mm 41 RATTOtl Pric 6. " '..-- 'V'""' ; V:4-V- ' - -J Doe Tell The People., Encw the Price! In such times as Ihese, people canriot afford to pay large profits for wearing apparel. The best goods for the least money is in great demand. We jhave placed our entire stocK of Metfs, Boys' and Children 1 on the mancet at PRIME COST be cause we shall not ready made clothing NOP is Your to buy reliable clothing at cost. Our stocK is desirable and worth more at wholesale than we, asK for them at retail. Whitlock Clothing House, 41 Patton Avenue. The Smith Pre tnier Tpyewriteris endorsed by the U. S. government. What more do you want, the earth? If y oa know anything at all about it, you know it's the best. L. B. ALEXANDER, Agt, 50 Patton Ave- " Ball & She 6 Patton Aye V Practical Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitter. REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY Done on Short Notice. PMON E 88. . v.- We' re A h flf The goods for ppard ornamental. Perhaps we marked them too low. . -Whatever the Vause may be, we find it keeps 15 - ' to" 20 sales-people hustling to supply: the de :. ; mand, although the times be hard. Probably the fact that the times, are hard, induced ; us fo lay in just-such things for Christmas-as appeal to those . - of us who do not feel specially rich. , H. REDWOlOp & CO. Clothing,' Dry Gbods Fancy Goods, Shoes and Hats. 7 In OUSOjj t - AVENUE. s continue the sale of after this Season Best Chance a;$i Raisin Sjee'der lor 50c POSTPAID. We are tired bf sell ing to dealers and waiting 90 days for our money, so we will sell to house keepers at jobbers' prices. Send 50 CEJJTS and w will mai1 you postpaid one of our best. Bay State Raisin Seeders guaranteed to seed one pound of raisins in five minutes. Simple to operate and easy to clean. EASTON SPECIALTY MFG CO r 6i,Federal Street, Boston.. fcfc TRUTH' AN monthly magazine devoted to setting forh the true position and . teaehines of the Catholic church. Offered, to non-Catholics at the nominal price of. 10 cents per annum. Address REV. THOS. F. PRICE, Raleigh; N. C. N " ' R. S. SMITH, Paragon Bldg. . 'Phone 283. A e m Clothing Christmas Gifts, both useful and Work Executed on Premises. " Monumental Marble, Granite and ;: T; -Stone? Works.-;; V , 103 -Patton AveV; rV. AsheyiUeNc. ' C A wika TTTREAU I-ObViX TRADESMEN. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL Her. Harold Turner -was here yesterday! irom .not springs. Caney Brown left yesterday tor Newport, Tenn., for a few days' visit. J. A. Wynne, who came from Davidson College to spend ithe holidays' leaves to- day. Mr.f ndMr J. T. .Foister and three children, of , AsheviHe, spent several days in Moreanton last -week, guests of Mrs. Grady, (Mrs. bolster's mother. . ..Misa Anna Folsom, of AsheyllJe, spent Thursday night with her college friend, iMiss 'Alice Collett, la Morgan-ton. -Morgan ton (Herald. Lyman Deaiwf AshevUley, came i over Saturday to spend two or tore weeks, with his father's family.. ..Jtxle RoWnsdh, of Collector Harkdns office, came over from Aeheville 'Friday to enjoy Christmas at home. Franklin Press. Mrs. Taylor, of Winchester, Ky., and Miss Smith, are at Mrs. Henderson's, Gfoye street." Rufo Fitzpatriek expects to return, to Davidon College to-day. 7 Mrs. S. T. iMorton, of Winchester, Ky. is visitinsr her son. Prof. Morton, at ths Asheville Coi'lege. .vMlsees Rose and May Blaylock, from the state of Washlng-tov, are vasiting theMisaes Weaver, on Chestnut street. Miss Emma Kaite Crudger and (Miss Edna Gage "have returned -from a visit to Hick ory. "A .. ( P. A.' Cordon and M. Silver, of States-1 ville, are among the visitors in the city. HOTEL ARRIVALS. SWANiNANOA HOTEL. L. S. Gaiham, Houston, Tex.; J. Jwdah, LouisTille; Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Brittain, Murphy, N. C. 1 HOTEL BERiKEfLEY. Three members of 'Carmen oompany; 'A. T. Cooper, Bre vard; "W. T. Sharp, Canton,. N. C; J. P. Ri':kiraii, Hendersonville; J. H. Taylor, Grand Rapids. . s FISH A3 FOOD. Easy of Digestion land a Wholesome Arti- cle of Diet. It has been frequently stated that fish diet, by virtue of the phosphorus which it contains, is pre-eminently adapted to nour ish the brain, and that those who subsist on it largely are distinguished fgr their Drigntness ana intellectuality, it is per fectly true that a small percentage of phos phorus enters