n EUTILLr, U. C, FSIDA7 IIOnilKG, JAIUi jf Xtl JLI "1 I fV s- r- m and r The proper offerings will induce people to tuy. , t Good, big bar gains are always in or der; that is the reason allo our Wool Shirt Waists will find, new owners during the next day or so. Price reductions -are as follows: , . - $1.25 Flannel Vaists . 1.25 Plaid 7alsts $1.75 Flannel Yaists . . i r ..; " Nicely Braided 89c 89 c $2.48 Ladies' Cloth'- in - Red, Green, Blue, , : '' Brown and Blacfi ; $2.43 Silk, and Wool (Hi f M : ii' Plaids; newest ,de- A j 'signs," both styles VV U1 lined all through, handsomely braid- ; , : ed and well made. !. OESTREICHER 2: CO. LiO South Dain Street. BATTLE CREEK ULij-i 11 by If Fruit Crackers, White Zwieback, Graham Zwieback, Whole Wheat' v C, , Crackers, Granola, .Granose .Biscuit, Caramel Cereal, AU Arrivcd Jan. 12, '98. f r7 TO HELP iiUITEZATIOII PRESIDENT DOLn COIIING TO "V; - .Tnis couiiTrz. " 4 A Bombshell in theCainp of the Iloya-,lists-Que Lill Was Gsttins too - Honolulu Jan. 13. The executive coun cil antd the -council ci stata in joizt ess- . ton- yesterday deciisl 'tilt President Dcffe'can best serve the rt: SAii in. tLi3 - risi byJooirneyi-T; ta vr: -'iir:tcn anl joining there in 'tie Zztt fcr .r2S2.licn. Thfe president is mlzs lity preira- r tiona ,'toeail for Ean rrznci:c3 cn the steamship Peru on tte Sth ist, e.ni4hcpe3 . -rto Arrive at Wcintcn ty -t-s tlr.j tt debate ra annexatisn is firfy ur.I:r v;ay. The plan for the presllent tD ts Y.'isii ington hai3 fallen Z3 a L:n'- i- t3 camp of the royalists. TL? :v:rr-r-rt ..;;. 'j r- 'naa .watched -wita' -r-irs " ""1-3 - - lecta of ex-Q-cen I'I- -'..i'. -H'z " - In Washington. Cle 1--3 cr--t:-l . t '-deal of eyn-atLy ly 1 - : - ---s '-2 ' putftlc and pesir T : - C- : "-."r- I through force zzl i. "I. I" - - I Us expected to :--". i- - . directly tto h:!p i j ' " - 2 ' - ' Take Laxative : , (druggista re.:." , cure. zzc. 1 ii Large Attendance and Plenty, of Enthu slasm at Last Night's Meeting: : Constitution Adopted Whose Purpose is . -Business -of Orve.Hundred and Six Members Enrolled Resolutions Unanimously Adopt- ed Condemning the Action .of. the County ComrnissionerV in the Bond Suit and Declaring That New Bonds'Should ba Issued if , These Are Adjudged Invalid.'. .The adjourned meeting last night of the business men of 'Asheville' in" the rooms' of the Asheville cl;ub tocoimiplete theortganl za'tlon oZ a boaxd of trade was. a very large and represenitative one arid everyone ipresr, ent seemed to be inspired vsrfth a Qeteirimii nation xo maike the .movettaebit -thoroutghly sudcessfuil.4 'Hon. Theodore 'P. Davidison, chairman, called the meeting to order. On motion of George- S. Powll aimeridea by Thotaas A. Joneis, ' persons- wno desireSd. to be enrolled as -phater memlbers, (Whether presen't or represented by'ovtiers were al lowed to be so enrolled (During the even ing the -following, Damies'.wero ad'de'di to the roll of . charter members. . ; - ; . . T.f W' Patton, John Y. Jordan, Dr Jchn Hey Williams, J. D. 'Murphy, J. T. tTggle ston, GeOTge A. iShuford, Frank Louh xan, L. E. Alexander, .11. G. C-irtney, II. T. OomnsrHl. G. !Hun J. 'L. HidhT. H. Cdbb, -C. "W, Brown, J. Patterson, J. E. Rankin, AT W. . Field, F, - IS. Tx5ter,lC- B. L Wright; .W: P. WMCtington, R. J. Gtokeley, J. M. Rly,j. FIRa:y, W..S. RayW. 