Ji ... v . .-. "'"'.r'"' 'l-7" -: - - - - - . '"i.-i ' ' i- i 1 . - - . ii' i - 1 Mi mmmm Vol U: No., 292. Gdiiipanv 28 s. .mm st. Embrioderies An advanta- . geous pur- , - chase ena- White Goods, bles us to offer you better - values in above goods than you are apt to get them after the , sea son has advanced., J It is good advice to ask you to purchase now, as we are offering extra good val ues. Full line Hamburg and Nainsook Edgings and In senings in the newest and daintiest designs andpat terns; every piece at a bar gain price. ? . 7c Mia Linen at . ,5c 10c -lie 17c -20 16c " " 20c " " 22c " " 25c " " 30c " " - These goods i can ' not be duplicated at the price. So "a word to the wise" etc. BATTLE CREEK : HEALTH FOODS Fruit Crackers, White Zwieback, Graham Zwieback, Whole Wheat Crackers. Granola, j Granose Bisquit, , Caramel Cereal, All Arrived Jan. 12, '98. a BIG DIAMOND ROBBERY Boston. Jan. 17. Edward : A. Knight, manager of tlie BanikersV Collateral Loan Ckm.Danv. tnB& absconded. He 1 accused of stealine between 150,000 and J , $60,000 worth of diamonds' and jewelry from the concern. Three of "the dty' best detect ives are : huniink the fugitive. Knight's younc wife is orostratedJ v It aeama to be & case of livine - too iaatT- .. . r. - The climax ,came . yesterday. Knight drove to; the. office early, in the afternoon and telephoned the burglar alarm oom- tanv's offi that !he was going to open the safes and not to iniind 4he,rlngimg of ine Mr. ' Canlng' the owner of 'the concern, was notified bya, clerk to-day that, some thiwsr wmiiiff. and (hastening to the office found 'the trusted manager missing and the safes' locked. -As none but isjugnx had the keys or knew the comblnaiuon ine saf&3 had to be forced. ' - THE DISCXV53RY OF THE" DAT. Aug. J. BogeLthe leading druggist of Shreveport, La., says: -"Dr. King's ew Discovery is the only-thing that cures my cough, and it is the best seller I have. J. P. Campbell, merchant of Safford, Ariz., writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery, is all that is claimed for it; it never fails and Is a sure cure for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I cannot say enough for its merits." Dr. Kinx's : New Discovery for Consumption; Cougais and Colds is not an experiment. It has been tried for quar ter of & century, and today stands At the Ihead. . It -never disappoints. Free trial bottles at T. C. Smith's drug tftore - and Pelham's Pharma'cy. : , ' - 6 A GREER KV waiithjn AVJiUN'u, ru. . ? ' " t:n1ltp Ooueh Cvxe.r II cures cougns, OOBINBmBroBfflTOHOT. APTO.?",5A .lYtoat and lung .troubles.- HANNA IN AS SENATOR Takes His Seat For the Term : Ending Next Year. . . - i. A Substitute For the Pacific Railroads Bill. ' To Authorize Government to : Pur6 chase Kansas Pacific. The Immigration Bill ; Passed . l)y v the Senate. Modified so' as to Provide That, the .Immigrant Should be Able to ''Read or Write1!. Army Bill in the House. - Wasnln-firton, Jan. '17. In -the senate to- day, as soon as the iournal was read; Sen ator IForaker addressed! , the chair. "The legislature" of ; Ohio has elected IMarcuSa A. Hanna senator for Ohio for the iterm end- Ing' March 3, 1899,"- he said. "I .present his credentials and ask 'that he may be sworn and quatilfled." r The credentials ihaving !been read, the VTce-presiden't said: "The credentialls are valid, and; if there be no objections tlhe senator will -tafce the oath df offtee."' iHanna -was escorted by Forakcr and went to the Klerk's desk and'l there took and suJbscrtbecT to the oath of office. Senator fForaker, from the Pacific rail-: road. committee, -reported a substitute for the "bill relative to Pa,ciflc railroad's, and asked for fmanediate action. But at the suggestion of Senator Gear of To wa,-chairman -of the committee,' the. matter went over until tomorrow. v The Mil authorizes the secretary of .the treasury, if deemed nec essary,' ifor the protection of the govern ment's interests, to ibid for and purchase the'Kansa'3 Pacific at the Coming sale. Senator Hale, of the committee on ap propriations, reported batck the urgent de ficiency bill. He gave -notice he would ask for. its consideration tomiorrow. The sen ate (committee has added items of $20,009 geological and ..topographical survey in Alaska and $100,000 for the. Nicaragua ca nal commission. - , " The immigration bill wais taken up. Sen ator (Spooner regarded it as t.oo harsh in its additional ' provisions. -, He . would n o t Vote to turn away any man of good char acter, n'ot a pauper, able to work and bear the burdens of life, who could read, but could'--not write, A motion to substitute or" for the word "and" so as to make the phrase read "read or write," was adapted. The bill paJssed yeas 45, nays 28.