V- r V THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE, NOV.,27 1897.' v 7" 3 . .. .,- ,. ... . . . .. . . . . s, - -. . - - p r : r - T . EUECTBIO - - CABS PASS" - THE DCli y Location, HOTEL BERKELEY TheJBerkeley -ia an up-to-date hotel, 'Has all the comforts of a modern home . :J and is Eqaally Desirable for Families and Transient Quests. FRANK LOUGHfiANr Proprietors :, , . 1 - 'J 1 '' 1 "' - V - , . , . i : .-v.- ( y Select Board. Northern Cooking. Large , Airy Rooms,' Newly Furnished. Mod- i ern . Improvements. Steam tleat. Shady Grounds Pine Location. T " . ; Near CJar Ldne ' 217 . HATWOOB' 1ST., . ASHEVILLE N. C. , 202-26 BOARD. 13 STAR'NES AVENUE. ' Furnishings almost entirely new. Table supplied with the Jiest. . ; . Mrs., Mary S. Sevier. ? To . Obtain .Governor Bob Taylors i Book Free. On Ded.. i.;the Paily Gazette will withdraw its offer of Gov. Bob Taylor's Tales as a premium to subscribers: r All persons who desire the bookshould make application for it immediately. It is presented ffee to all who pay a six . months or one year advance subscription, whether they be old or new7 subscribers. f ; . " . , ' The book is a!fine illustrated edition of Gov. Bob Tay- j lar's Tales "Tie Fiddle and the Bow;"' "The Paradise of " Fools" and ' " Visions vand Dreams." It is handsomely 1 ' printed in heavjr paper, has 264 pages, fifty illustrations, and contains 6 of Gov! Taylor's characteristic stories. His : most' famous:' lectures . are, giveri without the slightest abridgement, just as delivered ;from the platform through out the. county.' ' : ' , ' . , Sr . s The book will be sent postage paid to -mail subscribers. 5It can be inspected at the busines; office of the Gazette, where it is ready for immediate delivery. ( i. .t i i 1 t 1 c 7 mil VBttp -ILesaf '.IBpief it n thee Rsitili1' XT vltapvd sipsciiall ffacuMitiieQ Should, include glace ' fruits and choice chocolates rteli ton bonsV We -will have them fresh, delicious" and tempting;, 'and fit to grace the tableof a"king.-if you are ;invited out to din ,a .box of our exquisite chocolates will be an acceptable andpleaan ling gift to: your, hostess, and.the children. Asheyjllq Candy. Kitchen; L. M. THEOBOLDProp. ' -) PHONE 110. jV Caisne and Appointment , , UnsorpaMed Central. . ; xne popmaniy or ... . ; The Swannanoa is due to its central location, itshoine- like atmosphere, the excellence of its cuisine and its very moderate price, N Steam heat. ,as and electric lightsi Large Bample rooms. ' P. A. LTOLN & CO., Asheville,' N. 0. Proprietors. Main Street On Oar Line1 Mrs. L. E. FRDEMANp Proprietor; . No. 64 South Main St., v Asheville,vN. C. y ' Centrally located, on St; Car Line. Bates, $1.00 Per Day. ' Special Rates by Week or Month. Northern Cooking New and well furnished house, halls well heated, and LotAnd I cold water are what you find at 31 -Gqve Street. BOARD Two desirable rooms with board maj be had at Mrs. A. C. Bay's, Bamoth N. O . , 161-tf 1HIANIB :xxxxoc Live .100 Years ' ' ' , r Drink ..Pure Water aereated with sterilized air the only absolutely pure waterand you may. , ;The Sanitary Still for family ,use distills pure, water. Made of copper;" lined with . block - tin; easily cleaned; simple as a tea v kettle; fits any gas; oil,, coal or wood stove. Four" styles, ' $10.00 and 'upward." " Write for booklet. : r - t -f.' ' : 'j ! : The s Cuprigfaph bo. 10 North Green St., vy J CHICAGO, ILLS. The ; Smith "Bretiiier Tpy ewriter is endorsed by the Uv S. government.: What more do you want, the earth? If you Know any thing at all about t, you know it's the best.; : ' L. B. ALEXANDER, Agt , 50 Patton Ave. "! NOTDGE.' 