'P. Savage, George iR. Collins, F.' (B. .aiifler, Andrew iBrandt, aiarou Erwin; - W.: S. - Alien,- R. R." ' Porter, 'I 3JLi BouTne, - Octave Battle, W. ; J. - Fitzgerald, D. KJ. Wadldfidl, Jr., T. B. Lyman, !L. Blomberg, Duff .Mer rick J. 'as.-. David'-, an2 -H.-W. Plumtoer. The iolt now in'dude's .,-106. names. , t . The report' off the commltte,e on a- plait of permanent organization: was read' by Frank Carter, of. the comimittee; ; It proposed or ganization -under vJthe charter, c'f the olid Commercial dulb? obtained "by a legisla tive act in 1891, ind of course t'he adoption of Its .name. This .proposition 'ipreteipi tated a disouission' as to the ilegal'ity amd desira bility of such action. A motion' of John Y. Jordan that the charter and name of the Commercial Clv!i be "adopted .was lost.." . ,- ,Mr. "Carter then continued, his report, reading a draft "cf a constitution and by lawa, 'Duif Merrick rnoveki consideration, by section. -J. p. 'Mur.p'hyt moved', as a sufasti tute, that 'tie constitution and bylaws as read ibe adopted ais a whole. . Chairman avidson asked 'JJ,D. -(Murphy to 'take the chair ind In -a few earnest words urged the a'doptionof the -con'stitu-tion as submitted, . lie said if was the re sult of "careful .mvestisatioa' of tbr'me'tb.' ods of -other fboaiids of trade. It -was suib tantially that of the Atlanta "board, which had ibeen .y,ery suttoessf ul. The manner of the election of ofScexs (by the (board tff di d'edtors) 'is an esseritial (part of the plan. In considering it two .facts should fcS 'ket in mind firsit 'that the board o'f .traideis not a political organization, anid second, it was purely a voluztsry cranizticn. It was absolutely necessary to deieite the poiwer to the iboao-d of directors an order to mzke the organization self-sustaining.; In dividual rights .were cot endangered.' lie Loped .the meetinj -culd preserve this Mr. Carter said the comimittee, a3 tqthe mode of choosing oncers, tiad followed pre cedent. .... Judge Shuford said there were some fea tures of "the constitution to which he ob jected. He was a thorou'h democrat and did not believe in tuniin's -the beard cf trade over body and so.ul to the iboard of direc tors. -He was in favcr ,' t'he electicn 61 tha president by tis wio1e( 'body. He thought July wa3 r.ot the time "to elect oncers. The -be'iniiinj of the year -was the proper tfma for the annual meeting. Chairman Davidcn reciarked1 that the rst Cf July was the 'best- time to sufc'mit annual reports ci business, and industrial affairs. On (putting Clr. C.lur;hy's action to 'vote, 'the chair "dacidsd that it was a-dc-te'J. A Clvicn vz3 cilkd f:r zzl was mafe ty a risirj vote, T."j.ich s'.jtc'I that the . motion w3 .do;:el iy a ds-cl'del sma i:rity. C-i i" :ion . cf CIr. ty ixllzi cf c"5ven ' -i fr" t z - -'1 r- t71c . i :---"-. t j. t j. -x- - " ' V, T zrz i ;rs z z' irter Vzi 1: lct3 to e zrv : ; in Jul" " util czivir !.-.-- c'zvtn t r : ;r c: v: by - the New Club, to Advance the - Asheville: t votes" for the board- of dire'etors,; Captain T. W, iBat:tOin,witi-a few . wcds "Of (pre face, offered t'he - f ollowi'ng . resolutions, whfch were, seconlded by J.'