1 X i l To TAW I 'i''.r,iI,.V.'' s H' v II.- II- U ' f - if 5 - y,?., z u i i-u -v .i i rnv . . .. ill r THE LEADING MWSPAPSR io. WESTEBN WjQRTH CAROLHTA. 3- , - - - - . ' ' ' 1 1 i ii i . ... 1 I Oestreicher Co. St and Satin Half Price. , ..... - . " i,,.."- WHI7N DESrRAIBLcE -ISTESW GOODS ARB OFFERED AT - HALF J THE PRICE to AT WHICH THET. SELL,. IF, PURCHASED REGULARLY, THET ARE PROPERLY ADVERTISED AT '-'HALF-PRICE." TO ADVERTISE AS "HALF PRICE" UNDE SIRABLE GOODS IS, DECEPTION. "WE NEVER ADVERTISE OLD ; GOODS. WE NEVER HAVE OLD GOODS TO SELL. THE' WAISTS ARRIVED HEREYES TERDAY, SENT US BY OUR 'BUYER WHO IS NOW IN NEW .YORK. THERE ARE TWO REASONS ."WHY THEY OUGHT TO FIND "WTJA!RERS QUICKLY. FIRST THEY ARE .THE (MOST . STYL ISH DAINTIEST PATI:!ANp''0lA5D IN BEST' ART KNOWN; IN DRESSMAK ING. .DRESS AND SHIRTWAISTS AIND RUSSIAN . BLOUSES ; - TUCKED AND FRILLED ; LINED, BONED AND . PRO VIDED WITIRESS1 shields; S SECOND THEY WERE MADE TO RE TAIL AT $5.00, $6.W," $7700,"" $7.50,$8.00 AND $?00. WE OFFER THEM AT; $3.66, 53.98, $4.45, $4.98, $5.00 AND $6.00. . SOME CHOICE BROCADED VELVETS ASHEVpjiE,. y; :"g, TpSDAY iMOBNING; HQiElEBERJo; 1897. I . . . . ROUTEf FOR THE NEf CAHlNE 1 , u. ' ' Road the Sulphur Springs to JMce 5 Casts. .. 'AFTER TOMORROW THE OFFER OF V:' BOB TAYLOR'S BOOK FREE ' TO FOR) . THE GAZETTE To- Cross Over tTie dufliern Rail- i. Hotel and Sanitarium - t(K- be Built ,.T at theTerminus. , A Carriage Way Along the Entire French Bread Bridge to be Offered to County Commfssjoners-t on- Monday Route of th e Road incthe Ci G a Te"w . months a'ero sheyllio -"Elictoic '-compKay jf oPerty andlgood' iwiir of ie old - Ashe Tllle and Sulphur Springs electric railway, an interested puniic has heea, curious., to know the ulans of -. tiie rrew owners and what dispbsitionu"wbuidJ)e ' 'mfej& the property. - . -: - , ; ,5 directors have'had little to say puibli'cly since that tftne, ,yet they have" heen actively engaged in securing a iargeT lynew and far more preferable routft.from the Southern depot to the Sulphur springs, -with a", view of operating a thoroughly, e- quipped electric line to the springs, and of ANU SILK CORlUROlrSlRE IN THe L,,, . - v v . Sulphur springs hotel, and also of con- has given a strip of land beside the track me entire distance, and 10O feet in width. The -best reasons exist for believing that similar concessions ian fi side of the river. The Asheville Electric STJlBSORIiHERS company has lust 'nnrcTvaaofl en vti.-n ieTl hlL11 3E PUR- -i-w. vaib-ueaier 'Lilts ucfuyL : PHASED AT T!HA2aai-BIJBirN!ESS - X fcMV UVIV belongs to the Southern rmiwtvv?!: t-rvm, pany, and it is belivpfl tihaf thi yill donate its" portion of "tier land required OFFJOE OR AJNY CITY-' BOOTT rnniWTj for the roadway. The offlrfaf f AViiiAi K- ' VU JiJOOK ..STORE Electric company consider that the drive fSR FIFTY 'cSSNOfiL. " cj iue uiuu. "wiii pe a very attractive one.'and tbe Southern people are evidently of the opinion that it would be a benefit to them, .for they heartily favor the plan. i. ia vci jr ujteiy aiso mat uoionei uonnaiiy. - y; the owneT of the land between the coal .chute and the river, can toe prevailed Upon to give land sufficient for, the driveway. TN THEtJITY THE H. 6Y BY RAILROAD Change of Schedule-Road in Satisfac- v ry Condition " Hemdersonville, Wfov 29A meeting "of l. " i-t.,, 1 - ' r ...... J . . The directors have not decided .nosltWfilv . ' '""oltos 01 tne mendersonvillte and atbut the routh through Ashevflle but they Brevard railway -was held this morning M iavor verv much1 th nlin f mnonlTi' i . 