1 V 77ie i4 Important (?) Is your louse well fuwrfsbed. If jjot, why not, wben furniture is ' going -bo cheap? How a!bout that bedioom suit tbat you have been tMnlkinig about so tang? Nice oak suits golng now at$i5.001 In- , ' . duetnal cudoils 'taken on all sash pur-, chases. " : ; ' W. A. BLAIR, Phone 75. ' 45 Patton Ave. TEMPERANCE TALK. L. J. Beauchamp's Address at the Court House- - Lou J. Beauchamp, journalist, author, lecturer and temperance advocate, spoke last evening in the court house under the auspices of the local W. C T. U. , o, an audience of possibly one hundred and fifty people The Rev. J. R. Moose presided and introduced the speaker. Mr. Moose'.' first asked tine audience to sins ?'A11 Hail the Power of Jesus' ' Name." The bynin . "was sung with mucb beartiness. Then prayer was offered by the Rev.v Dr. Byrd. Mr. Moose introduced Mr. Beaucnamp in a few remarks. ' f J Mr. Beauchamp said he sought to get the people to think. He believed the sec ond sober thought of the American people would lead to tbe rigblt action. tHe "sought lb convict, leaving to God the - conversion of the people to the rlglft vlerw and" actJouLftynjue 'pitfCio'ne''it'bt on the temperance question. The closing' of the saioons hef I'maa-a'-'necessftyi There were ten victims of their pxywef "wbo" died eacb bour; $1,480,000,000 were epemt annually in the United States in the liquor traffic. The. cause of "hard times: was not not in the question of gold and silver. , The godd and silver of the country together a mounted to $1,200,000,000," buit the- amount spent 5n drink was $280,000,000 mtore tban that immense sumv We sbaH continue to have bard "ttmes so long as nioney is thus wasted over the bars o fthe isaloons. The prohibition of the making and sell ing of intoxicating drinks is tbe remedy. Is money so spent Tvasted?. Ualbor :is the source of all fwCalth. It its tbe laboring classess, the masses of the people, who aTe tfhe distributors of wealth. There are only 34,000 rich men.. When laboring men wisely distribute wealth there are good times. If a laboring man spends Ms mon ey as he ought to, and suppose lie receives for his labor ten, dollars per week, for illustration, although - he . ought . to get (more, he buys a calico dress for lids' wife, t. .. .... shoes" for bis children - and groceries for household use. Ten dollars worth of these articles represent $5.20 of labor to their production. If he consumes his ten dollars in drink, it represents only thirtyHsix cents in labor. Help us close the doors of the saloons and eight bundred .millions of "dol- lars will go into regftSma'te production and trade. . " . v The question wbicb confronts tbe Amer ican citizen .today is not one of ; gold and silver, but one of performing This duty of Christian citizenship A 'proposed Christian who votes to unbioSd' the s-iloobs has got a relfeiontof the jrrmg brand." The- saloon 5s wt ittthejsbiirch- Tbe Methodists, the Presbyterians, the BaptWis, the Catholics have declared against it. - dt 4 not In the schools. V f..i;',.""' ' Throusrh the influence of the W.'.C T. U. to forty-three fitates', thJnjurtous effect of alcohol is tsauWt:. It is not in tbe news- papers. -They wrt) not f raid to print what is said and written in behalf of the.tem rerance cause. They take -.tbe money of the -saloons.'butj tbiat :i in 'the business office of the paper, in Itbe basement of the coneern 1 1 iwre. but.. up stairs . where the editorial brains, are: end the- pencil is at work there the Influence is usually - in favor of those wbo onnose the saloons. "When any wsaper nas not the courage to soeak tor ' temperance' wltbdna-w t your patronage. f The isalrion men rfalmri toi own (and - COU; rol 2420 jOOO rotes and by tbem tbey vare, secure mi the business. - Tbe saloon ia m Politics, hf an, good men were: in politics to oppoti the saloon the question of their iistacff would soon be settled.. - Mir. Btauichamo'jin h course of his lec ttire, from fip.ve . several forcible v,iMustmtkna "' k (Of ,; the appalling bavoc of strong drtnv sodru: flee -tc said at : . tlJL 6f a presMeat of the United State tat bis toauuiratlon ithat the cble prim BdnAnistered:. the oatb of i.of Jim could iot understand "What he to takinf-lt; of Jthe retcent shooting jriaH party; in "Georgia l.resulting,;in !p ox three men and tbe dangeroui WO"; is 01 iinA- io -foil 't ': A - TAn J - )pt iate ex-Goyernor Si: Jobs, end- PEST-HOUSE PROPOSAL I Submitted to Aldermen by Board of Health. For Protection Against Pos sible Small Pox, American Federation of Labor to be Invited to Meet Here. Cost of the New Sidewalk.on Bailey Street. Permits for Building- Large New Houses Mr. Hancock to Recover Damages For His , Lost Oysters. The mayor and Nail the board were present at last evening's meeting of the boad of aldermen. The first matter considered was. the sending of an invitation to the American Federation of Labor to meet bere next year. Action to that effect was taken. . Theodore ' Hardy, as presidenit of a col ored social club, petitioned for permission to conduct a dance" hall .at (the corner of "Vtaliey ana Sycamore streets. Such leave was granted for on year from December 23. ; ;V y ; The ' question of compensating C. B. Moore for the outlay he made in laying the sewer on Bearden avenue, was again brought up and tt ,was decided that $12.30 was sufficient and tbat such amount should ... ; be paid. . y; ' ' - C B. Whltmore asked for . flalnages done bis property oh Swannanoa by the bursting of a . water, pipe. Matter referred to water and sewer commietee. . , - , . :S ; ;Tbe oftzens on. and, around iLexingtoti .4 fronjattonentt paved .with Jbrick. Tbe Isbard deemed it best that the property owners do the work, and'tbey will be given thirty days' notice n which to do tt ' A. Freck asked that bis license to con duct a saloon at 50 South Main street ibe transferred to A. T. Cooper. Granted. A building permit was given Frank Lougbran to erect two thirteen-rbom frame houses on.-North Main street, beJtiween Cherry street and Starnes avenue. IBAILBY STREET WALKS. y A 'bill sbowfng tbe cost and the cost to eacb individual of tbe brick sidewalk on Bailey street wai3 read, and it r was ordered that the, list be turned over to Tax Col- lector Campbe'll The following is tbe list- giving the cost to tbe indivMlial property owners: A. A. Baylfes, $60.69; , F. A. Cum- m)lngs, $40.95; jcinn 'uong, ?zb.z; Mrs. Owen Smiitb, ' $34.60; Dr. J. A. David,' $35,774 G.j L. McDonald, $42.33 M. Heston, $28.78; . A. White, $34.40 H. Redwood, ,$32.89; G. L. McDonald, $30,32; Mrs. Emory iMerrinvon; $29.33; A. C Davis, $26j24; CMrs.1! Walker, $45.07. Mr. J. P. Kerr called atten'tion. to tbe fact of the-Banner warehouse lot being a nuisance and uTged.(t(hat some action be taken. It. was ' decided 'that Mr. Barnard shouM be, notified to fully enciCse the lot. F. W. Hancock will be -reimbuTeed. for two gallons' of oysters which iwere dumped into the tnash cart by mistake. Tbe amount will " be deducted from Itbe salary of the scavenger. t Tbe -water commi'ttee will decide about putting a4meter to' tbe opera house. A discussion as to whether a side track for delivering coal be put in at tbe - walber works, -was 'Left to tbe sewer and waiter committees.- ' ' .. . PEST HOUSE. . Adjoint meeting-of the aldermen and brtaTdv of (health -was then called. ; Drs. jpuetcner, .-.jtt'ijeiiiaer,ixiieyarwi!ui.. num mmm being presentU ; - - The maflter of erecting a pest nouse was fully discussed.' ; It was not. thougbt at au likely by any of tbe ;.ooava xnai me cny wii,ldJ be' visited .by the -smaM-pox, but abouid a case be discovered and ait- a- time when the weastber was severe, itnere -wouiu Ka nn u3 table isolated .place where a pa tient could be treated. The city owns five acres oh the mountain side, itne sree 01 the old reservoir, and. the question, of building 'a tthree-room bouse. there to rent until it sbould be needed; was referred to a special committee of three, Messrs. Scott, Jones and p. ,M. i-e-1 ' , ' : BILLS ORDERED' PAID. rs.afitA Ti'ihlibinEr company $9.62; B. F. Cxwaemaji. 