' ii 1 l lllilll VM .--.! j-mjlsj. aiv rr t.j- vii jyjLJV mil l im VI JLWf Oestreicheih & Co. Fine Jackets and Capes fat Cost.' To offer you goods at a cer tain figure, at which , the same article can be . had for , at any time, but to call it "at half price" for special occasions, is that giv? in you a bargain ? ' t In our store a $15 garment is a $15 garment marked in plain figures for comparisons against any and all competitors. ?: If now we reduce7 this same garment to $9 25 don't you act ually save $5.75 ? Or $4 25 on a $12.50 garment at $8.25? Do you see the point ? That's exactly the way it is, The assortment is superior to any. Rather a little too good ;- one of the reasons why we have to sell these cloak at a sacrifice. But you are Welcome. We posi tively will carry none over for next season. Children's Jackets and In tan ts Cloaks have been reduced to.be - - - closed out during; the next few days , OESTREICHER GEtJ; CLitJ0r.1M LAID TO REST Honors to Citizen, Soldier , and Statesman. . fiolable Occasion in the History of Asheville. 1 The Tributes Paid in Eloauent Addresses. plored, and' trod where" human -foot had never trod before,!: will be. the sentinels to gmr0t9l:tits!i&i' -when the fcornr- king .rages o'er, the' land, and the lightnings, flash and the -thunders peal, and the hills tremble,- Clingman 'e Dome will stand not , more firm and. enduring- In the elemented combat; than, did your spirit Id the fieryaealeftoattlei i Tfce getttte showers tndiwet spring time will alreahdiladdea the moth er earth, whft now lovingly -welcomes you Col. Burgwyn Recites the Story of Valorous Deeds Col. Davidson's Farewell to His Comrade Col. Lusk's Eulogy of the Statesman and Orator Commander Ray's Token of Sincere Respect A Voluntary Tribute From Bishop Dudley. & co: 28 South Main Streets Yesterday was a sweet and peaceful day in this part oT Dixieland. It was winter, but with the warmth, of the departed sum mer still triumiphant. Shortly-after twelve o'clock the profes sion, which was to do honor to the re- ranains of the late General Thomas JLanier iClingman moved out "Church street and up. .IPatton avenue to south court square where a platform had been, erected and prepara tions had teen made for conducting the memorial exercises. The service "began by singing "America." Then followed the reading of 144th psalm and prayer by Rev. (Dr. J. S. -Felix, pastor j df the 'First 'Baptist church. . Brigadier General James iM. Ray was master of ceremonies and before introduc ing the speakers he said that it might be asked by some unsympathizing onlooker, or some carping critic, why all: this1 to. do over an inanimate . body ? ..What good can this do the dead? None! The same answer that -would he made were the question ask ed at any funeral service. Tis the living' that 'tis hoped will be benefitted, said tCo'l. Ray. We pay honor to our dead and stress tJheir good quali ties, that the living may emulate them, especially the young. We know not but there are "boys here today who will be come; better men, greater men, "by witness ing the honors pair our dead fellow citi zen and comrade. . Honesty in public life, coupled wifih pa triotism to country, are virtues near akin to "Godliness. That they were possessed in an eminent degree bykinim to whose mem ory we have set apart this day to do honor, hone "will question. , Col. A. T. Davidson was the first speak er chosen tor the occasion, hut owing to his condition he was unable to serve. As' the next speaker? in order was shout to be introduced, It .'Was asked that t!he colo nel rise up and let his comrades see him once more. The temptation was too great and much moved the colonel arose, bowed and with the vigor of youth said he, "We stand in the presence of death. Death is a great leveler. How beautiful, how orderly in the economy of nature. I greatly regret that I am unable physically to address youJ That 1 have not the vigor of mind and my strength is nearly gone; 1 only, hope that when I shall have put oft the cares of this Our fnrnitnrfv is hfiinfr carried