Whitlp(ilvitipdUse 41 PATTOH AVEfiUE. AT QST Custom Clqth.ng' a cut prices. We make clothing to -order and do rt -well at small profit. We can Wave you from $o to $10 on the suit and $2 to $3 on a pair of trousers. TRY US ! '.We have just received the'largest assortment of Gloves and Nebkwear for Christmas pres ents ever brought to the city. See them in our windows, s ouse litlock Glotliin '"9 " Bsaaaawssaa .5, J Live 100 Years Drink Pure Water aereated with terilized air the only absolutely pure water -and- you may. Tie Sanitary Still for family use distills pure water. Made of copper, lined with block tin; easily cleaned; simple as a tea ;kettle ; fits any gas, oil, coal or wood stove. Four styles, $10.00 and upward. Write for booklet The Cuprigraph Co. 105 North Green St. t 1 CHICAGO, ILLS. DOMING: AND GOING. i COPYRICHT l7 A Paradise for Santa Claus, where he makes his headquarters during the Yuletide festivities, is the establish merit that makes the finest display of rich and delicious ibon-lxras, caramels and chocolates. He finds it here. We have an array of exquisite confections put up in tempting "boxes, handsome packages suit able for Christmas gifts and the adorn ment of "the Christmas tree. Asheville Candy Kitchen, L. M. Theobold, Prop. 'PHONE 110. ELECTRIC CASS PASS ' THE JGj HOTEL Cuisine and Appointments BERKELEY Location Central. The Berkeley is au up-to-date hotel. Has all the comforts of a modern home and is qually Desirable lor Families and Transient Guests. FRANK LOUGHRAN, Proprietor. The Sannanoa it ill; I! The popularity ot The Swannanoa is due' to Its central location, its home ; like atmosphere, the excellence of its cu sine and its very moderate price. Steam heat, gas and electric lights. Large sam ple rooms. ; P. A. LINCOLN & CO., , Asheville, N. C. Proprietors. Main Street On Car Line. BOARD. 13 STARNES AVENUE. FumishingB almowt entirely nw. Tabl applied with the best. Mrs. Mary S. Sevier, f BOARD Two oeslrable rooms with board n may be had at Mrs. A. C. Bay's, Bwnoth N.O ' .. - . . W . r Have you a house to j?ent? Try the peo ple's column. , -. " THE GROVE HOUSE, ! MKS, KOPPELBERGB, 31 Grove street, Asheville, N. C. House nicely . papered and furnished throughout. Halls well heated. Baths, hot and cold water. Modern conveniences, Northen cooking. Near street car line. . W1ANTED. . Four refined, healthy boarders with vig orous appetites, for the winter at Esmeral da Inn, Hickory Nut Gap, situated amidst the finest scenery and climate on this con tinent. Thomas Turner. Toys and Dolls Two floors full of Toys. Dolls. -Drums. v . Wagons. Doll Carriages. - Hpes. Cigars. ' 'Boofks. - 7 Stationery. ; Ciitlery. Sleds. 'reworks. SUver Novelties. Souvenirs. Canes. Qrellas. RAY'S CUT RATE BOOK STOpE. 8 North Court Square The Smith Premier Personal Notes About;Home; Folks and Visitors . - J. Gray of New York, is at the Berke ley. . V " . D. A. Baker arrived last night from At lanifa. , , ' W it Boykih of Philadelphia, Is at the Berkeley. t . . 'Edward B. Novell of Murphy, was here yesterday. ' ' - IM. H. Pitzsche of Louisville, is at the, Swannanoa. . J, C. Cooper of Brevard, spent yesterday in the city. .. J. C. L. Gudger of Waynesville, " was here yesterday. Henry Twyford rived last night. of Hendersonvilie, ar- H. Greentree of Louisville, was among yesterday's arrivals. A. C. Carey of Chattanooga, was among yesterday's arrivals. " T. P. Hood of Knoxvilefs in the city ofr a few days' stay. J. W. Stair of Knoxville, is in the city for a few days' .stay. ' Paul B. Means of Concord, "arrived yes terday for a brief stay. A Bindewald, representing the Augusta Brewing company, is in the city for a few days. v, W. L. Miller and T. Poster Slaughter of the United States geological survey, are at the Swannanoa. In a personal note in the Gazette yes terday it was mentioned that some friends were visiting .Dr. Anrbler "at the Win yah. " Dr. Ambler desires the Gazette to state that he is inno..way connected with