THE AS HEVILLE GAZETTE, 1EC 10, 18D7 0 . . , " , , - Paper Gas Pipes. ' ' " i pex gas pipes are now made. Manilla paper is cut in strips equaling in width the length of the pipe to be mada rThow are passed through a vessel - filled wirb melted asphalt and then wrapped firm ly and "uniformly round an iron core until the required thickness is attained. These pipes are claimed to be perfectly gas tight and are said to be much cheaper than iron AHDV CATHARTIC Cold Care cures colds in the bead, colds on the ines. old iM. navr ftnrl nhnf innlA fiolds. atlu. all forms of trip. Stops sneezing, discharges from the nose ancf eyes, prevents catajrhr diphtheria, pneumonia, and all throat ad"lung troubles. These pleasant little pellets are absoliAely harmless, have saved thousands of lives and prevented much sick The Munvon Itemed v Comnanr prepare a separate cure, for each disease. At all druggists 25 cents a vial. If yorfeed medical advice write Prof. Munyon, 120a Arch Street, Philadelphia. - It is absolutely free, - -1,-' yv"- pipes. , - . CURECOHSTlPATiOH MJUJ lb; II ll lUJ y S " There is. still- a good selection of goods at this sale. Several pretty things for -wist-mas presents as rwell as1 .kitchnlwafe: ' Days of . sale-Tuesaays,-Thursdays arid Saturdays, at;3.3t and , 7.30 . H;;M:v .... k WM.TUfelEK,' fir iL' ill As it is well knowu over the. country that my branch store, 18 North Main St.. wag consumed by fire, I sold all the goods out at auction to close out all the damaged goods Therefore I wrote to my Northern buyers to buy me' a 1 Ten consisting of Clothing, Shoes arid Gent's Furnishing Goods, for the cash, and they struck a big bargain. They bought a bankrupt stock at 60 cents on the dollar, and the goods are arriving daily and' will be placed on my counters. Come early and secure your bargains before the goods are picked over. A special sale of 344 men's suits worth $6 to $7; dur price $3 94. 1 . A. 9 Northwest Court Square, .: & 18i North Maiii St. Red Front, under the Buck Hotel. HILLIARD-GILMER CASE .--v .... ' (Continued from First Page.) attached and "marked exhibit "A."1 The re-opening of this award for the purpose of infteroretation or' contradiction would prac tically have the effect or nullifying and vacating the entire award, a thiilg: which the supreme court nas expressly decided in Henry vs. HilTard canitot ibe done. Ii is apparent from the record that even the dissatisfied cestui-qui-trusts could not a gree in their statements..- It appears from the record that one; of the cestui-qui-trusts, James 'Atkins,, anade", affldaviit that he never consented to t!he confirmatdoii of the award by Startuok, Judge, and that he had no oportu nity to see or examine the award ; whereas, the affidarit . of W. W. Btringfield of the date of 'December 4th, 1896, declares rthat th- said Atkinsitoiew of and assented to the said awaC'and that all the parties in the cuse were rep rsented hy counsel,, and: the counsel all knew of the said report and Its, confirma tion, and that some were dissatisfied witJi the said award, "but accepted the same and its confirmation as having been madeifcy consenfi and as brnding." With reference to (the arbitration,L he declares it was for the purpose, of expediting settlements end f get ting the numerous matters and. items ad justed by the said arbitrators who were chosen ' If or that ' purpose, -and that - all of the said parties not only consented to, but urged the 'filing of said award at spring term of 1895 of Swain as aforesaid, and, that the same should then be oonfirmed by tb.e said judge in IMs awnJlection, This af fiant Stringfleld declares tbAt, "'"further .con