r ctae Library IBfcif.i!': 4 t j 'toe; leading newspaper op 7E3TEiii7 1 noRTH c?aho tnrA. V' r3rr7 r .ToV2: No, 2S9.!"S5.'--;Vv'.' "ASHEVILLE, C. SATURDAY HOMING NOTO : .27, 1897. J.. 1. I . y-N k ; r1 el W 1 V " - 1 'i Oestreicm 4 snkM&Satin ' - 7,.'r, h faf Price.; fWHBN DESIRAIBIE 'iMfiW OOODS AlES (XBTBRBD AT HAlip THI PRICffi'i lA-T WHICH &EXJL, ; IF .-iPnD'ROHIA'SBD EEGtrLAHlr, THEY ARB IPROPUHXTr ADVERTISED AT "HAXfP, !PRK?E." TO ! ADVERTISE AS '"HALT PRICE"1 NDE-1' BIRABLE GOODS IS "DEOEPTIO f' -WE ' " - "r-i ' . .'."- - NEVER ADVERTISE OLD GOODS "WE NEVER HAVE OLD GOODS TO SELU t . . THE WAISTS ' ARRIVED HERE TES- TERDAY. SENT US BY OUR .BUYER WHO IS NOW IN NEW YORlC ; THERE ARE - ' TWO REASONS' WHY ' TEY OUGHT-TO TTND' WEMREKS 'QUTOELY. PTRST THEY ARE THE'; MOST STYL- ISH DAINTIEST PATTERiNS A"ND MADE IN BEST- ART KNOTSVN IN DRESSMAK ING. DRESS AND. .SHIRTWAJSTS AWD R.TTSSIAN " BLOUSES: TUCkED ' AND FRILLED ; JLINED, BONfcD "AND PRO1 TIDED WITH DRESS SHIELDS. - ' . EECOND THE YWERE MADE TO RE TAIL AT $5.00, $6.00; rT.OSA $7-50, . .$8.00 AND $9.00. WE. OFFER THEM AT $3.50, $3.98, $4.45, $4.98, $5.00 AND $6.00". ( : ; SOME CHOICE BROCADEl VELVETS AND ' SILK CORDUROYS tARE -IN THE ILOT ABOVEi & CO. .VS'-i!'-?K-vi; 'K'JI'r.'V 1 , r. THE COnON MARKET , Biordan &. Co's Report of Teste ' ' Transactions;.. - Special to. the Gazette! " V 'New York." iNorie. -The ThanksgrTing holiday is -usually redsd'-with; : appre - ,i'd'iLL'2 OESTREICiiER w vuuum tuMv,. 4t "a-,.means .absol-ute , freedom touse fthe high ifreqitently been followed by . sensational gift which God has given; to man. ooanges m prices. t j:V 's I il . ff iT s Today, however, ere was no develop nnent 01 an excixing iiaxure awr -cne marjsB a 'naif Bixty-fourth. in lJir re sponded to here by a slightly, lower open ing, ; January , selling on the first call ,at 5.66. Immediately after the iOpenwiig -.the market became very dnil and continued ;sb ; or absurdities;, whatsoever source -it until just before the dose, when liberal from, ' whether from angels, bi- short covering caused a small (upward ftur- mes, churches or godsand he who pursues ry, January advanced to 5.73 and closedg lln6 of thought is a free man, Intel at 5.72 to 5.73 with the tone of-the narket'i-jc,tuay An ' gpiritoially. ' ;v- . - firm. The movement for the week, al- '"With all the changes I have made, I though very heavy, was disappointing, to old fast to' all that is just and true and the boars. RIORDAN & C$, ; j good, which has come to us through great Bank Officials Examined. Julius C. Martin, esq., the special master appointed in the matter of "the return of deposits ; 'placed in the Western Carolina bank on the day -before the ifailureC had an examination of the officers and Urec-v ; tors of 'the bank ' yesterday. tDdfectorB "Wbite G. Smith, H. T. Collins," T. j Bearden; ' - President - Lewis Maddux' if.and Teller 'Rankin were examined by Mr- 'Mar' ' fcin and. cross-examined by.- DonaTdi Gilli, esq., who.: represented the ,. genera!! deposiT tors opposed to the xet-urn of the -deposits. Air. (Martin will file his . report before De comber 7, the time' at which' Judges .Ewart and Norwood will hear the report. ..'.'w TIRED OF TRAVEL. iHaverhill, "Mass., Nov. 26.--iFrederick Smith;, liquor dealer in Boston," convicted of offering license bribes to aldermen here two years ago, and def aulted ..before' sen tence, surrendered himself, today , He had been traveling in, Europe. , ' TO BEGIN A " LOKC iVST. New York, Nov. 26.- Helen,. Coppagefarf rived here today from Cklumbna;-.Ohio". She begins her period of fasting December 4 6, and expects to distance . all -previous records including those of Dr, Tanner and Prof. Succi.. , ; , r .' J ( , . t- r . " THE IOWA. PERFECT., ' . 4 Washington, -,Nov. 6.-rTho. 