'Ji -Ktclrmian'o ffi . . ' a " x-u . , ' ---- , - -i-o iae trustees. French Broad avenue to SAiifhsifi nireTiim .1nAo-a n and carrying the line to the r depot 1' ' ' J Rifenaii Vay. ' . ?nl: w A- Oash, were present. IA change Tne proposeo cnanges in tne .whole route .CUUie. uu ;ne,roatt was uedded upon, involve a'bot'it one mile oif new track. The ! On and after Sunday next the trtrtn tJ icuittiuuci. o-i me irafK win De Dracucaiiv Krvivi mtn 1 rdbuilt r icave tiatvpiace atai a. m. 1 xatsuaersonvuie - at 12 : 30; The train from Hendersonville to Brevard will run according 'to the existing Schedule. " ine change "wll give business men vis- WHITt CAPPING IN- BUNCOMBE TROLLEY -GGIDENT John Bean Run Over Last Night by itinTRrJ3 w vis- .. ;.. . S y I J?d or,e to transact their lot above:- s 0ESTREIG5HER 28:South in -THE C0H0N MARKET struciting a fine sanitarium. Through the courtesy "of Mr. J. H. Cutler, .who kindly consented to -talk; on the" subject, the. Ga zette gives an outline oJt whafhas 5een ac- Jomplished.And.what-the cmpan-05esito :;3?fe..IPP19liOtvAheTlJle.and. Bun combe Ounly;ia& well as WibifTma-' jorlty 'ptr-mtbeAmBi-.W't&ikKr, Hve-ini I & ft . ' ' - . . - - . . I Anevme ana are among the most influen- ww uiLizens. ut. j. h; MeAdenr president Uvea in ;Chrlotte..-butVdwna;property here and is ihterestedin Asheville's welfare. r, - THE -NEW ROUTE. The route r of Jthie car line is known to the Street Cart , Ibusiness. Us ear nonnher 4, hich left the square IrTo? at 5:45' vesterdav. Afternoon. .i,lrth hrrmr;. "rr. 'IX.-01 -at me was in charge of Conductor Drake and Mo- itoman J. Drake, rounded the Goodlalrei curve on South Maia. street. . th figure of a man on tie edge of the. track and ap proaching the car, . apparently under the influence of liquor, loomed xtp in the dark ness. The hrakes were instantly applied and every , effort was made -hv- the motor- man to stop tne onward plunge of tne car, dux Deiore its speed could be cnecked painful accident bad occurred. . Fortunately, the fender was ithe first part of the car to strike the man and it knocked him sufficientlv off -the track tnu nrevent his'bodv from beins run over, (but not f.r -enough to keep both wheels from passing over nis ngnt loot and anKle. The House of Peter Woody Invaded by. Desperadoes. . , Sandy MHsh township "Was the scene of an outrageous crime a few davs trf fh white capping of a poor family, composed a man and. nas wife and chffldren. - , iMr. JRobert Ranaall, a . reputalble citizen of Bandy Mush, whowas in'tihe city yes- tne lorjowing iacts as repoTt ed in the neighborhood i -i- One nfight aurin's the latter mmi .!. week paiity tf men. masked wltb baxwd- ""-s xiea over their taces, broke through the door a.nil pntArni t thn t.1in..Kt home tf Peter Woorfv wh ,tq 1 tire jiouse witn nis iwife.and children. , The assailants were armed "with sticks and Stones. WoodV was Jva Al-c IKoato a . . . - j i. vvvyw . auu urmsea. his -wife made: her escape 'by seeing m me aanrness with (her infant in her arms. The miscreants then proceeded to throw the other chSldren ! out of doors, where they remained all night. . The party of ruffians, when they had the house tq themselves, destroyed much of the furniture, outt&ng up bed clothing, break ing dishes, etc. After this they went into the yard and Cruelly (beat the cow. ' (When the facts1 Of the outrage were learned in the community the. citizens be came greatly excited and set about to ap prehend the perpetrators., , ; Their efforts resulted In the arrest of if our I three fey the name of Surratt and one Jones. ; The prisoners were taken before Justice oT theTeaee