. D. Mu'rphy," and adopted, twithout. discussion, unanimously, by a rising vote: " - . ' Resolved, .That it is the opinion of 'tihis board oil trade, . of " the city of l&siheville, that the action recently taken ''by the ootm-m'issioner- of.pun.combe county, Ini apply ing for an injunction td restrain fh-e county treasurer, from . -paying" the January cou ponts of the, county bonds, on- , account of some"uip-?oisediirregralarity, in their issue, is imost unwise, . unnecessary anvd detri mental, .in that it is calculated do , injure the good character of this community. ' Resolved, That his board ft trade liolds it to be tlie tiuty of every man" who wishes to promote tihe -prosperity of this city or of this county, to do aH hfai3 rpower to protect- the holders of the Couniy bonds. from any loss, or from anxiety on" account of said injunction.,-; . ' I Resolved, That in ' the "event the su preme court shall. hold the-bonds of this county to. be invalid, it is;, in the opinion of tnis board of .trade, the duty of every citizen, of". tlhis bounty, imediately 'to a"ie et: "action & mayfce in favor oE the1cue cf (bonds of like amount, to Is CzliTCT&l tj the holders of tJhe (present 1onM3r without asking; furCher. coBsideration therefor. .-. Resolved, That this board of trade will take all lawful steps to -ensure, the peedy accomplishment cf the- last, resolution,' & bove. - r o , ' . Col, . F.. A Lin)coln spoke ofVwhat lie heard and read-on a, recent tTip.to the north" albou't .the ;iltmore- "fake."' and thought- the boarfd of trade ;ehou1d! take further -actioa in condem-nlng and contra dicting it-"The action of the (previous meet ing, had not been -puiblisned T)y.the Asso ciated Press. i He isipoke of. some papers, however,, that had. '', After-an e-ctended dis cussion of the matter, n which Messrs. Murphy, George Weston, S. I. (Bean, I. B. Alexander, A M.,iField Judge Jones, Dor. WiMiama and 'others . participated,., a - mor tion by. "George 6. "Powell,. seconded'" by Prof,jEggleston, surviving, amotion, to ta ble by- Mr. Carter, , wa - carried. It "was that the secretary of the meetimgribe.au thorized to append, the names of the mem bers of the board of trade, to the resolu tions adopted at the (previous meeting, tlhe- ' (Conanued on Second Pa'ge.)' , . Kiimnis OF PYTDIAS A MERRY ANNUAL INSTALA ; - TION OF OFFICERS, ,s JLarg0 ' Attendance ci, Yisitors at the , Ilall Last Night-Brief Speeches' ' I j Brne of the Kn'ghts. . : ' The most charming entertainment of its kind .which has occured in Asheville 1n many months was the public installation .of the officers- o!f the Knights of -Pythias last evening. The atte-zJance was' large, the room 3 were nicely .decorated, with. ever'-Tee:-3, palms and ; potted -plants, The music" furnished by - the 'Asheville Orchestra was, erpeclally good "and the re freshments excellent: ''" -" " ' - - - -- The fine paraph,eranalia,- of the offlcers added to the interest cf the jscene,.'' A pro gram of addresses (had been arranged and Mr. Charles A. Webb was the one to offer its word3 cf welcome to those present," to those who ha.d. been absent go long that they had been almost forgotten, to the in vited guests, the men, thatJthey might be came interested in Pyhthianism and seek union with the order, and to the ladied s most cordial welcome. '.'I am to convince tr :m," te fid, "that the letters V. O. and B. so prciii-ct'cn. tha tad3 do rat' mean Tcal3 C-n't -Delrzj," 'that 'your hus tizd, trc tiers end sweethearts are not in ttndiic3 urcn !:!- mreuns far nu.