THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE, TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 1 8, 189S. Western Carolina v QUARANTINE UN LOCATED - Begins in Cherokee and Follows Sont - ' Boundary Line of Buncombe"' : - ' The department' of agriculture has, keen notified of the-adoptkm of two important - -order (by dir. James- Wilson, .the United ., " t' States secretary of agriculture affecting the ' x ruarantine of cattie in (North Carolina. " . Mr. J. a Lu Harris, the attorney of the tate (board) of agriculture,, was first noti fied of the action of Secretary Wilson. -Mr. y " 'Harris has made several trips -to Wash . - tngton in "behalf oTtne state department " for a change in the cattle quarantine. " r -'-I"- - tfielow are copies of the order issued oy ' . -'the United States department relating to . - the quarantine of xattle,in North Carolina: - ' -TJ. S.IepartmenV Of Agriculture,- - - 1 - Office of the Secretary, - t - Washington, D."C.r Jan. Z 1898. - y' It is hereby; ordered that cattle originat- ' -A tog outside, north and west of. the quaran r tine: line as defined In 'Bureau "of -Ant- '"" ' mal Industry Order No. 8 ((December ,15, 1, 1897), or amendments thereto, and which : are to he transported 1y rail -through' the Z quarantined -district, may "be unloaded for . - ' ;rest, feed and- water; intonon-infe'oted renj ' set apart for su'ch cattle at. Union Stock- - yards, 'FortU. . Worth,' Tex., and Soils ,'v - bury, N.; C; providing, the-cattle" are 'free "i -from Southern cattle ticks and have - not -w 4een. unloaded at any'- other : ipla'ce? 'within the quarantined district. They may, after " V unloaairig into "said pens be reloaded into - the ' same .cars Irom--which unloaded, -or . , 7," 1Mb other cleaned and disinfected -cars and - - ' , resh&pped as uninfected cattle. - t - y v JAll iri6r orders conflicting herewith are -- 'hereby revoked. . - - V ' - '-- t, - y --" v 'jambs wilson, :. ' . -, - . t-:r,-r y y- Secretary. t" ... ' 1-lAlso thVfollowing 'special order:- ' - -' i U. S," Department of Agriculture,,- - - - - Office of the Secretary. : - -Washington, IX.C-Deor 161891. ; " - 'In accordance with the regulations con . - rs cerning cattle transportation, - issued' hy ' this departaien't Deioem'ber 15, 1897, (B. A: - - I.-Order No. 8), the state of -North tJarolf "J' . oa has located. a quarantine Iine,jdescrJbed - ' as tollaws: - - - - (Beginning at the southwest-corner of ' J the county or Cherokee, thence east along the sou-'thern (boundary -lines, of the coun : .. " ties of iDherokee, Clay, Macon;' Jackson and . Transylvania to the- southeast corner of :v.- ' v v the county of iTransylvania ; themce north-: - . veaterly "along ? the eastern - iboundary line : . of Transylvania -county1 ,to the' southwest ". ' V' -corner of the county or 'Buncomibe; thence - easterly along the" southern 'boundary line v ct (Buncomlbe county to the summit of the fBlce Ridge mountains; thence in a north ' k &' easterly direction, following the slid moua ; -S- ' tains to their intersection- with the nor.ih C wrn. 'boundary ; line of the state of (North " ,' Carolina. - . r "" ' - .K ' ;--.-.fy go much of the quarantine - Hd e 'f.or the -.- . tate of Virginia described in the order ol . ' '"Decemher 16th, 1897, CB. A. 