J. M. King and from him sent to Justice J. fCV. Bowlin, and their trial was set ifor yesterday. jmeetinr Th(vrnaa mat. a,, j : T" 4. . . xuujxu lu -Le in sat- rSf,ry rvunnm condition; the engine has S D' - repaired at the Columbia TOT?e frsent management have paid state taxes for one year, and. are beginning to paythe county taxes for the current yar to Henderson and . Transylvania counties. They expect to make good . earnings for the road next summer. . UPerior court was to have opened this morning, but Jirfco iriQ m . a He Is expected to be here tomorrow morn- U5, . - . :,i . :. u .. . . . . .... ; ... .... BUMGARNERDIES rc uio 1 igub iuvi aiiu aiiaiC4 ' t The bone in the same tear was broken lie ! THE T"TsTriT"vrTr,Tri-rci WTnTTVTr. -- . - Aiixixv O V UUIiJ) tH 11V. low the knee and a numiber of the. anMa i - - - u- ttU V bones shattered Several of his toes were so badly crushed that the" amputation of them is thought necessary. Immediately after the accident ' Bean was brought on the car to Grant's Phar macy where the wounds were dressed by Br; Williams. fLater' he was removed to the 'Mission hospital -Jby Dr. Thrash, who in" company rarith Oftr. Williams, will render further. ED. FATAL. .' - , . r. .; . r. - ;. i. FunefM Services W jte Held . This Morning-Order Declaring Lath- bert an.Ovitla-VT'. . . snredical alC The car company. authort3e4i c :" '-' ; v " ' ."-- , "' such st&ps,:,-.;: -A-rh '- BmifTf 1!, Bean'a,.iiimwi-;te. lnrOM;..HV.i.lirt hiw..: .- rr .0-WO Southern . . . unaj iurc. nnn. lino ZEB VANCE CLUB heen- here lor some, time with his . mother and brother, who live on PhUlips street. At one time he was bridge foreman for the Southern -railway. His son, who is. employ ed at .the locomotive yards, had. a similar accident, - some year or more ago, in which he'lost One foot.' . INo blame whatever Is attached to the the Mission hospital as -the result of a Pistol shot .wound received wW vn '', near.Fletchre tEViday, dietj Sunday night at 10:30 o'clock. - - : ' The wound wasoTsupposedto nf !,?ri0H?:?,aKw Anai-m the extraon 7 The rnnt'd-ftf !tu ,,0 .- , f -'ano orame wnatever is axtacnea to tne. u ,auu, alter the extrart!inn irvf -rrt (h-v a urnm turns to the risrht. ma 1,, rr- .fAe-neatfiignt. not ;naa m rounding Resolutions Adopted to Change the Name of Public Square. At the meeting of the ZetorVanee club last night resolutions were read and adapt ed that it was the sentiment of the mem bers of the clu'b to have the -name-otf the puhllc square changed to that of Clin'gman square, and a committee of five was ap pointed Iby President Luther to confer with the board of county commissioners and the aldermen. ..This committee consists of J.JD. Murphy, E. G. Starnes, H. B. Carter, T. W. Postell and M. TV. Rnlhfirts Mr. Luther stated that the motto buttons had arrived and a comimlttee of Messrs. Prady. White. R. E. Lee and W. J. Pioa- tell were appointed to dispose- of the but tons. . .. ;A comtm'it'tee was. aooolrited to draw iit resolntions of respect to the memory of their late club, memiber, L: M. Bumgamer, composed of Messrs. Postell, Ballou and White. .. v Nine new names were added to tvmeTn- ibersh'ip : makings a total of. 41,0. . . I ARRESTED FOR BIGAMY - Jhn Prueti is Claimed by Two ' "Women. ' r ; '"' A Uohn Pruett, whorrecently looated!- In Asheville, was arrested yesterday 'by P. P. Goldsmith, a deputy, on a warrant sworn out fby a woman from Tennessee. whv AT TM;.GAP!lt 0 F TH E tSf ATE - Ti A: Meeting ot Ceachers on : TBecember 2& n . : 1 Formatfn of a aleigh Musical mtion. Much Cotton Yet Unpicked" in Wake County. - Appointments of the Collector of Internal Revenue!; ... Democratic pause Strengthening Throughout the State Populist leaders Averse, to Talk ing Politics Annual Report of the State Labor Commissioner. peciaitq.ineuazetter; ...: t Uurns to the right, crosses the Southed New, yrfc.