into the composition of the healthy brain, and while it is also true that fish contains more or less phosphorus that may and probably does pass into the circulation it is yet to be proved either by theory or by experience that a diet of fish is on the whole better adapted to supply the waste of the brain than a liberal vari ety of other alimentary substances and especially of meats. Fish is easy of diges tion and creates little vascular excitement and consequently forms a light and whole some article of diet. Salt water fish are the best of any, as their flesh is niorei solid, more agreeable and healthy, less exposed to putrescence and L3ss viscid. They pos sess these excellent qualities when fresh. When salted, they.bave all the properties of salt fish and consequently its disadvan tages. Those fish Which have scales are in gen- feral the most easily digested and tho best, and of all these fish the fresh herring ap pears to deserve the preference. The her ring, codfish, turbot and flounder are per- 1 j 1 m j J i 1 1 n r naps me, most aigesiitue ana uesc 01 usn. Salmon and mackerel, lobster and most other kinds of shellfish are more difficult of digestion. The mode of cooking fish is of considerable importance. Frying them in oil or lard isan objectionable process. In general the process of boiling is best adapted to render them wholesome. Stewed fish should be avoided by the dyspeptic Acid sauces and pickles render fish more wholesome for the stomach, while buttei has a tendency to prevent digestion, whila spice and "salt used in moderate quantities facilitate the digest! ve'process. One of the best eauoes that can be used with fish is lemon juice. New York Ledger. , Th Perils of Fosters. An eminent scientist has. been, telling the sanitary congress that sensational the atrical posters are highly detrimental to the moral health of the community. It seems that they induce imitative actions. The argument appears to be that a man sees on the wall a pictorial representation of a murder scene in a thrilling melodrama and rushes home to cut his wife's throat or throw her out of the window. On the same principle, I suppose, when he sees a picture of an ox in a, teacup, he will hasten to the nearest. public house and .endeavor to discover a man in a quart pot.' We shall be told next that the pictures of fat babies Which advertise various infants' foods 'are responsible for the., alarming increase of the. population, and I know not what be sides. It may be so, but I would suggest a little" healthy skepticism until some definite evidence is forthcoming bf this new danger. It is not so very long since some enthusiasts on the county council got up a crusader against street posters on moral grounds, and the result was hardly encouraging. In spite of moralists and 'aesthetes there is probably more good than evil on the street boardings. London Truth- Editors and Gentlemen. . A Georgia paper somewhat infelicitously remarked of the late General Avery of At lanta that, although he was a great jour-, nalist, he was an ideal gentleman. This suggests to the Montgomery Advertiser :tbe old story of the editor and the barber on ! a steamboat. ' When the editor off ered to pay for his shave, the barber drew him self up and. remarked, "W don't never charge editors nothin. sah. " r "But you can't carry -on your business unless you charge for it, ' ' persisted the editor. Dat'a all right sah," replied the darky. "We makes it up off 'n gentlemen. "-New York Tribune. . ' ' :Find a way or make "one. '-'-Everything is e&ther pusher or pushed. The world al ways listens to a mart with a will in him.' -Marden. , 'MdDTTIKDJE. L The National Bank, of Asheville, located at Asheville n the . State of Noi;th" Carolina, is closing; up its affairs'.", All noteholder's and others, creditors of said fAssocia--. tion, . are therefore hereby, notified to present the notes and other claim' against the Association for payment.-; - , ; ; . S B; WILLIAMSON, Trustee. 