vol 2: No: mv ASmiYILLE, N. THURSDAY MOElrfNG, DECEMBER 9,4897 .Price 5 Cents! vV - Oestreimm & mm T-' V' vV 1 j Fine Jackets and CapesM 'tf- To offer you goods -at-a cer tain figure, at which : the eam article can be had for :at any time, but to call it' uat half price for special occasions, is that giv ing you a bargain ?-, . . . , In our store a $15 garment is a $15 garment marked: in plain figures for comparison against any and all competitors. , If now we reduce this-same garment to $9 25 don't" you act ually save $5.75? - Or $4 25 on a $12.50 garment at $8.25? Do yorr see the point? That's exactly the: way it is. The assortment is superior to any. Rather a little too good ; one of the reasons why we ba to sell these cloaks at a sacrifice. But you are welcome. We posi tively will carry none - oyer for next season. . , Children's Jackets and'Intants' Cloaks have been' reduced to be closed out during the next few days ' i . 28 South Alain; Street. IS Carried Away! Our furniture . is . being , carried away every day. We have a few nice arm chairs on hand now. Call and examine our $3.00 Oalf Rockers. They, are going very fast. W. A. BLAIR,: ; Phone 75. 45 PattonAve. Ages of Marriage. Better than a fortune teller's predictions is the table recently prepared by a statis tician by which onp can foretell the prob.:r able age of one's future hdlpme'etthat. is to say, he has tabulated the age -at whch men at various 6tagcs in their life prefer their wives to be! v' Young" men of .18 and 19 years, it scorn's, generally seleetU; wives of their own - ago, but with increasing years comes wisdom, and at 20 p man pre fers a woman of from 21 to 24 years. 5. indeed seems to be a very desirable age foi an unmarried woman,' for it remains the favorite for the man in - search of a wife until he has passed his twenty -ninth year. At 30 he likes best the women who ar anywhere " from : five - years to one yeaiJ younger than - himself, and he is cpnstani in this preference up to his fortieth year. Then he Is willing ; thai , she shall be, as much as ten' years younger than himself but will not have her if she be his equal in years, an opinion which he holds for half a decade. At from 45 to 60 he looks for less disparity, preferring women from 40 to 45, and in the next five years he has the same choice. Thereafter he prefers a woman ten years younger than blmself.--San. an cisco Argonaut ', U"V . -j' (AT TWO IXXLILAiRS; BAK3H. , r . To close out?a lot of he finest sllver "ware, we offer a -lot of pdVces worth from W to $10 casta, at cash.'J' tt iAW, 35 Pa ton avenue' T '';''VJ 259-2 OESTREIGHER Ateo on'''8etoflhsmd-ne double ta'!: at U0.00.S. H. CSxedeBSier. 'J T'll NEWS NOTES FROM RALEIGH . - r Little Doubt That Judge Dick Will Eesign; And That Superior Court Judge ; Douglass Will be His Successor. Unlicensed' Insurance . Agents Solic iting Business, ; What the Report of the Adjutant General Will Show. State Auditor Thinks Taxes in' the State Will Exceed the Amount Estimated for the Year- Work of the Supreme Court. Special to the Gazette. ' Raleigh, Dec 8. Judge -Purnell has be fore Mm one of the largest dockets ever seen here. There are 100 criminal cases. beside the smaller ones, and he will be pushed to handle them all, so as to clo?e court next Monday morning1.- From here he goes to 'Charlote to hdJd court for Judge Dick who is uriable to go: Judge Simon ton has appointed J udge Purnell to hold Judge Diclc's courts for the present. There seems to "be but litle doubt ' that Judge Dick will soon send In his resignatk and, that Judge Douglas of .the supreme court bench, will "be appointed his succeg sor. Wake county-jail is now fuU, as so many prisoners are here awaiting trial before the court. Most of them are up for some con nection with illicit distilling. ' Secretary of .State Thompson has. been very much annoyed recently by insuranc companies, that have not taken out state license, soliciting business ifl differen