ENGLAND STILL QUEEN ' VICTORIA' GIVES BIRTHDAY PARTY," - FOR PRINCE : ALEXANDER ' OF j BATTENBURG, AGED THREE. K WINDSOR BAZAAR A SUCCESS. . GRAND AFFAIRS OF LATE DUCHESS OF TECK DISCUSSED. Mr. and, Mrs. Gladstone i-j Cross the i Channel Swinburne Writes a Fa - rious Letter to the , Times Sarah " , Grand's Latest Work. ' " London, Nov. 27.-r-E5nglaJid generally . throughout the week has been .envel oped in fog. The weather continues to 'be unusually mild, though there was a Sharp rrost on unursaay nignt. .- at Windsor on Tuesday for Prince Alex bander of Battenberg, aged .three years, v-ve--, eraesi gun os x-rinoess .rjesuiriciv widow of Prince Henry , of Battenbe rg For. hisxbirthday Her Majesty sum moned the manager of the Empire thea ; ter to produce, the cinematograph pic ? tures and troupe 6f performing dogs now showing Ira London. - The pictures ; were displayed in the large drawing - .a . mt . - f ui vmc? VCMI4C. xucuotii xeaitrw3e ana cue rest oi-. wre court, as -1 wfl ;as the Children, ". were hugely de " lighted. ... v - ; .The queen seemed to enjoy immensely t .the pictures of herself in the . V vv JUBnJEE PROCESSION, atiJJ. after, the entertainment was over : rfite caused Manager Hutchins, of the Empire t&eater, to be -presented -to her vA barrel of money, has been reaped, at "Windsor bazaar in aid of the Royal AJSjPt. institution s opened by : Princess (Jhafspa! on Tuesday? last. -The princess . jKgerfded M . two. staMs, .selling i photo- gTRh i-cC-,' Queen ryictoria, signed by Her MSadesty, at a-guinea each. The " whole "stock was, sold -In a. few minutes. ? .Theaftjpon, the princess remarked: "I v - do- not .'see- why we . shouM not petition . I otnamfma for some more." A messenger .' wiaa Ohen dispatched to the castle and ; the .queen supplied more signed photo graphs of herself. Her Majesty eontln u ued doing -so during- the - three days , whldh. the: bazaar lasted, and. even then VUhe demand for her photographs was not satttsned . a" family, council .which has been dis- r V-IATE DUCHESS OF TECK, : at which the Duke of . Teck : and his children,, including Prince and Princess , AdoTphiusi of Teck, .were present. .-1 'Jew " etry;,of, considerable- historical value goes to the Duchess, of York, the.daugh . ieTcOf .the duke, jQueen Victoria . substan- ; , tially .ocri?Densatinr the other members viof the; family. The white lodge at ' Richmond, Mtherto the residence, of the ": Duke. ,and - Duchess of :.Tecki . has , been granted.4so $he Dpejand .Duchess of ' XoTkp JThe: future of the Duke of Teck has' note been seUe..U!pojn.J ,Jfy isru- nlrehat a paj4iamentary grawt will ; jbeaghr but. thisjs not likejy to ,be ' as(tetfj.:tft the people, generaily and the . hoqpse-jgf, icomimons ,af ter r the - promise " mdaiJter "jthe fteMJeTOentstof ;,:the Prnfcft of les.chijdren-,., thati no jur- - iher;jno(ney would be asked, for in behalf of ithe royal 'family. , , j ' , . t .- MR. AND MR1S. GLADSTONE crossed the channel -cm Friday on their w ,-way o .Cannes, -.where- they wiH'arriye y'on v Sunday. ., They were . greeted ..by - - . omnrivlrltsi rit msxTrrvIo rm Yiaairl rwcr J. sun ftirm i f - ;on,the4ir arrival . at Folkstoner- Dr. Hab ::T8!honv JMr. GMadstQne's family physi f dan reporltsi. that ..the -general -health of the former prlime miniajer is verygood . .styA. fihtoff- tlhicpe. p1 rvxrvxr nrncmant rt-f , Mo -.neursfglc pains disaTypearingr in a mild-'er-.olimate.: ,.Dri Netileship says the.'dlsi '.tfajigulshed' patienlt's eyes',; are J in good ' conidltJon and 'not affected byhte neu : ratgisU" V- ' . " r" "' ' '.v'jiThe Touchiness of Literature had two week.-. . Swioburne,the . pojet.. having turn- to the Chignon. .. : 1 f The doubts raised as to whether an DngUsh . aristocrat was permitted to marry an Indian, have been dispelled by the announcement that Lady Ann Cov entry and Prince Dhuleep Singh, are ,to be married on. Decemlber 29. : Tlhe Cov eh'trys' are opposed to the ; : unions ,-, but theih oibj-ecitions ; have been overruled and the Indian government has ' agreed to seittae upon the bride the sum of $10,' 000 autnuallyj' - . - f ; " It ls'understood that Henry D.