V7ol II: Ho. 290. AGSZVILL'J, i;. C, fTDEDAY'OEinirG, JAi;UAP7i 15, 1C:3. Tilco 5 Centc. a n i iiil OjULu and 1 '"V LAW W L... .., - O - The proper offerings VWlli lllUUCC JJCUJJIC IU buy. Good, big bar gains are always in or ,dbr; that is the reason . all of our Wool Shirt ( Waists win nna new owners during the next day n or so. V Price ; reductions are as follows: . ; ? . $1.25 Flannel YZaists . . 89c , $1.25 Plaid Easts , -.- .: 89c $1.75, Flannel. Uaists . . $1 ' : . Cicely Braided C2.40 Ladies' Cloth in Red, Green, Blue, , Brown and Black, ,f? Q;i1r on1 Wnnl . - Plaids, newest de : signs, , both' styles lined all through, handsomely braid ed and well made. OESTKIIICHER - vjl l - 1 ' ' " J tl G "So iixii" k lam S -r j ov. BATTLE CREEK Fruit Crackers White Zwieback, Graham Zwieback, Whole , Wh; Crackers, Granola, Granose Biscuit, Caramel Cereal, All Arrived Jan. 12, 3. - E:.Tr.:-;:c'J3 cluc. ' The ETitre-Noua club met z.zl eyerie' et the tame of -'Miss Crawford, Grove street. In the absence of this presHent, llr.- T. D. ' Green, the business meeting w&3. presided over by the vice-prezi-cntr Graca Rankin, who was a chinning executive of- " fioer. Two rcT tzz1 .ra were juLnittei, ' Miss Crawfcrd end i:r.,r:'ilioxu DeLisnt ful refreshments were served tinid most pleasant evening w3 spent by tha pr.- The next n:.tirg .t-. held Xt is: Sawyer's, 'Haywood tr:sU " Fred Uias,:6n of Jae3 tl3.z; 'living on Woodfln street, met rith a eerious accx- . deat at' the 'noon rece:3 cf Cxange street graded stehoca yesterday, 'Young Cms,; who is fclbout thirteen years cf as,- while-ven ''gwged'tn a rough play 'With -school mates, fell from he. steps and had his leiftarm - broken near the elbow end the lirJb cter wlse badly injured. '-. The young "can v:3 taken 'to.his home and received the rre-ed ' mpTliai flttpntinn at the hinds of Br. D, t E. Sevier, an'd at Jafft accounts ws rest- ing well. ' ' - Treasurer Payne wears a hrr count enance since hi3 recent ciarrias a.nd e3 about i at the disehargs cf his cH::il ti:3 with more alacrity than 'terete fere. I'ayne 13 a good -citizen, a f;i:thful cllcer ?' and will make a 'worthy h";lard.. .lis ev.l 'his bTide have the tc:; -vi h3 c! th3 Ga zette. ; , to curwU a. cold ::; c: Take Laxative I..: : r ' ' .r ? druggists refund t:. : ' cure. 25c. .Tts r- -each tablet. C. c On Patten iv: for refit. Arply NaltTcp-i E:- "; I. re0B W V k-j- i Temporary Restoration of Order at Havana. 1 The Situation Discussed at a . , Cabinet Meeting. No Warship Likely to be Sent Until i - ' i n .i. -I ' u . Lee nequesis u. ; :r The Cruiser . ..Detroit ( Available - on ' ' Short Notice.' ' The Current Demonstrations in the Cuban CapU , tal Thought to Have " Been" Based on Orders ; Sent to the Marblehead. Hvashingtop, Jan. ' 11. Three telegrams from Consul General Lee -gave assurances to the president today that the tumult in Havana had quie ted, but did" not change the feeling that a. crisis Is imminent In ..Cuban affairs.-' I Only one , telegram had been tre celved from General Lee when- the, cabinet met.' This was dated midnight and told of crowds l-. parading the , streets, r shouting .''Down with autonomj." 'Nothing' serious had occurred however and .General Lee was not apprehensive of any immediate re newal of rioting., Eearly in the afternoon a second despatch came, telling of the tem porary restoration of order, and just be fore the etate department closed for., the day, third message was received. This last- telegram-was timed noon, and said that everything" ;was quiet In Havana at that hour, -.,'-' It t apparent from the discussioo at the cabinet meeting-that 'the president and his adviser? think it " best to await; develop ments .before taking any" steps to-" protect ArAerJcaninteres.ts inthe,-Cuban capital. They deeided it to" be-' Inadvisable to end a warship- there until Lee requests- it r"T ' . .The president and his executive officers have no means of knowing, but