Voi II:No;:29i; ASHEYILLE;:N. C, SUNDAY: ILORIXG, JANUAEY 16 1898 Price 5 Cents. 28 s. wa 07. Embrioderies a? advfnta" geous-. purr chase : ena? .bles - us -to Vihite offer yptebetter ?alues in above goods than you are apt to getthem afterthesea son has advanced; 7 - " r It is good; advice ".to ask you to purchase now, . as we are offering extra" good lval ues. -. 'rlVj Full line Hamburg -and Nainsook Edgings and In sertings in the 1 newest and daintiest designs and pat -terns; every piece at a bar gain priced ; 7c toflia Linen at 5c j - - 16c 20c iOe d2c ui5(5 ; 17c Zfic 306- Si.-'.." It rws " ' Jl A" t- 5 nese eooas can uut ue 'a word to the wise" etc.- BATTLE CREEK; HEftWTODS JiraitC facie ers; White Zwieback, Graham "Zwieback; WholeWheaa j Crackers; Granbla t v; 1 i - f ., Granose, Bispuit;;l? Caramel Gereal,r r : AirArrived 712; 598. GENt CLAY'S YOUNG WIFE : : She Flees From : Her Brother to' her Husband'sHoUse. " " t iValley (ViWrKy "jaiu lSDora - 3y, tried to go to' General Clay's house -this morning, -hut tcouldn't get r .. -horse."" Tho neigMbors refused to let-herJiiive a. horse for fear CleH.'' vrooild illl them.We epent nearly all day looking for Ills 'hrothers and Will Bryant, bvtr o'eitheT; xame Vlthin shooting VHstanice. : This : afternoon , Dora started to, walk to her husband. . It 1 like ly she will reach there some time 'to-night. General xaay heard 'to-day djClell'a. At tempt to kill tTora 'yesterday "when, he fired two shots at her. jhe said he "was not sur prised, as he'lhad fceen "'expecting uicih;an outicome. - He denounces. Oell as a scoiin drel. He says, dell has--appropriated Dora's anoney and jewels. 'Ho: doesn't think Dora, will retaim:to ,!hfaa: as " long as she is under the control yt dell who, he eays, keeps her. under" the v influence' ol drugs. ' J: , -T --'w TWO SPAINARDS HANGED ' For Offering a. Bribe "to -a Cpbaa Col z. - onel." Havana, Jan. 15.-Jose de Puga, military commander of Havtaiva proviince.r -with an oUler Spaniard, went to the-camp of the Cuban colonel, Juan. Delgado, end cered a hrihe to surrender. DeljaJa Lansei on the spot. n rnnn tUU 'U Ij GOfiliD IIAVAfJfl Seven Thousand -Soldiers on : Duty "to Preserve .Orders Excitement That May Cnlmi Vnate in Fresh Outbreaksi Belief That Blanco is ; Powerless to : 1: Keep,DownroubIe (r.-: ' r : He is in a 'House' Divided "Against :Vr': ':- Itself. The Kayy Department Appreciates Ihe' Gravity 'of thtf Situatioa and is Prepared to Act for the r Protectioa of Amsrican Citizens. " ; - 1 ' ; Havana', Jan.- 15- Seven? thousas d . sol- dlers aref uner arma.'ln different sec tions of "the city lo ieaerve order. iQuit pre vails though." the leeling is vtill. very- bitter against the lasses wW caused the" riots. ; jGeneral Blanco "refuses to trust the vol unteera ta'protecttiim' and has 'dismissed them and taken civiL guards instead. tBIianVjoit is saldi sees that the recent troubIes means the death of autonomy and is much wwchearted.' ItHe lias" begfged, his "' " - C rr"-'- friends ntft to abandon, him- in these trying 2An order iJbas ibeen issued muzzling the press : and 'srohJbi ting" the circulation of American newspapers.'? """-""'" ashlngton. Jan J 15. Although news was rceivedv&roto tConsul "Qeneral Iee-to- da'y.-thattf4ll.ls tranquil in 5Javana, -the president and Ahe state :and nanry depart- menW aptprecia'te'the gravir tff the situa t . r - - - - - - " - - v tioatn -1Cutciid are prepared to.hear any moment of a (concerted outbreak that will hring" the"most serious, trouble. " Until Xee Is absolutely ."satisfied that, the discordant element can not' Ibe controlled"- he wiil not call for'a warship, ' He - twill ge "it with despatch when -he does ask. ? . - -. Oenenal ILee in his message to-day said that- although all is . quiet-there Isl much excitement, which might culminate In an ou'tbreak at any .time.";-;"" C :; ;The opinion, of offlclals of." the state de- pajtment is that the rioters have not been , t - - - suppressed. Borne believe that- 'Blanco is - - - -".