life the same honor in proportion shall be awav m,Cr,, A Xk7--Z,ra. 0 fOTTr shotwn me. How well do I remember the away every day. .We have a few firgt vstoy in August, when I being nice arm chairs on hand now. - U boy; Just twenty-one, cast my first vote Call anH Pvaminp nnr $3 Ofl flair for Gen. Clingman. Be had like other hu- rifa rfaiilt hilt wKfltAVAr t.hev were let us fury them.' IMay we .treasure up only his good qua li ties, l&t us hand them down to posterity; to pur children. that they may emulate tJhem, mat tney may do honor to his memory." GBISffTOPi'DODLBY. ; Bishop Dudley Was', then introduced and made a few improptu remarks; He ex pressed his thanks at having been asked to do honor to the, memory of "a leader of our cause." - 7 " "I am a - Virginian," the bishop said, "and though a mere boy in those days, 1 followed a flag like the one to. which a oi Asheville's most popular .young.; ladies, moment ago I raised any bat as it., passed; and .J cMte for sixteen years (before the late, war, he was in the t lower and upper houses of congress;' he "served "with honor to his state and - achieved national reputation for rtatesmanshipf ntor do f speak of his early military-career, when as colonel of the 25th Worth Carolina . regiment he ; won , his : pro motion .;as., brigadier generals ; Off that r mous th I had a personal acquaintance. Its flag, which I see here for ,. the first, time after a lanse of thirty-three years, brings up tender memories. XI was -gt Trom youth and beauty to valor ahd patriotism and never dishonored, v t' - After a beautiful tribu'te to the old flag Col. Burgwyn continued: s C' : diTNGMAN IN WAR. ' . ; Kt was in the- winter of 1863'-,64 , that J became a meimber of Gen., Clingman'e staff, Shortly thereafter, his brigade, com posed of .thej 8th. 31st, 51st and 61st regi ments, was ordered to form a ipart of Gen. Pickett's command in an expedition ' to capture New Bern, "N. C . ; CHingman's brigade was in the advance. We made forced marches from- Klnston and reached Batchellor's creek before daylight. The enemy. were completely surfprlsed. The creeK was forced with but siizht loss .in numbers, but memorable in Sie death of !as well-aslmilitaryr servihe "in the 'lezia CoL Shaw of t!he 8th regiment, who, at-, the lature of the sUte in the-house of repre head of his command, and a . group on horse i sen ta Uvea-ihd senate of the United States, back, composed ot Gen. Clingmam and his and as colonel and brigadier general in staff, was instantly killed by, a shot rom the Donfederate ajrmy, aad? as evidence of tjie works defending the ford. his sterling integrity, during all this public The town . was promptly invested, &hd career as H public servant,, he remained Qpn. Pickett called a council of war to dd- pure and Ipcorruptfble; ho Ill-gotten gain termine whether an assault on the formid- jewelled .hli "estate, or .occupied his mor able works protecting the place should be als; no chtrge of peculation has ever im made. Gen. Pickett was undecided, be- !5aired his honor; neither gain nor aggran- eause part cf his forces, who were on the 'dizement possessed the power to warp his other side of the river, had not come up. ioaepenaence. Clingman's voice was for making a demand for unconditfanal surrender and in default oi an affirmative "answer, for an immediate assault, realizing if the enemy were given time they would be speedily reinforced, "In the common acceptation oT the term, and the gunboats at anchor below the .Gen. Cangman was not eloquent, but In town would come to its assistance. ' jits true meaning, he had but few superiors Gen. iClingman was overruled. The troops, in 'this' art. If eloquence is meaningless lay on their arms in line of battle all day j words, or pompous parade of speech, em in front of the place, subjected to the fire phases, ejaculations or gesticulations mere of the enemy's batteries, and njght coming ly, then he was not. eloquent, 'but such is SUPREME COURT DECISIONS to her embraice; andhe suanmer; 'Winds as they cCly sweep through tfiev