Oestmmm TEACHERS & eoii iiassoGiflTioN r 1 (HEADQUARTERS FO R ; Dr; IWnce'sArgument for sANTllliil! w n m described is in realfity not a teacher; but rather an; individual .who M - trying ' to earn bread and raiment wherewith to feted and clothe his body. ' - - - "While" the study of duaatioaal Journals and the biographies of great teachers, or professional reading, is of unddspirted ben efit: to every teacher, Its real value' de pends upon ... the:1 spirit, of :the individual teacher or the purposes ho has in .vlow when engaged in his profession 1 reading. He w! engages In ; Hie' : work: rotely or mainly lor the .money1. there .fe In it is not.the teacher to -whom I BhouM -wi to entrust, the education of my child; but even,' for such persons profesional reading has its value. It renders them more ex pert .because they are ' thus kept in. touch "with live .teachers: - and are ' acquainted with the niost approved methods. - - "The I real ; 4acher -ift Kithe '.capable man who has 'entered the profession as hi life work, not for what he can make . out of It in the way of salary, but for .what he can give to; others by tacarnating into their lives .his ; (best (thoughts and - loftiest ideals. ! Professional readinehas for the true , teicher an intense, 5 living-1 valu that cannot ibe "esltflimarted for -ft J serves.. as a guide and constant inspiration' to his al ready noble purpose. The course of profesional reading that will yield the richest result to teachers, that is (that wMl (best fit them for their work cannot be definitely outlined Every-teacher ought to take and read the educational journal published in his own state, both that he may "know what vr. F!ror7ThinfrTiaofnT rtir At I RnnA RaaHSncr fnr ToUm D- going on in tlhe educational world rrv;",T'. v r .....h:.;ivi isavucia oii; aicms around ; him and" hathe'-ihay-- helpithe ThA' Acv il n;rfl!AU. tWSl.flv,u.L general cause 01 eauoaiion ax least to Tine . iiv inrawvmuyil UIJWJO UIC UGllClll W Ol A visit to our store wiii coiw Value Industrial Ed dnce you that we iiave ; made ; M r-UWHWxB nreDarations for tlie holi- h day trade. ' Joy for the children. Hbald Jones" or Reading Gladness to the t JWjf itib! for irs. 'S!i our low prices on cooice, dainty; v .. : w , " 0V-'-. , , . , ; ' . Instruqtiye Talk. by; Superintendent fresh goods. . Novelties ;from EgglestonV $very market and eountiy are namental but mostly useful; High-Class Artistic Tase8, Rose- bowls, Cups and Saucers, uable Suggestions From Prominent ' Edu cators; ' ' ' extent of the Hsubscrtiptlon - to the paper. It is desirable that every educator shotfld know the needs and difficult es ' of the work, and 'the suggestions for overcoming them -that are being offered: " "Besides Miese " educational journals, which keen the teacher In touch with eon - tJemtaraneora thouight and mc'tJhods. I should advt?e the careful study, of a few China. The Buncombe county teachers met yes terday morning in the court house' in regu . DOtu I lar .monthly session,- Superintendent Ellis "wic-Vs OiV- R)'fTaz,!s . "Fhilosoohy 1 . V, ' of Kflii-pnlon.' and John Pitch's Hiecttufres large and Small : PWxng. There were abotfP sixty persons TeacShdnsr,' and peciallv would I pxesenit, most of whom were ladies. 'The "Hze ( vm? 01 tw iuy dv m BnnWnnnifiKAa f ieacneT OX 108 iXl-Ves SiDO WOrES OI t3M on UOUDiereB) meeting was formally opened by the hymn Ur-eat educators. Such T4m furnishes ' ' -' "inuai v v,t, rr?i i. -jv.-'i. thi true' inspiration wMch pnaMes the nhnnolfl-tft mtcherfl. Tea Kif.tlftR. 