- - - i ft i' - - C 2 THE LEADING 1 NEWSPAPER OP. WE3TEBIT NORTH CAHOLHIA. ... . - State Jktbrnry' Vol, II: Nq.;253.U;A-- b': : . . ASHEVILLENC., THURSDAY. MOENING BECfiMKEE 21897 - r i. crfo6-5-tnk ' . ... ..." .L, 4 . . , .... . 1 - . - : ' k Oestreicnet & Co. Through a very. : ad vantageous deal we are in, possession r of just twenty-seven, " Fur Collarettes j f,5' v". V"V ' . Best genuine fur, elec tric seal and astracHan fur All black in col or with fancy. silU lin- ings. None ? in,,, the lot worth less! than $5 and $6- They 'are of fered at . L fl First customersfirst choice. Will you let this opportunity rpass ? OESTREICHER & GO. ; 28 South Main Street. In Transylvania. Sylvan,ValleyNews: Ills as dry &a was ever "known in .Transylvania coumty, -wells iare nearly all dry, fire is ."burning in every direction and'" yet no effort is making :to teeteure a water supply. ; Should a fire get started in 'town now tour citizens would be compelled to stand Idly by and see their property consumed. .There .is scarcely water enough water in sight to feed the'' extin guishers, and these, would e .useless after afire got well under way J. - On Friday lalst a car load M -western yel low corn, snipped ioot Kentucky" to J. - C. Oooper, -was haule 'irom the dep)t to the Laurel Valley . distilHery ' It seems very strange 'that the money to 'buy corh could not ibe kept 6tt home, especially as little surplus ou'isMe of 'corn is produced ' byj Transylvania farmers. . ' r. The ladie3i of t. 'Pbillips. guild will hold a bazaar at the- "courthouse for the benefit osf thei rectory -fund, : on . 'Wednesday, TThursd'ay and 'Friday afternoons and even ings, 'December, 15, 16, and .. ... L. G. Siniard had the honor of treeing a panther pn the Balsam mountain Tuesday. He was riding his mule in one Pf the trails among the lo&lsam trees, iopking r.iss'Jyj; the request of . Governor Ellerbee, of in t.lrn.lr ifrnm :'hliai ran'ee-:IOOka!hiEf ;for-1 o't'rW rtAntria' flnvorrinr T?iia'pTT' lias -M'Ti-l ing ytock from . hiis? orange. SfLwrang" ior ward from a : sharp turn in' the trail ihe saw some animal bound into the trail and come towiard him. - .Reining- h'is mule, bacfe out o'f sight he' "put ' in his. time watching the aproach of the 'ferocious animal as it Abounded towards hkn. It was a panther. AM there-"w"as no -. time to, consider -x what, was best to be done.-'Mr.;Vanderibilt does, not permit firearms dn his game -preserve,, and Mrj Siniard- was unarmed; '-When ,. the animal had arrived within ; ten steps, Mr, Siniard, imitating the Wark oi a dpg. 'whip-' ped his mule into the traiil "directly: in'froht of the formidable hTute and met- him "on charge." The brute was surprised and for Want or time to tetudy ' the situation it sprang to a balsam tree and climbed up. It about twenty;feet with lightning, Tike ?ye loteity. (Stopping on the first limih ,it eyed its adversary; showed its 'glistening tushes and luttered ominous erowls. 1't. was coo np0r fho vrnn-nA tn. m.it. iMrSindard's1 idea of a safe retrdat. so he dismounted, picked up a piece di- a balsam rootvwmca uu been icut out of the "trail, and threw it. with all his iforce, : just jnissing . the panther's nose and (hitting the limb on whrdh tts fore paw was ''resting. This, caused, the brute to seek,;- safet by taking" ja. higher, perch and hiding among, the foliage out ol sight. This was Mr;, Sinlard's uue, and he urged his mule out 4ntP the open' woods at a John Gilpin pace. He says it makes one "nervou's" to see a . panther bounding '.to wards h&n and know 'that- he can., neither deflend himself nor get out o'f-the -way, . . . ... . .1 ASHEYIXiLiE ' OOiliLIEGte MAGAZ'IN.' .. The young ladies of the- two literary; eo cieties at the. Asheville College gave to the