sighing pines re4nrlrjbvR:ti3'A ; fe-yffleMjarioi -l V:-- Claims Itdred with thy sacred clay; Thy jBaempryi sparkles n'er.the .fountains ; Tneioeant iiii, the mlghties riven -fhffl'i tn forever." iCol. ijusfcpald beautiful": but modest tribute to .the dead - soldier and statesman. A few expressions Ironi his, address are here given!: ": ''-f- 'Whfle Gen. "Clingman fiiled with pro nounced ability and distinction many pub- ilic stations during " his eventful life, civil Those Handed Down Yesterday : in Raleigh. By Telegraph to the Gazette. . . Raleigh, N. C, (Dec. 7. Supreme court opinions were handed down this afternoon as follows: State vs. Scronce. . from Lincoln udgment afilrmed iby consent. State vs. Pate, from Yancey, affirmed.- Russell vs. Roberts, from Davie, reversed. State vs. Graham, froin Catawba, new triaL State vs. Wilson, from Yancey, new trial. State vs. Austin, from Yancey, remanded for proceedings below. Rainey vs. Hines, from Forsyth, affirmed. Osborne vs. Furniture company, from (McDowell, error. Gillian vs Insurance company, (from iBurke, action dismissed. Howell vs. commissioners, trom Yancey, reversed. Bims vs. Sims, from Wilkes, affirmed. State vs. Williams, from Alleghany, affirmed. State vs. Byrd, from (Mitchell, affirmed. " He would not flatter Neptune for his trident- - ' - Or Jove 'fori the power' to thunder.' "Always a gentleman, but fearless and merciless in debate. He wielded a '.Da mascus blade, never broken and seldom parried. With the coolness of an experi boats having opened fire on us, we quietly withdrew and ingloriously retraced our steps to Kins ton. At the critical period in the battle of Drewrv's Bluff. Mav. 1864. Clineman's bri- ' enced surgeon, he never paused as long as gade was ordered to charge and break i there was a remaining musgle or a limb Butler's line. lunjolnted. His work was never half done At the given slenal. the brigade mounted ;but was always finished in artistic style its works, crossed the ditch rn' front, form-! "This life of this great man has ended, ed on the onwsite side under a hot fire and the state he served so long and faith from the enemy directly in front, and ad-jiully wfll be fortunate if it finds another vanced. ! equal in intelligence and integrity to fil So inKpetuous was'their charge that they his place. When the sun of a bright day penetrated far into the enemy's line, and declines below the horizon, a soitened ra not being supported either on the right or diance lingers among the shadows of ap the left, found ourselves fired upon oarqaching night, and so it is when a good both flanks by the enemy now in our rear, 'man goes down from a high position In The brigade held its ground, however, and the world to his resting place in the General Butler was soon thereafter seen grave, streaming behind -mm is the er wlth'drawime from the field, and we. follow- Tulgence of an exalted : character to illus ed him in pursuit to his entrenched camp trate the way for others, and to lighten Carried Away! at Bermuda Hundreds It was however at the second Cold Har- bor, . th&tr the ' supf f me. crisis in GeawClln&r man's, military career occurred, and greatest triirarph. TO HANG DEC. 23 Robert Ryan Sentenced-Says He Wants to Die. Special to the Gazette. Raleigh, N. C, Dec. 7. A special de spatch to the (Morning Post this afternoon states that .Robert Ryan, the Greensboro wire murderer, was sentenced today to hang on December 23. The Post's corre spondent reviewed him, as a result of which the correspondent believed that Ryan's mind is unbalanced. The murderer says he wants to die as soon as possiMe. He de claired that he wants to be "with her," whom he loved. Ryan tried to kill him self, he says, soon after the murder, but the pistol would not go off. He would not accept i the services of a lawyer, because he wants to die as soon as possible. He plead "guilty" .to the charge of murder. OUR TOBACCO MARKET STATE NEWS FROM RALEIGH A Grathered for the Gazette at the Capital City. Meeting of County Supervisors of Education. A Truck Industry for the State,- Convicts To be Establised at the Castle Hayne Farm. LIVELY DAY IN THE TWO BIG WAREHOUSES' Heavy Sales at Good Prices Pros pects for Busy Traffic Today Some of the Sellers- and soothe the sorrows of bereavement." The? addresses finished. 