'I. Order Wo. K 13), he-ginning at the southwestern corner df Virginia Lee county) and .exten-ding '. east 'along the southern "boundary line at - Virginia to the summit of the Blue Rid?e -; i j- Mouni'tains, is- hereby suspended during, the I - enforcement of -the aibore line -for -the state w - of North Oarolina. -" - ' -' lAnd whereas said quarantine line, as' a- r " r. bore set forth, is aatis'acttory to . this de 1' ' partaent, and legislation has been enacted . iy Uhe state of North .Carolina -to, enforce ' -- ..aid Quarantine" line, -therefore,' in" accora- ; - ance with the regulations. of December 15th -1S97, CB. A. Ir Order No. 8)" the ahove - ' ' quarantine line ia adopted for-the state of " ;r North (Carolina Jby this department for the period beginning on January 15th 1898. C " --and ending iNoremlber 15th, 1898, ur lien of - , the quarantine line described in said or ' "'"der of (December 15th, 1897,." for said area, imless otherwise ordered. ---- --. , JAMES WIL.SON,; . - , . ---Secretary.' INTELLIGENT WESTERN CAROLINA YOUTH. ' v St is worth one's while to. snake note of . j rare cases of state loyalty 4f. only an In'ci- , den't that the influence of -such loyalty -U may make its Impress on others. " Fori this j? reason alone duty suggests that f , make -.. mention of an affair, small In itself r yet far Teachrng in its scope : and Influence. ; J iA-'.few"&ay ago at "'Washington, D..- C., a - y ffchool -madam -was .plying her pupils wlth - VTarious questions on Innumerable subjects ,; jFinaily, she asked. a ; Tew. questions-: about ri.the:hea'then. To iputa finale on the matter ;w..he askedlwhere tne heathen ,-was - found ' j -chiefly? One pupil Rafter - another -named . .i4!ho different parts of the world where they j-were jsupposed to" albound.' The answers - were satisfactory, so far as they ,wenU So : the -tea'cher 'thought she' would put on the Jtlnishingtou'ches hy "remarking that the "lieathen - were to -he tound -in Asia, Aflrica '. ' an-d the Islands, oif . the 8ea,-'but they were also -io -be (found in lEast: Tennessee and Western North Garolina.,' - ; ' A young pupil from Western North Caro . lina was. on his 'feet in' an instant,- The .school madam yielded the floor to "hear : .what the youth - had to. say.; He is - a mod : : es't, Jbash'ful iboy,'a'bout.fif teen years of age. But he t was stirred to Jii inmost soul. His state and "section had been attacked, . and he must resent it. , :' r J- y '' ), Tremblingly, yet cleariy, he, denied the truth of .the remark that his people ' were ' Jheathen. Said, he: .."If you, will examine the records of my state and Bast Tennes- , eee, you will learn that they are notheath-H IW e delignt to mention the names; of An- ,? flrew ; Jaukson; ZJehulon JB. ' Vance,- Andrew .'.Johnson, Chief- Justice Pearson, J. - C. 7 - Pritchard, Governor Robert Taylor,' Sena v ; . tor iMerrimon and others of their class, for '! they are the kind -of heathen we are pro t lucing.' Many others, unknown to (fame as they have 'been, yet equally t able, . have he!ped to make the mountain country Ifa 'J-inou8. - c..--- , jrj- -y ."We nave numhers'of churches and srnhnoi -I houses, more humhle and not so grand as yours, because we 'nave no national eov- rnment to build our school houses - and - pay our teachers, - yet we ,have' bright " mlndsr and try to live Christian lives in spite of our numlble surroundings.: I mv- : . self belong- to that heathen crowd to whfch H' you allude.- and am a living denial to the - charge, that 1 am "heathenish in my con--fiuct'' " 1 . The tforegolng is suibstantially the oriel address that this young man -made in de fense of his own "people; The pupils raD irously applauded him. The teacher's tace . .