V- The. My Gazette. ASHEVILLE, N. C. p jslished mix mum mm ihdah r-T5! ASHEVILLT& GAZETTE PUB - ' , S LISHlNGi COMPANY. ' 1 . : JAMUS IS. NORTON, President. , . FKED A. JOHNSON, Secretary. SUBSCRIPTION RATES TWlir. One Year ...,...$4.00 -Pcefty, Six iMonths........ ...... B4tty Eleven Weeks ... . - DaTlyv One Month. D3y. One "Week : Htekly Gazette, One Year. . ...... . Gazette. Six Months 2.25 1.00 .40 .15 1.00 .60 ' , These reduced rates are' for subscriptions eredil subscriptions will e charged at the ieei 15 cents a week fo whatever time thfey ..anay run. (the Gazette is delivered in. Asheville, Victory and Biltmore by carrier at the secular subscription rates, r Within these ttgaits of territory the paper may be or dered by letter, postal card or telephone, aad the subscription price paid to the carrier. - - f Pelham's Camphorated WM Hag team CURES ' jChapped hands, Rough Skin, . and leaves the flesh soft! and smooth. Gloves may be used Immediately after its use;defcghtful to apply before attending theatre, party or .ball. , Elegantly put up in 4 oz. glass stoppered bottles. Price 25 cents. Pelham's Pharmacy, The Leading Cut-Rate Drug Store. SATURDAY (MORNING. NOV, 27. 1897. ' The Mississippi river is an unaccountable and unreasonable stream. Jt is now jpthreatening to mm over its levees and. souse ' New Orleans. Our rivers are not tbat way. xne UTencn Jjroact ana swannanoa are tlhlrsty streams, showing more rock and soil than water at present. , iA deal of 'time may be taken up by the coming congress in efforts at legislation on the financial question. Secretary Gage has a plan of currency reform which will " probably be submitted, but the senate will ' pigeon bole it, and 'if any silver legislation -is attempted it cannot pass. the house. The mention in .the Gazette yesterday morning of the Inefficiency of city lighting has called forth many expressions on the paTt of citizens as to the most efficient means of producing light. 'Not a tfew are 4n favor of the use if lightning bugs as an illuminating power, while others claim that ' fox fire, being an all around commodity, is much more available and can be obtained at a much less cost than the lightning bug. The Gazette has no other motive than a proper lighting of the city and willing for our city authorities to select the mode. All we "want is light. -At the meeting of tbe directors of the North Carolina railroad in Charlotte few days ago, it was learned, according to the "Observer, f rom one of tlheir number !Lnat tine board nas paw out for lawyers' fees, court expenses, etc., abou:t $4,000 As the state owns two-thirds' interest in this road 'the people at large will lunder- tetland ; that they have paid two-thirds of tthis i $4,000. But the trouble and expense to the people does notl end1 - herei On Thursday at Columbia 'Judge Sknonton re manded the lease case to Special OMiaster Craige, and it will go on for some time yet. In. other litigations the people's mon ey is being generously , doled out by 'the governor, who has , six lawyers employed to assist the attorney general to tihe case of the ."Western Union Telegraph comlpany, and a lawyer who is thoroingbly familiar with this litigation estimates that It will 'cost the state $6000 before it is. finisbed). If f his state wins the case two per cent, of Its population will be benefitted, while the ninety-elgM peri cent, 'who never re ceive nor. send a"itelegram, will foot the bill. . It' is reported ithat tihe railroad com mission has . very little confidence to Its case : against tihe telegraph company, s and there has been a report that the commiS' , bmjb .was entertaining a proposition for a large (increase In, taxation from the com pany in consideration -of the latter's rate being left as It is. '.The Observer remarks that it lhasvmo objection to "the telegraph 7 rate being reduced, but on itthe contrary, woum itseii pe a great gainer thereby, but - If ; the rates are- to be reduced it seems as ' If the end might be accomplished for less than $6,000 and if . the commission loses ' its suit there Vill be a clSar loss of this .miuch (to the tax payers, with nothing ever to show for it. . J ' - , -jtjut 'now ever ,uie case 'may go," con cludes our contemporary, "it is an unde niable fact that, the, state of Nor.tlh Caro lina has an expensive luxury in, Governor ' Russell. - He runs with Jhe throttle wide open, and - with a sublime Indifference to 'public expenses." ' ' - . ' . MORE ABOUT' PENSIONS. " - Just now'wheri the problem of a big de- :.