'Dr. C. W. Byrd. niSfWitn a prayer. -. -:. - I THE .PROQESSIOIN. It was in the afternoon. (All dav we had been iin our hastily constructed worfes, re-j in regular oraer tne procession tnen slsftine the fierce attacks of Gen. Grant as moved through ?Ndrth KJourt square, down he again and again hurled his men against .'Ptton avenue to the cemetery. Lee's lines. e fleaxs resteo, ac xne grave, one .As was afterwards ascertained, the Bingham cadets on the hill opposite, with troops on our left had been ordered else- ! cannons, gave the. salute of three-roundB where, and none had come to take their . to which a brigadier general is entitled, ulaces . This was nerceived by the enemy! 1Rev- McNeely iDutBose, rector of Trinity and they hurried a division through the opening and formed in the woods in the rear of our (brigade. We were first appris ed of their presence by seeing a line of "Jesus, Lover of 'My Soul" and 'tRocik of Ages" were sung, a farewell salute was fired by the batallion, and the body of blue coats with the United States flag at ; Thomas Lanier iClingman was entrusted to t:hfir franh flrlvATmimc tn tjilrp na in h i me eartn rear. A situation more critical and trying Mr. James 3 Gibson, who married a Rockers. They are going very- fast w. A. BLAIR, Phone 75 . 45 Patton. Aye. AREND-SMITH Wedding to Take Place at High Noon Today. ' ' ' The marriage of Miss Berta Smith, one can hardlv be conceived. iWithaut waitine niece ana Mr. a. ttmryear, wno is a for instructions, General Olngmam ordered nephew of 3en. 'ding-man, were the rep his men out of their worlds and formed a resentatives of Gen. - Clingman's family, line facing to the rear. v ' Tliey were the guests of the veterans. Then in the f ront of the advancing foe.iT T5f governor's representatives were Maj. Who, by this time, were in easy ranged Alexander, the governor's prirate and had apened fire on us, Clingman gave -ecretary; CoJ. E. C Harrell quarter mas the order to charge, which, taken up by ter enri1:, 'C1 7tWl eur the regimental coimnnders, 'tie entire line n feneral5 'Mal' S- 5CT-?Vftqa, a rushed to meet the enemy. sstant surgeon general, and (Maj. Chas. S. It was simply magnificent. The enemy, ThJ active nail bearers were- J R. Pat astonished at this unexpected attack, be- j . Tlle active pail bearers were. j. K. Fat .Tn aennriUroA -Z atn-wwn lieutenant; P. J. Shope, company " - - " t . itxr rex Ttiv n tt . t rui r.n fin C; Meriday Williams, Co. 1; Wiley Henson, Co. P; T. M. Carrison, lieutenant; P, Con ner, Co. 'H; A.r J. Shelton, lieutenant; brief, resistance; hesitated, broke and were driven back through the opening whence they had come, and our lines were re-established. The loss on our Bide was 'nec essarily neavy. Gen. Clingman and every; member o!f his staff but one was wounded; but that important part to Gem. Lee's line was saved to him; a contrary result might have ended "in the defeat of his army. It was not 'long after this, leading hi brigade in an attempt to break through the enemy's lines investing Petersburg, Gen. Clingman was seriously wounded, which practically disabled him during the remainder of the war, and 'I am not a ware that he again assumed command Of his brigade. " " "' - " But his resolute spirit was unebnquered to the end, and I will close this imperfect ske'tch. of his military career by narrating this , (remarkable incident. It was at the James Reeves, Co. A ; William Cannon, Co. I; "W. M. Button, Co. 'H- HOTORJARY PALL BEARERS. J. I. Buclh-ahan, Co. ; R. P. Moore; Co I; (Marion Joyce, Co. Ij J.C Matthews, Co. I; iDavid Garren, Co. H; S. H. Williams, Co. K; W. D. Hyder, Co. S; Samuel iBrooks, Co. I; John JBrooks, Co. I; Meridy Willisms, Co. I; Jofhn JPetit, Co. 1; It. J. Whitaker, Co. -'A; commanded by Captain A. B. Thrash; all of Gen, Clingman's old regiment, 4h.e 25th (North Carolina infan try. . '. . tfOTES. Dr. B. iF."' Dixon, representing Camp Cleveland of "Shelby company, attended the Mr. Ernest Arend, a well known ar-vthat flag which no one who knows It can . - ' . " 'fail to do honor to.