Oestreicher & Co. Through a . very, ad vantageous deal .we are in possession of, just twenty-seven Fur Collarettes Best genuine furs elec tric seal and astrachan fur All black in col or with fancy silk lin- incrs. None in the lot worth less than $5 and $6 Thev are of- " 1 J : S fered at 3AS First customers- first choice. "Will you; let this opportunity pass ? OESTREICHER & CO. 28 South Main Street. Carried AwayJL Our furniture is being carried away every day. We have a fe nice cane chairs on han4,no.w Call and examine our $3.00 Oak Rockers. They are going very fast W. A. BLAIR, Phorfe7 5. 4-5 PattSfi Ave. JAMES-ELLERSON. The wedding of 'Miss Martha Storrs El lerson and (Mr. Claybrook James took Place at 6 o'clock yesterday evening at the First Presbyterian church. The ceremony was performed! by Rev. w- R. P. Kerr, assisted by Rev. Mr. Walt ball, and was witnessed by a large as fcem'olase of friends. Miss el.erson is a daughter of Mr. Andrew 'Roy Ellerson, of Ingleside," Hanover coumty. Personally she is charming. Her fiancee is now a resident of 'Asheville, IN. C., and is one f the most promising young merchants of that citv. He is. however, a native of 'Richmond, and has many -warm friends iere. He is exceedingly popular in "both tae social and business world of his a Copied home, and deservedly so, for he is a young gentleman of sterling worth. The decorative work within the church was limited to the vicinity of the pulpit, tQe steps leading to it, as well as the space hevond. beine covered with white 'cra.sh. the ereen of oalms. fern and smi Jax, contrasting beautifully with that "pure ground. There were candelabra to supply the light within this aoace. the whole sup 'Plying an efflectlve frame or setting f of, the The musical program included 'the usual marches, together with special . selections a the ceremonv troceeded.- The groom, accompanied by his best man, (Dr. jLorimer James, entered by the door in the rear of the pulpit, groomsmen;' brides-maids, maid of honor and the 'bride; then advancing by the middle aisle in the following order: r. T 'Mr. Le wellyn McVeigh s and Mr 'Philip J(Mies. ' - - ''V-'. " 1 Miss Wright of Georgia: "Richmond Times, fD mDer 2. ' . , . ; . .Stable for rent ' near Hotel ' .Berkeley. A'SO OT1A Kf m.-mmlrllft MWl!Kle ' bOT Special. 3 at UO.OO.-S. H. Ch'eideisfter. - " ; SALOONS CLOSE AT TEN P. M. By Order of the Board of , Aldermen. . - - - - -.--) ...... Much Business Transacted at Last - Night's Meeting. Proposal to Change the Name of Willow Street. And Honor it With the Name of ' Aston. (Contract Let for City Hall Plumbing Market House Hours Changed Eaqjle Street Res taurant a Nuisance. The 'board of aldermen were all present last evening, iMaybr (Rankin presiding. The matter of widening Cumberland ave nue near its intersection with Starnes av enue was again discussed. Chief ot Police James said that to give the property such a widening would take off his lot, and $50 would satisfy the other party con cerned. On motion it was decided that such an appropriation be made and that the work be done. ' Alderman Mears' -recommended widening the south side of (McDowell street an4 al lowing ithe switch for the Asheville and IBiltmore railroad to be pUc.d on the ad ded property. The matter was referred to the 'street comittee with power to act. The street superintendent then read his report. A motion by Alderman Scott to 'the ef- feet that no money should be spent in any department, save by the order of the board, was carried. The .offer of Col. Coxe to give to the city sufficient' land to make the street back .. r- . . . of Hhpoatofflcej forty ; leet wlde provided they -would release him from all paving expenses connected wifth that street and move the car track on the side next to the postoffice, having no sidewalk on that south side wa rtrerrea to the street com mittee and city engineer. Bids for the plumbing to be done in the city hall were submitted as follows Penniman and Kelly $204 60 Ball and fcheppard 250 73 McPherson and Clark 215 00 F. M. Ldndsey 209 40 Boyce and Rich 192 60 The contract was awarded to the lowest bidder. The matter of J. W. Heath and Charles Evans, janitor and watchman respectively in the government building, 'being ap pointed policemen, with no extra salary, was settled, and they will be duly sworn in. The sewer works near the corner of Bearden and Cumberland