Oestreicher & Co. Silk and Satin waists .v:"';r" HatfPrlceJJ: WHEtf DESTIlAIBLtE 'NEW GOODS,ARE OFFERED J AT HALF THE ; PRICE...AT WHICH THEY SELL,! IF PURCHASED REGULARLY, .THEY ARE - PROPERLY ATVKHCTTSEB "AT- HALFj PRICE.? TO "c- t. "W 'HALT PRICE" ADVERTISE AS UNDB- SIRABLE GOODS I DECEPTION.' WB NEVER ADVERTISE OLD "tSOODS." j. WE NEVER SAVE OLD GOODS' TO SELL.; r THE WAISTS ARRIVED HERE YES TERDAY, " SENT ' US BY,? OUR BUYER WHO IS NOW IN NEW YORK,' THERE - . - - ; ARB . TWO "REASONS WHY THEY . - s OUGHT' TO FIND WUASRERf? QUICKLY. " -' ' ' FIRST THEY ARE -THE MOST STYL- . " , -t - '-, ISH DAINTIEST PATTERINS AND MADE IN BEST ART KNOWN IN ;DRESSMAK INC. DRESS 'AND SHIRTWAISTS AND RTTKXTAN BLOUSES f - TUCKED AND FRILLED; LINED, BONED A'ND.THOt VTOBD WITH DRESS SHIELDS. . ; SECOND--rHEy WERE .MADE TORE; TAIL AT $5.00 6M, 7M, il.50,&.lh AND $3 JX). WE OFFER THEM AT-?S 60, $3.98, -?4.'45,' $4.98, $5.00 ANp $6.00 - - - SOME CHDIOE BROCADED VELVETS AND SHXE CORDUROYS "ik&E IN THE LOT ABOVE.1 . ' ' ' " OESTREICHER 4 r - -v. IT & GO. 28 South Mam Street THE COTTON MARKET- Kiordan &: C6s Report of Yesterdays Transactions.,,- , Special to the Gazette. V ' - New Yoi. Nov. 27. What meagre' 'ele- ment of - vlotxjry there Is. m inc weeut's trading in cotton,, rests wiVh the ;)lullaJ Ibsawever, as ho toe (hardly -worthy .of notice. The lndkjaoions given.tlj&t ; the ; roarbet would cottfenue dull for som time -were mot (mSslea'dlng, ; andtate extreme . -flutetaar tiona t!his week have (been Vliliin a ranige a ten uolntsr . Tdday the : trading was decidedly unintere&S!g. ' Liverpool ad Tranced .one (pomt , Our ; Htarket. opened slightly Uower, tout the absence of iSellins pressure was marked and the, loss "Was re covered and a ; saigh t s; gainv estaMiahed. January "opened at 5.71,-' adraiiced to 5.75 and closed at 6.73 tt 5.74 with' the tone o the anaxiket steaJdy. ; THe ; lonmediate to-' ture's outlook has little dt encouragement in it for eifiher Qjull or bear. , Tne proba bilities are In (favor of a ' continuance for the present of narrow fluctuations. The movement Is umcientlyr heavy-' to grat'ify the most ardent bear, but it Is quite -vi-' dent that present (prices have dasooun'ted thlis feature to a . great - extent axrd - that every one is satisfied to- wa'it fnrtiher de velopments.' There will ..certainly, be ,na violent or aggressive selling, -.and. any,, en? thusiastdc speculatlye baiying5 not.Iikely, The market can prohaJbly ; withstand enor mous re'eeipts for some time longer,' 8?u!t .if towarcEs the end of.." Decemlber :. the rush ' ol supplies apparently justifies the large crop estimates . now current, "-pricefe will almost surely sink to such a point, as will "attract suflacdent investment ; buying to chem tine declines A' large numJber of crop eetiima.te made here recently, average over, ten nll lion, four hundred thousand v bales-: Wt are not inclined ' to tbelieve'sntoh an ;.out turn proahle, and we think.; H . wrill ' prove wiser to wait and Jwy cotton, on hreaiks than (to go short .of ' it. I. 1 " RIOREXAN & COMFASNY."' AT ALEXANDER. An Entertainment , for the . Benefit: of the Sunday School. ' ' ' f ' ' ' ' " ' ' There wHi be an oyster suppei; and other refreshments served at SHotel M.lex ander, Alexander, N. 3., on the night of November 30, '97.- The supper, is given' to raise funds for the Sunday school. All are cordially invited to attend. Th committee consists oft? "Mrs., R. B. .Vance, Mrs. An derson, Airs. Plato Lee, .JMJssf'pora Lee JtTlli My . . T . rtnA .:.. i Dr. Wi;C-Brownson will open an office on November 18,'.'at J No. 60 Patton ave nue, second floor above s ticket .office ;-oi Southern -railway '-tJmee hours, 2 -to 4 p. m. Telephone, offlee, 34, residence, 114 240-13 - - 4-, ; - T. , f TO CURB A. COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo. Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the .money If ' It fails to CDre. 25c. The genuine has Li ' B.? Q.vxr each tablet. - - " OOD, ' establlsheid, paying business for we. .. axft piarticuxars a&drr-3 tf JOTTINGS OF CITY NEWS Brief ChronicUngs of jfter- -''', i ' -- i. , "f - , ; ; - day's Events, i 4 i Monthly Meeting : of fine County si The WMtelGSmit Drug Com- ' : i' pany Sold.;' : 7s"-: A Search Being Made' for Bumgar- ", neHs Assailant v, College Recital to be Given Tomorrow Even ing Meeting .of, Zeb Vanca Camp Servi- ces ta be .Observed Ourirg the ; Week of Prajfer. , , , c - (Prof . D. L. -Ellis, county superintendent of education,-.was". In the cfty yesterday, making perparaUons for the monthly meet fng' dfv the aseoclationiof .county teatohers next Saturday , Prof. rEIlis ay thia ipeet ing "wiU-te& oneTi of ,faniportance: as" several in'terestiiagreportff -will be read. -'idge Ewart Ji'aa.!notfJLledJasjt . (his Judgment in the HUli&rd:-Q$imr Cefee, and , " peputy Clerk Fatterson, , in the Federal court' Kjlerk'a of&ce, nas for th past few d'ays ieen enfipioyed' in making' "out r tn brills of ' cost which accrued at' the recent term of that; court. ..i ; M. M. : 'Lediford,: contractor in charge at the work of repairing ithe Pearson toidge Lover . Preach Broad; I expects to tomplete nia work tnt ?reju r . - AVmeeting oi the JjiJung Gleaners of the First PresByterian cnurcn wi . oe held, tomorrow aftfrnojOj'jt.foujrtockT tne cnurcn. , . - A spefdkl care "of" Hie Ashevl'lle and Bilt more railway .wil-l leave the postofBce tails morning Tor. ilmorer at?-10:15,;"dnaiccoant of the morning service t MI Souls' f- ? r, An entertainment wilt '..;be givea . -at Deaver's nail, North Ashevttle, tomorrow evening. . . c , . . 5t- - Prof.' W. C. owman will, byspecial re: oiiest. Jdellver liisr'leoture. "Are "the:!Pir1ni cipalaof socialism In sympatliy witi' the true Science-'of - goven3lientT,l'- tomorrow evening attBeourtr house." " ; as itro "U-r The c A.;Ll df-i has postpoud: ltsi prize ajfl JuFjeidayi nigbUj-H .The JZeb VinJ?e r "ocratic, clulb,.will meet In'theif ub.rottmfe to morrow, night, 'and good" epeaketr will' derfve;r: addresses. Buttons' to be worn by -memJbef s of the chilb wTn' tfieh'be - ready'-tor distribution; Drlce five' cen'ts. Tile buttons KStve ' a picture of Senator Vance under the -words; f!For "White Supremacy," and over the. let ters, ,"2. V. J): C ; v -n drug "store "solo. : - J: B- S. Mcintosh Purchases the; Stock ' ' 'of the White G- Smith Co. A meeting of the stockholders of 'the White" G. Smith Drug company was held yesterday 7 morning, and the, sale St .Ihe property : was consummated. The purchaser is . J. S. Mtflntosh-of Lynchibuirg VVa. Later in the day he . transfer was recorded, signed by "White- G.. Smith, president, and J. A Anderson; secretary , of the corpora tion. - - - i-' '-The dealings for this sale have" been: In progress for some time.- While the proper ty passes under the sole ownership off Mr. Mcintosh, ''its management will remain in the- hands of . Major White: G. BmSth,v anL the- store. which ia popular, with an ex cellent class of -Matrons,- both becamse o4 the elegance of its furnishings, Itr this re spect having few, if 'any,.xivalain the south,' and the fine '.anid completevUnes of doods it carries in s'tock. but .beoanse oi :tbe 8 J attachment feTt 'by many- AshevilTe" "people ?Tlh!ittB':'MnlaV.':i'Anrlotftr '.will intttrfl'ft;' tft lor 4 Its genial proprietor, ; will - contin$L&1 to be known as -"White G Smith's drug store' tMaJor Smith's' assistants Witt' re main with him in, the .store,,, - -. -, - , Mr. Mcintosh is connected with the well known houes of Sharp.