public yesterday afternoon the : first' num ber of their Journal,' It Is to be,a monthly publication, devoted to the literary and social interests of the -college. In, it. there are a number of very substantial articles on variOu? subjects, and In the lighter vein, college converse, which i adds a . freshness, characteristic pf the college girl. jt . ' In appearance it Is very neat. A hand some design. has been gotten out: by' one of art pupils, which will in the ifuture consti tute the front "cover. ; ., j f i- The young , ladies and the editors they have 'chosen to represent them, are to be congratulated pn the iprogressive ." spirit they have shown and on the success - Jhey AT THE CAPITAL OF THE? STATE Preparations Being Made1 for the Baptist Convention. 8p!( Telephone Company to-Expend V. $300,000 in Improvements, i Annial Sessioirof -the; NorttCarol- v in Methodist ConJerenc'e. ' ' State Delegates Appointed to Attend Cotton Association. Ben Field, . the' Negro Convicted of Murder Granted a. New Trial Many Criminal Ap- ' peals From the Tenth District. Raleigh, . Iec. 1. -An . unusually large number of Raleigh people' are preparing to attend the Baptist state convention; which meets in Oxford December 9, There are four .white Baptist churches and several missions in this city, with a membership of some 2,000. Raleigh is therefore al ways well represented in the councils of the denomination. Special rates have heen given, on all the railroads. Two new convicts have be .n brought to the penitentiary. One of them was white.; man named Hammond, sent, up: f or two -years from Chowan county for murder. The. other was a negro boy from Polk coun ty, gets one year for larceny.: Three -convicts two women and a negro boy have been brought back from the Roanoke state farms where they havebeen at work gathering the Crops. They are brought back to work in the. laundry. . The Sanford- Water and Lilght company of 'Sanford, has been incorporated with, a capital stock Qf $25,000. The company will be authorized to commence .business when $1,000 has been , subscribed to the stock; . "The a ttorney- general says there are thlr-" teen -criminal- appeals 'from, tha- tenth,di&? trict and- thisiis an unprecedently '" large number. He says nearly all the week 'will be required to argue these. . y ' - Returns collected up to date, as given out by the labor bureau, shows that (North Car olina has 1,044,385 spindles in cotioa-and woolen mills. . '"" - -iv x . j . . "iBen Field, the negro convicted of pois oning Fred Keel at Tarboro has been grant ed a new s trial. - i? -Mr. W. J. Crews, of the Bell Telephone company, has : made diagrams of trunk lines - ruhning put from Raleigh to Henderson,- - Goldsboro ; and Greens Dorp. He says that . the company has appropriated and will spend for this work $300,000 dur ing the next eight months. ' k he "sheriff pt Wayne left tonight for Texas with a requisition for Gibbert Ward, who, four years ago, near Freemont, mur dere Mag .Dinkins a . lewd woman. His whereabouts: was discovered Sunday. . He is in jail in Texas. It is said that a. sis? f er of the Dinkins . woman . was murdered last year ; by. a' nam named Moore "in Wayne, :: :" : : 1 he annual session of the North Caro lina cohferehce- convened in Edenton street. Methodist church this morning at, ten ci clockV Bishop Hargrove, presiding South Carolina," Governor Russell has ap pointed the following delegates front- the state at large to the Cotton Grdwers'. con vention which meets in Atlanta -December 14:' J. P. Sossamon of 'Mecklenburg, W. P. Batchelor and Ham, T, Jones of. Wake. c- The purpose. Pf this convention is to con sider the marketing,. sale and price .of cot-, ton and to devise somev plan if .poss;ble by which the producers may receive a price above the cost of production. ' AH the cotton' growing states "of .'the union are requested tP appoint' delegates to this convention, i ' ) : Judging from the: way President Wil born of the state alliance,; is hearing from the various' states in regard;to the coming convention of the cotton ' growers of the. t south, says the Columbia State, ; it- seems onp "The.