-Not 29.-Excessive dullness tracks tnd braching offrosses the (French was the, only feature ot. the cottoi market I 'fi-rpad river at a distance: of ahout half a today. . - An advance of - onealrsixty-l6- From Point it pursues a vary- fm,rth ;In trri . .ui LWO ana-one-sMatt miles to particularly 'encouraging, and "prices!here j ; Ohe great disad vantage of the old- route were slightly lower at the opening. After was that it involved a surface crossing on the opening the market befeameV exceedr j th,e Southern railway. It was dlangerous such ourves. ON SOCIALISM Prof. "WLC! Bowman's Lecture Last Evening. I'sci. "Notably- amongjthose :present. were many ladies. i "Are the principles, of s'ocialism In har- the true science of civil gov was Prof. Bowman's - subj ect J11. lJT Unk i:"; .eri A large, sized audience assembled al orders -on .-either side caused temporary stopping Of freight and passenger trains j ie court, house Jast evening to hear Prof. rflJlTT -Qfi3TA ifiill anVI tTia LtviIoco Va 1 tile KOUtlllP'rri Tflirahv nffi.iaVci Orleans and Houston - tomorrow eje o- iftRiiDGE O.VIBR TUB SOUTJIERN. . aiormous. Januanr; opened .at. 5.72, deteHned , . . - - - to 5.69, eased again and -closed at .5.71 to 'me new,, route does away with -the c u 5.72 with.-'.tneT'tone. - of .lie . market 4rait I grade: crossing, -Leaving the . deijofc - the -niony with the true science of civil gov- and steidv. There "was somewhat more I .track fdllows the eastern side of I disposition t6 sell today." The outlook, la j ern railway, as be'fore, Ibut continues until - The lecturer stalled what the principles of line COai ChUte IS' reafthen. Whr fha tmi,fh 'arifaliam vao-ro a nsi ailan. f Vi Un era tracks enter a deep cut: v "If is a;t this 'civil government arid compared the two (UtOQ MHDI T MIIQT HIC point mat tne car line will cross. The Web'sfer'a definition of socialism is "A i))iiui , huull niuu, . , : iSotrthern-has generously-offered to-foot the t?heory or svstem'of social reform which expense of .a substantial bridge. : ; contemplates a complete reconstruction v6f iA;-happ'ier. arrangement could not- -have society, with a more- just and equitable distriou'tion ot property and labor." - ' The (Encyclopedia !Britannlcas definitions says "The ethics of . socialism are identical with the ethics of Christianity,-'' Dr. iowmaa thoueht these definitions lust and true. "The purpose of socialism is to. do-away ii. .a "v ' in : 1 L . wiin connicxs ana . compeuiion ana xo-es unchanged. T do Her ArmPftl - "Hfiriiprl riv: tto i-TTiorTiocf ' - . .. ... icu -jj.it uuiii. iue eiecLiic .car8;Wii rrnsa vvasMngton, Nov. ; 29. The United States 4 prwacnes irom doiu , siaes are iaeai , . j. . , . ,- . I an. ensnneer s standnoint. auyi ame.wuj-i --tuuity juiniieu ' uie' aocision I .-. ... .".t. of the GPeoreiai aimreme rourt. in th mxa At t: A i ;TWO RTJBTTES. Mrs Nobleeonvicted of the murder of her : ; This much has beW -absolutely5 decided nuimcu uuf uuc mvtcos ui i imrYftn -lflTiol.i. A napanja :. -h ow a non. nr.c 1 wio -"jju T" . """J,; u,c "-wi"is DBii9eat.)-uie pian. ' ynjy: cot mn," saia tne speajcer, "cnat tne now - - - fMirwo more requisites remain- for the com- ; definition" given' by ;rhe Encyclopedia Brf- ; X- " Y -" " w ...wMVvK n-ii'iv -: irill'HlUCOU laUUla UJLrcCl.U LXl-C C7kJlJUa Ui 0WiXa.Jli31U Prisnn Rftfnrm. " . V --.I'- First... a wide. well- laid Out aaad well tttv a tAusrht Tv "the modern thlosriftn.' - . - w ...w.w.p.a... ... . '.