- and 'Dohme, which he has represented ; throughout the south ern section of the country, for many years. Mr, 'Smi'th states that under the "new-ownership the store w'UI'mee all rcut- prices in every class; of goods Mri, Mcintosh be ing fright on the market - will do,.alI- the buying, and as he purchases for, several houses, will be'aWe to' make the best deals The store has1 always had a well selected stock,1 ibut it will soon be "better than 'ever before. Perscriptions'. Will; beput up" only by,, graduates in pharmacy, v ' : THE BUMGARNER.AFFAJR. Tne Engineer's ; Condition, HopetulA :. . . Search, for Lambert. t VI - tBngineer Sumgarner; wno was khot Fri- v- MJ-..-T:-.Wf- it wnrr Intr r bv : MAUs" : LamJbert, last night' was resting quietly, at the? Mission hospital. --In the forenoon the (wound-was probed by Dr. -W. D. lHilliard ajid the piis-toI-baai found lying'mmedlately "under the'-back-bbne;" and';was itraed. " The patient stood the" "surgical ppation rwith SbM for ' rent near Hotel "Berkeley. Also one set of hand-mode double tar- . nes3 at $10.00. S. H. Ch'edester. patience v and! f fortitude, ana- nas'-, every xjhiance, . yith ' iproper " tcare.-.rhich he .will no doaibt receive, to recover. ; Laanibert. has not , Vet been apprenendied' though, the of -fleers, jnade a dilligent seadh alj during Friday iignt. - He is thought to be lurking in; the mountains : around anout ATden. A possee, eomposed of J." Ml"' Morgan, and other, left thist. city last night to renew theix efforts to capture Lambert. They will make a "still hunt," watching eyery point of exit. It is thought by the officers that they navea. clue., by iwhichthey.: will oe able -to capture - the f ugutive, for : whose apprehensfion a reward of $400 "has been offeredi r- T!he officers are apprehensive- that In;. the event -other' parties -. who are , in search of "Lambert, succeed r in.; fcaptnring him, -that ' some violence might ; be 'done, and thus their v4gU'eotee.''j''iDr'HiI14aroLi;ot the opfnlon thalt,.Bumgarner,will recover. the diagnosa .showing: that the lvuliet;pen-r etrated-no. vital. organ of the body.. , 1EB VANCE CAMP :A 1" . HtaTotithly Meeting T'e'steirdy 1 Gen. ClingmAn's Remains." ,r The Zebulon Vanice camip of United Jon federate Veterans met m their..!haH at 11 . .. ' . .. ..... i . : .-. , i , o'clock yesterday : morning (f or ?tmsiness purposes. The appointment Capt. J. P. Sawyer, Col. W. S Burgwyn and. Capt B. Thrash as a committee to accompany the remains, of the late General CHingman from. Concord was confirmed. The com mittee, will leave Saturday, and expect t6 bring . the body here on the eth to "be placed under guard in .the court house. On De cember 7 a memorial service will be held, at whicfh all Veterans are urged to bepres ent: L ! The ( Asheville v Light Infantry will take part lit tihe services. The city and county have eadh : given one; hundred - dollars to ward defraying- the expenses inlcurred In removing (the body. COLLEGE RECITAL To l09Qi Tea, Tomorrow Evening bj Invitations were sent 'out yesterday for a recital at the Asheville. college, to be given tomorrow evening - in the college chapel at 8 olclock by, Mr. A, O. iBaner, di rector of -the musical department. - The following . delightful v program has been arranged tor the pecasion; . - -1 Senate op. 2, lio. ,2 . , : i. i i . . .ejethoven : Ballade , i. ............. ., . JGrieg a. Variations, Irfiat maj. ..........Schulbeit. b. . .Itondo XJaprSccioso .;...Jatendelsshon. c. Standchen , . w ; JSohuibertrOszt. Concerto, f . minor "."t . Chopin.5 i 1 - $eonii Piano,; Miss Chafe' v " .,f,; Veekof Prayed - The Observance of the- week of prayer at $hy-M.