Vol II: No. ASHEVILLE, 11 C, &ATIJEDAY 1. .im, JANUAEY 8, 1CC3. r y EECGTEB ana 1 1 ii Pays the Penalty of His Crimes on the Gallows only "about 'church affairs and catered zeal ously into the gaone3. 1 . It was half past 9 next morning, Satur day; when jsomewomen came to the church with flowers and vines' for the pulpit and organ. On disposing of their flowers and festoons- La the door of the, closet or book room; as it is kown by the members of the church, it, was opened, and , there, .- in 1 -her blood, her v face .. almost unrecognizable, i a r- f" f ' " iii if- -V ' on r nnn.OT- i Refused Stimulants arid Met : : Death Calmly ; V To rlisnose' at once of our line of-winter un- rierskirts.' Duces are - , f 4,4.f- r cut as follows : ; ' , A Remarkable Case : in the Annuals of Crime. . xney rouna tne ooay oi .miss vviiiiams. uniQ: , . ""rf - CS1.. her breast was the handle and broken blade - -aalui 1XLLCU VilUX Si U CUVCi. of - a knife. The arteries of v both. wrists, had . been opened; .ithre were fearful wounds in the'" girl's forehead and throat.. In her mouth were pieces of cloth, appar ently.-put there to stifle her- cries. Resolution. rt 'seems probable from the 6CarcUy-OI TAllPTTo11r ATI thp "Finn Tibial blood on !the walls that she . was either Xulltl XtilKS Ull tiltJ X JLIlcilltlal . .. . . . - a I , . ';.tv.:,l .f:,:''.;;': V;.-.Vi.v!'i.'.':, ' aeaa or lnsensime waen.sne was yiawu m the closet - She may - have .been knocked down while In the (auditorium of the church and then' drasreed into the. library, where the second crime was ; committed. - The- Question. $1.25 Blaci Satin Skirts $1.50 $1.90 $2.25 Long Legal Fight to Save - tri9 JToung Han'srLife , :',';: 89c door . which ;waa locked had tobe broken iil iL. . ntprnafnna Cnmmksmn open, and ithe murderer, growing more wnJ .. miemailOnai MJmmiSSlOn desperate with every passing moment, Wae a FaJlnrV until the lock was torn from its fastenings. ' The connection of Durranit with the dis- ' . ' -.' L m r.l . T . - coroner'? ijury indicated in its flnding. was iil9 IfreSlCieilt S and tH8 1I1Q a'lapOl "8 . laxs. ,Oastle nas bad. 3,600 clerks at work expected... lJss Damont disappeared in an . " " , ' " -Ion them, and i't.wlll take.100 clerks a'year almost,identical -manner nd -Durrant's. . "UOllierellCe, .--7;- to go over them tboroughly. c'onduct made up a . strong case - against him. The girls frequently Attended church fr,trithpr-UiTirfi wpta in.th eame - bundayi . r i - P03T0FFICE FHAUDS. ' . J Washington, Jan.- 7. PostoiSce depart- - . - r . men auditor, :Caatle, has discovered that several postmasters at monkey order offices have taken- advantage f the careless sys tem of book-keeping and checking ac counts in vogue under the last adminis tration and have , robbed the government. How much money has been stolen' ds uxi kn&wn,' though the 'stealing has teen gor ing on for a long time, and enough frauds have already , 'been discovered to show that the losses will run up . into" thousands and if.lt does not reach into millions it will be due4o the honesty or Ignorance of -post masters, and not td any . vigilance xn .the part of the post office department. At tention was called to the necessity for a change in the methods of keeping accounts and . of a - change in money ', order ; blank some' iflme ugo and changes 'were put into effect iMonday last. To determine just how. much the government has lost Vould be- a stupendous undertaking, for - during that, time 100,000 money ordera have -been issued and. redeemed, and transactions ne goitiated to . hundreds of millions of dol GuijG .A nrp Ii' H ' Bradstreet's Report is Very J . ? Satisfactory. , - - - Encouraging1 Activity Many Lines. in v : i General OutlookTJot Inferior to An Previous Year.. . N : BUSHUELL RETIRES Industrial Activity istrie Special . Feature. t; RACE FOR THE OHIO Florida's Orange Crops Largely Gathered Before the Freeze Preparations fot the . Alaskan San " Francisco Jan:- 7. Theodore .IHir I rant die on the gallows today ; in, - San SENATORSHIP. planiatioS.f ,"She positively declined tore veal the nature of her information and the Trade t Washing ton," Jan. 7. "In the senate to- ; New-York, -s Jaii. a 7. JBradstreet' of to- mabteor-was' dropped. This led to. the theory r aa.iici. of -Nebraska,- offered. aresolu- They,are; heavy frilled arid ruffled. Special ' : ' ; Q3,75 ; - -,f- - . -J- All-wool Moreen ; iin- branches of business. activity in the iron, tralde, restLmption ct ' HU Frenda Frightened by,the Intense mw will say that the year opens witty ? '',TPnrri,rtt tr- 'U quiet confidence .pervading nearly all " . R1 ra -, , r ' ;' f ' j branches of business, withi encouraging- Tni9,a W h n 4 hd . m4? nation. begin the free imd oM , . -T- r--,. . j, --: pnininTiap,U. 'W MJOUy--UCl luw vixc vmui ... .......... ...... . 7., .-..I:-:--.!; a Men who had seen criminals "hanged declare silence her . forever, , me ponce iarguea srictej ooinage of Silver .t r JionnrJ :.4ih statement ,;of. the I ..... '-vw '-.;. ys- xne you-tu, swiw .uiau iuu - vw v juut? .cA-grjaj momenicarily iearea exposures as v- tt. . . perience "of life 'surpassed them- All in' she conlHnued;to declare LiiJ coinage' be supplemented iby -.- had been murdered, Durrant conoluded to . genuine nerve ana coomtss. , iiwre ;wa nerT dollars, at sixteen to one; that em- bravado in hie manner, -nor was his -nerve- Afters the finding of iMiss Williams body it led: ifo suspicion as" tx aided by stimulants,- as is asually the oase rmoMi'-i'A; search Whetfyoung Goldnwho shot down .a 'Ti Rhnril -Hrl '-in 'thfi streets, was nansed here rrMionis. and a;t 10 o . .. " . . - . .... m iL. several years ago, he was filled .so full of d)wn Uip the winding lordlrfc ' ' f A VlriCf1' of whiskey .thaV he didnt " know where Jie stairs the policehien groped their way, ahd CerSKirLS, tO . ClUbC ulL - . V .-j- - at the third landing lying In the corner of . - : - ; 7 - tne oarKenea peixry, 'i-ue wj . the gallows.: Durranit refused to ; accept : murdered girl was louna. jNo raiie uu . , , , - , : been 'used to commit the -crime,- but -the anyr'fttimul'ajBt.x.L'Avliever.; In -lmirm,t of fiVe fingers buried to -her throat - r ' - "1 work y many, thousand Industrial :', Columbus, 0M- Jan. 7. It was amnounced j ployees in the western' glass industry, , r , safe I today "that BuwhneIl- is. out of the'raice for largely reduced -volume of business failures natieaal. paper money, issnied ' darectly by J either 'the long or short; senatorial !t in a iiii rr' i t!he coverntment- witnioux ine aaw.xveuwvu i The1 intense; feeling througnout onio nas i preceeding years, and a i general outlook the fate, of Miss I rr- . - , - - r . , . . , - . . , 1 temperance.,. . - -V- y' Before he .was led to the: deatth chamber revealed the manner in v-whicli the; young rMn Tna( llAT itA tb. : - r .