30 Sticks - of Tolti Pepsin Chewing Gum for 5 cents at 5 30 Patton Avenue, A8heYille, N. C. incentive to Early Riling. v A good story is told of the Rev. W. L. Watkinson at Plymouth. Some time ago he. was staying with a good lady who was yearning for the good old times and mourning the degeneracy of modern "YVes leyan ministers. On being 4ske? for the grounds of her jeremiads she said that Wesley an ministers of the earlier part of this century rose early in the morning, and that dear Mr. Wesley was in his study at 4 o'clock in the morning. "It is not to .be wondered at," was Mr. "Watkinson'fl dry reply- "Were Mrs. Watkinson any" thing like Mrs. Wesley I should be up at 2 o'clock. ' ' Westminster Gazette. A CLEVER, TRICK. It certainly looks like it, but there is reaMy, no trick about it. Anybody can try it who has Lame Back and Weak Kidneys, Malaria- or nervous troubles. We mean he can cure himself right avrtay by taking Electric BSbtere. This medicine tones up the whole system., acts as a etimulaet to the Liver and Kidneys, is a blood purifier and. nerve tonic It . cures Constipation. Headtache, Fainting. Spells, Sleeplessness an 'Melancholy. It is purely vegetable, a miad laxative, and restores the system to its natural vigor. Try Electric . Bitters and be convinced . that . they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c a bottle at T. & Smith's Drug Store and Pe'lham's Pharmacy. . Where Moral Suasion. Is a Failure. J. Why don't you try moral suasion with these refractory boys?"inquired the good lady who was inspecting the state reform atory. v "Madam," replied the warden; "that would be about as efficacious as hurrying the pace of a canal mule by pushing on the towrope. "Cleveland Plain Dealer. There is no medicine in the world equal to . Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for the cure of throat and lung diseases. This is a fact that has been proven in numberless cases. Here is a sample of thousands ot letters received: "I have tried Chamber' Iain's Cough Remedy while suffering from a severe throat trouble, and found imme diate and effective relief. I can unhesitat ingly recommend it." Edgar W. Whitte more, editor Grad Rivers (Ky.) Herald. For sale at W. C. Carmichael's drug store. DeFoe, when imprisoned in Newgate for a political pamphlet, began his Review, a periodical paper, which was extended to nine thick volumes in quarto, and it has been supnosed served as the model of the celebrated papers of Steele. There he aleo composed his "Jure Divino." Sweet, Florida oranges at The Alcazar, S Patton avenue. Have you a house to rent? Try the peo. pie's" column. Do ples you want a situation? coiumn. Try the Peo BULLETIN -OF- Walter S. CuslmaD, Real Estate Broker. 17 Paragon Duuuing, Corner Pattoi Avenue and Haywood St., Opposite Postofflce. No. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO RENTING OF CITY PROPERTY, TUB COLLECTION OF RENTS AND TH1 GARB OF ESTATES. WE DONT SPECULATE. Changes occur in this Bulletin every fen days. FOR, RENT. IHALF or ALL of aiFURlNISHED HOUSE on Chestnut street. 10 rooms, modern con veniences. ' ' ANOTHER 'FURNISHED -HOUSE ON Chestnutvstreet. ebod location, rent mod erate. ARfTTALLY FURNISHED HOUSE of 2 i,ins oa orange sirwu , TWO LARGE ELEGANTLY FURjN- XSH'ED (HOUSES on Haywood street. ONE NICELY (FURNISHED HOUSE in the best part of Bailey street on car line, 8 rooms. A FURNISHED JHOUSE of 11 rooms on : S'tams avenue, inesar car line. AlN UNiFURJOTSHED HOUSE on, Mont- ford avenue near Haywood street, 7 rooms, very desirable; rent moderate. FOR SALE. . A iN'EfW iHOUSE of 9 room, well built and convenient. For sale at a .bargain. TWO OF THE EST building lots on Haywood street. JFTNE COUNTRY ESTATES for sale -or to rent. , 'N L SOiME OF HUE tBES iFARMS in West ern .North Carolina- for sale. Isiit Edge -Cltyl4i;::;r.'.'-' . t -Call for "Glimpses of a Land of Beau ty," illustrated pamphlet free.' WALTER S. CU3HMAN, y ,'-- ATTORNEY AT .LAW. . ''4 Ooinnii8i0iier -of Deeds -- i-.for-NewYork - '- Li- ' -' ITOTABT PUBLIC -NO. 17-Pkrogon Btuldmf. and IDc Store ;.VL pimnimimHmmmmmnifnnnjinHiiinmmmmmmn Appreciates a present be cause you giye-it. Something useful' is a token of your good judgment as well as affection. You can buy many things that are useful and pleas ure giving, at the closing out sale 39 North Main Street. We mention a few items as follows; Silk Umbrellas, Gloves Men's Scarfs, Suspenders, Sweaters, Shirts, Flannel Underwear, Hosiery, Hats, Caps, Shoes etc. A good line of Handkerchiefs at ic to 25c, in Muslin and Linen and some very pretty Silk Handkerchiefs at30C to $1. Table Linen, Nap kins and Counterpanes. Men's, Youth's and Boys' Overcoats and Suits. tYou will find bargains in every article you buy at J T. S. MORRISON & Co., H 39 NORTH MAIN STREET. 