Our store will be open every evening of this week. ,"" ' - ' ' HOLIDAY GOODS. The Christmas shopping and buying is now the order of the day. v Very little time left for decision; but there is no need for hesita tion about where'to buy, be cause our's is the store to visit for the nicest goods, and last, but not least -bargain prices. Holiday-Specialties are v Here in Great Profusion : Handkerchiefs , , Umbrellasi regular hol iday styles; Metal Smoking Tables, Metal Picture Frames, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Metal and'Dresden Toilet sets, Easel and Hand Mirrors , Fancy Garters, Perfumery, 4 'Alexandre' French! Kid Gloves, Shaving sets, Manicure sjets, Artistic Fancy; China and Dresden Ware, Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, Jewelry, Etc. that's always the last word. 28 South Main Street. toritsatt' i Christmas js Here and now is a good time to. get that sideboard. It will be a fine present for vour wife, and at such low figures too. W. A. BLAIR. Phone. 75 45 Patton Ave BG FIRE IN CLEVELAND. Million Dollar LossFears That Some Persons Perished Cleveland. Dec. 23 .Fire. started to-night i in the 'four-story Power building and was spread by a gale to the jBlaiOkstone and Wolshire buildinigs, thTeaiteBing for a time the whole business district, lAJt 'midnight 1 2t is ' gtm raging, with a loss estimated at over a million dollars. ' - j Fireman iMcFeeters fell down the eleva tor rih.fl.fi. nT iPrtwr ihiu tiding. His head Wnjs Imi ciTijdu rfiTiirl TiiO rail Tl'ofc - survive.. An unknown woman- spectator "was dtrucfc on the head: with debris and fcilledi Two em plovea rif one of "the firms in the Power " ' ' ' '' "V'V- - bu51dane -are (missing. It .is (believed they were killed ' hef ore being able to escape, that he wilt keep his store openT every night ithis .week until M o'clock. ' - - 269-5 GOOD, 4t established, paying business for sale, particulars address box 705, city. , For L ". A HOT WE IN RALEIGH . . . . j. . . - r i . The Supreme Court Rules Against Maj. WilsonP Justice Douglass - Delivered the Decision Dissenting Opinion From Chief Jus tice FairclothV Russell Tries to iurry the Execu7 t tion of Judgment. " ... But" Fahcioth's Supersedeas Served First. is Not on Pearson and Caldwell, as They Could not be Found,, but on Their Attorney-They Will Try lo Take Possession of the Railroad Com missioner's Office Immediately. Special to .the Gazette. Raleigh, Dec. 23. The Supreme court filed an pinion itMs afternoon in th'e easa of Caldwell against, Wilson, involving the title to the railway commission chairaniata- mwtuisnip. luie opinion was celfvered bv Justice Douglass. The decision ds just ias expecte'd. There !r ,n flnihi :fhmih tha croyjemnor land Caldwell knew two days Lgo what the result would be. The opinion is of immense length.'' The principal feaJture of it reifers to the re fusal of Judge Robinson to sulbmlt.iainy is sue to a jury. The court says this re- lusal was proper; as there were no dis puted facts before jthe court. The opinion adds: "It is not denied 'that the Governor no tified the defendant to oippear, and. answer Jhatt he didi so apptear- and answer,- that th'e trdverhor subsequently suspended him, giving him Tvritifeh notice of such ractioh and appointed Caldwell, thiait the t latter duly quaKfited, demian4ed .pcsession of the office, "was refused by Wilson and 1rougkt suit. Th'ere was absolutely nothing to go to the jury unless the court went behind the action of the Governor, which we think could ;not be reversed by the court. Sua pension by the Governor. Is not a final de IJermination' of ithe defendants's rights. which must' ultimately be passed on hy the legislature, sitting somewhat in the nature of a court of impeachment. If it should determine that the 'defendant had been suspended without just cause he would be at onoe reinstated and be en titled to his full pay for the time of his suspension. - The duty of suspension was imposed itp on the Governor from the highest notion of public policy,- to prevent , danger to public interests -which might--; arise from leaving such great power ' and responsi bilkies in .'the hand of a man legally di' qualified. As ithe Governor was therefore by . letter and spirit of law required to act promptly, necessarily upon his oiwn find ings of-fact, "we are compelled to hold tha such official action was under . circum stances due process of law. Even if it trere proper the Governor would have no powen to direct issue like a" chancellor. ' THE JURY QUESTION. ' "As to ,ttria;ls by juy-it has been held from remotest times that this right did not apply to equitable proceedings, and that in determiinaltion of many majtters of fatTBntervention of jury, was neiither nec essary nor possible, as .for example ap plications for receiver,' injunctions and proceedings ini contempt and error in ac tions at Law.