Tol H: :i:o. fol: r UCTILLT, IT. C, T7EDIJLSDAr I JIlITIirGf, JAIJUAEY 5, 1CC3. A Bt)Lw ... aiiil orv r To dispos at once of our Jine-of Avihtc-.uh' derskirts, price's - are cut as; follows .? . r . ,1 $i.25;Blici Satin S!iirts : 896 -.. $1.50 $2.25 .. $1.60 They are heavy lined; frilled - and xruffled, - f . Allrwool rMoreei? un derskirts,; to close at r 1 1 OESTREICHHR - - . . t k . 20 South .lain Street. ChriGtma llGi3 and nbw is a good time to, get s, that sideboard. . .It will .be a ' 4 fine present for your wife, and at such low figures' too, - . . ; IV. A. CLAIR, Phone 75. . 45 Patton.Ave, KENTUCKY LEGISLATURE ttBeechari's, Message - Gives Much , At . ' - tentionto Mob Violence. ''I Lohisville, Jan. 4. The legislature con- VYened' today. The silver nominations for 'officers of the -house and senate. were elect ; d among then a negro assistant clo.!- .'. .room keener, ke caucus having directed Tthia office be set aside for a colored sil lverite' " , ' ' I ' ' . J.- W. BrecLara, ' of the house and YTillL 3 chases tpeaLcr 1 Cablet cf Cov ington chairman -pro -tern cf ; the senate. ' 'Gov. Bradlsy's nezziza dsvetel a great '' , deaf of attention to lync-crs .-3 tc!l ,xte .' raiders, retukirj the cezi- -lt7 1 c0-a-I'tyofaoers who tcoi. ro t.:i3 tD ri-!i' tl3 tnowp' ofTerlcrs. TTla rrrc:t 'lavr tlat ' did aiot make an ettc;t'to r2j3 a ctIUI offence, the governor rx; .'amended tl"t ','2 nny .,1 1 13 ct C-2 ex cretion cf ths 3. UJ I.- 4 t- Special lyt - " S IS 1 ,1 f v f ' Havana, Jar.. - -. '0 has' anoi:r;c"" 1 ; -sonal con- 'rid Nations aea-Ir t i' -; ' to start f;r : Talvz u-ill d -' t: absencB cf I. I J " r - 1 m m m v Last ITilit's, Ceremonies at the Exhibition ' r " Address ofiWelcome by ebii Ion B. Weaver. : Col :J'!lrah S, , CarrV Efcqusrft tryIndustty.;"- ; Brief Sp:a From Attorney Ganeral Barber cf 1 South", Carolfnar-Prizes' Offered by iocal' Tt3 opening of "'the paultry show -which was tO'haV' occured - yesterday ; mtwrntng; but which was postpoaied 'oviing $a 4 the rush,, until 8:30 "lae't evening'. Ws? all and more than pould Jbave beea xpecfcedV;. c 'iBelores th hour set, visitors- began 'to assemble In the, building"-on Pattonavenue and were entertained with music, fumisbd by a string 'band etationed near- the door :, ' When The. Jicur for the addresses arrived tnere was a large auaience " assemDiea. Miv George V'-Westoai taking the pUtfotraaJ announce a tnat owing to a presisangr en- gagement, Mr. . Craig who waa : programed for the address of welcome,; could -not Te present but that iMr. - Zeibulon "Weaver, would gracefully fijl his. place. ." . -. Mr. 'Weaver spoke of theeuddenncea of this call and of the' hesitancy with, which he "accepted ft. .-.He " ald Mhav, he :., might no't be deliver such -an eloquent ad dress -m-the man ; whose cplace .-. hey filled, but J couW extend,t6;thvisUorsasl hearty A welcome-as any one.V.'' r ; i. "Asbevijle has " Always ,'had' het"1 lch string on the outsi nd in-tle. name of, Asheville and her officials I bid you wel-. eoine. l We -offer you." sir, and 'water 'pure andf freeas ever as given to j man:. In the 'days-Of Jupiter had there been such -a greaC country as ours; h.e;would iievhav settled downron- Mount ' Olympus.- .He'd have rcBted- on, ouc towering peaks, to look down upon' our quiet valleys and our peaceful S wannanoai ; We yield. to", no. city or no other-stae the honor, of being -mora hospitable- We doubly, -welcome every one of you; every noisy chicken herB from thelargest Shanghi to the smallest'Baint am, that .crows 'on , all sides. -1 have thought : that Jaiout; Christmas when ; eggs are high you men wouldvdo well Invent an' egg-laying' machine, "One matV'woutd .keep supplied with theJresh product. '. , 5 , . '"I am more familiar with the old "donl ihique'V rooster 'the 'barnyard -tihan 'Jam with your-fine chickens, tut "I am glad to sea