places, He telegraphed to Weldon a few) uays ago ior local .authorities to look af ter an agent of thC; Miller muohar insii- ranee company .'olCb.lckgo, whor. was trying to get business - at -Weldon: ? r This week the supreme court is hearing appeals from the eleventh district v Keeper Burn's of he capital, is such a pusher that' he does - not allo w things in the capital square to move along natural ly: He is having the square iput in thor ough 'order (?), and as he does not want the leaves to fall on the grass after he has had the lawn raked, the has put men up In the big trees to help nature" do her work, by thrashing of those leaves that are still clinging to the. Jbranches. ThU wonderful man, if he cannot do one thing- he wil do another .and thus keep himlself cohstanitly before the public. "y , Mr. Henry Dookery 'of Rockingham, was here yesterday on his way. to Washington He has no doubt that he will succeed Mar shal O. Ji' Carrol! as United States mar shal for this district, although " many have said, that Senator Grant of t Wayne, would get the place. V Qlr. Dockery Says 5 he : does not wish to see Marshal Carroll removed until his f ult term, expires? : - IMrs. . William iHicks. died - very suddenly here yesterday while on a . visit to her husband's father. ' She .was , a 1Mia . Page daughter . of Rev. Jesse Page - of . Alber -anarle. , ; . ..- . Yesterday State Treasurer "Worth spent in Greensboro with his mother who celebrated her 90th birthday. ' ' , It is said the republicans will soon be gin the publication of ' a weeklr or a semi weekly paper- here that; will advocate fu sibn with populists as against the demo crats. ; ' " - The state superintendent - of -public in etruction. is urging all county supervisors of Education ito attend the convention tc bo '.beld i here December 30, - and he is; asr signing . topics for - discussion to different Ones. . . - ;-. 5 J-f : r: 1 " T(here is universal approval ,on all sides of the prompt trial and conviction .of : the man Ryan, who so brutally , murdered hit wife last week. Tfcer entire proceedings did -not take over thirty minutes v - The Capital' club of this' city, has put on ; the bulletin board in . the club - room, to be considered at the annual meeting iri January, Ihe suggestion that the initia tion! fee be ralsed'-from $25-tO- $100, and to' raise the Initiation fee of non-residents from $12.50 to 150. - . An insurance company mere nas nao ap plication for naif a million' dollars : insu-. ranee. ; The annual premium will be $36 025. v , k : "t The report of: the adjutant general will he issued about, the first of the year and it will show thirty-rour companies y (ail thaf is allowed), all tully equipped. ; Not a single 'company has disbanded' this year ' Governor Russell- was- planning to' give the Methodist conference a reception (Mon day night,- thinking1 that- It would,, not ad journ until on Tuesday. - "- -' " " J " -."It waa thought that the collecter for this district would be' appointed yesterday. E. C 'Duncan of Carteret, "is pretty sure of the place, "but George Cobb'Of. Elizabeth City, still bopes for it.. - sttat Auditor Aver thinks the taxes will l-exceed the .amount estimated for ,the -year. In many counties tne -inwuivcuw ine greatly reduced. Jn Rowan, county the ' sheriff has. collected tJ36,000 , against JlOjOOO this" time last year.- Many persons who have not paid.taxea for.yevs ate .com 1ns " forward and :' are ettllrig presumably for fear of Janprlsdnment' for failure to pay taxes ' "r- " -1 TU-tfcM-i ia0 -rrpch JUrr day.Th Aleaar. 