'battleship Iowa Is reported to be perfect in- every respect ' It has developed no 'defects.- The report was received' at the-JnaVy depart ment today. , ':'- E. Coffin,, auctioneer, .will sell Saturday, the 27 th day of November,, at 12 o'clock, on south' side of court square, a-.knare eight years old, in good order,, aiccustomed to be .driven and ridden about, Asheville. Also a lady's saddle. -t V'l -250-1 TO CURB A COLD" IN vONEv DAT J Take Laxative Bromo Quinine-' Tablets..; All druggists ; refund the; money: If it fails to: cure. 25c. .The genuine has L. B.Q. m each tablet. t ' ---.-!..- 4 ',s , Stable k for rent ' near I Hotel 1 Berkeley. Ateo one sett tat harid-maflo dotihjle bar- . netw at ;iO.00.'--S. H. Ched ester. " . 1 THE IDEAS: OF '1V:i-j f a A FREE THINKER; Prof; BoTmaii'sr Second , JiS; tnre at the Court Houses r ''The Weakness and- th6- Powerxf Modern ChriitTanW'1'" ' Orator Asserts ?tPEit He -Has Goiie -. up btairs, noi unangea. A Belieyer in the Power of Spiritual Gifts. J The, Scientific: Test of Truth Religion Dimmed by ,' Superstition .and .Doub-An Attack on ; Modern Christian Theology. . .. f A, fair sized, audfencfe, .tooltidiag num- ter of ladies, Assembled: at the court house lat evening to hear Prot, W. 3; Bowman's lefctUre m " "The -weakness and, " the ;po,wer of nKKtern Ohristianity." . ; . . ....... -: In f opening his address Prof. Bcrwrnan Baid: .. "ilt may De "proper tor" roe to say. in a jeyr- introductory remarks, coat l am a- ware that the people of slieville, espec- ial'iy tJie older citizens, 'knew gometMng of the changes whicn'- have ' mftrked. my;,ca- re$r. I have different views. -now .from f those I entertained in my younger days. To tJhe question "-often, asked" -ahe ty my ...... j ... frieirda: rfifira.rdine . bh different .views ' ,n e rbepetofore witheld, I reply that in- stead of "changing I have simiply gone up Continuing, Mr. Bowman said: "The man who joins an , orthodox choir'dh and then leaves -It for- another orthodox c&urch has changed, twit -the man who,, es I have done, goes 'up" stairs' isV" instead of hang in&," eoing .on a different ' plane. I lhave taken three degrees,, the last one dnwhlch 4- .vrt-r 1 jiiiibfi&tf'-efiSiott of freer-thought when I passed f rom, a" theo Wgicai plane? and stobd'upon the great hd universal jlane , of theosophy and as 'an i X3DASBES ; OP TltlNKERS. . 1'There are , two classes of, thinkers,' one a ?ree thinker and thre'bther' a slatve' Chink ery 'the. latter being compelled to' think in .certain aine and must believe certain jdoctrines or else be damned. X. ': Free thought is as a, child of heaven; It snbiime conception, the ideal. It r reason: It As. . to. use thia -srre&tf triit t rind Uas given us in .studying j the heavens,' the' t stars, in looking. .upon, the infinite space of ology and all nature, and, , to accept that wmcn : iooKs most aike trutn ; that woiich adheres -itself to.:the iConscience and inind, nPwt th"n -wihiwh jUto Jit atob and good men, - and as "was spoken by the prophets and contained in the bible. k "If I seemingly iay anything harsh " . a gainst ! Chris tian'ity, I wish you to bear in mind that -1 am not attacking Christianity as it was at first taught, but-.that I am la menting the condition xf -j.Christianity - in modern . times, ; xr in other words Christian 1 theology,. . , :"I believe-in. Christianity; and ; . th!e great teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.- I .believe in its power . of . spiritual gift.- Its power is'-a tongue of fire.J 't believe in the spir itual - dispensation which Went' forth ' In those bid days; and "which. "Wa& " meant to continued These .wornderffuF powers-known as spiritual gif ts, ?V fchinc,1 shotiidjjontlnuei.