- Traill is the'a'Uithor of 'The Life of the Prince of - Wales," which will be puMished in the. near futuire. . - ' :l If is 'cflaimed that the lectrical rail roads at Cairo; Egypt, are, beatings those of Brooklyn ini the record of numbers of people ktliledi The Egyptian roads have been running a little "over a year ad 140 people . were kUiled - or injured) by their cars dfuring the-first twelve months. ? - The. Prince of Wales had a successful sWooit ' with the Earl of. Durham, at Damlbton castle. One day - eight guns killed 2,100 pheasants. - Mr. and Mm Bradley Martin's party in Scotland is ateo , establishing big rec ords.' Its members . killed', over, 4,000 pheasants and .other, game in one. week. At a public meeting , in' Dublin un Wedinesday last, Xiord DufEerein presid- ng, incomimiemoration. of theeentenary of, Edmund Burke, t a - letter from Mr. Gladstone was .read, in which the Vet' eran statesman said: " 1 regard Burke, , as to Ireland and America, with fervent and unstinted ad miration, and as to France and the rev olutionary . - war, - with - grief; , but, throughout, with 'the reverence due to his noble comifoJna'tion of character and genius. As regards Ireland, it is in deed painful for me to see her bleeding wounds inflicted' by her children; but neither my faith in. her eventual desti nies nor my' anxiety for their accom plishment have in the smallest degree abated." - v " k ' . There , have been no novelties at the theaters during the past week. Helen Bertram, ; formerly, of the Bostonians, successfully, replaced Flor ence St. John 'in "La Perichole" on Mon day last, i .-, . AUTOtlOr.lY IS OFFERED CUBA THE ROYAL DECREE HAS BEEN V issued: ; . r T.: ?4 7? PORTO RICO . ALSO INCLUDED IN,THErdFFER7 EACH- ISLAND' TO HAVE A FEN ' INSULAR PARLIAMENT. , Royal makes the food pare, . - ' i . wholesome and dellciott. HOME GOVERNMENT MUST BE REPRESENTED. - - ARB DISSATISFIED. Madrid, Nov. 27. The industrial can didates from Catatonia 5 have returned home dissatisfied with the manner in Whtoh the Spanish cabinet " received thcdr protests against granting autono my to Cula and Porto Rico. ' The Decree Provides for a Governor - - General and Explains His Power,-- He Will Have . Supreme Command atid Be Responsible for. Preserva-J .... . . . . ,.- ' tion of Order. Madrid, Nov. 27. The Official Gazette this morning s publishes the royal- de crees granting autonomy lor Cuba and Porto Rica: - . Article 1 explains the principles of the future government of the two islands. Article 2 decrees that the government of each island shall be composed of an insular parliament, divided into two chambers, while a governor general, representing the home government, will exercise in ' its -name the supreme au thority. .... , - Article 3 declares that the faculty of making laws on colonial affairs rests with the Insular chambers and the gov ernor-general. Article 4 directs that the insular rep resentation shall be composed of two corporations with equal powers, viz: a chamber of representatives and a coun cil of -administration...- . THE GEORGIA -INFANTRYMAN; 5 t"- -FOBS .Absolutely Pure ( - BOVAL BAKING POWDER CO.. NEW YORK." or dissolve the chambers, with an Ob- i s-Lt i on - to ' reassemble them t : within three months. '.w- '5 .' - r Articles 16 to 28'deal with the proceed ure o the-. chambers and . grant im munity to members. l' V - Article 29 empowers the Insular par- iament to receive the governor's bath arid make effective the responsibility f the secretary I forming the governor's council. Secretaries may-be impeached by the chambers, in which case they, are to be judged by the council of adminis tration. . ' Negotiations for treaties; of commerce are to be made by the home government with the assistance of the secretaries of the island. v Article 39 confers