4l teacher o cive. meaning and life and onB fVom ?nnH Ftmm rj-roressipnai reaoang aione as not ugn wuax. w cc1" 3, aa u- . for the teacher, however. He should cul The soripture Jesson waa ' 'lOast vonr tlvate the habit of reading good books. - illaa Kaa.t 'txhaII ksiQi Urutxl wrk1r.Gf iruwCiCMMnrA noipau. Uiwu uie waters,- eic-.aceompaniea for us.the pirit of earths- great ones; and again 'the same writer adds: 'For - .i.l. J - 1 5 The. program, as announced in yester-1 . JNlCKei omOKer S i day's Gazette, was Jollowed by interesting ver&lties, where souls are the .professors.. Tables, ..: Picture-, D. Bggleston ana Irof.Archibald A. Jones garments. Books are the which.,, are published in part. During, the past tmany excellent articles TOrS ' JVllTTOreQ I . ve . eex conorjDu-tea .to the cause of edu trays, Cracker-jars; etc. Holiday No velties. fram anid mir- levelers hot by lorwering-.the great, "but by lifting up 'the small. "The; reading of good hooks and the study , of ' thje lives of great men md cation, notable among which was one onjsrea vaeri are all teachers in a certain sense vriaen immensely nonzon i are thus brought into intimatfe Assodiatkm. wilth eariai's greatest .men in their best moods. ... Our own. lives and purposes are , li z ArchibMd.'Jpnes. ihe college f of 2 Hvnssion of,nie vast athat irrPTOfegsidnal I"Y"Pn- 'i'-?" "-rrr, tf milr nHftivmtUir.,: CabinetS, CoUar and Cuff Boxes, of ' "Parents and Teachers." tSmShte. end we . ..- v ;vv a intimate Associa Toilet and Manicure, gets, ' Al-ip -scllwt. 'thdt was published in yester bums, ulove and JUandkercnie boxes, Perfumery '. Largest - line of Fancy Leather - Goods in the city, a cut-price line with us : children, and his book of Folk Stories is a : fitting companion:. .esop's Fables may follow ,. either, in tthe, same session - or the ' next, according to the progress of tthe class. Don't' attempt to -make ail children wear the same si?e of shoe. JWe -have had class es to read several readers each year, read all " these books , mentioned., have - others read to themV and" read Russia's King of the Golden Riverl alL'Jjy. ,the 'end of the fourth" year. . . - . a fV ' . . . -''Robinson Crusoe may -fee read; in the fif thi year, preceded or followed :byjr selec tions from Longfellow; Hawthorne's : Won der 'Book, Longfellow's Hiawatha, which is good for almost any graded the : Arabian 'Nights,; Story of Little .Nell, etc The Hst now grdws so large as to almost preclude special i mention, s . ..-r ' v'Of course in the country schools, where the- sessions are '8o'&ot.'.aQ:thJes;l)ooks eannot ? ha, read. There are dozens of others equally as good as the ones men tioned. , But : even v. where the: session is short, tome progress can be made. And if ail thse books -cannot be read in class, they and many others can be read in the scroriibraTy--0methin school ought to have, - r:.:,: , "A half dozen or more great ipnblishing houses ; vie with,, each other in the attrac- Tiveness And cheapness-of their series of such books.- No school is too poor torbny two or three sets' for each, class each yeaf. -.. -J0, V' 'c:. i- "If children come into contact with good literature In the class .room-, they can. and should, be easily led to make judicious pur- cnases or . tneir own.. f The teacher should show how and . where ,to select. Any child oan afford to buy a few good books for fts own library.. One -cent' a day' laid by will enable one to purchase. and reaJ in a life time the -very best'books' that" exist lit erature of such interest, sfcrenRta: and In fluence as to sweelien the - bitterness of wbat mly otherwise 'be a monotonous ex istence." - , . '!. : IXR LAWKBNiCirS AiKDRESS. Dr. (Lawrence's address was on "Indus trial Training, or Co-education of . Brain and Muscle." fC-;'- I .. Id vflning education Dr,. Lawrence, at the jpeniag of his address, remarked that "education doei not Tcreatfe, It only devel ops, '.' -! 'education) means' drawing? out." "The tree as it standls ln its strength and beauty is nothing Miore than' the living germ : which was in the acorn. The storm and' calms, the ;sunshine and showers of a thousand years have had to do with it, have entered into it and be come a part of it; r It - is the-, product of them' all." ; -).. , : Dr; Lawrence .contlnned: , ''A it is with the faculties, of. themind, the regal mis tresssd.is it with the poweils of the body, the servant -:-of : :the sotil.,. In either instance s'trength and 'facility : come through exer cises The act 'repeated. ' ,be it of either the . mind- or tis6 bbdy!rys,tiizes into the mental or - physicalhablt, and the forma tion Of such halbits as shall clothe the mind with power to range -widely, 'think clearly; decide wisely, and 'train the hand to exe cute unerringly - the tbehests of the will, is tne ena or all true , education v'In the brief space ;,allpAfced it vwere nwise. to attempt lanformalcor exhaust Purses from 3c to $4. Chatelines, 25e to Handkerchiefs. youngs women ' spoke on wwm.q . ava jb vabMVf m . ..... jt The two standpoints from which Prof. Jones ' discussed his s subject ' werei v 5 ' ' v LThs value, of prof essioMf reading-o teachers. 