- I believe In - the original : and primitive Ch'rstlanity, and if this had never been switched - off the track -r It would free , the earth by its great might and power, r "Religion is -Jthe .jdeepestand mostCa cred sentiment that ever was. Jodgedjn the human soul, thoulgh it 'may 'bo Mummed by superstitions and doubts. I am not a blas phemer. - - .; - - . SPIRIT OF SCIENCE. In the past-men had-td" depend 'on a faith or an authority "for. what- "they ;heapd, butt, the - time has' -come, - when under, the universal' intelligence that -'authority may no longer be taken as a truth, but the fact ofvJtself is demanded. - 'Probably the orthodox Christian, who has never " cared .to investigate - and Is contented to accept a belief, may say -tfhere Is' no weakness in modern. 'Christianity; though a great power, s. Would. such- an .as sertion be well founded?. : What is' thtest of a weakness? I know but' one test' and that Is sufficiency or insufficiency;" It is perfectly legitimate to " undertake thfs as a -subject, for Investigation; Whett- anyT thing is' undertaken and Is" not -aceomplishi ed hy giving it a fair test 'then' lt4s a sub ject i of scientific ; investigation,'' ,-If , it- is accomplish-ed, then it showa power; and if inot accomplished, ;a weakness. ..W- C ' - ' THE -CHRISTIAN' CHURCH: r;i:r-' 'By.a scientific test -of the.CJxr'Istian ihiirfb .what can ''we 'determine? ' 'J c '' -.. -'What "'is called! Christianity ' started a- bout 2.0UU years ago to accompiisn a certain- purpose. " It came' -as -a -voice ' crying in ithe' wilderness, 'prepare 'ye- therwsEy f or th Lord. It "came a a (promise 0 cover the earth with righteousness.- ,It came as a city of the: New Jerusalem-to introduce a - reign, of universal, peace 4n.the newworld. Thi .promise, was, to accomplish .these things- 6to0ftiV--not -in- a' thousand Tears- All- the early Christians -w;ere looking jtok the fulfillment' of these 'promises.-... Chris-. tianity has now being going on tor,. Jiearly L 2,000 years and; has been tryingJ its cand in' all the nations ,Xor twenty centuries to accomplish all that it could, to overthrow the world and: redeem it from in and pov? erty. What is the. result? . It is tJhat these very countries, -which have been. . the , longest subjected to .and almost completely yunder the domam' ; of the Christian-; religion' axe the (moist illiterate, . .the most degenerate and the most corrupt in all the. wrorid, as -to thfe Catholic church. The Spanish government which has been so Jong under the church, is. anothed..- example., v TJie cruelties which have . been ' perpetrated by this,, nation d, a reproach to . all the na tions of the world (applause) "All the churches, have (been putting forth thir greatest efforts to redeem- the world and what1 do we see instead ? T say nothing of the crime committed by the church itself, we see crime all over the world still, with ' religious bigotry added, i Church spires are . jpointang . heavenward while the moral ' and ; social -, condition of .society is pointing hellward. : , .The preachers are talking about , the past .and the myths of the future heaysns and hells . while the .present is (pressing, pressing, pressing. Prisons are wreaking with their - foulness, crimes are committed and blasphemies are' uttered. Policemen are busy with their clubs, and In a civiliz ed nation. And even women, thousands, of wlhmn are forced to a- life of -eu'IOft by the glorious circumstance of 'Christian, civil ization.' . "ARE WE JUSTIFIED T"- "I leave this question with yon. There is 'something' wrong and this is an -open secret. It is an open secret where the weakness is. 