5 North. Carolina, I ' - , , , , i In the Superior Court. Buncombe ou&ty, Henry. B. Stevens, adminis- 'tnator de bonis non.' cum '. testamento annexo of - David Murdock, deceased, - vs. , ' NOTICE. P. E. Ongle and Llllle B. ' Lingle, his .wife, and David Murdock,;-Andrew Murdock and William : N . Kerr and Eliza M, Kerr ; (nee Murdock), his wife.- - Andrew Murdock and William Kerr (and Eliza M. Kerr (nee Murdock,) his - -ife, xnree joi me aeienaanxs ' a Dove mentioned. will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced In the .superior court 01 isuncomoe- county, wortn Caroli na, by-:.'tihe;.iabove named plaintilt for the purposes of having the last will and testa men t ; of David Murdock, deceased, con strued by the court, of ascertaining the du ties of said plaintiff as administrator de bonis no-n with the . will annexed of said David Murddock, deceased, of ascertaining the ..rights 'of the above named defend ants under said last will -and testament and-. bf 'obtaining ,the directions and (ad vice of the court as to how '.said piaintifE shall administer the estate committed to his charge as such administrator; and the said Andrew Murdock and , William Kerr and Eliza Keer (nee Murdock), his wife. will-further take notice that they are re quired to appear tat the next term of the superior court of said county of Buncombe to be held on the thirteenth Monday' after the first Monday in September,' 1897, the same being the 6th day of December, 1897, at the. court; house of said county in Ashe ville, North Carolina, and answer or de mur to the compltajnt in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to .the court for the relief demanded In said complaint. ' This the 9th day of October, 1897: J. L. CATHEY, Clerk of the Superior Court, NORTH CAROLINA, I Superior Court, Buncombe County. Dec., 1897. D. H-; Shook, Plaintiff, Against Hester Shook, Defendant; "Notice. .-."- ? The state of North Carolina to' the de fendant above named, Hester Shook, greet ing; v You are hereby notified that D. H. Shook, the plaintiff, has commenced the above en titled action against you in the superior court for Buncombe County for the purpose of obtaining a divorce from the bonds of matrimony now binding him to you, you are therefore required to appear and' an swer or demur the complaint which, will be filed according to the 'law, at the next regu lar term of our superior court to be held for the county of Buncombe in the coUrt house m 'Asheville on the 13th Monday after the first Monday in September, 1897. v If you shall fail to answer the complaint within the time specified the plaintiff will apply to the court for the - relief demanded in said complaint. This the 25th day of Sep tember,;1897. THOMAS & WELIjS, J. L.. CATHEY, : r.t Plaintiff's Atty.- G. B. - S 28-W v 1 ' V NOTICE. State of North C4rolina, Buncombe County. r By virtue bf , tha power and authority conferred upon me as commissioner ina cpriain proceeaing enutiea u. m., Liutner, administrator of James Cannon, deceased, against Matilda Cannon, Hannah Cannon, Wiley Cannon and Annie Cannon, his wife, B. F. Burosides and Julia Burnsides, his wife, Jackson, Benson and Emma Benson, his wife, by a decree- or order of sale made in said cause on the 18th day of October, 1897, by J. L. Cathey, clerk of the superior court of Buncombe county, I will sell ,to the highest bidder, for cash, at public outcry at the court house door in. the city of Ashevillei N. C, on the 22nd day of No vember, 1897, the following described tract of land, situate, lying and being in the county of Buncomlhe, North Carolina, ad joining lands of J.SR. Jones, T. J. Cand ler,' William; McKinney, W, L. Henry, Jackson tBenson and others, being the tract of land where James Cannon formerly liv ed, containing' -, more or less. This the 19th day of October, 1897. . D. M. LUTHER, Commissioner. : . HENRY B. STEVENS, ' , Attorney for Petitioner. 