Western Carolina News ne . reopie t v Believe : ' WEAVERVILLE. J ! ". ''a i -.' WoaverviUe. Dec. 231-:-Tiie public road ; ; uom "here to Ashetville Is In the worst con- - Edition that has been, knowm for years. ' . - ,T 'At' some points it is almost impassable. ' " ,'Ncar Mr. Zeb Baird's place, two miles difficult" for ' '.r "- . '-'r-V-Vi-. "' V- .from. here ; it is exceedingly 'V;;i a" vehicle to get along. It lias been, sard by those who are posted on the subject i t roads that . t he county could have maca- . dami'zed her roads "f or, about twenty per . ccint more cost thaa : the late improve- incuts footed up. :t',. On Sunday last divine services were tiM on LittOe Flat ait the- residence 01 Mr. T. M. Dula, Rev. Mr. Stacy delivering "a. tii'rmon of Kreat force and appropriate- mess. The closing: of 'the public scboor . ,hiisft iiar bv. under am order of the school ''committee of the township, has oc casioned this change in the place of wor ship for 'the Methodist people of that com munity. The Presbyterian scnooi is taught in the public school house, but n-rfisipihine' is not allowed there. At this school there is being distributed a large lot of second hand clothing, to those who will wear them. . 1 he-re have been a number of cases in the courts of the Justices of the Peace lucre reoeratlv. A demand now and then ia made for a jury in these courts, but the county commissioners have refused to grant a jury list for this township. This "is a seiious drawback -to. tine operations of this court and the good citizens here- .:albouts are complaining at the honorable county commissioners in this behalf. Mr. Emery Rheim of this - place was elected by the faculty of Weanrerville .Col lege recently as a tutor and not fleeted a professor as stated lately m th!is corre- spondenjce. - A lot of valuable land belonging to the estate of the late Joseph Brank and locat ed .on Reeans creek is to be sold at the court house on. Monday the 27th inst The toct that it is JBne ttloacco land and much of it well timbered' Ihas awakened inter- est in the matter. far exceeded their r expectations and the outlook . or this ' new institution is most encouraging. . ' . The officers are : Clement Geitner. president; H; . W. Connelly, ; vice-president A. Ml Ingold, cashier. v Directors Clem eat Geitner H. W,. Connelly, A. A. Shu ford, J.f D. Elliott, S. R. Collett ' . . . The (business the new bank has trans acted up to date is an indication that notwithstanding the recent : disastrous financial experience of our citizens, they still possess confidence in. fiduciary in stitutions, and realize the advantage and convenience of a sound and. reliable bank as an adjunct to proper business methods Morgan ton Herald. . ' . f What Thejr Read About Hood's JUPITER. Jopiter, Dec. 23. The public school here taught by Rev. Mr. Boyd ct Weavervllle has" suspended for the iholidays. The at tendance is large, the school ris admirably mamaged and is the pride of the neighbor hood. The principal and Jhis .assistant are exceedingly popular and efficient and the utmost, harmony and, satisfactionriprevai among the patrons of this model school. Dr. I. A. Harris (the county physician wihose family 'reside near here, reports the condition of tne .convicts and others under his medical supervision as unusually good for this time of tbeyear. BREVARD NOTES. Brevard, N. C, Dec. 23. Dr. wj. Wal lis has been unable to withstand the largi inducements offered him in his. old home in Virginia, and Is now preparing to re turn to that place. He has ibeen taken in to the homes and hearts of a large clien tage here and his departure will be greatly deplored. W. L. Hume returned yesterday from Charleston, 'S. C, where he "took in" Gula Week. . ' The 'Epworth school 'and the Methodist Sunday school together are preparing an extensive entertainment and treat for their scholars on Christmas eve. . i'..v: -'--':.