82 Patton aTenue. - CHAPEL DEDICATED Erected by Rev. Dr.' and , Mrs. Cad- . wallader on Vance Street The neat and attractive Gospel Ohapel on Vance street, erected by Rev. Dr. and (Mrs Cadwallader,r was dedicated yesterday morn trig at. 11 o'clock' to the service of God. The house was filled with - representatives from all the protestamt denominations of the city. : ; Irl KadwalladeT, in a Jjrief address, stat ed: the purpose which was had in mind in building the chapel was to provide a place where, week-day services might be held. without interfering with the regular ser vice in the churches, and 4o bring ' to gether members of the different denomina tions for the worship of God. - After the singing of & hymn, led by Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Van Horn, and the reading of an appropriate passage of scripture by Dr.. Felix, Xr. Byrd read in an impressive manner the solemn dedicatory service of the Methodist church. ' ; ' Dr. Campbell delivere'd a forcible and ad mirable sermon, from 'the story of the Sa maritan woman, showing that God's holiest temple Is, not here, nor there, in any place of worship, save only in the heart of the true oeliever. . Dr. JLAwrence gave a most "beautiful Il lustration of the power of the Christian ichurch, in the case of one who had entered weary and burdened with care, into a house of worship; and who, with thoughts uplifted; courage renewed, and strength re stored, had gone forth once more to fight the battle of life. . Mr. R. U. Garret gave an instructive les son, . with reference to the need of greater nearness to God; and with prayer by Dr. (Lawrence, 'the isinging of a hymn ty the 'congregation, and the pronouncing of the benediction, the dedicatory exercises were closed. It was announced before closing that a regular service ! will be held in the ohapel every5 Tuesday at 11 o'clock, and that all are cordially invited. r- 'COURT MATTERS IMPORTANT OASES TO COME BEFORE, QIRCTJJT JUDGE. Brigman-Roberts Suit Decided- Cases From Buncombe to be Argued in Supreme Court. The approaching term! of the circuit court will be a . very Interesting one, as many cases of more than ordinary import ance are. on the docket. The solicitor was asked-last night what cases would most likely-be tried, and .informed "the reporteE that-the ioilowimi ls the list: , State js- J, i4nasey, .cnargea vjicn emr bezzllng the funds of the Ashevlile Tem perance society, amounting to over $1, 000; State vs. . Cowan, charged with em bezzling the funds arising from the sale of goods belonging to Mrs-.T. C. Starnesr State vsi": IMarquet, charged with embez zling a large sum of money, the property of one Webster. 'Next In importance wiil.be the whitecapping cases -from (Big Ivy and Sandy Mush. The solicitor is of the opinion that the investigation of the Indian . doctor case now in progress, will result in several pros ecutions of a serious character. tH: THE SUPERIOR COUTtT. There was but little done in the supe rior court yesterday. About noon the Jury in the Brlgman-Roberts case returned e yerdict in favor of the plaintiff. In the af ternoon an action of debt was taken up in which J. B. Bostlc and Dr. W. P. Whit tlngton, as security, were defendants, but was not concludede when court .took a re cess until this morning. Several of the. leading members of the bar will leave this week to attend the supreme court. SUPREME ICOUIJT. ' Among- 4?he important cases from this county, which will be argued in the su preme court at .Raleigh next week, Is the case of the 'Mad River National bank of BpringLfleld, Ohio, et al, vs. the. Asheville Furniture and iLumber company. This case was decided, by the supreme1 court last April,, but a petition rto rehear was filed by the Western tCaroliria bank. The National Bank . of Asheville and the Battery Park, bank,; who intervened in the main action for the purpose of setting up their title to the property attached at the instance of the plaintiffs. This pe tition . " ' was " allowed " by Associate Justice Douglas and the case will how be argued. . ' t' r,;v - : ; r". . ?" The action" was commenced several years age and has .already : been tried : twice In the "superior court here and argued three times- in the' supreme court. It was -tried last before Judge Robinson alf the August. 