- "3Bushed, and she: made instan t apology t o " -The young student for her hasty reflections. - TTo rightly atone if or the", indignity, he was " at once made -monitor:. of,, the: school, and V as oeen lionized ever since. Charlotte 0b- server.-' . - . ' COMBINED BIBTH3AY PARTY T ! ' There was-a happy affair a few days ago at the-hoBpita!ble home of J. W. : Price on " '- Hominy, the ; occasion , (being the celeibra. . tion of the biri5hday df Mr. J. TL. OJcKee of hi3 -city and Wrs. II. F. 'Lowery, "wife of News Lowery are brother. a.n-d sister. . The for mer twenty-six years of age. and the latter seventy-one Their ;birthdays 'come onthe same day. of the month, to-wit,' the sixth day of January. Capt Rice, aL whose home the eleibration was given"is a son-in-law of Mrs. Lowery; a similar one -was given last year at; the hdme of A, CJooper,"4n this .city, ' who is a son-in-law of. Mr. McsKceJ tooth of -which mere greatly -enjoyed 'by- many friends and-relativ.."::."; - ' .NOT ALWAYS ITNDURSTOOB. A; fact often overlooked, orrnt' alwy3 understood, is .tjhar women suffer as much from distressing kidney and bladder troub les as theAmen.-The womb-is situated back of and very close to "the ! Madder,' and tor that reason any distress, 'disease, or incon yenience " manifested in the kidney back bladder , or -urinary passage" "is .."often, by mis take, at tribu t ed to i emal e w eakn ess ' or womb .trouble" of some" sort.' i The error Is easily -made and may. be. as easily avoided by - setting iirine aside vfor t wen ty-four. hours ;. a sediment or settling Is evidence that your kidneys "and bladder need doctoringi. If you have. pain, or dull aching An , the hack," pass - watery too fre quently, or " scanty supply, ; with smarting or-hurnlng--these are 'also . convincing proofs of kidney trouble. If "you have doc tored without benefit, try , Dr. - Kilmer's 55wamp-Root, tIhe great kidney remedy: T&e mild and the extraordinary- effect will "sur prise you. , It' stands the highest jfor Us wonderful cures. . If - you take a medicine you. should take the -best. Ai druggists, -Of ty .cents and one dollar.- -You may . have a sample--bottle 'and pamphlet, ; bothvsent free byrmalU Jtfen'Jon the Gazette and'send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.; -(Bing-baimton,;N.. Yz, The proprietors of this pa per, guarantee the " genuineness of this of -i fer " -' r i - : REPUBLICAN CLUB Talk on freedom and Discussion of the - --TQuestionof Dlck's-Suocessor- J The republican club met ja-t ita-heaid-quarters last nlght.v In the "absence- of President Carter, Vice-President H Lamar Gudger presided.,; The principal feature of the meeting was an (address -by. A C. Rob ertti' on ".the "subjeot'-of . "Freedom. The' speaker dwelt eloquently for some time up' on hia theme. ;. He declared that all men shouM 'be free, especially from the present civiTservlce law." - - .-, r- -'Mr.' Lawson of Marshall,-L. H. Cktt of Golumbuis O., and ' .William. ' Henderson of Leicester also spoke. The seoretary was instructed to eend comgratuliations to May-or-elect Rule of Knoxviille. : 1 At the conclusion oftMs nusinesa a motion was -made to hang -. the -re porter om tihe stove ' pipe-' amd - them - go into executive session. It is said that' the only business transacted in executive ses iOn was . discussion, of the cdvil service. and the hope that eomething will happen at Washiington so cna.t &1T republicans oaf get offices. - p " - ' ' After the meeting- there t was diiscussion among some of the. membera as to who was worthy of Judge Dick's old TshoesPri tch- ard, Ewart,' Lusk or : Moody. Son-in-law Douglass was not considered -In lt. O r- Moody v came- over from Waynesville ye- terday.