217-4w-wed NOTICE .V- By virtue of the power and authority of an execution in my hands In favor of A. ,R. Ogburn vs. W. D. Patton and S. W. David son I v will, on Monday, December 6, ,1837, at the court house door in Asheville, sell the following described piece of land: Be ginning on Swannanoa river at the mouth of a ditch on the north side of said river and, runs west with , said river - to J. H. Davidson's line; thence north, with J. H, Davidson's, line. to public road; thence east with ' the public road to W. D. Patton's line; i then , southeast ; with public road to corner , of homestead allotted - to S. Wis Davidson;,; then, with y line of the said homestead to pjace of beginning, contain ing fifty 'acres more or less.. ' - W. M. WORLEY, Siheriff. - - 1 - Per McDonald, Deputy Sheriff.1 November 5, 1897. - 4t-every Sat. ; i- u .- , v., .. ' . - Not only broadcloths but various 'other fabrics In vogue are .thus emMlUslhed," the trtmness which. -esullts from abstoufte sim pWci'ty being now ; Tedegatei61: ,to nieStioinv cheviot, .tweed " and : kindred goods, J even (these being given braid garnitures. , tj - ' v - : C r Boleroa land Etona sihould be worn above . belt or. igirdle.; V AHDV CUREC0S1STIPATI0U 25 SO .'r- HRSnLTTTPlT.Y ftTTIPIUT ? cnre any nerer pleai and booklet free. Ad. STEBLIXO BEMEDT For Sale .by P elham's Phi7 rmacy ; "E3IEE The Big Granite Stevj Pan -1 t - I - AT THE I 30 Pattoh Avenue," Asheville, N. C. COMING AND GOING. Personal Notes About Home Folks , and visitors vu W. T. Russell of Mobile, is at the iSwan- nanoa. 5 - a t .'Judge A. C. Avery of Morganton, is in the city. - William H. Concord of Chicago, is at itihe Berkeley. . . - j Edgar James of Florence, Ala., is ait the Swannanoa. J ' P. J. Casey of Chattanooga, is here for a lew aays' stay. ' - J J. O. Gragg of Wilkesboro, is ' registered ax tine Asnevuie. Edwin Kirk - of Bar Harbor was among 1. L. Council arrived yesterday after noon from Elk Park. ' - Locke Craig has gone to , Raleigh on vi uitsjseionai' 'Dusiness. -- Mr. and (Mrs. A.' J. Dunn of Brooklyn, are visiting in tne city. ; Henry B. Stevens has returned from a trtp in East'Tennessee. ' , w. H. Mall of Watertown, N. Y., is a guesx oi tne Swannanoa. . Mr, and (Mrs. P. Y. Case of Milwaukee, were among yesterday's arrivals. Mr. and Mrs. Frank C Day of Bellows fialls, vt., are at the.SwanUanoa. Edi or Sninman of the Hendersonville XT.-llctfTon. n n AT .IX X 1 31 i F. Stlkeleather and Charles'' W. Stike- leatfher have returned from Iredell couinty. ; Miss Caroline Nichols of Brevard, has neon visiting Mr. and Mrs. George L Hackney,. Broad street. : . My. T. E. S. Griffin and son, 6. B. Grif fin, of Pitts-burg, Pa., are in ;the city, stop ping at 61 cnestnut street. ' , ; Mr. and ,Mrs. Kernan of New Orleans, who spent the past summer, in Asheville at 31 Grove street, lhaye returned to their Ihome. - : ' R. D. Gilmer, James 'R. Thomas, S. C Welch, L. iM. Welch and W. T. Crawford of Waynesvllle, arrived yesterdlay after noon and are at the Berkeley." Col. Robert G. Mitchell j cousin-of the late Edwin Booth, and father of F. I C. and A. C. Mitchell of the Kiss-Me candy companiy, arrived in the city last night atfd will reside here with his family on Chestnut street. v". 