THE FIGHT IfJ ROUNDS BETWEEN-JIM JEFFRIES AND JOE CHOYtfSKV ;r iRAW: AT END OF T WENTH5TH - - BOUND' ' .'GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION OF THE ir -J- i rire.Tr at MTT.T : '& t : CHOYNSKI COVERED HIMSELF -w.V- ''a. WITH GLORY. ;,jVFought His B ig ' Antagonist With -.Great , Odds AgainstHinr and :FDiirfit WeUThe Fiddling as It . . O . . . Vf 1 . rjv Occurred, - ; ' - San ;Francisco. .pec. i. wnen au Intr last night's fight' in this city, Choynski.. fought -against odds-and fought well. After this J'few' will dispute Jeflries' claim to be r considered a possibility for the world's championship. . H&. is a clever boxer, . .3 M.M. IUIa' mmm ttiaw o'nivtpo ? fairly puzzled a man who, while young tr iraora 'id o vfttoran flt 'fistlniffs. . : v If , any mistake was made; In Choyn ski'S corner it was in not alio wing. Joe start. - Jeffries was decidedly rattled until several rounds ,bad; elapsed that ? he regained his natural color and began tb fight with' confidence. Possibly the v idea of going against such a celebrity as Joe'Choynski had this disturbing ef fect. Once Jeffries did extend himself ' there 'were no signs of white feather about him. " . '.Choynski covered himself with glory and has never shown ud to such dis advantaged He is as clever and as quick ;asever, and 'last night he ""fought the "first calculating battle he has ever been J mlxedij in. Contrary to his' general "tactics, he was not reckless for a min- . ; ute, and every round shpwed that he r'was feeling his man's power like a past Qiaster. A noticeable change 1 in his , attack., He fought Jeffries with his body -well open,' and faced liim almost -sauarelv in the Australian stvle. Since 'he met-Billv Woods in . this oA tv in 1 891 ;and knocked him out, Choynski has not - fought so loner or so well as'he dld last v nfeht The -fact that he was not the aggressor, probably considered by Mac ' Donald. when he rendered his decision, Jought not to have counted against him, for the reason that with fifty pounds , disadvantage in weight it was 'the best jkind of generalship to keep away , from " work in this direction- culminated' and brought t.down the - house in - thA- aiY. , . MUW.WtMVTT V' CUX AO : to force him intothis chair, :and! the ;big fellow, believing that he had- Ms oppo nent. at close quarters, ' jammed , him against the cable, rand in Ja ' give and tak? struggle Choynski caught, the big fellow four smashing lefts inY the Jaw, 'ducked ' k terrific ' swing11, f rom Jeffries, ,jwhich threw the .Lbs ' Angeles boy ---0 tr I w 4m m. -- te. Jl ' ja - - . . . . fi uoMuc tu47CD, ttuu men new in witn -his right on the side" Cf the head the .'nly time- he used it effectively in the , whole! flghtl j Several other timA -he wriggled out of a hot situation byif his - clever foot work and during the; last .'en rounds ixwtlctflkrly he stopped sey eral mean lefts by! throwing; hi ;Txdy across , Jeffries' arm. The men fought at 170, and' 220 pounds respectively. ' THE PTGHT IN' ROUNDS. : 3 - round of last nlglhtrs fight ; between Jim Jeffries and Joe Ohoyhskf is given .. - - 1 - w . til - ujujimy m -Bdhdnd .Cttwynskl rwere Eddde iGr.nv ,ifla Tackw,.,nd vOeprj Green, while' ; v viLTKsa uszkl an ma corner BillyDelaney nd Jack Steflznr J5sm MtaDonaldi'the . base ball umpire, . rcrfered the contest, 'wfoftdhwos a draw' at the end of' the Eoomd 1. Not " -a single blow was , ctruck- both men fiddltng around cau- . WUB17. .tuxa mo and massed. : lHouind 2. 'ChoynskJ landied) a light Jab 'Janey race and Jeffrie scored & tap.-.on.ttfhe riJbs. t Botih, 'and clever. v ' ; Round 3.t After oofnemMe siparrin ' JefWee' eftipped' a 'left hook over Joe's ; and dropped Mm clean! clean Joe '. stayed down five eeconda.7 Jeffries" stood away and did not: follow .up bis advantage.?