-J0.'il.t which was postsponed frottl ihe; early, part of Noveniber, will be con ducted - during this week, - beginning " this afternoon. 1 - , " i- ln the evenings during the week,' from ,7:45 to S;30, services will be held as fol lows:. ""' ' Monday7; "Prayers of Christ," Dr. R. F. Camlpbeli. - .i Tuesday, "Indwelling Word," Dr, Chas. W. -Byrd. v Wednesday, "Spirit-Filled Life," R.' V. Miller. r ' v Thursday; "Fraft (Bearing' (Rev. W.F. Cook.- ' . (Friday, "Our Influence," O. B. Van flora. - ; I ROW ON EAGLE STREET. . " - - . .i Pistol Shots in a Negro Restaurant y Last Night. -' ..There was . another disgraceful row a mong negroes in a restaurant on Eagle street, or, 'Greasy Corner," about 11 o' clock last night. Two negroes hecame In volved in a. dimculty over a piece of meat Both (bottles and pistols were freely used. The prompt appearance of police officers prevented any. serious results, v The keeper of 'the res taurant James Poliard, and John Allison seemed to be the principal actors in; the disturbance. ; Pollard was arrested and looked up in, the city prison, while Allison took leg kail and made his es cape. ' ; ' MARION ENTERPRISE rthB Town ; - Enjoying -' . . ; ' Boom. a -Business ". Police' Justice 'E. I. Oarterhas returned from a visit to Marion, where he spent Thanksgiving ay .withhis mother; In con versatlon with: j. a Gazette ;" Teporteic last night Mr j , Carter "said' ith'at the. town ol Marion which, now has population of abou1 1,200, wa!s enjoying a real live boom. He States that "in . addition to 'factories now .In course of erection,, the ' town' au-:. thori ties are. contemplating many improve ments; ench as paved streets,'' water works and -electric' lights. Mr. Carter' further stated ' that he knew"; ot no -small town, ,ln this section "of. the state" 'Where the spirit of enterprise was. more -manifest .than' at (Marion. , - . , " ,-r -'-i SID PETERSON IN JAIL.- One' of the Yancey Jounty pespefados ,: , .Taken Care Of."' V;, , - J. t G. Wilson a prominen't citizen , of Yancey county, is in the city and gives the" information that! Sid "Peterson; who killed Jerome McCurry on Jack's creek a' short Virhile ago; and who was chased byofflcers into -Tennessee, returned, of his, own voli tion and surrendered himself to the sheriff of Yancey -county day hettore yesterd'ay, and is now in jaiL, ... - DAUGHTERS OP .'CONFEBERACY.-f-The icommittee '; onr I credentials " of , the daughters of r-the confederacy ' will meet tomorrow - afternoon at', four Oclock - at the residence of Capt. James . P. Sawyer, Haywood etreet.- Only a few days more In which; to secure Gbv.-Bob Taylors splendid Kbookfree. See offer on page three: : , V J. C. SIIEEIIAN Eiiiousmil 4 . j' 1 St0ckenfiWittiJertigo. Yes- terflay Afternoon. : : : V McKn!ey9 : Friends Oppose Gold Standard ScfiemeV - They iAxb t Afraid . of ..the - Free Silveritek " : " " i Canada's. AnweK:,;tb'. the United ,V J 'ii States.;;.; . Dead Al3SOQiidera Body' tteturned to Brtmswick-Cheap iTelpeLone Sysv tern lnf New Yorh-WorK JB egan on Monastery in Washington. . 