Vol H: No. 293.; ASHEYILLB, N. C.; WEDNESDAY MORNING: JANUARY 19, 1898. Price 5 Cent& OesfreiGlier, - ft 28 S. flAINST. Embrioderies and g!qus pur" chase . ena- White Goods, bles m$ to offer you better Values J in above goods than you aire apt to get them after the! sear son has advanced. It is good advice to ask you to purchase now, i as we are offering extra good yal- ues. - :7 Full line T Hamburg and Nainsook Edgings arid JIn seriings in the newest and daintiest designs, and pat terns; every piece at a barr gain price. : ' I'A ip nma i.iiimi at , :Jc ; ioc 12c 170 'Z V 1UUW WUVU 16c " " 20c " " .'. ny2 c " 23c " - '? 30c " 20 These goods cah:; not i be duphcated at the price. 4a word to the wise" etc. BATTLE CREEK HEALTH FOODS Fruit Crackers, White Zwieback, Graham Zwieback; Whole Wheat -V Crackers; Granola, L Granose Biscuit, ;; Caramel Liereal, i All Arrived Jan, 1298. G. A..GMEER. STANLEY COUilTY BOllDS - COMMISSIONERS i RESTRAINED FROM REPUDIATION- Judge Simonton Issues an Order on a Motion Made For Some Nevr York Holders- -:- f Charleston S C Jan,' 18. United SUtes Judge Simonton signed an order today re-, straining the commisslonerls of. Stanly uS .ui wuuu oounty. North Carolina. from repim . ,irnd. IPLIOUS IOT, Ul OUilUiUB " The motion' the order waa made by Cq ler and company "New York bankers. . DEATH OF MRS. SUMMEY. The death of Sarah Utosanna 'Morrison Sumanev: wife of iA. T. Suamney, occurred at the home yesterday evening at 6 o ciock. yesterday mey has tb Mrs. Summey has keen ill tror some vm with brain trouble; and her death was Carolina, and a crad-uate of the lAsheville Semmary, lonl nV to the class of 1847. ; Her husband, one son and four daughters 1 urvive her. ) The funeral' services will .be held at the' faraaiiy residence on Haywood street thus afternoon at 4 o'clock' YESTERDAY J;CbNGRE8S , 1 - : . 1 1 tfirst Gun in Cuban Belliger ; " ency Campaign- - Was Spiked After Causing Republicans Alarm. . Representative Dearmqnd Made An ; ". Impassioned Speech. Rssoiution For-fayingoff Bonds in ' Silver' Reported. Qjetion of the Rightof Commissioner of -Pen sions to Issue an Ordr Delaving.Consideration of Pension Applications. ' - Washington,-an." 18.' The " first gun in the campaign for the recognition of Cuban belligerency in the Jiouse: of representa tivea w-as fired today in connection with the consideration of the diplomatic and consular appropriation, bill. Mr. Hitt tried to gag the discussion by the adoption of of the 'five-minutes rule for debate, but no agreement could stop -the flood of oraiory, and At: the reading of the enacting clause the proposal of Mr. Dearmond, of Missouri, to jbvcrt the recognition, of belEgergenc for Cuba, the gates were opened and Dear mood jnad an impassioned speech -demamd log action to express the sentiment of the Americen people and was then' held up by Kite's insisting on the chair, enforcing the rule requiring the speaker to confine him- s'f to pie question at issue, his pln( of order teing thai the amendment was sat of order, ' . ; ;";.', , . - -earmond. gave notice that ; If the air gleJNgainst him he wcld appeal 1 'tonti fir deci&'oxt. This alarmed th, repubticaa managers who feared , that--the j. apjieal would bfe sustained. : Messengers were tvai rt over the town to jHtng; in absent re- pubJivans. The amendment was finally de clared to be out of o-dec From this de cision Dearmond appealed. . The chair was sustained, 137 to 109, this vote ending the sensational proceedings ttor- the ;day. In the course of debate," Colson, of Ken tucky, said foe would vote to sustain the Chair feu t warned the repu!blicans that, f the policy of repression of this question was maintained but few of, them would be found' in their places in the next congress (applause). Unless the . boose - was given tle opportunity to register the expression of the wlll of the Amerteao people; on this rubject, "so near to their hearts, Colson said he would Join the inost revolutionary tactkra 'to enable the members to vote -their s -ntlments. Applause). ' - w ,- - In the senate to-day Mr. Vest, (from the comim4ttee on .finance,: reported, the Teller resolution declaring for, the payment of naUonal ibonds in silver as well as gold. The resolution is practically the same as the' Stanley Matthews' resolution: adopted some years ago. Mr..Vest gave