a F. Stradley, the groceryimen, hadi ian especial cause for thanksgiving today, to the arrival of a fine thirteen pound' girl. TOCTJRjBI A COLD. IN. ONE, DAY Take Laxative Bromo . Quinine .Tablets. All druggis ts T refund the: money' if it fails to cure. ' 25c. The genuine has LV B. Q. o eachT tablet - . ' -" . - jfit.X--X T- ' ., . ... - ". .V.Ta-.;. is T Stable for rent near .Hotel erkeiey. Also one set Of hand-made double -har ii ess at $10.00. S. H. Oh ed ester. Out-Door Enjoytiients i Marred Services at the Various . Churche: : Weil Attended r f QaietDay in the (StySWitt" Busi- - ness Places Closed. - A Festive Evening at the Battery Park., J ' V Ball and German Given by the Bingham Ca dets and the Terpsichore Club; With More Than a Hundred Guests . i-"''' -- -? ji;' f;Vv;,.,t'."S;-rri,-...'.-.v, . Thanksgiving was not an entire success from a weather standpoint, but. this did not dieter Ashevilie people from' celebrating the day in a fitting manner, or enjoying it to the utmost.- Nearly, all the business houses closed early in the day, and no one begrudged the clerks and employes their half holiday. Services were held' at most of the churches,, where good congregations assembled to give thanks. . , ' Undonbtedly the dinner was6ne of -the main events of the day. Judging from the enormous : sale' of the .Thanksgiving; bird -during the past few -days, few. of the bills of fare failed to con tain the time-honored item -of 'rkey. The hotels had special bills of fare for the day. ' ' f " ) The f oothangamie 1 waa anv toportant ' event dn the af fernoon, but the weather in- terferred sadly with flhe attendance. The I VZL - ppera matinee was well attendedy - softMtt. ?vet.of -the day , -was 'tic swell german at the Battery; Park in V AT THE FIRST BAPTIST. Special services were held yesterday at the -First Baptisl! : jphurch, - coIlductea, by Rev,-J. S. Felix, D.D. . -s t4- Among he jmanythings Dk Felix spoke of which he saM Asheville ljeo.ple should be thankful for, was the healthy , and de lightfu"l climate. ! - ' - , 7-, , 'XDur Baptist congregation," sad Dr. Fe lix, "should: i be especially; thankful for the past year which has been scr successful among .us and during which time we have almost oancelled an enormous . church debt." - , ' .t - . , v - r 'Dr. Felix'a sermon was earnest and full of suggestivenes and was attentively listen ed to by a good sized a-udience, ; f : - The services closed by singing the na tional hymn. ' , AT, NORTH ASHDVTLLB -CHlJiR'CII. . -Rey.. Richard Owen bey made a Thanks -grrinig. talk : yesterday at i North ' Ashevill 3 M, E. church, south. . Mr.- Owenbey ia opening his .remarks said , if he was to un dertake .to enumerate the TmanyT -blessini-:: which. the people had to be, thankful for, that ft would .include.': an eternity. . "TL American people," he' said, " "ought :to t sincerely thankful f orvthe many ; blessir : which they'; have received; rWehave- '"a greater cause. to be thankful than profcali: any other .country; V; Manynationsf within the past year have been, visited by grc: calamities. " ; f Mr- Owenbey - spoke of' ths famine in Egypt, 'the war In' Cuba and the Turkish atrociti,? and-saMithat ithe yel low fever which .we had ' in T the .extrem a south could not compare with, any 'of thes ? great calamities, which have befallen othe r nations." - '-',..'.-" ;..-.,? y . Bingham ; Cadeta V'andi;Terpsichore Unite in Dance and German- f, The Terpsichore and . theBingham ger man .clubs oombined to rcelebrate , Thanksgiving- at - the attery :.Park lasteven Ing in tripping the light fantastic toe to the con -genial strains of Cobb's 'orchestra. The eveningwas a m order of, dian.poanposed of alternfeLtei''a steps and .wIlnTfo'bx a, supper thai did Jus tice rjtct te .day.theThotel and; occasion and afterTanlnterhiission' of rest and chit la the'palan parlor the dancersr formed for a german that was led-; by Mr. Frank Darby. There' was' a large company Of the town's people, guests 'of the hotel and- Bin'san boys present and many notable pretty cos tumes were worn, some of which are men Ooned. beiow4 , s J -t't.' "'K ' 3UESTS. vu -. . 4taiiv and 'Mrs.1 E- 'A Bright; ;New Orleans ; Mrs. J.. Kerr Osborne, Toronto;- air. and Mrs-Henry ?SavagelBOston'; &Mr. Henry Savage Jr., Boston; Mr;SAi"H,01eha J Brook lyn ; r Dr, and Mrs! ,f S. qWestray Battle, Messrs.' E. 'P-' McKissick, Frank Coxe, R. S. . Roach, TJhomas D.GreenK 'F R. Darby, Eugene ; Sawyer, Arthur . Roberts, - Edwin Pavidson; Alex.Webh Galloway, Willian Bonj?.T(yi:RanMn;fW:H"Mw C Rnrm'bough, -E.VRumboughi'llarold John ston R? GJlHunt;iPope Lee, Erwin Sluder, SiT.?Dorsett Philips CockeVTDoctOrs "Walter HilHaridT.Charles ;L, iParson; James GaTv yer, Ashevilie; Olr.: Dunn; Ohio1; -llr. O' Neal, iyirgin-JatAMrBaughPhriadelpliia ; Mr.!fCOckrell Montgomery; Mr; Chapman, ;yirgmiaviCadetsCunnto -Brkke j, Curtis; 'Jarretit, Hughes; Kleberg,;1. Martin , EldrMge, Richardson, Robertson; Carta: ; Taylor, D.; ; Lieutenants Hamiiton, Re b -ertsori,? -AiewberiC Granbury, :-;IiardwicI;?, McCampbell; Sergeants Duncan, Dun:.."., (Continued on Eighth Page. ) IS