- There iare many .matters o fact which must be found by the court below and are no even receivable in this court. . "Flvprv tim'e 'tine judge below takes tvnwn f mm a 1urv and directs a verdict, he practically deprives, the party of trla by jury, and yet that he can o direct a verdict against the party on whom rests the onus has been held by a long line df deoisione by 'this court -from Withkowsfcy against Wasson, 71 st reports, to Spruill against Innran company 120th reports. Of fleers are only thee subjects of property so far as they 'can be so in safetyto the general Interests involved in" the discharge of 'their duties. QMef JusticeTHuffin so held 4n "the case of Hoke against' Hender son V. Dumix. .It is doubtful , if he ever coniemplferted the extent o which the mat ter of claim of title to public office 'would be carried, and last of allthat an extreme. conatrudtion would be invoked bring the "tenure or mgw ulwsiku, an.iwua lth!in ftne operamuu1 w .w.--- the federal constitution pfmanly adepttea 'forhe protection of the colored race. t&i The statute under consideration does Ihdt interfere with any vested rignt, nor ' Ji .3 ; - . n l : It.1. -4. wo our uecisaon connici -y w 4-141 . 'KMon. m Hoke against Henderson. The .power of the . Governor to suspend and the right of legislature to "remove were assented - to by theTdefendant wheai he accepted the office. The railway commission is ' merely an ad ministrative board created by the state for carrying into efflct the will of, the fctate as expressed by its legislature. The power of suspension rests in the governor's hands, iwhea exercised in an orderly way , is not reviewable by the courts. Whether action of governewwas ustified by fScts, which, h-e alone could find is not for us to say. . The dbfendant waives hisright 'to trial by the jury by Ms acceptance, of the 'commission on the face of which the fatef ul words of the creative act were written. Judgmenit amwt there fore 'be affirmed, but in, view of the pub- lic initerests. involved we deem it proper not to rtertiand the case, but to enlfcer a final judgment in this court. This action is taken oh the motion of cousel, made wijthout' objection in open court, upon the hearing of "the case and under authority of Section 957 of the code. Judgmenit is' therfore entered : that- Caldiwell is en'title-d to the office of raiil- way commissioner; that Wilson be ousted therefrom, and 'that Oaldwell be placed' an possession of saM office, toge'ther iwith all its records and other appurtenances there' unto belonging." - ' ' FAIRGLOTH DISBNTS. Chief ; Justice Faircloth filed a dissent ing opinion. Very soon after 'the filing of the opinion Governor Russel went over to the Su preme court room, and Albtorniey W. -H. Day asked Clerk Kenan for the execution of the judgment of the-court This was 4 soon signed by Justice Clark and was di rected to the sheriff. Day took it and told Clerk Kenan he would be responsible for its delivery to the sheriff . This quick work was to shut off the . ..... railway commissioneri J. W. Wilson and Otho Wilson from obtaining a writ of errer from the United States Supreme court unitil after Caldwell and Pearson were in office, but neither of the Wilsons are here nor is Clerk Bro.wn of the com mission. . - Attorney SpierWhitakerr- J. C. L. Har ris and H. O., Burtoni were at the Supreme eourt room and read -the . decision and did sons. - :'":r- RiaJeighi Jr.- C- Dec 23. 'Later. Ttoe court issued an order directing 'that the she.rin' ; put Pearson and Caldwell in im mediate possession, but before thesheriff could serve this the Chief Justice issued a supersedeas, wnion tne marsnaj-ox tne court served on Caldwell and Pearson's attorney, W. H. -Day, but could mot find -Pearson and CaldwelL He is now looking for them." They propose, to take posses sion of the office tonight if possible. A BIG ENTERPRISE CHICAGO COMPANY'S LUMBER OPERATIONS IN MITCHELL. The Railroad. From Cranberry Nearly Completed Timber. Ready to hip. ' ; Capt W. G. Corpening of this city who has for the . past several months been en gaged : in the constructiop ;' ?of a narrow guage .railroad from- Omnberry to a point on Linville river in Mitchell county, ar rived yesterday. '-:. This road which is aboist tem.' miles in length, is nearing completion and is being built by a wealthy Chicago company for the purpose of utilizing for the markets the timber through which it posseses. .The company, says' OapU-Ckirpening in making a specialty of white . pine Jumber, which grows in abundance' in that locality and of which v his compatny bias over two hundred million feet ready to, be shipped as soon as the road - is completed. This pine -it is said, is pecularily ad&pbed, to the manufacture of heavy goods: boxes as well as ether purposes, and it is greatly im de mand. " . - - .