tinuance of this litigation; is unjust, i ana unfairly ties upthe money in the trustee s hands which ought to be disbursed as or dered by the court,, and further-ays that the said award,-after full inTestigation.Jhe believes does full and substantial Justice to each and all of tfoe parties. ' Subse quently, oh itbe 18th, . day dt - Norember, The herd, consisting of nigh bred - Jer rys is under thedaily inspection of a qual ified veterinarian, formerly inspector, for the New Orleans board of health. - K i- - , v u? ' - ' - - ' ' n 777 TTT ' ' All the cows'bave been tuberculin tested and are in perfect health. -' .''. , No expense or labor . Spared to secure cleanliness through all operations connect- with the milk. . 1 - U" ' i To an ,n -ha I nmttti ;-moneyI?-.aaid. ts of it; hut -we have the satisfaction of knowing that we are supplying customers pure miiK. , . - . , , , PerhaDa vou K'ran bur milk' & little Reaper, but Just think Jt over. Jf Biltmore Dairy -; - i - - v - - t . Auctioneer. 'SnUck fir the i i 91 J 1897, the same amant declares that, "tihia award which he at first supposed to be Just and IntelligrbJe, has now become upon closer inspection a conglomerated mass of errors and inconsistences, if not frauds." Zt is manifest that this award can never be construed to suit all of the conflicting interests in this cause. Clearly tt is res judicata and the trustee snould nave-di bursed the funds in 'Ms hands under ithe Jones-Boone award. , It appears that the tfrustee has not only refused to make such d'tbiirseTrmii.ts under . the Jones-fBoone a- ward, but that he has also failed to make any returns of his' trust. since September, 1895. It further appears tthat he 'has now a consiaeraDie amount or money on nana breatms: the certificate of the Bank of Waynesvile as .so much cash to mis ere a it. and that he may. at any; time realize a large amount of money, $60,000 or more, on the -Wv Cocke land option, and that he hasa'iso collected $300 per month on account of the said option, and tlhat.his bend ds only tfor: $10,000 a small amount in comparison to :tihe funds he inas on hand. and. may at any time receive in. his capacity .as trustee. Upon these factsr. as found it is threupon ordered, aajuageov ana decreed that the said JR. D. Gilmer, trus tee, he reouired to increase his bond as Md ' from S10.000 to $30,000, the flid hond to be filed with the clerk, of the court of Haywood county wltihln ten uays of the filing of this decree. 1 . as it aoes in not having disbursed tne lunas m ms hands under tne jones-ujoone swnru. i wilful or Intended to oe in ousregara oi the orders of . the court maae Berew iu thta ijiiie, but arises out of & misappTe- bensioa olf" his duties under the dald award, and as it further appears that tne saiu. viu- mer nae been1 active and dililgent an ooi ivn all -monies due his estate, ' and has vinnd . ereat tact and SKil: in adjusting the many complicated matters growing put rir Inner drawn OUT litigation, tne mo- tivn tnn . temDorarv receiyer la for' the present , -refused and the motion ior van same continued uu irtforuaajr .txvuu, . tisa hf'tb a trustee imayrdisburse n iia oaitni-rtiii-tnuats under the terms' of t!he Jones-Boone awaru such iuuu 11ML T .umvw.AM . - . . . . Tinda bv that date. .Bo much or une .tifl!n!.'iA said Gilmer, trustee, -from collecting . any - moneys due tti or managing-'' tne awu w .nw T either in his capateity as admndstoator or trustee or restraining other parties from i. ..m nn-mnr trttee moneys be- longing to, or due W UJ wj disolved. The costs oz -tujo .o - r. j a A fln t Gilmer, .trustee, a aforesaid, the same to be taxed by - the o.