-' ' " ' - ( . '" '- j.- T a ! i- r . . , . ,--.;-.... v viBwiiiKji,...auiuM, ;j-fj . jwty nioii apunc at 7iigui vuj iciuiiix A mwis i ?e rf--?0!???0,0 company, tne. ear line . frota. , Asheville to j as the only hope ior: uplifting ithe worM. ation was held yesterday afternoon at the, Sulphur springs; and second ithe directors Ino change of nature was necessary lie sa'id, Y. -XI. C A. rooms. -: H-'" s earnestly believe that -the bridge over the but a change of .education -was Imperative tabli&h concord and coTOperatioiU;' An election "of officers w - h a1 -wrli J!h I French Sroad.' beine nart wf an iTrnxirfaTit - in order to arwoTrwnlish th .tpsiiMl resuitea at tne choice oTCEnv 2c. F.Camp mgnway ror rne citizens ,ot Buncombe) The audience resent listened with much bell as president and Mr. O.'JB; Van Horn jcounty, should Joe purchased toy the' county ! interest to thej lecturer and ,gave frequent as secretary. - . " " ' , i i . commiss'ioners. " : . . I applause. -' ' TVi. A ; n -. . i. . jj . . v n . I mn. - ; I 1.U i. l J 11. - . . . j-jjc luca. . was BUBgesieu ana ravoraioiy . tuv .'XLuvvwia jjchvb uiai sura a roau- considered 61 -holding at some time in the way would be. of ines'tlmable value to the near future a -puiblic meeting to present to county; it would open up hundreds of acres the people of. Asheville in a favorafble'way 'or.'-lplendid.Tesiden'ce'-sitesr':t6.;.w-Mcii'a8y the plans - of the organization. - - -A access would be had by the ordinary means Dr. J.--S. Felix kindly" offered the use -of of conveyance. ' It would "open up" a driver- the First Baptist church for this purpose way .which would be one of the attractions finim finnan ni,rJU4 , . a -V B T . -, rJL f 4 w -... A Wffvvn ti IT UJ' UUUICYUIC. "OilU IIJ.- auuiiiuu. XW. 1J : U11S some Sunday night, i'. A POSTMAOTEa Ml6!IINiG. Alton, 111.-Nov.- 29.WIlliard Ginham-, ,,1 .f?1!11?- postmaster of Upper Alton; has beenmiss-i live -ig not SUCfla great task, and is is would open a new routeCTto,BUtlmore,-SjdrNt,pGpujar Swannan(.--The electric mo- SWANNAN0A IMPROVEMENTS Rapidly- Progressing- f at Known Hotet the - Well to. for the elevator has arrived and will .be put., in' imonedia'telyr' Yesterday work commenced on the South' wail of the of- ixjsimasier or upper Alton; nas peen-nuss- iive, is . not sucha great task and is is f commenced on the South wair of tbe of ingtfrom here I or 'two weeOisL " tfc'lS' feared therr intention to appeal to the btfard of Iflce and the center of the partition here is he has met with foul olav Sis acwunta county " comm5issioners;; at their, meeting. . beinfe repla'ced by a large toped fire' place. are all right. i'TMi-i'.lWVuKl.ATr 'Tn' ooalor fhia xpavtr tSv p-ni1. i"-v v-j ingJthe services Of the county Jcbain gang. i ne prisoners are not engagea in. mis rvsii" lflr..-wortr t TvriATit.' - ".;.' : ;' f.,;Tr' . F." Af SJHEKWXXJD TXElAJD. vtLavyai" inoy. ,i.z34-fJP reaernfjs j aa.iyuT:-j.,. Tb Asheville Electric company is not i y' ";,i-r--:.t'.f: -t wood, banker. : and ex-mayor, died, sud- iif, actual ownership of 'the' French" road IrtflrSldMa d,nw - - ' ' t, no - bridge, but controls It.- and can self it; The f8,. arre" to cellar and when com j u.,cuuvu.' ""f"""!:. . j . j : ...-r 'a- . (oietea win ne one or tne nanasomest inoteis woo. i - , s. . .. T-,,M. . . M in the state, and tinder the eenial man- A cloak room -Is being' constuctedr,us(t,, in the rear of the office and to the right of the elevator. i t x 1 r t' j-' Th old Rtvlft (front w)ndnwa n 'Tia lin tel Will . be replaced by a handsome glass front.; The" building -,1s undergoing! re- . i' - - i wi A-. rri i ten i. a m i.ijrii.ru'ci ui ii u - ui LIVE STOCK "RATES BEDTJCED.'