1 iNew York,-Nov. 27. -John Cv. Sheehan, the leader of Tammany Hall, was taken suddenly in ' wiUi an ' attack'of vertigo at his. office this, afternoon. ; . ; 'He almost fell while in'the halhreturnr ing from Junch to hjs office. He was taken home In aarriage,' The family phyeician 'calie. -late ikis afternoon and said his condition was serious, though-there was no Immediate danger. 4. '? iCANA!DAS ANSWER NO SURiPRiBOBJ. Washington, Novi 27. The answer of Canada to the proposition of the United states, submitted through special ambas sador Foster, for the suspensidn of Pelagic 3ealing, has occasioned little- of no surprise 'in official circles.' , a- counxer. proposiuon: wntonT the an JOT juja Iqrthof' waOMM: Joint jconimissionof allies tionjof dlsputpfi? tween, ine unueu scates. ana Canada, 'in cluding Pelgaic sealing, is but a repetition of that madeher(rla!st.week by Wilfred Lanrier Had tit Loui Bavlei and reeoTeS by the reprefintatives of tho- United States. Nothiiig has occurred since to change their views regarding the proposition. If, upon receipt of the official text of Canada's re ply, it proves to contain nothing addition al in the way of suggestion," no progress is likely to be made from the present condi tions. ' . The opinion of those interested in the m'a'tter is that the Canadian officers do not intend to do anything toward shutting off PelgJc sealing. , CAPiTALISTTS INTERESTED IN TELE PHONE. New York, Nov. 27. The. cheap telei phone, in opposition to the Bell system, is causing much interest among capitals ists, .The scheme promises, with good fi nancial backing; that it wiil reduce the rate - to subscribers ' to - the telephone ser vice $24 a year in residences and $46 in business places. The system is run simi lar to thehe in Detroit. . W. A. Holmes, president of the Detroit Telephone company, is the originator of the. scheme, hut it is believed the Western' Union company is the real power jbehlnd the movement. . ; ; NEW TARIFF LAW AME&kED. ; INew York, Nov. 27. The new tariff law, which toreated a howl of indignation ' be cause, of -inconvenience to passengers ow ing .to the : "hundred; dollars personal ef fects". clause, has been ' amended in, con structlon 'by the custom authorities ;. who are not so rigid and Value things at their actual market . value, v They also arranged to make, examination at, ail hours instead of (before sunset as heretofore which caused great delay and Inconvenience. Passengers can now leave the steamer at night. WORK BEGUN OGSf CATOLDG. iMjONAS- - ' " .TERY4i. 2, ;, , ' 'Washington, Nov : 27! Work has-ahout begun on the Connotation's' of the immense m'abler monastery on. the ground con'Mg 'uous' to the Catholic university. ' It will .be odcupied by, Franciscans', and will he under the direct patronage of. the pope, who con tribxtfted largsums to the enterprise. ' - The slt' contains about forty-four acres Plans are being'', prepared -at Rome." The cblony: which is to occupy 'the monastery Will "come , from- Italy.' ? : j - -" 1 . i tMcKSPNiLEY . - GOLD . STATUE D1SAP- , , - t,- -'"."piROVEDr' j ' " ' "Washington, Nov- 27. The1 idea of. the construkrtion of - a -gold statue , of - President McKinley f o, ehihition at the Paris ex position - is . not : regarded ' hy politicians as felicitous. . They contend, that if the pres ident gives his assent to. the proposition he invites attack and brutal criticisms from the populistic. free silver orators and news papers, which! will endeavor to make, po litical capital out. of it. - r , postasl Savings ' batsik "SYSTEaL" ' , Washington, Nov., 27.