- l;f, tut for zt cf r--'la crlzr tl. Tjtl-r-iz i, tia u; ,--, i - lifting and th? bet- r"rro-5?3 ... L :.r. ord:r," said !lr. Hiciert, "t' as you may I ' zZ to telLyou the secret, . Our c'zlzzt is tie up lifting, the upbuiliiEX cf mankind. V,Te don't teach religion, but we cone very near to It. in the Elble you will find all out teachings. We ere the grandest ordr on the (face of the earth, next to the church Our ritual dates tack to the sermon, an the 'Mount and teaches our duty .to man end our duty to God. - Our grip; signs and pass wcrdl are all that we have secret. Ihe friendship of. Dam on and .Pythias, who loved each other better than life Is the ex ample of our teaching, and our aim is to practice - in everyday" life, 4n .trouble ' and sorrow, as well as In luxury, what we teach We teach charity. Charity for the faults of ethers which seems great ; beside the same faults In coir selves," Mr. Rickert spoke at some ' length and Lintereitingly of the history. and objects -or I ai - j - - ., - ' ThsN Instalation was next oHer. It was beautiful in it3 simplicity. Refresh ments 'were served and Mr. Lawrence Mo Loud spoke in. his usoial agreeable After dinner style. He said that he' had been a lawyer only four months and as this was nis first opportunity he would take &dvan- taere" of It.- whereuDon he "nrodured ti ?m-. irtense manu$orip't,with a whack at. Al exander Webb and Wiley Shook... Dark- (Contimued c-n Second Page.) '-'' GUILD ENTERTAINMENT For the Benefit of the. Work cf thp Women of Tjinity Church The entertainmenlt given 'yesterday be tween the hours' of four and six at the -res-i den-'ce of Capt. T. i W. Patton, under the auspices o fthe'-Wcman's ip-uild of Trinity church,' swas largely -attenided and 'from ev ery standpoint was a very successful - af fair; . - - -v. , '-.. , - " Gen. T." F. . Davirdsoh t?poke of books and more (particularly off Men I 'Have Known," by Cannon. Farrar. Mrs. KLmfoerley, Crs. Glasser and Miss Mafctison favored' "thcom pany with vocal selections, after whidh Mr. Ciharles McNamee made a fbrief- talk, (fol-r lowed by selections fromThe Chevaliec of Pensieri," and !'T1he 'Chatelaine" o'f , La Trinite' with comments.. .There was a vi olin;, and mandolin duet by little Misses Margaret and Julia DuBose with piano ac companiment. The ;.musLcal. program rwas cornel uded with a vocal solo by 'Mrs. Thom as , A. JOnes af ter which" the remaining time, was spent in social "converse along .wifh 'refreshments.- , r .;. . Tlie Faithful Endeavor Tiatd' its "Sale'taJble of . candy and violets, and .the . ladies ' of the Guild offered numerous aprons and fancy, articles for ale. The total receipts amounted to about $45. ,' A SCEUE III COURT Pr ICONER MAKES A BREAK POR 1 ,V - LIBERTY. ' Accused of Robbing Seven Frmers in a North Main Stretet Boarding ' Zp' ' y House-' ' - - . - - if --- - f - -i. . , , -i 'ui' ' i - . . - . . - . A Ibord robbery "was comanitteid in "' this cjfCy n'ghjt before tast, V'.tpa'rty of ifaraiera beSnig reed of , their money and dhecks f or tobaJotoo. . After the sales - the party. -drank somewhai freely and .retired; to feed - ait' tne boardin'g frous'e of (Mrs. -Bu(Chanantn North Main street about nme o'clock. " , IDuring the ni'g&t eveTy One of ithemnram ber'ing- eight, -was robbed- cf his money and checks.;-' Ill the" afternoon one Of the Vic tfiEls, -wfhile under the influence of liquor, feirin' with ia young man iy.the name Of Rober'ts "from-'Haywoofd' county, ".to -whom hc'mad d?no,win.that Jhe aad in -his. pocketi a cneck for $31 00 and several dollars in mcney.