-ostensibly on official business, but there Is no. question but that hev ia hanker ing after the soft seat now occupied 4)y Judge Dick.' In fact, he went so far as to Intimate that he would accept the place If tendered him. ; " - - - L The republican -club is in a. ouandarr at to whom - to give their, indorsment. .r-; It it thought that as far as the Asheville club is concerned Ewart or Lusk Sitas the inside track, c. Every one of the aspirants from the west now holds office and the "matter narrows its-elf down to a question of policy among the - republicans. . Judge - Douglass, of Greensboro, who also is a . prominent ciandidate, is:no,t only associate justice of the supremecourt,;, bttt a son-in-law ; of Judge Dick,- and lor these reasons. . i t" Is thought ought -not to he appointed." . The concensus of opimion is that either Pritich- are or. Ewart will be the appointee, " with chances In favor of Ewart, Pri tchard man ifesting an indifference regarding the mat ter,:, and 'being satisfied, to -"hold fast to what I give you.'!; Pri tchard, senator; Ew art, Judge; Lusk, 'bank receiver andTDoug-: lass,' son-fn-law: and associate justice, the friends of Jim Moody however, think that he ought to Ihavfc- come chow in the scramble.. 1 -. - - - THE BOND ISSUE. "V V -vv The effect of the decision of the- Supreme eourt -. repudiating S-the issue ' -of . ; Stanly county honds is now being felt In this state says the Morning Post. " ' " - r The northern press -has- begun to. air the matter and businessmen in the state are receiving letters"' of inquiry -f rom Mnortnem correspondents. - ,"'r , 'S A well known Raleigh attorney who is counsel 'for a leadiaig insurance company,; has received instructions not. to negotiate further loans in this state. - c - The 'company th" question derives a: large sum .of money fronx policy holders and -it has been Its policy' to keep, the amount in circulation in. the' state." - - : The decislom in -the Sbanlv countvrfoond matter, repudiating the $100,000 bond issue,. has led - the -officers of "the company; to believe, that ' investments 'in"' North Caro lina are unsafe. -' . " - - , f -- An ex-congressman of this state who is in -the-; city, "was speaking yesterday Tf : a similar Incident that, came 1 within his knowledge.. ; In this insitance a northern firm' refused as a; result of -the" court's de eision to accept, North Carolina eenrtties, which rank dn dass"A7 A .-v i ' - - Evervbody fears Sc. t v CascaretsCandv Cathartic; tlie most won derful medical disco verv of tlie aere. pleas ant aud refreshing to the taste, act gently ana positively on kidneys, aver ana ooweis, cleausinsr the entire svstem, dispel colds, cure head acliele very habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buv and try a box of O. C. C. to-dnv; 10, ent-s. JSoldand guaranteed to cure by all dru:K'istsAu; -J- ' , V . Pelham's Pharmacy." , ''-A dispatch from Spartanburg on : Sunday said -"There was quite a scare" on College Hill yesterday when it was reported that a case of : smallpox had broken out in a negro house near by. - Several physlclana examined it and., pronounced it chicken- pox, and all fears were allayed. -The opm ion s'eenis. to be gaining ground here that we have