7.S0: South CaToiina. Oo-Htion ion rfkTTi.Tfltiv S4.00r;P"ennlman. (Bros. & Co in tMvrtarA. B0 McTbeTson. -. & Clark,' $27.5t Patton & tikeleatber, $6.00; Mrs. V. r J. . Ban,' $3.70; 'W. a. n, i 91 ? 'AaTinvMiiA Tfidetibone coTOipany, $46.00; tl. M.'Bamsey, $2.50rAshevlll Supply Foundry: company, $32.00;. As-nvme ice .and Coal company, $68.50; J- M- Alexander, $6 53; SunlIgM Oil and "GaBottne wompany , m. w v Rnhrh. $2.00: street pay roll, U -iA. JLitiurT oav roll. $77.70; -wter and :Ju c fln w.r.T )ll. $49.58. . TTvhr--oh ' etsatement December-' 17, :i '. . a lL t' a rviTTvnheiL' tax . UOJlecxeu us - .. . . , -1 nftl 5 ceM by M.'E.Roberts, water : , . deoartment , .... i'itl' 3L55 Collected by W. A. James, police ! ; - A Department 20.25 Oolleoted by G. ui. Starnesi scales1 , -13.32-Cash on hand Dec'" 10, 189T. . . . 4,905.09 Total $ 6,083.59 DISBURSEaiBNTS. Street department '... ... Water departmentt . . . . I , r. . Fire department .... Sanitiairy department ... Police -department .......... Market . . ............. . . . . . . , Miscellaneous ........ . .. . ,'. 132.82 91.01 42.02 7O0 21.05 5.85 T.18 378.13 .. 6,705.46 6,083.59 Oaslh' on hand The meetiag thenNjadJourned. DISEASES FROM CUBA. Health Certificate Regulations Dis regarded? ' Washington, Dec- 16. Information was receiyeid today by the supervising surgeon general that the regulations concerning passengers' health certificates were not bet ing strictly observed by 'the Spanisb. steam ship lines plying , between, Cuba and the, United Stlates. The san-itary inspector at Havaoina says the regulations are enforced in cases of American citizens, bust are not considered a necessity, apparently, for other persons. t . ; ; ". This condition appears, he says, with? the sailing of every steamer for AmeritJaa citiesv He reoommends urgently, wbdle the danger of yellow fever appearing at ports of the United States may, toe passed, there is, still danger from small pox During December,, tlhe Inspector saye,' there; will be an exodus of Cubans to Flor ida and proposes to insist on vaccina tion and revaccination In every ease where" needed as this class is liketly to carry the disease. (f LORD BERESFORD." Cutting a Wide S-rath in the City of Mexico. C City of Mexico, Dec. 17. Sidney Lascel es, the bogus Lord Beresford, so badly wanted- for swindling in itfhe United States; is here, and. by erbibition of letters, th' glamour of expected wealth, and a bold front, has s6 worked on the municipal au thorities that be stands an excellent show of closing some heavy contracts for local beeUvbTerii!bdu1t flTelwekt' wiw mis wue wnose raxner mas just med in Georgia, and whose fortune Lascelles will sue for. His true character has come out, but he says he will shortly- return to the states and fully vindicate bimself. He is cutting a 'Wide swath bere and be and bis wife are very popular socially. WAGES REDUCED IN THE, GREAT AMOS KE AG COTTON MILLS. Other Manchester Mills That "Will Follow Suit 10 Per Cent. Reduction. Boston, Dec. 17. The uirectors of the Amooskeag Manufaotuojing company, of Manchester, N. H.f at a meeting here this afternoon voted to reduce tbe wages of its employes about 'ten per'cenfc. on Jaai- uary 1. , The Amoskeag mills have 300,000 spin dles. Tbe number of spindles in otber mills in Manchester, whicb undoubtedly will follow suft, are Amory, 110,000; Man chester, 75,000 cotton and 21,000 worsted; Stark," 80,000. The causes of the reduction in wages are practically the same as those which prompted the manufacturers of Fall River to re-adjust their prSce list. They include southern competition and the depressed state of the cotton goods market. TOBACCO WAREHOUSE TAX. Special to The Gazette. . v . tBJaleigh, Dec. 17. Tbe state treasurer decided' Uo-day that warehouse men 'are iiable to a tax of 1 per cent, for sales of tobacco under tbe revenue' act as commis sion mercbamts. - GREAT DAY FOR DUCKS. ' Charleston, S. C, Dec IT.