ANOTHER TRAIN IS HELU ur SUBSET LIMITED HELD UP BY ' V. lv.. ,, ROBBERS, . ENGINEER AND FIREMAN COV K ERED WITH WINCHESTERS, : THE GUARDS IN EXPRESS OAR T , TAKE ACTIVE PART. THIRTY OR FORTY SHOTS WERE ? ' 'FIRED. Wells-Fargo Guard, Jennings, Killed " Robber Named Cullen Another was I r Seen to Fall From One of His Bullets Flight of Robbers. ,; . Denver, Col., Dec. 10. A special from El Paso, Tex., says: .Meagre particulars were received in this city late last night from San Si mon, a small station just east of Wil cox, Ariz., on the Southern Pacific, of a train hold-up. Train No. 20, the sun set limited, had just left Stein's Pass, 'N-. M., near the Arizona line, when the engineer noticed a danger signal in front and immediately applied the air brakes. No sooner was the train 'brought to a stop than five men stepped cut from their hiding places near the track, allheavily armed. One covered the engineer and fireman with his Win- Chester, while the others gave their attention to. the train proper,. more es Socially to "the express car, firing their guns In the air and otherwise frighten ing the .passengers. -; , At tnis point tne guards in tneet p'ress cay took a hand in the fusillade. Thirty or forty shots are said to have been fired ' hy both sides. One Wells Fargo guard, Jennings, by name, , suc ceeded In killing robber Cullen. who "was nearest to the car. and who was evi dently the leader, for as soon as the other robbers noticed his body lying on the ground they lost courage and made a break for their horses. Another bul let from. Jennings' Winchester evident ly struck one of the fleeing robbers, as he was seen to fall and was assisted oUt of range by his comrades. No express money was stolen and none of the passengers were hurt. CHAS. FLEISCHMAN Death of the President of the .Cincin- hati Commercial-Tribune Co. 1 Cincinnati, Dec. 10. The Honl Chas. ' Fifliohm'an dtted at 4:30 a. mi today 'at tnis home in Avondafle from paralysis .The stroke, wlhSch was the second, came at1 2:30 'Thursday mornUng and he never regained -consciousness. Mr. Fleisch ; ttiau -was born in Hungary; in ISSi and ; canie tt" America in 1866 and to Cin i amnatl In 1868. The foundation of bis , gfreat. fortune was laid by the invention of ; patented machSnery for use in dis-till-erics. This wo followed by utilizing by-product in dst)UTing for the man ; ufttcture of compressed yeast. His bus ..Iness. interests were varied and mani fold, until recently he was. made pres vWent of, the Commercial-Tribune Com : pany. He was aleo- president of the Market National Bank. He hadaii ex-tene-hre interest In, the turf, and was the , employer of the famous jockey, Tod , Sioane. , Mr. FJeisjihman . served two ,wr as senator or tMilo from thS dis . tribt. He held a number of offices, such ; As.. nre commissioner, and trustee of va ; rl'ous, as.oci-tions and: societies.- His ,. tv two sons, Julius and Max, and ; ondauigh.ter, Mrs. c. H. Holmes; sur i vlve .Mm. REDUCING WAGES AS IT IS DONE IN THE ' FALL RIVER MILLS. But Little Comment Aroused in Lowel1 V It May Be Followed by r ' i Other Mills. - Lowell, Mass., Dec. 10. The reported dston of the FaU River manufactur , ers t to reduce wages has not aroused inuen comment in LowieJl.' The increas- ; ing-, coanpetitlon of .the southern plants baa. long been' foreseeni1 here, and has ?een- discounted to as great an extent ' as possible. Several mills have already InBtfilled expenstve linen plants and i opners have cftianged over .their maohin s ery - to run on 'specialties. ' THE POSSTBLE EFFE7T. , Lewlston, Me., Dec. 10. Lewlston aind ; Aulburn mail, operatives and- agents- are specutatJng upon the "possible effect on ISstAr cotton mawufacturing o. the jnro pased cut down. -'at 'Fall-: River. One; as?n,t in an ' interview said ".that" the v niroi-kst was . 