hem; 'And ' North Carolina is" not pro flcient ' alone in the art of chicken raising, heua like a South tCarolina fellow; who was In a crowd of friends and each one was bragging of what hisi county could produce; finially -his time came and his 'county being rather poor -in agricultural ' products, he was glad to announce that his section1 pro duced HEN. In this respect' is Carolina like his county, and . it. gives me pleas.ure to lnitro,daced toTou one of lierhonorabi'e rep resentatives, Mn Julian SCarr.; n- J ' ' - V COL. JULIAtN S. CABR " tMau President and Gentlemen of the As sociation I thank -you for .-the. great com pliment conveyed in; this invocation 10 "The Land of the Sky." iWJth" gladness, I gave response, ready-as I ever am, to add my mite to anything, which contributes to the upbuilding of North Carolina. - -And where, Gentlemen, Is theret to he. found a' fairer land, or one , more wortny of a loyal sion's devotion? ,iFor myself if fhmrA ait bre ol my nature jLifau uuca uvi , ... lovl every nook and' cranny of the fifty f th-e .old bond. The case was continued un thousarwl square miles, that constitutes ' til-.the nexterm of the -court, J and -Com this grand old J 'suiwtt, who WbeenMn attendance gave the res'tless oce,an combs ker disneveiea , v .. v . i - i.v, hh aanis af etormv Hatteras, : bond -f sr-his enoearance. "v" f - : to where, our. grand old mountains cast that - - .... i.. tk. VWhJ In af fa o-o given noTJhe a wh.irh' has fallen to you. men of mountains You 'wdll please not regard your speaker, as simply -wishing tq say a -fitting -thing when 'he expresses profound admiration for your coumry and its citizenship,-made re-j spectable by . a. .vast array 'of sturdy, men and ' noble women dead ' an.d living , made immortal by at least osegreat name, the Tribune, beloved beyond measure by; every true son and daughter of the ; state, .'who Hc3 sleeping in the .Asheville .cemetery overlccLins the racir river on whose banks he was born. . , yrhen I conterlrie the rerources, Tsau-ti-3 anl hi-tory cf sV,Testern 'North Ccro llra, I exclslm. cf her as Vir-il sang of 'luly: i "Hera the c:r:i e la-C.-i-'val- . - vir. . 3 TP -1 3 3 C .1 a li-D-i-. .a iius, f - -3 r i It- i there to tneir -morning 'saadows acnoss -cae .uiw Tennessee, then, I am frank to te.l you, i-ha )' T am mistaken in my make-up. r. i t"3 p;:-..3'r..- - All hail, great Mother', -liail land ol fame, Land rich in .fruits, and men of mighty name." " . All -these I -claim part dn and beg you to keep aliTe and warm the traditions in which' they were nurtured, the household go3s they served, : the beneflcient example r f 4"i Oil t' 1 1 "WD q t , " i. . . , '-The 'mountain have ever been. h home, of freedoim while Tyranny ruled the plains. H'is;ory . bounds with examples needless here to repeat, readiily to be recalled by most of yoii. ; , ' ' ' t Ouf own state has -never called for -help in.itime of trial or distress and- been refused by t'helmen ofithe west, ,nor will ehe ever be refu&ed. , r 'A' struggling east " burdened - .wi tin the weight of complications -distressing to the besit of : statesmanship has more '.than ome itook heart when a like cry ' to that of .'Flodden ' Field ha been, heard in this quarter. x- . A'We come, we come, -of Gallant Gordons And- many a sturdy iborderman, :- - " WJth Huntley and with Home.";. 1 ;f -: May1 it ever be, so. - , ; - Gentlemen, you 9iave but. to view- the splen-did, exhibit of the feathered tribe,, the gAllmacious aggregation set for youor en tertainment and Instruction to . be aware, that the day of the one croip syjstem is rap: idly "vanishing and that diiversity of-farm employment is, at hand. .". ' " , . " We brag mtfch of the cotkbn orop'iii 'the southland once deemed the fleecy stlaple a king? but you will . be surprised to-know (hatJ tW; ever-present' hen ; yields the --world an : annual tribute greiatly' an. excess of the via hi p. wf iTHT raw ni;.ttm.