- In speaking in lion et of Trenton,iN. J., wiU -taker placeiV" a ' 1irpKl.rthe . Enclish neonle that at high noon today in the , First Baptist there was no great gulf between the people kurth, Rev. J. S.' Felix, DJ)., 'ofnclatlng. of the north and the -people of the south The best man 1, Mr. &olt Znmn, .. ; tM. "o Promient young lawyer of ...Trenton,-- and ;Jul7?0 our .nation's flag. The sons of the tte maid of honor is Miss Genie-Smithy a': New South are the .sons of 'tbe Old South, sister of the ' bride. ; The ushers are f ffilr. . IFrank s. Smith, "Mr. Erwin' Sa-uder,ViMr. Alex Webb and Dr. James Sawyer. ;i The -ouu-pai ceremony will " be, usea. u and our boys today are as ready to fignt fOP r the rights oi our country as are the boys of iMaine or New (Hampshire. , ' "nnv mpn resmect one another. We need have no Tear of any soldier who f ol- ar ant or Sherman rlticislng u be- rendered: f 'Britiah Patrof J 'iSweedlsli J1 T L ,ave, -wviril-of condem- wedding (March," "Wedding March," iLo- -nation. 1 am'a stranger among you. .No and! "iMendelsshon's not a Granger,- for 1 am never a atrangr where tlfere's present: the 010: njonieuerax flag." t never saw General Cllogman, but T nave heard. -or tne support iw w i ZRsnn "Revesrle," reading March." ' , " 'v rr;nYuZ:un.. W.WolKa were -his ?r- the bride, arrived yesterda from Qliddlei-Rand's jsafce. w e UmtrM bor. Ky.. to -be -nWnt t- the marriage, ianen.. that we may A?wer ff" MARRIAGE LICENSES.; blowing marriage licenses were Is-'. yesterday: ' - ' - - veo. Sherling and Taia Step-p. -' - i" JJP. C. w, McCracken and Helen CUT' w- m White and Clara CrdelV hl11: did he. In that day. my.u w wuu oT tis as nas Been or a. what-he could i , . CCL. BtmGVm'S SPBEOITo F:. ColW. H. -'Bugwyn;n? opening Ms vt our decease a1 twt,- close all hope ot success was abandoned. Clingman obsequies, and it is -safe to say J oseph E. "Johnston was holding Sberman l no better representattiveicould it have sent in iaheok with his handful of men, (few but .The great iregert of the management was i. - l . j undaunted. Gen. Clingman visited the ar my concentrated after the battle of Bent onsville at Smithfield below Raleigh. In an interview with the southern com mander he addressed him as follows ""Sir. much has been said about dying - in the last ditch. You have left with you here fourteen thouand of as brave; men as the sun ever shone upon; let us take our stand here and fight the -two armies Jot Grant and Sherman to the end, and thus show to the world how . far we can surpass the Thermopylae vof the Greeks.". The con federate -commander remained silent foi som e 4imer as if hesitating, . and then re plied: "Gen. Clingman, it they were all like you -1 would ; do it ; but - there are 'many young men here who have a f uture, -and I ought', not to sacrifice their 'lives.' Those ' of us here who knew Thomas. !L nier Clingman are assured he mftan t every word of jthe suggestion he made to Geo. Johnston,; t ,,4." - , ; It was always a. regret to Gen. Clingman that he did not fall in 'battle. On General Johnston's, final retreat through iRalelgh, just prior to the - surrender ot Durhatm, Gen., Clingman, though on crutches, ask ed to be allowed to command the rear guard Intending thus to lose his life and not .wit ness the downfall of the contfederacyl - - And now,- illustrious citizen. Inoorruptl- fble Tatr lot, brave soldier ; In the name : and on behalf of your : surviving comrades, " I bid you (farewell. t , - You shall rest in 'the land, you loved amid ' the :cenes ; of : youor -: youthful ; strug gles" and nranhood'a -? triumphs. These mighty mountains, who- encircle your rest ing -place, -whose 4oftlest5eks yon: - :X" in -not having known in time to have pre pared the "doctor" for an address. Col. John Hey Williams; surgeon gener al of the state troops furnished an elab orate "spread" a his house 'to a few of the officers of : the guard- , last night.. Those present at the' table -rwere Col. E. G. Har old, quarter master general ;, Q4aJ. 6. W. 