- -rAr mirt of the county of : -1 ' 1 Judge Circuit Court: , i : 1 TOCmtB A 'COLT IN. ONE DAT - Take laxative Bromo - Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money: " 9iSi. v ThA- crenuine has I B.' 4. on each tablet. t v . J )J- - '-txii Hka-jssfi!B..t Norfolk. Va., ' waS frightfully beflL face mgt Painf was mnuy ' Witch Hazel ' waive, - wiiicu iin,mi't levins' a, scar, at is the injury ttii,-.. - , . famous Pile remedy- - - : ; V Cascarets ' stimulate ' toe liver, A ,ki . Never sicken, . weak- .kidneys en or ANTIPATHY AMONQ ANIMALS. Different Species W Beasts Entertain a Dislike SVr Each Other. ; The likes and dislikes of animals are nnaccountable. ; Some horses take a violent prejudice against certain men, even though they, are treated kindly and though the man's moral character 4s fair. Be tween the cat and dog there is a violent antipathy, which, however, is not infre quently displayed by mutual respect, and even affection in exceptional cases. The elephant hates dogs and rats. Cows dislik? dogs, and so do sheep, and. what seems stranger, are particularly partial to bears. On the other hand, horses loathe and de test camels and Tefuse to be decently civil to them after ' long acquaintance. They e.ven hate the place wherp camels have been, which seems to be carrying race prej udice to an extreme. V Evolutionists are accustomed to explain these instinctive feelings as survivals of ancestral enmities dating . from the day 3 when one race preyed on the other. iThis would account for the natural enmity of cows to dogs, for when cows were wild they were obliged to defend their calves from bands of predatory wild dogs. Bub why should the horse like dogsf v It is but the other day that the wild. Worses organ ized to defend their colts from wolves on our western prairies. What could the an cestral horse have had ' against the ances tral camel of a million years ago? Above all, why should the horse approve of tha bear? It must be that the horse has a doi mant sense of beauty and of humor.' Th-3 ideal of the horse is grace, combined with strength. He disapproves from the bot- toni of his nature of the hopelessly vulgai, awkward and unsesthetical 'camel. Tlw bear, he sees at once, though clumsy, is unpretentious, truthful and not devoid of a sense of humor. The dog he recognizes as a good fellow, cdmpanionable and un selfish. He therefore forgets his ancestral pvedaceous habits. A strong bond between the dog and the horse is that they are both fond of sport, whereas a camel would no go an inch to see the best race that was ever run. ' The horse does seem a little prejudiced in the case of the camel, but it is a fine, aristocratio, ' unreasonable prejudice he has. - And we like him for himself and for showing that the evolutionists cannot ex plain all the sentiments of a refined and highly organized animal. Man, of course, they can account for in every particular. Hartford Courant. CURES TO STAT CURED. Thousands of voluntary certificates re ceived during the past fifteen years, cer tify with no uncertain sound, .that Botanic "Blood "Bahn (B. B. B.) will cure to stay cured, Rheumatism, Catarrh,. Ulcers Sores? Blotches, and the most malignant blood and SKin diseases. Botanic jftooa itfaim is tne result of forty years' experience of an em inent, scientific, conscientious physician. Send stamp for book of wonderful cures. and learn which Is the best remedy. Be ware, off substitutes said to be "just as good" amd buy the long tested and old re liable Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.). Price only $1.00 per large bottle. EEFECTED A!i ENTIRE CURE. For over two years I have been a great sufferer from rheumatism, affecting both shoulders to such an extent that I ' could nolb put my coatt on without 'help '. The use of ix bottles of Botanic Blood . Balm, B. B. B., effected an entire cure. I refef to Rev. W. W. Wads worth, proprietor of Coweta ; Advertiser, and to all merchants WL nKJVI nam. ' JACOB FO SPON1CELER, Newnan, Ga. Fore sale by Pelham's Pharmacy, Ashe ville. - If ' some men would conceal what they know they would be more popular. Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge, O., says: "After two doctors gave up my boy to die I saved him from croup by using One Minute Cough. Cure." lt is the quickest and most certain remedy (for coughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles. If the foolhardy man was""only foolish it wouldn't matter so much; but he is always hardy and lives to a ripe dm'age.- Tt is easy to catch a cold and just as easy to get rid of It if you commence early to, use One minute Cough Cure. It cures coughs, colds, broriobMs pneumonia'' and all 'throat and. lung troubles. It is pleas ant to take, safe to use and sure to cure. If you monkey with a buzz-saw you may be compelled, to write isbortrihand tbe rest of your dayd. ; ?Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrtsburg, PtL, .says: 'IMy child is worth mtllions: to me; yet' I would have lost her by croup 'had I not invested ; twenty-five cents 'in a bottle of 'One Minute Cough' Cure.' ' It! cures coughs,, cotds and all -throaf and lung troubles. , 5 t , . r- If you convince a man against his will you, may have to do It over again next day. j' , 2lt: 2 :' Prosperity comes quickest to the man whoseHver is in good condition. ; DeWltt's Little Early Risers are famous little pills far constipation,' billlousness, indigestion and all stomach and liVer troubles. PLEASANT DREAMS. After using the Fish and Oysters', Corn Beef and Spicey. . Juicy, Pickled tongues, at a.lakes, S3 East street. c J. A.; Perkins, of Antiquity, 0.- was for thirty years needlessly tortured by physi cians for the cure of . eczema. H was aulckly cured . by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo, the famous leaillaig salve for piles and skin diseases.- . -' , t j If a mn.rrxjsts to luck for ihis happiness he will be in. luck when he gets it. v .-" ' . . r -:, ' , ,-.. 'j''. . .... . ... : Mrs. M.-'B. ' Fordr tRuddell's,. IM., suffer-r ed for edght years v from dyspepsia' end chronic constfoationand was .finally cured by . using I DeWitt's .Ltttle Early Risers, the famous little pills for all stomach and liver troubles. - ' - J.-v'"- r r ,.- r".,, . . : : . - D. Gross has refitted and remodeled his delicatesen storte andwill be srlad'to see his oldcustomes, . He is prenored to serve all kinds of delicatessen ; poods. - - tf One Minute Cougb- Cuto cures ? quickly. That's what you want!, NOTICE. , :. By .virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed of trust executed to me by J. S. Adams,: W. H. Penland and J. E...'Dkk- erson dated the 12th day of Anril 1894 ' and registered in the office of the register of utjaus. ot uuncombe bounty, Nofyi Caro liga, ia book 37, at page 89, et seq., of records of mertgages and deeds of trust, and by reason of the failure of the said gram-tors to comply witJh thedr promises and agreement in said deed of trust con 'tairied particuiarly with regard to the prompt .payment '.when Idoie, df the princi pal and mterest of certain notes due and payable to Geo. W. Pack, made and exe cuted: on saM dateby said grantors in said deed of trust; and for -the .. securing 01 which, said notes the, said. deed of trust was- executed, andbemg thereto requested iby the