- Besides white pinei the company is dealing largely in such ' oth'er timbeps as poplar, oak, ashe and many other' varie ties that are valuable for shipment. They own forests of thousnd of Jacres and are employing hundreds of hands and many teams - The company has just . 'completed at Pineola a Harge hotel with fifty rooms, and will, in a snort , time, begin the con struction of a sanatarium for Invalids on the noted Grandfather., mountain,:., open drives to the' famous Blowing : Rook: on the mountain and ' expend large sums of money' in other enterprises of a kevna-, tnre 4, - ' vr Capt. Corpening will return to his work immediately f ter the holidays -, :-y Malga Grapes 20c, Raisins" Sci and 12c, Currants 10c.-' Citron 18C., 'Dates : and Prunes - 7c, Mixed Nuts 12c, Bananas 10c and 16c, ' per dozen. S. H. Chedester, 22 Patton avenue.' ' ' fC ' TWO BANKS . CLOSE DOORS Tte End of a? Long Struggle in PhiladelpWa. Chestnut Street National In- volved for $3,000,000. 1 Pol. Sineerly's Unfortunate Invest- r ; ment in Paper Mills. The Record 'Newspaper a Sufferer by the Failure. Considerabfe State And City Fundon Deposit . in the Wrecked riank Efforts at Voluntary Liqiiidatipn No Other Banks Affected f 1: . ueipxmi' uec- 23. After months of struggle to avoid collapse the 'Chestnut street National Bank., closed 'this morning and; passed into the hands of the .National bank examiner. Simultaneously the Chestnut Street Trust Saving Fund com pany suspended payment "Col. William Singerly proprietor of the Philadelphia Record, is president of eac'h. The" bank was forced to close because of the decline in the value of tne sitocks-iand bonds of Singerly's paper company of Elk' ton, Md., which were accepted as security for money advanced by -the bank when the produet of the mills sold at ten cents a pound. . Now it may be bought for two cents. The 'trust company suspended payment because it was deeply involved with ;tihe. bank. Bank examiner Hardt had known the Rank's condition for some time, and Comptroller Eckels had been fully in-form-ed for several months. 'No statement of liabilities or assets, 'has been made yej but the bank -Owes in he neighborhood of $3,to,ooo::'.v , ' Arrangements were made on 'Wectoesday to raisflk $2,000,000, but lt-wastfmnd-th would not1 save Uiei bank and suspension followed Tne banking community had known f orseveraj- weeks of the -institution's condition, but the public was wholly unprepared for the announcement . of tfoe suspension posted upon the entrance to the bank building. Many depositors went to the building to-day to draw for holiday purchases'. They found the. enteTance closed and n atten dant behind it, who explained the situation A crowd collected and blocked Chestnut street. Four policemen kept the people moving. The police' had little difficulty in clearing the way, but 'throughout th dfcy groups of depositors stood before the build ing discussing the situation. , ; Tt became: khdwn early, in the" day -that no cither banks were affected, i.hd depos-., itors in otbr .ban'ks snowed Tiiitle incli nlation to withdraw !By noo'n ; the excite menit subs'ided,' and hankers stopped fear- ing; a panic. 'President Singerly said to-night that no sttaitem'en't could be made ' yt. "We are now at work trying to secure, the indebt edness of the bank," he said, "with a view of going into voluntary liquiicBa'tion.''' Cbl Singerly is an intimate - friend of ex-iPresident Oteveldnd. He is one of the largest capitalists in this city and was the last gubernatorial candddate. Intrying to save the banks Singerly tried to dispose of $2,000,000 of bonds of" the Record, news paper, but found it would be .unavailing. The newspaper is siaid to be seriously in volved in the failure, 'traction magnates havSng a heavy claim against it. 'As a re sult Tpgerly may lose control. of the most prosperous newspaper in Pennsylvania. Considerable state and city funds are de posited in the wrecked bank. A SUPPOSED MURDER. Newport News, Va., Dec 23. For sev eral days DanieJ MfcKean, a ''pjominent employee of the NewpoT't News ship build ing company' has been missing. This.