1895, term of the superior court and an ap peal . was taken by the intervening banks. The 'matter in controversy is ; a lot of furniture and lumber which the iAshevill 'Furniture and Lumber- company attempted to sell the' three intervening banks - and which, 'after the sale to sthe intervening banks, was attached by the plaintiff banks The Judgment -appealed from now y a-mouoits- to some thing over $15,000. j , SUMNER EVE. Yesterday- at Calvary church, in Hen denson county- Miss Eva Eve, the charm ing and. highly cultured daughter of Majoi and (Mrs. - Ci "W. Eve, of Erewoocf Villa was married : to Mt. I. Leonidas Summer the Junior member of the firm of Sumner & Summer at Arden. c The beautiful . and im pressive ceremony of rthe church whioh u- Lnited ..these 'two faithful young hearts, was performed by fchereptor. Rev. Mr. Phelps 'in .,tbe presence of a . few: relatives and f rlendsJ (Mr.aaidJ Mrs. Sumner will for the present live' a$ Arden.'" '- : ', : HBADQTJARTERS FOR ' J -! r . - ; j - -. r . , - Novelties - in sterling silver. Ahnest -ar entire new stock of all new. designs." Pure sllyerifull weight and prices that mean -l",to&'' La."35."Ptt atwiue;- - t v. t 1 - II II ' ' fc, PROF BOWMAN'S :LECTU RE A Further-Assault on Theology by the - ", i, : Free Thinker " , Preceding Prof. (Bowman's, lecture last eveing at the court house; Mr. 12. D. Carter said that' there was a movement among Mr. "Bowman's friends to mike up. a prhrte purse for him and that on inext'iFriday ev ening, tle date of Mr; Bowman's last ap pearance in Asheville, those who attended the" lecture would be asked to conHrlbute. Mr, Bowman is mot lecturing' for money said ' Mr Carter Thile mainy of us may no doubt, may not agree with him m ev ery .thing he says, yet we should give him that considera tion which -v he - deserve; being actuated to stand up for his convic tions and to hear great subjects discussed by a great "man! ' ' ; . Mr. ' bowman's . topic, was: "Theology heala. nowound which itself lias not made.' The speaker said (he Was "fighting in a good naiUred way so-called orthodox Chris tianity. iMy object will be," he said, "to con- Biuer i tne wnoie , tneory or tneoiogy. as a system df fictitious diseases and remedies The human race is suffering from 'great evils and theology is to be considered as a system Of remedies. You know that bread bills haVe given frequent relief for imag inary diseases." . A few of the opening sentences of his ad dress are as follows.: . - 'The-" system, of orthodox - theology be gins swith the fall of man and ends with fire and;, brimstone. It is an orderly log! cal system, why Is it logical ? Because a system, of premises and idea3 may be per fectly lpgical, yet entirely false. Logic is the connection between premises and con elusions. Truth has reference entirely ta the character of the premises. Begin with the fall of man, etc., this logical . system would i; true if the premises were true As nuan grows in intelligence be is seeking deeper and deeper to investigate the foundation of these structures... . "Everyi condition of .eociety, . from, the: most degraded to the. most, exalted has risen bv .the U"w of evolutionary develop men t. .- Otr. present circumstances "are - the foglcal-ieondltlons of the past and our fui ture ' will be necessarily the result of jhe presents Systems of , error have grown Jus-i as systems. -of truth have grown. Religious error hae simply been the. result of. poor attempts to solvereligious mysteries, jus 1 as scientific errbrs", producing a false plan. etary system, etc. Error is the grand lay, of hum&B progresig," , BISHOP DUDLEY TO SPEAK His Great Lecture, Thev Historic Christ" to be Given tit Alfceville. Aiong many great addresses at the -Parliament of Religions, rJeJd at . Chicago during the World's Pair ont,wMeh attract ed "universal .attention was "The Historic Chrbrffi bF the bishops; of: Ken-tockyi Since then Bishop 'Dudley has deliver this address several times in behalf of worthy church work. Everywhere it has been re ceived with