-' ' ' ctwftsajiJeffiles got lniolid kid- " Round '5. .The men woke pp' and did 3TO'.vil53loud'flgai4ttig:. Choynskt played ..; hte toft eeveral timee on; Jeffries head . backed" away from Jeffries' left puncdues.' ;He conld-not ,avoAd : Jeffries' . rigfbt; however,' tinre hard txr rn-cbies and a left Jolt in the face Ifonors even. '-! ; v T, .-. - ' , Rond',6, Some lerrilic fig-Un was ,-one ,tn, thda rxniind,,; Jeffries having the better of it.' He landed often on Joe's body and piantehed hton; severely in the cSinches. " , - .--... ( , Round 7. oynska landed t a "heavy Tift arm -swine oh Jeffries' Jaw and kept away .tvery. neatly, from the Los Angeles , lad's t rushes.-, The round be- lomged toChoynsfeC but no damage Was done.- " - r: . c.;Round 8. Jeff ries' -ecored . tbn'e -and again wltto Ws left on Ohoynskl's face .Therwere hard Jolt and Joe sent noth ing back-.te'rettunu ; ; (RoundJ9.,; Choynski. was the receiver zisain in this, round, taktngr numerous .hard lefts on the jaw and c face. He was,-stepping away 1 in.. emery instance and the blows distressed him but little, . .Round 10. .Jeffries -placed both hands I.cavilycon -Joe's heart while Joe .could rot land a single effective, punch.' Round' 11 'Cfcoyn6ki drew' first blood v.itha stiff ieftJaJb on the nose, -which he repeated twice. iJeffH man roughly about.thej boy th;both y 3-nds and landed. a stiff right-on the - :aa. iionor easy 1 Roimd 12. Choynski used his left on Jeffries. face with great effect, drawing . consiaeraDie oiooa ana sxoppxng jmuw rushes. - Choynski's round.' ' " " Round 13. Jeffries took the offensive and lashed out sereral wicked blows, moat of which were blocked by Choyn ski. who did some very clever ducking and side stepping,:. but .-;iw leading. f ; f Round 14.. With the exception of a sinsrle'left swing." which, he landed with considerable force on Jeffries', Jaw, Joe took all the :pun!isttiment' in this round. .Round 15 Jeffries-rushed Joe, cor nered' him ;and floored him neatly with a left swing. - He followed Joe up . and staggered h5im- with - hard lefts, which left their mark on Choynski's; face and body. -, .:; Round 16. Choynski's -generalship came into play and he battered' Jeffries unmercifully . with his left " Jeffries fougtht back like a demon and the. round was the hottest of the figt with a Slight advantage for Ohoynska. - Round 17. . Jeffries tired badly and Joe kept up a tattoo with the. left 'on has face, almost dosing his left eye. Jef fries leads lacked steam ' and were neatly blocked. - Round -18.' Jeffries took the offensive and kept Joe moving quickly. Joe put in a few lefts on Jeffries' damaged eye and took four 'or five stiff body punches in return. -v - Round 19. Jeffries ; still kept on the aggressive, following and : keeping stiff lefts on Joe's body. Joe still looked to Jeffries'; damaged eye, which he vis ited two or three times with hard left Jabs. . : ' , Round 20. . Both men went at it ham mer and tongs arid slugged : the full round through, with little or no advan tage on either side. . " ' Referee McDonald's diecislon was well received though many thought that Jeffries had the better of the fight. With bullets A SHERIFFS FOSSE "WAS MET NEAR VALDOSTA, GA. An Angry Mob Was Anxious to Stretch His Neck, But He Was Lodged in JaiL Taldosta, Ga.. Dec. I. Further de tails have beenreceived of the desper ate battle between a sheriff's posse and James Henry, the Florida outlaw, a few miles from tins place at sunrise Sunda morning. . A heavy detachment of civil officers, consisting .of Sheriff Hawkins, of Su- wanee county, Fla.; Sheriff Chisholmi; of this (Lowndes) county, and deputies un der each .officer, early ; in the morning congregated at Lake Parkto accom plish the capture of James Henry, who is wanted for murder in White Springs, Fla. Henry in a small house near Lake Park with his wife, her moth er and three sisters-in-law. He was known as a determined criminal and the officers expected a hard battle. Led by a negro guide, the posse . ap proached Henry's house, under; the be lief that he was yet sleeping, and that it would be an easy. matter to secure