-''- "-" 1, - I J - flcit 1 in -the national treasury cdnf roots congress the outrageous extravagance and 'evil of the .pension-business is exciting 'general comment. - The .Wtottngton . Mes- Bemger under "the heading" "Blood Suckers, lays it on 'the tnquitous system as foli Iowa: . '- ' - ; -r, "The secretary of . the j Interior' reports tihat .his r departments requires $156,532,419 for (the next fiscal year. '.President Buch anan1 W the government most 'ef ficiently . with a.'total outlay of not more than $80,000,000 andl . in all departments. Now it takes nearly twice that sum to run Just one department. If the people wijl look at the public expenditures so' enor mous and oreasonable-hey -' will see much . of the7 cause of the burdens they bear. They are' really taxed' five dollars where they ought -not to be taxed two. So they are practically roooea. ox anree dollars every time they pay five dollars of taxes; whether to the sheriff, town treas urer or in tpurchase of merchandize, ' or rather In all those " combined. , : Secretary Bliss, tor Buch is his name, buit we do not , know that witn Him ignorance as Bliss,' as a! poet once wrote, states tihere are 200,000 pension claims till to be set tied. This year more than 50,000 . new names have been; added. Think of that, ye tax paiyers and burden! bearers. Thirty- two years after the war ended) in less tihan nine months over 50,000; new. blood suckers . were "turned' to loose to devour the earnings of the people. It is a despicable, devilish outrage, nad they are very vicious, unprincipled' politicians who fasten that outrage upon a long-sufferdng people, the most of whom are sweating and toiling tajyl and night for the bearest living. The seer retary Bends out the cheering Intelligence that some 100,000 of tfhe claimants will get In, and thus the taxes will become more swollen' and tJhe eating sore more., intense and unsufferable. The demagogues, are me responsible agents in this consumated wickedness. If we had no other cause for abominating tihe ' old . rotten, reckless re publican party, its extravagance and' wrong doing in the .pension swindles wouiu oe enough to Justify the "dislike. It is gan- greened from lead to foot. It was born In sin and will die in inquity. The true value of the Dlngley bill as a . . - - ' a . ( . " j.n i revenue proaucer as nown ny nae iaci. that the excess of expenditures over re ceipts this year is $45,500,00 against $20,000,000 in 1895. i TOPICS OF TQDAY. i . Republicans are worried, remarks the Augusta Chronicle, because tJne lmgiey bill does not pan out according to the pro gram, and because Uacle Sam's treasury is not in a condition .for successful loot ing. - ' Mississippi is shipping cattle Jto Colora do. -Mississippi is destined to become the breeding Tegion for tbe ranch country of the northwest, ifor the reason that she is able to sa.ve 90 per cent, of the calves there, whereas they xloose more tJhan: 40 per cent, -in the north. Governor Tanner ot Illinois, will have to be reprimanded. He has made a public statement that the public institutions of the state cannot be operatedi at as low cost as under Governor Altgeld, because the Dlngley tariff law (has permitted the price of supplies to advance all alorng the line. Working people are having the flim ftToerience in the maintenance of their homes, but there has been' no in crease in income. , The monopolist mana gers are covering the increase entirely in to their own pockets as tribute. " "The unanimous opinion of Darktown, says the Pbiladelphia Press, "is tbat the skin grafting from a 'possum to a man in Chicago is a willful waste of mighty good material." "Remarking upon the (fact disclosed! n the report of the secretary of the interior that there are still in the possession of the United States government 1,35,460,638 acres of unsettled land, which would make more than 11,000,000 . homesteads of Vl60 acres each,, the Philadelphia Record says that "still tbe earth-bungerers are not con tentbut cry for more land "in Hawaii and Cuba." : It is incomnreihensible. Senator Morgan says we need Hawaii for the pro tection of Alaska, which is 3,000 miles away, and the Xiouisville Courier-Journal thereupon says that, "having annexed! Ha waii in order to protect Alaska, of course we shall have tojannex Australia to pro tect Hawaii, and annex the moon in order to. protect Australia- Oaf national bird was not called a spread eagle for nothing.-jCharlotte Observer. 'Ex-Pos'bmaster General (Wilson, now president of Washington-Lee university. says he is delighted to be out of politics and has no de'sire ever to' re-enter it. . He de' scribes (himself as a very hap-py man. ; Aa to this the Chattanooga News, remarks To the average7 American citizenvwho is out of office this may seem to be a strange admission, (but to the' 'man who has ,; 'been in politics a nunaiber of years or wbo, has closely observed the lives of. politi'cians it , will be readily understood. No real business brings as ' little real satisfactioin and few' calUngs are less lucrative. The same amount of energy amd ability, neces sary ,to win an"d' hold; a considerable foffice will bring In far -more financial returns In almost any legitimate business or pro fession. It is difficult, (however, to realize tbis until' the office-seeker is completely into politics, and' then -he flt for litlfle else. . There Is many a chronic office-seek er who .wishes he nad never consen'ted to become a candidate - the first time just as sincerely as the drunkard regrets his first drink. ' '- ", ' TO CURD A COLD IN . ONE: DAY 1 1 j . : - - Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.; Ai druggists refund. the money,, if' it falls to cure. '25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. ' ;i:r' '', -' 'vV-"' YELLOW JACK KILLED. ' Oascarets, Candy- Cathartlc, kills Yellow J ack wherever they find him. . No one who takes Cascarets regularly . and systemat ically Is in danger from' the. dreadful dis ease. ' Cascarets kill yellow fever germs in the bowels and -prevent new ones rom breeding, 10c, 25c , 50c. at Pelham's Fhar 4 macy. SOME-: PEOPLE ' . ; 18 Multum in Parvo, Maximum arid.; Bestuth. ' , A display of articles of "Bigotry and Virtue;" : Books, News and Stationery. , . 