--"- -1 . ' powerless to pnt down the turhulant tp-irits as he is in a house divided against itself. ? r '. . ,. ..... - ' ." . - .- It is freely admifcted in official circles that the (battleship Maine and the cruiser Detroit . are (being held at Key-West ready for;departiure" (for- Havana." T; Only one -.of these1" vessells wiH be sen " in , 'event . 'of trouble ELECnOlll K110XVILLE RULE WINS THE :HOTT.Y CON- T V - TESTED TlGHTr. ' The Republicans ElectChairman and VFive Aldermen, the Democrats 7r 1 ' i V i, Six of. the Board. 6pcJaJ to The Gaaette. 4 sL r KnoxYille. ianr 15.One of the most ex citing mnniclparicontests in - the his tory of - J - . ;- this city dosed -to-day with the election of Capf.-'WiIIlaffl! iRule repuhHcah),J editor of Ibe 'Journalf or, mayor; defea-ting-.the pres ent democratic moumbent of ..the office; Mayor i 5eisIkelt!-:.The':epublicans- also elected the' chairman v of- the,, city ctouncil and :!pe"-aMenmen against six elected by the democrats; , ,v C. r . The vote was as follows: - ; ,J 1". ' -,' OTor imaxorJEUile, , 1,554; 'Heiskell; 146; Wadel-74 - ; 'r:',, E'er chairman (Littleton', 1,505; Fleming, 1,112;" Jones; '100. - V - " iFor aldermen Democrats: -GIlcSMillan, Glass, deage; Karnes, Sterchi, Sayior Re pubJIcans: lAiteen, Brown; Trigg, Smith, Waltz. The- last two are negroes. - V judge Dicic's recig::atio:i , Greensboro, Jan.lS. It is authentically stated that Judse Oick -has sent in his resfnaUon as United States district Judge ca account of his health. " . . ' 1S -corner store fr re AT7ly to II. O. Chester. First KILLED ONJHEfiAILROADi James. vOwlVBody Found. Neair;the --" il''S2- 'rTrach;. sr-7-2y -rC Tes terday morning about7 -10 io'cltfakDr. J, T. Sevier; county coroner, received no tice from the depot "that ; man was found dead near jtbe-mouth c Sandy-Mush creek in the northern part of this county. JTh coroner, boarded the first xsar" and wen.1 to thejplace where the" dead man fwaa reported to be, arriving there about "12 "o'telockr fHe found a white man apparently about forty yeanr of age; lying-dead Jn a ditch-six or eJght - Ifeet - from , the railroad"' track, : his neck broken and two tkmises on. his per sonone uncer;'uie eye and the other- on the breast. ' The dead body was ' discov ered just after daylight yesterday morning by a man named MoCormlck, who at ooice feave tfhe news a nd remained wi CbT. ' the body until the ebroner arrivedr -The body- was placed on r the passenger train which arrived at'Ashevllle at 2 pv m.r and comneyed to the undertakln-g tahlish ment of -Jesse' R.' Starnes on' "North. Main street-where . it was Identified: as .that of James Owl,: a railroad workman;' who has been in this locality for abourone month. A Jury .composed of tH. O. Jone"s, - P'-s, A: Fanning, W'B. (Brown, Ui S: (Ball, W, Stikeletfther and "W:: dl.- Bird; was; sumr, moned, and an inquest held.- T ": , ' JSevcral witnesses - were ; examlned'iiwho told of the Ending of the body and' iden tified Jt. One witn'eSss testified that the de ceased left -Asheville day .before yesterday evening for his bome'in Tennessee for-the i purpose of getltintg hisvlothdiilg, bavlntg se- i cured a permanent ""Job ona section of the railroad in this county. - The 'witness, fur ther," testified that when he discovered" the body he also found a handkerchief' ont the end-of cn cross-tie' and a hat on another tie. There' "wate no evidence of -a s'truerle or. foul play of - any: kind, and the " jury found "for flieir;verdiSit that; the deceased canre.