! ; THE' ASHEVILtE OAZETlE, IEC. 2, 1897 - , if . f 4. O . , - , . ' - 1 1 . , r. . . . . - - - . - ! - 1 s -if The Daily Giazette. -''"r- x ASHBVILLBN, CV ; PteHED IVIBY: JLUMIM fICIPT I0PAFS , ; ; flU ASHE VILLE GAZETTE"PUB "jAMfctf E. NORTON President.' v" FBED A,' JOHNSON, Secretary Bt) BSCRIPTION .BATES : ? Daily One Tear Dally, Six. Months., t Dailv.-Eleven Weeks, ...r..i?4.00 . vv. t j. 2.25 r. Daily, One Month. . , ; . . . - noMv Ana Week. . . . . . . . . ; . ....... i0 .15 '-VopHt. Gazette.'. One Year.-k. 1-00 ;69 - j x These reduced rates ari f or ubscrIptlons , '-paid: POSITIVELY; IN ADYANCE. All . ',wedlt subscriptions will e charged at the i J ' ; tate of 15 :ents a week for vhaterer time , ' ; Vtbemay run..,, ' ( The' Gazette ia delivered in Asherille, - ' f.Vv -Vtetory and Biltmpre hy1" carrier at the fegular subscription rates. .' -Within these . - - lfmits or territory the paper may be or dfered bf letter, postal card or telephone. ' ': and' the subscription price paid to thej - ; - - earner. lt- f Drugs Retailed h at Wholesale Prices r:. At PELHAM'S. 4 A FffiSW PRTOES: . " , -iCheWing Gum, 3 pieces tot-Be. " Rubber Ni'pples, best duality, 2 for 5c. ; Fellow's HypophoSphftes, $1.50 size, 99c. ;; Cabarets, 50c size, 38c. - Cascarets,"25c size, 20c. , Com-D.' Cathartic Pills, 25o size, 15c Radway's Ready TRellef 50c size, 38c. 1 lAnt&amnfa, powder or tablets, per oz. $1.00 -' Diamond Dyes, per package, , 8c. , ; . (Diamond Dyes, 2 packages, 15c . ' - Diamond Dyes, 4 packages, 25c . . . Boschee's German Syrup,. 75c size, 53c' , . ; Boschee's German Syrup, 10c size, 8c Kennedy's Carbollne, $1.00 size, 75c. ' . " : ' ' Spencer's Chlorl'mine Pastiles (Wyeth) 20c 'T-; Chloride Dime, lb, 5c . " - Chloride Lime, lb, 10c. . Chloride Lime, 1 lb, 15c : Marviu's Cod1 Liver Oil, $1.00. size, 65c Parke Dai's Co.'s FrJfolium, Cotop., $100 size, 75c. . - Godfrey's Cordial, 10c size, 8c. Malvina Cream, 50c size, 40c, . " Slocum's Tychyclne, $3.00 size, $2.50. Brown's Jamaica Ginger, 50c size, 35c, - , !A large assorilment of Chest Protectors at OUT-RiATE price's. ;ateutg32's.NcKod cmfwy cmfwy mfwypfw Pdham's Pharmacy, The People's Drug Store. " THURJSEfAY MORNTNG, DEC. 2, 1897. - Yesterday was a day that proved how near -the land of the sky is to paradise. 'The plan reported to have been proposed by President McKinley for currency - re form may be bodied down to exchanging , greenbacks for gold certificates., ' 1... . '' . ... - fThe report that -Nathaniel Willis i (col ' ored) -th' alleged' murderer of a young ' white man named' Stephens, was lynched " (by burning has been found to be untrue. . .It iwaS (pu5lished,ln' many papers in the south and topied by -northern papers be- .lng furnished as a special telegram from ; Southport. Wdllis is safely lodged in Hoi ry (S. C.) county Jail at Conway. The sto- rj was of a character to reflect seriously on xjie community in wnicn tae "lyncsn- ' ing" was alleged to have occurred and it v" Is a pity that its denial will not reach JrV- - i . - a every part of the country in which It was ' 1 given publicity. ' . '.'- I' The recently converted, .but radically re . publican, New York, Sun- is sicking the president and congress on to get up anoth er tariff bill to, "stop the "deficit and pro- ; - vide ,the government , with adequate reve- iiue." It declares that ."Mr. Dingley and 7: ihis republican colleagues of the committee - on - ways and means will , not, do, their whole duty 'unless they frankly dmit that measure as , a revenue producer and de- vote their best energies and, betet ih'tel- lectuar efforts to' perfecting it. No pride - , of authorship and no Micawberish pro'cras- tination should stand in the way of prompt . and; effectual treatment of existing. defQ ' ' ciencies' Havana is the chief breeding place for the yellowf ever ..that inflicts itseK en. the 'southern states of this country. It has been suggested that on this ground alone '. " It would pay the United "States 'to wipe out - 4 . , ; the f existing government "of Cuba. Year y. after year. the. dirt and carelessness o"f th .Spaniards An (Havana breed yellow 'fever, -,. y and ? in the absence of proper '-quarantine "'.spreads It along the gulf states, Inflicting ", ' un'toldvmlsery upon the familieswhlch. suf- - ' t er ' from disease and death, 'foot only -pt ' this misery spread along the lower Tart of; - . , """"J wui. geiMfrai 'trusiness is uam ' v aged to an alarming extent v No exact da . ' ta'' on this subject has been collected, but ' :Ja' short.. time ago commercial papers est!' " j mated vthe loss to this country at 4i00,000,i . ;.ooo.