- JJTSrSS indXrt inducted notela in ,the aouth. mana, ftoY.;, zy. rrne ; state poaTtt pi jne oriogts riui uw vtuui,, MWjEmbrj.e transportation ) liaa ordered A. general! re- j poteij was, inforoied, for.Just about one- auction in live-stock rates througnout-'We- third 'its'- xjoau riae : uieciors ,-i,..iiMniiM braska.- -The railroads" fight the order on believe tfcat fhe" cohyntesloners will r r act theory 'that j?roper notice1 was not giT-r favoraibfy J on the proposiftion. vfatber thiu u as required 'by taw JfcCtfRRY TtCBSPORTED CSA'PTU'RED r Tf 4a reported.' iuff iaioirTitW iroodiii-" thority that 1 George Mct3uTry, the' rioted xancey county aesperaao, wno mas Deen a is his wife. Heating" that her allege husband had r married another woman and was here, in AshevilJej . - she charged him with bigamy, ! The meeting of the two wife, claimants .and the coveted husband created quite a sensation .. Pruett OOiS 'West HaVWnnrl cfroo-f -ur . L wnrrt o n a T?rt fh o'-, Ntj-.tf tf; ' Zen Mrr Bumgaraer. The interment P3,11 "was Ms only wife. Both women,"h6w- h I iuversiae, .Members of his broth i ver'' are persiatenfc-in- taelr-'clahnB:- Brtr erhood bearers, - et!i was imprisoned until a hearing, being i . - t' icuuver, t ivaa ; j.; "IT.. 1 atita wound was serious nature, and grave hones were, entertained -for his' recovery The . f uneral -services will be held this r - ... . . . , ; ' 1" wval 1. -. it is reaUes'ted fTi'mr"oii p-., . . jjJT7xuiLfcj.H. oi tne Royal Arcanum and the Brotherhood of locomotive Engineers, who' can do so, will attend the services. -' , '. 'Mr. Bumsfarn t?1611? his thoutiulness in Thaving' mauiauue in rna -Umril A num., and $1,500 -in the . L. besides some addent insranno i., n-i . .... "WJ ixaica I.JJOLU CVUl- fortaJbly provided tor. ; . . . 'No little ex6'iteTrient Tiaa fcoor. i the shooting and the woods are being scoured by officers Of the law and friends vu uie aeaa man. The governor has of fered, a reward of $400 -and it is. believed unable to give .bond. :. G. R. CROOK DEAD tv; ' Fata,! Tei'mination or'HisiiiHesjsal Spartanburg. --- George R. Crook of "this city, whothas been employed by the Spartanburg broom manufacturing company, .died in.. that city of -pneumonia Sunday night, after an ill ness or four days mp.: Crook:, -was: a brother of Henry iOrook. the Gazette that Lambert, who is thought to be hiding -prffssan' Williani.', JJ. iQrook wnt--;- to with .friends. neariArden -will be 'hftri vLi Spartaii4urg Sunday -pa heartng. the "news apprehended. - ' aNQUEST.; fCoroner J. T, Sevier, nrs r -it? KLrfw,- and W. D. Hiniard hr1A tho o,Vt terday onorning and. fojind -that-several of the vital organs bad Hn muKiar w lulJe jDQ-ajung . -tne wound necessarily an fatal on. . ... .. i :, s . . ; The lury. comiDOsed of T i -mm ruu- W. R. Heston. T. J. Harris W. f! ' Tabm' R. A. Long and John iTTilitfn the. afternoon and rederid fhe followine verdict: We; the" Jurkxrs. beini SJlmTTrhriAdV ... a tiA sworn by Coroner Sevier after hearing the testimony "in feeafd' to th Apart nt t. -nf Bumgarner, who was shot n November 26 near Flelfcbers. N." CC can UnA 'i-hut - iho came to his death .at he bands of Aus Lambert, and died 6mffieeffect of the said shot. This November 2&th 1 897 before the vouiu? man's deafch.:"'T'he''jSoavi was brought ; Jot this., city ,yesiter,day. . The lunerai -wm De. ineia at 4Z .. woocmn jkreex at ll oclock this norningJ' ';-.Tne 'ineen- will be at Bethelr. church, 5 West Ashe- yille. ' - " :': 11- v ' I i aiicny vv-umy utwjtnfrauo, wno mas Teen a -.