-tQ his death- by having" his" neck brcikeji by a traifl. r.' The unfortunate man has no relatives or friends, known bere and his body ..will e bu ried to-day in Riverside cemetery. ;' f ; SDpon the perfon of the ' deceased1 was found 50 cents 1n money, a pocket knife and a piece of tobacco. ' ''' - j .. . .DR.C.N. CRITTENTON Wiio Will Begin His Lectures in This - 'City Tonight. i ,There are few sadder' experlen;e in life than, the "breaking -up of one's home' through the death of Its inmates.; fWhen in the midsV oi his IdeV; and ahsoibing work .the wife ef his youth was taken from html and home was homer no longer. . (Dr. Critf ten!tioa sought in otherJlands though fwitb xe&l; for. hi iwork:unahated'to banish he recollection-of bistwo great bereavemen ts, and "partially needed ' till on' htsLTdtraxn I to his native .land be had tff'face the fact that ;.it was home-coming tduhe.dead. "f-:-" "Over-powered "vplth lonellnees and hom- sifkness, be could only., turn tor. relief to tne- vvora -qt asoo, ,ani reading promise al ter promise, at jast the burden was lif ted, and , with new -courage 'and energy be re turned to his work, to. the blessing of him self and many -others, j - (But home be . had none and, some kind of a home he must have..: There had been mBssionary: cars, preaching cars, - private excursion cars and why. not - a- home . car T Putting the idea into execution be had one built, and Xt has well served his purpose in his travels from north to south, and east to west in his special soul-saving mission. Mr., .Crlttenton is. described, as' a iflne looking man of ixty-fourr with a deep, earnest voice, an" attractive manner, with hair; tout slightly touched with silver, and looking not older than fifty.' "His' command of scripture is wonderful, and he constantly quotes from the :B$bie. He 'believes' in the old-fashioned ; doctrlnesof repentence ; to ward God, and faith n the "Lord Jesus Christ,- and (gives: no argument 'in: support of his doctrines but that they are true, be cause the Bible says they are truej i v"1 ' . His earnestness 4s the great :f eatuTe of his addresil ' It thrills through the Ufe stories which he uses as ilhistratlons, goes with the sinner to the aStar, and finally joins' in the -ong ef triumph when . the Lord ' Christ has been accepted by some souL - - ---- His large income, devoted wholly-to his work,' and to other lines: of iwork having for. their bbject the uplifting of bumaniitT. Jlas been the means,of doing a vast amount of good. He is worth no more ' ndvn than when he gave himself to the service of God, througb serfces for humanity, but infi nitely richer-in his varied experience and because of the good he has been ahle to do. ODt. JCrittenton will begin his series - or Jecturxs at. the v Central CJ. C.church to- - .v'll "i - ' - ' .r-t - ' - . -V:'. it I III - " - Vi . 'tr - ' ' ' " " V - DIt- CHARLES: N. CBITTENTON. . . f . ( 1 r " m i!eu Dfiii;; ; : ORGAfJIZED yesterday?s Meeting of the ;TiStockholdersT-,:.-r EigidRulea For theGoverii- - ; ment of the'Bank. No Loans to be Permitted to Officers -,':z .ofihe JnstitutjVn. ;1 MorrOffers of Sulscnptions to Stock : ;i v-Than Were Eennipei"- v- -" h Norwood 1 cted. President and E. B 4 Lucas CashierrBahkin Business to Begia wi a few Days, v . 4 lA. meeting of the stockholders of the new BJue nidge "iNatioaal IBank ? or Ashevilie was held yesterday a'f ternoon in the Ashe ville club roofins if or" the .purpose of effoct Ing an":origanizatIonr w4th S. P; aficDevitt fchairmah; and Charles iA.LWebh: secreitary." iThe object of the mee'ting was explained by Mr; : 'Norwood, who stated that. in the outset "iJwo points should: be i emphasized.. Firgt, that thebank must surround sftself WitA every - safeguard -to prevent doss,- and second,, that 'the bank must -be-t managed with the srtet'ecmomy 'to lasiire" sue- vesa. t ...... - . - . . ' ,s Us a re:aution 4n the nrsrdlrection, be fore adopting articles of association, or electing" directors, Mr.