-y FLAT CREEK. Flat Creek, Dec. 23. In Brittain Cove, . beautiful little settlement nesting under "the shadow of 'the Hamburg moumrtain and ' distant two and a half miles from here, - there is not the same sererae. tranquility - that blessed it in other years. The neigh- borhood is disrupted on the pulblic school ''question. Some of the land owners have moved away, seeking to set up their house . !ihtd emodik in. more ueacef ul vales. A goodly nuinnber of the old citizens have or- gjjtoized a private school- and , now the f fight is on in earnest. The efficent coun- tv sumervisor of education did not have all the facts when lately the community was reported harmonious on .the subject. ,. ' Hence this is news. Your correspondent s is informed that this division and discord tave ibeen caused by the opetnafcion of the new republican school laws amd the peou- . Kar methods which characterize the work '.'"of the "missionary denortment of the "Yankee Doodle" Presbyterian church. The new law places the conitrol of the school house in the hands of the township sehtml committee, mhait body allows the y Y. D. Presbyterian school to be taught in the house 'and it draws the ptfblic funds, hut the doors on Sunday are closed against . ' a Sunday school made up of members" of other churches thaa the Y. D. PresbyteT" It was in reiference to this community . that a Y. D. Presbyterian paper some time - ago . made the statement that' here the men . ploughed their wives ineted of- oxen in the cultivation of -the soil; , hut it is un necessary to state that there was no foun daition for such publication, and the pre sumption is. that it was inserted in that i -pious sheet for the 'purpose of showing the Igreat need of Northern conitrtbuitions ' for helping to civilize such people.' Judging-from the amount of discord, disturbance and schism that this Yankee Doodle Presbyteriam church is formenting in this section of the county, the- conclu sion is beginning to be found and express ed -that it would be infiniitely better for this denomination, to confine its labors to its own side of Mason and Dixon's line, where 'the field for usefulness . is equally large and the need of (better morals and more growth in spiritual life are' as no ticeable as they are here. They have the right to come here however, and if they wish to continue stirring up devilement it is a free country, but it is a straimge busi ness for a church to be in at .least such is the opinion of the old citizens here. ; INTERESTING RAILROAD SUIT. The Supreme Court's decision id the case of Mrs. James, admx., vs. W. N. C. R. R., is one of more than ordinary inter est, for not only has Mrs. James friends here,, but 'B. F. Long, esq., of Statesville, was the leading counsel in the case writes a Statesville correspondent to the Char lotte Ofbserver. ' ". Aside from the recovery of a judgment fOr "$15,000 in the suit of Mrs. Clemeye James, administratrix, against the Wes tern North Carolina raSlroad, it seems .that the case involves "the validity of th Southern's purchase of the road, and other important questions of general interest. The most important questions intvolved In ' the suit are: : v'Flrst Whether or not : the Western i Carolina Railroad company still exists, cnotwiths'tahding the - attempted purchase ' of the Southern made in 1894, and, , Second Whether the Southern, a for eign railroad corporation, can purcnase " "f-'i ' ,'the franchises and property of ..this do-'!if-& aoes'tic corporation and own, control and V," operUite.it, wildiout first obtainihg the con- ; S senf of our Legislature to do so and itself ' " '"" 'X : -become a domestic corporation. .These y ' . questions -were not first raised in the -t . . James ease, which was recently argued ; :v" and decided. These questions were raised i '4.-v;in, a' suit brinight to Iredell on the 8th of -October, 1896,' about - five months before . . . - '. , the James suit "was" brought, and about y five weeks before the death of James, in i the case of -Fox- administnator of Pugh, against the Western North Carolina Rail . road-company and the Southern Railway company; which suit still pends, and has i-j not been , decided. This action of Fox, ad v nrlnistraitor, . vs.. , W. , N. C. R. R. Co., brought for. the first time in 'North Caro- llna ' to test the questions , above ref erred ; . to, , was brought by B. F. Long, of States ; ',. vilfle, Lee; Overman,- of Salisbury, be- Ing'associated ! with him. When, later . in March, 1897 Mrs. Jame3 employed lessrs." Overman and Long to bring her 'v suit, ."and : afterwards associated Judge ; Avery in ; the case, it was decided, after conpjfiltiaitloi)) to bring;the suit5 against the Vv'es'eTn only, in -the James case, and not , join the Southern, as had ibeen done In .,r the Fox cisise. As will . be seen, , this was quite an' important case and the winning of , If quite a victory; for,- Mr.Long and the lawyers; associated jfwith hkm. j - . MOUNTAINS COVERED WITH SNOW. " ' S" Marion, Dec. 23. Mitchell and Vance mountains are covered with snow. There, was another runaway marriage at Marion yesterday evening, the contracting parties being Mr. Robert Harbin, of Statesville, and Mi3 Gertrude Elliott, of Marion.' The ceremony was performed by Rev. K. D. Sherredl. The bride is among the most accomplished young- ladies of Marion. Mr.