- Kyle and Til-man voted- with the republicans in the affirmative, lAllen and Stewart in the neg ative. . : IN THE HOUSE. Washington, Jan. 17. The army appro priation bill was further considered in the bouse to-day, the general debate being marked by two speeches, from the demo-. cratic side, radically different in spirit and sentiment. McClellam, of New York, ;crdt- icized congress for failing to keep the army up to the proper standard of efficiency and force,, and .Lewis, "of 'Washington, taking the appropropriations proposed as the text. aTraigned congress, the judiciary, . ' trusts and the money powea generally for brings ing about conditions sthat : presaged 411 for the future" of the republic;.- Before taking up the army bill the 1 house 'passed a ! few measures of loeal interest to the Distrtict of "Columbia!. ' '.Withouit disposdng ol the armV bill the bouse at 5:10 adjourned. Ohajrklkin Alitburn in 'ma ixjvocauon-ioaay made reference, touohingly, to the death of n in." i"U " - - ! Major ijjen Jauuierwyiui. . - : W0LCOTTS REPORT. fWashdngtoni,;jan. 17. Senator Wolcqtt rendered in ithe (senate today an account' of the spepial mission sent" to Europe by this government in the interests.of internation al -bimetallism. In its" work abroad, the commission, he'sald, bad "been hampered, by- no' lack -or authority or., sanction . of lBs-i si alive sutooort." - The' commissioner's first negotiations -were directed to 'France, hMiisK nf 'tP-remier Melin's belief ln. bi metallism.- ' Wotco'ttvisaid:- ""Had (England even- adthered to br ri5surances of March, liRftR voim tries representing more than cne- haxr of the total of 'Efurope aad the' : United Qit.Qtoa -rormirl taw , agreed. iCnor tO-.i liUS MTifrVrpnTe. that u'Don the terms to be set tied at fluc'h Conference they would reopen their mints -tto the unlimited coinage of gold and silver." , " ' ' ,..OTvif.ntt utm!marised the? present isitua tion by saying that tor the time being it is useless to count . on any oo-optfruwii Rritain toward a'bimetallio a- greement, and wthile France actively de slire3 to- see silver . restored; to.its opposi tion -she Insists that the problem is one which demands the action and co-operation to some extent of the other leading com mercial nations" o'f the world. -" - y , -itv hhild is worth: mlllloni to ne; yt I irmi9i hAve loslt her . by croup -had l not ASHEVILLB, N. Gj -TUESDAY, DYNAMITE BOMB i'. A Train .Carrying Spanish 7 :Troops Wrecked!, Many Soldiers Killed and Wounded A Battle, Won by the Inwr- f gents.. . Havana, Jan. 17. iA.' dynamite (bomb r was exiplodedi today near -Dejane,- Province of Havana, at tlhe moment wfhen the Spanish , . ' . , -::.::'::-: : -.f -- u ' '.-ii" - military train was passing- with, soldiersT The explosion 'shattered tbe-cars, disabled , "' the locomotive, destroyed' the rails and kill ed and wounded, many. BpanMr soldiers. ' , ... " J- ... The press censorsbip has refused to .air low any refenenoe by diredt t;able to the number killed jld& wounded. At this time of 'general excitement In Havana this start ling, news and the iterrible defeat of Gen. .. ... .. . ...... . ft 1 MoHina by the inteurgents is causinig' aj great sensation. Gen. Molina with 1,600 itory gates, to-morrow and the great look men, met the insurgentis at Oamarscia andout in . the cloth m4,lls will " be complete. Punta Maya, (MatansaJ Province. The i Superintendent Law: of the Bristol . mill Cubans numtoered eighft (hundred men. The. jef t the factory: office to-night under the engagement lasted jfour bours. The Spani I pWectdon of police officers, who were pow- J . - J 1. . i. x m l mm v .m U mrus lujwie xnree axiempw xo oisioage cne patritfte, but were repulsed! - every time with heavy losses, leaving fifty dead on the fle".d, (Molina retired. ' ' - Five thousand troops were brougbit into Havana today - to reinforce the number im duty against the rioters. There was no rU -' . f ' 1 .'