-fThe amazing fea ture vof rPostmaster General Gary's; postal savings 'hank; system ; Is Uie " necessity of i&stahlishing-a huge- national training school ol-banking .to accompany it. Very few? postmasters in - the . smaller lties are competent to do the small amount of book keeping now necessary. ' - l"; ' v ; It: requires the ; work of four, hundred men in the sixth auditor's ooffice to keep tfhem straight, t v- "-V j TN HONOR. OF GELNTER'AL N13WTON. fWashington, Nov. 27.-y-the direction L of President MeKinley the two batteries of teh-inch: guns on Staten island, now designated : at the caifton and! ;v Ravenna batteries, -together- with any adjacent de fenses yet to be builtj v$l .hereafter $ be known anddeslgnated as Fort Newton; in honor ,of the late ; General John ' Newton, chief of engineers of . the United . States f army, who for : many years was in direct charge of the works in New .York harbor; A BODY" MYSTBRIQTJtSLY - - APPfElAlRS ffirunswijck,, Ga., Nov. .27. The 'body of Moses McDonald was 'brought here by ex press laslt night and burled today.; Whence it caane is ia.t secret. ! JIighteenri years ago McDonald was county treasurer and vfled, leaving a shortage. This Is the first Tieafd of him since that M"". 1 "" ' ' AT THE CHURCHES: Y. C. 'A, The opening week of prayer : service will be held this 1 afternoon at 4:30, and will consist of an address up on Y. M.- C. A. work in this and foreign countries by Secretary 0.' B. Van Horn, accompanied, by appropriate stereopticon lElustrations 'by L B. Thornton. Ladies as well as men are invited. ' w- - CENTRAL. METHODIJST. Dr. Charles W ' Byrd, pastor;, will deliver the annual Thanks'eivin'g sermon to. the .Jr. 0. U., Al M. atOentral church this evening ati 7:80. ? Members , of the order will as semble at the council room at seven o'clock and go to the church In a body. - ' . NORTH ASHEVILLE M. El Dr. Atkins wQl preach .this morning at 11 and the pas tor in the evening at 7 : 30. . Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Devotional league service, 3:30 p. m, . ' :. ttTAYWOOD STREET. M. E. SOUTH. Rev, M. A. Smith, .pastor, will 'preach his last regular sermon" at this church this morning at 11,' .' ' . 1 - s" 7 BETHEL M. "E. Rev. J. M. Downum, pastor. Services,!! a. m. and 7:30 p. on. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. George F. iRobertson, formerly of Asheville, but now- of JBlizabethtown,"Ky.V will preach this morning at IL PTeadhing at 7 : 30 p. nvby the pastori Dr. Campbell. OUTHSEDE PRESBYTERIAN Rev. H. fMPaffcet,-ipastor. Spreachttgvt-UHV m.i tsunaay'-seiiooi, zza p. m. ' ' Z - s OAKLANTJ '-SMQmSv'': CHURCH.--In lnpictfoa'wtthshevH Prffbyterian scnoois .t under the care of the northern Pres.byteriatt.thttrch) iW'niile fromTcourt square, south-, Maiff' street.1-?' Pastor Rev. Frank .M. Vx.i Prea-eihing ; every Sabbath at 11, a. m Strangers cordially Invited. - fFlTRST -BAfPTlST. Rev; J. Sr Felix, 'D. J,, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p nr.; Sunday -school, 9:30 a. m. ' '' - Ct - -1 - ' WEST ENO BAPTaST. Rev." j. H. Lan breth of Lexington, tN C, will preach this morning at land this evening at 7:30. i ; : ,!FR!ENCH BROAD BAPTIST. Rev. T. F. Glenn "Wil preach this morning at' 11. - tCHtRlSTIAN CHURICH. Rev. Walter Scott Crook, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. mJ an'd 7 : 30 p., m j Sunday school, 10 a. m. Prayer meeting 'Wednesday evening 7:30. " t. 'A hi , ST. LiAlWRENdE C3ATHOLTC. "Father Marion, rector. . Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. ; (Sunday school, 10 --a..-m. v t . , . . v TRINITY ! CHURCH. Rev. MCNeely DuCBose,' rector;. '. First Sunday , in Advent. Holy communion, 8 a. m. ; morning prayer, 11 :a, m.; Sunday, school, 3:30 p. an.;' ev ening prayer," 4:30 p: m.' All seats free. . ST.