they are satisfied that - the current demonstrations are based ' on some orders-issued yester day to .Commander McCalla :of . ,the cruiser Marblehead not to start from Key West for Navassa Island, where he will make an Investigation of the condition of Aineri can laborers engaged iu me work on the guano deposits, until the cruiser? Detroit ar rives. The Detroit left Port liayuan Tues day and was expected yesterday This af ternoon Captain Sigsbee,- of the battleship Maine, senior officer at Key West, tele graphed.that jthe Detroit had been Edgntsd. Secretary Long sent a telegram immedi ately; directing the Marblehead to sail. . If Lee asks for a warship the" Detroit; and not the Maine, will probably be jjenc She is a cruiser and can make becter time than- a heavy armorclad. The Detroit is the vessel which, under the command of Commander Bronson, fired shot into the in surgent ships at Rio De Janerio duriug the Brazilian revolution and pracUUlr ended the attempt to : restore monarchal government. -' - . : Late to-Jiight an offfelal teaegxaim Was re reived from - Havana oractically in; reiter ation of Gen. Lee's' noon dc.:paui.Ult said that everything 'was pfactieally -quiet, al thou'gh the'excitl'meht-cfihtlnued. MNeither despatch made referente dif r"&cnrrl,nfce of rtotins. ' - . - v ' ; The' cruiser Montgomery arrived at Key West from Pensacola this afternoon aug men ting the alrea'dy formldlbie array of vessels there'. ' ---. ' Key "West,' Jan. 14. The warships .here are ready to -put to sea immediately on no tice' from Washington should occasion call for such action. -They' finished coaling and taking on pro visions today. : Tie greatest interest prevails here in the news from Ha-var.-a. and the further ' deve'opmencs ; are watched anxiously. . rrP. Miajth-leheatd bailed' tot (Navas-sa Island this afternoon. There are now.an- zhc.rcl cZ. thl3 rlace the second-oiaS3 cat tleship Maine, tbe iDetroiit, Which arrived tn-tinv. and the 'torpedo fioatilla. -lAt Jack sonville is" 'the dynamite cruiser Tesuvius; at St. Kibts is the Annapoais, and at uua- daloupe the iTVlcn'ington. . rioti;:g ist ;:igt. GnLNE5 ;OF TURBUL ANCE IN GOI.1E SECTIONS OF HAVANA. A I lob Sieze a House in ventral Pirk in Spits of the Strong Guard and rire into a Newspaper OiUce 'Havana, Via Key West, Jan. li.jThe situaticn continues crave, with a great :xl n:rs z'z t-iz yesterday and ccra ri:uz -re r-Tts..'. Since -last niht 'tie riot . i . i r-1 .3 CI forced the artillery and cavalry commands in Central park. Strong detachments of civil 'guards and military ipolice also occu pied the , main . stree'ts overlooking the park. In spite of the presence of troops the rioters, strongly , armed, gathered ; in great numbers in front of the Gallcian club and 'Campo 'Marte, the largest park -. .1 r - f . 1- ; " It -if- .:v -: -. . - in the city. " , , ' A'bou't an!i'dnight so threatening had the mob bejiome that- two cavlary detaichmenits were" ordered to charge upon them. The rioters, after some resistance dispersed''' ,-- - j . y.They gathered again near the house of Jose Brazen, the new '"autonomist ; gover nor, shouting: '.'Death "" to autonomists," "Death to traitors, and snaking; an effort to, invade the house and attack 'Bruzon's family. - The, military': police pro'teicted: the house and aga'in scattered, the Crowds;- The fighting here was 'more serious,- several ri oters being " wounded; The autonomist - - s r - ' ' - , . - leaders are in great- peril. Threats are . . openly made against them, especially Senor Galvz, president . of the council ' of minis- ters, and Senor Prudeacio; and the Mar- . : J - - . . c . 4 - quis of Rabell, president of the autonomist t "v - --, j- party. Senor i Rabell Is a Spaniard by birth and - a wealthy cigar manufacturer. ' - w- ' ' ,' ' - - . His iblg 'factory was guarded by strong ,de-. tachments of cavalry., , ; t The feeling against vHc'bell Is more in tensej. because as a Spaniard, tie is - con?