upon parliament the imposing of customs duties. Article 40 deals fwith the commercial relations of the islands with the penln- sula, and provides that no import or- export tax may differentiate, to the prej-! udice of the productions of either island or the peninsula. ,1 A. list will be formed of articles coming from , Spain direct, which will be granted favorable treat ment in regard to similar articles com ng from abroad and the same will be done for productions, of the islands en tering Spain, the differential duty In no case to exceed 35 per cent. . .. The remainder of the decree explains the governor-general's power. He will exercise supreme command, be respon slbje for the preservation of : order. have power to nominate officials and his? secretariat; he 'Will publish and exe cute the laws and decrees, international treaties and conventions, etc.: and will have the power of pardoning, suspend nig constitutional guarantees ana or dering a state of: siege, should circum stances require it. INSURGENTS HOLD A MEETING. Madrid, Nov. . 27.-r:The .captain-rgenera: or the- PhUJiPPtoe .Islands, Gen. Primo detRiyera, cables, from Manilla that the insurgents ,of that colony held a meet ing, but could not arrive at-, an aeree ment andf started for home, but the dis patch adds : 'They were- intercepted toy tne, bpanish troops, who killed man v or mem." - ,. v-.- . : . A DEAD MARQUIS IDENTITY ESTABLISHED OF THE NEWARK SUICIDE. His is Known to Have Been Marquis de Muzio de Gli Azzi Vitelleschi, as It Were. mittee will transport to Newport -New the magnificent silver service ; that the state will present .'to" the new battle ship. 5 Little has ;. lately5 been;: said lor written about the. silver service; iit; it i known here that the board; of ; trade committee has been ablr assisted, by the patriotic peoplteijoi -the estate, ; and that. with, rom $5,000' to TiO.OOO on hand the "silver service is- to be one of;l- tbe OF -OLIVER "vPREVOST, COHVICTfijaridsoniest ever presented byanystaje A TERRIBLE ; MESSIOiJ HT OTTAWA PRISON. to- any - new,- ship, . f ""DOUBLE KJLEING. i.-V" DESERTED HIS WI7E FO R AN. OTHER .WOMAN, THE Aame" of ; whose; J3AND HE ASSUMED. WENT INTO .HOTEL BUSINESS - I . A.T FORT, ARTHUR.' , . S.-A, Browdish, Qf Mason,' Mloh.,Fatal ; iy; Shoots 1, HiVf Daughter and Then r .Kills Himself: rX:'.-T SpMf ;Mason Mifch:;'Nov. . 27,-SdcjyA. Browdisto shot his 9-year-old . daughter HUS- last, night, fa taiy injurung; ner, ana then killed" himself The tragedywas not discovered until' this morning. Ac cording toe littie girl, hex- father awakened bier during- the night, "kissed Jier and asked her where her heart was. He feltabout her breast, and after lo . eating .the .little -girl's heart, he drew a revolver and sho,t.- Again, he fired, the ball jthis ;time ' penetrating the child's right side., ACter this1 he located his own , heartand sSiot; himself dead; Bow- Poisoned Two" Men Who Had Called for Supper Then Took, All Their Jtfoney and, Valuables,. Placed the dascouraged; but - - ' ' . r.o Athr reason for the crime is known. Bodies in a Shanty , Boat and De stroyed All By Fire. THE FLOODS Ottawa, Ont, Nov.,,27 Oliver Prevost, alias Cauthier, now serving a sentence i of seven years for stealing at Renfroe, has made a terrible confession.. - He j says that - some time ago ne lett nis i wife and went off. with a' Mrs! Cauthier, i from Valley Field, Quebec, assuming i Cauthier's name 'They went to Port Arthur, Ont.,' and started hotel keeping. Two men named Rene DoTbin and Fred. Corriere, lived in a.sh'anty -neartheir hotel. The men called .on Prevost on.. - DESTROY 30f 'MILES OF RAIL -a WAY IN WASHINGTON. : Famine is Threatened in A the Flooded ' r District--All. Getting Away as ' ; '. Quickly as Possible. t . - Feb. 10, last, and remained for supper. Prevost says the woman, Cauthier, put i poison in the tea for the men. .Both men. left the table before-the meal was finished; one dropped'dead in the house, Seattle