-;r '4 - j nuimmuv-i-v. ... vm-t " I Durrant ihaa -been i seen wi'tn-juass v.wu v t r r r-" I I I r r 1 v.- v a, BnA Tirns on the evening 01 w.murun - ,.:s III- I Kt UntK ""fT - 7 ;t -rt T - T lat7r lnthe;night alone fa" thTiclnlty of 2 V I W I I, A 1 I A" ,1 1 - was firm and - steady,: On the gaJlows e tbecfhurch. He was arrested afid tr,ong r "S it note worthy :was4 the care 'rfUtwMchritiP- V. StVcil TiCUuUC 28 South :. Alain Street, was declaimed. , 7 , : ;J , . The body was motionless aster it reii, not JlAllGEDJ V WEXLER'S PROTEST a 'single respiraitlon. The neck 'was. bra- - fken "and the head beat over under the rope. "St, 5 ' ' -New Orteitos, J-an, Antoaio -Itichars,'!- t&ZZfr BU'l .Morris ana wot aouu6wu, groes, - "were longed' '&day, at' 'Hahnville; t St." Charies "Parish,-for 5ttmerotis''m,urders. An iimmense" crowd of negroes -were ..pres- l A AU 4iUH.VWV -v v " w w s ! - . - - . m eieyens minutes me was aeciarea uuom ent; Te" men died gaimely,- emlng-md , , . -HiECMBY jMv T-BILiilSK.. Supreme Military Court Says There is The' body-was placed in a coffin' and a few jg- wJMe on '. the ' oaffoM" RiiclbiirdB . . - 2 1 - no Ground for Prosecution. minutes after his mother' insfctted on vee- egsed on;' tihe.' scaffold, .Waring, 'that fOT-.aTl .hto, aaHjttot umiw m;v : .. , w ing her dead son. 3he threw 4ier8ettHonJWjKdh1(nn Ji Morris hadWiii'to do tog Individual 'to jSmo-vt x ' ture.-' In ihis.vtead it toted diaries I slow pending tock taking and the returat Ktintsblader-- ol.lie . anli-Haiuia.-bombto-e of -salesmen to the field; while the .volume will oethe choice of all - in favor of the of distributive business is ne larger. In-' combine for ibotlb the long and short terms, dustrial activity is (the epecial feature, It"' Kurtz Qlalmeaor late ne is a silver maor. a not confined to -any one section.- but is Now he, claims to be stronfer- for silver specially''notable in ; the west, Resump-. than ever before. . . y : tion of "work after the holidays is general - There is' a clear majority' In the legisla- j encouraging for the, 'balance, of '.the 'hiiTo ;f rr ifhA Trlnip.lDies . taaoiiea i ;c . me 1 .-at - i ,iwnwwiiwinMi vH "V, v...w. ; AUitumn weatner an itne norurwest cnecKs have allowed the issue .to -escape them. jtjie r .Ktrntw'TiHlV:?-- 'te-'ianytJbing.';:Tlie dem- le dtributio'nbuX'eolleooins are report ed good. Sales 'f sontbern 4ron are large.. ocraitic legislatures are -willing-.