- sfdered a trartor by 'the. rioters.-- ' r - - V " u v ' -- - V :To-night the rioters got to Central park , , i- '- again, -notwithstanding the heavy, military forces . there, and.' several : of them;.: took , w '' ' " . t 1' . -" rossession ' of a large; ; cne-story house, whch occupies the whole block, -called -the iianzena Gomez. From -Vi top of - this hcuse they firei. several " '3 Into Ccrtral park, erjpciilly at the cSce- Elrla Da La .Marina, woumcling ceveraL ' A fieice attack; was made by the troops oa , the Maniena Gomez end the :-rioters . . t - -f . . finally were dislodged.-' "" . , .: (Martial lanr Is practically in force.- The rioters parade the streets in defiance of troops, arms in hand, shouting . generally "Long, live .Weyler.V - ' , ., L -. -The AmerTcatt consulate, as :at first re- - - - y 1 1 - l orted, is strongly guarded, and so Is the hotel De Ingla terra, where Consul General Lee Ifves. . STIUIE.DIIAYOIDABLE- NEW BEDFORD WEAVERS ; LIST Three Thousand "V7IU Quit Work Mofc, day Appeal to Manufacturers by - -it : City Council- 'New' Bedford, Mass., Jan.j 14. The mass meeting of weavers toiilgM; attendad 'by; ov er 2,000, voted to strike Monday on 'three Issues. First, against the ten per eenti re duction; second,- against the weavers' fines system; -third, to remain out until a sched ule of -wages Is adopted. - This will cause a strike' among 3,000 -wearers, even if the notices of . the reduction are tilceTi down Monday. , , ' ' v After tthis action no arbitration or any recommendations cf any kind can prevent a general strike In the nine weaving . mills of tins city. A mass meeting of 300 carders in the South-End. mills -tonight voted .to strike A meeting of mill firemen is to be held Saturday and doubtless .they will" vote; to strike. So on Monday it is likely there will be-no ' workmen on hand to attend to the fires. - The board of trade committee on ar bitration and the city1 council .committee passed resolutions today earnestly request ing the manufacturers to postpone the cut down- for another week in -the hope of some adjustment. This resolution can have no effect on the action, cf the weavers. To morrow at noon about S4000 "operatives will leave work. - - . .- " ; . , . HIS STOMACH REi.iOVED Operation in Gt Louis Einilar to the :- . cno i- Zurich - EL Louis, Jan. 14. Ths entire stczr.nh cf Ccnni Hzth, nacllziit, v-c3 ren-Vvl tl Eleia tzi-iisl lzzi T7ednef ij. In sev eral w-ays tha crenuicn was mere czzzll ( led than th3 iimilzr undrrt.-liirg ct rT - r .u, , . . , r l i- , n e f -'nlu.i -j i. i - - - - L , - . Is J C. rl r ur, Yvi..- -re-ovei tl:.3 entire r -;rc lh ti-t It-.- i i I t - " - - 1 it : . Bradstreet's Report for'the , : ; ' Past 7eelr. - - Distributive Trade Contin ues to be Quiet. Unprecedented Activity in Production .' : : of Pig Iron. 5 : Large Orders for Steel Rails iProin ' Western Roads; : - Export Trade 1 -Continues large Bank -Clear- anceslndicat a Heavy Vduroe of General Business Throughout toe Country. t f New York,' Jan.Tl4. CBradstree't's to-morrow win say: , The distributive trade re mains rather quiet, mild weather through out the country tending1 to". check' the' dls-' trihutlon of winter, goods.'. OPrices gener ally, remain steady or ?tend tfpward,' except for some -grades of iron, and orders for the' spring trade, where received, are encourag ing. The industrial activity is most mani fest at the' wesV where the demand tor iron is large. - , - "' The feature of-the -week was the' plac ing of an order Iby one railroad for -1,600,-000. tons of steel, rails,' with smaller orders aggregating tn the neighborhood .of- 25,003 tons' more. " Pig Iron production Is no-w at ah unprecedented rate," the furnace capac ity being , estimated at a miinon tons a month-. Prices;, andi stocks bejln to show the influence of this' immense production; : -At the south manufacturing activity is the (feature, sales of iron being very heavy, A good export demand foricotton and grain at steady prices-Is also a"featur.: i . -.U-. At1 the east a number of strfes against wass reductions are reported" cr expected in the cotton Industry.