1 IT IS EASY TO TELL. , People who faU to look after their !neal& are ,like the carpenter who-' neglects i to sharpen his tools. People are. not apt to get anxious about their health soon enough. If you are "not quite well" or ahalf sick" have you ever thought that your" kidneys may be "the cause of your sickness? - j It is easy to tell by setting aside your urine for twenty-four nours; a sediment or settling indicates an unhealthy condition of the ' kidneys. When urine stains linen it Is evidence of kidney trouble. Too fre quent desire x4 urinate, scanty supply, pain or dui ache In the baclk Is also. convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. ' ' .( There is satisfaction in knowing that the great remedy Dr. " Kilmer's Swamp-Root, fulfills every wish In relieving weak.or dis eased kidneys and all forms of bladder and urinary '" troubles Not only does Swamp Root give new lifeand activity to the kid neys the cause of the trouble, but by treating the kidneys it acts as a tonic for the entire constitution. If you need a medicine take . Swamp-Root it cures. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and one dol lar, or, by sending your address. And the name of this paper to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamtoh, N. Y., you may have a sample bottle of this great discovery sent to you free by mail. "' '' ' TO CURE CATARRH Do not depend upon , snuffs, inhalants or other local applications. Catarrh is. a constitutional disease, and can be success fully treated only by means of a ' consti tutional remedy like Hood's Sarsaparilla. which thoroughly, purifies the bloody and removes the scrofulous taints which, cause catarrh. The ' great number of testimo nials -from those who have been cured by -'- Hood's Sarsaparilla' prove the une qualled power of this medicine to conquer this disease. If troubled .with Catarrh give Hood's Sarsaparilla a fair trial at once. PLAYED OUT. ' -, fack Say, old mam, your silk hat looks decidedly Shabby this, morning, . ' ' Tom Yes, 1 was out all nigftt, and i It lose its nap. Chicago -NOws; i - I Some people : -cannot v (help' complaining, even in prosperous times., - CATHAFIJIG ALL ewe of constipation. Csseareta art ti.IJeal Ux srio or rrine.bnt mosa CMTUtaralrMnilts. Kan CO., Chicago Montreal, Can., or New York. S1T. 'HMtl( Sii I. Ml f 1 v " Will surelv come. , If well clad you do not shiver in temperature. . been a big drop in prices at the " . ; CLOSING OCT - 8 39 tlORTH UAIU ST., and now is your opportunity to pre pare for the cold day, by at once tak- advantage, as many are doing, of the h bargains offered in Men's Underwear ana Sweaters, Men's and Overcoats, Hats, T. S. X 39 NORTH MAIN STREET. &OOOOOCXXKX PEOPLE'S OOMMiN MIS CJSLLANEOUS . AGENTS get fifty cents on each dollar; .no experience necessary. Write for agent's outfit. Address The Catholic News, 5 Barclay SW New York. 242-3Sat. : i L : ; WANTED. -J-The Brooklyn Life Insurance compahy of !$Jew York, a regular com . pany of thirty years' standing, during whict time it has .paid out handreds of , Itbousankis of . dollars to beneficiaries in 'tihe eftate of Nort)h Carolina alone, is fabout to reopen an. agency in that stiate. This Is an .excellent, chance. for.. a anan aging general agent; also for district: and "special agents ; men of good repute and experience should apply with full par ticulars to Brooklyn Life Insurance com . pariy. 51 Liberty stree't, New York city. mov27-mov30 - GOOD, established, paying business for Bale. 'For particulars address Box 705, 1 - '.