avenues, which was done by iprivate parties who now re quest the city to compensate them for their outlay, was estimated by City Engineer .Lee as having cost $876.20. A motion to the effect that this amount be allowed the parties was carried. The matter of awarding damages to (Mrs Ella Chunn, who claims that her property on Grove street has been damaged by some grading which has been done, was dis cussed, but it was thought that no damages were deserved. Mention was made of objectionable plac es on Eagle street and the place of James and Sam Johnson was declared a nui sance. A building permit was granted to James Smith to erect a medium size house on Philip Wtreet, near Grove street. Petitions from the Y. iM. C. A., the Young People's Union, the Christian Endeavor so ciety, a large list of Odd Fellows and the congregation of the Haywood street Meth odist church, to close the bar rooms at nine o'clock, were presented, but no sec ond motion was made. Alderman Scott, after some remarks, made a motion that the saloons be required to close their plac es of "business at ten o'clock on all week days -save Saturday, when 10:30 will be the hour. It was decided, after a motion by Alderman Kennedy, that this ordinance go into effect on January l, isss. A second motion was made by Mr. Ken nedy that the name of Willow street be changed to Aston street, to do honor to the name of one who has done so much for tho inl-P-rests of Asheville. This motion a- rmised considerable interest, all parties be 'ing in favor of doing honor to the memory of Judge Aston, but most of them were of fh-P oninion that the naming or sucn aa m sieni.fi cant street was too small an honor considering the man. Some mention was mioflp of Church street as being a probably more suitable. The matter, was J eft open fvr A fa niicf a-? ATI. '.:: .--r -Mr. Hill stated that complaint was being made In the market house of outside beef markets selling goods to parties inside the .trHWv RiiTmnsed to be supplied by . the meat stalls in the market house. ? The at tention of the tshlef of police was canea. ro sufh violations. ? The maTket "committee,- through - Alder tna.ii 'Rnrsnet't. renoTnTnended that on Tues . ftatr of the C51insrroanmemoTla gervlce, the: "market open at ten and tfcree o'clock respectively and close at 6:30. That this be done was moved, ana carrusu. Fifteen hundred dollars rwere approprl atd for the city schools. ' : m. iTwwJTisr Mils were ordered paid iMlT..M8.B:'T. V... Smith -n tc . tnttrov fJrocery store. 25 cents ' t 1 .n .11 : Walter Hatch one-half m $26.05; w: C. Cartnichael, $1.85, . A. S. R. R. company 465.58; Craton, Knight & Co., Atlanta, $590.00 ; Sunlight Oil ana Gasoline Co., $3.90; Stemple ' Fire Extin guisher Manufacturing Co., 1.25; B. M. Lee, -$35.65; Ashevile Electric Co., $414.49; George T. Scott & Co., $145.90; Brown, Noxthup & Co., $8.70;; ;W. : A Jones, jr., $19.40; Mr. V. J. IBall, $7.00; J. R. Oates, $2.00; J. H. Tennamt, $11.26; H. C John son, $10.68; IR. E. Clevenger, $10.00; J. G. iDuckett, $10.00 ; police pay Toll, $745.00; regular city pay roll, $819.99; sanitary pay roll, $75.83 ; street pay roll, $178.58. The following number of cash statements were submitted by City Clerk Robertson, showing? the income from the different de partments of the city's revenue: Cash on hand Nov! 26, 97 $99314 77 Collected, by J. A. Campbell, T. C. Collected by M. E. Roberts (wat 393 51 er) Collected by M. E. Roberts (sani- tary) 40 44 132 04 Collected by W. A. James (fines) 15 30 Collected by W. H. Bird (sani tary) Collected by Geo. tfl. Starnes 24 55 20 33 Total 9950 94 DISBURSEMENTS. Paid street department $ 280 05 Paid water department 120 60 Paid sanitary department 121 63 Paid fire department 25 50 Paid police department 15-40 Paid city market 2 50 Miscellaneous . 63 00 City hall 630 28 Cash on hand . 