- ...ri . .., Tjait: untix-me iuxui wueu tuwj ui iu&tj jaois ,-i ugiu v,u .11 vui juo uve ut img suiLe ior some 1 jujaxru tue'tiuenu oi tms county-and 01 ev TO CURB.'A COLD t IN. ONB'. DAY- at .double1 th present pTe. s and is being beld for proper, papers.r fr: 'to capture" the fugitive, v- - - f -v Take Laxative Broma Quinine Tablets. All The 'necessary land for a carriage -way, --- -r.- : ' ?Also require! the fsaid 'Alia Lambert to druggists rAf iitw m htuiv it it f. 11 tsi Riiir'h ia- tha directors -desire; - has been se- J. - Stable ., for ..rent near -Hotel tBerkeley. .surrendeTJ Mmself : at f once. : l r ure. 25c. The eenuinehaa'L. B. Q.- xtt I cured between. the-French Broad riyerand Also, ope set. Of ha-ma)de double, bar-1. ; ach tablet-' - ' 'the Sulphur prlogs, I . $ST.. Jv P. Carrier, nesa at 10.00. S. H. Chedester. c J . : LA'MBBRT OUTLlAW!E!D. . ' Judge H. G. Bwart at "Hendersonville yesterday, upon affidavit of Derouty Sherifr JMcDonald, sighed an order, declaring Aus Lambert an outlaw This order gives any citizen the right td arrest the f ugutive, and to kill him If iiec easary to effect the arrest.. j - '; - Deputy McDonald- went to "HAnderaoTi yille at noon .yesterday,. .'.and upon making me necessary affidavit, secured the order. -wraicji is as loilowsr. , , . T- VPIKOAMATION. 1t appearing to the undersismed iirdwi of this - district and sta to. of ffJonf Ti num. lina, that ohe. Atfs ILambert did kill and murder - L.' Bumgarner; - on: November 26;"1897i in said.'county6f Hendwaonf a'nA state, and that the said Lambert is a f irg itiye from- Justice of 'North. Ca.rH.Ti:; -or ni conqealed himself that the: process 'off la cannot. De served. upon him. - - r t, ' "NOW. therefore. . hv. -vfrt'n. - rf aocMnn 1131 of .the code of .the state, J, H. Gv Bw art, Judge" circuit ,court of the county and state aforesaid; do Issue this -proclamation uu-iiawiug xne saia jjaminert, ; and l do com- MRS.ACK JO TESTIFY ; Will be Subpoenaed, ty the Defense -Today- - Long Islan4.j3ity, iNoy. 29,Taorhwas on tlie Btand from 10.50. this morning unbi 4:36 this afternoon, when the defense rest. ed , Its -case ; until 9:30 -tomorrow moTning. There was only" a short receiss. Thorn' made no new; statements. Lawyer "Howe says -he will sufoponaMrs.' Nack -and place hern tne siana tomorrows - -vt - - ,T n JOHN CKjrtAN'S i The Tammany -Man . Tery Much Jm New T0rk,v Nov. 29. Sheehan's condition this evening is so much improved '-that hla physician sayshe mayreame--worfe, aodJ he; will asist m naming the Tammany slate In a day or two.; - : Undge Circuit Conrt't, i HAN NA HAS THE GRIP The Senator , 111 at His Home Kear " .: ::: ' . Cleyeland. Z'mJ?: 4 Cleveland; Nov29.- confined to his ' home, 'Glenmdie,'- by "a' sei' vere attack of the eripL"?"He 'will not be able" -to attend' to business' for 'several days. i Dr. W. C. Brownson wifl'aopen 'anroffice on November . V&.t No.fifl vPattoh i" ve nue, -v- second floor above ticket office xrf Hr Southern,, railway Office - hours,: -2 .to -A p.m.. Telephone, office. -54K.reaiiienceJli 240-la..r f, ,-v -S4r-,,- vl GOOn,"-rtablish ; toir City, i ,-'7'''r" T'-r ,u Raleigh, Nov. 29,HM.pf te principal and teachers in' the leading male acade- inies and high schools of the state will , meet here December 28. The session a of : " the boiy wiir be hefa in the afternobn aid ",' evening of the 28th and the morning of " the -- " 29th. Among some of the educators of. " 1 state reputation who. will be jpreseu-fe ara'L v Professors. Horner, the Holts, Kelly,- Hoi- -. land; Jusiice and a host of dthers. s. . . 