'somewhat Influenced - by tdve Fail; River M51S3 ' and the .situation .mlgbt demand a ' reduction Iri fwagea rcid he hoped they-would! not be cam. pelled'to out and he did not intend to j borrow trouble. Another saia ne con sidered it more advantageous to cur tail production! than to reduce wages. WILL NOT BE FOLLOWED. Manchester, N. H., Dec. 10. Agent j Herman Fi Sitraiw, of the- Amoskeog corporation, is authority; for : thev state ment that the cut in rotton mlil wages in FaiU River w451 not be' followed, in thlaT city; that the Fall - River action pertains only to; the mills of that dty and it Is- no probable that the; example will be followed in other-''New England citiest '.".' ' -. . " . ' TWENTY MEN Buried by the Collapse of a Building . , in Milwaukee, Milwaukee,, Wis-., Dec 10. Twenty men were buried' under debris by the collapse of cast house No. 1, of the Illir nois Steel company's plant ait Bay View, at 2 o'clock this morning. Fortunately, only two were seriously hurt, the others escaping with a few scratches and bruises. The seriously injured are: JOHN HE9IAK, , THOiS. KOWALSKI.1 1 Last evening an explosion of the fur nace adjoining the cast house occurred, and; during it Stanislaus Mokof ski was burned. It is believed that the force of the explosion shattered the foundation, and when twenty men- were at work the side wall had given way and the large sheet-iron roof caved in this morning. The fire department and the mill em ployes were soon rescuing the buried workmen-, and amidst a drenching rain, one by one they "were hauled out of the ruins. But for the fact that the roof is j of sheet iron, and did not fall flat on the ground, all would have been killed. TO BE HANGED THIS DISPOSITION TO BE MADE OF ALLENDER, Who Killed a Girl Who Had , Jilted Him and Then Shot Her Lover. San Francisco, Dec 10. Harvey Al lender, the double murderer of San Jose, was hanged at San Qiientin peniten tiary at 10;30 o'clock today The crime for which Allender is, to pay the ex treme penalty was a most revolting one, prompted by jealousy. . He was infat uated with Miss Wallberga Fielmer, an intelligent, industrious girl of ' irre proachable character, who repulsed him and became betrothed to Vinanzi Cros setti, an Italian blacksmith, about 24 years' of age. After having repeatedly threatened the couple, Allender , met them walking together on Third street, San Jose, on the afternoon of Aug. 19, 1893. He accosted -the girl, and as she attempted to pass him, Al lender drew a revolver and shot her in the neck. She fell to the sidewalk and Allender then fired again, killing her as she lay at his feet. Crossetti attempted to arrest and dis arm the murderer, but Allender turned his pistol upen him and: shot him in the abdomen, inflicting a,fatal wound. Lat er Allender was arrested and attempted to commit suicide. DURRANT PAPERS FILED. San Francisco, Dec 10. The papers on the Durrant case have been filed here. It is expected that the murderer will be sentenced for the third time on Tuesday and will be hanged bh the first Friday of the new year. It is a singular fact, that of the nine condemned mur derers now awaiting- execution in San Quehtin; three Allender, ' Ebanks ' and Durf arit-killed two persons each. HEAVY STORM. ' Seattle, Wash;, Dec. 10. The schooner AugustarfroTn Copper river, Alaska, is tc-n days-over due andi some anxiety is felt on, her account. Monday night a heavy storm prevailed. The steamer Farratfon-: passed a team schooner an swering the description of the Augusta off Victoria. . A passenger spoke the vessel and her master told him that they were from Copper river-with Ave passengers on board One of the five passengers is George Bennicks, who in a recent letter to James Wardner told otf a rich quartz find in the Copper river district. It was a ledge sixty-five feet wide, free milling, and assayed $20' to the ton. The Augusta left Seattle the latter , part of October for-Copper river. STOLE TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS. Baltimore, Dec. 10. The residence of saac B. Emerson, president of the Em erson Drug company and commander of the Maryland naval 'reserves at No. 2500 Eutaw Place, was entered last night and diamonds valued at nearly $10,000 stolen. AJfter a desperate struggle the thief was captured as he was leavlhg the house." The, prisoner was searched and the dia monds found In his pockets." He says that his name Is John Davis, 29 years of age, and that he is a stenographer. 'All of the diamond were' identified" as Jier own by J Mrs. Emerson, .excepting three stick p4n and a silver-bracelet,, which were later identified by ' Mrs. Kate Herikleman, of No.