the greatest . enthusiasm and it is a matter, of congratulation that tbe bishop' has consented to give this lecture on next. Monday night for the benefit of the debt of Trinity parish', The lecture will be under the charge of the Woman's Guild of Trinity church and: more particulars wilj be given- later. ANOTHER MURdER IN YANCEY William Lewis Killed toy Jackson Hig ' gins and His Son. Ii. H. Smith of Yancey' cowntyK Is 1n the city, and gives the news of another trage dy in his county." The scene this time U located in what is 'known as Egypt, ' e township lying contiguous to the Tennessee line.' "On Sunday ; night ' a' crowd of row dies assemble -dat a horuse and Imbibed 'freely of new-apple brandy. . Jackson Hig gins and his son, who were of the party shot and' cut to death William !Le wis and made their, escape , through! thei- rugged mountains that lie about the scene of the tragedy, which is but a short distance from the state line. At last accounts . officert were in pursuit of the fugutives, but-hac not jsuceeded in arresting. them. a ... -j MIDNIGHT ARRESTS. - V : ' ':; -:"-x-t ... ; , ,;. .,r..:;, v; Wot less than half, a' dozen arrests were made tf.yiolSLmaj.i':'r ordinacef late 1 last night, '" Such as 'runks and dis orderly .conduct; - carryingi 'concealed pis-. tols,ete. . At . midnight Uiere was considerable-excitement about, police headquarters,- occasioned, by , the :arrest 6i . aereral persona;' charged ; with - different offences. Henry- ailller, charged with-1 the larceny ol ladies "cloaks and;apes'.walS, arrested by Officers Lyerly and IBradley. and will have a hearing before Justice Van Gilder .thbs morning. .The warrant charged Kate Tal ley, Julia Foster and '-Catherine Burns with the theft, but proved, that they - bought the goods from Miller whto admitted that he had : Sold .them to the' women: ' iMtsj - Baser, whollost 'the goods,-while walking on the streets, Iden-tiflea one. .of . ; the . missing cloaks on the person of a -woman.-? Upon (Miller's admission that he had-sold her the cloak the women were discharged. , , : MILLER-HALF;. . ., - A noted event of the season was the mar riage yesterday of Miss Margaret (Hale and Joseph Pi4' Miller,1 Tson of ' F. .--IMirier t of this city. " The fcerenyrwas performed by JRey C. . W. iByrditat ' tlfe homevofthe bride on Woodfin street in the-presence of a few v friends. 4 -.T5i ' bridal .. party, : aftei lunch with the. groom--father, left " for theilr , home in BirminE-ham. .Ala. ... .The bride rwas a . popular member Cot Asheville society; and her hosts s of friends wish her a happy, future. :,: TOBACCO MARKET: About 70,000 Founds Sold Yesterday in This City. T There were lively times "on the -tobacco market yesterday and 'checks were "issued by the hundreds The sales' were attended by an unusually large crowd and it was with difficulty that one could wend his way along the floors - during, 'the hours of the sale Prices remained firm and satlsf actor j to sellers. At the two warehouses about' 70,000 pounds were sold, consisting of every va riety of grades. - . Mr. J. F. Jones of Green county Tenn. accompanied by several - other planters. reached the city.1 '.The party brought Wi-tl them nineteen hogsheads of tobacco,-' some of which will -be offered todjay. Mr. Jooe imormea a. u-azeue reporter tnat tne Asne ville market was gaining a wide' reputa tion in his state and offered .advantages over , their own market. Mr. Jones further stated that if the Ten nessee tobacco now on the Asheville mar ket brought satisfactory prices, as he' thought it would, the entire unsold crop of Blast Tennessee, in his opinion, would be marketed here. The breaks will be heavy again today. AREND-SMITH Pretty Wedding at the First Baptist Church. . (Shortly after the noon hour yesterday in the First Baptist church, Miss .Roberta Smith of Asheville, and Mr. Ernest Au gustus Arend of Trenton, N. J. were mar ried, iDr. Felix performing the ceremony, using the