'It ds not In the moral pur poses of the church, or in the teachings of the founder of the Christian Teligion; not in the teafchings of Nazarine, or in the religion of Jesus, but it is In the theology that has su'dceed'ed the gennine arCicle. : "The church has -failed, not because it is Christian; but because it is not Chris tian,. Its system neglects this world and concerns itself with another tworld;" 'Jesus intended that this world should -be re deemed. "The failure jto accomplish this redemp tion-has not been in the heart; but the head, i Theoloerv consists- of , those 'irldeas which are produced by educatioh,' whtf e'ee- Iierton'ls aomething very differenL Men disagree in their theological ' faiths, but they have the same ideas about . religion. every 'one Relieving' that it" is all: that. Sr' good5 and greatand ,a.rcojisuj)Q!in,atlQi? - ,01 love. :The difffculty my 'frfehIi,A4 tfrta-:tlxe open secret is the theology twhich has sue ceeded the ortginal and primitive Christl anity.v ' v A BEAUTIFUL CATALOGUE. The hiandsomeet catalogne we havoever seen produced fromv a-jewelry house out side .of Tiffany, of New York, and "doe or two others . of his class has ju6t been Dublished by Arthur M. Field of this city The. catalogue is a handsomely bound pam phlet of pjr forty pages (11x14 .Inches) of heavy ' stiner oalndar paper-bound.wi th a hcavyjolive colored cover on which are tib facturing Jeweier.jAsnev'iiiei, ortn. tiaro ia.., The book' contains several hundred illustrailions. and a, complete price list . of some thpyahd articles of silver and gold ware, souvenirs ana jewelry.. prosecutiolosed; Mrs Nack vNot Called to Testify Again. . New York, Nov.' 26. The prosecution In he-pase of Martin Thorn closed this after noon' and c6nrt,'.adJourned t: uhtitM'ondiay; ai nine. a. sn. i . .-. '. - v- ' After , the. case, of People against Thorn was completed a,ccnirt,adjournedns,t.ie juaooox ;,reconyenea;..tine cpurt a -xmorn the ; jury! about talking and .court ' again adjourned nnt'il ! Monday . morning: r; The district ; attorney's decision "fnotvtv6eaIir 'Mrsi:ack:-aKawltneSS was sbattethihg'of a surprise. It is now said she will' insist on going oh the stand. ' BRAZEN BUNCO GAME Played by -Siberian Miners" on a Li - n qnor Dealer. c : Cleveland, Nov. 26. -Two bunco men who represented themselves to 'Max Bernstein, a wealthy liqnorr dealer, as Siberian miners,- wanted t sell him $15,000 of gold dust jfor $12,000. This deal . was ' made a couple of weeks ' agou. . Bernstein has . just discovered., that the:, ''gold dust" .J brass filings-' Several Cleveland detectives are in 'New York today to quest: of th men; The deal was made at OBroaiway Central botel, '.New York. " SALARIES RAISED Missori Pacific Employees- Made ""j. Glad,. " - i ; SU Louis, 'Nov.. 26. Fifteen thousand employees of the Missouri, -Pacific and Iron Mountain' roalroad system, whose salaries had been cut from 'five to twenty per cent. in 1893, were onade glad by the proclama tion issued by President George Gould! to day ; restoring their wages to the former basis' ) The montbly pay roll averages $1, 025,000... . ."V . . - iWEYLER BANQU ETTED Barcelona Disapproves New Spanish s; 'Government Policy: - l" Barcelona, Nov. 26 The municipal coun cil here entertained General Weyler at a banquet, this evening. The expression of the" Barcelona officials was pthepopiuilar dis approval of the policy of stho Sagas ta gov ernment. ' ' - " f , LAST AMERICAN RELEASED Tftete Are"Now None of" Our Ooiintryy Vmen inCuban Prisons. r , , . Washington, Nov. 26. Consul General Lee-'today notified "tho . state department that General iBlanco has released' Smoelion I from the Spanish prison of Sagua 'La Grand -P prisons There; - are jiow no mericansi in,; Cuban ARCTIC RELIEF SHIP SAILS Tie Bear Sets Out to Rescue Ice Bound Whalers. Dangers and DifficultiesThat Con- front Its "Mem To Traverse Alaska m: the Bead of,, Winter. The Disaster That Caused the Gov- ' ' w irnment to Act. Interesting History of the Bear-f-The Best Cru ' sler ; That Has , ver ; lEntd '. the Arctic Region,' .Washington, Nov. 26. rThe revenue cut