the Winyah. IT IS EAST TO TELL. People whofail to look after their health are like the carpenter who neglects to sharpen his tools. People are not apt to get anxious about their health soon enough. If you are "not quite well" or "half sdek" have you ever thought that your kidneys may be the cause of your sickness? It is easy to tell by setting aside your urine for twenty-four Hours; a sediment or settling indicates an unhealthy condition of the kidneys. When urioe stains linen it is evidence of kidney trouble. Too fre quent desire to urinate, scanty supply, pain or dul ache in the baclk is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of orders There is satisfaction in knowing that the great remedy Dr. "Kilmer's Swamp-Root, fulfills every wish in relieving weak or dis easedjsidneys and all forms of bladder and urinary , troubles. Not only does Swamp Root give new life and activity to the kid neysthe cause of the trouble, but by treating the kidneys it acts as a tonic for the entire constitution. If you need a medicine take Swamp-Root it cures. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and one dol lar, or by sending your address and the name of this paper to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., you may have a sample bottle of this great discovery sent to you free by mail. ' ' , Tpyewriter is," endorsed, by the IJ. S. govern ment.v What more do you want, the earth? If you know anything at all ir.nr it. vou know it's the best". " i. B. ALEXANDER, Agt , 50 Patton, Ave- I Germany has anticipated Christmas by making herself a present of a nice new piece of China. ; CONSUMPTION POSITIVELY CURED. Mr. R. B. Greeve. merchant of Cthilhowie Va. certifies that he had consumption, was given up to die, sought all medical treat ment that money could procure, .tried all cough remedies he could hear of, hut got no relief, spent many niehts slttlne ud in a chair; was induced to try Dr., King's New Discovery, and -was cured by the use of twjK bottles. For past three years has been attending to (business and ravh Dr. King's New Discovery is the grandest rem- eay ever made, as it mas one so much tor him and also for others in his community. Dr. King's New Discovery is guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and Consumption. It don't fail. Trial bottles free at T. C Smith's drug store and Pelham's Phar macy. 5 Our large roomTis'.filled with holiday goods.' l , 1 Toys, China Glassware, Novelties. Come and See Them THE S k Ik Store, 30 Patton Avenue, Asheville; N. C. Gfand Opera House Monday, Dec. 13. INTEREST YOU SURE. The mere announcement of a Yale show coming means it's worthy of your immedi ate attention, On the above date Chas. H.. Yale's great est spectacle, THE TWELVE TEMPTATIONS with a company of 6o peo ple, will be , with you. The performance embraces all kinds of stagevamusements skillfully and deftly rolled into one gigantic whole. k 60SJ l" M";:"4 " ' - Will surely come. If well clad you do not shiver because of a drop in temperature. There has already been a big drop in prices at the CLOSING OUT SALE 33 U0RTI1 rJAIN ST., and now is your opportunity to pre pare for the cold day, by at once tak advantage, as many are doing, of the bargains offered in Men's Underwear andJSweaters, Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats, Hats, Caps, Gloves, &c. T. S RiORRISON & Co., 39 NORTH MAIN STREET. XXXXOOOCXOOOOOOCOOOOQVVJ A. STERNBERG r Seatsale opens Friday at Hein itsh & Reagan's. First time here at regular prices, 25, 50, 75c. and $1. -DEALER IN foil 0 ) ID nav mm ,r - Straus t uuuai v ur "I'Otv cnredinl5toS5 days. You can be treated l ai nomef or same price under same guaraa ty. If you prefer to come here wewillcon. n?'TvVf.?0?,lalh' nd 8tiU laTe aches ana K?-CU81 atce,8 in mpth. Sore Throat, Flf ??i?Aed Spots, Ulcers on out, It is this Secondary BLOOD POISON we guarantee to cure. We solicit the most obsti nate cases and. cnallenge the world for a K22Svan?j?c,20 This disease has always baffled the skill of the most eminent physi cians. 