him. When ' within fif ty; feet , of J Ui6 hut Henry, who was far from tielng off his guard, as supposed, thrust , his Win chester out of the door and opened fire on the -posse. - His first shot tore , a rag ged hole-in" the side of Deputy James, of Florida, , and that official went down like a log. His companions quickly re turned the fire, but Henry fearlessly ex posed i himself , and a : second bullet from- his" weapon struck Marshal Hine- ley, of Lake Park, in the head inflicting a probably fatal wound. : A heavy fusil-. ade. then ensued. Shots poured from the windows and roof of the house into the midst; of the officers. .The latter re treated to trees and from behind these kept up a; steady return volley. Jt was evident that the women in the houe were also taking part in the battle... Two hours of this novel duel followed, and Henry only " surrendered when from a chink in the roof one of his sis ters saw a mob hustling along toward the cottage. He then surrendered and the officers rushed him off in another di rection, finally bringing him into jail here. The mob pursued, but were un able to catch up with the officers. An examination of the women in the house disclosed that Mrs. Roe, Henry's mother-in-law, had been fatally wounded. WILL ASSUME THE DIGNITIES. San Francisco. Dec. L As a reward for his efforts in settling the differences between the See Tup and San -Tun fac tions in Chinatown, Vice-Cbns"ul Ho Tow will within a few days assume the honors ands dignities of consul-general of the Chineseempire in this city. Less than. a year ago. Ho Yow came to this cityv as secretary .to". Minister ; Wu Ting Fang, -the new; Chinese, minister. As soon as the new embassador was settled in Washington he was sent baric in this city. Ho Tow was instructed by the minister to settle tne differences be tween the factions. Except for matters of finances all the differences have been adjusted; f ' , . . - " - -f ; ' 'THANK TOU, JOSEPH. -Tienna, Dec. 1, -The communal coun cil has passed j a resolution thanking Emperor i Francis Joseph for summon ing the ministry, and expressing hopes that the ; present cabinet will repeal the language ordinances, making the Czech language co-ordinate with the German; thanking - the ' obstructionists, urging them' to persevere and if necessary to resort to extreme measures. ';, . " WILL BE EAST ON HATTI. ' ' Berlin, Dec. The United States am bassador, Andrew D.v White, in his in terview ' yesterday ,wlth the 'German minister for foreign affairs, Baron von Bulow, .received emphatic - assurances, couched in friendly terms, of Germany's moderate 'intentions in regard to de manding of Haytt an indemnity for the illegal imprisonment of Herr Emll Leu ders, a German subject. Baron von Bu low assured Mr.' White 'of Germany's good-will and resnect fnr a morion 0: ceptibillty, which caused the 5 Germal gyvciumciii iu recuce. its -claim for in indemnity to $20,000. Mr.. White ex-' Plained that, the United fitates cruiser Marblehead . was - eolnEr tn Tnr- J Prince,- Hayti, solely to protect Ameri jcan' interests. - , s . TRAGEDY AT DAYTON, TEHfl. ; si; . ; .... - ONE NEGRO PRISONER.. STABS . - ' r - -' , ANOTHER V. . . - BAD - BLOOD -BETWEEN THEM THE CAUSE. " THE- MURDERER A BOY IN HIS - '-'TEENS. ' DYING STATEMENT OF THE MDRDERED MAN. The Murderer Claims That He Com. mitted the Deed In Self-Defensa and That He Was Being Punished by His Victim.' -' . Dayton, Tenh., Dec. 1. Rhea county has another murder to her discredit, and the murderer is a boy not yet out of his teens; not only that, but the mura derer and the murdered were prisoners in the county jail. ; For some -time Aaron Johnson, col ored, has been. an inmate of the county Jail, charged ;with carrying a. pistoKv few days ago John. Morris, aged 16, alsocolored, was sent to Jail in default of bond, charged with assault. An en mity arose between them, which was intensified Monday by Johnson cursmg Morris, when i'the latter threatened to "evenup the ihatter"' with Johnson s soon as possiijle. The time came yes terday at noon in' an altogether un looked for way; ' Late Monday afternoon Dave Day was Jailed for some small offense. Al though searched he managed to secrete and take his pocket knife in with him. By some meahs Morris learned of this, went to him at jnidnight and borrowed it, telling Daythat Johnson had been cursing and abusing him and that he intended to kill. him. Soon after noon yesterday the oppor tunity came, and he plunged the knife, ah unusually large' one, into; Johnson's side. It entered between the foiirth and fifth ribs, cut the left lung open and penetrated the heart. It was some time before-any pf 'the persons notified the Jail officials. ;yho hastily summoned Drl AbernathjV: but nothing could be done for the . unfortunate man, and - he died in a short time. Johnson's dyins statement is . to the effect that theattack was wholly un provoked, and that he did not know that Morris intended'to do. him bodily harm.' On the other hand. Morris claims self defense, and that Johnson was the better- man and;as punishing him severely-. . ;i';-V' :-';,' . , An Inqestwlheid over the remains of Johnson last hlght,; but -the verdict has not as yet odeh given out. Morris does not bear ary good name and is considered a banegrb. He is how serv ing a long Jail sentence for- throwing a stone and strilcifigr Claude Givens, in flicting a very gainful wound, several months ago, an3has figured in a num ber of misdemeanor cases. Johnson was serving a Jail sentence fpr whipping nis wife, but has heretofore been a quiet, peaceable kind of.a negro, and the gen eral opinion isthat he was not so much to'; blame in this case as Morris, would have them believe. ' , . Jailor Vaughfi is put of the city, and his family were looking after the pris oners during his absence Morris does not seem grieyer over theaffair,, and Claims he has no, reason to regret it. He may change his mind when he realizes the fact that he is a murderer. TERRIBLE EXPLOSION. . ' Dayton, Tehn.,'. Deci 1. What came very - near being a fatal explosion oc curred in a TDaLyton kitchen Monday morning.. Judge Gibson is night boss at the limestone quarries of the Dayton Coal and Iron Company.; When he came home yesterday morning at 5 o'clock he broughtJwJth him a quantity of the Temnants of the boxes in which the company;. sends its dynamite and dynamite caps to the quarry. -When he made the morning .fire, in the kitchen stove some of the kindling was used. A few moments after the fire began burn ing there was ateriffic explosion, which shattered the stove; and blew it:to all parts of .the ; room. . Fortunately v Mrs. Gibson had Just stepped away from the stove and was.but slightly injured. It is supposed that, a dynamite cap had become lodged in some jpart of the wood and was. put in the: stove. BANKER SPALDING SENTENCED: TO ANINDEFINITE s TERM OF YEARS He . Was Charged with Embezzlement ; - I ot Funds pf the University ' ' V.'of IUinois. "1 - Chicago, Dec. L Charles : Warren Spalding, ex-president' "'of ' ,the -' Glotoe Savings Bank,'-was 4 today- sentenced to an indetermlnaie term in the peniten tiary. ; He was charged with, embezzling funds of .the .Und vefsd ty of"' Illinois,; of which he was treasurer- ? .The court proceedings which, termin ated in Spaldiii;s' sentence : were, of a highly dramatic! character. Judge Hor ton" reviewed the case in a highly "elab orate opinion which. -he-' had prepared beforehand.; 'One as sertion Jn tbe opin: ion seemed i.tovunneryerpaIdtng.:--.Thds. was when thecourt said. that. SpaldUng admitted-his , guilt. -'-'' -'-l . , "I wish,' cried", Spalding, v,"td?deny that I or my counsel ever admitted my guilt!" ' . s. . r ' ; i ' ' -. !? - Judge rHortpn 1 had . ask ed Spalding - if he had "anything " to vsay why sentence should 'not' be passed -onhim; - " "Tes," exclaimed the banker, standing up. His face was pale and he. spoke as if laboring "under- strong agitation. In a few rapid wordshe made denial of ever having : admitted his guilt and then said: ' 'Every dollarV I "-received from the university; has been applSiedto its benefit. I protest against this unjust verdict, which- hIv feel.