- --When. the -p-artie arose yesterd'ay morning -they' found tluOt each, "'and every one "was. nobbed of "every, cent in' their -pock ets.1' Suiapkion .at once, rested' upon Hoto erts, wvho.waa arrested by' Policeman- Jox-danaand-'a, -warrant worn cut. foeTore Jus-" tJce C W. Malone, charglnlg Mm iwHth lar ceny. -. . a-' r'i " ,','ir" - The investigation "was (held' at police headquarters , in the -presence of - a large number of -persons, - Several! "l -wTtnefeses were examined, and taie., evidence tended to khoiw that the' defendant Jtoberts had gone to ,. the- rooms ol the faT&mrs, ' opened (tne doors which were unlocked) , .rifled1 their pockets o'f both money anid' checks. f Tteee rooms wcre entered and not a pocket was .(pared. , , e " , - . The justice went into a thorough In vestigation, dl the matter. -Two -wfin esses for the state identtifie'd'tne- defetudarit as the man'.iA&o came into the room after they had1, retired. Mrs.- 'Buchanan, 'tie mistress of .the house,- testified .that a man. exactly like t'he defendant pushed open the door ta tarTOcm il wsi'ln' the -'act of cc!ming in when ehe awoke and 'gave an alarm which frightened the man awayl --'Roberts was identified by the color of hi3 -shirt- and a crisppled hacid. , , ' ' 'Tie -defendant wis subjected to 'al rigid examination in which -he averred that - he went ito bed in the wagon of ,a friend, by the .name' cf Oogdell about-' nine, o'clock, f and did not arise until morning. ; The evidence cf the State's witnesses .was that the apipearanoe of . the s'trainger in the roomsi.was a'bout. 10:30 or 11 o'clock. C-cgdell was then susmmoned . and . .testified t-hat Elcber'ta did sleep in. !hi-s wagon, (but did not come 'in until atiout'one o'clock. Thus the defendant's "effort to prove an a-liJoi v.'as a failure, and the justice held him to bail in tLe sum of $300. While .the witnesses for the state were Izlzz rcccc-ized tzr their appear an tfe- at t'La next -term cf the criminal 'court to give evidence in tiz& case before -the grand jury, 11.3 . crowd in the' court rocm was s:.;rtle 1 by an exclzmation fran a .-.peeta-tor "Your tian is r zs." The dsfendant tad jrmped cere 3 -tzzi Tailirj end ing hi3 t :y to Vhe door. CC: and Lyerly tz:1J1 !Tcr the deer, they- cc -II z::zi their w-y tr crmC, r:"-7ts Lz.1 tt-I L: . tla t-:'".:.r - anl "wcz ' "Iri ; W3 Eii- 'rs Jordan l it b?::re r::.'i . : r 1 V-V-ay ; C ZZ72 I. . I Lin , ' hsra sen. 'lie wis tiien az-in into cuz'.-vdy ty lie.rclice-r'c-i and ccu:Itte,d to jail. T.'hen trresirl riEitLer cuo-ney or chdzks were found ca hl3 per;;n, but it -was thought by the cZlcers thit the valuables were 'in 'the possession cf a comrade, of Rcber'ts. by the came cf "West, who was wiizh him at Lhe .time cf the arrest rwith. a valise in hii ban-i, (but mcde his escape, not at the time being suspected cf being an accomplice. . " This case may terminate in' a charge cf burglary, which is a capital (felony. Seven of the victims who were robbed were rec ognized as witnesses. " . . If J THE HOUSE. Criticizing Hanna's Methods The Ag- . ricultjiral BiV. .,' . Washington, Jan. -13. The 'agricultural appropriation bill gave occasion vtoday .for the "annual, attack upon Hihe system of free distribution of seeds. The usual mo tion to strike out the appropriation rwasi lost 150 to 19. - An adjournment iwas taken, 117 to 114, without disposing o'f the bill.. . " (Mr. Dearmond of IMis-souri, critfeiied the methods 'by -which he alleged-.Hanna was chosen senator in Ohio; and fkat gehtle'man was defended by Mahany of New. York, and Cannon Jf Illinois.