2 ' The Raleigh (Musical association haa" been " " . recently organized in thWoity." This asso-' 'V ' ciaWon will fill a long felt want in this city 't " Among its ranks are some of the verv best - ' musfcal talent in the ''ae'ai' the organl- - ' iatton.r desHned' hot only to 4mpiove fhe " , membeiin lieir :mus;3ic and chairm t. peo- T 1 -Hjifti4-iiML i is nniiviTina win . fK feKthroughfiut -the" entire iti,. . t Much vcotton idca&aUMB ' yet : unindkeA tr : some of the fields;yfarmerTad tSm: CfT- ,D i'kedjbyHtheoniddle of f..-r Octobers : f ac it.is. t 0fOp;:-..Ou in the couatxyat every fa-rmhouse, there -is; cotteebftbnlX Uk a ltnbales I5ew' on the ide, -on the bare'-srronnS " ' Country-people, when asked. ChVause of?: : ton ;iro- psin'g- wgk;.Sato- saying" .to--: 2 increase- W;wigmi ,? .::xi:r -r. -.y. rt: . i State" Andito aW' wi. " iLiUi. : - . ".iis.-ji ictxer. oi wa.:tl(mte3faii . "estab- ! ; " lish a textile sebobL say3 a&UTe a small . I SS1 '.; i auccess;ahd to -J - V-J1? 'News and , Observer may purchase' f x the dail afterbooiirTi-fties: ' mJi!!;4.- in .progress with a" probibiiity' of; this re- ' ' ixuura people say. r ir?f "The action wf the grand jury of Ro'wan m- indicting- nineteen - merchants - if or sell- " '" ln f Syrettes to aninors may: have a. good " 1? effieOt..- SO Jar !COn vifHrvn a ., c r . i . nave been few. ft flAPi .t,at. o.tv,.. v.o. there is any abatement of fh httwih,, . cigarettes by small boys. . , , :pie stiatement Js, made, th'a't.ihe.conec-' I "ricijj'u ivcuue win ce appointed within thirty days. r t "!ChairmanJ Ttfanly says the democratic- ' ' cause is s-trengtheuinghughoufe- the state iT and wiljh-'continiie-to do- so. - " - The populist leladersiare remarkably a- " 1 ' verse to talking politics now. They are by "i 1 no' means. sure of.theip footing. - 7 - xixc ajuuu'at report ci the State'.-labor commislbner for this. year will be, for the first time, illustrated, and will contlain ,43 views of mJiJls and .. six . of .orominent mill men.- - " ' ' '. - - ' v 'be collection of (North Cafbliha' gema:' ' made by the late Prof. J. A. D. Stevenson ' Df-Statesville; is secured for the state-mu-"" "5 ' seum by-SecreWr Hattsev tftftd f lary ..Brunei? Only: ijne collection fs so ,i one that of Colonel Dement of Pennsyl-t ' yania...;. . . , v ; -v , The i Low Prices of Silver antf the ; J Higher Tariffs - The" fierce competition Jbween4;he- man-r''-ufactnreTs ot Sterting- Sflvet" articles' dur- ing the last few months has, notwlthWtarid-" ing the bighOT? tariff;cauSe4m - cline llin the ibrices of murw artMoa "'''imvi xusutuve,,,. natDrusn-witn eolMj-Sterlana , , k,i Silver batfc thattormerly cost" $6.00 or $8.00 " ' T- size tftattf ormerly toost JlS.O&'ca'rii'be ' X T1' "W" XlYJxLi juv IV OV . lew Cain ago woum cost irom 11 (1ft .'tX"'iA" " - . (Dijmi?ail4 "novettieiv 'tTkat tean t$SiieM. nowtfor 3.0ff pr;4.00a those Xhatoost . $25.00; ajadk $3jQ0JbrmerIy !besilve-',?-,, lylfojii-$10-00 Ujwffi'iurt'M on , all V through the jeweler'a line. . In jgold goods there havejoeen. .niany; gjreai reductions, but jaa -,the vajue; pf.goI(t:iQ: anrv- article laJ'much-igreater 'iftan eyyaiue3of silver m broportron to the making, the i5ood&;-.gfe caused many firms" to .make inferior cood. 'S an4 people shotfldt be re - ' ing "theiaelexftipijfo- butOjT!.jtomjiltt7.t J whom they 'have confldencev "-v. - V' 4 - : ' ( I 1 I 1 I . i i ' ! 1 - 1 iv r

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