- MATTHIAS. Rev. H. McDuey, rector. "First Sunday in j Advent. Sunday school; 9:30 a. m.; morning prayer and sermon, 11 a. m.; evening prayer and ser mon, 4 p. m. ' vi ' " - ALL SOUL'S' Biltmore. Rev. R. R. Swope, 'D.D'.'Tector.. Services at 11 a. m. and 5 p. m.? Sunday school, 3 :30 p. in.. All seats in this church are free and the puhlic is cordially Invited ;to attend the, servi ces. The musical, program for today! will be as follows: , , 1 - First Sunday in Advent. - s-.- - ''Maftins. , . " ' , "j- Processional hymn, -43, ? "Greenland,' Old French . -L., c. Venite, exultemus Domino, tone 8,.jfirst ending, Gregorian. , . v : - Proper Psalms, 8, 50.,"'. ": . ' ' iBenedicite developed . chant iu's B flat,' C. Florlo. " ."" ',' . ! ' " "" ',L ,..; Benedictus," chant in F, Lee: - :s 'T TTymn 45;-'"Veni " Emanuel,'' Ancient Plain-song " w r''- Hymh 48,- "Stuttgard,", H. L Hassler. . SAnthem,-"Enter not4nto Judgmenit,". T. Attwood. x j ,, 'a v' .t. j?-7t i Recessional hymn 44, "Winchester Few' Crasselius. , . ' r- ' -t ' ,-tBVensong. t 'Processional ; :' hymn, . 43,' . 'Xxreenland," Old French . t . 'i;.-j..-Proper Psalms, 967 97. k . - iMagniflcat, in'CJ.'Barnby. ;J ' , ' - Nunc dimittisin C, J: Barnhy. ' 'Anthem, '.'Come unto me," Dr.' H. S. Cutler.",' ' - - ' -v : OTymn 357, ."St. -Edith," J. H. Knecht. r , Recessional hymn 44, '.'Winches'ter New," Crasselius. ' "s 1 ' r - c . ' G. R. CROOK ' ILL. , 1 s "- Mr. W..J. Croak, father of H. T. Crook ot the Gazette, and George" R. Crook, whe is ' empaoyed . by the ' Sparfan'bur'g: Brobrri tManUf acturlng "company, . received a tele gram last evening stating that the latter was eriously ill. Mr. Crook wfll leave on the 8 a. m.' train this morning for Spar tanburg.. - 'r"r ';. t r' ' TO VEAVW TUESDAY. ReV M.: ' !A Smith," pastor- of Haywood . street church. will leave for his new charge at Statesville on Tuesday. ' Mr- Smith and his family have made toan friends during their reslT deuce in Asheville, all of whom hope that the pastor's relations may be as .pleasant at his new appointment as they have been here. - " . . '7 ; ., REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Rev. R. H. Penland to H; B. James, interest in lands In Leister township, $200. . v ' - ftT THE CAPITAL OF THE STATE large Quantityof Gpttone- . : ing Marketed. Letters, pi Commendation Received - by the Governor. vi r v. V - s A 'Raid -by Revenue Officers itf Hal- ;ifax' yonnt. r . J- ' ' fj 4. White Xohvlct.SentencedorMan laughter .Prdoned ',. t. A Movement io Form an Inter-Statp TeachesV " Association to .Meet at Ashevilieilext Sum-. X tf." ' - - mer-Railroad Commission" Casey Bet fr Hearing December 4, - ' Raleigh, ilNov. "27. 1 It is estimated:, tjiiatc:-,r 1-' several thousand (bales of cotton have been received ty wagon- this Week. : t - The governor ls receiving a iarge number v - ;. of: lefctersKomanendlng h actkm In grant;3;;'; J -. days:: - --f. v . b .Wa-. Sv. , , Ashe eountjF .ha$.f added four ,cjnvts ' ; I the . number ' in nhe ""sVate" prison. -Ttfey ? -were all white hoysr seffitnVed forjonja:. , ( , f each, tf cost, the state -?ill-30 ttf- getcro; -;; " ' here , A . .. 'r ..CV.