-: .; : .'.,Tho proposition of the Richmond chaim ' berof commerce to petition the legislature - to grant to the municipality the right to ex ; ; empt manufacturing plants (from municipal v.: y taxation isttractlng much attention. The ' '' ,VIader,;of that, ctty, regard1 the action of " the legislature , ai;necessaryand cites '- ' Instances in whlcTi settles avei'-gone' a- ' ? head, and made such exemptions on Xthelr y z-.flfswjx authority. There; 1b nodoutothowev ; r, as tor the wisdom-and good jp'ollcy of ; r , adopting, this mean's of , promoting the' tin .dus trial' welfare of "a community.' : It is' a : : ;:;vwy VAtrong; Inducement vto capitalists to begin; a' new enterprise; and in the course , - V of time the property '"will paytaxesso . that ihe city in' this way jtot only secures "''desirable ; enterprises that give employment to . labor, but It Is1 also building up taxable valued: )1 v; I ";,.! ' V .1 V..-1 V " I 1 i- The Jury In the Thornelnurder trial twin , congratulate themselves that they did !- not Relieve "the defendant's testimony,' for with-, , in, a; half hour after-they had rendered their ver diet that" he was gulltjr of r- the - crime- the prisoner -confessed that-" they .were right. ;- ' , ,r ;'";V"'V "I am: glad. it Is over and the verdict given," saTd the murderer, "i-'aan , con- evicted and l am contented.' It -was I wiio killed Guldensuppe and I cut up Jiis body, Every -word 'that-airs (Nack said upon the stand '.was substantial! 'correct. Whsn I was -on the stand l ilea .wnen telling tae story as I dldrlbut I lieil to- clear myself. Jt .ls no use carrying it any (further. I am guilty and am conflicted. It Ha what I ex pected and what J suppose people, think I deserve, and "perhaps I- do." Thorn told' a very, "clever, lying ' story ja the hands of Ms expert lawyer, to save his life and if the jury had had. that , willingness that ap pears to. exist with some-juries to catch at any straw' to save a murderer's neck,- the scoundrel might have gone free o his mis erable life been preserved at . the expense of' the state in a prison. . - A bulletin has beeV prepared by the United States deparbmenl of agriculture In I answer to inany requests for publication on the. production of milk r and its care while on (the farm. . A; few pages arev given to the explanation of the causes of changes in the. milk; these are followed Jby refer ences to the chief ways in which milk is oontaminated and a description of the methods by whiqh suth contamination may be avoided. The' herd the employees, vthe stable and its disinfection, the dairy house. utensils, and .water are discussed. Dif ferent steps in-dairy work mlMng, strain ling, aerating, woling, storing, hauling are dis'eussed .in furii. 1 Fifty rules -for the dairy are given, arranged under the follow ing, heads: -The owner and his helpers, the stable, the 6wsr milking and tfhe uten sils. Illustrations' show , the appearance of bacteria in milk, some objectionable fea tures and' some -model features . of dairy (barns, and improved strainers and.,cool ers. The 'bulletin includes fifty dairy rules The bulletin can be secured Ifree of ch'arge from the secretary, of agriculture, br .:,a member of congress and is, entitled "Farm ers' Bulletin 'No. 63, Careof Milk on the Farm." ' ' . ' . , From the statistics of the present year's abundant harvests the Atlanta Constitu tion publishes 'some selected figures , that strikingly show the importance of this country as a grain producer: Selecting five of our cereal products, viz, corn, wheat oats, rye and barley, it appears that the to tal yield of these products for the year 1897 aggregates .not less than 3,20ff;O52, 000 bushels. ' . , ' This amount is divided among the va- rious products in the following manner: Cera 1,897,280,000 bushels, wheat 492,000, 000 bushels, oats 722,704,000 bushels, bar ley 66,650,000 (bushels and rye 27,418,000 bushels. Of course, these figures are not given out as. absolutely accurate, but as mbs-of the, terms have already come in tha verified statistics