- of ternoon his dead body -was discovered be tween two piles of stones in the yard of the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad- An ugly gash wias on the back of his head and it is believed he was murdered'. . " A. 0. C0WLES THE RECEIVER, Special to the Gazette. : Italeigh, ' Dec, 23. The Supremo court todaydecided 'that A. -iD. Coles, and not W; Waltmn, is 4 the 'legal receiver; of Piedmont- bank at .Morganton by - reason of : prior ity-of- appointment ' as temporary receiver." - r , . ' - x , HINISTER-T9 LIBERIA, v -.WashiAgixm, Jec ,23. The President to day decided itdKaoDOkut Owen L.J -W- -Smith 'tSsiLiiu iimiw-U:'- u ' sU'Cceed.,'VvilHamH." Heard." Smith 3s a icegro. lawyer aad djreacfier. 1- THE FALL RIVER SITUATION. Fall River, Mass. Dec. 23. The -Wage equation wffll noJt define itsa until next week, when the labor' unions will me-et and vote eitber to strike or tt'ccept the cut. The strong feeling in favor of a fight is ap parently not allayed in the least. There is ncJthmg on which to .base a prophecy of .he final ddand of the operatives. The union ists say the general -feeline is for a strike. but ifchere are , men looked tfcon as eood unionis'ts who declare ithey will vote 'to accept the cut until May, and 'then strike. inhere is a report that the leeMature wTll .be asked to define ithe length of the standard cut of cloth, that wasres nnav be based on such length. This has been a source of 'trouble in -the mills, and aa doubt will continue to be. The standard length has always been forty-five yards. Weaera say lihe cmts run from forty-six 1o fifty -four yards, and by this fact alone tney are-working under a cut-ddwn. The cut -down utl'tima'tum is havi'm? an effect on general business. Trade has fal- I len off .decidedly in the past few days. I LARGEST TABACCO FACTORY. Louisville, Ky., Dec. 23. The iAnnerimLTi Tobacco company has bought a lot on which to erect an addStion to 'their plug ladcory wtoih will make it the largest es- paDHisinment of its kind in the country. John iDorboefer, dlrec'tor of -the trust, to day siidthe new factory will be ready, next summer 'and will give employment tb a thousand hands. He siaid the tobacco man mf adjuring bn'siness is booming.' MINERS WAGES RAISED. iBarmingbom, Ala., Dec. 23. The Corona Coal and Coke company and Virginia and Alabama lOoal coimjpany, owners and oper at'ors of large coal mines in Walker coun ty, has posted a notice notifying their fif teen hundred miners that an advance of 10 cents a ton wall be allaved on January 1. ine companies have heen paying 60 cents a ton. A DECREE FROM BLANCO GIVES CONTROL OF COMING ELECTIONS TO WEYLER PARTISANS. A Great Political Sensation in Havana Autonomy" Exposed Insur gents Stops the Grinding of Sugar Havana, Dec. 23. A great political sen sation was caused to-day by a decree from Blanco giving control in ithe coaming electrons," tobe hld. according ltd the-hew autonomist decree to rabid partisans of Weyler. This remarkable fact is regarded as . proving that the., captain general is frightened by the energe"tic attitude of the IS,'. coaservatives who will not participate, in the elettions. The captain geateral ,be-; v Iieves that the "Conservatives may' raise 'Spanish rebellion in Havana. Hence to day's decree to placate 'them. The decree means, first, a ' "ctelonial chamber with Weyletri'tes in the majority, and a grea disappointmeat to the comSparatively few believers in autonomy. , Havana, Dec. 23. The insurgents ere enforcing the decree of Gomez which for bids the grinding of sugar. Cane fields on five estates, a few miles from Havana were burned yesterday by insurgents. Gen. Gomez, writes from Sancti Spirltus saying : "Gen. Pando has abandoned his campaign against me in this district in spite-of all Ms boasts that he was going - to pass throU'Sh this J territory and reach the Santiago de Cuba province by land, at tacking Generals Garcia and Rabi, after :he extermination Of all patriots here. In stead of that, when we had fought three hard engagements he left suddenly by sea for 'ManzaniTlo. and Gen. Segura did the same thing shortly afterwards." The case of Ool. 