ter (Bear, sailed this evening. It will clear Port Townsend tomorrow on its way to the Nor Kb-Pacific, ocean. i i Once in awhile the machinery of govern Dient moves so swiftly toward the accom plishment of a humane purpose that you are almost tempted to disbelieve that any such thing as red tape really exists. ' The prompt action of the treasury department in sending: out n expeditlpn to rescue the, boo wnaiers whose vessels .are jmprisonea in the ice of the Arctio. ocean, is a brilliant exampiej of' ia. - Republics may be grateful, but after this we cannot e&j that ours is, wholly heartless. ;-! - f it ' Early in November the startling tidings were : brought 4 into " San tfraciseovifchati eight 'whaling vessels had been , nipped in the vicinity of Cape Barrow, which Is the mos , northerly" point o. Alaska.? 5 Those wholreaiized the peril were- active in put ting the facts before the proper authori ties., . The official heart of 1 the nation was touched. -Withthe least possible delay the situation was explained at a cabinet meeting,-; wid; & few daya.s latervecretaryGag8 of the treasury, gave ordersto the revenue cutfc Dear,.then; inwintequarters ijat Seattle, :to-taoc6ii6rth''tathe'relief of the endangered sailors.. fr: TJtie jlews of the impending disaster .to the unfortunate whaliUjg vsels and their crews, was brought. down , by taat-M ihe whaling fleet which hadbeen lucky enough to escape therice. It is the custom ofwhal ing vessels to m,ake a two years" trip into the arctio seas.' The first summer is spent in going up through Bering sea to the polar sea, tajd :tbe following winter is passed under the lee of fiersohel Island, I from whence they proceeoLJnthe spring to cnase the .whales running back-. for shelter in the fall. From December , to May tiie arctio seas artfswent bv terrifiri ffaWfrnm the north Wai-d which drive" great floe ,pf j iuo uu mw uiea&. uxiuroceccea snoroB. nil-. irig mass on mass until the beiach is oufc iujbu uy jaggeu luuuudaiqs 01 ice. . v.nca the shelter bT BIerschel island is rehel. the' ships 'are' safe, but 'occaslonallj? do not get back to this haven In time. ' This is exactly the misfortune which has overtaken the eight whaling ships whose officers and 'crews at least those who have managed' to reach shore in safe ty, are now facing starvation.. ".Four ot the ships are reported to be frozen in at a point about six miles off Point Barrow, and the other four are caught fully 150 miles out in "the Arctic' bceansomewhere north of Return reef. All are exposed to , r , THE BEAB.V ., - -.v the merciless power of the crushing, grind ing masses of ice which are at this time of year being driven shoreward by gales of whose ; savage fury we of ;the . tern perate zone can have but a feeble conception. No ship which was ever built could stand that awful pressure, and it Js expected that the doomed whalers will' be. ground to pieces during the first storm. -Whether or not the 265 men . have by this time escaped to the bleak,1' inhospitable shore is an open question..' If their ships have not already been destroyed, it would hardly seem probable; that they should wait until the final' catastrophe and then take the' slim chances of making a journey of many miles over the heaving,' grinding uiooovo uj. jiiuviug iw., ? xue xuuro plausi ble theory is that the unfortunate whalers have gone' ashore with what provisions and , clothing 'they could ' manage to-: take and have established ar camp;or else1 have tried to reach Ioihfe"Barrow.i Efen at the latter place there is not enough food to keep a surplus'of 65 inen during the "win ter. At one time the government did have a supply station there for this express pur pose,, but a few. years ago it was . sold to a private company,' and theprbvisions have' been removed. V , f ' t , A-J, U Of course It