- The new order to revenue 'conetftors", 34-'' - t . reefing them -io.obey. thecitii service .Jaw, ; 7-T-' ' will assure the retention'' of the present l " ' force' at least until : congress meets, Republican' State (Chairman Holton Bays'' that hW feelS "ture "that" fusion offrepuhilc-V -"' can; and populista will; ntlnu : cext ' ; V V '' V, year, Z' r- ' .4y-' t - - aungton will hvo another ice ac-;"-;. , tory. , The North Carolina .Icocompaay ;v-j ; has ibeen incorporated ."with a capital " stocks J . . .' - k of n0,600.l- 4 ' - ' '-f i The governor has :ordered a speckl?ivit t "J iefm "of the'- Guilford superior const, le- ginning January-3 He has not yet an-"",""', nounced what Judgo'will preside. - ' - v: The ball given at the Park Hotel tn aid y of the Rex Hospital -was a great success ' ' '.' and netted a handsome sum iThere. were"' over tfioqrty couples; dancers uid-rir 200 h . spectators. y, - -.; y.-Ss-- ,.",'' T Revenue .officers made - a- great oraid jtar, i ' , Ring'wood, Halifax . county f and .oaiptiiigeL-1 three illicit stiaiSrand'XPQO gallons, ot bjerjf, - " There were nine men fit jhe stilly' but-vOalyAsv.P, .v one Was arrestedias the others oultran'l,the',, deputies. ' -r 'cca "'"' '- The'irt of theouruof a - . tics -will show that there cs will show that there -are iri'thfaCfibater ' ' J ' 21 cities rma town's, lelectrically Ughte&fS:. , , telephone companies; 13. telephone, exchang -es; : electric railway systems, "and ' '. 75 isolated dectricj'irght plants.;- ' f' . The case..of ;L' C, Oaldlwell .against , Jas A W. Wilson, jnvolying 1he .chaiTananship.i)(fL the railroad commission, is set for hearing;; ;;il t December' 4. The supreme court thus ad-"s . s ' vances it against the protest of Wilson's.' at- .; "?. bprney - and deddes it regularly on the docket.' ' : - " -J "i,'-" e . Ther 4s"a movement by the (North Caro- ' Una's 'Teachers' 'association to. form" an y " Inter-state Teachers', association of teach- r ers ..from Tennessee, Georgia,- South . Car-' olna- and North Carolina and. to have ttV meet , at Asheville. next summer.. .State'f Superintendent. IMehane has endorsed the" plan, as he says.the National "Bducatiional asoctatfon,does not reach North Carolina eachers.V; ' . , . William, C. Etters; Who-was. convicted ;" . of manslaughter at the spring. term; 1894; :: i of Cleveland Superior court," and sentenced v to fifteen years to" the ' penitentiary, has . been pardoned by the governor, who giVes -;'"-'':.-; the following reasons -for - granting' the. "f-'J ; i . Continued oor Elghtk Page.! '- -" 1 .".INDICTED. - , ::: C. K. ' Duschnfesof the' firm' of 'C K;,v ' Durfchnes & Co.,' was indicted oh- October , 25th," 1897, for, an .alleged, violation ot , the. , New"'- York - siate "silver law. ' ' The ) finger ' j rings'that5 were '""the cause of thii man's Indictment were, manufactured by - Flint,''-y j . Blood & Co. of Providence, R. I." The-as-- "t , say presented the grand jury showed that. ; the rings 1 assayed' 256-1000 v or 669. points . short of the required standard There were also samples' of other" .pieces'" of j silver shown,' made ; by other t firms, that were so" light; that' they .had' -to be : filled -with for use.. - lead in order to stiffen them -I ' Other pieces '. were shown- to f be stiffen eel with ibrass.' - ' . " , ' The assay o these goods,. , although stamlped. sterling : silver, would f prohahly" show that there is v very ditti e silver ' f in ' them, while on the outside the appearance Is almost ;jthe same as goods made by're-. 'imAe nms;' , ""' '. W ,V, ? .Other -1 flrjms doing disreptuable cata logue business will be indicted as the cases ' (came to' light, and, ft is' hoped that the combined efforts of the legitimate - and honest : Jewelers' will hrfng about . a -sys- tern of stampIngTegalated fey. the Jaws of the different states, ' that will protect the . peoples" ' ;" ; . ', . . ".'..JiJi A-