-Come woolen mills, working, ca teavy 'inen."s-g"-;ds,6re Refus ing orders, their capacity" being fully booked., 3 tvj,A t ' The. anthracite ;ioat production, it f? is hoped; will be restricted sufficiently to l I(Jw of an' advance' of 20 to 40 cen'ts a ton being maintained, v";', '') y The weather- has been disappointing at the northwest. -Improvement - in demand developed at some centres as -the week adt vance4.;f -1 t, ' - -T- J The rush to Alaska has already begun on tie PaiCtfic' coast. Freight chariters are re ported lower.' - - r. . . The export trade continues large, a -gain of 8 per cent, on the total export of bread stuffs, cotton, aninefal oils," cattle, hogs and provisions, being shows both tot December and the calendar' year. .' v1 - ' jBank clearings Indicate a heaTyTolosns of 'general business throughout the counr try aggregating for the week $1,442,000,000, a gain over this! week a year ago-of '37 per cent. ' The weekly failures 'were v slightly , small er,.. amoun ting to 323,; against 333 &st week, and 478 In 1897. - - '- ' : ; GOLDEN CROSS Annual OfScers Elected at a Meeting " ' 1 " ' ' Held Last Evening. 7 " ' Asheville Comsmandery, "No.- of the United Order of the Golden "Cross, at ' a meeiting last evening elected the following .officers for: the- ensuing year: 1 - - , . i Ncihle Commandery R. B. (Roberts. " -Vice-Noble : Commatfdery Mrs. Rosa B. Morgan. - , . ' , ' - -Keeper of 'Records-J. Dickey, A ; . ; . Financial : Keeper of . Records T. J. Revell. ' - -' . -r; Treasurer -N. "W. Fain Worthy Prelate J. 'Hough Worthy Jlerald JF. Beck.---W. I. G.-4R. Qi. "Wells. ' ' . - y 'W. O. G. Harry A.-Dunham. ' ' , , ;.The oncers will "be installed at the next regular meeting, the -second Friday nigh c next month. " ' ' ...The Jolden Cross is a fraternal order. for both ladies and gentlemen. The society is one of ithe cheapest organizations in Ameri ca, and is in its .twenty-second year. The -Asheville chapter .of -the lodge has been established here several years, and is progressing very rapidly. . A ; number of candidates for m-e'milershlipwill be initiat ed at the next meetiing. - The . place ol meeting is the Jr. O. U. A. M. hall. AT THE ASHEVILLE COLLEGE A Charnins Recital Given T ast Eve . Kins by the Pupils of Miss Bing. The senj recital given at the Asheville college Izzt niht by the pupil3 of IIis3 Ding w-3 a very delightful affair. TLsra vrcre present a -houseful of appre- tiv eer3 and the pre jrarn "announc ed intr.3 C-rette-yestcrizy Tre.s carried out in full. 3 , IIutcLii :n, Detveilsr, Antl :ny, C.-iL:nau.d Zlrz. J. -.3 c.arep rc . j cf tl '2 ccll""2 -i id Z 11 3 raw- ycr i:i Z1iz3 lozi'J .'. .-:;.'a were ci -the pre ii n t Eu-.liin.'AiheTille's reputation, t" ;y u'l ta ir - r' :;t crc:;i, lli'Z were they rendered and thrrcughly ap preciated that far every one tLere was a hearty encore. The sin-irj of "O, :iio Ter- nanio," by Zliza Grcicn, was the subject cf much favorable comment, and the selec tions of Miss Detweiler, who ha3 a rich, contralto voice, .were especially charming. Doth of the quartettes and the chorus were good. , - The entertainment not ' being complete without a song -from -Miss Bing, the audi ence expressed a desire to hear her, and she delighted the . company with "Too Young For Love." . CLERK'S UNION New Officers Elected at Last Night's . V"- Meeting - The Clerks' Union met last evening with a very large attendance. The following of ficers were unanimously elected: PresidentJ. M. Stoner. ' ;1 ; -' Vice-president E. C. Featherston. ' : Second vice-president Samuel Kennedy. Recording and Corresponding secretary Miss Clemie Buckner. ' "Financial secretary Mrs.' Uolan . Bradford.- . , . . : -V'l, ;t i :. ; Guardian J. A. Reynolds.