- ' - - -' i oting yesterday or' today. (Martial, lawrpre vails. . A FAMILY BUTCHERED BY THE INSANE FATHER, WHO ALSO KILLED HIMSELF. ? His Wife Was a Willing. Victim and , Consented to the Killing of Her Children. New . York, Jan. 17. John Herman Mat thews came from Texas sixteen years ago. He was tall, strong and hearty, a fine spec imen of a man, and young. He bad been roughing it in Texas and New Mexico sin-ce a child, starting as a cowboy and later becoml-nig a ranch owner, until . he had ac quired, what he considered an independent fortune, i He came east, as be said, ."To live in civilizaion.,, . He married and en gaged in mercantile pursuits." Last night be killed his wife and two children, butch ering them witba hatchet,; then shot-himself dead. - ' Herman was undoubtedly insane, but bis wife -was a willing Victim. She bad dis cussed udoide ? with her husband, and a letter which she - wrote shows she bad, a- greed to die with Mm, also .that their ohiil- dren should not; be : allowed.- to live. The husband and wife bad been suffering from disease for a long time. - -They left -notes explaining tbiia cause of their violent death. r THE WILSONS'-APPEAL i Laid Before the United States . preme Court ' Washington,- Jan. IT. H.-;0 .Burton broughit the . controversy over the North Carolina .railroad commissioaership to the attention of the supreme court to-day in a motion for a writ of 'attachment against Li. 3. Caldwell and J. H. Pearson present incumbents, and for ant order restoring the offices to J. CV Wilson and S. Otho Wilson. - The ground for the application -was that- Caldwell and Pearson had vio lated the writ of supersedeas Issued by the supreme, court in . the case, of the appeal of the Wilsons from s ilho w -Judgment : . of the North Carolina supreme oourC:'" ousting them and giving the of fices toOaldwell and Pearson. - . - - -' JUDGE DICK'S SUCCtSSQR. i Special to Gazette- - - ; Hendersonville. Jan. 17 Judge Dick has ;l resigned. - Judge Ewart was; so'. Informed by telegraph to-day from Washington, and leaves Jit Hfflfce'aIor that .city. . JudgejBwart 'was -one of ilcKlnles- warmest.supporters when, -tb latbter . , was a candidatei for speaker :51st congress, v&nd " has' always been g?ieiaspa5y-iemembered by 4b . pres ident In Benaw Quay he has also a warm personal friend and ally, and while ho dis claims entenns-into any scramme lor me place he and his friends will make a quiet J and determined fight for the position. , - JIOENING, JANUARY, 1, 1898. llllllJIJIIjM COTTON MILL SSTRiElEGl ;THe Spindles ahii Looms in y New Bedford silent. Mills Open For the Day But ' no Operatives Beport . -fV- ' Jwehty. Thousand -Hands in Provi . dence Accept the Reduction. Small Riot at a New Bedford Mill xThat Tried to Keen 0en. Jherd are Now . Nearly 90,000. Operatives in New England Working Under the Reduced " Scale of Wages." - .-ew Bedford, Mass.r Jan. 17. As a re ffut .of a violent outbreak at the Bristol mill to-night Treasurer Wiilcox has noti fied the police he will not open the fac- er less ln. sMeldlor Mm t mm . wer mud and -stones. The party was followed by a jeering crowd. The Bristol is the only mill of the eighteen cloth factories In the olty .wbich was running all day. New i Bedford, Mass. Jan. 17. Of the 100,000 cotton mill operatives in New Eng land, who to-y were subjected o a ape duced scale- of wages; only those- In this city, num'berin.g about 10,000, and a third as many more in Biddeford decided, to re siit the cut by striking. - Practically , all the spindles and loom in this city were silent jo-day and the operatives thronged the sidewalks in ther bitter zero weather rather tban s'Ubmit .to the reduction. The engineers and firemen in the dif ferent mills were at jfcheir. posts early to bart the wbte'ls of the mills at 6:30 this morning " when whistles . were blown promptly , at the usual hour and the gates were thrown- open but no one appeared to go to work. , Biddeford, Me., Jan. 17. The strike of the cotton mill operatives against the cut in wages began this morning. Thirty-four ! thousand operatives in the Pepperell and Laconia mills refused1 to return to work. The' mill gate opened ait 6:40 this morn ing and the power .was turned on but no operatives appeared." No trouble ds anjtic- ipated. : Thie. unions have cautioned their nien about loitering around the gates and especially- against any illf advised, talk that would - cause trouble. Providence, Jan. 17. The cut down Sn the cotton mulls-throughout the state went into effect to-day. The reduction will anect nearly 20,000 operatives here... Between 10,- 000 and 15,000 more employed dn the Con necticut mills conttroled by the Providence agents .will 'be affected also. The aggre gate annual earmings of the operati ves .will approach $9,000,000. . , - - " , (Waterville, Me, Jan. 17?