will ; be Impossible for the Bear to go through "Bering strait at this' season of the year, for that gateway to the arctic has been closed' for weeks by an im passable barrier of ice. The plan of the rescue expediti6h, rthereforei Will be" for the Bear to steam up' the Alaska coast as far as possible, perhaps to Norton sound, and there send . out ' an ' overland expedition. Captain Tuttle of the Bear is td tie in sen' eral command of .the expedltipn, but 'the land party,, which is to make an overland march of hundreds of miles across an arc tic waste in the dead of winter, will be in charge of Lieutenant Hooker, also of the revenue cutVcr. - ' According to the suggestions of Secre tary Gage, an attempt will be made to col lect a large herd of government reindeer and dxjve these from the neighborhood of . Port" Clarence, the reindeer station", to Point Barrow, the animals being designed to furnish the double purpose of pack car riers and supplies ''on . the . hoof. - The perils of this overland trip,' even for a well equipped and well , provisioned party, will be something appalling, but the men who will undertake it are thoroughly expe rienced and have been especially chosen for the purpose. The revenue cutter Bear has long enjoy ed the distinction of being the best cruiser in the arctic regions and has become fa mous for her long and ' successful service in the dangerous northern waters. She was built in Greenock, Scotland, for the Dundee whaling fleet, but was purchased by this government and in 1883 won the applause of the civilized world by her plucky rescue of the Greely survivors. Later she was sent to the Bering sea sta tion and for more than a dozen years has been battling sea and ice in those wild waters. This time she is called upon to force her way as far north, as possible, and Captain Tuttle may be depended upon to urge the gallant cutter to do her, best, for the lives of 26 American sailors are at stake. FKAiWtf Price. AN ENGINEER SHOT Hi L. M BUMGARNEB SERIOUSLY WOUNDED. 1 His Assailant Gus Lambert, "Who Was Trying to Steal a Ride, is Still i f 1 at Large Jr .The many frlnds of Mr. il M; BumgarJ' nerj.. who for the past several years has been an engineer-on .the. Western North Carolina and the Southern, railway com pany's, trains, were: startled yesterdjay with the annoimceirient of the fact thai h'e had been very seriously if not fatally' shot by . a man named Gois Dam'bert hear Arden in this county. The facts surrounding .this unfortunate difficulty, from the best infor mation to 'be obtained, seem to 'be-as fol lows: " , . ' JBtnmgarner was at the throttle on the train from Columbia to Ashevllle, which was due at - AsheviHe at -3:20. At-- point near Fletchers, in Henderson conn ty, IthtrfuiTlQade'' a' zKortlVfr a!.rsTra boarded," by Gus Lambert. ConducioivRay waa in -oharge-of the-train and" he' ei pelted -Lambert several times for-nonrpay ment .of his fare4 - Just-before reaching Arden v Lambert was -again removed from the train by the conductor and' the fellow created a disturbance. Engineer-Bumgar'- ner nearing it left his engine and under took, to' settle the trouble, when he also became engaged in a 'difficulty 'with'-Lam- bert. A few angry, words were passed, when Lamhert drew his pistol and shot Bumgarher; the- bail' entering the side. Immediately; after the shooting. Lambert fled,, pursuedtoy . several (persons wJhO"Were present , :when .the shooting occurEed, . The, wounded ,nn wasken-. up, placed. on, the. tar: and, brought' to jAshevilleu wherre ,Jie pital and attended by Dr. W. D. ttilliard: ' 'V AThe ball . had hot been, extracted oh ac- count of his serious condition at 11 o' clock last ,nlght r- ('-; :'.-.-:-' .Late in vthe evening. : parties were inpur suit of Lambert, .4but . at- last accounts lie had not oeen taken. ,.