-to viate 'or j Tjouislana -sugar 'crop,, returns , are- very . any gortlof ft repnbli. with silver quali- j iat wiuaory' ;v Nine-tenths" .of " Florda's or flca'tioma. ing her dead son. She threw ihersejf , on t w Amium and Morris foad -nothing the. coffin and kissed his face passionately, j Jth tmviT&er. " (Richards seemed to de Soon after the coffin wias- '"removed to' this city attended by Durranit'a paremts. - Durrant's attwrney's fcon)tlnued their fef- forts to save 'his life up to almost the last hour. Their final appeal' was to the Unit ed Stater Supreme court for HENRY M. TEIiLiER. aufihoriz discrimi nate against any tofxa of money by private anse- eron was ' Batheredr", 6efore the' late - - -1 - Warner, !the original Ohio sUverite, ie 4nd cotton is'teady on good export lAUlUi UIV- VU'W- ly, I tinea ms iraenas xna-t .ne-uiu-duw. .uuai. - i.t., twAn rfJ tnr light in kiTl'inig for mere.iplea.sure.. (He was or 3 cantract ehouia be repealed. the bead of a gang'ol' ro-bers and 'tnurder- . Allen1 reff prepared seedh in i ers,- wno: operawa ,u . rutionln whica-he 'de Und,MHed,four pensoiw taiere.for their Ds nri , He was h!u3ig or killing a peddter j w . -i-iiu. ... money. : - ..... - t 1 jtbaibeas -corpus, whicn nney .were rexusea i river. H -1 . . " - r - ana so aeiegrapnea last ;mgnx. - L . -, . . a' . writ j of named Sefgler, who was ravellmg along lladrid, Jan. 7. The d'&cislon ol he u- preme military court riays there is ;io ground for prosecuting "Weyler for his protest against" language ot, .MoKinley's nnessage. 'It 'was dSdoiassed in the cabinet to-day, and dVided-thait further Inquiry Untio Weyler'e conduct "be neld. - KILLED BY A FALL I TIG TREE. fle.r - - ;. The vigilance,of the death watch was in- eauaccxu , . 1 creased during the night with the passage in, Yannev county Tuesday last. A young . . . ..... r- . . . -; . . or every nour. jAways iennua-ui au-ai- jman by" the. name of Gaither Shepherd t t at sulcid in the case of the con- WkTy. nrJTr -a trmvnarfm vms feUlnZ tim- ! Aa-m-ncA m4uipr 'ihv ' Tvfl V hpen. iterrlblv tier waa struck and killed by a, falling tree cautious Jin, their watchtog since Durrant (bended by Dailaa county officials yesterday reseated the charge. There was absolutely TKr -tm wa a heaw one intended for a wawu"" &r . ffor "a akenlous tcrime cammutoe apout -aini0 truth in iLc - Mnff 4nd m-IAn WXfl I fVkl WrHPR 'II I 1JLVU1 I ... - ' I v aaw. 4og. Whenthe tree fell it ( .struck ! ite study vas aaaitomy .so ' qualified .him emand. Wool has opened,, up. actively at V JS lk v f- ''4 1 " f'l Qme eastern markets, and' lower prices'; for good policy for democra;te;lo eltet demo- stimulated. ime demand eraits. - :," ' t N V ''- 'The 'wage redudtlonsat New 'England - r' - ' ' : . - r , . ,V i - AlllAHZAMLLO cotton mills are very, generally . accepted. The jewelry - trade is , encouraged , by the I small number of failures ta that Tine, Pre- ' . -, l' r y ' - - j parations for active Alaskan .trader is inak- -h, of theresohxtion as'theaim'cf the'popuMst RjEPORT.OF A. SEVERE AT. I pacific oaV and needed rains shown . few importan.t changes. andeteadi- feature; There: is ; a party. Senator Teller of lorado, said hedid v.inqiniFa it ne-financial aues wiwd here toav irom Wdyoe that two tkm W but v wand , to call attention, to In? t Which .the Spanish After Eight nesS; is the leading negroes -were lynched. -toebween that r place statement'" that tbe sHyer advocates J Btoursbf Fighting Retired With v J-slighit'ealn dn'the hunber otxfaUuree'te jT4 roaaWficm taiOf ' niHt - Th njirtiouikiirs 4 fa AWnor- a ,TW1. between the "DTesident I ''' r :. ." i.,i.Ai.i;'A1,).' a 't'rtfji.l wuu twMn-M, wmm. o " tTt-vv ' r . . r I ; , " cL jLOS Ui O J VtX KZlX ; were imeagre. line negroes were 1 ana secretary-oi ne xrwism jr, wj6 i , , - ported this- week, over last, the ;totai ag-. .