2. The course or courses of :prof essiiohal reading that will yield ithe richest resuffit to teachers. : -. , ,-' Theoretically. I believe," -. said Prof, i. Joes, '.'every one would : admit that technical ; readiing has its value for the teacher; practically, however, it ia often, and I might say almost universally, de- nied.-As a rule, all that is as in employing a teacher is 'has he ithe ability and has he thoroughly i mastered, his algebra or his Latin or the branches he is expected to teach.? .If stoL-. e-n'vft !him a "trial.. fJornimit EndleSS, Variety to ; him ; who has never studied the best , I methods in education as derived from the in Cambric Linen I experience Jot . the besit educators, or who v . .iiiasnever etumea cmia naxure ana me a-rwl Qillr W-i twiI 1 1 avelopmeiit of cMla Me into mazLbood, i . i m l.. m Mxtx.sXM. a.u.j f "1 children we are not, so anconsastent. Shopping Bags from 25c to 5, associates the more noble are we. :Apartv from the Bible, the" book that furnishes '.ne'greatest inspiration are per haps the biographi-- of gren men. and the BibJe itself is to a larg'e extent bmraphi- cav : ; ': -?. PROF BGOLESTON-' TALOEi. Prof. Eggleston spoke on the subject of "Reading in the Schools." Prof. ISggleston disclaimed any intention to make "a speech," only a plain, practical talk: ' "The purpose of reading in the schools," he sai'd, "is trwo-fold: 'To -teach children to read with increasing fluency, ana, wniie this is being done, to bring them into con tact with the best literature gTeat moral stories and the best in prose and verse so that right tastes may be formed and an aiptpetiite -be created for more literature of the same kind. "Pupils had to formerly travel by the stage coach method from the first reader through the sixth Teader to reach the fields of good literature. Now, after using tne coach for two or three years for a short We Will Uear to us as our property,; either personal J or real we exercise tine greatest care an i " , T ic ZZ ' tt seleoting :our counsellor or advocate, :, ,1 ofT,fri -orifh tho. imiiit f it-he ed before manhood or womanhood, with its 5C- WP will matoh ail V IOC Hand- Sat teachers and has not studied their absorbing. cares, was uponjhem. We can OL, we Will maiiCn any XUO xxiuu . .ht thrilr soirit lnot do without the readers'. For the first and ideals and transformed them irtto his -three or four years they are indispensable An .nf .nil wftr-ir irnnr miM Hke hfl But as samples of literature, they, are no Handkerchief for 3c ;' match any 8c Handkerchief for kerchief for 7c; and the grades in like proportion n. physician who has studied the properties more to be compared with 'the present ' j. .-. -. .,, -mA-noa I Hvhrwl hnnks containing the literature it- Other Suitable Presents. nf - Ihia m ArHin-fls or hate? acqnired , a thorough .knowledge of sen, tnan a wagon as , to ue myuw iu m, "hmtmati. hnwir. IOt Sue is & fast train as a common carrier. , . nv lawver who has mastered the arts "A child's mind, is the most active .tning . fmaA ra TiPftftrch into the in existence when in full play. His imag 1 lffrvio nf oitiM.ra ifhA Tvhllocvnmhv of Hnation is wonderfully active. It should e low . hi Jiinsi tint. . TaTOiiiarazea mmiseii iioroDeriv Druuu -ajuu gmuw w a with' 1ie practice of law that is has not symmetrical: development. It should not -la ifn n-ki-ir ifhla InW it.h, ftaae' in I hi nlTnrwrfifl a run riot Oh. ; no. " and it TTnVkWill a a -Si lira I -h-nA y w - .-y , . : I shmild not be starved to death II lllll C11IADI IVMvi uUAMt.. .