--Grover Cleve land .. bagged twenty-nine, ducks :: in two hours this morning. He said It was Que finest sport 'he? bad ever seen.-: Mr." Cleve land Is still using tbe govemmenit's launch, Water Lily. His party ; returns ext ; Wed nesday. - - x, . y; COL W. S. REESE DEAD. ' Montgomery, Ala-V; Dec- l7V-Ool. War ren S. Reese, former mayor , and '.republican contest ee for the seat in the United States senate now. occupied by John T. Morgan, died list nSgbt of heart failure. ..V TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AH drozglsts refund the money If -It falls to 4nre.'5e.' The genuine haS'L. B. Q. or v: each v tablet. 5 A". YESTERDAY IN CONGRESS Civil Service Discussion Was Postponed. ' " Committee on Appropriations Overruled, This Action of the House, However, Will be Revered. Secretary Gage Talks Further on This Currency Bill. His Interpretation of Bimetallism" U is the j . Gold Standard With an Invisible- Silver Lifling. ? Washington, Dec 17. The committee on appropriations were overruled: twice .to day, by narrow majorities, -while the bouse, in committee of the whole, was consiAerdng the legislative, executive and Judicial ap propriation bill. Tlhe commi!tttee omitted from the bill the appropriations for continuing tbe assay of fice at DeadwocJd, South Dakota, and the mint at Carson City; Nevada, thus abol ishing them after the close of the. present fiscal year. ' On motion of Representative Knowles of SouOr- Dakota, the committee voted, 77 to 76, to insert an appropriation of $12,-300-to continue-' the assay . office, and on motion of Representative Newlands, voted, 8? to 77, to appropriate $33,200 to mainr tain 'the , mint at Carson City. I tTbe defeat, however, will be hut tem porary,; as in. the house republicans whose absencee- today 'was responsible., for -the- oomm$tte , finding Itself, with a ntoorrty of cupied nearly the entire session" and the consideration' of the WUi save the civil- ser vice paragrapb, was completed. The dis cussion of this 'paragraph- Was1 by '' com mon consent, postponed until after the hol idays, when probably a .week's time will be given 'to it. Tomorrow's session of tbe bouse will be devoted to eulogies on the late Represen tative Wright of Massachusetts.- GAGE'S BILL. Washington, Dec. 17.-ecre'tary Gage resumed his exposition of his currency bill before tbe house committee on banking and currency today. 'Representative Hill, of tbe committee, called Mr. Gage's attention to bis state ment yesterday that the first purpose of the bill was to commit the country to the gold standard. "You are recognized as a republican, he said to Mr. Gage, "and familiar with the financial platform of the republican national convention at St. Louis. Do you consider that this purpose is to more firm- ly fix the gold standard on the country conflicts witih tbe pricipl'es of tbe St. Louis platform?" , "No sir," replied the secretary, "not as tl look at the principle of blmetalMsm. Bi metallism must mean one of two things: either two kinds of money of equal value circulating side by side by reason of the exchange of the less valuable for that of greater1 value, or- else two kinds of money of such intrinsic equality of value that they will circulate naturally side by side. We have 'a bimetallic currency In tbe United Stajes now. The firm establishment of tbe" gold "standard, with such ' iner cbangeabiiity with silver as will f make It acceptable on equality witb; gold, will madntainf this bimetallism-the same as it bias existed for the aast eighteen years." Tbe" secretary stated that .this- in no way prejudiced , any steps that might be taken to ; bring" silver up to the higher standard of value. Tbe bill, bowever, was designed to give such.. confidence In the n nancial ability of the government. that dis criminMions 'against "silver would largely decrease. - 1 s Mr. . Pox of Tennessee, asked if tbe re sult of . tbe Gage bill would . not lead eventually to vone; kind ' of paper money bank notes and no silver, except subsidi ary silver. -" ; - "There :is nothing, in 4he plan to operate to .that extent now," answered tbe secre tary. 1 "It is ' in ttiat.