never had any smallpox, but that it . is nothing more than chickenpox. This opinion is having its effect upo-n the con fidence of the - people Tor they are paying -very little attention to it." - . . - Csxcircts ct:alit3 ths liver, tl-TJ and t--7l:. ir:vsr t!'1 - :zzl ct ZEB VANCE CLUB A Number, of Committees 'Appointed -j Last NiRht-HesoIutions AdoptedC A largely attended meeting of Zeb Vance democratic cluh .was'ield . -last : Tening President 'Luther presiding. " "; ' - At greater portion of 'the session was der voljed to. business and a number o com mittees were appointed. Mr.; Cheek, .of . Weaverville made an interesting talk ay d Mr." George. Young, s of S!wannanoa,: replied to ? a call extended : h Jm .for . a speech, wi th brief remarks.,, H.M. Luther spoke briefly: - Twenty-eight members - were" received, making a tofia-l enrollment ot M6.j ".. '' The -following "'commibtees Were appointed.- v-w-. -"r - - -V- - . --.' i 'Public, Speaking-T-E.'. C. ! Starnies iDick Weaver, i Mark, Erwln.r --r"; " - iJfdnancet M. Wr Ro-bertsrn, J., R, ' Dates, George W. Tilson v- - - ' i--s ; r Membership ",hy r,Preoincts--(l) , J, T. Ward,- (2) " J. J. White, (3 H. B. Carter,, H) B. F.- Rives,' -(5)V,T. -,C. Starnes, - 6) Thomas' Duckett,7) D. Noland,- (8) J.- W.Ohappell,' (9) C'C. Adams.; c -.Employment JH Brooks, ,D. L. Rey- Solds,'J.-J. Whtife. - The latter committee was appointed on motion of D. L. ; Reynolds --to secureTJean- ployment for needy mem-bers of the-blub. i' une o.uty -oi xne m'tsmuwsmp co-mniiuivw is to canTass the various- preoi-ncts for the purpose-of haying all democrats enrolled , ' Mr.- Luther iread a letter from -Hon. W. T. Crawford, congratulating the - club on its good work." T . ' ? - - The following -resolution: offeraoy ; Mrr C. C. Adams was unanimously adopted: "Resolved that .the Zeb Vance democratic club do hereby endorse the organization; of a board of -trade in the city of Ashevilie as boQi needful and a necessity.- v- v. - T - Resolved that: we, regardless of politics do -ask "both the - board rof; trade and.,, the people of Ashevilie to nave, capitalists- from the nor ca to visi t our ci ty ana - inspect our manufacturing , sites. - - -- j -4 1 -" And be it resolved that we must have- something for -the working class of people of Ashevilie to do "as they are the fcone and slneiw of our. city, and need, work" - i; "Resolved that - we do herehy ask:.: th boaid tit trade totake"uch steps aa will, induce manufacturers to come toy this, .the Land of the. Sky, wnere iwe nave aw (tne labor,- healthy power,' and plenty of it. go ing to waste. r V.-r'-' ,i - Resolved tiha a copy of tnese resoiutnons be sent to the 'board of .-trade" and that: we ask the city papers of our city , to give us their 4ielp 4n this as they nave in the past. rT AN INSURANCE SUIT ' Referee JL B.' Oar'terTrepaf ing His -Report in the MsCarty Case-" ' " Judge H.JBr Carter, referee in ie case ot C. C. aidCarty ;,vs. 7The Scottish Union and National -Insurance company- and the Imr peftal -"Insurance- cdjrcany' is' engaged ; in the preparations of -his report and .will . file it in a tew days with the clerk of the su perior court. j . r ' ' ' . fThis: reference toJudge Carter grew out ol a suit forought torjrecoyer two Insurance policies held by the iplaintiff on his house, whtch was "destroyed Jby- fire In February, 1894.) One policy, is for-1,000 and the other $500.' The companies rets 1st payment, man- Iy "onthe :igirounds-"that the' house was , va cant at i tne time of. the fire,- and on the further grounds that the" plaintiff -did. not. disclose to - the- companies; all the Incum brances on the property. - The report .will be a'lengthy one, giving all the testimony which is conflicting and embodying many Interesting questions of law and fact. ' TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money If-, it fails ' to cure. ; 25c The genuine has L B.. on each. tablet. - " --"".