- . -V v' ..' 1 '.. , ThB Colorado Poultry Journal is" authori ty fort the-statement that the poultry earn ings , of 0 the ;Unitedf States for 1896, - were J29(r,000,000. The. facts, are th!a.t' rfo Jbountry in-jthe world, can compare vWith; the United States in 'wultry products, and yet we ac tuaTly imiport such., products tor: hbme con-i sumption When our farmers, .utilize our advantagesjto the extent that ewe export poultry,-we will not bo such d'aves- id 5c cotto&r .f-'. -v. ;.. . The. "demand for.: fresh .eggs .and' choice poTiltryv increases faster' than tihe' supply In - European eounitries Where :4arger. txro- portions of poultry and eggs are used than with"us, the supply -is furnished noVby HILL HAS VAlilSDED INDIAN- DOCTOR K DISAPPEARS Iduring his tri al.: 1 6fficers , Seeking for Him and Tele grams Sent Out'for His Arrest V Wnle Cappers; -; " ' v .-, 1 , ' . -. . ,-1- - -,y WheaCWmlnal;, .yesterday 'morning .the, trial, of Walker Hill; the rIn dian doctor, f or slander was called; but' the defendant; failed to put in an appearance ffSrvlKy-K ? a "xr f e anI . mrffA'd -mAljkknTi&iu on hand. !vInr explanation; of the doctor's absence, Mr.. E. D., Carter, one of !hl coun- oei announced, o the court that he was in formed 'by his wife that the doctor -had left home an hour or so before she did for f , ' 1 - - v-, , . - .- the purpose . of .securing .ian '"important . -j t j - witnes-s'ln his -behalf and? that :tt"' was 'V ' v. im probably that he would soon be In court. ' - ,.'. x 1 r The-judge iJiea stated that he would take ' tip ? some other: business. ' The, Jury empannelledi- in the . case, - were kept ' In eustody .of an of fleer, j, In the afternoon however It being ap perent that thedoctor -would not appear, a Juror' wa$ withdrawn' akd a alilstrial,.had. Upon motion of the solicitor an ' insbanter capius was issued, for Hill ana placed -in the hatids of the eheriff. Telegrains were forwarded to 4oxvllle,'Catanooga,"'Salis bury, and oiher. points, for his arrest, " r It was reported In the 'evening that the doctor -was secreted In the city but noth ing 'pf a'. tangible nature was ascertained. The; defendant wasV- undec ; 3500 bond wi'tfi C. H. - Miller as ' security.' The se cttrity it Is said has deposited with htm the ' - 4 t. i " ' amount, of the- bond-so. that .in. n event The wltttcapping case from Sandy Mush was called and-Judgments mfcie. set, ' taken against - the absconding 'defendants- i and their securities. It: waa ordered foy , the court that If theywere taken, that they be required - to tg3ve a Justified bond -in the sCUm 'of $500. instead of ?200,?the amount of f -' ' Many cases were disposed of , ; aost of which were Jail oases, and several .defendants-were sent' to the road. Among the -ral bills returned, by the .grand Jury was - one "against John Melman, " charged with committing rape. . - - ' .Detective Deaver-and Deputy Sherift Mc Donald accompanied by a pbss, made an unsuificessfuil search . for Hill Jn the oity last right and up to -&e hour Jof midnight had met wi'th no success.' TheseV officers basevtheir 'belief ttat tte defendant "was lurking in the city on the ground that af ter every efTort by wire and otherwise to ascertain if the, doctor had boarded., a train, no such informia-tion could be ob tained. A3 yet the whereabout .of the-doctor d3 unknown. - t;:e c:: :. ::i:;t. Charlotti C, Jan. 4.- -The prod-jet 'hC-irc::-a, : : . C zr : -r's 4. 1 lira ia : 3t:-;r I a 1- 4... . V 4.. 