( -- .. .1 - :Ttr,:,rv MHhai ATeaM not -phciannor Little Lord Fauntlero,. and read it to ISS l' V JfCl "O. iCA-TTJ.. V Jfww. v- I JIUU1 Uli.lV.. " - we-mayaddlt. tne;, teacnerr'nerexoiore i before scnooi closes. ..xou .win prtwaay stop complaining anout tne lacx ox gowi Dresses, Dress Ooods, all the latest no veltie?; Ready to-wear . Waists in ' wool or silks, for less than you can purchase the material; Nor is it too late in the season for a fine J acket, especially ; since I we sell them at prime cost, r ,;j I a onp nrftrtiHftments'"weido not draw on our, imagination, call on ns and you will flodthat we state facts and save you money. ' ' ''VlS OESTREIGHER & CO; 4 . attendance, also books Jfor .the children to read.. , . . . . ...... ... : t "What greater, human izer than gooa nt ra.Hire? When cfan It he more effectively nsed than in childhood-ti. When can a bet ter - time" be found - to form the tasts ' ror reading t ' iCan the teacher give the child anything' which will fill his life with more pleasure than passion , ror t reaomg , goou books?--Surely not!; And- so, Jf there is jtAroe for reading at all in the school room; and if this love for good .books can De. de veloped in the majority of children ; if the great thoughts and deeds 01 tne greatesi men can : inspire the growing mind, then why should not real literature be used in the reading lesson? ,: "The experience :. of scores . of puDiic schools, in ' the city and', in the country, has iproven that you or any other teacher can find a iplace for this kind of reading the -reading of real literature and that so far from: the regular. studies of. the school room being neglected because of this lit erature in the school," more Trogres3 will be -made in these regular studies than ev er before. . "Never fear the children -cannot grasp rT' " :J ill mr tle ideas. Tne c&uos powers or unoer- I 51 I-" 1 Pi fl J W 2V I " , 1 tan ftg appreciation are much great- r 'A '' t ' ' Jo 'rnrripd write v down- to -chUdten is most often a Our. furniture is being, r Carnea . t awaV every'; day. We have: a jewr: rhe nresewt 'tendency to make tihinRS ' rrs r-haWz on hand noW.'. l''V j Vry'ear for children is. in my opinion. . . - , rr nii,l-wTon.r.AAnv ciild who eats nwsh or candy ;; Call and' examine our ?o.uu yan -hti JJfe , win have no teth... ?o. d A bare TheV are going very xasu; i rhiid. who. ..tairs ;no strong , rental fooa mental. teh wlb wh'fli ti rW' nd wre- 1 I W- A. BLAIR, 7ft -c'xi.' nJ'cAiJphfflieri-. 45 ration .ve. Tn the' secotra vear fndder'n -BoX o I "Fables has proven a boon thousands- of of popular "education-. eildiseefcisim ply . and 'briefly, o - suggest some changes or mocrincations in the system of ins true tion provided by the "state, .which would enable it the better to seoure .the beneficent ends for which it was designed, the safety and Droisoerlty of the ' commonwealth through the intelligence and Virtue of the people. ; ' : : ;" "First Of "all, every boy and girl should be trained to use their hands. The time will never come when the mass will cease to live by the labor of their 'hands. The education of the individual should be such as to render life's burden as. easy as pos- sinie xo nimseii ,ana nis laopr,, xo nimseii and others, as "profitable a.' possible. The material prosperity Of people,, in the same stages of civilization,: depends upon the proportion which the prodact of their la bor bears to that " which ; they consume. Old age, infancy, the helpless and infirm must be fed, add to these the thriftless and incompetent, and -the burden, of society is increased; aand if these ; -non -producing classes are sufficent to consume what re mains after the. laborer is fed, the commu nity is and "must remain "popr. '; 'ociety shonld see to it that there are not too many drones in the hive of indus try, and that the individual receive such training as shall -enable him in the great est ;'. possible variety of - circums tances to bear nis own burden, not only support . nim self , but contribute to the . commonwealth. The school whiten the state , provides should secure io each? citizen such a ' training as would r with health