are not apt to differ widely from the' resul t aboy e indicated. As compared with last yearfc figures cov ering these same products there appears to be something of a shortage in the present year's haryest,due (mainly to the failure of tho corn crop. Tills, crop from the returns at hand seems to be short of last year's by nearly 400JD00400 bushels, . the total - crop 1 6r 1896 ibeing,4,283, 76,165 bushels, against Lpnly .1,897,280,000 bushels , for the crop of 1897. This shortage in the present year's "corn crop is partially supplied by the enor mous yield of wheat, the crop for 1897 ag gxegatihg 492,00,000 bushels against 427, 000,000 bushels for, the crop inl 1896. Ac cordiag to these figures, the wheat crop for the present" year is . 65,000,000 bushels in excess of last year's crop. Another in crease "'-of some 15,000,000 bushels Is noted , in this, year's crop of bats. . Altogether the grain harvest of 1897 is not as large as in former , years, but its present magnitude, neverpneiess aumees to show the very great improtance which attaches to the agricultural resources of this country. As the United States is a great producer of-cereals,' it follows also, that she is. a great exporter of cereals. Europe is large ly dependent upon us for bread-stuffs, and consequently anosfipf our cereal exports find their way - into the European mar ket.. - ' TOPICS OF TODAY. The expenditure In this country for war, including ' army, navy pensions and mi- litis, is, 1204,122,758, or $2.90 per. capita. The expense for education is 1184,453,780, or 2.61 per .capita.- , . ' - If thosethree traln r0bbers of New Mex ico, shall toe hanged,' It will domore to dlscburage the industry than anything that has-been done about it, since the first train was robbed,; say an, exchange, . and there is solid ytruth In -the-remark, ! v' " 'At the recent- election In tSalt Lake City wnere women: have the same rights of guf I rage as men,, all. the women candidates tot office -were defeated, and defeated badly; They :f were slaughtered by ' the Votes of ineir, njwn sex, who, ; it seems, were un willing to lift any of 'their number to 0 ficlal .prej-emineiice.ii The imale citizens of iue. mormon capita nave. a very sort nap in the game of politics. Chicago Chron : In.a'special Raleigh letter in yesterday's Observer the, fact was : adverted. to ; that by' .the census of 1890 It was shown that the ttegroe are 35' per ,cent of ', the popu lation of" North;' Carolina "and that of the -yote; cast last year 215,889; was -by whites anaai4j794 iby "blacks, ; These figures were, pf oqiirie, : known . approximately before, but they bring "into bpld relief our previous contention that -It is not the negroes who are responsiMe for:' thejjpresent" situation of affairs in this state, but the white peo ple,- In a few counties the negroes doml- nate my? reason of superior numbers, but smcerthe;.demoti,-''la':.'.18T6,: took these counties out of their hands,' and since these same counties were! among the 'first to, go into ' the , Farmer's ; All'latrcei jx&- through the .vestibule 1 'into the populist' party," it -W0iiltlem that' no-fctclc '-l 'coming'' to them. -The sooner wevare , candid with our-, selves, stop - blaming' thenegro for 'our woes, and place the responsibilty. for, them where it belongs, "the sooner we will get right again. Charlotte Observer.' olMc r r 18 is Multum in Parvo, PEOPLE A' display, of articles of "Bigotry and Virtue.," v Books, News and Stationery. " " ' , , ' ' F. F. BAINBRIDGE. , s V M . Lateof San Antonio, Texas.jp f: stiwrti Come, Look and W. B. wmLi 16 Patton Furniture and . y, V ' "T ' A Mrlon flnnnrtiinihr n uuiuuii kuuui iuiiii v I UFaliG II EOS1 Ihe en s 19 PATTON The Carroll House, furnished, if taken at once. Two other furnished houses, well located. Two small unfurnished houses. For Rent or Sale. -"The Brexton," with six acres of ground, within eix minutes' walk of the postoffice. Weayer & Rogers, Box 244. No. 45 Fatten avenue. W. M. LAAVBERT. 83 Patton Avenue. Manufacturers' Agent for Mantels, Grates, Tiles, Electric Fixtures, Venetian Blinds. Just look what you save by buying for cash. You get fresh goods at a very low price, in small or large quantities. AH orders have . our per sonal attention.. r V 1 i 45 -South Jtfaiff Street.-- 'Phone 125. 