-would not have been returned had your honor permitted certain . facts to be considered, by the Jury. ';Jr ' -V -' , ' ' ' ' : t .l'Tbese facts had.relatioji. to. the Iques tion of intent intent to commit embez zlement. .1 am. proud, of .my, business career of thdrty-three ' years fifteen of which have been passed "in this: comim'U nity. I challenge any man to stand up before me and -say I ever did' him a wrong. y ' - '.'Your-honor may.abrMge my days of usefulness, but you : cannot take from me the honor of the past." ' At this point Spalding's voice failed M m and he began to dhoke wi th j emo tion. Judge Horton then Imposed ; the sentence. . . . i ' ' I ' " It was announced in behalf of tb ex-banker- that- an appeal would be taken to the supreme court, pending whloh he will be kept in : the Cook county Jail, where he has been J confined since last sprang. j The charge on which Spalding! was convicted ' was the embezzlement ; Tof $204,000 of Macoupin credit ' bonds, ; the property of the university. , Banker Spalding made a etubhorn fight in the courts in the endeavor , to preserve ; hfls good name. Besides being in Justices' oourts and before masters in chancery several times,, he twice stood trial: on the charge, of illegally diverting funds, intrusted to hds care.. The first itime the verdict was - not guilty, r but on the second trial, which was on a different count, the Jury brought In an adverse decision. , '.. , j The indiiotment and strbsequgnt con viction, the romantic love story under lying the dry details of his alleged of fense and his self-possession under the most trying circumstances, all com bined to make, his case an unusually interesting one. . ; j ' : ! , COUNT ESTERHAZY HE ACKNOWLEDGES WRITING CERTAIN LETTERS. ' , But Denies That He Could Seo Thou sands of Frenchmen " Killed ; j With Pleasure. : .'; Paris, Dec. 1. MaJ. Cdunt Ferdinand Walsin Esterhazy, the retired Frehch army officer who is charged with having written, the letter which led to the" im prisonment on Devil's Island of Alfred Dreyfus, the-former captain of French artillery, who was convicted by Court martial of selling military secrets to the agents of a foreign power, is said today to have acknowledged the authenticity of the letters recently published by the Figaro, with the exception of the one in which the count is said to have ex pressed the i following sentiments:; "If tonight I were told that . I should be killed tomorrow as Cantain of ;TJhlan. while sabering Frenchmen, I should cer tainly be perfectly happy. I would not harm a dog, but I , would see a hundred thousand Frenchmen killed with pleas ure." -;- v. . -; . It is understood that the report of Gen. Pellieux, who was appointed by the military governor of Paris, : Gen. Saussier, to investigate the charges against Count Esterhazy, states that he is satisfied as to the guilt of Dreyfus. There is. however, general indignation here at Gen. Pellieux's statement j that he has not Inquired into the possibility or JEsternazy naving written the mem orandum upon which Dreyfus was j con victed, which is one of the charges brought against the count, the general simply remarking that he considers the court martial definitely . settled that poInt. : - i -. j . U . j I SPANISH MATTERS GOVERNOR OF FERNANDO WANTS WAR SHlPa. PO Weyler Banqueted at Pahna Insur. gents Routed in the Phillipine! I Madrid, Dec. l.At the cabinet meet ing on yesterday the minister of 'marine,- Admiral Berm e jo, .