practically render him independent m such , a land as ours. And such is everyone who earns more than he needs to supply his own' wants "and knows how to care for what remains after his Own wants are supplied. Three-fourths of our poulation are engaged in agricultural pur suits, are-'tUlers of . the ground, , and the larger number of our children, which from year to- year- . gather lor instruction in our public schools, are destined to the same pursuits; . than which there; is none more ancient, and honorable. It only degrades such as regard it degrading; "Teach children that the highest order of nobility in the world is that of honest labor, AAdam delved and Eve; span;' Noah was a shipwright; SPaul made tents, .and our-blessed Iord himself ; was, a carpenter, There is something wrong with the man or. woman who condemns . the more useful and ordinary forms. of jmanual, labor, who Hvinks it J less . respectable to. patch a boot or make" a horseshoe "than to measure tape of drive " a quill. ' Some thing wrong with -that -woman's' education' who deem making a loaf -of bread or cooking a meal, less noble employment than embroidering a slipper or patching a crazy quilt. fit is just such a prejudice as this which is heaping. up our population in crowded cities; where they are Jostling or should ering each other in their struggleVf or bread while millions . of acres lie untilled, fairer and more fertile -than which the sun does not shine upon, i The rising generation must-.needs be taught that there to . no more honorable thing' in" the world- than honest labor," whether of the hand or the head. This . sentiment - must, be inculcated in the home and in the school and from the oulnit "The. .training of every child should, in part, be industrial, and this part off his or her 'education should not be left .any. morfifl than the other portion of it, which is got ten from books, ; wholly 'to parentis, who are oftentimes incompetent and more Ire quently: careless. "The young man and wo man should be taught i to regard labor not as drudgery," not merely as a. duty; but as a vocation-- v We believe that wonderful 'revolution is impending and that ..the . model for our, primary school, la the no distant--future, will be that of Froebel or Pestalozzl, mod ified it may be. but stin retalninr lb es sential features.' Froebel gave to the school into which the child is firs mtrpducedthe uame 01 me lundergarten. ne was a ier man,and this, beautiful word means child- garden where, children are the plants, the teacher is the gardener and where, ? in an atmosphere of as perfect freedom as i? con sistent;; with the repression of nerversa tendencies the child life is permitted to expand; where the place in which the teach er is (and l would have that teacher for the first years a ..woman) ; is nursery, nlav ground, school room all in one ; where stu dy is play and play study; where the ed ucation of life's first months in the home wUl be continued under the same, methods m me scnooi. The child during the first ihree vears of its life learns more than; during any subsequent period of twice .the- duration, being the while, too, pretty much his own master; he learns, to use his -hands, feet. ears and eyes . tongue, and touch; he ac quires difficult, languages.. His aoihd grows as; fast as his body and both are aiiice hungry for food. (He .meddles' with all knowledge, asks questions that all the philosophers in the world could mot an swer.. Ijbok af him. body, soul instinct, emotion, intellect, reason, will and conscience (the last, oerhara. slowly), all expanding .like a tropical iplant in a. tropical summer and when he escaoes out Of the nursery. In to fh smnHhf where nature becohaes his-teacher what a wonderful revelation is -made to him! He is in fairy land, his eyes are veritable lamps of Aladdin, There' Is a beauty and lovliness in bush and; shrub and flower that is lost to our purblind vision; There is a music in the voice of beasts and bird and breeze, which our duller senses can not hear. The child is orator, noet. ohil- osopher, prince, , democrat and. despot