said Geo. W. Pack, the holder of said notes, that is to say, of three of the notes mentioned and described in said deed of trust, I will sell at public auction at he court ' (house ' door In vAsheyille, to the highest bidder for cash on Saturday, tne AOta day of January, 1898, three of the lots of land' men!tioned and dsscrfbed " in saM deed of trust, to-wit, lots Nos.' ten (10) eleven (11) and .twelve (12)" of block No. eight (8), off a map or plat of land to be found in book 89, on pages 60 and 61 of deed records df the office of the said register of deeds, , said lots being more partiicul'arly described as follows: Lying ana nemg in the city of Asheville, county or Buncombe ad state of orth .Carolin on 4he east side of Cumberland avenue. and. bounded as-follows: ILot No. 10: OBeginniin'g at a stake in the east margin of Cumberland avenue, the northwest corner of lot No. 9 of. said block 8, and running thence with the northern boundary line of said lot No. 9, north 54 degrees and SO minutes, east 171 feet' to; a staike, thence north 39 idegrees and 33 minutes west with the line of lot No. '7 of said block No. 8, sixty-eight (68) feet to a stake the corner lot No. 7, in the southern boundary line of lot No. 11; thence with the said lot No. 11, south 67 degrees and ,49 minutes west two hun dred and nine and seven tenths (209.7) feet to a stake in said east margin of Cumberland avenues then'ce with the same south 27 iegrees and 21 minutes east twenty-one (21) (feet to a stake in the same; thence with the same soutb 58 degrees and 25 minutes east, one hundred and five (105) feet to the beginning. Lot number 11, beginning , at a stake in the east margin of Cumberland avenue, the northwest corner of lot "No. 10. and running .thence with the northern boundary line of lot iNo. 10, north 67 degrees and 43 minutes east, two hunidred and thirty- nine ano. seven-tenens (239.7) feet to a stake, a corner of lots "Nos. 7 and 6 of said block; thence with the western boun- dairy lines df lots 'Nos. 6 and 5, north 30 degrees and 28 minutes -west eighty-seven (87) feet to a stake in the line of lot No, 5, the southeast corner of lot (No.: 12; thence with the southern boundary line df lot "No. 12, south 71 degrees and 12 inin utes west, two hundred! and thirty-six and two-tenths (236.2) feet to a stake in 'the east margin of Cumberland avenue, tne southwest corner of lot iNo. 12; thence with said " margin of Cuanlberland avenue. south 27 degrees and 21 minutes east, one hundred (100) feet to the beginning. Lot No. 12, beginning at a stake in the eastern margin of Cumberland avenue, the northwest corner of lot No. ll-of said block and running thence with the boundary line of lot "No. 11, north 71 de grees and 12 minutes east, two hundred and thirty-six and two-tenthk (236.2) feet to its northeast corner In the western boundary line of lot No. .5; thence with the said 'boundary line df (No. 5, north 30 degrees and 28 minutes west, fifty-six (56) feet to a stake in the same, the' southeast corner of lot Wo. 13; thence with the south ern boundary line of lot No. 13, south 81 degrees and 47 minutes west, two hundred and thirty-six and two-tenths (236.2) feet to a take, the southwest corner of lot No. .13 In the east .margin of Cumberland avenue; thence with the same south 8 de grees and 13 minutes east, twenty-four and four-tenths (24.4) feet to a stake in the same; ithence'with the same, south 27 de grees and. 21 minutes east, seventy-five ' 75) feet to the beginning. Said lots will be sold separately, Witness my hand, this the 8th day of eeember, 1897. ' . W. IB. GWYN, Trustee SOUTHERN RA1XWAY, In Effect June 20. 