- . u: Lambert is a noted character in Bun combe county, there being now three bills of Indictment .pending against hinf 'for dif ferent offenses. Clerk "Wilson informed the Gazette yesterday evening" that several processes were in the hands of the 'Officers for his 'arrest.- : ' " Sheriff Williams of Henderson county, accompanied by JV M. Morgan and Deputy Sheriff Greenwood, left this city last night in search of. Lambert.. HILLIARD-GILMER CASE Argument to;" Begin Today Before i ' , ,v Judge Ewart. J According to appointment, Judge Bwart arrived in the city yesterday afternoon, and last night in the .parlor of 'the Berke ley hotel proceeded with .the, hearing of" testimony in the Hilliard-Gilmer case. A- mong the attorneys and, others interested present ; were : Hon. W. , T. Crawford, G. S. Ferguson, R. D. Gilmer, L M. Welch, S. C. Welch, W. W. xStringfield and James Thomas' of Waynesvilie, Judge A.; C.'vAvery of Morganton, And; Judge H.' G. Bwart of Hendersnoville. ; The argument of counsel will begin today. - - - . GAGE'S CURRENCY PLAN - McKinley, in Accord, WHL His Rec? " ' commendations' - - - 1 Washington! Nov. 26. The annual- re port 1 of the secretary of -the treasury, ac cording to ' present plans, will be sent to congress either on the first;.or second day of the coming., session, -v ,As to the secTe tary's plans ; for the reform - of. ourrency enough Is learned to fiitcm fa df. da adlala enough is learned to give 'confidence that the president is in full accord in his views with Secretary! Gage's recommendations. There will be no differences t between the president: and the secretary.. kyr. jr ':"TS. Coffin; auctioneer, .will sell Saturday, the 27th day of November, at 12 o'clock, on south side of court ; square a . mare eight years old, in good -order, accustomed tcT be driven' and . ridden : ahouit Ashevillev- Also a" lady's saddle. - ,-h . v -250-lf - Dr, . W. C Brownson will r open - an office on November 18, at No.- 60Patton ave nue, second floor above ticket office v of Southern railway. Office . hours, 2 to 4 p; m. Telephone, office. 34, residence, 114 LICENSES FOR SALOONS Granted for . Six Months by the Aldermen. - 1 Increased Appropriation for the Mis- v Sion Hospital. Lively Argument , on the Petition Against Drmnming, , Ordinance to Enforce the Payment of Hack Fares. Oyster Dealers Enter u ProtestHClingman Square' Large Amount of Susiness Befbri theBoardt At the meeting of the aldermen last night licenses to do business were granrtod to the thirteen" saloons ' now in operation in- Asheville, and to one additional the Swannanoa hotel. The petltkmers were: A Q. Halyburton, ' P. A. Marquardt, P MeKiasick, FwunK ' Loughran,' James , H." Loughran, Sf $ Cun ningham, J,,H. Langer A. Freck, Patrick Mclntyre, F. A, Lincoln & Co.C.'-B; Mc, -i mtyre, John. Q'Dorxmi Frank ;ppotflell Hampton and Featfeerifton, r r .r"?r'----:'. 7.. - - t-,--. y- '-v On . motion of , ASdermah' Kennedy; the y H petitions were considered as ewholei and. "-A were passed without a dissenting -, .vote. Tlieje was no protest to the. action-of the v toard, os had been expected.; ; The-lieenses' - are all for six months, beginning ' Janur ; aryl. t- , , - . , tn . vn'i, FOR MISSION HOSPITAL. Oati- P"' . TIT' Tn4. J -r-k .-i- -.. Fletcher appeared': in Jhal of the Mission i?i'l hospital, askingthat ,ithe . .appropriatien :of -'s W: S2& v monthly - granted i-hyi-the' city be '4n" : creased to 50. i Captain Patton referred, to i tthe Injury . to JEhugineer Baumgamer 'and to? take 'the patient had : the-'hospitaif -bead" - A v closed .Bje said- -It 'tookth strictest .econ- h' ' oihy jto enable the hospital (tp existnthe,.;- .'v;--present , injjome and-that, the' physicians; received no .remuneration for their, labors, c ' 1 'Dr. Fletcher said that there had bee?, an, v;r" average of ten "chariity patients acbJ.day, " hut that" if the city would donate-; $600,-' "r' -- ed b the county, wotild assure the couCin- ' uance of the: work. - : - The mayor,-AKderman Hill and several others -expressed their , approval of the ap propriationi, andnn . motion , it , was voted "to fgrant it. - , , y.:K . HACK.FARES.". . CSatain Patton said he wished to call-the -"V1' .attention. J vof the -. board to anothey maitter which? was that passengers after' J enjoying hack, rides often". Jumped ouit, , . leaving 'tbair. fares unpaid, and that there - - was : nothing;; to. compel - paymenL' To meet this injustice' ho offered an ordinance, the suiDstahoe of which was that it shall bethe duty of licensed hackmen to inake a contract with each passenger as to bev,the amount to be charged, and if ithe-y neglect to do so. or if any rassener shall refuse UO nay tne sum aereed uron. sucn menect . ' . . - . A . .It- or ' refusal shall , be-subject , to a fine notv exceeding, :-$504)0 ;or imprisonment not ' to "-f exceed thirty: days. Hackmen are Iso re- -Lux i & & quired to post a copy ; of the ord-3nance.:-V .-.V conspicuously. , ' f- On motion of Alderman Jones the orai- ' . -c' nance was. put ion. its first reading. 'Cv A. Webb, esa., then recited .a '-case irT which a client had failed to-pay him, and 'r wished ot know why the ordinance could ' r a.v not be made to cover .this -case also.. sj ,',-, - Then the aldermen voted to refer the or- : f ''' dlrrance to the city attorney for a report. . TO PROHIBIT DRUMMING. : ; " . j il. j 4t . Therej were a large num'ber of merchants .. ' ' present in the, council room and the cause of their presence 'was revealed when ' ' .: Judge Shuford presented a petition, from . - a number of merchamts askings that''1store-.'i t ei - keepers or their agents be. prohibit fronj ' drummiing outside ' of ' their stores. ,The " petition was signed byM. Swartaberg, A i Blomberg.Alexander & Courtney, A. Whit- w" lock, G A. Means & Sons, J. M. . Stoner r. v -: " T.vS. Morrison the Men's Outfitter, N.; P.,yT?'?fe.v Chedester, F. A. Sumner, J. D. Blanton, G. A. -Greer and others! . ; . i-j-" Judsre - Shuford said Sin .substantiation ' of . ' the petition that .it. was Jthe jcu.tom..of : ble around. farmers to tflse warehouses' as ? soon asx they sold : their, tobacco, ? aid ;. try and Induce ihern to dispose of their money at their stores. - He 'said this action by- X'. v: some stores' compelled others to- follow suit b :i2 and that "'the employment of .drummers : fs created Sj "jreat and - unnecesary expense." f Judge1 Thomas A,'.-Jones .presented a - - counter petition signed by B., BArtkin V J. H: Louighinan.-W. H. Deaver and a num- r.-.v- -v. ber - of others. - Judge Jones Said that he J-xa'.f disliked to oppose' Judge Shufords .petlr vVj, '' tlon when-t was sisned bv two aldermen or firms ithie represented bat he" was conVr'v, , vmced that 4f even they were to consider J t it for, a- moment- they would' see: that- it r -f was unjust. Judge-Jones characterSaed Pit '-U as being "as unconstlitutional and nonsteta--;. r ' -sical as Captain Patton's ordinance.'?; Hen;,'V--v' mo4vI 4 Vi AanriU'nf ' 'itthemi fat worn nrtt hat- j-'-.j hies,-and needed' no ordinance to protect them from drummers He said that there, was already - an ordinance " against-nui;". nr t " sances, and if -these mSen made themselves ,t as odious as'Jhad been chargedv they could ;.-!. v- On motion- the matter was reriM.to5We4t'i.-. city attorney. to'.prepare an ordinance ,cpv- tv-v.. errng the grounds. . " !' iV apt; 31 'M.J Gudger appeared in behabT of.. .. Mrs, -Lange, -No action was "taken. -.'-.;'. , Mrs. Ella Chunn's ciami' for 'damages to ?.. . . - . ? J:-;.4Contnsuedjon Eighth Page.) ! '1 . Mi-'' in , j r if is' s ' t .v r -

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