- , - ' Guard Charles Nichols. - A r - Trustees J. M Stoner S.. Miller and C. R.' Dennis. . '., ' ,The following committee was appointed to meet. with the Central Liabor union next Monday .night: J... C.L stoner. A. . IX Sto ner, J. P. Goodson,. J. A;' Reynolds, C. R. Dennis, M. Hirsch," U. S." Miller, 'E. C. Featherston, HL -M -Moody .and . Samuel Kennedy..' . , , ' . V, ,"- - It is proposed to have a series of .meet ings, whenclerks will have an .opportuni ty to compare notes and experiences, and it is expected that they will be both in teresting and profitable. 1 - ' . J BIRUIilGBAU ASKS AID TO SUPPRESS. THE SMALL POX " ': : ' " epidemic- The Expense too Great For the City to ' Bear Marine Hospital Service " f 'Wa&hIhgton7'JanL 14. The authorities at Birmingham 'Ala., V having expended, all available funds for 'preventing small pox, have asked thevUnited States marine bos pi tal service'jt take entire charge -of the infected' district and bear the expense of such-.me"ures $ ere necessary. - General Masruder: - rassed iassistant surgeon : re cently .detailed, there, has reported to Sur geon-General. Wyman that' he has reached the city and made a preliminary inspection ci the conhtic-'s cV:lstln. He recemtnends in case the federal authorties take.charge, a house tto grouse inepectlen-of the eity-to be made. . AM cases of-smallpox, he says. should be .moved" to the quarantine , hos pltal or kept-under guard, and persons x- psed to inf ection, -who have not been vac cinated successfully be 'removed to the . . , . . - - - ... . smallpox camp or left under dally ooser- y4tionJ - ; . - , - , ' , .' Dr. Mgruder gives in detail plans which he believes should be carried out in case the hospital service should 'take exclusive charge" cf the. work. In Jefferson! county, where Birmingham is situated, 148 cases of smallpox have -been reported tor. Decern ber.-' In-Birmingham! . alone .thirty-eight cases were reported curing me monin, BUYING VITNESSES: TICKtTS Alleced' Scaeme of Speculation in This . ,.:.t - fi uonnty .Komplaint "la ibegimade, 'nat' a practice is ln-wguein this county, of lepeculatin'g in witness tickets; wh'toh if truer is a : great ihjustice tq witnessls vhof fcaye f their j-iai-mifAnftwpd-ihv 'the - county., eommis- Sioners. - 4 ' . --,--r ' j . The manner In wljich this practice Is car ried on,; it is said, is- hat the speculator as 'soon' as 'xslalms .are 'allowed; examines the ibook upon whilch the entry .wf. sutoh al loWnces are mad'e, ...-He then hunts up the ciaimant: and proposes to buy his claim at a price -much fcelowits real Ta3ue."(When a trade is made the iclalmant--gives-. the. spec ulator tan; order to , the reglsfter. of deeds, who Issues' the script upon-which the -holder Immediately dTt?ws the 'money 'from the treaeu-rer; .Witnesses- and-, others who have -claims allo-wed should, know that "they are equal to cash, dollar for dollar," and that any one who proposes to buy a claim that -has fbeen allowed 13 making an effort 'to deprive, the claimant cf what-is due hinx without ade quate consideration. ' It is a 'violation of the Iaw'for county oClcera to speculate in couhty claims. - ' ' ? todacco r.::;n;;ET -Z "I - . - - V .. . r . ... . ' -. 1 r..; - t Jl - j.- . Grood Breaks Yesterday at the Various ' ;' . Wa'rehotLsss. ' l 1 1- . .The InSux 'of -tobacco 1 to 'the'-"Asheville market continues. Both warehouses had good brealrs yesterday with ecni-e very goo,d oHerins3. .lis. J.TA. Dnrmmond, formerly one cf the leaning truyers here, was on the market yesterJay for therst time in sev eral year3 -and hl3 aprc"e.ranc3 was c eted with delight ty the farmers who hnew him of eld, and were acquainted with hi3 lively way cf tidiing. .We give a few ile3 Tzzla at ths Eanner: One -lot of 13 pound3 sold for $121.61,. 