1897. MO. 15. (Central Time.) NO. lt 9:25 am Lt..... Norfolk...;. Ar 5:25 pm 9:45 am Lv.. Pinners Point ..Ar. 5:05 pm HOpmAr...... Selma Lv 12:50 pm ? :H5 pm Lv. Selma Ar 12:45 pm 3 40pmLv Raleigh ....Lv 11:45 am f.38pmLv Durham .....Lv 10:52 am T :45pm Ar.. ..Greensboro ...Lv 8:50am 6:55 pm LV.-. . Greensboro . . . Ar 8:25 am 7:12 pm Lv.. .High Point ...Ar 8:20 am 8:15 pm Ar Salisbury (E time) Lv, 7:10 am 7:55 pmLv Salisbury (Ctime) Ar 6:00am 8:18 pm Lv. ... Cleveland ... .Lv 5:38 am 8:40 pm Lv. .. .Statesville .. . .Lv 5:16 am 9:15 pmLv...... Newton ....Lt 4:39am 9:3d pm Lv,... Hickory .....Lv 4:23 am 9:46"pm Lv Connelly Springs, Lt 4:0 am 10:02 pm Lt... . Morganton ... .Lv, 8:49 am 10:35pm Lv..'... Marion f Lv 3:15 am 10;58 pm Lt.; . : Old Fori ....Lt 2:55 am 12:04am Lv.... Biltmore .....Lt. 1:51 am 12:12 amAr.. A.aneville ,...Lt 1:44am 12:17am Ar.... Asheville ....Ar 1:39am lr29am Ar... Hot Springs ...Lv 12 :23am 3:00 am Ar... Morristown ...Lv 10:55 pm 4:00'am Ar.... Knoxville ....Lt 9:50 pm 4:05 am Lt.... Knoxville ....At 9:55 pm 6:39 am Lt.... CleTeland ...Lr 7;19 pm 7:40 am Ar... Chattanooga ...Lt 6:20 pm 1:85 pm Ar.... Nashville ....Lt 12:25 pm EASTBOUND. NO. 6. No. 12. JjT Chattanooga . . . , .... 4:05 am Lv Knoxville, v. Lv Morristown . . . . . L Hot Springs - . . Ar Asheville ....... 8:25 am 9:50 am J.1 :46 am 1:15 pm ...... No. 38. Lt Asheville ..................... 1 : 25 pm Lt Biltmore. :. .:. 1:36 pm Lv Round Knob. ................. 2:35 pm Lt Marion .. ',. .'. .. .. .. 8.32pm Lv Morganton .. .. ; 2. 4.11pm Ar Hickory . t.-.. . .. 4.50pm Ar Newton ".. .; 5.08pm Ar Statesville .. ;. .. 6.48pm Ar Salisbury -s . . . . .. .. .. .. - 6.40pm i - v i (Eastern Time.) Lt Salisbury . . . . 9.36pm 8.15pm Lt Greensboro .V ..10.44pm 9.62pm Ar Danville ..... ..12.00 m lL25pm Ar-Lynchburg .. .. 1.58am "- Ar Charlottesville, ., ... 3.35am - -Ar Washington t,42amT- ' Ar Baltimore :-.. 8.00am . .10.15am .. '.'12.43pm j- Ar Philadelphia Ar New Tork Ar Richmond . . Ar Durham -. , 6.00am . . . f. 6.30am h Ar Raleigh - : .! 7.10am J . 25 30f ABSOLUTELY 6UABA5TI to CITS UT pi. d booklet fno. Ad. STERLWO BDmDT I For. Sale by Pejham's Pharmacy. At Goldsboro LlOpm WESTBOUND 11 17 Lv Goldsboro 4.45pm Lv Raleigh .. .. ..- .. 1.00am " Lv Durham 1.80am ' Lv Richmond .1.00am Lt New York ., Lv Philadelphia .. .. 4.S0pn .&0pm 90pm 10.43DTU. L66m S.4Sam S.50am 7.05am S.17an LLv Baltimore .. .. .. ..' Lv Washingon Lv Charlottesville .. .. Lv Lynchburg .. .. .. . Lv Danville .. .. .. 6.05am Lv Greensboro .. .. .. ?jS2am At Salisbury ... ... ... 9.37am . (Central Time.) r S.55am 9.46am Ar Statesville .. Ar Newton .. .. Lv Hickory .. .. Ar Morganton .. Ar Marion .. .. ...10.26am ..10.47am ...lL28am ...12.12pm ...12.50pm . . 2.15pm Ar Round Knob . Ar Biltmore .. .. Ar Asheville Lv Asheville 2.25 pm 2.30 pm g J Ar Knoxville . wri-WOpm at vuiattanooga , 11.85 pm Ar Nashville 6.45 am A. & S. ROAD. 10. 14. Lv Asheville . . . .: 2.05 imv 7.20 am (Eastern Time.) Lv Asheville .... 3.05 am 8.20 am Lv Biltmore .... 3.15 pm 8.28 am LvHen'sonv! k... 4.09 pm 9.18 am LvTryon ....... 5.00 pm 10.20 am Lv Spartanburg.. 6.08 pm 11.28 am Ar Union ....... 7.15 pm 12.45 pm Lv Union 7.30 pm 1.05 pm Lv Alston 8.53 pm 2.45 pm' Ar Columbia .... 9.38 pm 3.35 pm (Central Time.) Ar. Savannah. ..... 5:00 am. Ar. Jacksonville ... 9:10 am. 9. IS Lv. Jackionvill . 7:00 pm. Lv. Savannah 11:36 pm. ' (Eastern Time.) Lv Columbia ... 8.30 am lLSOam LT Alston 9.07 am 12.15 am Ar Union 16.20 am 1.42 pm Lt Unioa 2.02 pm ' Lt SpartanbuvtlL45 pm 3.33 pm LvTryon .12.42pm 5.00pm Lv Hend'sonvl .. 1.45 pm 6.05 pm Lt Biltmore .... 2.35 pm 6.52 pm ! Ar Asheville .... 