notice ijiat he would call it up at an eany uate. , iSAiMitors Piatt and Morrill desired it to be understood that the report of the eotaa- miu.ee on finance, reiaave to uie resolution, was not.un-anrmous. " The resolution presented to the . senate yesterday calling upon the secretary of treasury tfor reasons why the Item of fll. 000,000 in Interest due the' United States f roan 'Pacific rajlroad haa -oeen aroAJ fraecUonS waTSreed to! ? r Aitpifidbraska. walled up'his resolution,- calling 1 for .investigation by .the pension committee as .to tne auxnorn.y ol uu wu- to applications for increases of -pensions within twelve months after the las. .ap-. plication had been, made., me resotu-uou was greea w. . : ;; -, - ; - . I'nrri.; .nv, the iAimt ith entire session of the senate this afternoon was; behind; closed door3. and was occupied y ssenaw une" flcation of the Hawaiian .treaty.. ua wi fkoLUbn' of the Hawaiian treaty.. He poike mmshU j nd fT ci.al sit-a, of the proposition, q-uotin at- rAt,ftT.A and various Teports. He ched upon the necessity.of acdudrin the : trated his paints toy means of a large anap. I . S. - .. - ; C; M. BARNARD'S NOMINATION, Washington,. Janwl8. The president wilt eoon send to the semate !he ' nomination M Berard to be United fita-.es for eeatem district of North' - tv-wi-i inflrsed bv Sector Hiiir 'reouWlcaa:N:renresettt from North Carolina, and . l f-rw jitti nTointment was sent to tne preutuu w3 eral McKenna today. rBernard is a lawyer to Greenvine and is state solicitor for ihe Jud!elftl district,' He -was a delegate- fm Nocth rolina to the - SV Lc--3 co"vction. deficiency bill. 'The Was u passea uie - ': house carried ffTm lad injured intern, to the enate;it carries $1,891,523, an in j - StephnSf crease of $150,080, ' .JinternaUv. - ' ACTIVE INDUSTRIES In Yaiicey, Mitchell and,-'Watauga ' " , - ,t Counties. - " - -v -"'A,eflijniin via haa jut returned from a.4 buslriess trip . throjigh ( 4!he . counties of Yancey' Mitchell kni Watauga, gives a flaKte'ring aiecount if the ' smgres8 ofsev eral industries in, those localities. With the- advance - ql; prices' in ?n5ica he ; eays, several large . fnihes. which if or some time have (been idle, ware re-oene'd. 'and thoe heretofore- in opelratipn are ibdng enlarged and operated on. a larger scale. It is: said that iMitchell county furnishes more m'itja of fine . quality thau any coiin) in. the United States. ' - In addition to mica7 the'anoun-tains f these, countfies atooumd : in'ithewery finest tinJbers, whichj are "being marketed - by northern capj:aIUts. Another, -industry en gaged in, principally in. Mitchell, is te distillation cff hirch 1ark; which is very jaluaible, and used for many purposes, apd finds a ready sale at ipaylng prices. Another industry . which has reentlv been inauau; of ivy stools whtfh afe sold to and" isiih'zed by northern, manufacturers' ifor ' mafeing pipes and. veneering.? The .suipply of valu albte limber in these counties is anexh-iuat. able, and is of the very choicest varieties, much of it being figured 'wood and very de sirable 'in 'the market. - - - - FARM HANDS WANTED.. Will V. Justice, son of W.- D. Justice, of this city, -who has been' a resident cif Ten nessee for the past eight years, arrived here yesterday. Mr. Justice says his busi ness is to emiploy twenty negro hands tas work on a plantation .sixty miles south of Metophis. s The f arm, he says, contains seven square miles. 'He .DroDoses to furi nish transportation for any that are-willing iu hbu wore nor nam tney can make, 1 with houses, stoeik, -wood and doctor bills ' jf a . ...... 1 luiuMucq wre, iuu provisions ana leiotning advanteed ihtil a crop Is made. ENGLAND'S ATTITDDE; A BELMOERENTr , SPEECIt B JOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN- Great Britain W III Stop, at Nothing to . Maintain Her Comeroial Poslv," . " . tion in China- ; Ab liOndon, Ja. lSJosenh Chamberlain,. secretary of 'itate for the .colonies, .made'; speech tonight before the "Mverpopl cham ber of comuaeree, in which he made a dec laration regarding "the government's atti tude in connection with foreign and coK ial trade. He said that in view of the Mefgalomania with which some European powers had been seized, Great Britain was liable to , be : excluded : by' tariffs from ' any in British country. He dwelt upon the extensive