-direction, and, with further ' legislatSon developing it tt migbt ultimately lead- tosux resuKi . But I would not say sUver Vould be restricted to subi sidiary. silver.' " I) would ; say a. system ;fln l.C$.. '" I- f . . : good, , .-v established paying business for sale, u Ifor particulars address box 705;- dty. ' supporters will come to its relief 'and re ; - --V"; :- - .tfi-Zy- vvxij'ttf-;' ht'foroed the seconds of tbm Aiutraiian, ' The discussion Tf tbeSe amendments oc- b: which silver would be subordinate. It is subordinate now." 5 Consideration of tbe bill by sections' was resumed at section seven,', where the dis cussion .closed yesterday. ; YELLOW FEVER PREVENTION. Disinfecting Towns Along th,e Missis . "sippi Coast. ' New Orleans, Dec. 17. Dr White of the United States Marine hospital service, has inaugurated the work of disinfecting all towns along the Mississippi coast, where in there was yellow fever during Hhe summer. He has begun work at Biloxi and will vis it in succession Ocean Springs, Soranton, Faseagoula Bay, St. Louis and other towns. , .The diinfectlon is being done at the expense of the Marine hospital , service, tbe towns themselves pleading poverty and inability to do the work. Disinfection and fumigating in New Orleans Is going on under tbe care and expenseof the 'Louisiana board of health. ALLEGED POISONING. New York, Dec. 17. Charles Zanoli, suspected of having poisoned his last wife and several others for the insurance on their lives, will be formally arraigned to morrow on tbe charge of murder. Then he will be remanded to await the result of the chemical analysis now being made. Assistant District Attorney Van Wyck said today that he bad sufficient evidence to hold Zanoli on a charge of murder. McCOY ion. THE MIDDLE-WEIGHT PUGILIS TIC CHAMPIONSHIP. Fought Fifteen Roucds With the Aus tralian, Creedon. When Latter Threw Up the Sponge. V - wew xoric, iec. is. Jia McCoy won the s middle , weight championsbip: of tbe jworl4;atLongpIsiland City, tonight, .when tne ena or &,ixteeawixsw Prom; the-very st almost the Ameri" can pugilist showed such" marked supe V- : ' - " - ' - riorty over his plucky antagonist that tbe result was " never in ;doubt. McCoy ' in speea, science, neaa worn and gameness was simply a marvei. ' . Miraculous defensive work, whicb has never yet been beaten down by an oppo nent, was the rock upon whicb Creedon's rortunes were snatterea. it was almost a physical , impossibility for Creedon to land a dangerous blow in the whole fight, A crowd , of 3,500 persons witnessed the contest, including Corbett and other cele brities. The betting was nearly even. KILLED A BAR TENDER. LouisTille, Dec. 17. -Curtis Dearing shot and killed a bartender, Glaude 'Bryant, at Abe Roberts' saloon today because Bryant put Mm out of the saloon. Dealing is a 'black sheep of an excellent family. His father, Charles T. Dearing, is a wealthy book seller. He has owned a suMl stable and race horses. Some years ago he start led tbe town by winning $12,000 at "craps." , ' ANSON WILL RETIRE. jNew York, Dec. 17. President Spalding and Captain Anson of tbe Chicago baseball club, arrived from Europe today.' Spalding intimated that-Captain Anson will retire from the management of the team at' the expiration of his contract in January, af ter a remarkable service of twenty years, BIMCO WILL GIVE DP IF HIS AUTONOMY PLANS PROVE INEFFECTIVE. Busy No,w Over the Decree of Auton omyExpected Invitation to i- - Rebels to Surrender. Havana, Dec. .17. General Blanco bas declared that if, within a reasonable time after the establishment of autonomy, - it is clearly seen that it bas no praoticaH effect in the restoration of petace, .he will tender his v resignation and return to Spain. " ' ' The captain general' and leaders -. of tbe autonomists bnd - reformists - parties . are very busy now over the ' decree of autono my, which has Just arrived from, Spain: ' It is believed that simultaneously with the " puftylioationi ' ot ?the ;: decree' Captain Generalf Blanco will tissue .."a proclaniatlon inviting the irteurgents to surrender. Stable for rent near; Hotel Berkeley Al so one, set of band-made: double harness tf ' at J10.00.