3 ftmuiiiiuiuiiiiiiiimuauuiiiuiiniuuuuiiiuuiiiiuiiiuiiin "THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD OR OUR SAYIOUR'IN ART" Cost over $100,000 to publish. Contains nearly 200 full-page engravings of our Saviour, by the great masters. Every pic ture is reproduced from some famous painting. Agents are taking from three to twenty orders a day. The ibook is so beau tiful that when people see it they waimt it. The Hermitage, Prtado, Uffizi, Pitti, Louvre, Vatican, National of Loudon, National of Berlin, Belvidere and other celebrated Eu ropean galleries have placed their greatest and rarest treasures at our disposal that they might be engraved1 for this superb work. "FIRST GLANCE AT THE (PlCr TURKS BROUGHT TEARS TO MY EYES," says one. "Cleared $150 first week's work with one book," says another. "'Some high grade man or woman should secure the agency here at once," says every editor, "as $500 can soon he made baking orders for it." Nearly $10,000 expended now on new plates for edition coming from press. Also a man or woman of good church standing, can secure position of manager and correspondent of 'this terri tory, to devote all his time to employing and drilling agents and corresponding with them. Address for full particulars A. P. T. ELDER, Publisher, 278 "Michigan Avenue; Chicago, HI. The Industrial Advertising Co.' FIVE CENT PREMIUM COUPONS. Will be received by the following leading business firms in the city. Trade with them and avail yourself of our Cash Premiums. Amateur Photo Supplies J. F. Ray. Bakery J. M. Hedton & Sons. i Books and Stationery JRay's Cut -Rate Book Store. Bicycles and Bicycle Renting Hough) & Dunham. Confectionery The Candy Kitchen. Drugs White G. Smith. Dry Goods 'Bon Marche. . Fine Fruits W. E. Allen. Furniture W. A. Blair. Fish and Oysters Asheville Fish Oo Green Groceries R. L. Ownbey & Co. Groceries H. C. Johnson. Groceries Jenkins Bros. Jewelry B. H. Cosby. Meat Market-McFee & Jones. Musical Merchandise Hough & Dunham. Optician J. O. Houser. Laundry Model Steam. Photographer T. H. Lindsey. Shoes J. Spangenburg. Publishers Gazette Publishing Co. Clothing and Gents Furnishings Alex ander & Courtney. Books free.- Call at office or drop a card to the "lanager, and you .will be waited upon: Office in W. A. Blair's Furniture Store, 45 Patton avenue. H. B. PUTERBAUGH, (Manager. - NOTICE. By virtue of authority conferred on me as commissioner m a proceeding entitled W. T. Clinton, administrator of Joseph Brank, deceased, vs. Thomas Wagoner, .guardian of Alexander. Brank, et al minors, by an order of sale made in said cause on the 26th day of November, 1897, by J. L. Cathey, clerk superior court of Buncombe county I will sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at public auction, at the court house door in the city of Asheville, N. C, on the 27th day of December, 1897, the following described tract of land, lying and being in the township of Reems creek, county of Buncombe, state of North Car olinarour miles east of Weaverville, ad joining the lands, of Elizabeth Hemphill, John Hemphill and others, and known as the old Fox home place, containing one hundred acres, more or less ; being the property and tract bought by Joseph Brank deceased, from Robert Craigo, deed to which is recored in office of egister of deeds for Buncombe county in book No. 100. at page 452. This November 26th, 1897. W. Tl- CLINTON, . 250ev-sat-dec27 Commissioner. NOTICE. By virtue of the power of sale contained n a deed of trust executed, to-me by J. v Adams, W. H. Penland and J. E. Dick erson dated the 12th day of April, 1894, ;nd registered in the office of the register of iaeeds of Buncombe County, -North Caro iina, in book 37, at page 89, et seq., of records . of mortgages and deeds of trust, and by reason of the failure of the said grantors to comply. with their promises and agreement in said deed' of trust con tained, particularly with regard to .'the prompt payment when due, of the princi pal and interest of cerfcajn notes due and payable to Geo. W. Pack, made and exe cuted-on safd date by said grantors in said deed of trust and for - the securing., or which said notes , the said deed of trust was executed, and being thereto requested; MEND ; by the said Geo. W. Pack, the holder of said notes, that is to say, of three of the noces