-2,304. Eutaw Place. STRICKEN' DEAD. Springfield, . O., Dec. 10. Mrs. Henry Weakley, of 278 Fair street, had; issued invitations and made . all ; arrangements for, a bIrthday : celebration , at . her home today in, honor .of her 59th year, v Some oi tne guests naa arrived, ana sne , was receiving tjieir congratulations when she was stricken with paralysis and died almost. Instantly. . , , V DIED OF HER INJURIES. . . Chicago 'Dec 10.T-Mrs. . Fred Schroe der, who was shot in the right shoulder by her husband last night after, a quar rel died of her injuries today. Schroe der put a bullet into his -tenaple -when the police forced the door of his room. He died.lnstantly,r . - . v -: ..LUMBER StSdICATE. Lancaster N.v H Dec. 10. It. is an nounced here that New York and .Bos ton '-capitalists,; together, .wlth George. Vandyke, : of Lancaster, .have .formed a syndicate for the purchase of large lum: ber , interests. In . the east. The . syndi cate will represent a capital of seyeral t minion; dollars: . . v n-.j.. ":; ' THE BICYCLE TOURNAMENT THE GREAT CONTEST IN MAI). I . , 1SQN .SQUARE. ' . ONE BYG ONE THE RlDERS WILL ' WITHDRAW. BUT FEW WILL REMAIN FINISH THE RACE. TO SERIOUS ACCIDENT TO MOORE, OF PHILADELPHIA. His Wheel Slips on a Turn,He is Thrown Over the' THandle-bar, Falls Violently Against the Rails and is Carried from the Track U noon scions New York, Dec. 1Q. When, early this morning, enthusiasts over the sixr days bike race reached Madison Square Gar den, they found only sixteen of the thirty-six men who started on the record-breaking task. , on Monday last. The second serious accident of the con test had removed Moore from the track. The wheel of - the 1 Philadelphian while he was in fif th ,place, at 8 a. m., slipped on a turn and Moore fell over the han dlebars. He struck his head violently against one of the rails and lay uncon scious on tne track. : At. nrst it was thought that Moore was dead. An am bulance surgeon put the fears of the spectators at rest and it was found that Moore's injuries consisted of a bad cut on the head and a strain to the chord on the right side of the neck. He is not expected to take any further part in the race. He had ridden 1,489 miles when he fell. Although Miller had a lead of 68 miles at 9:15 a. m., it was anybody's race. Both Miller and Rice, the Wilkesbarre boy who has followed so closely on his heels, showed painful evidences of the heart-breaking pace they had main tained since Monday. Miller's, trainers feared for some time today that their man's mind was giving way. The sleep which would put him right is an impos sibility, for the pursuing Rice would cut down his lead; Rice, too, harassed by the fear of Rivierrej and urged by the hopes of overhauling Miller, dare not -sleep. Of the first three men, Ri- vierre looked by far- the best condi- tioned. Teddy -Hale is among the men who, the experts say, is certain to last to the end. He had smashed his own record of last year when he completed his 100th hour today. Schinneer's eyes are in bad shape, and unless they get better his trainers say that -he will have to quit, Pierce, who is (suffering from ; his wrenched arm; Gannon, Beacom and Enterman ploddedVaway gamely. They will probably finish in about the same positions they have jnow. Kinz claims to be very strong, and' he expects , td go up several pegs. Gray and Johnson are down at the end; and they will prob ably remain there. The colored man is a source of annoyance to the other riders, as he is continually in their way because of his slow riding. Miller, who left the track at 9:30 a. m., returned at 9:55. Moore's trainer at 10:30 says he will be on the track again in about two- hours, but he does not think the' Philadelphian can finish after the accident. ' --. SCORES BY " BULLETINS. Score at 9:15 A. M Miller, laniles; Rice, 1,625; Rivierte, 1,599; Schinneer, 1,557; Waller, 1,496; 'Moore, l,480r Hale,' 1,486; Pierce, 1,458; Elkes, 1,357; Golden, 1,334; Enterman, ; 1,328 - Gannon. L293; Kinz, 1,258; Julius, 1,230; Beacom, 987; Gray, 952; Johnson, 903. ' The best previous record for 105 hours was 1,456 miles, made by Hale. Score at 11 :15 A. ; M. Miller, 1,718 ; Rice, 1,655; Rivierre, 1,627; Schinneer, 1,588; Hale, 1,516; Waller, -1,510; Moore, 1,489; Pierce, 1482; Elkes, 1,381; Golden, 1,360; Enterman,, 1,351 r; Gannon, 1,327; Kinz, 1,280; Julius, 1,241; Beacom, 1,005; Gray, 971 ; Johnson 926. At 11:15 a. ni.,, Moore, with eye and face half hidden .by court plaster, went on the track and'pluckily tried to con tinue the. journey;v Slowly and painful ly he wobbled around the track a couple of times and then dismounted. ; He is apparently in a state yof semiconscious ness. Rice and Miller have taken their last sleep until 'the 'end1 of ' the' race, so their trainers announce. - -1 - - , V s -Score at 1:15 Pv M.