trade done with China, and de clared that ,Gerat (Britain would do every thing to maintain her commercial position in that part of the world?: His laoguage was similar to that used by Balfour and Sir Michael yHicks Beachr when the latter, epeaMBg .at -Swansea - last "night; said the governmemit was ; determined, even at the cost of war that the door to China' tEide should not be closed against British mer chants. - PASSENGER. TRAIN WRECKED SEfelQUS ACCIDENT ON THE CEN TRAL PACIFIC. . Engineer and Foreman Kllled and Sev , eral Others InJuredMail Car on Fxre. ;Colfax cJ Jan. lThe- west-abound Central Pacific train, was ditched early this evening half a mile east of Oolifax. Bath engines went off the track. " The an'ail oar caugn.t on fire; The killed and Injured are gine. j .Ejugtneejr Uaickett, aoalded to death. i Slgijie6r ,Brawilj, -badly 1 injiired about tt6 ,head -rtreiman iwown, caiaea ana mauiy internally. hurt,1 injured A BI$CUITTRUST. : Wftur 1 VnrTr .Tun. ; 1. .NAmaii ' : Ppnm ; . r - curing eubscriptions to'a syndicate -that . . " .. iwill underwrite a plan for the consohda- tioajof , leading 'biscuit inpanies of the country.., 1 lie new companylll take U fk. VVnrfr Atot-Ivt, -t,A TTnlttwl L j,aA toAJTW I V i - " ' - . . . . . t 1 aavmw States biscuit companies 'ensi .several oth-; : ers. It already has one flixundred .and lorty large concerns under. Its control. It is to be. known as the United StatesBiscuit com pany ' . S' . - ' - ' t kTe CMcago .HMkera! wnn hegua"a -.-ieareainsl the trust, and Incidentally' against the em- -nlovees of all non-union bakers, and-that ; into eryU where the company does business. It charges that thecompany has ' aisarged, members of the union and put "non-union and cheaper men In their places, ' thereby causing a" reduction in wages. CONSPIRACY AGAINST BLANCO News That has Caused ; Great ' -Excitement in Havana. . . i..: ' .y " V- . - " "; ; -i - - "4 J 1 - 1 ' jYolnnteer of the Army Plot the jGreneral's Overthrow. ' An Afnied Revolt Planned in Spanish Military Circles. iBlanoo Learns of the Plot 1 and Snm- rnons the Officers. Threats of Severe Punishment for the Treason Col. Cotdron,"th3 Reputed leader of the Conspiracy, Resigns. Havana, Jan 18. Juat as thi3 despatch is sent by special courier to. Key West, JHa ' "i " . .. vana is in treamendoua excitement caused r by news of a formidable conspiracy among - . . . , volunteers to overthrow Governor General Blanco. The . conspiracy - was" discovered yesterday morning iby .the chief of Police Cel. fagailerL ' The plotters intended: to tart an anneal revoH by the-20,000 volun teers now in Havana to compel Blanco to leaive the island, as they did CapOaln Gen eralJDoh Domingo Dulc in 1869. 'A sinral taneous assault was to be made on the forts surrounding 'Havana, especially on ji Cuban and the troops now stationed at .strategical .points of '.the'5 city were io be everp4WfefM:aBdH(Hropelled.tasii The success of the conspiracy was nearly assured by fihe complicity of anany officers of the army, the sympathy of the Spanish regular infantry, and of the military poliee with volunteers and the rioters df the past week. As soon as the news reached 'the palace Gen. 'Blanco kimnnoned a council1 of his staff .omcers to adviset with them. They adVised the governor general to assume an energetic attitude and puniah severely the i .... . colonels of jOjatitaiions o(L volunteers if they were found to he guilty. ' y The news spread rapidly. ISenor Oai deron, lieutenant colonel of ithe fif th hat tahion of voruhteers; was at the head of the military" conspiracy. Gen. Blanco eum mohed. to his palace Iat night- all . the colonels of volunteers in Havana. All were present. '-.'A istorttny scene ensued. Blanco upbraided them severely, also threatened them with severe punishtoent for their reason. ' . The Count of Diana spoke in reply de claring that the loyalist Spaniards were not satisfied 'with, his rule and vowed, how ever, thai he wasn't in the plot, and swore he would be loyaL ' CoU Caldron, the reputed leader of the. plot, resigned to-day. .:: ALL; QUIET IN HAVANA TROOPS SENT BACK TO THEIR 1 -5 QUARTERS. ! , , The Maine Still at KeyCWest-Havana Custotn House Not Hindering Land'-; - ing of Relief Supplies . 