- atendance will jbe very large. ;TVnnoaPP' ehvumor has"; complied' with j rimi.Rt triad e throuch Governor Eller itee to appoint delegates. The governor of mrtcoioord tinrJ nreviouslv 'done so - Aside from- these responses to the -call, Mr. Wii borii has received numerous letters irom individual cotton growers in- many oi me oiaton nil indicating: a very lively interest 'in the' gathering1 and the purpose for which it is: to be held. - . s The year 1897 will propaoiy pass history ass one of the healthiest the, eity of Raleigh has .ever witnessed. The re ports for 1987 show a decrease - in the death' rate of 40 per cent over 4896. This is indeda very remarkable showing and Would indicate that our. health department is up to dateIn matters pertaining, .to health' .v.;- s : : " : - JI '-""' " iN.,W. OUiNRI DYING. f ' -- San Antonio; Dec.' l.N. ..Cunri. the most prpminent negro politteian in the,re publican party in-this cpuntry, is. dying at Boren. .He -was collector - of the port of Galveston under 5 Harrison, .'"cf- ? '" 1 ' $17,000, FOR A IEIAK - '.New. York.. Dec. 'jlfx. ie'at in' the. Stock exchange was' sold, at auction today by" a. t- Tkfiir Son for- $17.00.0.' The names lof'the selley.and buyer are kept, secret '.-i.vit.nj -rwfWnc hiisiness ' for SSlS address Box "705, nam " ' 7 . . , , , - f - 1 - - - r I ,V ..... , I PROF, BOWMAN'S LECTURE' A Good Sized' Audience at the Court - . Hons e Last Night , " . 5 Prof. Bowman's lecture drew a good siz ed audience last evening at he 'court house The attendance pf ladies at these lectures is increasing, an additional number being present last night. " , .v ' . "IMan ;as . a- savage has made wonderful strides," said 'the speaker, "though man as an idealist , is retrograding. ; Surely this great "struggle "and- state of conflict which we are undergoing is not the bests. What prospect is . there that life will become ;more rational? What OTospect yet is there of the kingdom of God to be es tablished? :I think that the prospects are as braght;as the stars and I love to dwell on this ideal state, for I believe dnihe ps- sibilities of a human society infinitely high er". than' the present. . . f "Will the nations of , the earth ever rise so far above the savage as .to SO out of the butchers" business' and give up the barba rous practice of. wars. The standard army, millions of idlers trained 'for blood, ; is a blot upon the civilization of the earth. "The time, will come when the govern ment will cease to exist as the boasts of monarehs,. bosses and despots. s (applause) A corrupt republic is Just as corrupt as. a corrupt monarch; This barbarousness will come to anr end when kings, bosses, mil lionaires, trusts, combines and enslavers of men shall cease. I sometime s think with Lincoln' that God must love the common man, for he has made so many of them.". Prof. Bowman, in closing his remarks, said that he lully". believed that; the time was 1 not far distant when, the socialistic theory would be the glorious consumation of the nations of the earth. COUNTY TEACHERS To Meet iii Regular Monthly Session Saturday The county association of teachers will meet at 'the "court house next Saturday at 11 oicflpcki By reTerence to the program it will (appear that every topic Us to be dis cussed Jby a distinguished educator. The themes are vital ones and these discussions will be Pf great value to our teachers, who are striving for the best of everything in education. Y . . iPROGCRiASM. , 1. iScripture reading and prayer, by Rev, Dr. Felix. . . , 2. Singing, Blest be the Tie that (Binds 3. 