'Ruiz has frightened the ISpani'sih here, and for the moment all at tempts to send Spanish commissioners to insurgent lines with proposals to surrender have been given up. The cruel1 order of 'Blanco is now to be executed on the help less old man, Jose Robaju.faither of iJhe well known insurgent commander. Jose Lmis Ttobau, who made himself conspicuous du ring Weyier's Hatest campaign in Santa Clara province. The oild man is threatened with death if he refuses to go to Sagua, where his sonis operating and' deliver him a written invitation to surrender to the Spaniards. "Between being shot by us and hanged by your son, you may choose." This is the dilemma puib to old Ttobau by an adjutant of Bianco. ' (Terror prevails among the Cuban fami lks in Havana on account of the threaten ing atititud'e of the conservatives. It is feared the death of !Ruiz wi'U 'be avenged on Cuban residents of this city if ,-Blanco does not energetically restrain the . con servatives and volunteers. The r hatred of uncompromising Spaniards against !Lee is also i'ntreased, and El Pueblo, says it is a Shame to Spain that the (American consul was authorized to send commissioners to the insurgent camp asking for the pardon of a Spanish officer. OfmJY THE K'lCH can afford to use tihe cheap-poor Enameled Ware. Those who -have no money to waste and wish full value for money spent must buy Stransky-Steel Ware the wares that wears. Tea Kettles, "Tea and Coffee Pots, Sauce Pans everything. The genuine has label with our name on each pieoe. Im ported for and- sold in Shis city only by 'Boyce & Rich. Nothing wouM be nicer for a Christmas present for any lady who takes pride in keeping a nice kitchen. -'''-.TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY - .tjHsTake Laxative uromo umme .Tawets. aii cure. 25c- - me gentune nas l tt. m. on J each tablet. "..-' , BERING SEA ES Heavy Bill to be Paid by the United 'States. For the Seizure of Canadian Sealers, State Department Figuring on the Award Bill. Not to be Published Before its Sub mission to Congress. The Amount of Damages Claimed by England is About $460,000 This is More than Eng land Offered to Accept and We Refused to Pay Washington, Dec. 23. The United States will have (to pay a pretty penny for the . seizure of the Canadian sealing vessels in ' the Bearing sea prior to the Paris award. A copy of the decree of the claims com- missioneirs, received at the State Depart ment shows damages awarded to the Canadian sealers of considerbly more than $425,00, which England was prepared to accept in satisfaction of. all claims, but which congress declined. to appropriate. In addition to. the award of the" "claints- commission the United States must pay counsel fees and other expenses. . The offi cial statement was made this afternoon, after Gen. Foster had spent most of the day figuring out the amount of the award, with the assistance of Assistant Secretary . Cridler, does not clearly indicate how much the Canadians will get altogether. This statement "conveys the Jmpressioia that the award will be about $440,000, but It is learned on good authority' fthait the full amount is a few thousand Jess r more than $460,000. . . The staemi,.tr inv Ottawa yeserdry5 that theaiward aggregaited'T$4641wj i probably coiTect.' A copy of the' award cannot be ohkwdrV-6 depaijtmenit announciing it will not be publW'ed tuitflf teeeAtC congress. ' ' "' . :'" '-X ' The explanation of the faflure to fur nish 'the exact total tdit achlaim is entitled to interest for a certaftt' period, and there has not: been time- -to figure out , accurately how much this Interest will amount to. The rate of interest allowed is seven percent, dating back in some in stances as far .as 1886. A GIFT TO CHARITY. To be Made by Frank; O'Donuell in -the New Year. " The usual Christmas remembraflce of Mcjuors, and -cigars which Prank ODonnell has; heretofore presented to his friends will not be given this year, tout instead as iib eratt gifts in cash will be made to 'the char itable organizations of the-city the nrafc of the. year. Mr. O'Donnell's friends and patrons will appreciate his action and that they will tbe happy:, to know that, his ZV?" : erosity will be enjoyed by others this year. TO VACCINATE THE POOR. The Buncombe County (Medical board met yesterday and passed' resolutions request-, ing the city .board of health to get suf ficient vaccine, Virus with which to vac cinate -the city's poor. We wish to take, this opportunity ' id thanking the public for their many kind ex pressions and also for making our oopjiIm such a brilliant success. We wi ogize for not having our stock in better shape, but the extra, unexpected rush jus: at this time, both In town and from cata logue orders, made it impossible for us f be better prepared. . We have endeavored this year to put. OS the market our usual high grade df goods, at prices mucn lower than ,ar,'&. fore, and we can safely say that w xm now selling goods as"tpw if not lower tha ' " ''",' ""' ''"'"''' i '.," . any other Jewelry house in the ; coundrx who handle a high class of gotodi - ' r " " ARTHUR M. FIELD, Leading Jeweler, Cor. Church St and ton avenue, Asherille, N. C. MM . -