--"V ' CENTRAL LABOR UNION A- J -argely Attended and Enthnsiastic " "y Meeting Last Nights- s The meeting of Cenbral Labor union last night .was itne largest and most enthusias tic session held in six'monhs. S. I. Bean, the newly elected president,' presided. : -Tlte !'princlpat tmsdness' of ; lh '"evening was the appointment, of '"various commit tees', "which were' as follows: ' ' i Execu'tdTe-W. C. Gass. R. jBetterton, Jo seph Reynoldsj i V-' r"';v-' ''- Statisitlcs and Legislation W...C Prank,- T, P; Johnson, J. E.Wooten. ' - y r .Grievance and Labor TV C.-Lumley T; A. Gallagher, A.? D. Stoner.' " " - - ' Ways .and Means O .R.? Jarrett, P.-rH. Hughes, Cam Featherston. , The union Iwill probably give an. enter tainment at an early dote; The next meet ing will he held on the 1st Monday night in J.: A. JPerkins of - Antiquity, O., vram tot thirty iyears needlessly phys icians .for : the :cure" of eczema. -He was quickly cuhed by " using DeWitt's : Witch Haxel' Salve; the famous healing ealve for piles and skin .diseases-T-C. A. Raysor. -r - - Minute Cough. Cure.' - It !s.-the luickes m- - " V . . SB.L l-.t. . ' ana most -certain remeoy ror cougne, coias and all itihroat and lung- troubles.- C. A.( Raysor. t fV. --r -..-Cvv J3i: S - 1..: jr.? - ! Great In Blankets - i . , t, - H. J. r- - 7 -l " Values A TurriorT FoVmetl Finally It Broke Invardly r K and Dischaied Trouble: Began With Dyspepsia ; i ; - and Impure Dlood ; ; I f f horough Course of Hood's Sarsa . 1 parilla. Completely Cures. .- " There ' is 'danger itv impure blood . Disease'.au'd suffering are surely, com ing to those who iieglect this thi-eaten-ing symptom.v -Iiead thisf -y: - " -:?CM J S-t'-; "Gilliami'Tlissouri. ' C. I. Hood &6o.," Lowell", Mass.:;;" . ;' It-. Gentlemen :-rrMy troubles bsgzn with Inervous ;headache3, vhIch'V. ouW-last me for twb or.tbrea days. ThsTtloctors pronotmced izy ' trdabj3 t! p;ii but they could not do ciytMf-r:iGr-aiid advised a change of location At Ihcr age -of 55 a tumor formed on my 'cplne which ' '.v.Was .Vory". Paint '1:1 ' yy:i; but did not riso ci cLichsrgc L'Lo doctor thought best to cut it oat, txxt I oL3CteCl. It finally broke and .discharged a great deal. - -The' doctors jaZ-l tiicy C2aM - dc nothing ion it, ,Theii th? t-rsor Lean to rise inwardly and diochargc.'il read much about cures! by Hood'iir Sarsaparilla and thought II would try -it'Bef orevl -iiad finished -taking one bcttlo" -I .was xnncl? relieyed." ,I continued the use of Hood' Sarsaparilla; and after taking 12. bottles I -was n'tirelyured' I am now well, have a good appetito and fscl that Towe my life to Hood's SarsaparillaJD, Foip. pariBIa Is the bestin fact the Cne Trne Blood Purifier Sold by ail druggists. 1 ? 