-.,. gregating 333,, against '297 last Weekbut' ftBTrinst another and reDounoing n ieu v for facility in self, aestrucuveneas .xnaic - against Shepherd who was a cripple, mash- j.jtis prison guardians were apprehensive of ving hw body -and breaking ntsr trngn ana. inis .eiigMest move. ' u-t uurrani appar- . ankie.' The unfortunate man was carneu ntly had no thought or suiciae. tie yvss tn m ihTTi . short distance ofl! where ne d his waking' hours in prayer. died within two hours. The deceased was only once did Durrant facea Jury, and one of the good citizens of Yancey county .that was within five moniths after hiis ar- aaad has' many relatives in this -city ana re&t, but four .times ne lacea a -jwi&i to county among whom are Mrs. , "E. , Sluder -hear sentence of dearth passed upon mm. mnA jtu -mafhfxr rf'j s. Adams. -""T ' i Wrmr times he had heen In the death house at' San Quenitin wi-Sh the death wiaiton upon t per -county. ,on weomiesaaiy him, but so determined and persistent . -. ; il.i it ft ail v i were nis atiorneys uiat iwui tiiti'CB I been brought out and shown a new . lease iFTav.n.a : in: 7.? -A severe enzaigement -is year ago and were beintg conveyed to For- Referrinfg to the in temaUoni-p bi-metallic 'r'i;; janzaaxAlo ttf4.btween. dyoe Jaflwhen they wereeet iupon.'iby a (ximmissipn, Teiler sald its failure was not ,me gpg' mxto, wiw swung mem to a tree. . The mob -the fauft of the commission, but was the Garcial ": .""-'- " ' tnTtnZloLTe ineritaMe.reofthe " The Spanish; after eit-houra of conu- cnty 2e Spenol rg w ecoun- W of July - 24. : ."There neither could nor :&gMijl hid T6tlre pjumU drela. . : - ' . " ',""""; - wouM internattaaal agreement, 'that . a losa hian eighty -officers an.4 r 1 -,i.u oiL-o in rjioa t sRriM.in ana an tne it , NeV.Orieans, 'B-t 8. Jimi Watta untll jfas thoroughly un- heavy falling: off from 1897,; when the1 total was 488 I voy was seized by the patriots.. t; TRAGEDY IN MEMPHIS AlWiiow Shot a Prominent, umzen 0n Ufe. -. ' . , , '--1 - " flrrt'ThpriTrmpd Herself' ' - ' Miss Lamont disappeared; about the first ana Then AUiea iierseii, - l895;. and Miss -Williams - was ' Memphis, Tenn., Jan.. 7. ffr. S.A. Rog- f0un(j about the 18th' of the same month, went driving this afternoon with a widow gaeo. aptu o, name! (Mrs. Mary Sanbrinik. . Seven miles Although Miss Williams. was the Jf&sE of ' out of ithe ity Mrs'. Samtortok eiot Rog- ,the two vloUms, her body -was first dis- er3 and thpn herself. He was brought covered. Had it not been' found it is pos , era and then nerseu. n - &. eible tha the other murder might nev.er ' 'back dying and she- dead. The only mo- brougJlt to llght the body of Uy6 "to the deed was a jealous Infatuation. Miss jamont was much more s-ecurely hid ' "Rogers' was a distinguished citizen. - den and might never have 'been found had " . - - not suspicion been aroused. It was for the ' - l"7 i T Ii fEEtlNG -' y killing of Miss Lament that Durrant was , , . P.T. U. r..fctn.b.. , , . t. He.v4s cmxylotea of murder, and . The Woman's Christian Temperance waa nver arraigned, om the indictment union-met Tuesday for the first tim? in charging .Mm with 'the murder of Miss Wil- ne Gospel Chapel, 20 Vance street. Thet liam ome on ' vimeeffing was weLl attended and a17" ,,01 the 18th, ehe said to attend a . mTvt nrprp ivpirfecited for a lecture to be -.H-- .f vvune members of the Eman- given in .the near future by Virginia's luel church, which was to be f a ti,Mx rp,T,,, micPih tim were callea weekly temperance orator, M. T. BuncicK.