9320 60 Total W 9950 94 AT ALEXANDER ir.ntertainmfint to Raise Monev for a Christmas Tree. Alexander, "N. C, Dec. 3. The supper given by Mrs. Robert Vance and her as sistants, 'Mrs. M. i. Cox, Mrs. Anderson, Miss Dora Lee and Mrs. Plato Lee, was a pleasant and profitable affair. The object in view was to raise money for the Christ mas tree for Alexander Sunday school. Hotel Alexander was made gay for the oc casion, halls lighted, verandas illuminated. and the office lost its individuality by the decoration, from the deft, artistic touch of Mrs. Cox. When completed, it revealed a well of lemonade, the arrangements sur rounding which were quite becoming to the pretty retailer. The 'Weaverville band came, generously, to help out with the good work, and too much praise cannot be awarded to the boys who hired their own teams to drive back and forth all for the benefit of a charitable object. Their music Was far above ordi nary. The selection of airs were good, and so well rendered as to be much com mented upon by guests in the house. After a full and plentiful repast in the dining room, all turned to the well light ed, warm parlor, to find Mrs. Plato !Lee'4,t the piano, and 'Mrs M. JL. Cox singing maiiyiswee&$M30 unaer tee i3isies ana upon requwi Miss Reagan played "The Pride of the Ball" for iMiss Weaver's well trained voice. All were made happy as iMrs. Vance came in with the general; 'the Sunday school veteran. He seemed to catch the inspiration of the occasion, and truly 'Richard was himself again." Last, but by no means least, came Miss Dora !Lee, looking pretty and bright in her Decommg waitress cap. Mrs. 'Anderson dispensed lemonade ana ca'ke and Mr. McDonald of Bryson C5ty, came to her asistance in making a most ammusing auctioneering of her remaining merchandise. IRjn Ha. THF COTTON MARKET Riordan & Co's Report of Yesterdays Transactions Special to the Gazette. New Tork, Dec. 3. Liverpool again dis appointed the bears this morning by ad vancing one-half sizty-f ourth. This des patch was regarded as quite favorable and the market here opened four points up. Although there was slightly more activity to the trading than for the past few days, this was largely due to covering by the local bears, one of whom bought heavily. Selling orders were fairly plentiful, but the local buying absorbed the offerings, and the market had a decidedly steady un dertone all day. The movement for the week was heavy but as it fell slightly be low that of the same week in 1894, it had no depressing effect Just before" the close there was good buying for Liver pool, and the market reached the best fig ures of the day. January' opened at 5.69, gradually ad vanced to 5.73 and closed at that figure with the tone of the market firm. The buying today has hardly added1 to the strength of the position. RIORDAN & COMPANY. A SUGAR BEET COMPANY. (Richmond, Va., Dec 3. A charter was granted today by the circuit court to the Southern Sugar Refining company, with $1,000,000 capital. The object of the com pany is to manufacture sugar from beets. Operations are .soon to be begun. James B. T"aoe, a banker, is president of the com pany. FREIGHT TRAIN WRECKED I I Lima. O.. Dec. 3. A freight train on the Chicago and Erie railroad was wrecked seven miles east of her last night. It was reported that the engine blew up and three men were killed. v ' . - ST. ANDREW'S BROTHERHOOD. The members of St. Matthias chapter of St.; lAndrews Jirotherhood, at its last meeting, elected the following officers. for the ensuing year: Dictator, H B.; Brown, vice-dictator, J. fW. Bryan, clerk, David Dixon,; treasurer, Isaac Dixon. - . A MURDERER CONVICTED, ' Buffalo, Dec. 3. The jury In the case of Warren Widrig, . murderer, a "brought in. a verdict of murder in the second degree. He was sentenced to life Imprisonment at Auburn prison! ' v'.' - - ..; STATE-CAPITAL GLEANINGS The Inter-State Educational Meeting at Asheyille Endorsed by Prominent School Offi cers Throughout the South. Monument to tie Confederate Dead of North Carolina. ' Big Decrease in Cotton Receipts at Raleigh. tnter-ColIegiate Debate .Between Chapel Hill and the University of Georgia Preparations for the Next State Fair. iRaleigh, Dec 3. F. E. Hege has return ed from where he has been in your city in the interest of the poultry show to b held in January. tMr. Hege's visit was di rected to the special preminum list that will be offered exhibitors1 lin addition to the regular prizes offeued by the Inter state association, under whose 'auspices the show will be held. Superintendent 'Mebane is very hopeful of accomplishing successfully his scheme for an Inter-State .Educational meeting at Asheville next summer. He is already in receipt of letters from prominent educators and school officers in neighboring states endorsing the idea. The secretary of the state has sent to the clerks of court of the various coun ties in the state, a list of all the insurance companies licensed 'to do business in North pCarolina, These lists are sent out the first 'V . it.