'Battle, assistant surgeon general; Maj. Ji E. Alexander, . private secretary ? to the governor; Maj. Charles JL. avis, U. S. A.; (Maj. W. G. Smith, Fourth regiment N. C; Capt. O. W. Budd, retired II. S.A. ."BISMARK". . i -VBlsmark," an amusing comedy, was suc cessfully presented by the-Pete Baker com pany last evening at the. Grand opera (house rThe play abounds - throughout with pleasing specialties, .introducing tMrv:Ba'ker in some of his happy and catchy songs. The opera house was again filled with an apprecia tive audience and encore "were numerous. Tonight fTThe Embassy Bairr . 'will be ; - "MASTER OF THE SITUATION" Rev.R. R, Swope, D.D., gave" an address last ; evening at the Young Men's Institute on the ."Master of the- Situation." Mr. Swope made a - clear and practical talk re plete with interest. ' . - , 'r ii wasv. evident night before last, as wagons streamed: into the city that yes " - - ---- - . ir i t - . - teVdaf would 4e a great day on tjhe Ashe- D e lDat' M ffafl fa' Mr. Hege Says the Asheville Poultry Show '-' . Will be a Big Success A Notable Increase in the Sale of Leaf Tobacco Large Number of Criminal Court Cases, rt : . i a ii n ii . Raleigh, Dec. 7. The state superintend ent of public instruction has decided to call a state convention of county supervis ors of education to meet here in the house ' of representatives on December 30. The United States court is in session here with Judge iPurnell presiding. There are 110 criminal case on the district docket and 75- cases on the circuit docket. " The supreme court has never handed down aa opinion in the S. P. Satterfield case. It heard the argument in 'the rail road commission cases last week and maf hand down the opinions tomorrow, but this is doubtful. ; John C. Davis, the embezzder from Wil mington, who for several years has been in he insanse asylum here, is now pronounc ed cured and will shortly 'be sent home. There - axe many., persona, who have, Sever ville tobacco market. At the 'Banner the floor was 'completely covered by eight o'clock and everything in readiness for the sound of (Drummond's voice. The demands for certain grades is so great and competition so sharp that not a buyer has been marked "tardy" for the past week. When the sales reached the Farmer's there was presented a scene of beauty. The day was a most propitious one for tfie examination of the tobacco and under the skylight the bright weed presented and attractive appearance. As the sales progressed, planters seeing the products going rapidly at good prices, 6rowded around the buyers. John H. Howell, a well known tobacco buyer, appeared on the floors and madt things lively. Both warehouses are in re ceipt oi heavy consignments trom Tennes see, wnicn neretotore have been placed on omer markets, ana xne saies toaay will oe to a great extent ox Tennessee tooacco. x he two warehouses -together sold yester day about 60,0U0 -pounds, and the saies to day will reach 80,000, if not J.00,000 pounds. iKiessrs. daoore . and Oatney of Haywood sold 2,010 pounds for $3b6.iJ6, an average of about $18 per hundred, ithis 'being one of the best if not the best saie of the sea son. ' Among the -Haywood planters who sold we mention -E. C. "Worley, 1,000 pounds; Poteat and Henson, 2,000; Best and 'Mc Eiroy, 2,000; J. A. Robertson, 1,000; Ma rion Robertson, 1,500, Chambers, 500. On the two floors there are now not less than ; 150 tierces and wagons are pouring in at every hour. . Today's sales will toe lively and , th floors crowded. -At the Farmer's a special row will be assigned for. the exhibition 'of Eeast Tennessee, which like Western Car olina goods, are greatly in demand. BRYAN ON THE MESSAGE. Galveston, Tex., Dec. 7. William J. Bry an, who is hunting ducks here with a party Of friends, said today regarding the presi dent's message: f The message indicates the intention upon the part of itlhe presi dent to aid in turning the issue of paper money over to the national banks: (Mean time, he purposes to give gold a further superiority over silver as money." SILVER GOES UP. . New York, Dec 7.