1 six for $5. . v 1 HrhH Dil Ic act harmoniously with s : wholesaleIstealing. : ' -I Tes terday morning FoIScemen Jordan' and White went with a Search warrant . to the hameof Will Johnson on Valley look, for a watch that had been stolen" from -Sohoftner, the .North Main street ieweder, ahd isome laundry taken from PoweK, and Snlder tore. -- Johnson waa not to I be found,? ftjut; a Search' was inaitlgated re- suiting Jn; the discovery ;of a whole room full of goods', among which - were vfour. tm- five oomplete suits' of clothes, five pairs of ahoes,' jthree'or .four 'palre 'of; pants, two hats,- two aolta of -doth, and numerous tie and other "gentlemen's iurnishings; then came, in? the, grocery department, ' ihree -or four bags of . flour, and 8ix:hams. ! The gold watch and .laundry were among Uhe other articles.'- . . . t - - - Johnson's vwffe,. not -wifeningo. be in criminated,: told of her husband's wherea bouts, and oroceeded wifh thA tiffrfpra "wihri found him at Joe (Adams' across Uie river.' ir. Jie was -placed in jail to await a hearing neiore j usuce; worsiey i'tblfe'" morning ? at ten o'clock. ;-.Jr w. , imhe f stolen .goods': were' brought to- iUhe city-hall.- Most of the -clothing SbCionged to the Racket Btore.- - Mrs.-, Stark, Pleasant Ridge, O., .says : "After, two doctors gave up my boy !to die, I raa-ved him from croup by using : One One .Minute. Cough Cure cures quickly. That's what you want! C. A. Raysor.".' , WhM is V ' , It h a strenoficnino; food and tonic, remarkable in its flesh-form Ihg.pf6pcrties It - contains Codr Liver Oil emwlsified or partially digested combined .with the well known axidrhiglily"; Hypo phosphites of lime'and Soda, k So that I their. . potency... is materially increasecU , tjMttlVSBlIM USB? It will arrest loss of flesh and restore to a normal ' condition the infant, the child and the adult It will enrich the. blood of the anemic; will stop the coughV heal the irrita tion of the throat and lungs, and cure . incipient 7 consumption, f Wie make , this - statement because the experience of twenty-five years has proven it in tens of thousands of CaseS Be sure yon get SCOTT'S Emulsion, a 5oc.'and $i.oo all druggists, r - - " SCOTT & BOWNE Chemists, Kew York.' r :.. . J and 4 Comfortables REDWOOD &. CO - - .TVork Executed on PrLmiss. .- - ; Llonumental Ilarble, Granite and - . : Stone "Worlis. :: .103 Patton Ave., 7 - ' - ' . Ashevilie, N. c! nrc haiii cs cut.cau ror. all Tr.Aci::::r:?. PERODICAL TICKET HEWS. Be'low is a correct list of the merchants with - Whom 'yen can leave Periodical Tick- . - . . - . c ets: : - - " - .y . - ;j i-y-t . AttNeedle Wd-k3irs.vB.p. Jones.".. ' Bakery J. a- Ecston. . . " ' - v j ' Booksf-H, TT.- liogers. Sy ; r - Boots and Sho.sjrSpangeiihergr , Carpets' and " FurndtuTe-illlamson;& : tmdy. latohentMrTheobold. ,; - Clothing Alexander & Courtney.- i -1 1 Drugs-Heinitsh & 'Reagan.'" fj : DrugsDrl Smith-'f 7''."'- - Dairy.RoiandJ. lB.'Oliorrfa ; .'X. ."!:Iry Gooda-Bon iManche.- 'i.. J y Engraving-i-Miss" A. M. Cole. v - . loristsIdiewiid Jloral'Co. Clc -' -Fresh Oysters Ashevilie Fish Co. "r -Fruits "W. E.-'Alleiu iCroceries A'iD J Cooper. Groceries Cowan' &:Stradleyk . - Crocerles A. FOook:-' "' y. " ' " - Hardware Brown, JNortnup & Co. ' ; Job Prdnting-7AshevUle" Printing Co. i jewefeir-B, T3.X Cosby. " ' . " i ' - ' - r . - - , ' 1 " - --t Laundry Ashevilie" Steam -Laundry.: r.v rJyIavery'7Cnamberg & Weaver' - ' ; '"MeatC6amf etcW.' 1M Hili I-& Co. " Music Depot-nHough & Dunham Men's Outfitter M.Marcus. - - r, 'NewspaperDaiiyGazette. , : 1 Paints and Paper F. B." Miller. , - J --Photograph T. H. Lindsey. ; - - 'y - I Vegetabies--Rr I. Ownley. : 1 We pay'CAIl',prem!iuins.,Tfcket booki supplied gratis at the office, room .33, 51 Patton avenue. - -' - : 1 " HENDEKSONVILXE AND BJtEVAKD " r". - - -' . --7r. J.. RICKMAN, Manager.' -, ,ln Effect Sunday, Dec. 5, 1897. -- " -"-(Standard Eastern Time,) Daily" tlO pm LV;.;. 