- presented j the request Of the governor of the Isiands of FernandJo Po, the Spanish penali set tleminit on the west coasit' of Africa : for more war ships to . guard that place, i Pjemier Sagasta read, telegrams from Havana and from; various towns: of Spain congratulating "the ; governsnent upon the issuance of the autonomy de crees. -'0' i It; is undlerstood1 : that the Carlists wtjH not take any action umitil , Don Car lo,, the pretender to the throne, has ret pllied ;to, a message sent to bim at i ."Vi enna relative to the pofliWcal situation. ! . -'t - - " ' r,j- t 4 ; WETLBR. BANQUETTED. - i Palma, land v of Majorica; Dec. l.-i Gen. Weyler, the former, captain-gen- eraa of Caaha, was nanquetted here, birthplace, Fast ' ' evening. Great thiusiasm was mamlifested; - his en ' , , UNTSUHGEINTS ROTTTF!lh - Madrid, Dec. 1. It is announced lit an offlciat dispatch from Mjanila, capital of the Philiipplne Islands, - says that jthe Spanish troops there - have routed! V a band Of iinsiurgenits, losing fifty-seven men ' killed, including , .the Insurgent leader. - The. Spaniards lost; six - men kiled - and seventy-one wou nded, v CARRIER SERGEANT SYSTEM. f Chicago, Dec. 1. Postmaster Charted j IT, Gordon,', of Chicago, left for. Wash ington- last, night, taking, with, him Re ports on the carrier sergeant system re-r' cently put. in1 trial here. -.He will. urge Ihe permanent adoption of the system, Mr, -Gordonvvill also have a conference with Postmaster-General Gary on posti jai savings banks and other, important matters. ' " - -' '- i AFFAIRS AT THE CAPITAL - -t -t: - A REPORT - ON GOLD i.IN ' NIOA. RAGtlA. THE ANNUAL REVIEW OF INt 1 DIAN AGENTS. the -mother-in-law.; among the redskins; ' SHE MAKES HERSELF A -TERROR. HOLY Death in Hospital of CoL W. D. Chip ley, of Florida -At One Time Prasi- i - dent , of the .' Pensacola .& . Atlanta Railroad Company. . .. . Waishingtoin, Dec. 1 In closing a re port to the state, departmenit'about gold in-Nicaragua, Consul O'Hara, at San Juam . diel .Norte, says; y -, ; V: '-C--:: ' "aiueh of the newspaper talk about gold in t!hese,OTum)tries is pure imagina tion, and while I have faith enough in the gold fields of eastern Nicaragua to believe that, gold hunters having both the time and money to prospect a year or. so might find poorer gold mines else where yet I feel .that ilt is my duty to warn Aniericaais. not to cotaie here in the expectation of getiting rich in a few years. Up to the present time, with but three or four exceptions, no one has succeeded' in making a fortune in the mining dlistriots. of Nicaragua. INDIAN DEVELOPMENTS. Washington, PDec, 'i. rSome . interest ing repoirft?s have .been made by Indian agenfts in tlheir aminiual review of devol opmentts in their fields. !At the Po'ttaw atomde and Greait Nemaha reservation in Kaausas there are about 16,000 acres of, Surpfl'Uis Jarad in therprairie band re serve that are likely to be a subject of contention in ; tlhe firtuire , and ; there eeans to be a growling sentiment in the trUbe flavoring their sa!e Oapt. SprdUie, of ."the Fort Peck agency in Montana, urges that tihe Indian trader, like the oM post trader, should go, and the gov ernment should awn its own stores. "With the ' tradter exftingiiished, Indian agenfts position won't be so valuable, and meantime let the Indians have all the stores they .want, for in the cut tJhrroaite competJtion of the traders, Mr. Lo stands some shew.". Oaipt. SproOe makes this, comment: "The treaty of these people will soon ex pire. Whatever treaty is made with them in the future ehtoaild be dione by those not influenced ; by local preju dices." ; . . .' ; Ait the Oniaha and WInibago agency in Nebraska, . thet asmiption and disso lution otfr the marriage' relation: at ; will, without form of law, is common, and it is predicted that I it." will necessarily cauee endless trouTble'in the? future as to the law of descent 'and in determin ing the legal heirs to. property. The maimer in which the allotments to the wlnirapfhaeos were- made, namely 150 acres to the frusfband and nothing to tha wife, has been and will continue" to he a source of mnch trouble. Agenit Cramsie,' at the Standttng Rock agency in 'North Dakota, charges