'Roll-call and reading of the minutes of the association. 4. 'Public school 'librariesi Rev. Thomas Xtawrence, D.U., leader. 5. A "course of study In primary reading, Supt. J. D. Bggleston, leader. 6. .Professional - reading for teachers. President 'A.- A. Jones, leader. 7. 'Reports of business matters. 8. Singing, America. 3. Adjourntment. lAll persons interested in educational prPgress are xjordlallyi invited to be pres en t, J-'Visiting; t teachers and strangers in the iclty ?will'be,;coraially,, welcomed ,to this meeting. - , - ; ' " - - - - -J BUMGARNER'S SLAYER A Man Alleged to be Aus Lambert in Jail at Spartanburg. Railway officials yesterday brought the information from Spartanburg that 'Aus iLambert; , the slayer of Engineer . Bum garner, had been arrested and was in jail at that place, together with, his two com panions, -who were keeping him company. The railway officials were positive in1 their statements that the prisoner was the right man. It was stated that the capture was effected without firing a shot, the men be ing taken unawares. The rewards in the case will amount to at least' $600. - Ihe dapture was. made by officers of the law. ..- - Mr, Frank Fanning, ; who has been en gaging in the search for 'Lambert, return ed from Arden last night. 'He says there is no truth in the statement that (Liambert has been apprehended at 'Spartanburg, but rather 'thinks he is hiding in the neigh borhood, and will give himself up when the excitement subsides. RANKIN-CARTMELL Wedding to Take Place Today at High - . Noon. The marriage of (Miss Nancy Brady Cart-roell-'-and Mr. Arthur Eugene (Rankin will take place today at high noon in the First Presbyterian church. Immediately alter the ceremony a wedding breakfast will be served the bridal party at Kjenilworth Inn, and Mr. and Mrs. Rankin will, leave on the east bound train. v . . v , . A- trio ' consisting of Mr. M. F. Connell, Violin - (Cobb's orchestra), Mr. hHeminway, 'cello (Cobb's orchestra), and Mrs. Van Horivorgan will render the following se lections before the ceremony: " y . "Simple iAven' i . .. ..... . . . . .Thome. . Schubert. . . ... . . . .Tchaiswosky; 'Cavalleria .Rusticana. "Serenade". .f Andante'!.. ''Intermezzo," from . : THE 'NEW ' COMCPTIROIJLER. ' ' ' Washington, .Dec. 1. Charles G. Dawes, the incoming odmptroller of 'the currency, was at the white house today. ; . He will re main in Washington permanently as Comp troller Eckies, leaves before the . holidays. His appointment will be sent to the senate soon. after congress meets. ': , DEFRAUDED MBRICHANTS. - - . Washington, Dec. L H. Rednhardt," I- a well- known criminal, was arrested . today, charged with using the mails in defraud ing a number, of -merchants of large J a mounts of merchandise. V -- J' - THE OPENING.' WE HOPE THAT ALL . ,WTUL COME TO , IT. 5 WE WOUUD CALL ATTENTION TO OUR STOCK- OF STERUNG BII.VER NOVEILTIES. . AUL IS NEW AND, THE PRICES. ARE RIGHT, QUALITY PURE, AMD IN CHINA AND ' CUT GLASS A FINER DISPLAY HAS NEVER BEEN MADE HERE. J. H. LAW, 35 PATTON AVE: THE "STATE COMMITTEE Mr. Luthei Speaks of the Result of the ' t Meetings . f " - v iMrT M. Xuther, ameraber of the state executive conimittee flrohi thls 'congres sional district, returned yesterday fllrpm Raleigh; where he attended, a meeting of the democratic state, executive commit tee. , The Gazette had a pleasant inter view with (Mr. Luther at his -office,;, last night, in which he said: ' ."There were twenty-eight of ther thirjy-sixtCcomanittees present in person and the remaining eight were -represented ,lby ' proxies, ? except two, making' a representation of thirty-four. The meeting -was held inUhe,3rarbprough House,, with 'Chairman Manly t presiding. Short talks were made bysome member of each congressional district, after which HonJ; Gyrus B, .Watson,, late; democratic candidate for"' governor, was ' tailed upon. and who delivered va most interesting ad- j dress un the policy 'of the'partyvr F. rD; Winston "df Bertie county, read. andiintrQ dueed ai set pf resolutions before ' the com mitte. On mption of, A. B.: Walters- -a commltte of five was appointed, consisting of Chairman Manly, F. F. . Klutz, J. R. Webster, F. D. Winston and E. J; :Hale, to draft ,a suitable address to the people of iNortn uarpana, in wMcn address the Chi cago; platform was tf eaffirmed and "the state platform adopted: by the' state . convention approved. The "policy of the .republican party in both state and'i nation was .con demned. The address, which will soon be published, sets forth the principles of white supremacy, and - invites everr man who is in favor, of . the supremacy )pt! the Anglo-. Saxon race to join the .democratic, party in its effort to redeem, the state from radi cal misrule. Many other irnatters'of a business nature were discussed arid acted upon.' The address submitted was unani mously adopted by the committee. The report in the Gitizen' that a majority was opposed to' the Isssuihg at this: time of . an address is a mistake, as a large (majority was from the 'beginning in favor of such move." .. y Mr. Luther further stated, that the meet ing of the committee was" both pleasant and harmonious. , RIOTOUS SCENES RUFFIANISM IN PARTS OF MAD ISON COUNTY v Probably Fatal Shooting Disturb ance at a Corn Shucking on : Bull Creek. W. , R. Sams of Madison county, whp is in this "city, gives the information .of a se rious, if not fatal,; shooting affair . which occurred - on Shelton Laurels-last Satur day. James. Hare-, and rJamesBhelton'be came invblyed in -a" difficulty at?the home of Arch Sheltpn, near the head! dt Laurel, in which Hars .shot Sheiton. The bal trPmthe,Apista5f first struck the right- armljf and passed through the .body 4&ad came out on the left side. Doctor. Banner, was sent for, and-after probing the wound pronounc ed it a fatal one. The patient, however was still alive when Mr. Sams left.., "This aft air, it is alleged, grew out of a long standing feud, and that a, woman, was at the bottom of the trouble. Both of the participants are young men. ; Shelton lives in Tennessee and was on a visit'to friends and relatives in "Madison, his -old home Hare had not been arested at last ac counts.; ' '' . ,Mr. Sams also : says that, there was s bloody riot on Bull creek a few days ago, in which stones, knives, sticks, and pistols were used. The disturbance occurred at a corn shucking given by W. !A, JAustin. Mr, Gams says that not less than twenty (men were engaged in it, and while.no one was killed, several were badly ohhded."----!N less than twenty shots were -fired. Chairs were' broken' and burned, thceloek thrown in the fire and the disturbers ..undertook t6 roast the old dog alive by, covering him up with hot embers. ' ' - Warrants were, issued 'for. the; offenders, a number of whom attended trial with guns in hand. The trial was moved from Jus tice J. F. Tilson .to L. W. Peek, and the hearing will take place Friday. ' The affair has caused much excitements owing to the number"1 of persons engaged in it, and it i& greatly feared,, that snore serious trouble will occur. 