2.45 pm 7.00 pm , (Cemtral Time.) at Asheville . .. L45pm 6.00 pm t.4Sm MIXED TRAINS. NO. 64 " NO. 65 (Cemtral Time.) Lt. Asheville 9:15pm. Ar; Ashaville 1:15am. (Eastern Time.) Ar. Spart'b'g 5:30 am Lt. Sparfb'g 7:86 pm NO. 62 NO. 61 (Cemtral Time.) Lv. Asheville 6:80am. Ar. Asheville 7:15nm northerfrtAT.aiiBbury 7:30pm. Lt. Salisbury irSOam. i 1 A NO. 66 NO. 65 Ar. Asheville 6:35pm Ar. Morrist'n 11:80pm Lv. Morrist'n 9:39am. Lt. Asheville 5:00am ASHEVILLE AND MURPHY. In Effect November 7, 1897. (Central Time.) Westbound Trains. Mixed. Ex. Sun. Lv. 17 67 p m '' a m Eastbound Trains, Mixed. Ex. Sun Ar. 18, 68 p m pm 3:50 8:00 Asheville 1:00 5:00 3:55 8:07 ..Murphy Junction.. 12:52 401 8:12 Emma.. ...... 12:49 4:10 8:23 ...Sulphur Springs... 12:42 4:25 8:37 .......Hominy....... 12:32 4:42 8:57 Turnpike. 12:18 4:55 9:20 .......Canton....... 12:08 5:08 9:45 Clyde 11:55 5:25 10:25 . .Waynesville. ... 11:43 5:50 11:2-. Balsam 11:20 6:10 Balsam1 4:50 4:46 4:37 4:25 4:00 3:45 3:25 2:55 2:15 1:10 6:35 11:45 Hall.... 10:48 12:45 6:48 11:59 ........Addie 10:36 12:30 :8:15 ...Sylva. 12:15 7:03 iSylva 10:25 12:35 ...Sylva....:... 11:35 7:08 12:45 Dillsboro 10:20 11:20 7:27 1:05 Wilinot....... 10:03 10:40 7:40 1:20 Whittier 9:53 10:20 8:00 1:45 Bryson City..... 9:35 9:50 Bryson, City..... ' 9:30 pm 2:30 ...... Bushnell. am 8:55 3:00 .Almond. 8:32 3:30". ......Hewitt 8:05 8:42 ...... Nantahala...... 7:55 4:05 ....... Topton......; 7:30 4:20 v Rhodo.. 7:17 4:40 ....v. Andrew. -7:00 5:17 ...... .Tomotla....... ; 6:25 5:45 .Murphy. 6-00 pm pm Ar. Lv. a- am Trains Nos. 11 and 12. and 37 and 38, Pullman Sleeping cars between Nashville, Chattanooga, Knoxville, - Hot Springs, Asheville, Washington, and Jersey City. Trains Nos. 37, 11 and 12 Pullman Sleep ing car, between Augusta and Charlotte. Columbia, Savannah and Jacksonville. Trains Nos. 11 and 12, 9 and 10 Pullman Sleepers, ; between Cincinnati, Asheville, Trains 15 and ,16, Pullman Sleeping car between ' Norfolk, Raleigh, Greensboro, Salisbury, i Ashe vill er ' Knoxvlll e, Chatta nooga and Nashville. J. M. CULP, Traffic Manager, Washing ton. . c v Genl Pass. Agt, Asst. Genl Pass. . Agt. Washington, D. C. Atlanta, Ga. C. A. BENSCOTER, Assistant ' General Passenger Agent, Chattanooga, Tenn. S4.00 WONDER! ' The New EUREKA Camera, a genuine Kodak, made. by .the Eastman company. It holds six glass plates, 3 by Z inches in : size. It has a fine lens, takes splendid picture : and those sold are delighting the purchasers. , B. H. COSBY. s, ..The Reliable Jeweler, - ; "V- ''. - - '27 PATTON 'AVENUE , ALL ease Of eoturtlnaHnii. runinti am tfc Mul r.J ffc&itontoZ I'ZT 1 . . -r PEOPLE'S MISCXXLANEOTJS . WANTED. To purchase an interest In a well established business,, either whole- v sale or manufacturing preferred. Give part'culara, and if favorable, i.oisonal interview Will be requested. Strictly confidential. Address 3, Gazette office, 260-1 . . SITUATION WANTED. A young man -who has had Beveral years" experience in tooth groceries and dry goods. Will ing to work for six dollars a. week. Good s references given. Apply to. N. G. Ei lerbe, 117 Haywood St. - 259-6 JOARCWEJRS. INlcely ifurnisbed room with board, $6.00 per week, in private family. 'Northern cooking. Apply 61 Chestnut St., city. - 258-6 WANTiED. Gentleman roommate for nice ly furnished downstairs room with board, at $7.00 per week, in private family. Ad dress G., this office. WANTED. Boarders Within a few yards of the celebrated Wdlliamston Mineral iSpring, whose healing waters bring health and vigor to the most feeble; al so quite near the G. and C. depot. I throw open my doors to those seeking a genial climate for the winter, and to all seeking health, as ' our climate is de lightful and our mSneral water unsur passed for dyspepsia and general up building. Large, comfortable rooms, splendid -fare and polite service await all who make my house their borne. Board ranging (from $10.00 to $15.00 per month. 