Wash.; Toy. T.The, destruc tion pf nearly1 thirty miles of the Ever ett & Monte Christo railroad by the re cent, floods,, threaten to cause a famine in the small mining town of ' Monte Christo, which is cut off from the out- the other - immediately on reaching the I side worldi; dodr. Prevost says that he "and tne W- 'R-' Bigger?,-4n company, with ten woman toofe what' money and valuables 9thn' ' who .into -.the city, ... ' ; , , -. eid" there, iwasy-alfeady a scarcity of theycould -flndonvthevWen and-ihten food in Monte ChTigto arid that, the only removed the bodies to ;the shanjtyv lt'ei salvation -for its 500 people was to get vost then set flre;to t&'e sha'nty'nandh'e j 6v !ItUckly as they could. ooaies were cremated, v -r. n-r- &jf --" In some places', the' railroad track. rpad-bed steelA rails, ties baUast and ftjl have been swept out of sight. The r.ails were, broken as if. they were glass or bent into all sorts of fantastic shapes by flood."' . ' The Mystery and Pride mines will .be Qkjsed down until ; the road is rebuilt, also the concentrator. This throws put of . .employment 125 meri: 'Twb hundred thousand' dollars will not coyer the amount of damage done to the road; Ml .J-.i-jM 'Atlanta, Ga., 'Nov. 27.-(Special.) The first of the" f our bronze- figures to be. erecteii In. the , CMckamauga-CIhatta nooga National Military Park' has 'just beeinr earned in, the academy..as on of fn cast the- Go.11 Manufactur. itihe. seleoted.forty to form an English Company at their extensive .works Alcademy of Immortals; wrote & furious "-- A Wi-ira juVDl : fetter f.to. the .Times, :; sayingi w'Th'e' .no tlon of .an JEngUgh academy is too4 seri. 'ouisHy bupidfor a- faroe and too..essen tlaUy. vulgar for, a coonfedy." " ' - ..In ' 'conclusion; ;'Mri.; Swinburne re . roOirked: Vlt.seems to mej that the full eminent sculptors of, the country-' have already view.ed Mr. " Moynihan's" plas ter model for this figure and they have invariably united in the most' flattering opinions regarding it. if in the three; remaining ngures ; tne arid'proper definition' of so preposterous sculptor' can maintain the" high grade animpertlnence .must Teleft to others whtoh p has-exemplined -.in this tnein taajniVhe bearers of a name selectedfor fantrymanji : he. will certaimyvaahieye the'adtuJatlon of such an lnsutt." " , . the expectations?, which hasi, already Sair&h : Grand's latest work is'caustl- been' so. enthusiastically elaimd that cally CTitlcised and "the authoress of 1 the Georgia monument will not only The Heavenly Twins.' has written alibe the finest In tfhe-Park, but 'will be letter to tMe Dally ; Telegraphy book re- representative of the entire south viewer, vCWKjned in the ? most; stringent I - The figure is erect without constraint, i terms. Aimon'g other things she says: and well balanced." and thoueh encum- i ; '"That you are of artcient llneacre I wffllnsr to adm3t, since your putting In js in alert expectation of battle.' Over my moutth words, and , .sentiments ? not one shoulder is slung his blanket, while miTne .shows you are infected with the fram the strap over the other hangs cioti ci Aniiwiiniws. j.nax you snouia taKe complete, work., will be . $35,000. ..Venable Bros., of Atlahta;hold' Hhe contract for the.mbnumenl;. . ,--:.v. r:'-v .. j x Frederick Moynihan'; thejsculptor, is a. native of, Guernsey; of Irish and Nor-man-Frencih, parentage a t racial .mix ture' which has beencred4ted wltlrno tatble instances Jof " artistic-: talent' , He has had a valuable and. varied career and the fact, that: he-is better known and esteemed' among the artist frater- nity than to !he world at-large lsjlue to-hds having unfil recently .mrged; Irfs work In 'that of .others., His.&tudio, life began early and was largely developed by Baron Meroc'hitti, in " London. Jfing land, with' whom he studied and workedj on' large monuonejHs. vuuiva. y-v i.v . w time of his death.'