-Commercial silver was quoted at sixty cents an ounce today for the first time since July. The advance is ascribed to shipments of silver from London to (Russia and a revivafl of the de mand for silver from China and India; al so an increased demand for silver in -. . - - j "... -------- .- arts.-- . . , f Try our peanut brittle, made fresh erery 4ay.-The Alcazar, 82 Patton Avenue, CUBAN PATRIOT DEAD. New York, ec 7. Carlos Bordelos, the Cuban patriot, died "today in a private hos pital; from a gun shot wound j-eceived in fighting with the insurgents in 1895. - ' . GRAVEYARD THIEVES. NorthvHle, lu . L, .Dec. 7. Marked rib bons stolen from floral pieces- in the ceme tery here were recognized today upon dress es of several youngj women.: ' . , . f- r Stable for rent near Hotel Berkeley. Also one. - set of hand-made double bar ness:at 410.00. S. H. XSiedeter - The penitentiary authorties have sent a small number of convicts to ithe -Castle Hayne farm. There will Ibe' a-truck and strawberry industry started there for the next season. There is every prospect, says vMr. Hege, of the state experiment farm, that the poultry show in Asheville will be on a grand scale and a great success. There are special premiums amounting to $700 and $1,500 in cash premiums onered. There is to be a similar ipoultry show to be held in- Charlotte January 12-14. - The tobacco market here, which opened September 1, has done well, good prices nave been oDtained and when the season ends in March, about 2,500,000 pounds wnl have been sold. This will be an increase of 1,000,000 over the last season, 'ihe weather for two days has been like spring. The grond .is cold and damp from tne heavy rain of 'Friday and Saturday; ,but the sunshine is glorious. There is complaint that the floors in some of the rooms of the capital are so decayed that the steam heated pipes can not be used on account of the horrible odor that arises. This will be referred to the board of health. State Auditor Ayer has finished signing about half of the 5,738 pension warrants. These warrants wil ilamount to about $102, 000. The 'Labor 'Bureau has furnished the fol lowing valuable table based on returns as regards the average yield of crops per acre the average price realized for the same and the average cost per acre to produce. Corn, bushels 17 price 49 cents, cost per acre $7.01. (Thfe other figures are the same' in sequence). Wheat, 8, 77, $4.13. Oats, 17, 35, $3.26. Rye, 11, 66, $3.56. Barley, 13, 72, $3.56. Peas, 14, 63, $3.06. Beans, 15, 80, $3.50. Irish potatoes, 53, 49, $10.56: igweet potatoes, 69, 36, ' $9.68. Rice, 27, (Continued on Eighth Page.) A Grand Illuminated Display of Jew ry and Silverware. V Thursday evening, Dec. 9th, from 8:00- te 11:00 o'clock. In making the announcement for our opening at the beginning of this year's joyous season, when it Is the beautiful custom of all to give substantial - tokens of love and esteem, we wish to say that never before, , in the history of the jewelry, business, have prices been so' low, and the beauty of design so simple, and yet so elegant, as at the present period. sro this year, and we believe that $1.00 . . .f - 1.1 1- -- . i r. - . m 9 AA win uujr as u.u.vu, uu wi a-r wage, u f.vv would five yearB ago. . We have many, beautiful things, rang--ine In price from twenty-five cents up-' wards, and it you will give us the honor of ' a call, we will - be pleaded to show you hundreds of thltgs, exquisite In design, ana at im-ea !uu mu u iumwu ju,, f . , - - wM.jr - " . .. . 4. .t. . :. - ; V on the evening of Thursday, December 9th, from S:CU to 11:00," and we hope that .- -i nn nlll Fa uif via -oritli irnni rvroianita . ARTHUR M. TEUD;i Leading Jeweler; Cor. Church St. and Fat if on vnn:'LAxheille. 9&. CL "'?r

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