--Miller, 1,743; Rice, 1,674; Rivierre, 1,659 f Schinneer, ; 1,615; Hale, 1,550; Waller,-1,541; Pierce, J.500; Moore, 1,485; Elkes, X 4.02; Golden, 1,388; Enterman, 1 1,375 ; Gannon,. 1,348 ; Kinz, 1,295; Julius, 1,261V Beacom,-1;019; Gray, 988;' Johnson; 962 - The;best previous record for 109 hours was 1,504 miles,vjnaae by naie. . S : Miller was off the' tr ackfromr12 :50 un ; Ripe Is beginning to show the effects of- the:' terrible" strait "attd his handlers are having a hard keep him on the track. ' Last year 'Rice became crazy before the' end of the race and it is feared that his mind is .going again. COL.COIT Roasts AdjtGeai Axltiie for Suggest ing That Guardsmen Be Lobbyists.: Columbus O., Dec. 10.3oi; A B. Coit, In answering ' the: invitation, extended to- the Fourteenth regiment,. 0..,N, G., by Adjutant-General Axline. to partici pate -in the"; inaugural ceremonies, .among other things says: ' " - "The following- paragraph occurs ' in you r valuable ' coni'muni cation - and was published in the day press: - ii is urged that tjie representation, from the' guard be large, and. credlitable, as; thige "dem ohWatlons "have ' great - influence with ihy- irenerai .assembly- in proving .that the, service is-worthy of the hearty sup nrtrt nf the" state.!! J.l " , Pridfei in the' state.and allegiance": to fhv' Governor ;and: ..commander-in-chief ehoiild be sufficient incentive to guard s--menH $ parade ;at."tbe ' Inauguration,' .without the sinister : ing the general assembly. : VAs commanding officer of the Four teenth. regiment, I take pride in the honor . and -dignity of the guard and most respectfully protest against the paragraph quoted, and object to you usHngiyour official position as adjutant general to lower, the high! standard of the guard in the- state and humiliating guardsmen. . It Is the discipline, educa tion in military : tactics-, attention to orders ability to exuforce law . and pre serve order, : and the . perfecjt. harmony, existing in the guard, and not f street parade, that have : In-tJhe-.past - influ enced the legislature- to so-lay ally supr port the guard and so amply appropri ate funds for' its maintenance." KILLED HIS UN CLE Boy of Fourteen Sent to Indania Peni tentiary Until Twenty .One. Greenfield, Ind., 1 Dec. .10. Albert. Scott, aged 14, pleaded guilty to the charge of murder in the second degree thus morntog and. was sentenced to the State Reformatory at Plalnfield until be becomes 21. On Sunday, i October 3, young: Scott deliberately- struck his uncle, Albert C. Scott, over the: head with a pump handle with premeditated malice, inflicting a mortal wound, from which he di'ed - in a" few hours. The crime was wmmtttad at the uncle's ihome, six mii'les northeast of this city. The case was set for trial' in .the" crim inal court today. A ROMANCE ALL THE ARRANGEMENTS HAD BEEN MADE, But No Wedding Occurred The Georgia Man Did Not Wed the Indiana Girl. Albany, Ga., Dec. 8. Charles C. Erick son, an expert watchmaker, came to Al bany about a year ago, and entered the jewelry establishment of Phil Harris, where he Is still employed. He was rather quiet and reserved, but im pressed those with whom he was thrown in contact . very favorably. . He was looked upon as a single man, and sev eral days ago he announced that he woufid be married here yesterday to Miss Oscilla Chew, of Garrett, Ind., who would arrive in Albany Thursday after, noon. He arranged his apartments at the Albany inn for the reception vof his bride, and1 the ceremony was to have oc curred in St. Paul's church soon after the arrival of his fiancee. The mar- ri'age license was procured, and Rev. H. Baldwin, dean, engaged to perform the ceremony. But db-sftacles unlocked for suddenly arose. Two elegrams were received yesterday morning by the authorities here from Garrett, Ind., one from the marshal of fchiait town and the other from W. II. Chew, faitlher