-wa 'b7'Durrant who" besides being - assistant : merits ranK with those of "the noted John , the Sunday school, 'was - . . it - 1 - .... r V. l.A mmill B. Goush. the silver tongued Uain, ana ue :eecretary of the eoiciety to wiwi;ii lV.rs and Blanch Lamont, who was: ca! to be maitchless The date of the meeting. later. Will u& to ' ' . 4-n 1-1. Durrant's fiance, had also previoua, TO RE-ESTACLICI1 V.'IlirPir.G. TC Rkhmcal, Jan. 7. T3 tc-Jiza cc-rrittca 1 n Hha. flirts rf-f 4"-firf t'l-Tiirit reverted. :., favorably 'a s ping post in Virr 'disappearance teen a o Z I ' amor 3 the n:rrymal:ers. I , ;i TT ' would take in ureat ujricain anu u I -r ..m0st important part of the con iw rum ul j.nuj.a,iMb vvuuvj 1 . - . 1 Miss.; were lyncned at iBea ridge'Kem- m.fliu, 1A big fake was conwefcea to-aay .;oy aec- Watts8 an ernanentesimi ana mien-u-eu, u vu, f, - rrtn?rttfand sent to. New York in opinion ithere: It expected?-in suggested that :the Indianapolto twnventicn I h urnose of We toNthe had presented a method fX solving the fiel fa-Efctf tCoffisul XJeneral Uee question and - advised congpetgs ,to accept :tonf eri.lng- witb Gomez about a treaty that soluUon every. interrigemt,man .icnewj the TFork ol , tiae lniemanouaj. pwihiibbwu -r CUSTODIAN OF KARiNE HOSPITAL. " vWashingtonf D." CJn."-,8.-ja Wer- . tehbaker'past assistant;, surgeon or the Marine' -hospital.- service; -was. to-day ap- -v pointed.-enstodian of , he Marine hospital at Wilmington, N.' C. -- t ' ' iffa 1 X1.mi 1 . a. I sjoie went o uaea jonuge w viaak -ettico y.e international agreeinenu , odgr to Impress, pufblic 2 when the president In his message of only .. w PaJmer '3 have been done by negroes. TSLEPH0I1E RATES RjEDUCED BY. THE RAILWAY .! COMMISSIONERS A Reduction in vRailway-Passenger Hates Will Probably be Made at r ' an Early. Date. rrevi---a )', Maiasa rr:'3 ' Gurnet C Prunes 7'.c, I-l" 10c and lc. r .r i: Special to-'the Cazette." . " r .Raleigh, Jan. 7. Though- the new mem bers of the railway -commissioners said yes terday thai only minor matters,' regarding overcharges would be taken up' and' eo told their, associate Dr. Abbott", yet this af ternoon they, made a sweeping" reduction of yearly telephone rates of rental by or dering the following In effect on andafter February "W Business telephones, special wire 2 2 and 3; party wire each $24, 4 a r- i .1 .nr-t 1 3 - L w U L 1 t." - ... -i .. i . ... . . . .1. 4 wire eacn 510, ana party ire Tier3 rates da nt 7-l"io ecrvice outrl-3 tla crrrfr-ia Units cf s.zy city cr t:r. Commi"i--er ALL: It ;r3 i-3 't;Ii3VS3 tie Que-tica.c'f tl rel:tln cf r--jr3.y p:3 terctr ratw 'will 'I -LJLea up at a very ezrly CJLs, I''.-lj ::rrcT7, r A correspondenlL (has; seen, .the ' actual 'note given out bv Congosto,' Le jdid not sen-J . Presl-' in - ' to iiavana. . T a Several .skirmishes were reported , of attjirk .if first ofli the BTOuna tnatit as a 1 aciaily to-nay &z xyo, r-pum auu iu, tt ATIvi t -wifl destrov it I Banor inSancti Spiricus. gviu BUUJuaiu cx v, - . 