1 til J ii rov7d of Hannaites With a ' : Biracs Band . Invade ' the Executive's Office at OplombnSr ns'jlt Thrown it,thV Governor,by . -,Congressnan':,Weaver. , ' " A' Rcaarkable ? Vituperative Harangue by the Moh'sDokesnTau. ' : ; Bushnell Defie His'Neightors'.,8ut;Declares f . He Has , Taken " No Part . Against Their - Can- t Colurabus, f O. Ja'iu-The imost.vre markatcle demonstration in Ohio's political history occurred today." "Seventy republi cans'of Springfield, - the home of Governor Bushnell headed .by a brass bandVpushed ilia, noisy way into theGovernor's office. :It was , a clear case of assault' upon the chief executive of 'the -s bate v lanna'e friend and a rab'Wefrom;CoIumbus' streets joined the, hand-full f rom Sjpjringfleld;-"- Bushnell waiting for ttnem. caim. ana aeiermmea. A few personal friends were with him, hut the Hannaites .were' -in a ,; big y majority 4 Oongressnxan weayer saia; ,t ; 'Qovernor, I think you , know ;these men your, neighbors V. 'f - ? . ' 'I know4 some of ; them""ad Governor -.;-' , . ....... ;,, ..... .: ..' ..r' Bushnell;. carefully, if or much of the- crowd was n6t: prepossessing T r . , ... . . :. .1 -.-- Then Weaver . deHyered; Remarkable vltupferat'lve hafrangue ; aocuising 'Bushnell of treason, hurling insult after insult at the governor. -t x " j . -"T-'N-. r"- ? Though Mrs." Bushnell wa ''sittlhg n 'U corner, the crowd showed : ho TespectVand she' Jiad to' take refuse 4n ai priyate office. "My ,-repuiicala4''''h"'n questioned 'until today," ishouted' Governor BushnelL, Wlyy .you'oome' - here- .rfo dictate to me," , sic Vv" At - this , deffance '"'Bushnell'isi x friend cheered.,; The'Hanna sympathizers, hissed. r - - - ' - - - j-- tv , Bushnell said: v "If you have no respect for jny. office: 1 please have refepect for 'the pictures of , he frepublicafiiS On these walls." : He, pointed' to pictures of Hayes, Garfield and, McKlnley, , ' ir v 1 - '' "Never.'has my- republicanism been qnes- j tioned,'- continued Bushnell, , 'until today when It is. done by my meighbors, -among whom I have - lived forty j years, r I ; have taken no ,part against , your, candidate." "Will you take part for" him?? yelled a Hanna anan, , '. ."-V," r y "' . ; -s - 1 have no -vote in the 4'eglslaturel the governor replied "J did my.' duty1, last spring, when ;I. appointed Marcus :AI Hanna senator. will not detain you longer." This waa a polite' invitation to get out and several of the 'governors' neighbors left.;- ' 4C1 ?'-JJ , ' 1 , A YODim BOY KILLED WIL.LIE HAMPTON ACCIDENTAL- By a Pistoiin the Hands of a Playmate '.'' Sad'Traeredv on Hlanton . - CT - ,-, - ' Street Just after dark, last night Willie Hamp- ton; son of John E. Hampton wasJ accident ly shot 'and- tnstanUr killed rwaile at play with some hoy companions wj., 0 The- boy' was about 15 ''years .ld- He - - w - - i had gone to the homeof .'Mrs.TWainscot on Blanton street near -'Bethel ''church; : to sjend -the night with: his friends. Shortly after his arrival, Willie and" .three of the Wainscot boys engaged in play on the upper-floor of 'the house. - The, oldest, Iiau rence, li years of .age -was handling an old thirty-eight caliSbre -revolver found in the room," nd. while attempting to break it, the Tveapon fired, the -ball-, striking ycung Hampton In the eye;" penetrating tte brain and causing almost instant deatn. The criij cf the family, alarmed the peo-1 pie engaged in a prayer meeting at Bethel church ' and in a lew., moments the house rs crowded. . - s " ' C:a cf the Wainscot boys innediateiy v.; - f. - r . T.. B. Clcn, v. ho arrived at C - : - j ; . :t 13 mintttes after .the sh::t izu. II? ." .1 WilUe. ilamptrn lyirj ca 11 "---j- .'He wa3 prcbaily-scot ccn r: -3 t U ; ::-f the the .7.' The 1 ill I una. enierea me centre or nis - lert eye passed straight through his head aid frac- .... . . " tured the occipital 'bone to the right of the back of the head.' Lawrence Wainscot implored Dr. Glenn to save his little com- panion'ta life and was almost out of his senses -when, he 'learned that the boy - was surely dead.'