of the prospective bride. These messages demanded that the marriage not be aJlaweid to take place anxi directed the arrest of the prin cipals, if necessary. They further stated that Erickson had. a lawful wife alreadiy and had kept that fact con cealed from Miss Chew. Erickson was notified by the officers Uhat the marriage could not occur, and he quietly acquiesced. Miss Chew did not arrive, as . was expected, and it is conjec-tiured by some that Erickson tele graphed her in time to have her stop off somewhere between Atlanta and! A3 bany unltil he could go to her. He de clares that she .wild arrive tonight or tomorrow., probably having missed con nection. He stated that he once naa a Wife, but has secured ,a aivoree irom her. ' There is an astonishingly lively inter est in the affair in Albany, and the story is the talk of the town. "Miss Chew's father has telegraphed that he is on his way to Albany, to see that she is pro tected. As soon as he arrives Erickson will be called on to, prove that he -has been legally separated, from his wife. Further developments snow tnat Miss Chew was detained in Macon by De tective Patterson upon authority of a telegram from her father requesting that she be prevented from '.continuing her journey to Albany.. She was taken to a leading Jiot el, but did not register. She requested that her name -be kept from the piulbJic and, the police are keep ing the matter dark."-, The young lady is evidently of a wealthy family, ana or high social position. . -... A RECORD BREAKER. Cheyenne, Wyom., Dec. 10. A record- breaking fast run was, made by the Union Pacific east-bound fast mail tram between Cheyenne and ? North. Platte. The train, which. was, run as. the second section of eastbound. No. 2,. made the run between1 Tipton and i Wamsutter Station on the Wyoming division at the rate . of 78 miles an hour. : From Cheyenne to , Sidn.eyz a , distance of 102 miles," the running time was 97'minutes. From Sidney to North Platte; 114 miles, the time was 117 minutes, being the fastest run in the history of the road. - EGG-BEARING LOBSTERS. San Francisco; Dee. . 10. A car Ioad of tantaug and egg-bearing lobsters have arriveds from ; Massachusetts ..and have been" deposited- near the Farrallon Is lands. "Tbe . fish commission car which brought these out will go to Anderson, Shasta county, where it will, take an about 6,000,000 . Qulnnat'salni'on-' spawn' from the Battle Creek hatchery- These are to be distributed in the Upper. Hud son river and ln all of the streams in the northwestern states. t .v . , ; , v, WILL AFFILIATE. : ? ' , v;nicago, utx,: rt egotiatrons are said, to be under way looking toward the affiliation of the University "of Chlcsigo and -the-Rush medical college. .Preai dent Harper, of, the, university, -left for New York,, last - night to visit- John., D. Rockefeller, and it is believed the visit has an' important bearing on the ques tion. -1 - - ' : .- Apple " sauce ' seems .-to .have', been'-.tbe source, of all man's troubles. .: . - . .. :-Tt is i Impossible to make- both; ends meet ta a railway sandwitcb. . . A MILITARY CARNIVAL N ATLANTA WHEN CONFEDER ATE' VETS MEET. , PROSPECTS ARE IT WILL BE A ' ".JfiRAND AFFAIR. THE LADIES ARE INTERESTING THEMSELVES, AND SO ARE MILITARY MEN AND OTHERS. What the Proposed Festival Will-Be t Meeting to be Called in a Few Days I I I to Definitely Matter. Decide About the Atlanta, Dec. 10. The Constitution of this morning says that steps are being taken to hold a great military carnival in Atlanta on July 22d and 23d next year, when the confederate reunion takes place in the city. Several gentlemen connected with, the local military companies and a numJber of ladiies identified wltih charitable in stitutions nave been in consultation and the matter has received the moist fa vorable consideration. ; Last summer a similar festival was planned and would have been carried out but for some troulble in military circles. When It was definitely settled that the big reunion of confederate veterans woulld take pJace in Atlanta on July 22d and 23d, 1898, the' anniversaries of the battle oif Atlanta, the matter wa3 revived and a well-known gentleman prominent in military circles said last evening to a reporter- of the . Constitu tion, that the affair was in such a