-Norwood .wished to oner a tesolu-tion for, adoption by the uhr scrrsv"v "Freqiient bank failures,?., he hsaid,v-"are' caused in the south hy lending fimds1 of the bank to the ofQcers--and their ftjendsjlf; the direcUrs and officers werq prohibited f reborrowing from the bankf they would be more disposed to scrutinize 1.; closely all'seouf ities off ered- by borrowers. Z. (While the; gentlemen, to be. proposed '"-as directors are ' carefut - "Tb-usiness-' -meh -' of means and not. in 4he "habit;of borrowing or are -disposed"; to abuse a -trust, he fol lowing Tesblution "was offered" and ; unani mously adopted; Z . "tRestxlveii, That no. officer, director or emplbye of the Blue. -Ridge Natipnar bank shall .be permitted at any time -to" borrow money f rom the bank directly or indirect ly, .through note,, overdraft or -otherwise,' . The-, articles of 'association were sub scribed. vto and the; following directors elected: W. J; Slayden; Dr. J lA. tBux roughs, J." W. Norwood, iB.' ift: IrUCas, Dr. J. E. Davids and G A. . Norwood. ' . After, the discussion of business matters pertaining to k the bank the - meeting ad journed,: ;;.;; . .""V-"" .The directors '-held a' short session , and elected. IMr;- QL (Wi,. Norwood president I and Mr.. E. JR. Ijucas cashier.":" - " - , Mr Uucasr is the present cashier d'the City National bank pf .Greenville. ;He will remove to Ashevilie and assume" his' duties here upon the opening of .the bank. " He is about thirty years, of age, and Is .well known as a (capable and .successful banker. When the president's salary was , -mentioned JMr 'Norwood reverted to his sec ond point he made in the meeting-which he emphasized ' very forcibly; 'and positively declined to accept any salary untih-the bank was. established .and 'on .r-fna': and profitable basis. - - ; The other employes were not selected as the" directors desired time' thoroughly . to consider the merits tit all applicants. 3?-The place of business was- netx-deter-mined upon, . thou'sh several places were offered at moderate rentals, "howerer -thl3 will be determined early this week.- (The place . will probably be in one of the hudld ings occupied bythe banks that recently closed.-,V - 1 " - i- " . -: - The first installment of 50 ' per tent. - of the stock of -the sew bank will.ibe payable to the president at the office of Charles A. Webb; "Legal building, between the .hours of 10 and ll a. m. Tuesday, T-i - The bank will probably be ready tor bus--iness within ten days. i' -' lrobably no bank baa ever been: organ ized ' in North Carolina with stockholders of greater, financial strength, i The resident stockholders are well known T citizens of AsheviHe, and among . the non-Tesident stockholders 'areriHon. 'tW. -C,- Cleveland (capitalist) , 4Hon. James t. Orr (president, Piedmoat Man-dfactruring company) , Mr. G. 'A., Norwood. Coapitalist) all df Green ville, C; M H.Pringie- (president, Bank of tCharleston, B. CT, Mr. D. Mc Call (president, IBank' of IBennettsvulle; S. CJi Mr. :vj.