- Dr. Morris' arrived a few minutes after. Drr Glenn. . i The family, of the ; unfortunate lad was immediately notified and the another- and oldest brother- repaired to the 'scene. Ar rangements were at ouce made to have tne bods- brought to the family residence ; on Heywood street where a large congregjition 1 of sympaithetic friends' . had gathered. .The scene , at -the, home upon the - arrival of the b,ody,was a sad one. ' ; ' , 'Mrs. J,,B. Pittman asister, now In Col umbia. . 'South. Carolina was: notified (hv wire of the death of her; brother' and' will no doubt reach home in 'time for the bur. lal, arrangements for r which will be made today ' -.-v ' M 11 o'clock last night Mrs.v : Pittman telegraphed that she would be in Asheville on the afternoon" train. f BRtoBMIQDETlEIX 'I ON . HIS' RETURN' TO HIS , HOME IN NEBRASKA Notables From ? Many States Present ' c to Welcome HiinGeorgePred Wil-- 4 l- liams' Silver Speech. -J .V 4 vLincoln,-Neb.', Jan. 4. William J, Bryan and ;party returned this: ''afternoon . from Mexico. ' fie begged to, be excused from 1 ' being, interviewed about his: impression of mexico xtnoer xne suver stanctaro:, out stat ed that he might later make an extended statement. v He returned however as 'firm lnhJs'Oelief in free,, ever., To night ihe 'waa- tendered a complimentary banquet by a locaiiClu,b.':'i'A number :df - ' " J 4- - . ,J " . notables from Kansas,,, Colorado and Mis souri spoke; -jBryan 'was the last ; on the -( i, "GEORGE FRED WTUJASra. r w 4, 4, , list -and ' his . ispeech ;will not be i reached hl early this' morning.1 1 ' A ; Massachusetts- was r represented by ; Hon. George Pred) Williams. -l He said: - The Massachusetts democracy,- is In , linen for Bryan, - and theOhfcago: platform, in 1900. The ;Boston democratic 'fight now Is over whelmingly ' for the. ' Chicago platf orm. The tendency in our state lsjto put nation- ariissues aside in local contests, 'but when national issues are drawn the silver, demo crats are in the asendency in the state,' Bryan' said he would not consider any - T 4 . v -V ' " ' - ' 4--y-. N4.4.,r4i-.. .-N.-'.-i V" ; y-,4-A-- 4l . '. .. -.-."..J '. proposition mat ne H31 10 run ior congress this fall'Jand refused to discuss -the possl bllity of being induced to do so.'. - ; . , i.t- i - ' v -' ( . . - j , ' v ; -1 . . . - . " GEN. HAG00D DEAD 1 i One of the Most' Conspicuous Public v..':.- , Men of SouthL Carolina. 'J.j Golumibia,- S.:G.j Jam 4.-7-General John son Hagood, aged .69, died .at Barnwell to day .ofBrights diseaae.' 'Next'td Generals Hampton' and; Butler,' ihis position in . war and peace, was more comspi cous- than, any other public man v in. the state. ..Graduat lng from the Citadel .-Academy in.- '47, he was eooh- appointed deputy adjutant gen eral of militia and entered the confederate service under General .Beauregard as col onel of mijitia. ' 'r ' He participated in e -selge of Sumter. After "the ' first - nattle of Manasses he was :..-.'..'..;.. -..'.. . ..: -1 -.;.. made brigadier general and subsequently was recommended to Iee for -promotion for gallantry. In the selge -at Petersburg, Hagood's brigade dwindled from 2,300 'to 700. , ' - ' ', ' ,' He took a . prominent part $n -exposing the financial frauds In the state under (the negro government and in redemption , of '76. "In 1880 he was elected governor, vol untarily, retiring at the end of hi3 term. ' THAT " $3.75 OIL HI3ATEX.- 1 , Ye sell lots of them. Every bo J likes them. They are not eo good as the- $3.75 stove; but there of;r from either kind. J. IL Law, C5 Patten avczue. - ' Currzrt3 1C3., Citrcn 1:2.,- D:tes ani rr-3 7i'c, zi.