-Every spindle of the mills here was moving ibis morning ij- spite of the' 11 per cent cut in 'wages. The mills run ' 87,700 spindles and manr ufaotturfe'lhigh -grade cloth. , , Burlington, Vt., Jan. 17. The - Queen CSty cotton mulls at this plaoa are closed for an- indefinite'; period; - The' weavers struck" last week and the company, closed the plant. - - Nashua - N. H., . Jan. 17. Twenty-five thousand -employes, of the Nashua and Jackson cotton mill went to " work to-day under: "a five per cent cut in wages; ' - Pibtsfield, 'N-. Jan.". 17. The 10 s per cent reduction went into effect at the mills her to-day. The operatives accepted the cut. - The "mills run . 12,000 spindles and 3G0- looms and .produce--3,000,000 yards' ol fine cloth per annum-"" r ' '-s Lewiston, Me., Jan? 17. The" only mill here where any operatives' remained 3 out this morning was the Androscoggin. Only seven"' weavers went out however! The po lice guarded the mill gate. . , - - ' ' V 7 ' SARA GARRISON KINDERGARTEN.? The 'following report with lhe roll of honor -of the Sara Garrison kindergarten has- been made ,by Miss E. Clegg : -Present enro'vlmentiriO; largttet attend ance' 3J9; smallest, !l9;--average, 30." Pupils on the roll of bonor; Irene Snider, . Karl Bean, Irvin Bean, Cecelia Reynolds, Frank Hyhdman, . Jennie Young,. Aiken tMltchell, Grace Coudra,. -..-During the past three months James Mitchell ranked first in at tendance; having missed but one day. ; - ENGLAND 17ILL BLOCK THE WAY To the Conquest or Coioniza: tion of China. - A Positive Statement by Sir Michael muKs Deacn in a ruDiic 'Address. b London, Jan.. 17. Speaking to-night at Swansea, Sir Michael; Hicks Beach, chan cellor of the exchequer, referred io- China in language siimilar to that employed by Balfour a week ago at Manchester," when jhe pointed out .that Great Britain had a special claim to see China's policy not di- rected toward the discouragement of for- eign trade. Sir Michael concluded his address by de claring that the government did not re gard China asa place for conquest or col- ondzation by any power. He said the gov- eminent was absoluftely determined, even, if necessary, at the cost of war, that that door should not be shut to Great Britain. (Loud and prolonged cheers.) He was convinced in this policy the gov ernment would have 'the support and sym pathy of the best public opinion of the civ- lldzed world; and also the sympathy and sunPort of all Dartfea in oarHament. The government hoped it would be able to of tirade in .the far east as in tfre past. THREATENED BY A NEGRO DREW A PISTOL ON A GIRL COM ING FROM SUNDAY SCHOOL Attemuted Assault Frustrated Near il "VT - T mi uB.aeuu.uttmpiuiuuuus-iiiB Neerrt in Jail Manon; Jan. 17. There ds some-excite ment in this country over an attempted assault upon Miss Minnde Culbertson near Nebo camp ground on Sunday morning. The young 'lady belongs to one of the best families in McDowell oountT. While on her way to Sunday school she was at- tacked by a negro nam-ed Gus Harman who threatened to shoot her if she did not the" negro. ; Harman fled but was , over- taken and -captured. He was conveyed to Marion. , Harman-was visiting his aunt near Nebo yesterday when be happened to - meet the young Jady as ne was coming oac xrom Sunday school, r She became very much excitedat the threats made by the negro on "her and demanded .that she should-stop, . jsjit? wasn c vry iwi i a, nouse wnere ene -ran in ano reiatea "cne facts. They .immediately struck the ne- gro's trail going towards Marion. ' He got into a swamp aoout suu- yaros xrom manon with . a crowd of men -close after: bim. Some of the crowd halted -him but he paid I no attention to ithem. They then fired on i blm twdee without effect. The sheiriff met him and shoved his gun . in his face and took Mm quickly to Jail before the mob could get bold of him. Harman bad "a hearing before a Justice tMs afternoon and was bound over under $500 bond which. he failed to pay and went I to. Jail." " - The young lady Ls nineteen years old, Harman about eighteen V There were some threats against the ne gro and 'quite "a crowd was -gathered on the streets as late as'midniignt. rMO trou Die however is expected.