4.40 pm Lv- - r Stations. 7 NO. -Henderson ville J . At . Horse . Shoe, v . Ar 1, Daily. 12.3Q pm 12.10 pm 11.55 am 11.47 am 11.37 am 11.27 am 11.15 am 11.00 am .ti yiU XJV. a 4.53 pm Lv v 5.03 pm Lv 5.13 pm LV ' . 5.25 pm Lv . 5.40pm Arr . .':. . . Cannon. .... Ar ..'.:. Money: Ar ..Fodders tack... Ar . .T.Penrose. .... Ar Davidson River. . Ar ....Brevard. Lv T. S. BOSWELL, Supt. Tlie Smith Premier Tpyewriter isf-endorsed, by the U, S. government. What more do yon want, the earth? If you know anything at ail about it, you'know its the best. ' , -Lr B. ALEXANDER, Agt-, 50 Pattoh Ave Ball & Sheppard. 7 : 6 Patton Ave. " - Practical Plumbers Gas ; - an3 Steam Fitters. ; UEPA1R:WUHKyA Done on Short' Notice. . PHONE 88. Swapping Dollars?' - I. .Being . : so . often .. accused T of the above we are led - to-believe' that we are . selling goods dailr for less money than others are willing , to take for them, T-y - . r. - Now. wevdornot .. mind such criti cisms. , Really -they, are our best advertisements.. Three 'cars Flour 'and l Feed this week with another '5 arrival Moaday."-, -4, ' -Come right along' for1 while the dollar-swapping goes ton we "save you' money. i , rc:f - H. C. JOHNSON C0.r ; 86 & 38 Hoith Main. ' .-r ; si2-300d b ro yolks f: must be closed oot at oncp. - Sfandard 97 UodeIsr jeqar anteed, $14 to $30. - 93 Model fZ I to $20 ; 2nd band - wheels $5 to 15. Shipped to -Any One on . approva) without advance deposit. r Great' factory clearings sale. EARN A BICYCLE by J elpinjr advertise ns We will give one agent in each town FHEE USE of a sample wheel to in troduce tb era. Write at erica for our special offer. Eews and Opinion -: ti y y. yjQT-L:- ; T?Natiorial Itriportance TI4ES6I IS -CONTAINS. BOTH. Dailyby mai - 5 - $6 a Year Daily & Sunday by mail, $8 a ytar Sun is the greatest Sunday Newspa "" -f .r -per in the woTld. Price 5o a copy-By mail, $2 a vpat I y - Addre,THK SUN, New York. PICTURE FRAMING :..iNew.-tbek';ol'".'inoulding9, frames and mats coming in vdainy.-' In a few days will be prepared to. do all kinds of framing at lowest prices. S - -'V 1 Artists' Supplies FulTline of: Oil Paints, Water Colors, Canvas, - Stretchers, Placques Charcoal, Sketch. Books', Sketching Boards, etc.. at reasonable r prices." .'Everything needed by amateur photog, raphers. , r v " AH' kinds "of expert developing and fla ishingfor amateur photographers. RAY'S BIG; TOY STORE, - 8 North Court Square. P S P H ria i l 3 ASHE VILLE, C. IVOLVES UAHTED. We will pay $15.00 "eachfor two or three, wolves and 110.00: each for two or three Canadian lynxk the ble. tuft-eared. light colored cat not the ordinary wild caL When you get one remove entrails imme diately; Btuff some dry Jlay or straw into the body and ship, at once, by express, to State- Museum, Raleigh, N. C, and money will be sent : you by return - maiL v.;ht h: brimlet, : i. Curator, S tate Musenm. Sunday Vl;7Vefr year's Offering ' v . iin rich conieotlons, put -'up in fancy bas- Kets. - boxes, and is moat nflAflufner J tl young ladies, and . are gifta itnat con be .properly received, and " every xnorse crunclred trader their eWeet tooth vltb noe tuous pleasure tand-y grai tuderOur de- v Ashevilie; Candy Kitchen, t.; M. ,Theoibold, Prop, TIIONI3 110. Cel. J. c.I. -Lowery. :ir. :rs p. 1- 1 " , , ' . . ,1, T' A W -

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