mentioned and described in said deed of trust,' I will sell at public auction at the court house door in Asheville, to the highest bidder for cash on Saturday, the 15th day of January, 1898, three of the lots of land mentioned and described in saM deed of trust, to-wit, lots Nos. ten (10) eleven (11) and .twelve (12) of block No. eight (8), of a map or plat of land U be found in book 89, on pages 60 and 1 of deed records of the office of the sail register of deed's, said lots beting more particularly described as follows: Lying and being in the city of Asheville, county of Buncombe and state of North Carolina, on the east side of Cumberland avenue, and bounded as follows: Lot No. 10: Beginning at a stake in the east margin of Cumberland avenue, the northwest corner of lot No. 9 of said block 8, and running thence with the northern boundary line of said lot No. 9, north 54 degrees and 30 minutes, east 171 , feet to a stake,, thence north 39 degrees- and 33 minutes west with the line of lot No. 7 of said block No. 8, sixty-eight (68) feet to a stake the corner lot No. 7, in the southern boundary line of lot No. II; thence with the said lot No. 11, south 67 degrees and 49 minutes west two hun dred and nine and seven tenths (209.7) feet to a stake in said east margin of Cumberland avenue; thence with the same south 27 degrees and 21 minutes east" twenty-one (21) feet to a stake in the same; thence with .the same south 58 degrees and 25 minutes east, one hundred and five (105) feet to the beginning. Lot number 11, beginning at a stake in the east margin of Cumberland avenue, he northwest corner of lot No. 10, and running thence- with the northern boundary line of lot No. 10, north 67 degrees and 49 minutes east, two hundred and thirty nine and seven-tenths (239.7) feet to a stake, a corner of lots Nos. 7 and 6 ot said block; thence with the western boun dary lines Of lots Nos. 6 and 5, north 30 degrees and 28 minutes west eighty-seven (87) feet to a stake in the line of lot No. 5, the southeast corner of lot No. 12; thence with the southern boundary line ui lib iiu. t.u, buulu ii uegieea turn J.4 min utes west, two hundred and thirty-six and two-tenths (236.2) feet to a stake in the eas- margin of Cumberland avenue, the southwest corner of lot No. 12; thence with said margin of Cumberland avenue, south 27 degrees and 21 minutes east, one hundred (100) feet to the beginning. Lot No. 12, beginning at a stake in the eastern margin of Cumberland avenue, the northwest corner of tot No. 11 of said block and running "thence with the northern boundary line of lot No. 11, north 71 de grees and 12 minutes east, two hundred and thirty-six and two-tenths (236.2) feet to its northeast corner in the western boundary line of lot No. 5; thence with the said boundary line of No. 5, north 30 degrees and 28 minutes west, ftfty-six (56) feet to a stake in the same, the southeast corner of lot No. 13; thence with the south ern boundary line of lot No. 13, south 81 degrees and 47 minutes west, two hundred and thirty-six and two-tenths (236.2) feet to a stake, the southwest corner of lot No. 13 in the east margin of Cumberland avenue: thence with the same south 8 de Tees and IS minutes east, twenty-four and four-tenths (24.4) feet to a stake in the same; thence with the same, south 27 de grees and 21 minutes east, seventy-fl7e 75) feet to the beginning. Said lots will be sold separately. Witness my hand, this the 8th day of December, 1897. W. B. GWYN, Trustee. OLD PAPERS FOB SALE. Parties wiehiDjr old papers can be supplied by railing st the business office of The Ga zette at - IOC. PER HUNDRED. EMPLOYMENT for respectable and in dustrious persons can usually be secured in Asheville by the expenditure of a few cents for an advertisement in the Gazette's People's Columns. HENDERSONFUXK-AND bbetaed B. It. -T. J. RTCKM AN, Manager. . In Effect Sunday, Dec. 5, 1897. (Standard Eastern Time.) NO. 2, Daily Stations. NO. 1. Dally. 4.10 tm Lv ..Hendersonvllle.. Ar 1230 pm 4.40 pm Lv ...Horse Shoe.. Ar 12.10 pm 4.45 pm Lv .... ..cannon.. Ar 11.55 am Ar 11.47 am Ar 11.37 am Ar 1L27 am Ar 1L15 am Lv 11.00 am 4.153 pm Lv Money...... 5.03 pm Lv 5.13. pm Lv . r.Fodderstack.. .. .....Penrose...... . Davidson River. ' 5.25 pmJLv 5.40 pm Ar .....Brevard, A . f T. S. B03WELL, Supt. v 7 -r -"A

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