Episcopal form. The church was prettily decorated with palms, ferns, rubber plants, wild smilax and laurel wreaths. "Friends had assembled ; together" tc witness the ceremony and awaiting th wming party .ther-:-wtre '-ftta4; VTte British ratrol' ?The gweedish Wddmg March" by Mr 3, P. Howatt, tbe orga nist. - ' ' ' 'The family came in, taking their &eat near the front, I 's - . . Through ttbe door 'at the side of the roS tru, came the groom, .escorted' lbV Mr. Scott iScammell, his best man. At-the sound of Lohengrin's .wedding march up the left aisle came the maid of honor, (Miss Genie Smith, attired In a traveling dress of green broadcloth, trimmed in Can, a bleach and green hat, with tips, and bearing a boquet of. yellow Perie roses. . Following and leaning on the arm of her uncle, Mr. H. C. Hudgins of Trenton, N. J., was the bride handsomely dressed in a traveling costume of brown, trimmed in white broad-cloth. ' aid. wearinga. .hat :9? blC aad green with tips. In her hand she bore a large bunch of. bridek roses, during 'the ceremony the organist played softly Schumame's Trau meyee. Af the conoiusion the, party maicb. eoV foxth. to .'Mendellsshon's wedding march. They were driven to' vth home -of ; the bride's mother, on Merriniott avenue where a luncheon was served to the party. At 2:26 (Mr. and Mrs. Arend left for Washington, (Philadelphia and New York. They will make Trenton, IN; J., the1 home this winter, but later will occupy Mt. ATend's house at Asbury Park. ' '' Mrs. -'Arend, thou'ght a native of Hhis stae,' vis. a descendant ol one ol South Carolina's . aristocratic eld families. - She Is a" daughter of Mrs. Owen Smith. 1Mr. Afan W nn architect bv . profession, . , . The presents of the ushers and f riends o the bride, consisting , chiefly or . silverware were numerous and made a most beautiful display... That of the groom was.a,waich of rare beauty .set with diamonds. . v RANDALUS CONFESSION. The case against James 'Randall and Dr. Walter Hill, for conspiracy was called u In Justice Jones' court, T. I; Van Gilder presiding,' at three o'clock yesterday after noon. Sherman Hensley was the. first wit ness called to the stand, and his testimony corroborated that published in Tuesday's issue of the Gazette. Mrs. J. A. Keith whom Hensly attacked, was next called, arid her testimony was substantially the same as Hensley's. The prosecution claims that Dr. Hill and Randall planned" to murder Roberts, an inmate of Keith's house, end' to do all they could to wreck the Keith homev The case was continued until ,fday at 11 o'clock. A QUEER GRAND JURY. ' Montgomery, Ala., bee. Frederick Allen," eleven years old, from Freetown .was Indicted by the grand Jury today for frightening a school teacher with a mouse. Sle was held in a J20O bond, his parents be ing unable to furnish the amount, In con trast this .same Jury neglected to indict Adam Forsyth who killed Fred "Baker with a stone a month ago. - J. P. MORGAN ARRIVES. New York, Dec. 8.-4j. 'Pierepont Morgan and Walter S. Burns, son of his late part ner, who recently died in London, arrived this afternoon' on the Tutonic from Liver pool. (Burns' body was also aboard. Elev en sacks of mail were removed from the Tutonic at quarantine for disinfection.' . ' ' " . " - ;-" 4 TO INCREASE GERMANY'S NAVY. V - Berlin, Dec 8 'All . influential newspa per organs In Berlin tonight consider the passage of the naval bill by the reichstag as assured. " . . " RACQUET VICTORY. - - Montreal Deer 8.Laliha!m Aishworth de feated Bridger, the 1 local professional; to day rut the .Racquet' court. He .won "four but off -six.: The line opened today are the best that can be had for the money.: See them, before f you-tny,r.tH.: S5: Pafctpn avenue.1 VANDERBILT'S BIG INSURANCE $1,000,000 pn l the Life of the Owner of Biltmore. Largest Pol idy Ever Issued by an Insurance Company. Startling Rumor of the Loss of a ' British Troop Ship.