1 F. F. BAiNBPtlDGE. . " Late of San Antonio, Texas. Gome, Look and Furniture M W; B WILLI '' 16 Patton The ens A Qolden Opporiuniiy Embrace 1 19 PATTON ANENUE. All Goods at Cost. For Sale or Rent SIX ROOM HOUSE AND LOm at Wea- verville for sale cheap; wil. uik a small stock of goods, or a good team, or ANY CONVERTIBLES propertj in part pay ment. Weaver & Rogers, Box 244. No. 45 Patton avenue. U. M. LAtVBERT. 83 Patton Avenue. Manufacturers' Agent for Mantels, Grates, Tiles, Electric Fixtures, Venetian Blinds. I v -.H cl V fenying for cash has. its advantages some- lTI1ft. ' . . " ' 'v ' Biltmore Flourer Tjarrel . ......... $6.00 TCineaa'a Hams ' uc tti mean's Lard 7c Standard Tomatoes, per dozen f... . . . $1.00 and many other things we can sell you low for cash. "''". " .'46 South Qialn street. 'Phone 125. 1 v..'tn2i . ii : 4 --'Hi Would Suppose - ' , .That because my ftore at South Alain St. is "small that there' i' nothing in it. '" ' - - , This idea is wrong. My. stock is, We have just received the cheapest and jpret? tiest lot of , . Iron and Brass BEDS Get: Our Fnces. Carpet House. AMSON & Co. Avenue. in now yours. by buying your furnishings and hats at 9 r News and Opinions OF National Importance THE SO N ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. Daily, by mail - - . 6a year Daily & Sunday bv mail, $8 a year The Sunday Sun is the greatest -Sunday Newspa per in the world. Price 5o a copp By mail, $2 a year ' v Address THE SUN, New York. ' , Your readers to know that we have just received" large line of Books nicely bound in cloth that are going at 25 cents each. They em brace the most popular au thors of tle day. They iare cheap, in fact we are offering bargains in all lines of goods, Come in and look for your self. , ' Morgan's Book Store, IlcPHERSOIJ & CLARK DEALERS IN -''' Stoves, Tinware and Hons IWslimg Goods, Sanitary Plumbing, : ' Steam and hot water fit ting, hot air furnaces, rtm and slate roofing and;gkl yanized iron cornice. ; 7 1 45 College Streeir - telephone 133. Outfitter No owner of a -Waverley Bicycle ever regretted his purchase. , No rider of a Waverly ever felt that he possessed less thn the best that could be produced. - XSZ INDIANA BICYCLE CO. XSZ IncLianapolis, Ind. Piiauuiiuiiiiiuauiiiiuiiiiuiiumiiiiiiiiimiuiiiiiiiiiiamii? ME WISHING WINTER WEIGHT n find them at our All goods guaranteed s OE A CALL SOLICITED. Jk j.d. mhmm& co N S'. . y Seasonable' x ' "Merchandise in otir various lines lately re- -ceived very ibest of values. . H. REDWOOD & CO., V .' Clothing, Dry Goods, x . , ; Goods, Shoes Hats. Any kind of "Want' ' placed in the col umns of the Gazette answers. Try one. G. A. PARKER, Grocer, 248 COLLEGE STREETT. ' Keeps full line of groceries at rock-bottom prices Will be glad to see all his old customers at,his new place. , LIVER ' Good horses; good vehicles. Safe and an accommodating 'driver. Prices down. Be fore making other arrangements ask ' for Larkin Gwyn's carriage on Court Square, or call Telephone 92. ' Racket Store News, 30 South Main Street. We are packing our store with great jobs, some of which will guild all who buy.. We try to treat all who call on us with trues courtesy, whether you buy or not. : We in tend to itemize some of these jobs as sOort as we et time tri turn uj- ":i V. ..." -- , X around We. are "glad to say we have just opened two large lines of SamplellShoesthe ( - very best. Come and:. see them,. : " - J. M. STONER; 1 A RUN EASIEST E. W. BdcCOY & CO., 2 Agents. - 2 store at tlie right prices. to be; as represented. 39 Patton Avenue. ; I ITancy will bring immediate The Ashe?illei; Cycle Factorj, 60 S. Main St. 20 Second hand bicycles for sale, Cres $10.00 up. E, W. McCoy's Bicycle School from 4 to Sp.a We make, sell and rent bicycles. E. y. McCoy & Co IBJIissaimft ani are nice to visit; but If profitable are ex pensive to customers; Now it stands to reason that ait a ptaet less assuming and less expensive the. mm goods may be bought at a priceprofitabl to the merchant and at the same timt economical1 to you. For evidence, call. m and price goods at ; f v H. C. JOHNSON. Phone 188, 38 North Msfa The Cheapen ' and Best FBffiEWO ' : FOR SAJLE THROUGH: ACHEVILlE ICE AND COAL COjrPA3T& ' - s ' W, .elephooe 40. CAROLINA COAL COMPANT, Telephone 130. if T, BILTMORE LUMBER COMPANY .Telephone 7. ' . m$S0i .... j

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