-;:-. '. . . of every month so as to prevent agents of unlicensed companies doing business in the state, . .The list shows 36 life companies and 7& accident, fire,' guarantee and ma rmeompinies. hetalktof : a lte" "republican weekly paper at Raleigh has been revived and some parties here have been making esti mates about the cost Arrangements have been completed for the inter-collegiate debate between the university of Georgoa and the university of North 'Carolina at the latter place. Subject: "The Annexation of Hawaii," E. K. Graham and W., J. Brogden represent ing North Carolina. N The names of the new executive com mitte for the next state fair will be given ou'c to the public Within a few weeks, and active work, preparing for next year's pre mium lists and 'exhibitions, will ibegin dur ing January. The outlook, it is said, is equally as promising for 5vS it was for the past fair, and if the weather is fa vorable 20,000 will be attracted to the city next October. Internal revenue collections for this district during November amounted to 1122,116.83. The impression prevails that the farmers are holding back their cotton ithis year, ihe figures in the office of Secretary Wy att of the cotton exchange, show this to be true. The total receipts last year up to November 1 were 18,813 bales: the total for this year is 13,752 bales-a falling off of nearly 5,000 bales. The receipts dur ing the month of .November were 5,623 bales .against 5,507 last year an increase of nearly 1,000 this year over last Articles of incorporation have been taken out in 'the secretary of state' office for the East Coast Cedar company. The com pany will have a capital of $50,000 and their offices will be in New York and Phil adelphia. They propose to cut and manu facture lumber extensively in Pasquotank, uare, lyrell and other counties. The com pany will hold its meetings in Elizabeth City, Raleigh or some other oity in tbii state. The company is chartered ior thirty years. Wake Forest has challenged the univer sity to a joint debate in Raleigh. The next term of the United States crim inal circuit court will convene here Mon day. This week Judge Purnell is holding court in Wilmington, and when he opens court here he will have an unusually heavy docket. 'Most of these are moonshine cas es. There are on the docket only three or four postoffice cases. .As yet the $500, which Julian S. Carr offered the county, which at the August election on the question of levying a special tax for public schools cast the largest percentage of its qualified votes in favor of the tax has not been awarded. According to the conditions for which it v.-as given a county can get the amount in which not a single township was carried for the tax since the conditions said the $500 was for the county in which the larg est percentage , of electors voted for school. It is evident," however, that itvwas intended for the county in ".which Ithe most town ships went -for schools.-- , 5tev. James B. 'Avirett .has raised the money for She monument to be erected to the North Carolina confederate dead,' who are buried at Stonewall: cemetery at Win chester, Va. -This ds 'the fifth monument erected here by as. many states to their dead.. The states rwhich have erected mon uments . are nas ;follows: -Maryland Vir ginia, Louisiana, Georgia,- all costing over $10,000.',- , r y - -, With' the exception of the chapters on "Fish 'and Fisheries" : and the " "Lumber Industry in North Carolina, ... the report of (Labor Commissioner (Hamrick, is now com plete and, in the hands of the printer. Be fore finishing these .chapters Mr. Hamrlck will have to make another visit to the east er.v part of the state. This be will do next week. He is now spending a few days at his home in Cleveland county. The report, when completed, will be one of : the most elaborate and useful ever published in the state. Tt will comprise 400 pages and con tain much inf of mation in regard to North Carolina's agricultural and industrial de velopment never before published. Be sides being handsomely illustrated with cuts from special editions of the News and Observer, showing the staia's prog A ress, it will have Sn it many special arti cles, notably one from Col. John S. Cun ningham of Person county, the largest to bacco planter in the world, on the "Culti vation of Tobacco," and ano'Jier by Col. Julian S. Carr of Durham, one of tae larg est manuafcturers of the weed i& the world, on the "Manufacture of Tobacco." The greatest space is devoted ' to cotton mills. Next to 'this comes agriculture. Statistics are given of a number of enter prises never before represented in this re port. The chapter on mines will be as complete as the limited resources of the de rartment would permit. PEN LAND JUDGMENTS Filed Yesterday in Fayor of the First National Bank Receiver. A. H. Tenland, A. M.