- i ::3 1:3., r;--:-: 11 riUri . V ,. V t. T 4 ' A,4 ' w .1 PO' ' 3 Ernr'"n.' - il V Lai il bfcjw v . - ' Held up the ; Ilescenser and Oponed the Safe, 1 ' As the Train Was' Movihs: , Out of Kansas City. . ; Reported That the, Thieves Secured ; Ten Thousand Dollars. ! Leaped Prom, the Car ,as the Train V -Slowed Down aiad Escaped. - twenty-Five Armed Men Searching the Locality k ,for.th8 RobberThe Express Messenger ;- Though fully Armed Was Intimidated." ' "' -Kansas City, i Mo., Jan. -4. The Kansas City,-Pittsburg and Gulf railway's' port Arthur express was held up by two men a 'r short distance - beyond - the city 'tonight. , . While the expresa officials, as -usual, de-" clare that the TObbers' obtained little or ; nothing, it is stated from- on reliable au- thority that the bandits, secured at least $10,000. t, ' - l: ' ; ' While the train i was bowling, Jilong the t4 -express messenger, b'n. Hyde, was start , " led by-the pressure of ' a isix-shooter . be hind 4iiis ear. . When, he hastily . turned ihe : was confronted by two men;.. One covered ' him with a revolver and commanded fam ; ? . to keep silent The" other hastily opened 1 t the local safe which was unlocked and be- i gan stuffing money aacl packages Into hie 7 ; ; pookets,' ' They 1 worked 'auletfy, . taking . . narlV Werjrthing la the "af of any, value, -They made no attempt to open the through ,- " safe. .-...,. "1 1 ." y i ;; The train slowed at the Chicago and Al- ton crossing. The men opened the door of ' - - " 4. . 1 the express car,: jumped oft and disappear-' ea?in therSajdV' ''"' ""T' - ' w fv.,4kvr .4,. -vjf'i- - , The' "rc&beTy was --reporied. to. he police T -, - .-Tjtf, J- ' ',..-,11, - ' - ...,.,' 4i.:,-.,. v. within half an hour. -iA Special train was - , immediately cent to-the-icenie with a' num ber oft; deertlve&rc'.The'4county...''maishals.'''A. -also sent out a number' of deputies.?-,;; .if. - Al together' about "twentyflve- arm'ed men are "beating throiigh , the brush between the : , Missouri river- and- .thePittsburg "and Gulf ;. ' t track" In ' jsearch of the- robbers. -Messen-ger Hydetvas, fully armed. .:Thie. express -officials way that if he had.- any nerve he , --dourd" easily have capturedtone 'of J the men, - - ! . - : : .;,..... . - ... V ' - y -- ' .;. 'i1;.'- . . - Tne messenger de&cnjped tne men as young ? . with smooth faces -WILSON'S APPEAL Mk . r. In? Railroad , Jdmmi5,sloix Case Laid h ".', - Before i Supreme Conftv"-,-1 -Washingtoni1 Jan. 4. James W. : Wilson; Who- was removed from, the office of chair man of 'the railroadi'commission- In ; North rJ Carolina'' by: Governor Russell; which' ac- ;' tion later was ,'usUined iby v tbejfiupreme f court.of ; that state, has appealed :Aa ' the.-' Supreme court of; the; United States -for. lief," alleging his removeal was wlthoutgood and "sufficient cause, Wilson alleges that, .Russell refused to hear his side of the case an4 when quo warranto proceedings were instituted in the" Supreme ; court1 of Wake county to vacate the office for the benefit of ll C.'- Caldwell,' appointed' to succeed him," that the court refused-to submit the ; question of facj't'o Ihe jury, v and .found Caldwell' was entitled to the office.- TAKING STOCK NOW. ; ' ' ' . j'when this" Is'done thtre will- be lot' of bargains. 'offered to close out old; lines. Our stock, must be 'always fresh , and new. J. H: Law, 35 Pat. Ave. 280-2 ' We feel very sure everybody had a very merry Christmas from the number of ,pres ents we sold. ,. We desire to wish everyboc! ;-"' -. - - - -. - y . k a very happy New - Year and, express 1 thanks to our patrons for making a success of an .institution that has been admired sal complimented by our resident patrons, as the "visitors -to- the -city, especially 'froa large '.places. . - - , ; ' ' We have endeavored In every way, la. - lection of design, la quality cf Wi3( 'crJ: by giving very low prices, to rlease, ar5 hope we have succeed-i far t:yo-3 thi usual requirements cf th b'-sy ;xion. Again allow t3 to th.--h yo-j "for y -r kindness, and'Wirh yn th'a ccnplLzi2.Li cf j .. ...."., ... the eai3H.. - ' -4-, I' f TTtT r t-"T'""t T jFX44 11 C lb 1 . X 1 I 11 I.. 4, Cor. Ch-rch CL trl Titt-a Ats.,' .--. ..'. y-