- 1 : WANTED Situation as lady's companion or governess ( not teacher) for one or two children, by foreign, .lady, speaking French and English; best, references. Address "Faithful," "Gazette Office.. , 247-6 DANCING CLASS The Miss Coffin's 'dancing class meets Tuesdays and Thurs days at Ray's hall, 8:30 p. m. Begin ner's class Mondays at 31 Hay wood street. Admission, 25 cents. 221-sun.thurs.-4t LOST, strayed or sitolen front my premises a dark red cow,' .has leather halter. Re ward for her return to Herbert C. Allen, 34 Patton avenue, Ashevile Transfer Co. 244-tf , A - ' STYLISH GOWNS UNTIL DECEMBER 3, at $4.50. 241 Haywood street. 229-26 EMPLOYERS IN SEARCH. OF HOUSE servants, cooks, chambedmaids, nurses, , etc., can ' secure; good, faithful capable ; help by applying to A.' B. Harrington at the barber shop, No. 4 North Court Square. . WANTED-A position by a nice "white girl : as house girl or chambermaid. Apply 149 Haywood street, Asheville, N. C. 3t A PLEASANT BOARDING PLACE CAN be had at 55 Victoria avenue, sunny rooms, aniong the pines ; .two minutes' walk from car line; price moderate. 244-26 , - ,. . BOARD. A few select boarders can be . accommodated in a. private family in which there are no children. Large lot, sunny rooms, sood fare. Jas. Ri Du Bose, 33 Pine street. , 237-,tf LrOOM AND BOARD In private." family; beautiful location on Haywood street; large sunny rooms; ' every comfort; terms reasonable. P. O. Box 223. 24f -6 ONE DESIRABLE office,; in Temple Court, . for rent. Wm. Johnston, Jr., or Geo. W. TUson, Temple Court, ; , r MISS NORA WARE Pianist and teacher in stringed instruments. 291 College ":' Street. - . - v 211-4mo FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE. Help for all kinds of work. Satisfaction guar- ; anteed. Apply to John Smith, 11 Pat ton avenue, --. , ,;- ,r . : - -: HELiP WANTED. WANTEDJUpright and faithful" gentle . men or. ladies" to . travel for responsible '. established house . in North Carolina. Monthly $65.00 and- expenses. Position ' steady. References. ' Enclose self -addressed -stamped envelope. -, The Domin ion Company, Dept. H., Chicago. WANTED rYoung or middle-aged , man to travel In this and adjoining counties; .'permanent position; salary $50 a month ; and expenses ; good chance for; advance L, ment. Address - Shepp Company, ; 1020 - Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. ' . t WANTED-Agents tvr) 'Queen Victoria, " s Her Reign and Diamond Jubilee." Over flowing with latest and richest pictures-, f ; Contains the endorsed biography of Her f Majesty, -with authentic history o& her remarkable reign, and full account of the Diamond Jubilee." Only $L50 Big 1 book. ;- Tremendous demand. , Bonanza ; lor, agents. Commission 50 per cent. Credit given.' Freight paid.. Outfit " free. Write quick for outfit and terri tory. THE DOMINION , - COMPANY, ; Dept. 7, 356 Dearborn treet, Chicago. FOB BENT. FOR RENT Two nicely ; f urndshed .room with board, in private family; - nortthera .-' cooking; good location, with use f hath, ' Enquira Na 61 Chestnut street. City.' - I - A Ya because of a drop ; There has . already and Boys' Suits - Caps, Gloves, j&c. ALE 8 m. m - ' rS. : - ORRISON, & CO., FOR RENT. Unfurnished rooms on street Apply at .26 Arlington, Place. 'Y'- " 250-3 FOR .RENT A, fine window space.' Party can handle cigars and confectionery at 1 D. Gross, 5 E. Court Square. Light and heat furnished. . , r ,24713? 'FOR RENT. 'Furnished houses from S3S.00 V u.p li uu.uu per montn. unfurnished from $17.00 to $50.00, also furnished . rooms. H.';C.'