.., ' , W j ' 5 " : ll ' Bestidea these ' figures for the, Georgia memorial j. be has contracts for an her role-sized flgureT orf ' Gen. .John R. Cooke and a colossal statue .of Maj.-Gen. J E. B. -Stuart, both- of . sWhich. are to be erected in Richmond; Va. He has also lust been awarded,-in open competition, the commlssdon: for an eight-fot Statue for the Thirteenth regiment of "Vermon.i n Via laf htn 'h4furairlr . ttnA fan- I tV4aK , trt fTPCrted On tTlft- field Of yomrscar to De a serious judge of art, is aem fa,ntHfl rvh in5t 1 rLW-ro- it wwesenta . , an officer a crime X or whldh !t is painful to think! kia tar.a'oh fh,. finii -mf the---ManW. I ,n,o- intr -Ka.t.i with a hatchet in his hand, 'having ."peen oepriveu ut . nis leggings and they, in turn, are gath- sword a daring conception v and one into ' the tops of- hdsi shoes the . itnu. yviw uw,: uui , tiitit you. p gnuuta is itihe ugldest bjow my art has ,dealt me, 11," " aV :,j't t m- :-JS,t.wv ..iKii. ' easily recognized army.brogans. , """ "Fi , v. pu-uiw., (V,.. fn,, ran, l a tyi lm posing impression at a distance. It is J.- S.':9argeit, the Aimerican " painter ndmerofber, of .the. Royal academy is flnWWtaig a portrait of Miss Daisy Letter for the acaidemy of 1898.- i There Was ,a great crowd of pilgrims and-visitors ait Roane on Monday, the -FEAT. OF ST. CECELIA, . gathered to see" the cattaoorajbs lit .up by thousand , oc eaectncuignts ana other curious sights. -Prlesits. sisters of yarl- not ; intended for close inspection. - Yet the - sculptor in - this instance has be stowed conscientious attention upon de tails, which; owing to the extreme care in the casting by the Gorman Company have been ;produced in the bronze with precision andv fidelity. 't , , , ' '' ;." The monument, will be cut, from : blue granite from ' Oglethorpe county, Ga., M'.,.'vmt ciorrrm-n tud entrJ. itipHvp n a and , will be 18 feet hlerh. . comprises a end tourists of many 'other nationalities base,. banded shaft and :cap and will be Txrt; mrvaefilt at' services of all. sorts at surmounted by; a;-bronze nature-, repre- . tuvA.-HMJ altars elf the caitaeombs,. which I sehtlng a color-bearer. : Standing aboutf xiiiyw resemble a mimdane. museum. v":., the bottom -ot the shaft will be three There is a marked change in- thror- bronze figures representing the dilffer - valKr.sr flvle of fashionable , hair dress- :ent arms of the service infantry, artil ' which shows an inclination1 to re- lery - and cavalry, The - value of the which will be awaited' with interest Article 5 provides f that - the couricll of adminlstraUOn, shall ".consist "of thirty five members, "of - whom ' eighteen , shall be elected and,.severiteen beynominated by the home government. .'JA ; ArtlcleiB.provides , that ;th4 members of the ,councii:of . administration ; must be Spaniards, .at.least, 33. years of age who ' were ; born, . in the1 island . or who have resided, there continuously for four years.- It specifies numerous 'officials, such as "senatojrs,' presidents' of Spurts on rtf rhambersof oommerce and oth er bodies" as: eligible to election, to the council. ,i , ' , - , Articles 7" tov 14 Inclusive deal with nominations antiacne conuiuons oi elec tion" to. councils.; r " r Article 15 empowers the throne, or the governor-general, to convoke, suspend. ; New. York, Nov. 27.4-The man who killed himself in Newark, N. J.,; on Wed nesday night . is now ,; known to have been Marquis Muzio de Gil Azzi Vitel leschi.; The unfortunate marquis, ac cording to the" Herald, formerly, was an officer in the' Italian nayy, but is eaid.to havedeserted his ship .ratherthan pos sibly face charges- of remaining ashore longer than hia lefsive allowed and quar reling, with'-a brother officer. " .. The" youaig man hadrbeeri employed as a printer,- but, a paper .which was found n hds room told who he was. : It was his. will.:,Oni' the -upper' '.margin of the' paper, apparently, written with a tremb ling hand,; was Vl am going -to dea.th as I sihould. go singing -to ,abalU. . The; uiicae otf the dead marquis is a