- Penland, M. C. Penland, W. H. Penland and others yes terday filed confessions of judgment in the office of the clerk of the superior court in favor of V. S. iLusk, receiver ot the First national bank, for the following amounts: V. S. Lusk, receiver, vs. 'M. C. Penland, $15,575, principal; V. S. Lusk, receiver, vs. W. H. Penland, principal, $10,000; V. S. Lusk, receiver, vs. iA. 'M. Penland, prin cipal, $15,575; V. S. lusk, receiver, vs. A. K. Smith and IM. C. -Penland, $3,067. 'A transcript of each of these judgments was sent to Yancey and Mitchell counties for the purpose of being docketed. Some of the summones in these cases have been executed while the others had not. The lien of these judgments upon the real estate of the defendants commenced at the time of the judgments, rendered by the clerk dpon the confessions filed. All of the judgments were docketed in this county yesterday. The papers in each case set iforth the cause of action and all matters pertaining thereto. DUN'S REVIEW OF TRADE The Report Indicates an Encouraging ' Business Outlook. New York, Dec. 3. Dun's Review of trade, which will be published tomor row, will say that the monthly report of failures shows that the liabilities from fail ures are a million less than last year. Payments are remarkably good and other evidences of the state of business is con vincing, except in speculative lines. Wag es have been voluntarily advanced for thir ty thousand workmen. Stocks are strong er. Considerable orders for rails have come in from western markets. Wheat de ceived everybody, dropping in the face of a -heavy- foreign, d&ffiaflcl, though in the long run this demnad wil affect prices, however surprisingly large receipts dn theWelddm that such a representative party. west indicate-, greater, yielLihan had .been anticipated.' Cotton! , receipts indicate a greater yield than the ten million bales of '94. Nothing appears to indicate any iprob able 'restriction in the money market. The demand for commercial loans is light. PURSUIT OF A FUGITIVE A County Convict's Fatal Attempt to Escape. Will Walker, a convict oh 'the County roads tinder Captain' Pickens at (New Found, made a break for liberty yesterday. He was shot at twice by 'Rogers, the guard, without effect, but was hotly pursued. The fugutive became frightened and took refuge in a tobacco flue from whence he was chased to a point not far from the camps, where he was found concealed in the top of a pine tree. Upon the approach of his pursuers Walker descended from his lofty position, gave himself up to the officers and retook his place on the county works. HAD COMPLIED WITH THE LAW In Issuing a Marriage License to an Alleged Minor- The case of Harris vs. W. J. IBeachboard, register of deeds, for the recovery of a penalty for the issuing of license for the marriage of the plaintiff's daughter, was heard before Esquire Summey, and was de cided in favor of the register of deeds, who, on trial; showed that he had complied with every requirement of the law in respect to the issuing of the marriage license. He produced the sworn affidavit of the appli cant and proved that he took every pre caution before the application was granted. TOBACCO MEN PLEASED With the Gazette's Efforts in Behalf of Our Home Market Editor of the Gazette: The tobacco men of Asheville are much pleased with the effort the Gazette is making to uphold our home market. The account of sales in yesterday's issue has been read by both planter and buyer with interest and profit. Hope the Gazette will keep up the good wcrk and continue its usefulness to Western Carolina. R. F. DRUMMOND. December 3, 1897. ROBBED MAIL BOXES. Boston, Dec. 3. William H. Matthews pleaded guilty in the United States court today of robbing mail boxes, and was sea tenced to six years in the state prison. - MOTHER M' KIN LEY DYING. i