'Mf: asms says that the same-rowdy "crowd. threatened to release every man on, the chain: gang, but did not do so. . THE COTTON MARKET Riordan &.Co's Report of Yesterday's: ' " Transactions- ; r . - iNew York, Dec. 1. The tendency df the' cotton market was steadily downward:' to-, day."; Each point, v however, was bitterly contested: and. the net decline - is, small,' liIverpool -was practically ttnehanged-, this morning, and our market opened at last night's -dosing figures,Janaary selling on the first call at 5.70.; Liverpool sent some selling orders here, the bears, plucked up sufficient' eourage to raid a. little and the people with large spot connections r v sold heavily. Against this the buying was by the commfssion houses. There '.was decid edly more dispositioir- to "sell .than for some timepast' and only the 'excellent der inand prevented a break.- " Receipts . were Comparatively light; but the south was of fering co tton -more ' freely.! January de clined to "5.&5 and closed at that figure with the tone pf the market barely steady. Unless receipts become moderate soon in the near f u ture lo wer ' prices" are probable., iPTOTflrtAN & COMPANY. GENERAL - CLAY'S YOUNG WIFE. JJ Valley View, Kyi, Dec; ,1. Doctor North cut has ordered that no one. shall see Gen eral C? M.r Clay's ' young wife,' who is sick at the' home of. her brpther . here, . for the reason thaY her "condition is seripua,. ;. f Dr. W. C. Brownson will open ran office on November 18, at .No." 60 ,Patton ave nue, second1 floor above ticket', office r of Southern railway.. Office hours, 2 to 4 p. m; Telephone,, office, . 34, residence 114 i TO CURE A COLD IN" 'ONE DAY , , Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the, money Jf Jt falls to eure. 25c. - ;The genuine i has';WB. Q.; p eachtablet j : 1 s- 'x - ILLUMINATED LECTURE - Given, Last Evening ;by Prof R6issell : . : in North Asheville. - Prof. B. 'Rossell gave an excellent exhibitipn of art pictures last night in tthe Sara Garrison kindergarten school house at Dpubleday,- In place of his .regular lecture Professor Rossell merely exhibited a num. ber of his most attractive art pictures and scenes, with a few , words explanatory of each picture. There was a good attend ance,: both of grown people 'and "children; and the pictures were very much enioved. the litUe ones showing their delieht bv f requient laughter and exclamations of de .... . 1 light The professor's selection for the ev ening consisted of a few scenes from the World's . Fair and a collection of the most attra-ctlve art pictures, 'anciudine 'Tha Polar 5tar," f'A Swiss Lake by Moonlight," i water Liiiies," "The Bad Boy"-and oth ers, t By special reauest Poe's famous Rayen" was recited and was highly ap preciated. ' Professor Rossell also showed several religious pictures including' "the spectacular effects "SNearer, (My God- to Thee and Rock ot Aes."- Appropriate these pictures. - . " : ' No admission fee was charged, but" a voluntary collection was taken -to buy ma terials ior me Kindergarten worts, and a nice littue sum was collected. The. teach ers fof the Sara Garrison kindergarten "wish to extend their, thanks to , Professor Ros sell lor the interest he took in the lec- ture. ' . ' Professor Rossell requests us to state that this and all his other lectures are giv en I by . the "Washington Lecture Associa tiohj" a society whose object is education through the medium of illuminated lec lures. The next and last lecture will be. given Sunday night at the Y. M. C. IA. SANDY MUSH OUTRAGE Arrest in Dillsboro of .One of the Ac cused Men.. 7 r . - . . J. M. Klh'g, esq., of Sandy Mu'sh town ship' who issued the " warrant against the alleged white cappers, mention of which ws made in a recent issue Of the Gazette, was in the ; city yesterday, and says that the published account ' of the outrage is correct and that public indignation" is extreme. .' ; ' ' ' J The investigation of . the crime was be gun before J. W. (Bowling on Sunday and uip. to yesterday had not been concluded. 