--a, H. Cbedester. STATE NEWS RALEIGH An Alarming Statement by ipfof: Emery. He Will Probably be Asked for His Proofs, The Work of the State Agricultural ' Board. Expected Boom in Railroad Building Next. Many Applicants for Admission to the Sol diers' Home Events at the Capital City State Items of Local Interest. Raleigh, Dec. 17. The Agricultural and Mecbtanioal college students are in the midst of their examinations, and on tbe 22 their Christmas vacation begins. There are 239 students enrolled this term, but more are expected for the, spring term. Professor Emery of the experimient farm writes a letter to President HoMday of the Agricultunail and Mechanical college, and says that tuberculosis exists in every herd of cattle in the state. This is a very ' ' alarming statement. Already 12 of the experiment farm herd have 'been killed, and other suspects are off to themselves. The weather bureau promises ' us a real cold spell after tomorrow.. The weather so far has been lovely, 7 Mr. George Hardin, Jrl, and ,Mlss Luta Bell of this cfty took their friends by sur prise last night by going to the home of Rev. W. C. Norman at 11 o'clock and be ing married. -Mr. Hardin is a well known norsemanbeing connected with 'the" train- ing stables here. '? carand erarless ' thmstelivM- tta imixy the Labratory department at the experi- ment station were niade. There was $27, 000 appropriated for the next six months. The cost for the past six months was o,vw, uiu oi .um ,uuu was ior me heating apparatus for the d'apartment. They discussed ignoring tbe state law re lative to maintaining the standard anal ysis 01 ieruiizers, dul no acxion was taKen. This law requires so much phosphoric acid that it is injurious 'to tru'Oking. The truckers in the east want more ammonia and less phosphoric acid. Tbe secretary of the railroad commis- s ioners says that there will be more build - this year. He says there are about eight that expect to be built, and three of these are important ones. lie commissioners of agncullture says that tbe sales of .commercial fertilizers will next year be as large as those of this year. He declares if the farmersreduce tbe cotton acreage it wM be because the low price will force them to do so. They do not believe in the law of supply and demand, but think the manifestations make the price. There were fourteen convicts from Beau ford county sent to tbe penitentiary 12 of these were lefit at the Halifax farm . and two were brought in here to the prison. Tbe movement for the use of convict labor for public road work is in creasing. . The authorities do not seem in olined to make" any assignments for this work, though there is a law allowing it, and several counties have sent in applica tions for convicts. It Is said that the Rev. (?) Dr. Babb, ('Continued on Fifth Pjge.) . We wish to take tbis opportunity ot thanking the public for their many kind ex pressions and also for making our opening such a brilliant success. We wish to bt ogize for not having our stock In better shape, but the extra, unexpected rush Just at this time, both in town and from cata- . . .... ' ' ' iogue orders, made it impossible for us to be better prepared. . the market our usual high grade ox i ..... . . . . uwui, ill yruxa iuucu www umu. r iw; fore. and . we can saf el v sav that v ars . now selling goods as low. if not lower than any other Jewelry bouse in the counter, who handle a high class of goods. ARTHUR 3L, FIELD, Leadipg Jeweler, Cor. Church St. and , Pat '-: ion avenue, Asheville, N. C ' FROM I (ConUnued on Eighth Page.) . tary ' depattment L ; 1 rv;,' v. 1 -f 1 1 1 tfi i

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