- Harbin is one of Marion's business young men and i3 very popular. SEVERAL TOWNS. The Watauga Democrat says: We learn that the railroad election has been post poned by the Board of County Commis sioners untw some time in tne spring (not imformed as to date) owing to the fact that the people are anxious for th& Toad to 'be located before the tax is voted. White flint rock is being shipped by the car load from Lincoln county to a glass factory in New Jersey. It is said the farmers get good price for the rock and are glad to get their land cleared of it The Elkin Journal says there have been more than 30 murders in v surry county since the war and not one legal execution. There has been one lynching. . . - NOJUH STATE NUGGETS. BURKE COUNTY BANK. s :. . The Burke County Bank opened Monday Jor ' business da ? the Tuilding recently t cupico oy . me -ineamont oaniK.v a ne o cials . report - that deposes have . Z already The city census of Wilson, Just complet ed, shows a population of over 5,000. The expenditures of Wayne county for the year ending November 1, 1897, were $14,907.09. , The Daily Afternoon Review is" again being published in Wilmington, . under the control of Mr. Josh T. James. The Register of Deeds of Bladen county has ibeen sued for the $200 penalty,' for issuing a marriage license to, a girl under 17 years. The old charter for the FayetteviMe & Aberdeen railroad has been renewed, and other preliminary steps taken by the incorporators toward (building the road. v The, three big locomotives just complet ed for the Southern railway are -said to be the largest' everbuilt. They are capa ble of drawing 500 tons up an- 84-foot grade at the rate of 50 miles per hour. On the second Tuesday in January the. Grand Lodge of Masons will hold its an nual convention at the Oxford Orphan Asylum for the special purpose of allowing the brethren to see the admirable way in which that noble charity is. conducted. . It is estimated that there are now 2,000, 000 acres of waste land in the Southern counties, which if in timber would yield abundant returns at the rate of about $500,000 a year. The loss is due to lack of care in growing pine trees on these lands. ' Their Fajih in This Medicine is r . t2 rounded on Merit : They 'Know It Absolutely Cures When Other Medicines Fall flood's Sarsaparttla is not merely a sim ple preparation of Sarsaparilla, Dock' Stillingia and a little Iodide of Potassium! Besides these ' excellent " alteratives', it also contains those great anti-bilious and liver remedies, Mandrake and Dandelion. It also contains those, great kidney reme dies, JJva CJrai, Juniper Berries, ,and Pipsissewar . ; ' ' " Nor are theso all. Other very valuable curative agents are harmoniously com bined in food's Sarsaparilla, and it ia carefully prepared under the personal supervision of a regularly educated phar macist '" .. . ". knowing these facts,4s the abiding faith the people have in Hood's Sarsaparilla a matter of surprise?-You can see why Hood's Sarsaparilla cures, when other medicines totally, absolutely fail. " My , little girl was afflicted with" eczema ana suHerea lor seven years.. She was attended by physicians and ' tried many different kinds cf medicine with out relief. After taking a few bottlea of Hood's Sarsaparilla she was cured." Msa. Kmtvta Fbaicklin, Honeoye, New York. 9 nrea. - i fiJI- :u nooas pari! Is the Best in fact the One True Blood Pari tier. .ii sinur o. j. i. itooa oi Co.. l.oweli, Mass. Hood's Pills 1-e CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY RATES. On account "of Christmas holidays, the Southern railway will sel lround trip tick ets to polnlts south of the Potomac and Ohio rivers and east of Mississippi river at a 'rate of four cents per mile one way for the round trip. Tickets sold December 22 -to 25 and December 30 'to January L, inclusive, final iim'it a J'nuary 4. Tickets for students will also be sold De cember 10 to 21 in addition to above dates on presentation of certificates from some, officer of their school. The quick schedules, elegant train ser vice and comfort derived therefrom makes a Qaridtanas