'For particulars address Mrs. M. tA. Wal lace, WillJamston, S. C. 2541tf A PLEASANT BOARDING PLACE CAN be had at 55 "Victoria avenue, sunny rooms, among the pines; two minutes' walk from car line; price moderate. 244-26 BOARD. A few select boarders can be , accommodated in a private family in which there are no children. Large lot, sunny rooms, good fare. Jas. R. Du Bose, 33 Pine street. 237-tf ONE DESIRABLE office,.-in Temple Court, for rent. Win. Johnston, Jr., or Geo. W. Tilson, Temple Court. MISS NORA WARE Pianist and teacher in jtringed instruments. 291 College Street. 211 -4mo FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE.-Help i for all kinds of work. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Apply to John Smith, 11 Pat ton avenue. HELP WANTED. WANTED. Upright and faithful gentle men or ladies to travel for responsible established house in North Carolina Monthly ' $65.00 and expenses. Position steady. References. , Enclose self -addressed stamped envelope. The Domin ion Company, Dept. H., Chicago. ' . ' WANTED Young or middle-aged man to travel in this and adjoining counties; permanent position; salary $60 a month and expenses; good chance for advance ment. Address Shepp Company, 1020 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED Agents for "Queen Victoria, Her Reign and Diamond Jubilee." Over flowing with latest and richest pictures. Contains the endorsed biography of Her Majesty, with authentic history of her remarkable reign, and full account of the Diamond Jubilee." Only $1.50. Big book. Tremendous demand. Bonanza for agents. Commission 50 per cent. Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit free. Write quick for outfit and terri tory. THE DOMINION COMPANY, Dept. 7, 356 Dearborn street, Chicago. - FOB RENT. FOR RENT. To pleasant, furnished, front rooms, with furnace heat, hot and cold water. iNo invalids. 72 Church street. 259-2 PLEASANT ROOM FOR RENT WITH OR without board, in private family. Terms reasonable, 23 Penland street. 257-6 FOR RENT. One nicely furnished room.' Centrally located; furnace heati use of kitchen and dinning, room. B., Pv O. Box 63. , 254-6 FOR RENT. Furnished houses from $35.00 up to $200.00 per month. Unfurnished from 317.09 to $50.00, also furnished rooms. H. C. Hunt. ' , . 237-26 FOR RENT. At reasonable prices, tore room and office rooms on Patton avenue. Dwelling bouses desirably , located, fur nished or . unfurnished, also rooms for light housekeeping. Call on N. A. Rey- netA flnfl Cle.. 17t4 Pnf AVPntiA. FOR RENT. Houses very desirably lo cated, wit modern conveniences, from $15.00 to 8100.00 per month. Apply at once. WEAVER AND ROGERS. v - 45 Patton Avenn. i FOK 8 ALB "NICELY IFURINISHED JROOMS FOR RENT for .light (housekeeping; use of. parlor; all modern conveniences; opposite flrsl - Baptist chUTCh. Apply at 6 Spruce' street. 259-6 V : : : i FOR SALE. A good, paying business in i, on account of health. .- Terms, liberal, ' Address M. Ml M., care Gazette tf FOR SALE. An established, paying busi ness. Small amount of capital required, - Uddress "Poor Health,'! Gazette office. f. 254-6 .-'-.'. - -r,.. - , , FOR SALE 60x189 feet on Cumberland - avenue, near Chestnut, 550. .' Apply to . W. N. Roundy, 2 North Court square. ' ; FOR SALE or rent One Bar Lock type writer in good order; a bargain. Apply to A. Rankin. XX G0LUMS a