that, notw4th!stanSilng the state prohibition law, county or town officials, have never neW effort to abate the ; saie of liquor in Emmons county, and that six1 or dg"ht "blind pigs" are. running wide -vyv 1UXL? open in Winona, North Dakota . : ering the schedules of property values Maj. A; E. Woodson, of the Cheyenne & Resented hy the separate coal com- and.Arapahoes, in Oklahoma, retw'rtsU-IPtS"''1' rtvr V 'The mother-in-law is much in evidence . : There is va slight dissension In the among these people. She makes herself nlcs ut it is not considered to be a holy; terror unless the family affairs sufficient to block the way of a speedy are conducted according to- her ideas, f consolidation. . .' The scheme, which is Much of the agent's time is occupied in ' stupendous, in nature, proposes the or the settlement . of family quarrels and 'Snization of one company with a capi in bringmg together . husband and wife talization of $11,000,000. ' It is to be a whose trontoles have; been -of sufficient huge-trust, controlling the river coal gravity to cause a separation.. His powers of .persuasion are frequently ex erted in vain, however. In most in-moither-in-laivy, is most obdurate and stances the wife, backed up by the proof againsf aR argument and en treaty to return to the family abode." Recommend'atlon is made for the wJthhold5ng of gratuitous subsistence f rcn the . non-progressive . Indians. ; not disposed to labor for. their support. ' Many, of tihe Indian agents re com -mend:disconttiniiance of the issuance of rations anvd clothdng and urge the sub stitution of a policy of making cash payments to the Indians for a time. The ; agenits ,at Rosebud and ." the. Cro w Creek, agencies in South , Dakota.' are amonig.thfese; . Recommendation is made that congress modUfy the , act appropri ating $187, 0(0 of the Crow Creek fund so as to. have it. paid. m cash and. to expend $50,000 for purchasing cattle,' $15,000 1 for fencing the reservatibin, $20,000 .for con stiructing cattle sheds,, $5,000 for mowers and : rakes, and af ter-,set'tlement of .at? tornieys f eefe, he remaining " $80,000 to be: paid the . tribe in-four casht install-menlts.--- With, this ,done, it is cCaimed the Crow Creeks will be self-supporting wiithlki. five years. At the Green Bay agency In Wlsconislnv the tribe Is report ed as retrograding, owing to 1 factional tronlbles, thfcxugh all of the tribe are cap able of becoming citizens. , - , 1 DEATH OF COL. CHIPLEY. ' ,- WaisiI-Jii'nigiton; Dec. vl.- Col... W IX Chip liey, of Florida, whtj has been , 111 at a hospital In tWiis cfity for some weeks, fdl iwf?"' fl.n rnr'o.r'Jitionfor; ca.rbuncle died at 4 oTock-thls morning. The remains will be removed ; to Columbus, Ga.,. for intermebt. ' , ;Cbl. Chlpley was a native of Alabama and was about 60 years "of age. He en gaged ih" TOercantll3 pursuits with" suc cess at Columbus,1 Ga.v until late in the sevenltles, when he removed to Pensa co!Ia,"Fla.r 'where he has since resided. He became ' prominently, identified with: the buiBding of railroads ih Florida and at the. time' of his 'death was president of the Pensacola & Atlanta .railroad.' He represented his corns y in the state seuLe lur several years and was one of ..roundings, tended to show that he had the most prominent-men ,1m the' statej. committed suicide by Jumping into the both in business end social, circles. .'He' tub of scalding water. ' He was married was menWonedas the most; ; probable to "a young woman And is said to have' normlnee of the democrats for the gov-' had domestic troubles. :! - Royal makes the food pure, - A '.t- ' ; ' rwholesome and delicious. ;, vm .Absolutely Pure , :-: ROVAL BAKING POWDER CO.. NEW VORK. ernorshlp of "thie state, and in the con test for the United States senatorship a year' ago? was- the; leading candidate. Col. r.Chiplley was a maai of wealth and was noted 'foa-hls phUainithropy. . Ool., Chjip9ey;came to Washlingtton on business with the 