Canton, Dec. : 3. It is reported this af ternoon that iMother "McKinley is growing much worse. Her death is momentarily expected. t. ::,-....,.:, OPERA HOUSE BURNED. liaCrosse, -Wis., Dec. 3. Fire destroyed the MdMillian opera house ; and the Pom eroy .bl6ck today. The Toss is $200,000. . POWDER WORKS BLOWN UP. Platfoville, :Hv3s.i : Decv 3. The cylinder house of the TafUn - Rand powder ; compa ny blew up today. The lss is 425,000.. ; 1 '. ' ' s - , -.t NORTHERN CAPITALISTS Distintiished Party in" Asheville. What Mr. M. V. Richards Says of Their Trip An Inspection of Their Investment in the Sonth. Pleased With Asheville and Its Sur roundings, Talks With Some of the Men in the PartyA Trip Planned Today to Biltmore To Return This Afternoon to New Yorki' A distinguished party of northern capi- ... tklista interested in the industrial devel opments of the southern states arrived yes terday and are at the Battery Park. The party represents a great amount of wealth and many of the members have large in vestments in Southern railway securities and manufacturing enterprises. rne lour is unaer xne aarecuan oi jvi. v. -Richards, the Southern's land and indus trial agent. "The trip is made," said Mr, Richards, last night, "that these gentle- . men may be posted in regard to the situ ation and their interests in the south and w it is hoped that they are so thoroughly pleased that when they return to their homes will be imbued with the idea that . the south is the place to investigate ad- . ditional capital. The Southern railway has done everything it can lna systematized way : toward the development of the lands on its lines. We are using every means to place before this party facts and figures in : reference to the present condition of 4fci is irn.f-pTi tjiE'et.'hW-.i '-'The trip has been , very-short ."-contln-'J uea uar. 'jienaras . "owing:. io ; tne iimiteav time of the members, though severST im: rwH-f-nnt vttnn mills on .thp Rmi f-:h r.n rail--. way have been visited, and I believe the -party has seen enough of the growth of r this section to assure them that their In-; terests in the south are in a prosperous LUU tJ'l L1U11. ' t Sections' of Virginia, North' Carolina, -South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and East Tennessee have been visited by the capitalists. . The party is composed of Hon. Seth M!. Milliken, a member of one of the largest comm'ission houses in New York. John P. Townsend, president of the Bow ery Savings bank, 'New York city. John J. Sinclair of New YOrk, a well known contractor. W. Wheeler Smith of iNew York, a well,, known architect of the United States. W. V. Brokaw of New York,' a trustee of the Bowery Savings bank, capitalist, and member of the wholesale and retail cloth ing firm of iBrokaw Bros. J. 'M. Danielson of Providence, capital ist and treasurer of several large eastera cotton mills. E. Naumburg of New York of the great banking house of Naumtburg, Lauer & . Co. W. F. iMill'iken of Portland, capitalist , and wholesale merchant. A. W. Green of 'New York, bead of the large wholesale mercantile establishment of Green, Joyce (& Co, Columbus, O. Edward Green of 'New York, capitalist. (Continued on Eighth Page.) GOOD, established, paying business for sale. For particulars address Box 705. City. tf A Grand Illuminated Display of Jew ry and Silverware. Thursday evening, Dec. 9th, from 8:00 to 11:00 .o'clock. In making the announcement for our opening at the beginning of this year's joyous season, when it is the beautiful custom of all to give substantial tokens of love and esteem, we wish to say that never before, in the history of the jewelry business, have nrices been so low, and tlie beauty of design so simple, and yet so elegant, as at the present period. Prkei tsve never been so 3ow a? th:-y 9.VC-. this year, and we believe that $1.00 will buy as Touch, on the average, as $3.00 would five years ago. - 'We have many beautiful things, rang-- ing in price irom twenty- ve, vents up4; wards, and if ycu will give us the honor of a call, ire will be pleased -to show you and at prices that, will astonish you. . " . Our firsc illuminated display will occur on the evening p , Thursdiy, December, 9th, from S :Co to 11:00, and we hope that, you will favor us with, your presencei. ' - , ' J ARTHUR M. FIELD, ton avenue, Asheville, :N. C I" ! J,.

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