-:(H. Bloan (mamifacturer, Spar tanburg, S. C, Mr. W. H. Woodward (capitalist),-. Birmingham, .Ala.,. Mr. Walters, a well known" capitalist of -Baltimore, and president of he Atlantic Coast Xdne; Mr. G. A. OTorwopd, 'president iNational Bank of Goldsboro;andothers. ' -tr ;, -: iPresident Norwood told a Gazette re porter last, evening -that ' the ; subscription was over subscribed 'and some non-resident tr Were resetted. - - GRAY GABLES BOBBED Burglars in the Summer Home of Orc T n . ver Cleveland--" - u3uzzard's Bay, Mass., Jan. 15. Gray Gables, the summer home of Grower Cleve- land,, was .visited.by burglars last, night, who ransacked 'the:' house rom cellar, to garrets . They ' dranik. some - choice "liquors. found Hn the cellar. There is no tlue to their :'iden'Uty.';..frhe property stolen;, if any, has not yet been etermined but the house is in the greatest confusion IThe V burg lars overturned every thing in- the hope of finding valuables. -; HAHH&'S ILEGIIOH WILL BE CONTESTED BY HIS OP' . PONENT MoKlsSON - - " On the Grounds of FraudiOlaim Made -; , That Seyeral Votes Were ; , Purchased - - .Cleyeland; . Janv15.--It has bean settled dluifter'-i;that.lliasbi will contest' the election of Han"na?thereene.' 'Theion ta Tbe made on, tbe ground of fraud, - J 2ifrt-' -.v-- - .1, and.the ciaim will be,eet up ;tht several votes were purchased outright -foS Hannah ; Notice of contest Ijias'tdbe filed,:within thlrtydays after, election.-: Papers and evi dence .are now being compiled and will, he sent to" Washington within,; few days., . EIGHT MEIi KILLED A JBldody v Fight "Among- Kentucky j ''"- Mountaineers' , ''l. i " Middlesboro, ; Ky., -Jan.- 15. lEJight imeh wiererkalled instead of four as at first' re ported at" the bloody -fight among moun--taineers on. Sandy Fork, Leslie county, last Wednesday.',. Four ,-others were mortally wounded. - : - . . Twenty-five men and anumber of women gathered, in a "blind, tiger'-t..kept by a man Who operated a moonshine distiillery. vThey were dancing, eard splaying and "drinking all day Intheeveinmgv..badwhlskey..Wjas flowing - freely, and made some if the men tigly. . A fight was easily started between John -Williams' and Tom Shelter, who fought over the affections": of one of .the women -present. ' Friends'; of oach took , - - -i ' - - sides and a general fusilade began;;:; Eight were - kille'dland st. four ' .received . mortal wounds. Among the dead is one.negrb..V iSandy? Fork" is Unfa district remotevfrom railroads' The messenger who brought the facts reached Jhere: only; .yesterday..lJb ar rests have yet been made-' k . NEW?BDF0RD STRIKE BEGUfi Eight; Thousand v Operatives Leave j -Their Work, f' ,"-. -,New. Bedford,: Mass.", 'Jan. 15.--Nearlv 8.Q00 cotton - mill operativesV struck to-dav agaans-t: the A eaf per cent ;xeduction.J -There was -no trouble at any factory. ?On ion day T73,60ft'pindlea and 2t,Sl6 .I)om? deserted.-4" ; V - 'r rFruitlesV efforts were made 'to-day to settle the "trouble. - Some stockholJsTs fav ored taking down the notices of reductions bat .were overruled.""'. --- P ' iine rporations V controlling twenty two, mills: all manufacturing fine : cotton goods i and- sheetings, ; are involved. The most" prosperous'among i thfem pays- 16 per cent. -dividendsE Others' average over ' 6 percent. . ' : - DEATH OF MRS, McGAKA. . ; ? Special , to' the Gazette. - "r - v , -- 5 "iBrevard; ; N..C.,- Jan. 15-rThe wife of Sheriff McGaba died bere this afternoon. She was widely, known and highly respect ed, being the daughter of Rev.'dl. Allison, a BapUistjdisrine of-, large acquaintance throughout the .western, section of." the stated" A. :Wave of sorrow and sadness . has overspread our. town in sympathy ..with the bereavement ; of - our popular sheriff. " : She leave 3 two email children. RASCALITY m A BIG SCALE CaptJ;0. MiXarter Charged With Stealing $3,000,000." Astoimdiitg AUegatioiis on He Worked in.CoIIusTon With a'Con- : 5. tractjng Companv. - 6 v Deceived the .Secretary ;of War , . With Falser-Telegrams.': ; i " -. "-...:..'-.:.-.-.. ,v.