-' The latter" expressed pleasure that tihe' efforts., at -."traitors" to the party had; resuleted in failure. : The sentiment -"was liberally -appTauded., toy the' repulblicans.. 'Dearmond in criticising Han na's telegram to (McKinley,'"God reigns and the republican party still lives;" elic ited - democratic alpplause, by saying that there .was no contradiction-of the first prop ositlon, and this, made it all the iiarder to understand the ec6nd. ' -J , H ANNA AND PURE POLITICS. ,"" . -v " , '.r''' . - - -' ..Cleveland, 0., Jan. 13. ttlanna was given a grfat .reception by the town this evening on his return , (from "'.Columbus. 5,000 participated. 1 , - . - - 1 T . There was a' big parade. Off fbusiiitess -men and political" clubs which met the senator at' the train. He made a speech,' saying the people, by demanding his election- en.- dorsed all that was pure, in' politics and loyalty to party. ; - ; ' EIGHTY LIVES LOST. fe jA. f "-V Vtotoria, B. C.'. Jah. 18. The Japanese " 'i .'v- .-A ;V:.V:'- ' . steamer ."iNara. (Maru was lost off Pesca- dores Decemlber 27.' 'Eigh'ty- persons went down with -the. vessel..' Captain Yastfda, of "the Japanese' navy and nine' cadets, are among the' -lost' -".. , - j r EMSlON BILL INCREASED ! V -..Washington, Jan. '13. Jin the senate to day 'the pension appropriation bill was re-' ported and placed on , the calendar.' -It carries a total of '?14148,830, being ?30, CCO more .than! as passed by house. . Jti- crease is in ite-ca for clcil; Lire at psasica agencies. 1 The senate went into secret 6esr sion on!' the," Hawaiian : treaty;; Chinees of its adoption are said to toe, growing.; THr COMING STRIKE;'' . New, Bedford, Mass.; Jan. 13. .At a mass meetli'g tonight th&. carders and speeder 4 -tentders and :. -pickers voted", to ' strike, c Of these .classes there 'are aibout 7,000 in this city. .The- strike begins Monday, but as employers here' are willing to shut, .down for awhile,' no serious. trouible is expected. V RACE QUESTION IN SCHOOLS. ; - ',-IPerry, . Oak.,'. Jail. 13. The . populist leg-i-slaitare has (passed a bill prohibit tag white and colored chiMren 'from attending the same" school. 1. The eupreme'. oouTt of dJhe territory decided, the, 'bill unconstitutional today. , 4 , v t - ( 1 , , - , CRISIS III CUBAII AFFAIRS that; is. the. belief in jpffi - ' - cial circles; . '4" - Wednesday's Rioting Expressed' the ' Spanish Contempt for Blanco's 'j , Peace Policy;. ; - - 'Washimgtoni Jan. 13.-G-en. FStihuigh !Lee cableld'this afternoon. J thai all is quiet in Havana, tout. the belief; is general in oQ cial circles that a crisis is approaching in Cuban affairs. It is more than "a coinci dence that the fleet of 'United 'States war ships are4 now in southern waters,. wi'Chln easy reach of Havana. -, .MGen.Lee cabled today that the rioting lasted, five hoiirs. tNo shots were -fired,' no Americans .were hurt. There was no re sumption o'f disorder today. T!he. belief ,is Chat the rioting expressed the Spanish ar my's contempt ifor 'Blanco's -peace policy anid au-on-cmy, and was only .the beginning of a camipaing'to- return to old (methods.. . , Lee's residence and the American consu late was protectedy details 6t. Spanish soldiers during the night and today. ' v' ' 'TO BUY UP CUDA . Alleged Serene cf a Syxdicate.of Cap- . ' . ' italists - ' Iladrid, 1 . Jan. 13. Correspondaricia . Da Espara today -.print a- letter from a 'prciient" member ci the 'Cji-ilsh cclny in' 'Ix ew Ycrk," 'givirg details cf a " to.i- piracy by, a syndicate cf -American capi talists to secure, a dor-Jnant interest in Cuia ty wh:I-::.l3 bribery. The writer afHrms ths irtc-tiod Cf the 7"d:cte is to dlitriiuts - bTlies. ' Fifty thcu- i.nd dollars h3 szys ws cctl1 a crcaii states jn the ether c cf fcs-r York -nev,'r; ?1C3,C33.' Ce-atcrs, cc ed ct lawcr fyvzs. . -y, C . . s 'i?p-rt red fo re qu:i .:rsi ap ral t. i 3 a per esc ""e-:-en " -. " - - - .j rr- - -.I: I is -a r..