431 for $31.58, 1,232 fer ;il4.!I3, r-n-t f, ffsy C" r7"ri f 3, 813 fer ?:3-C2, quanity cf tcicea ci tLa foors to cTer day.;. " 1 T-rf-'-s f-T -. TO C' 1.3 L:..: rr.n a cold 1:1 c::: DAY it A Liz T7ar. Claim Before the t House From Agents of Hethodist 1 -i -e isi'' . Church South. - Tb. Agricultural Appropriation Bill . . Passed. " - A! Proposed Anendnsnt to th3 ,Con- To f.takethe President's Term End on April 3o Resolution cf Inquiry into the Burning of the Seminole Indians. . . . .Washington, Jan. 14. This was a private bill day under the rules at' the house, and . after .the agricultural appropriation bill, . which was theunfinlshed , business when the session opened, had been passed, bills on the private calendar were taken up in commoittee of the whole. Two were favor iibly " acted on and' the reit .of- the ? day spent in 'fruitless attempt to secure actioa upon a bill appropriating $288,000 to ;pay i the book agents of the iMethodlsIt ichur'ch, south," at 'Jlashvllle, "for Josses eaused by the Union army d-urlng the war;" The bill was championed among others by,' Grosve nor of Ohio, ilahon o'f (Pennsylvania, and sayers of Texas, tne iatter orirwnom, ai though a southern democrat; Us recognized as an uncompromising? tfoe of the average . . . ' . : . - i- -. : i war claim, ingley of Maine, and iDalzell of iPennsylvania; -opposed (the bill- urging that the claim ibe eent 4o;the icourt cf claims for adjudication. J .fThe ihouse at 5 o'clock adjourned -without action on the claim. The senate Joint res; olu'tion was agreed to "with amendments ac centing an invitation for the -United. States W.parji3ipwAeIxr''the exposition xjf fl;!i and fisheries at Bergen, -Norway; .' during v' the cQmmg,!." " . - - -' 'Washington, Jan. i4.-In the senate -today Senator Hoar of aiassachuseUs. - .'pre- an amenameni xo xae consuiucion: 1 . . . -jVTha't the (following ibe proposed to the legislatures -of,, the several states as aa amendment to" the constitution of' the United ".States: .The term dr.. office df. .the president and the fifty-lxth congress shall continue until the 30th day of lAphil, 1539, noon. - Senators whose existing term would otherwise , expire on the 4th-day of March in he same year 1899, or thereafter; shall tuuvwue 111 vuu.e uiiun uvuii ux me vi,u vijr of .April, succeeding1 such expira'ticny and the 30th day of April, at noon, shall there-'' aiter 'be substituted for the 4th of Clarch as the commencement -and 'termination of the ofScial term of the president, vice-president, senators,' v and "xepre'sentatives in congress." ' . 4 j. . The resolution ,wae referred to Ithe com mittee on privileges and election.. ";-;t .. . ;Sena tor Quay, Pennsylvania offered the follofwing resolution, which was referred to the committee ,on Indian affairs: ' v . ' I'lResolv.ed.'hat the secretary of the In terior shall be,' and- bereby Is, Ins'tructed to investigate the facts attending . the al leged atrocious L burn'in'g , to death of two Seminole - Indians by a mob in Oklahoma Territory, and make a report thereon to congress. That (25,000 or so. mulch thereof as may toe necessary, is hereby appropriated- for investigation . apprehension ;and punishment -of the guilty persons liOHTH CACOLIJiA GEf.:5. " .The rare ., beauties ,cf nature, so well represented' 'In ' Western ' North Carolina, are becoming better known every day. as people. who are better educated In (the for--maticn andi utility;ct Eiinerals have frcn time to time shown their apprscie.tIon ct these Gems by using them in 11 tinds ci a-d",rmnnt. ' - . T - r "-J . - .- ".We have decided to cl:.3, ou5 szzne cf thetd gems'an-di offer them, .t price3 that should make them all. sell in a very Utt days. - - - -: , ' ; - One- lot cf 41 gens at 3 cents each. . One lot cf 43 cems at 63 cents each. One lot cf IO geeua at 75 cents each. One let cf .43 gema at??l.C3 each. One let cf C2 gems sit, $1.23 each. , One let cf 5 geen3 at $1.:3 each. One let cf 3 gems at t2.C3 eeeh. Cue let cf 5 ztzzn at c-.Ii. : Or? let 3 zzzz ct J1.CD "-eh. One T'-zy -fe: .c: :t c: C. v-

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