shape that it was . more than probable that the program would he carried out. As now outlined the. scheme is to give on the afternoons of July .22 and 23, 1898, a grand military carnival. AH the local military companies and as many of the ottoer commands o the Georgia mHitia as -would agree to take part, and the companies at Fort McPlberson would give a program of military drills, ath-r. letdcs, sham battles, etc. It is. to be suclh a military exhibition as was recently g!iven in New York and which proved such a great success. The festival woulld be given under the aaspdees of ladie connected with char itable institutions and to the Fifth reg iment for the new. armory. N The details of the .program have, not even been considered, but they will con sist of a number of interesting and en tertaining features, which will be wit nessed with pleasure by the old and the young. It has also been suggested that: Per haps the police department and the fire department1 of the city. wlt beasked to take part, and a portion of the proceeds will be given to their relief asscclationsi One of the7 miilitary officers who is moving in the matter, said, when speak ing of the proposed carnival yesterday: "When the confederate reunion oc curs in Atlanta next July the city will be crowded with visitors. ; The sessions of the confederate association wUl take place in tlhe mornings, and the people wbb are here will want some place to go to in the, afternoons Such a carnival as we propose to give will. be. sure to prove a great attraction.. Only a smali admison fee wlia be charged. -The fes tival will be no ord5nary tame-military affair, but spirited and novel, features, showing all; the latest improvements in military affairs. There will be exciting contests and sham battles, which will warm up the rebel blood; You see, there wouM nothing so highly, entertain . the old confederates as a ahow embodying military matters as .they are now, and a comparison between soldier life of to day and the soldier life of the time when they lay in the trenches could not be otherwise .than deeply, interest ing. This carnival was planned for last summer, 'but had to be abandoned cn account of some military trials..- I be lieve It will go througfti next summer and prove, a perfect success.", ' All the ladies andthe members of the military - wfho have - been seen so far have indorsed the planv In a few days a meeting will be called and the matter will then be definitely settled. PENSION BUSINESS THE REPUBLICAN LEADERS CONCEDE IT IS OVERDONE. Gallingefir Chairman - of the Pension Committee, Declares a Halt - is Necessary. - 1 Washington, Dec. 10. At last the re publican leaders in congress, are willing to admit that the pension, business is being overdone, v' In the rsenate today Gallingeri Chairman.of the.pensiqn com mittee, surprised his associates by "a bold - denunciation -of;, the private pen sion business and appealed to the senate to call a halt in this heavy drain " upon the treasury' for private pensions previ ously denied by the ..pension 'office; He .want-ta say that there is ;a laxity among senators ; about sending pension bills, to .our .committee. ?No. Inquiry is made ;by' thezn.'f.-to 4 the -merit, of .the measures and -the result is ,our commit tee. is flooded, with- correspondence .con cernlng: the; details, of bills that ought to nave been.. determined before the measures were", laid i before,.- congress, Senators should be absolutely, satisfied I of -. the merlt-of measures before Intro ducing them, X am - and have r always Royal makes the food pare, ceitiome and dellciouK. t Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO.. NEW VQRK. been friendly to the soldiers, but I am constrained: -to -feel;.. that we are going too far, and: that we ought in the fu ture to exercise, .the greatest conserva tism in the oSamderation of all pension matters. ... - '.'The practice of pensioning remarried widows and .; -several other - similar classes; of Vciaimarits ought to be stopped. The recommendation of. the commissioner of pensions that a law should be enacted jspeedily, providing that no pension should be granted to a widows if her marriage to the soldier had been subsequent to the passing of tbeUaw under which he was drawing a pension, ought to be enacted into