-;-:n C 1 r; ik'J U Li 1 1 ! jjg 'I Defiant I.lcba 'Parading tho ' Street a of the City , harge . Uado by the Civil Guarcl3 Resisted. The Rioters Dispersed Only to' Gath- ; it Again.; HcKinley .Considering Whether ,cr 'not to Sand a . Warshrv ' : , - Blanco Hesitates to Use. Artitllery Against the Disorderly . Crowd? For Fear of Foreign Inter ventiorr-A Crisis in Cuban Affairs " v-, - ; -v v. ., '.Havana, Jan. 13. The situation here . V '.;'-. ". V . z J r -L ' '' continues serious.;; The city is in the great- est excitement, Ridters fired several vol-. v" .''V.' , " leys las night near the theatre Albisu and ' iihe TJlalia (barracks doing damage -to the buildings.- They were passing through the streets "all night crying, 'Death to the tra -itors.' ;A regiment of calvary dispersed them. - tAll stragetic Doints in the city- are oc cupied by artillery and cavalry men, sworda in hand.', The square about the 4 ; , . . governor's ' palace is defended by strong f- - . foUce. " point!s. Cannon - are placed -'at the mafa The members of the new cabinet remain- ed up alt nic-t v-i'tli Gen. Blanco,.. eiltlrz developments.1 ' .' ' . ,--, " In sVite' of the great military, display by Blanco, the rioters continue parading'' the streets. , This ! afternoon a large crowd ol . : - ... . -. -1 . ; v. j , " ' ' - ' i-' - - - ' ' S rtotera sought to attack .the ofiicers of "Oi aro" and'resiste d a- cnarge made bit tne ' civil' -guards.- Finally they were disperesd but sather again, in neighboring i&treets. r : " ' : .; " - ' , , - - ' . The rioters " are well- armed.' 1 Blancoa- 7oida using aTtMlery because he , is afraid -1 ; - - of foreign intervention. . v : -'-', ' . Washington, Jan; 13. -Lee cabled tonight that the rioting had! broken out afresh and mobs are parading the streets. ' (He.eald . V , ?' " v --. ' t . - V" . , . . ; he Ls in no -danger. " Assistant Secretary Day cenf erred iwith President" McKlnley this evening relative to jsenidlng a warship to-Havana- , " i 7 - f ' " ; -' NORTH CAROLINA GEO.1 " h iThe-.rare' beaiutles -cf -nature, so well' represented' 4n . Western North. Carolina, are becoming better known every day aa people who are toetter educated ia the tor- miation andi utility, of minerals "nave from - . , - . - , -' , , , . time t -time shown their, appreciation cf "" ... v '. t ' these Gems by ucing them la 1iIki"id-r'c! adornment, t ; ' -: -. , We have decided to close ou.b seme cf -tlKfee gems andi offer them" at prices that" should "anake them all sell in a very fav - . ' ' ' days. ; - . '- - . - . woorpnri- ... . . '-- ,. One lot cf 41 gems at 50 cent3 each. One lot of 40 c 3 at 60 cents each. . One lot cf 1C3 cenra at 75 cents' each. Or: a lct'cf 43 gc at "fl-CO eich. -Or.3 let cf 22 eems .t $1.25 each. One let cf 5 m3 at $i.iC0 each. One lot cf 3 g3m.5 at T2.C3 cich. ,' . Cue lot cf 5 eci3 at Cm - ' Ore let cf 3 :-j ct ?1.:'5 C: .3 ijJ, i- c: 1 U t3 '.13 TJ

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