- ' - r Senator H anna Obliged to Take to His' Bed. . .. . vv- - . . .. . - .j-v-,: A Negro Murderer Respited on the Day for His; Lxecuuon beo-ffia Leerisuture tans 10 rass 4 Antr-Football Bill Over the Veto. V 'lien ivi . iru 0. uviuic oa.ixj-& .y-:. r .' -v. . Europe today and encountering the perils, of a traveler on ocean and in foreign lands -; George W. Vanderbilt took out ia million.-: dollars insurance1 on his life in the, (Mutual life insurance company. This is thfe largest policy ever, issued by any company in the world; ' The policy is U straight-life, tweUf m-. lt ty-year class witb an annual premium ..ol. $35,000. , Mr, Vanderbilt was in excellent health, when he tailed. He proposes to look lor "X tiger twhen he passes through India. .. . .... m.t Halifax, Dec. 8. A startling rumor is j& i float .tt6, ,but is,, not ..confirmed, thaj tbe. British . troopship from Jamacia for Cape Town, had foundered.. She- had ar thous--and troops aboard. Before sailing she wat -. docked and cleaned.- . NEGRO SNATCHED FROM THE GALLOWS. Pittsburg,'" (Dec. 8. iPhilip 'Hill", the n-4 gro murderer, did not-hang. today as was . expected. Ai writ of error was taken out by his aitorneys a few minutes before the time Sei ior Xxxc i.'aiii.Z. A ne ucnu a- ;lu- - - - neys- decided that it stayedv the ,fxfieu tion till after-October 1.1898 when the. writ is returnable. '-. FOQTBAU. IB GEORGIA. Atlanita, Ga., Dec: 8; The" Georgia legf 'xr". islature. today reconsidered Che anti-foot- .A ball bill, which Governor 'Atldnsovbi..'n yesterday. The veto was sustatoed.-J-Tlief'uv':-bill if ailed by ten. votes of having the . -;U required two-third to' pas; over the' ve- 'rc?:'l to. . ' . "H- i HANNA HAS A RELAPSE. , , Washington, Dec. 8. Senator -'Hannfa was Tj'X obliged to take to his bed today and his''.v -physician was called. He was prohibited. ;.t from seeing any one. ' . ' SOMETHING TO KNOW. -A, It may be worth something to know that': tfche very best medicine for restoring the ;iv tired out "nervous system to a healthy 1; " vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine is; purely vegetable, acts by giving tone to 'is the nerve centres in the stomach, gently - "j?: stimulates the Liver and Kidneys, and $lbt-i?J'& these organs in throwing off impurities In. t - : the bloods EUectric Bitters improves , the , . ' appetite, aids digestion, and is pronouncedi . - n -x .. 1 . .ta. ... . 1. 07 uKrse "woo nave trxea 11 as xne very oest r;-.- Mood" purifier and. nerve tones'. ' Try "'it. Sold "for 50c or. $1.00 per bottle Vt" T. 3. - Smith's . Drug Store, and Pelham's ,Phar ' macy..,. , , r . , . . .. .-ir r' .... ...... 'V.A-4?, A Grand Illuminated Display of Jew- v! ry and Silverware. Thursday evening,' Dec. 9th, f-rom8:00 t 11:00 o'clock. In making the announcement for our -' Opening x at . the beginning of this year' , V joyous season, r when it is the ..beautiful v custom of all "to give substantial token of love and esteem, we'wish'to say that v.O, never before, in the history of "the jewelry'; business, have -prices been so low, and . -the beauty Df design so simple, and yet so : i elegant, as at the present period. ' J - ' Trice teve never been 'so ;ow &. thsy . .' aro this year, and we believe that $1.00 w ; will buy as curb,- on the a,verage as $?.0Q ; t "' would five years'ago. . , . ..... - ...... . 1 .".::--.iti'i. ' . We have many, beautiful . things, rangvKv ing In1 price from twenty -five cents upV wards, and ijycu will give. us the honorf,f. a 1 oolly we'' will. be pleaded to f'howiy5u'i? hundreds . of things, exquisite Jn design, fv. and aUprices that .will astonish you.-' v- t vr-V Our first illunftnated display: will occur r oa the. evening ot , Thursday,. December . . . -9th, from &ztoto 11;00, andwe hope that .: you wilf favor us with yofer preaenceC" ; , ' . ., - A ARTHUR. .BI.-? .FIELDS , - Leading' Jeweler'Tor:X)aure& dtn4a't- : . - - i" ;t.tJSl . t -riV:2M -f- i 4 r .sr..; .-. 1 sr-. "4 s If-, , '? it' r

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