.JIunt.'i 1 237-26 FOR RENT. At reasonable prices, store room and office rooms on Patton avenUe. y Dwelling houses desirably located, fur'- f w - nished or unfurnished, also rooms for, Z light housekeeping. Call on N. A. Rey nolds and Co., 17 Pattoh avenue. ' -; ' ' FOR RENT Houses'-' -very desirably lo cated, wit modern conveniences, from $15.00 to $100.00 per month. Apply at ' once. WEAVER AND ROGERS. - , 46 Tatton Avenuit '.' ROOM AND BOARD in pri vate family: -' Beautiful looaition on Haywood street. - Large,; sunny rooms. Every comfort. Terms reasonable. 245-6' FOK SALE., sale 50x189. feet on i Cumberland avenue, near Chestnut, $550. Apply to W. N. Roundy, 2 North Court square., 1 ...'' ;' " i ..f ' FOR SALE or ,rent One Bar Lock type- - writer in good order; a 1argain. Apply to A. Rankjn. ? tt NORTHERN VILLAGE (New York stite) v property for sale or exchange for Ashe ville real 'estate. "North' care of Ga- l zeette. -;' - Ill I III IHIimi-HHll1pipjjiJumgjiiMM . NOTICE to creditors of Western Carolina Blank to make proof of their claims in the cause entitled below: ' ! State of North Carolina, J In The Superior Court. j Buncombe County Battery Park Bank and Others, f Creditors, vs. ; - . ) Western Carolina 'Bank. NOTICE. In pursuanoe of an-ordei; made in the ST : above entitled cause, by his Honor TVY L. Y Y' Norwood, judge of the .-. superioi court, on " -V"- the 3rd day of ' November, 1897, notice is '; ' , hereby given to any and all creditors of the-,""., , Western Carolina bank4o make" themselves V "1 'l' parties plaintiff and make proof . of their claims in this suit within the next' frty days. ' YY '-- ' ' ' The petition and order, on which above notice is based are on file. in the office of the clerk of the superior court of Bun combe county, North Carolina. 4, - , ; Depositors of said Western Carolina bank " will ; please present their pass booksi" re- ' ceiptts or other evidences of indebtedness to . :- n' the undersigned, receivers, at the office of - said bank, and have 'same compared with "'A, the books of said bank. - Blanks for prov- - ' Ing and; filing saM claims will be furnished ' f 4 to any depositor or creditor on application - - ' .after Tuesday November 9, 1897, . to the , undersigned, receivers. ' , ; YY, ' This November 3,' 18?7. - ' 1 zy '; :'( ". GEO.; H.'- SMATHERS, '- ' ''' " L. P. McLCUD, Receivers, Camera Bargains. Latest JModel New Pocket Kodaks; ular price $5.00, reduced to $3.50, do fi work though small m size. . ' f r Baby Hawkey e, : with -case, $7.00, for $4.50. - . . o , j , . . ;- 'C" Ordinary Kodak,. cost $15.00,' makes. - 4x5 picture, only, $7.50. , , ; " - - v., -. $2.50 small. . camera, uses plates, for ' - . $.100. f . 1 ' ' m $2.00 New Crescent camera, $1.50 ' " ; The yKnew) uses plates 3x3, ; " .$4.50.lhegalar. jprice$5jO(Xi?- L -, ' C '.' The- Northbbro - (new), regular ' price " -,$5.00, $4.50, plates'3x3." " " Latest Model, new daylight loaders, . "Buckeye" cameras,, $8.00, for $7.00. - The !New American v film Jf Is daylight ' , ' . loading cartridge film ' better than any- Yl ' made 3leretcfoe-as it Is free from Joints - ' and . the numbers are anore distinct. - . Headquarters ' fort -'all .' things -photo-' grapnlc. ,'Y( i'Yfw Y" RAY'S CUf RATE BOOihSTORE. 8 North Court Square. Ched Makes People Smile; Ladies' Wool -Vests 55 to 75 worth rf 75 to $1.00. - "y'-Y ' yJ ' y .'' MenWopl 40 to 65 worth 50 to $ll -' Iiadies? corsets 65 to 75, worth 60c to Hams 11 cts. Sogarfv'17. lbs to dollar. All other goods equally low. ,3 - ; ; -Bowls" and Pitchers 75,' worth $1.00 p. gmedester - - 19 SOUTH MAD? ST. i I 1 - .s -1 i .1 1Fm? doHnrr' itMd .wnIi. 'If lv' " 1 ' -

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