-. : v These and Other Charges Have Caused His Ap-v . pearance Before a Court MartialCity of Sa-v : : , ' J - , . . - : - . '"?- '..ts. . ,' . .. ... vannah Defrauded.' - 'f -,: -' ' .... t ,t s - - ft K 2, " i - " - - v - --f -.Washington, Jan, .--Thefts' amounting ; to more than $3,000,000 are charged against - Gaptaini Obierav M. Carter, the engineer, m, 4 sensational report made pub We to-day by: ; the war department. .. Carter, was recently a military attache in London and a member " . of the Nicaragua canal commission-, - from -' both of which posiAons he resigned. - " The charges recount the most astounding allegations of , rascality that have been brought against an army officer in the his- . tory- of the government. - - : The Jftrst charge dr of conspiring to de- fraud the government in collusion' wi the 'Atlantic contracting company, Itr beln specified ' that Carter allowed, fraudulent pay ments ' to - that company in which his f father-in-law was Interested, to a total of $255,5e.87i y-y ' y y "-y . ycafge.four accuse Carter of the em--bezzlemeat-of .oves;' $575,060. ;This tTrings- i1 CSharge.-three Js'that. of conduct unhe-' coming an officer and a - gentleman ' It; - -specifies -thef tsvof -ismall stuns JL rom false , pay'rolis, sendingjlalse telegrams and let-- . - J ters ; to the eecretary ,of ' war7 Intended 'to deceive,1 dating them at. avamnah, .to show.;,,; him jou duty there at various times when" i. hewas really dh.MontanaV Cihcinnatf, Ne"W York and other places. Charge two 1 'specifies a number of in- ' stances of causing false and. fraudulent 'v claims to .be'"pesened'rCagalntt the- gOT. " ernnient, which he approved'. ' - i One Tpeclflcatioa taccuses-jCartier, -of 'de fraudifig the city of ? Savannah, in atrans- fbtaoii whexeia the Mgliest ocmfldncev h4 :U been reposed in him. t - , ? 7CRIMINAL:C0URT- The Next Term to Convene February.: 21. ' (Solicitor (R. S. MlcCall returned yesterday from tHaywood court and JHidge Swart- - went to his home at (Henderson ville. " Mr, f MdCall saya that .not a-great amount of ; business was done," the most- important' - case, that of etate'vs. Davis, (consuming much of the-term, and resulting in a mis-"T, trial. J"."Two'?ther cases consumed much- ' timeiwith. similar results. ' "-.," The next term of the criminal court for. .Vr; this county will convene olrthe 21st day ot ; February and continue two weeks and will r -be followed by a term of the superior court to begin IMarch 14. (Defendants and wit--nesses win bear In mind- that there will be - " ; .: no session ot the criminal court this week," '. " but; that they .will be expected to appear - i on the 01st of (March., ' ' ' , " NORTH CAROLINA GEMS. The rare- beauties . of nature, so well 1 represented "'"Western North Carolina, are becoming better,. known every day u,f 2 . 7 VZ V . 5 " -""" v -t . - , ' i - : A people-who are better educated in the tot- mation and tttiltty of mtoera-ls. hare" from time 4 ime shown, their appreciation ;ot 'these Gems by using them in U kinds of adornment. - I"? 1 - ;"" , ".J We have decided to close out some , of ihe&e gems and offer them" ar prices that " should make. them? all sell in. a very, few . days.--;-vVi : t - WB OFFER: l-, a One lot of 41 gems at 50 cents each. One lot of 40'gemr at 60 cents each. , One lot of 169 gems at 75 "cents each. One lot of '40 gems at $1.00 each. . .. . .. . . r,, -' . - -' One lotof S3 gems at $L25 each. i One lot of 5 gems at 11.50 each.- u; ; , . , . - ' One lot of 3 gem ait $2.00 each. One lot of 5 gem at 2.50 each.- One-lot ot 3 gem at "34.00 each. One gem for 3S.C0.. -, , I, ' J 'AltTHUR 1L. FIULiD, Church" Street and PattoaT avenue. Ache - Tills, IT. C. - Is

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