1 FT i V rajj ; tag! t All Goods For Eent JOJLi aLCT l ; ,.7 r:. -r i- - r-TBat,becau8e'myfstore at South Maiii; St; small, that' there is nothing in it - This'idea is' wrong. ;Myt stbct is Maximum: and ' Bestuni. We have just received the cheapest and,pret tiest lot of Iron and Brass BEDS Get Our Prices. Avenue. in now yours. jby buying your furnishings and hats at ANENUE. at A Good Name! The chance to get your name on 100 Visiting Cards en- errftVAH in iVit laat cf-ola lo dies' or: gentlemen's size, pack- ed in a neat 4 box, for $1.25. Is good only until December 4th, They woul J make a nice Xmas present for your friend; 40o Paper Books at 15o. v Morgan's Book Store, i 3-W; Court Square, , Grand Opeiu House ONE SOLID WEEK, COMMENCING , ONDAY, DEC. 6. Wilberjompany Pete Baker ' In Repertoire. , Presenting Monday Night OHRIS M LENA" Is1 Carpet House Ihe Removal Sale utfitter, Cost Seats now pn sale-' at Heinitsh &J pair. ; These goods are seconda out of the Reagan's .Prices 10, 20 and 30a U LL-;: 'A ,11 - O .1 Wednesdayand'Saturday Matineef HcPHERSOIi & CLARK I Stores; -Ttanw -.and '-Hodsc f iiriusiuiig - uooas, ' : ; : ",.:"... w vyiuur uuu l. 'W aici i ui ' I . viiiS,-uyt ttll iurnaceS,. tin O and slate ropnng and gal- 'V'45 College Street." Telephone 133, ; TftjE CAROLINA WW .t'? WINE antl LIQUOR STORES """i VV T9 Main St;7& 7 .College St.' FlfJE IVIHES AUD LIQUORS, And for everything usually kept in a first-class LIQUQR STORE. , - ICoirie in and get prices before g(K j mg eisewnere. i Keep the best . . stock, of - Whiskies, .Etc.,- in the State.. Goods shipped to all parts of the country , free delivery in the city and vicinity. . v (' ; I Wajak .oniieii,; jbp 'rT j i r 'f' Svii! iun?wn? WO J lih a New Pairy UL1LP or Soft Soled Shoes WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW STOCK BY EXPRESS. I ' " ' ' : .. We still have bargains to offer the Ladies in small size shoes, if they are not particular about the new toes. : , r . ' : . ' . '" .'- "' r J. D. BLAITT0U & CO., , ' x " r - , : ' ....... . . 1 39 Fatten? Avenue. Cold Weather Doubtless near at hand now' makes the items of Cloaks, Overcoats., Heavy Suits and Underwear, Gloves, Blankets, and Comfortables decidedly interesting to to most ot us. We are prepared to furnish good assortments pf. all in durable grades at reasonable figures. 1 Do not, overlook ; our-, large stock of Wool Dress k Goods, late quotations on which are more than ten per cent, higher than the prices at which we invested. Redwood Any kind of "Want" placed in . the col- of the Gazette answers. one. G. A. PARKEB,, Grocer, I 248 COLLEGE STREET. Keeps full line of groceries at rock-hottom prices. Will be glad to see all hia old customers at 'Ms. new place. Good horses; good vehicles. Safe and an accommodating driver. Prices down. Be fore making other arrangements ask for Lark-in Gwyn's carriage on Court Sauare. or call Telephone ne vz. Met store:News, 30 South Main Street. A few things that will interest. the. cash buyer: .' . ' K.tiKic-i: a00 dozen Ladies' Black Hose at 5 cents TTt w.-na down -and get a dozen' for '69 cents' . r A good, eenslWe buyer, who values the dollar, wiri ndt he governed iby Oie'price, whether it he higlivor low, but win Judge . 1 r , " - '"r ' ''' - from ithe value of goods offered; If ' good .value they buy." -IHandkerchief s arev as useful . ash dimes. We Share a great Job of 133 dozen Hem- 'MuavuBVi nor; taaies .anu gents ax 10 cents. Sthem. . Touts for-values, V3' 1 LIVERY EElIHiEiBABY of Kid Moccasins & Co 7 & 9 Patton Avenue. will bring immediate The AsheYille Cycle Factory, 60 S. Main St. ". 20 Second band bieycles for sale. sio.00 up. .. . K, W McCoy's Bicycle School from 4 to S p. at ' We make, sell and rent blcjeles. E. W. McCoy & Co AND are nice to visit; but if profitable pensive to customers. Now it stands to reason that at a less assuming and less exoensive the goods may be boueht at a Diice vtraStMUm to the merchaht and at the . eame time economical to tou.. Por evidence. saJL. bm and price goods at - - H.. O. JOHNSON, Phone 188. ' . , 83 Nortb Hate and;Best -. FOB SALE THROUGHs ASEVnLE ICB AND COAL COMPJJX 1y .Telephone 40." " V , ; CAROLINA COAL. dOMANT. y ' y T- V Telephone 130.. " . ' BILTMORE LUMBER COMPAin; The Cheapest J. M. STONER. Telephone 77.' v s' -.-,

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