8500,000 capital behind oar Bncondi. ?al rnaranty. Absoluteproofs sent sealed on Sc2Jton- "05 COOK REMEDY CCL 679ULaeonic Temple, CHICAGO, JUJU eeswax, Wool, Etc I will pay the highest market cash price for the above articles. Ad dress me at 50 Bailey Street, and I will call. 253-26. When I say I cure I do not mean merely to stop them fdr a time and then have them return again. I mean a radical cure. I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS a life long study. I warrant my remedy to ewe the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my infallible remedy. Give Ex press and Postoffice address. Pl0f.W.B.PEEKLF.D.,4Ce(laiSt..KewY0Il Old Ched's Change ol Business. In order to change his business to a strictly grocery store he will sell every article of Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, etc., etc., at cost. 2,000 pairs of shoes worth 35c to $2 will go for 25c to $1.10. ' Fine lot Featherbone Corsets worth 50a to $ 1 will go at 25c to 66c, same cut in all other articles. N. P.CMEDESTER 19 SOUTH MAIN ST. Wine! Wine! At 50 Cents Per Gallon . In lots of five "or more gallons. ADDRESS THE PACOLET GRIPE JUICE CO. TIRTZ-OZDsT, 1ST. C. This is positively the last week Madam Blrado will be here. Don't miss the op portunity to fciave your hand read, at the aoagie Hotel, 64 south: iMain street. SOUVENIR SKETCHES. ..... SOUVENIR SKETCHES. ..... (In Walter Color.) , Local Scenery and Character Studies. Room 33, Temple Court, Patton Avenue. MRS. C. B. INGRAM, FRENCH BROAT AVENUE, CORNER ' HAYWOOD STREET. Miniature painting, Portraits in crayon, on and water, colors. Menu cards decor ated. Instructions given in drawing and. paint Ing. wed-4-ir. 50 YEAR St EXPERIENCE A I !- - Trade Marks Designs COPYRICHTS AC. quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. 7ommnnica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patenter taken through Munn fc Co. receive tpecial notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, $3 a year; four months, $1. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.3618. Hew York Branch Office, 62S F St, Washington, D. C PERFECT MANHOOD ti.itmsr tif crnlt.T nFmnan1iv HAvalnnmanr alinA- tint that entitle and wondierfuj. force known a SEXUAL VITALITY which Is the glery of naanliooA the pride ol both old and young, hut there are tboosands of men nuutltood shattered nervesl and aillD sexual pewer who can be cared by our ; MagicalTreatment : cvrVtVnK tnav A 4-atrAn Oft liAtnd nn1a HmtaI jvna or we will pay B B- fore elm! hotels bills tor those w a . . w a mm m in r 1 a a. - no free prescriptions, free. cure orGSiJ). fake. "We have 9230,000 capital and fruaraatca W cure every case we treat or refend every -dollar you pay ns, or fee may be deposited la any -bank; to, be paid -u? when a cure Is effected. "Vrlto for fair particu!ars, ttBOlCAl CO , OaaaAa, Heb. 71 SimcUn large for 'y.ffQP, cipate 'Of'. aBe im iDir $ 1 D miiit Expeciteail it imiiim a IlfiMe lDlmge hmt ttDaey woini9t Dafldl donit at the lraite ulmey are gnimg .we nnw opweir aBB Bpoy9 aimdi ymtHi3 ' SBnfitts5 extra paimt9 reefers. vercoat9 anndl M ter at aBpoBiuite et; IIDnim5t ccimne after tBae aBe i : over anndl say yopg wiiifl. yM JrnaJil. xl p wnflfl get im ym ptBny fcpiaai nn- We imtiiiry yianim Mue tfiimne anndl giive yomt- a rare elfaaiinee t ecnnre geimiinnime nnap. v nnnt nnn eflnevi!t9 wsrsijeffl anndl trSct9 prettiBy trninmnnned aim(S siinibtann tnaBBy mmadle. Snze S M;(o:iel9 IPBanim anndl cape . veF24at ' anndl nnBter nnn -cBnneBnnBB a9 at EelSanu, Tbeao ver. amdl-friezenze:;:t(i54l)o Enn c2nnnecti!im .wntBn tBne alb we we wiBB eBB nnr SSe . lby? w'afignb f for SS)c, iTc want fr 5fl)c; nrfce:nBn ifflae imeflo pereaBe aimffl Bnimeiiuo 1' j Alexander & GoiifSnev X Drhumor Block, " 50. Patton Avenue. JPCOOOCOGOOC! : y. .4' 1 ! A - f ' 'J r -.1 v x A j i It V n

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