iaw.", ;; In' rpciwe; tio.:a ; uestion by Mr. Al len, of Nebraska'; Mr. Gallinger said he was opposed to the granting of large . pensions toJwidows of distinguiohed officers,.;- ; gr', : ;" ' ; ''We -haveVlost.;the limit in that re gard,": said "ie; -an it is time that we should stopi'V , ? ..The:derceguest4d by Mr. Gallinger was then made. Senator Gallinger has heretofore held the record for rushing pension bills through , the senate in short order, and his remarks todaycreated something of a sensation among, the pension grabbers in both houses. It remains to be seen what effect Senator4 Gallinger s conver sion to a reducepension list will have on the output of pensions from his com mittee during the present session. Senator Fritchard will appear before Judge Davis, assistant secretary of the interior, next Tuesday for the purpose of making an argument in favor of pen sion claimants who served in the con federate army and subsequently enlist ed in the union army. It was decided during President-Cleveland's adminis tration that sucif; persons were barred by section 4716 of the Revised Statutes, which' declares that parties who ren dered voluntary, service to the confed erate governnient sball not be entitled to a pension.. Senator Pritchard takes the position that inasmuch as the act of June, 1890, was '.subsequent to the enactment of section 4716, that the act of June, 1890, .brmplication, repeals section 4716., This is an important ques tion affecting the pensionable status of quite a number of people residing in Tennessee, Arkansas, Kentucky, Geor gia, Alabama, Virginia and North and South Carolina, . ; A TRUANT KENTUCKY BOY STEALS FATHER'S HORSL, HIS He Traced the VB oy to Somerset and There Lost Track of the Young Scamp, j Somerset, Ky., pec, 10. Mrs.sThomas Ward, . of near Loudon, La:urel count v ' came here yesterday afternoon in search of . his son Frank, whom he charged with stealing a horse from him. Mr Ward traced his place,, and; yarning that a young man ".uo-noiiug to vutr?aescnpxion or His son was here last Wednesday inquiring the way to Mticelid, immediately left for piace in pursuit, accompanied by one of his neighbors. Mr. War seems to be very much incensed at his wayward son and ays ,he will prose cute him to theteht of the law. His explanation of this hatred Of his- sum fa that the boy,tfiough only 24 years old, iuts uwu a naraenexi criminal since he was 16 years of. age. He claims that the prodigalirerned home about three months ago, Ifot left the same night and mojucea:' a brother buly 18 years of age to accompany him to the Swiss settle ment of East Bernstradt, that he made the boy dnink on the native wine am then Induced him to help rob the old bwiss wno was selling them the wine. The older son escaped, but the younger, being drunk, was easilv causrht. TTr was tried", and although he claimed that he was drunk and forced to help commit the robbery by 'bisV older brother, the jury gave him a two years sentence in tne penitentiary, wnere he is now serv ing ; out .bis term. ;Ward says that a few days' ago the oldest son came to his house, 4 no one being at home but his wire, ana' daughter, jand took one of his best '.horses, and started to Somerset. His principal desire for apprehending hlsvaon la 'tShat. he rnay be prosecuted for the ribbery of the old Swiss. He thinks tbat 1f tbe oier brother is given a term ifT the'pettitenttary, and all the facts laid ; before JJbe governor he may be in doiicedto; 'pardon the yourger son. Mr. Ward' Is a highly respected farmer. .V? PETITION OF INDIANS. Muscogee, L T. Dec-10. The petition of 'theDelaware.Indlans to the depart ment of the .Interior,' asking for their rights In the Cherokee nation, has been made v.puhlici "'-The Idocument refers to the contract between the Cherokees and the', Delawares by which the Delawares bought il,600 ?acres. of land and ccm munal rights in the:Cherokee nation for $279,434, . -. ' t. f , v . . . - . Then appropriation ; of $400,000 by the Cherokee, councltq: equalize the freed menV share in tne:per capita, distribu tion pf the Cherokee strip fund,' and the payment -off $123,0007. attorney's fees cut of it. is denounced,; as is also the admis sion 'of freed men"' to citizenship In the 4 V." t

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