-S-: The "Smith 1 Pre rnier Tbi Big Granite '7"! -, 7" - CLOTHKG. HOUSE. Pan Stew AT TIIF. 41 : PATTpn .-.AVENUE. Tpyewriter is endorsed , by the U.S. government. What more do you want, the earth? If you know any thing at all about it, you know its the best. L. B. ALEXANDER, Agt , 50 Patton Ave. COMING 'AND GOING. 30 Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. C. it. m, N - . Will surely come. If well clad you do iiot shiver because of a dirop in temperature, v There has already been a big drop ia prices t the " . v CLOSING OUT;AEE Root give new.life end aciiyity to the kid neys the cause of the trouble, but by treating the kidneys it acts as a tonic for Personal Notes About Home Folks medicine take Swamp-Root it cures. Sold and Visitors by druggists, nrice fifty cents and one do llar. rbv. sending Tburdre nl fha R- R. Rawlskas returned from Union, name okthis .paper to Dr. Kilmer & Co., ' !C. Blngbamron, N. if., you may have a sample , ' - , - r - J - - ill . - uow-ie 01 . cms greax discovery sent to you ;J. L. White of "Chicago; 4s at the Swan-I free by iniail. - r u ; nanoa. , U . ' ' - " W. C. Hough of -Franklin, -was Here yes- A OTED ATLANTA CASE. terday. . ' . For fouT yeans I lhave been afQioied with , James A- Sanders of aaltfimore, ds at the '"t .7 7 C irrr TJT ClreSS SUltS t Berkeley. ' - rible (has its nature been that when I blew 1 . . ' 1 " "' ' 11 i I .1 my nose smaxi pieces of bone would fre- 3,nQ OVCrCOEtS tO SeleCt trOm IS Still VerV lS-rOre. I W Rieynol(Js of st- 'o, is at the quently come out of my mouth and "nose. -r -,.'v -, ... J c I Berkeley. - . - 4 The diRfthars-A -was nnn'imis arH at timM YOU Can Sa.VearOm tO $C OnVPrV Quit in w -r, T v. ,rv . . very offensive. My Mood became so im- A 40 CVCiy bUlU ln MWrE. Jenkins of New York, is at the pure tbot my general health was; greatly ing irom jusC ' Oalh and price our cloth- 1 ' . j , SSS'SS?1 -1 r - i . . - " in . umuiu ut.imuAiius, wauiowt reiier, untu I began the use of Bo- 1112f DeiOre VOU bUV, and' VOU Will He COn- Stay' . tanie Blood Balm-B. B. B.-and tbree bot- o ' J J f , - J M . i-v-. vvii . ties acted almost like magic. Since its WE are selling., the . best clothing on the market for men, boys and children at cost without' -reserve . V : . ; Our stock of business suits. .rlnA fKof m oll 4-k Ui. J. J Lff Merrick ias turned from- East over a year,. not-e symptom has re Vinu ruiai wv 3U1 :XHC' UCbl iCclUy maue 1 esse turned, and I feel in every way quite re- clothing in town tor the least money. oose RtrwrewT in TlKXalltitl T am an rM nUiiron nf A . W. S. Fish-burn , arrived last night from lantA. ana rfAr tn imm.t an-o- n.no nvm CbarleStOn. I (in Rllflpr fitrt flTul mnra rkarH-vvii.liaiH-ir tn Ir. li. -JfM. fI liarri irnhn Irnnwia ' .m-v na aa H. Cohn-of tCSncinnati, arrived yester - mrs. TCLTZAiRPrrw tojot-t day afternoon. ' ' Atlanta fi 'Don't b(V;SllhRf-.i(tlllts. smirl tn ht "ittat 4a J. -M. Stoner has 'gone to the eastern srood.7 but. buv the old reliable .anfl Bha.n- part of the state. , ard Blood Purifier of nee R -R R S1.00 Tfr liarcft hftW1. TPnr .aalo -hv Tal (C A T J n TT t . . r 17 - . o. j.. jvua auu o. tiasiings ui umsooro, ham's Pharmacy. 24 Patton AveniM. 39 JORTH L1AKJ ST., r andno'w is your opportunity tO prer, pare fori the cold day, by at onie tak-, advantage as many are doing, of the bargains offered in Men's Underwear and Sweaters, Mens and Boys' Suits andO vercoats, Hats, Caps, Gloves, &c. SMORRISON & CO., 39 NORTH MAIN STREET. 5 I ! - w r I Patton Avenue R. H. Cilchard of Phiadelpiia, was a mong yesterday's arrivals. TAFFY WON'T GO ."'Moments are useless if trifled away,' and they are dangerously wasted if con sumed by delay: in cases where a "want ad" inserted in the Gazette will bring you lAir . iJarnara nas returnea from SNew wnat you want immediately. York and will resume practicing "law. EMPLOYMENT f or j-esnectable and in- .'.. Wbite of IBaltimore, and E. Poole dustrious nersons can usually be secured of Louisville, -were 'among yesterday's ar- in Asheyille by the expenditure of a few rivals. v cents for an advertisement in the Gazette s People's Cklumn8. verv well for a-Christmas eift. althoueh Nrs. m. ia. neniyer ji ii,iiza:oeiu, t-a., it Is vpt-v Tiiap whpH vou -want , it TTVir I anu jmliss ma xt. uaann -ax uoiuwoia., are ai 1TJ UUKiU A tXM-i'U 1JN UJNUJ 1JAY your wife, sweetheart, daughter or listers, I lre fwannaiioa. Take Ijaxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All ndthing -will please them bertter-than one j rrT"t. n V am. ' druggists' refund the, money if it fails to of n1.r thi-Do rvr fivc.iviiind hnTAs nf flp- Ui"lca v. ixaaiiicii, uxi.y -cu.iwi vx (inrfi. 