outing over the Southern a pleasure. There is no medicine in the world equal to Chamberlain's Coueh Uattiv for tKa cure of throat and hW diseases. This is fact that has been proven in numberless cases. Here is a sample of thousands ot letters received: "I have tried Chamber lain's Cough Remedy while suffering from severe throat trouble, and found imme diate and effective relief. I can unhesitat- ngly recommend it." Edgar W. Whltte- more, editor Grad Rivers (Ky.) Herald. For sale at W. C. Cannichael's drug store A GOOD CUP OF TEA. ; A good cup of tea 4 Is acknowledged to be ' A great restorer- in sadness. It enlivens the frame, J : , And quSckens life's flame, And diffueses a spirit of gladness. Served hot every day at the Woman's Exchange. XA Merry Xtpas The Holiday Spirit : -f .- i Has Itaken X5ossession of our store. Every thing h'as on an air of gaiety. Our prices are the airyeiat of all They arelight enough . to . float Aid Kris Kringie intoj. any (home.. We iresent . beautifull assortmenit of ; -Men's Furnishings ; for inspection. All ol -. ; ; them are sui'taole -tor gifts; some partlcu- -;; larly so, swdh as Ties, Handkerchiefs, Susr j j ..pendeftsV .'Gloves,:-. Umbreilias;, kibe. : YOi i ough.t to see our holiday neckwear, special- -Iy before buying. The prices on these will be found as attriaotive as the goods." La . dies will find this a good place to buy. OVERCOATS, Cut 'Em Dawn. - Whats nicer than an overcoat in winter - time? .The overcoat season has come -in earnest, and in order to give our friends and patrons, a chance to. get an ulster or. bvercoait foT Xmtas we offer a big cut this week. . One lot very heavy Chinchilla Ulsters, oult from $15.00 to $12.50. ,One lot heavy Irish Frieze I brown with large velvet collars, cut from $15.00 to $12.50- One lot half-box Overcoats, Mack and dark grey, out from $9.00 to $6.50. One lot Regular Overcoalts, . blue - and black, ciut from $10.00 to $7.00. 'Big line of Youth's and .Young Men's Overcoaits .and Ulsters, in -blacks, blues, gray and browns, ranging in price from $3.00 to $10.00. - ' AM"' going this week. at TWENTY PER CENT. OFF. ... Will continue to cut Boy's Overcoaibs and Ulsters per dast week's schedule. Only a few left. " Shirts to Give A way For half their real worth. We offer our entire tine of cosmopolitan Shirts, in neg ligee, both with and without collars, also both with attached and detached cuffs, fancy ' bosonns, both plain and plaited, in f-aot.any. way you want them, at following prices: J. Aill $2.50 and 2.00 grades for $1.10. ' i .AM $L50 and $1.25 grades for 90c. Al $1.00 grades for 65c, or two for IL25, Something Nice You can't find a better or larger assort ment thian tihis line. For Xmas, dont you think your husband, father, brother, son or best fellow would be deilighted to receive one of our Batlh Robes, Dressing Gofwns, Smoking- jackets or fan cy Vests? Certainly they would. You couildn't please them better, and then they are useful as well 'as ornamental. NOTICE At a meeting of the 'board of aldermen an order wats passed -to notify water consTimers having "pipe hydrants" on their premises to renlace them with non-freezable hydrants by the 1st of Jan uary, 1898. AJ1 concerned will please take notice and awt accordingly. M. . E. Rob erts, superintendent. 270-10 Caicareta stimulate the liver, kidneys and' bowels. Never sicken, weaken ox sripe, 10c, at Pelham's Pharmacy. I write this to let you know what I would not do: I would not do without Chamberlain's Pain Balm In my house, if cost $5.00 per bottle It does all you recommend It to do and more. J. R. Wal- ace, Wallaceville, Ga. Chamberlain's ALEXANDER Drhumor Block. & COURTNEY, Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Furnishings. 50 Patton Avenue. Pain 'Balm is the best household liniment in the world, and invaluable for rheuma tism, lame back, sprains and bruises. Be ready for emergencies by buying a bottle at W. C. Cannichael's drug store. Mrs. iMcKinley in a new portrait, seated in a luxurious chair in the White House conservatory, makes a striking cover to the January Ladies' Home, Journal. It is also appropriate, as John Phillip Sousa's new composition, "The Lady of the White House," which the wife of the President .permitted, "The March King" ;to dedicate , to her, is given publicity for she sees it for the first time, and with the French, who inspire her to write with a fascinating sweep . and dash.' Five of our most famous