1 might well cease ' Teller then, uttered the following tmrj with much ibitterness: ""Mt. PTit t'hA TvirkiiMlnain taarfcv'is in power.. I . ' '. . js . T 1. i. 'il if I caair I hope to see it go "down m iaw, and I will do' everything l.canto (bring it to grief;" My quarrel is atiot ..wi'tli the ad ministration, but with the republican or ganization., HTou can not (bring prosperity to this country by changing one republi can presidein't f or another." - 1 Insurgents .is said to be entirely routed; by: 'the Spanish. 1 MISS GORDON TO WED v 3 trarai-i- , urr ---- -- , 3 tla.t u3 y -- j a- ne-t Tvi' j. Ill 3 V7illias, ever tl- pr - :t - a n-- 3 i -J, -Sv. cf tl3 l:-r .-lch Ha cittea " .it -t. a -:r:l tt'-tls ; Her Engagement to an English Nqble - - -- man Announced. - iTmTi .t,xh:' 7. The (betrothal as an- ivilpr afteT wards referred to"he Oulban I Bounced of Hon. Rowland Charles Fred Question 'urging intervention. Regarding J erick TLeighythird son of lord Leigh; and the east, .Teller favored a combination with Mabel, daughter of Ool. W. W. Gor Great Britain against Russia, Germany and $on of Savannah, Ca. ;, . - - , -France. He would say to those 'powers, - y- nt tx " net-in the Interest oftrade alone.'-but In ; , LARdS SKIP CUILDI3 SOLD. ; , the interest of the human, race-' and. ' the . Newport ' News'; Va, Jan. 8. The Ol American people, they should not dismem- Dominion Land company to-day sold tha ber.Chfca. , V 1 "'-''-" Newport News Chip-buiMing and Dry Dock At the close of Teller's speech, iAllen's Cmpany with thirteen acres adjoining its reflation went over. , - present plant. Thia gives a e p yara 'Cutler of "North iCaroIrna, - introduced - a j vratefront of an even mile, making It one wiitW-'-ti-.T o- a::nd 'the oocstifeutioa -of the' laraest :Jertatlishsients cf its tizd 'rnvc by T23.L'.zz justices cf tl3 eujree ccurt ia c:a wctIX - t'-ctive in c-'-eral ju'llclil districts, 'anl C. P. IIuntlgtca. - reil5nt cf the plant, fc.wCiive - ... . rr will cogence e::te ive i-rrove:cnts ani jit? rctica t3 wc-ili call it vp at an- early altratl;5 t-r . :;- - zzzzzt Mi, diy. TL2 c:-at3 at 3:10 I-jV-rnci'tin m liij'cta tot 13 'K3 rl J-.- D fcr tl ? - IV v We feel very sure everybody had a very merry Christmas from the number of pre- ents we sold. , We desire to wiia everynocy a very happy New Year, and express . ' '."," thanks "to our patrons' for making a suceeoi " - '.,'' - ' .' of an-insbtution thaVhas been admired a4-. : - - ' r : -' -complimented by our resident patrons, ami . the visitors to the., city, especially frost largef places. "We have endeavored in every way, in.se- lection of design, In quality of goods, ani by giving very low prices, to please, anl hope we have succeeded far beyon3 tla - . " . ; .... i.- . " ' '.' ' T . . usual, requiremeBts of tha buiy seaioa. Again' allow vs to thack you f;r y: .r kindness, and wi-i yea C ccn;llzi:-lJ il' the se'aioa, . . - v .. . . . .a -wr-r-'MP r r yT r 'f i i' i 'iUW Jk A - . ? ' . " " V ' . Cor. Cl-rci Ci. I; .' : At;., ' . T 1 -. ... , , . . v., .

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