2Kf. Thfi ?flnii np hs T,. K. O. on lidous, rich and finely-flavored mixed" "ie aiumore un, is nexe wnn nu eacm tablet. chocolates. French candies, .marsnmal- I.1"7 aic ttt OWi,UU4UU4- lir liT'ioil'maa wi-tnont l I xrypairi n'p- rf flip minstmn of rrifi nnnTra. ivno.-wi xiuv v .w-.- " I n r -. tf -i ? n j t. . 1 J..M I r " plenty of conifectomery wouM be like mf- Vaivm "118 .,.ulB uu"x tion-of Hawaiiwhich will ibe one of the "borne without a mdther.'" r. LI" , SrrrrJ "t. ;ri:i" most important , to become (before con KIH PI lilt- 1 V.' IIK 'Will IIIIIMV Kll I m !Pia,ant wha i.a-viii ae-mo. n gress, the Knoxvillo Sentinel says: "AsJ duties df storekeeper and gauger. - J 'tnrs annexation is a tning "we can't cjQ ana then at the next congress, tundo, as is the AshevillG Candy Kitchen, ,L M. Theobold, Prop 9 " V THONE 110. IT IS BAST TO TELL. case with tariff land (currency legislation; it fL.ii A iAb- .ft nf hoai'h l is, a taatter which, in importance trans electric , cabs pass THE JOv. MOTEL Calsine and Appointments . Unsurpassed BERKELEY Location Central. The Berkeley is an upWate hotel. Has all the comforts of a modern home and is Equally Desirable for Families and Transient Gnests. FRANK LOUGHRAN, Proprietor. are like the carpenter who neglects to; sharpen his tools. People axe1 not apt to get anxious about their health soon enough. If you are "not quite well" or "half sick'.' have you ever thought that your kidneys may be the cause of your sickness? , I.t is easy to tell by setting aside your urine for twenty-four Hours; a sediment or settling' indicates an unhealthy condition of the kidneys. 'When urine stains, linen it is evidence of kidney trouble. Too fre quent desire to urinate, scanty supply, pain or dul ache in the baclk is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. There is satisfaction" in knowing that the great remedy Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, fulfills every wish In relieving weak or dis eased kidneys and all forms of bladder and urinary troubles., Not only does Swamp- of these Jines. Tt involved, itoo, a vital po litioal primciple; it means in all probability imbroglios with foreign- governments and the maintenance of a dependency It in dicates a further course of territorial ex pansion and aggrandizement; all. of which will without doulbt redound to the greater centralization of power in the federal gov ernment and the weakening of state lines, or 't?he shearing of the state's rightist 'But considering--.the' question .df annexatioajr respective of .any questions of political prin oi'ples; laying -aside for the once the warn ing of Washington to beware Of foreign en-j tanglements and keep our attention whol-f ly occupied with local affairs, 'the ac-j quirement of the Hawaiian islands would toe of extremely doubtful expediency. t .When we. put la cM"p Cn our bat, as Hawaii would be, there'll be no lack of en-f emies -to knockv it off. It wilj invite at4 ftack and be a source of as little -profit and as much vexation as Cuiba is to Spain." t 'i ' consunPTion CAN BE CUBED. A. Slocum, M. C, the Great Chem ist aaid Scientist, Will Send Free, to the Afflicted, Three Bottles " . of His Newly Discovered Remedies to CureCon sumption and All Lung TroQ t bles. Don't delay until it is too late. Con sumption, uninterupted, means speedy and certain death. Address T. A. Slocum, M. C, 98 Pine street. New York, and when writine the Doctor.