clergymen Cardinal Gib bons, Mr. Moody, the1 evamgielist, "Ian Maclaren," Dr.. Rainsford and Robert Collyer tell tersely and to the point what a religious life means to a young man, and how it affects his daily life and amusements. There are four short stories and 1 Hamlin Garland's romance of "The Doctor" the story of a man born to be "a friend of all women and a lover of none." The successful feature, "The Inner Ex the first time in thisf number. Of course " periences of a Cabinet Member's Wife," the composition will be tremendously pop- is carried on, and discloses some astonish ular. Clara Morris, the great actress, ap- ing phases of the highest social and. offi pears, for the "first' 'time, 'as a story-writer cial life in Washington as this wife of a in a true tale taken out of her career, which she calls "John Hiokey: Coach man'. Much Meat?" and seems to prove that we Lilian - Bell'sv keen deals with Paris as do. An excellent "City Brick House for $1800" is given with plans and drawings comfortable as any one might wish. Four pages are given- to home parties and frolics, presenting every phase of home entertaining, fancy-dress parties for chil dren, etc. Tihe entire number has the glow of midwinter entertainment in it. -By The Curtis Publishing Company. One dollar per year; ten .cents per copy. 'Cabinet member saw 'them. Mrs. Rorer answers the question, "Do We Eat Too A Tennessee lady, Mrs.-J. Wl Towle, of Philadelphia, Tenn., has been using Cham berlain's Cough Remedy for her baby, who is subject to croup, and says of it:. "I find it just as good. as you claim it to be. Since I've had : your Cough Remedy, baby has been threatened with croup ever so many times, but I . -would give, him a dose of the Remedy and it prevented his having it ev ery time." Hundreds of mothers say the same." Sold by W. C. Carmichael, drug gist. ;.. ... . ' . highest endorsement given NEVER AGAIN. Some fedlowas. said that "laughter is the sunlight . of the soul," and in saying that iias. undoubtedly voiced! to ptoeftic style 'tihe feelings of the' majority of man kind : for there is no doubt tlhatt here are at least mine-tenths of 'tihe human race w3io would prefer to laugh than to be serious over any object. This - feeling is iHlus trated anore in the -ciass of inlays which be come notable successes than, in any otiher phase ' of amusements. In . these trouiblous times life 'seeim too short to see seraous plays and to work -out their, problems, -tihus tihe play which will cause a might of con tinuous laughter and pass one's time away as if iby magic is always the one the masses are 'looking for. ' This brings us to. the yery : latest exposition, of bright, rattling, rollicking fun. , "Never Again." which -has been convulsing New York and Chicago wiiih a continuous -laugh lasting more ifchan S00 performances, and wihlch will .be pre sentt'ed at the -Grand opera (house Monday n-ight next. ' ' HOW TO LOOK GOOD. Good looks - are Teally more : than skin deep, depending entirely on a healthy con dition of all the vital ;organs. , If the liver be inactive, you have a bilious look; if your stomach .be disordered, you have a dyspeptic look; if your kidneys be affected, you have a pinched look. Secure 1 good health and you will s; surely -have good looks. "Electric Bitters" is a good, atter atlve and tonic. Acts directly on the atom ach, liver and kidneys. Purifies the blood, cures , pimples, blotches, and - boils.; - and gives a good complexion, Every ' bottJle guaranteed. Sold , at T. C. Smith's "drug store,: and Pelham's ; Pharmacy. 60. centa per oouie. - r : , ' , . o The Ladies: Auxiliary of . the Y. M CA' vrill serve a luncheon at the Woman's Ex hange. Church street, on - Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week from 12 vo 4 p. -m.' All the delicacies of the season will be served and the-people are promised an elegant 'luncheon at a small price. HSs:?'saa;S;; l universally accepted by conserva- 1 tive, discriminating, home-keepers, ft They know the great importance 1 of wholesome food.; they realize 1 the risk of the packing house lard. Refuse worthless imitations of The genuine is sold everywhere in tins; of; one,- thfee and five pounds, with trade marks-" Cottoiehe". and steer s headjn cotton-plant fwreath6 every tin. Made only :. toy THE NK-.TAIRBANErCOMPANY, 2 - SU IxiiiV Cliicagro, New -Orleans Baltimore, . v . t , - . - i - , - ,v i '

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