'Over forty ; witnesses have been examined, and the evidence being altogether circum ;antial is voluminous. i . Ex-'Commissioner Wells, who is ' in the ty, says that it is reported that one of the accused persons lias made his escape. This report seems to be corroborated by the following telegram received by Chief Of Police James last night: 4 . Dilisboro, -N. C, December 1, 1897. Chiel 'pf Police Ashevaie, C. " j -R. J, ' (Surratt of Sandy iMush, is here under arrest .Do you want him? . ; " - C. W, JVKsDiADE,.D. M -ChieXrJames--t&legia:phe.d: the oflicer at 'Dillsboro yesterday to -hold Surratt until persons in the coiihtry could be heard 1 from. A NOTICE TO JUSTICES Their Attention Called to the Law Re garding Filing of Reports. ) In view of the approaching courts it is well that the attention of justices- of the peace be called to the following sections of the law : - ' r - '.: . -"It shall be the duty of, each justice of r the peace pn or before Monday of every (term of . the superior, criminal or inferior court of his -county, to furnish the clerk of the said court with a list of the na,mes l and offenses of all parties tried .and finallyf ;Uisposea oi , py sucn justice ..oitne .peace together with the papers in each case,; in all criminal actions since the last term of the superior, criminal or inferior court, ,The clerk of the court shall hand a copy of such list to the solicitor and to the grand jury at each court; and no indictment shall 'be found against any party whose case" has-been so finally disposed of by any justice of the peace. t.Provided, that this action shall not be deemed to extend or en large or otherwise -effect the jurisdiction of justices of the peace except as provided by the law code, section 906." For failure to make the above report or to-pay over fines to the county treasurer, the delinquents are amenable to the pre -visions of the Code, sections 74K 765, 3678 Reports must be made, even though the cases have been . disposed- of. Report blanks may be- obtained, at the clerk's of t flee. .' '". SHOT TWO DEER A Successful Hunting Trip iir' Yancey c : j : Jouniy. . The - hunting party, "consisting ot E. ; P. M'cKlssick, S. E. Cunningham, E. B. At kinson.: R." P." Walker, Alex Por ter and Dr. Heinitsh, ; returned yes terdajr ; from a ..two ; daysv . hunt , -on the Murchison 4ounaary..In.:Yancey:.coun-. v iwihifh- 1a in c.hnrpe nf the noted Biz . . . Tom Wilson. The hunt was a successful one; the party brmngVhome with: them two fine deer, one of 'which was killed by Mr. McKissick and ' the other by S. E, Cunningham. (Major McKissick was seen at the Battery Park last- night, and , talked freely ' of -the hunt. He t stated .-that - the trip was a most pleasant and agreeable one and greatly enjoyea oy eyery .na-emiDer. OI ine pariy. : -l-lie Viaaeiie 'uu wan vuuuui . . . . .. i mi. - a ...irfA... to' know, at what range the major.brpught OUW11 Uia urey, Jlliix wa uuuiiucu mat i; stance was about as far as from where! ho roo efoniinv -fn the nffidft tfi ihfl -flr " place. f - - - , ''. CHRISTCMAS OPENIN1Q- FOR CHLRJSnMlAS AJND OTTHEIR TIMiEQ, SO CHOICE A STOCK. BEFORE,. (AND PRICES WILL BE POPULAR. J. H. LAIW, S5 IfATlXJ'.NAyjJi. Stable' for rent ; near' Hotel i Berkeley, Also one set - oi nana-maoe oou-one uw ness at $10.00. S- H. Chedester. TIHT, THURSDAY, AFTERNOON AND article fs much'' greater thai the "value Jt" 200 SAILORS : MASSACRED Tragic Eepdrt f rom Kkiochou Bay m China. , ThfiV RplnnP" tft thft Warchine nf tha '"A J ' O ' VI WW ' : t : ..V : 4 German Squadron. - - . . -- - - I Pailue of a LargeMercantilB Firm 4 ' : ooiicitor - uenerar Kicnards May otic- ceed McKervnat1 Kentucky Militia-Under Orders to Protect Toll Gates The Prince of Wales Engages Araefh , .