senator in the Italiajn .chamber and the family is said to be one of the oMest in the' Italian nolbiiity , r His intimate friends say 'that he had been in love v, with . two American girls who-had not; reciprocated hisv affection. He is also sald to have bronded over- the xleath of an- elder brother, "'which occur red a raw -months ago; and the news he received last week' that' his-father, -whq is-,, years, ora, maa. just, married'an 18-year-old gin ",ln; Naples.,' '- "" - -' - - IN THE MUD, An "Atlantic ; City Man Was Drawn to . . . . Die. . Atlantic City, Nov. 27. While on his way to hds yacht in Garner's canal CaptDan-Headley saw a partly over turned omnibus, and; tnvestigati rig1 fur ther saw the oaroasst of''n.-'3FirirR almW ' - .STTUATION CLEIA.R besMe. ptrud to ?, a- jhuman 'arm; raised" as if In' suppllca- abl cCearedt6.dat When live of the larg tion. . V" ."oancejjmw5 wwred?the Brotherhood - Capt. Headlegot help and by tying of.'-, OIoakv'Makers "that they would rapes -to. theafin.. piulled, i thet body ..of neither loctoojutnor out down the wages Nicholas Parker,-the omnttyus driver, ; oif their eraplosjiThese five lirms em out of the mire, .whi)clh must have been Ploy "ateoult ;50; ;'per cent of the r labor in his living grave; - -. ..... the' indtustry' and it had beeh feared . Parker .was out late driving a party that- on, the expiration of the peace; con of roysterers around town, and started tracts they ' might f wags ' an. aggressive for; has home about 2:30 o'clock in the campaign, against; the brotherhood. morning. ; It is supposed he fell asleep r 'f'?tf.,rr: - ;-. on,his seat and, allowed. hist jaded horse , ' APPLICATION GRANTED. xo uiKe uie reins, xne roaa winos aiong v jjowioti, jnov. Z'fTne application of the sloping .hank .pf - the; canal, and the Henry Luuctoere, the editor of Truth, tired horse, jnusf . have, made-a, misstep to restrain . Henry : Hess, editor of the and sank into the-black mud, left bare; Af rffcah Criltici ";f rom publlsihing letters by ;the reced,!. tide. . Flotujdrjnf which Mfl'IQuchere wrote to the Jate about it only sank deeper Into" the mire. QeOTgerAugustas; Sala, and which "Mr. It is evident'" that' Parker goi'Sotit-'and Hess represented to be evidence of the sought to; aid -the' animal-iri Jttf feffrts ! stock jobbing , transactions Tot Truth's to regain.. Idijertyv He met death iinthe editor.Was granted by .the court today, effort. ' . - ,.".. . ,- . the injunction also ' inflicting costs The . jagged" "wound-in, .the: man's fore-1 ff??:M- Hessy . h ead snowed iwherera reanhg hoot naa struck him I probably7 ; forcing : him off the bank and rendering him totally un conscious and helpless; . Then the mud secured a death grip on him. FRENCH AMBASSADOR TO SPAINi New York, 'ov.17. M.; Patanotre.' the hewly-apipointed French ambassador to pain and who has represented France as ambassador at-Washington. - sailed today on the steamer La Champagne tot Havre...- Lient. Rdbert E. Peary, the Arctic ex plbrer, and Mrs. Pearysalled on , the steamier Ducania en route forDoiidon and EditagbUTg. . . . c ' IOTIMOF.HATMARKETjRibT. ..Chicago, ,Nov.i 27, Patrick : Hartford OTtie of the policem en wounded in the Haymarket-riotjand a pensioner of the police -department,' died at the -county hpsiit.al. last-nights It is believed that hiis ; wenrndig', hads-something to do with his taking off.; Hartford was shot in the right 'leg, the left thteh and had three" toes 'of bis ' left foot blown off bv the expicIon of a bomlb. :On the" night - AGAIN CRITICAL:- : '. New York,. Nov. 27i-Advces .from the Herald's t correspondent Inl Montevideo; i Uruguay, are to the errectT tnat;tne 'sit uation there, has again become critical. There seems to be; a renewal of the po litical disturbances of a few. days ago of the riot. HarMofd was in the third and excitement runs high." The ponce company;. fifth man in the front rank. have surrounded, 'tne nome or aenor The company -was commanded bv Lieut Julio Herrara,. the-bitter opponent- of Bowler. '.Boon after the riot hp wa Senor Cuestas, - president ad. interim, f retired by,- the'D0lice' Dension . bnard. who caused the .former disorders, , and Sixteen eurviving; members of .the com- are arresting all persons who try to en ter Serious , trouble is. feared. ' NOTABLE EVENT pgLny vwh!lch stood with', him klon" that memorable ' nig'ht will act' as honorary pall-bearers ?s-,s4l : .v ' JAMS M'COiNTRfr.T. TTTT.T TTT-k l VBufl?allo5;.N.Y.;'lNov, 27. A, special "to the News from'Matta.w'a,1'- Ont,. says: Somuet'.Tongueand Win.'