'secretary of the navy injregard to .imorovemientsbeing made by-the government in. the magnificent harbor of JPtenisacola. ; A small carbuncie that: appeared : Shortly before he left home .was! aggravated by the exposure comsequent upon-an', accidieait to tlhe train. on which he' was a passenger, and ;'irnmedSately oil his arrival in this city hfe went to Garfield hospital for treat ments His -family;- consisting Of wife and five childreVAhave been at his bed side, for ntearly.fa 'week past. His only 'daughter was hfe' companion on the trip to; ;.Wa5ngtopt;: lis older sons are proininenjtv.D in Florida. j i V RIOnijG - IN PRAGUE. Pragne,' Deci.There was a renewal of the rioting eyening. The windows s of 'h Gerni an theater, Ger man sOQisyiYirexirainits, residences and newspaper "office were broken. T3ie troops cleared; the streets. Many people Were injured, .and a number of arrests were made. ."'-' ARMS AND SPECIE FOR COLOMBIA. i New York, pec. 1. Large shipments of. arms and specEe have recently been sent from" this port to the republic of Golomlblia. The Atlas line : steamer Alene carried on. her last two trips ninety-seven cases of specie and a quantity of arms. The presidential elec tion in the republic of Colombia will take .place on December 5. In view of the rumor of threatened trouble on this occasion, it is. expected that the Colom bian government is making prepara tions to 'ope wiifth a possible reibellllioin. i GOAL COMBINATION BIGGEST EVER ATTEMPTED FORMiNG AT PITTSBURG. Proposed: Consolidation of. Companies . v Aggregating a Capital of . . v Pittsburg, P,; Dec. l.--The biggest combination of river coal interests ever attempted promises to be effected before fthe hew year. It has been talked of fVra. vcora :hnt Was at lnst iwm tr fl. fn cus. A committee, consisting of Capt. W. W. O'Neil, president of the W. W. O'Neil Coal "Company, and of the Pitts burg.; ; Coal 'Exchange; Capt. S. S- . ?r7?W Tt Ca?J: ' 5 ,rm -f interests. rrom,Juock No. 5, on the Mo nongahelariver.'to New Orleans. ' " V The . primary object .of the combina tion is to reduce expenses in both min ing afid shipping:'- The Pittsburg oper ators, hope by this means to successful ly compete with the Kanawha river pro duct. . It is claimed that it is but to reap the reward that, will be gained in the reduction ; of. operating" expen ses. The elimination of lthe: cutting done by the Pittsburg shippers is also expected' to contribute . to . the V dividends. v - .3 v - TQV,BE REINSTATED. . " V;' V New .York, "Dec. 1.-Corporation Coun- j sel Scott has recommended , to the board of police commissioners, the reinstate- ' ment of John T.. Stephenson as captain of police.' Capt. Stephenson was dis missed .from the force in 1894, upon his conviction, of, accepting a basket - of peaches.'as a bribe for non-enforcement ' of th ordinance against the obstruction of sidewalks by. merchants in the down town, district. , The conviction was re cently reviewed and reversed by a high er court. -j The captain's reinstatement will carry with it the payment of $10,000 of back salaryr . . .DECDINES TO ACCEPT. - Chicago,4 Dec. ' 1. The Tribune says today: Well defined rumors are hi circu lation .here today; that S H H . Clark has positively; declined to accept the presidency' of the Union Paciflc.on ac count' of 111 health and that, it has been practically decided to tit E. W. Winter, lately 'president": of . the Northern .Pa cific, in the' place heretofore held by Mr. .Clarke The actual head of the corpora tion,5 it is saidi Is.: to be Marvin Hughitt, president- . of the Chicago' &, Northwest ern railway, who-ls to become chief of the board of directors of the Union Pacific.-'" ' . i . . - -i'A DEAD-VETERAN -1 i.,.LeaveiWorth,.3?:an:, Dec:l.A veter an named. Patrick Carr was found dead today in, bath 'tub a vthe Soldiers' Home, the, fiesh so badly cooked that it -drOcoed fromthe bnnos Tha c,V. ill H t- i

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