all in one. . . "Such was. the boy when, the old-fashioned Schoolmaster got hold of him. pro ceeded to put blindersx on him, fastening mm xo xne treaa min and narnessing him to the multiplication table, no wonder the colt kicked and protested; and in many quarters it is not much better today. For tne nrst half dozen years the only fai ulty of his mind that has . anything to do is memory, and that has nothing to do with the nature, but simply the names of things. There is no symmetry about his training; he is educated ih spots. What would you think of a system of -calisthenics that would aim simply to develop a hand, a foot a thumb or a big .toe? Would you call that physical education? Just about as one sided has been the- training of our , chil dren intheir tender years. "'Give a child a slate and a pencil, and what does he do with it? He falls to draw ing. ay horse, a cow or a pig. Why not help him embody the thought which is strug gling in his brain? See him playing in the sand; he is building a house. Why not take hold and help htm to develop his con structive talent? Or, see him 'throwing a dam or bridge across some tiny rill ; why not come to the asistance of the little en gineer? Now, with soiled hands he is moulding in clay; why not help him work out his immagination at his finegers ends? He . loves -form and - color, which, are . the very poetry of the world of vision; why should not the eye and the hand be trained tojdiscqy.and group both, in such cbmhjj nations" as would gratify, and delight the tastes?; ' , -"1 'frhe gfbwwgr child is restless and"i'ac: tive;, he ought not to we kept still or tethered to a seat too, long at a time;., the limbs moist have exercise or they will dwarf, tie the hand to the side, and the arm withers on the trunk. Exercise 3s the law of growth. Nature withdraws the CONTINUED ON FIFTH PAGE. CLINGW Honors to be .PMdl-to thet Dead Veteran." . ; niipniiirft; UDOCyUItd ; .- ) . Order of the March for llie Parade on State .Guards, 'Veterans and Cityi Officials in;the Line. Addresses .by Messrs.- Davidson: , - Burgwyn and Lusk ... - t MOTHER M'KINLEY STILL ALIVE. Canton. Dec. 4. iAt 2:30 o'clock this af ternoon, almost before the president was beyond the city limits, his mother was stricken with a second stroke of paralysis, affecting her left side and arm. Shortly after this it was . announced that she was dead. Canton, Dec! 4. 5M5.dnight.-MMrs.- Mc- Kinley is still alive. Physicians report that their patient cannot reciver consciousness. Report of her death early in the evening was sent broadcast. WORK OF A DYNAMITER. Hazelton, Dec. 4.--An attempt was mad today to blow up the house of A. Piatt. Two sticks of dynamite were" put on the window sill by an .unknown' man, who was preparing the fuse when -he was scared off. Plat't is one of the sheriff's deputies who fired on the Lattimore mob. - !He is under indictment for murder, with fifty-nine oth ers. The attempt is believed to be In re venger . ... . ' .v ... INTER COLLEGIATE SHOOT. r New Tork, Dec. 4. The inter-collegiate shoot between the gun clubs of Yale and Pricetbn universities took place this af ternoon on Travers island.' It was the final round in the contest for the cham pionship cup.- Princeton won by 'thirteen bdrds. The score at the olose stood, Tince- ton two fourteen; Yale, two, one. TOBACCO COMPANY FAILS. : . Richmond, Va.; Dec J. Th" United States 'tobacco company assigned xooay with liabilities 130,000, assets not given. J. WTight is made ' trustee.,- He will convert the asets into cash and. immediately divide the nroceeds- nroDortionately among the efcockholders. FrederlcK (Meyer ,os presi dent of the company. . t. FATAL TROLLY COLLISION. '. . Detroit. tDec. 4. Two cars on the e- troit, Birmingham and Pontias uburban olectrie railway collided this afternoon at the foot of the Trot bridge hill grade, a bout midway between Birmingham , and Pontiac, killing three persons and seriously Injuring many others. " ' ' : .