.' Dow. who WILT' BEvBlEi . LAUNCHING " OF ff: tpM Talllan' a week ago on a uupirng- expeoiuq-n,;1 return ea home yes -iXHE KENTUCKY.- The Corn Cracker Governor and .His, Staff Will Attend Gov. Brad-"" ; ' ; " ley's Daughter Will , ' Christen It. - terday and reported that - they had . shot and killed JamesMcConnell,; a notorious . desperado; .who had terrorized, the seL- - "years. ' McCbn'elfl attacked them' while s they 'were crossing the: lake and in self- ' def ense Tongue s-hot fm through the stoxnooh,, McConjieJll .died a ' few, min utes la ter. i Settlers In the ; vicinity are rejoicing; over" his, data. ; , f , :.r "FATAL FIRE . Two Men Burned to Death at James .::.-V ,A t6WN, y.;t . JamestownTvr4 v-lNoyr 27. At "4 o'clock this morninsr a" fire in the -Atlantic- Jloek . on' FirSt-' street, in this city,7i'6aulted in - the death of three .per sons,! "Walter, L; : Sessions," Qt Panama; August '.W.' t jQrdan,.address unknown, butt VelieyedVtobe connected in" some capacity ; with the' New" York 'Central railroad, and Sandie' Vpss, of Buffalo. ; :-Thebuildmgw'as 6ccupied for illicit purposes. - jThe woman was one pf the anmatesj' . and, .the two ? men : who 'lost their lives were visitors. ; The origin of the -fire-, is unknown. '' ' 1 The building is hot 4 badly damaged, the, Ure having; been confined 'to the two , jrooms , occupied by. three persons who were smothered - - . THE ' COUNTESS -OFLATHOM. V T , ' I I- Til' . I" I United States embassy attended the SwnI .funeralj-services 'today.over the-remains Newport News,, Va,, to January. -The Df theVyimteSB of i Lathom, who- was new .battle ship -Kentucky!' is- to be kmed' on .TU'esday'last while returning launched and ..christened then. - Ar- f a shoc4i(n? party, by being thrown rangements for the occasion: are already of a trap near Wigan," .Lancaster, being 'made here. .-Gov Bradley - and United. States officials were , also his staff will go as guests of the depart- present at the services over the remains ment of the United States navy. ' It Is Mr. Walter Burns, late manager of customary for the nearest young wo- jfie banking' house "of ' J. Sr Morgan & man .relative of the governor of the Col, who'died at his country- seat, near state' after whom these ,shlps -.are Hatfield; on, .Tuesday. " ' - hiamed to do the7christening, and it has ; ' '- ' . ' ' . " ' , already s been suggested ' to the governor , 4 , - ' THE TIME -TO DESTROY. by jnfcers-of : his staff and . other ' Vienna, fNoV ' 27.-The Relchwehr friends that he designate his daughter, today declares that yesterday's -uproar 3s3 niBraoJeywhoiis now at ln theiower house; of the reichsrath had school in Washington, to christen . the nQv feonnection with -the "campaign Ship,-and he -.will' probably bemade to against the language , ordinances; but seethe propriety. of dclnr so.1 I t was-due to the aotion of ithe interna- ExouTsion trains over the C- O. will tionai ial'democracy;'which' consld run from - here -knd from Louisville to ers thafth'etime has 'arrived to com accommddate''those who wjsfli to atten4. pjete. Its destructive work against the Several members of; the Louisville, board etateV-nd . ehxpireV t i Continuinr v the of trade have indicated their Intention Keclywhr. says that In view ;of this fact to go. Later the. board of trade com- rthe state win not and cannot yield.'. -

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