-. .- :-: CAUSE0F YELLOW FEVER Committee of Mississippi Legislature Making an. Investigation. ' -. - .New Orleans Jan. 17. 'A committee of the Mississfippi legislature' visited". Ocean Springs, ; Biloxi and-other towns- onthe v,u -j -v. "; of .the yellow fever tbere last summer, and to determine ywhetheri the United States Marine Hospital quarantine station at Ship Toian Anrwv?u ivese - towns, is a menace to .the health, of the. South as claimed, If the comma ttee aecm uie soaiion is di.nerons-lt will mean an assault in oon- gss on the" United -States marine hospital service and its quarantine, by Mississippi senators "and representatives, as theywili be called on to do by the governor ana legislature. 1 . " ; , UARRJAGE LICENSES.-, r (Licenses have been - issue for the - mar riage of the following: ; . W.. J- dOeaver. and , Lizzie (Robertson of . r -., lLerts AteIrt combe.- Price 5 Cents, DREYFUS CASE : STIRS UP RIOT SoclaUsts and Anarchists : Cabture' Shouted, "Down With France; T -r . , . . uung jjive Anarcny.v Jews Driven Into the Streets and the National Fla Torn Down. 4. - An Exciting Debate in the Chamlwr of Deouties. . - I ri r j l;i hi. .i ' . pner uonsiuerao.e uproar me uovernrnent oUS- w inreaming a. vaoinw Resignation. Paris, Jan, 17. The Dreyfus case was re yived at the chamber of deputies to-day ESx-Mimister Cavaignac demanded an ex pliclt reply to the charge that Dreyfus con I fessed to Captain Renaud when degraded. I Premier Meline refused and an- exciting de- bate followed wherein 'the premier intimat- ed that the cabinet would resign if tH- chamber voted to discuss Cavaignac's la- terpretation. This1 created an uproa which finally subsided. The government I waa upheld and -the chamber adjourned. 1 Wild scenes were precipitated to-night J hy meeting held at Tivoli Hall to pro- Lieutenant Colonel Guerin (had hardly foe gun, an . address, when it was apparent .that: communists, socialists and anarchists were present in large numbers. These tarted . V siinging "La Carmagnole." Guerin's sup- ' - " . "' .' . porters sang the "Marseillaise.' Several suspected Jews were . bustled into the rstreet.- The anarchists tore down the na- hmmJ flaM .gnAutlne "Down- with France- I at nn. n t - - - j. lonig live anarcny. .neiaaii became . pau- demonium, men tearing one another s clothes and hair, battering each other with bludgeons. I The anarchdsts seized the ladder leading Pu . 0 I the orators, who were confined to their lof ty perch two hours. 'r Mmius w 1 speeches the promotists hung a notice from . ........ . .7 . tne piatrorm aecranng n meeung ciosea.. I An imposing array of police scattered the i , : iV orowa as it em-ergeu axu .w wu. ov- mi TvftTsona wer inlured and were're- I . . . '.. . 1 1 . L . 1 r moved to. tne nospiiai. noruy aiter eieveu 0-cM fiv hundred anti-Dreyfusites wer i , I charged by the guards. Many were hurt some troopers unhorsed- NORTH CAROLINA GEMS. ' The rare beauties of nature,, so well represented dn Western North Carolina, are becoming better, known "every day at I run,riliB wW .r lhttr eAiwsaieiA In Itbtf for-" 1 " , . , matioh and utility of minerals have from 1 1 5TnA .hb shown their aDDreclatlon o! i - ' I these Gems by-using them in .U kinds ol We have" decided to close out some tht gems and" offer them at prices that , . , . . . - - - , - should make them all sell in a very fe J - days - - .-WE OFFER;; One' lot of 41 gems at 50 cents each, ; . .. . - j Onelot of 40 gems at 60 cents each. , 1 ' . - re nf-.-h. I - f . ; ' j One lot of" 40 gem at. $1.00 each. lo(t -of 32 gem at SL25 each. I .. - I One lot of & gems at L50 each. .'- i " V " . - -r wne lot ux e,, u .w one lot .of 5 gem at 2.60 each. One lot of. 3 gems at $4.00 ch. One gem for. $6.00y ' : t - - ARTHUR M. FIELD, - , -.. - , . , . ; IJ3ADING. JDWELEI ' Street. Patto? avenue,, Ai Tille.:N,.C. 0 " 1 BAJNK BTJILJDva. 1 C. A. Raysor.