- eive express and postoffice address, and please mention reaa ing t'is a tide In the Gazette. ' Nothing could be fairer, more pnuan thropic or carry more joy to the afflicted. than the offer of T. A. Slocum, M. C, of New York City. " t Confident that he has discovered a re liable cure for consumption and all bron chial, throat and lung diseases, general decline and weakness, loss of flesh and-all conditions of wasting, and to make its great merits known, he will send, free, three bottles to any reader of the Gazette, who may be suffering. Already this "new scientific course of medicine" has permanently jured thou sands of apparently hopeless cases. The Doctor considers it ihis religious duty -a duty which he owes to human itv to donate his infallible -cure. - He has proved the dreaded eonsuinption to be a curable disease beyond any doubt, and has on file in his American and Euro pean laboratories testimonials of exper fence from those benefited and cured, in all parts of the world. YELLOW JACK KILLED. scarets, Candy Oarthartlc kills Yellow Jack wherever they fmdhimJNodne who takes Casoarets regularly and ystemat- icallv is in danger from the dreadful dis ease. TCascarets kill yellow fever germs in the bowels' and prevent new ones from macy. Just try a box of Casoarets, the finest liver and bowel regulator ever made. At Pelham's Pharmacy. A. STERNBERG, DEALER IN Hides, Skins, Furs, Tallow, BeeswaxWoolJEtc. I will pay the highest market cash price for the above articles. - Ad dress me at 50 Bailey Street, and I will call. 05-26. ft NOTICE to creditors of Western Carolina Bank to make proof of 'their claims.in the cause entitled below: State of North Carolina, In The ) Superior Buncombe County, I . Court. Battery Park Bank and Others, Creditors, vs. ) NOTICE. Western! Carolina. Bank.,.. . In pursuance of an order made in the above entitled cause, by his Honor W. I.., Norwood, judge of the superior court, on the 3rd day of November, 1897, notice is hereby given to any and all creditors of the Western Carolina bank to make themselves parties plaintiff and make proof of their claims in this suit within the next forty days. The petition and order on which above -notice is based are on file in the office of the clerk of the superior court of Bun combe county, North Carolina. Depositors of said Western Carolina bank will please present their pass books, re ceipts or other evidences of indebtedness to the undersigned, receivers, at the office of said bank, and -have same compared with the books of said bank. Blanks for prov ing and filing said claims will be furnished to any depositor or creditor on application after Tuesday, November 9, 1897, to the undersigned receivers. This November 3, 18?7. GEO. H. SMATHERS. It. P. MoLOUD, V Receivers. r4 -v. he SwainiEoa II) The highest endorsement .given The popularity of - The Swiannanoa is due to its central location, its home- j S; . Ht atmnnhere. the excellence of its cuisine and its very moderate price, i Steam heat, gas Bnd electric lights, J T.ovrvo oftmnlA rooms. F " ! P. A. LINCOLN & CO., . Asheville. N. O. . A Proprietors. Main Street On Car Line1 of - pted 1 . - ft.:.:- iiTtiiiiiir1i'r'f '""" - . . , ,":w"s-" ' '.fv.r;:.-"". -. ; -. r by conserva- horhe- keep ers. Select Board. Northern Cooking. Large Airy Rooms, Newly Pumished.r--Moa-ern Improvements. Steam Heat. . Shady Grounds Fine Location. , ' Near Oar Line. , 217 ui-TW-obi)1 ST. ' ASHBTVTLUBS. N..C. 202-28 t D. 13 STARNES AVENUE Furnishings almost-entirely new. TaMei supplied? with the heat.' T " ' ' - Mrs. Mary;Si Sevier. I 1--.- nv BO ARD Two desirable rooms 7rl$.?K,d: ma, be had at Mrs. A.X3. Bay's, Bamoth ' ' . Have yoii a house to rent? Try the peo ple's column.' Mrs. L.: E. FREEMAN, Proprietor, .: No. 646 outh Main St., ' 'Asheville, N. C. Centrally located, on St . Car Line, . Bates, $1.00 er JDay. Special-rRates by Week or Month, THE GROVE HOUSE, MBS. KOPPW.BERQ11, ' - . -a1lr0Te street. AslTllle, N. C. , - House -ntW Pa-Pfn? " SSS ttrotfglout. :,HiU8 well Heated. : Bata, tot ;5l iold water. ' Modem cMwmteocM. Northen-JMOlilng.- .Near street carUne. . . 1; Universally acce i Itive, discriminating l .They know the great i 1 ! of -wholesome food; they:, realize i the risk of the packing house lard. mportance -'Four refined, Valthy boarders Vith vlg orous appetites, lor tne wuiuu. - f": r;nw Tsrt Gau. situated amidst Se finest scneVand climate on this con- tinent.-JiinnaH AU51 - ; Refuse worthless imitations The genuine is sold every wheredn : 3 y , tins of one, thre;e land five pounds,. with trade marksCW.d;;: cotton-plant "wreatk-CK ..every tinvts tine"; oawjllat" V"' f--i:.;.:'.-';' r :'''V;. 1 c Blade s only by THE':N.-KL FAlRBAIK' COMPANY, :;5j --i " ei) -'ti8, " .CWcisia.". New 5leaM,Baldmor& -" .-;3 . f V-