-'xl'- can Jockey.' r ' . . . Berlin, Dec l-.It is reported that two H hundred fJermlin Rilnr IKolnn orincr ttt i- . ' . . ' . ....... . 1 .- J German squadron in Kaichou Bay,- have : been massacred. -Six hundred troops will V-VS be dispatched to the bay at once. The re-.C ,t port has caused much excitement here v;?yt: The sailors were from the war1 ships sent ' to protect the missionary stations- that have suffered from recent outrages. The- squadron arrived in the bay only a ieir.; days ago, -and had 'begun disembarking troops for the protection of the- mlsslona- ' - -i . . - x va ries. , : , ... . McK'ENNiA'S SlI'CrrKSSOR. - t - Washington, Dec. l.-iJThe 'name of-.Soi licitor General J.1 K. Richards of Ohio, tt mentioned' today as the successor of At torney General iMcRenna. -He s a close friend of the president, but he said .the.: ;4jj place had. not been offered him.. , y$.'$jp- TO RIDE FOR PRIN1CE OF-,WIALES . ; London, Dec. 21. The St.' iJames'Gazette - today announced that Sloan, the American jockey, had been engaged by, .the 'Prince of; Wales to ride for im next season. - , TOLL GATES TO (BE" ATTACKED. ... j Frankfort, Ky., "'Dec.-1. -Another raid on ,;" :v the ;'toll 'gteFTs 'pedtea soon and seven "l'- companies of inilitfa. ate under orders here 40 move on telegraphie.hticev;; FAILURE OF JOHN A.. OORBETT.4: Raleigh; Dec. l.--John A: Cortett-& of Wilson N: C.; assigned today. The" li abilities are a quarter' of , a million; assets, " '$15,000. . 1 . , Kindergarten.Meeting, , . At the meeting ' o'f ihie Kinde-rgarteri . teachers yesterday afternoon at. the Y. M,), C. A. the first two chapters of Susan E. -j Blow's -Symfbolic 'Education were partially i discussed.- .- - ' '. . " : : IV; "The second half of the '(meeting was'de TK"- voted to children, conditions observed - by1 teachers in their daily work. ,-r.v-iA.j.v.v,' "' - MISS TENNY TO RACE. . , : New York, tDec' 1. A match race, was arranged today between' MissTenny Mont Dor, six and a half furlongs; race will be run Satdrdal Pimlicon; , : ' - : " w YALE AND HARVARD. TO ROW. . WA ... .. , . New Haven, Dec 1.- It was officially an- nounced'this afternoon that Yale will row j?-?. - -' - - Harvard at Mew.Lronaon next summer.; , j-if'' AN OLD HOTEL SOLD. ' Thirty-third street and Sixth avenue, - was ' sj- sold today a Harry Johnson Xor $20,000: The Low Prices of Silver and the -; nian?r-. wuu. , , i r ufacturers ,of Sterling iiver.artlcles' dux;i Ing the last few months has, notwithstand-' ' in'g.the. higher, tariff, .-caused a -.great der '..,,- . cline'ln the prices of many articles. ' ' FoV-' instance, a, h'ait brush'wltrilspjld; terlifea. -t Silverba'cfe thaformerly-cpst OO-ot XMfyx&i caa-ioTf'T)eiKouhi fot3.25.ano:'the''lie, Hft'- r . ri JS size ihat Jorm.erly,ost n2.00 can,now pe ,i - r"- beughf for-14.75 to i Small: Sterlinr, ; Oliver articles tnat now sen irom so to tv ;. -r -.-. -, - ' .., , j cents i a, ( few - years ago would cost tsvtsx.c'.k U.00 to n.50.J 'y . Dishes and 'novelties that can be-bouglht Zui now rfor 3 ijQ .or aqq . ahd those that cost " i - i , . - r.. '. . i . . ;.ra".rJ-.' L-"" aim lw-mwu 1 fmm t1DAn rt 4QO 00 DA n 'Kill - . . : i t.hrouBrhf the refweler s line. - '- - , - -- , I m e-old eoods there have been manv reat ' reductions, but. as the value I gold'Jnt an':; ductions : are r ' aftt 1 irr eat As "on alive v r: "TVV; caused many- firms - tor make- intferierxoods, -v and people should be Wry ipareful, in' mak- !r jig their selections, , to- buy of -flrinji, ia,- ; whom - theyfiive?' confidence." r a -t . e kit . . 4 " - ' tv . - -4 ... " . - - V - '3M 'in . ') i' 3 .v and'--." , The ' V t v- " i . aave achieved.-; , . . i 'r 1 : City. jMf. - i i - ism -.5 i" 'i'j - , . w - V A