- . z .s ) FOOTBALL CAPTAIN , 'Ithica; 'Dec. 4l Daniel -H 'ilcLaughlln of .Brooklyn, was this . afternoon .elected captain of the, Cornell Varsity football e leven for next year. "He played right tackle this year and ds'a strong and enthusiastic leader. - ;; ' Stable s. for i rent" near ? Hotel- Berkeley. Also one set of hand-mado double neat t 10.00. S. &ae&sr, - "s ti i wi fiyu wniuw v wa .l IICU a U)f vein ; ete The. Governor fiejMsented by Gen eral Cowles Several Clergymen to Take Part. The body f the late Thomas L. Cling- man is expedted to rach Asheville Mon day afternoon. Oapt. A. B. .Thrash and. J J. :Maickey went to Concord yesiterday to assist in making preliminary arrangements and "Col- iBurgwyn and Capt. Sawyer ex- k peot to-leave today if or the same purppse. The exercises will be as follows: The parade will be formed on Northr " and staff. . Chief. of (Police W. A. James ' and six mounted policemen. Chief. Marshall Colonel, James M..-Ray, , Governor of North Carolina, represented by General A. D. Cowles. Adjutant gen eral of the state of North Carolina and staff. - '.- 'Band, j . Jsecond batallion, foUrtu regiment, North " Carolina state guards,. 'Major White G. , Smith commanding. . 5 - .;... ; . Asheville Light Infantry, Capt. T. W. f Richland Rifles of Waynesville, Oapt. Hanha comanding. . . : ' -Hearse. ' . r Twenty-fifth Iorth CaTM.- reeknnt cbnstitu:ting theiijaltteara pail near ers. - . . : c , Zeb Vance camp of "Confederate Veterans,1 -outside 'Confederate veterans.' . Johnson Pettigrew camp of Sons of Con federate veterans. Mayor and-city and . county officials. City fire department. Citizens :in' carriages. . The line will then face to the north. and march out! Church street and Patton ave- , niie to 'th6 square and will form on the t-r south side of court square in the following;,. . Order: . r. . Chief marshal with"sRfTaad governor's . facing south.. Second batallion on -.west side, facing east Hearse in center, facing north. Twenty-fifth regiment in the cen-- ter, facing east. Confederate veteram md. J Sons of veterans' 'on south side;" facing: north. Daughters of the (Confederacy' on ' east side, facing west. t,1,- t - rvr .T ? .TiVliT. nasrtor of the Thirst BaD- . tis8 huroh - and chaplain . of 'the A. ... L. I., will open .the "' services; . then addresses will; be made by Col.A. T. Da vidson. Col. V. S. 5Lusk "and Col. W. H. . Burgwyn, respectively.- - 4 T)r. c. W. ByrdT pastor cz central M. ts. iirph xtrm then iad1ourn the services. 'to : be concluded at ttiversiae cemeiery... . - The march will be resumed in the same -order as before through the court yard in- to north court square, "thence down Pat-". ton avenue and up Haywood street to the cemetery, where Rev. McNeely DufBoseT will conclude the services? after which a Salute will be fired by the batalllbfi: " Tne procession win men xun-uu. w ure ... w. cmn.tiT'a ' tiTnVa tTfvtr wily llfl WUI cuaif -J missed by the commanding officer, All members of the. Ashevdlle chapter, .. Daughter's of the Confederacy,' are request- -ed to attend the funeral services. ' II I M 111 (,'' A Grand Illuminated Display; of Jew ry and Silverware. , n 11:00 o'clock -In making' 'the 'announcements' fof our . Joyous season, - when' it 'is the '-beautiful ctnTYv jt All trt eiv .fiubatantial tokens i of love anff esteem,! we wlshto say that" never before; In the history of the jewelry - - f .... business, -have toriees been so low. ano . the beauty of design so simple, and yet so elegant, as at; the; present period. , ' , .rrir.e isve never neen so ;ow. a -ire. 4ira tMa year and we telteTe Ihat ' I1T.00 - . i A VA ' " -min k-.w w tinh . fin rna aTPmH. nit a.i.iiu , "We rbavemany beautiful things," rang- ' wards, and it you wui give us wo- uwwr wt , a" all, we lwill,bepleaied,to.,shojviypuf. hnn.ir. ii At '. thiiics 'exauisite in . design j and at prices that wru asxomsn you, i''S - - t ... i L a J 1 f . ..i.f 11 Aw nn iia rvbniT.f? nt j -Thurd jVi- flDtecember Vll w -mrm "f m p : . 9th, from 5;C0 to il:b0andKweTioP tat ' will fa.wk mm vi f i rnni TTMMK'A. . ""y'-,- ' Deading Jeweler, Cor,, Church 3u lnd.,P- .ton avenue," 'Asnevuie, vx. v . ;-' -v

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