1 . i WasMngtoU; . Jan. 18.' Secretary : Sher man received a tcfleram from Consul Gen eral Lee, reporting" all quiet" Jn Havana at -three - o'cloek4hi af ternoofiw4 Minister DeLcme ' received dlspatlch Jlhat " the troops stationed at convenient places In the capital to suppress . rioting have been sent' (back 4o their regular quarters and that the city-has resumed a normal condi tion. - ; ; i. 7 - :; . ? " ' : All of Gen. Lee's1 messages were read at J today's cabinet meeting, but brought out no important-comment-or-action. A' wHd rumor was circulated this after noon that the Maine had left Key ..West for Havana; because : tlhe tejegraph cable had been cut. This was disproved by the" receipt of -Lee's telegram and the an nouncement by the navy 'department-that the Maine is. still at Key West, Another canard; " which came by way of Chicago, was that Minister, Woodford had "sought refuge in the British embassy im Madrid from a mob'.' Sen or Belxxme sent a note' to the state department today .denying the re port that the Havana custom house was hindering the landing of supplies for Cu ban sufferers. The department issued a statement declaring this statement un doubtedly true. ; . TRAGEDY IN A PRISON Chief Deputy Warden Fatally Stabbed . by a Convict. - - BaftimoTeMd., Jan. 18. Ferdinand Dif fenbach, chief deputy warden of the Mary land penitentiary, was probably fatally stabbed this afternoon by levi Poindexter, a negro convict. The statobing occurred while the convicts were at dinner. The attempted murder is believed to be the outcome of a lonfe cherished hatred on the part of he negro f or the deputy warden. The convicts were- eating dinner when suddenly Poindexter jumped up. from the table and plunged a knife into the deputy twice before he could draw a revolver. One wound was in the chest, the other in the abdomen. The negro was overpowered and Is in double irons. OFF FOR THE KLONDIKE WELL EQUIPPED PARTIES START FOR SAN FRANCISCO. More Steamships Needed to Accomo ? : date the Rush to the Gold Regions. JBan3aneiscio-an;.lS:The rjieamet ESfeeteior sailed faay with over-fifty i pst sengers for ' the Klondike. ' ' The wharf was crowded with outfits and dogs. These par v - - - ties were the .best equipped of any that have sailed for-the-north. . 'Nome of them had less than 'one tbousantf pounds of food to a man and some had five thousand pounds each, enough to last for two years. The steamship companies will not be able to handle the great rush to Klondike un less more vessels' cam be procured. The price of shipping 'is now higher than ever before. .Vessels that six. months ago could be chartered for $1,000' a month now bring $4;00O and these are only steam schooners. Now the large steamers are not Uo 'be 'had at any price. The Klondike fever is on in all its In tensity and people talk of libtfle else be sides Klondike and. gold. - . THE BIG STRIKE Weavers Increase Their Demands at New Bedford- . New Bedford; Mass., Jan. 18. The sec ond day of the great strike in the cotton industry was . an uneventful one. There was no repetition of the disorders of last evenimg. All mill gates were dosed and admission was only obtained by cards from the superintendents . The union weavers held a jneeting th is afiternoonifio detenmaine' whether the ob noxious fines system should he made an issue in the strike or the fight should be solely against the reduction of wages. The vote was a margin of only nineteen yotesl over the necessary two-thirds and .the weav ers wiil refuse" to work until the fining is abolished, even should the manufacturers express' a ' willingness to restore.' the old scheduled There is a stmnlg feelings among the other; classes of operatives that this action will prolong the strike. THE BRIBERY IN OHIO A Senator Who, Avers He Was Offered $5,000 to Vote ForHanna. 7 ColuWousMfO., Jan. 18. Hotel managers andananagerti of teiegraph companies re fuse to produce ' books and paper. for the inspection of the senatorial committee in vestigating the bribery charges . " against Hanna- to-day" The " Investigation ad journed until to-morrow. V The bribery features to-day were .charges brought ty (Senator Jones,; who ' cltalma he was offered ,$5,000 to vote. for. -Hanna," $3,-: 000 to "be sick" and S1.50O to Wte for any one .besides McKisson- ' - The canoimittee appointed ly the Daugh ters of 'the Confederacy to consider weden tiafe, anet yesterday morning at Mrs. Capt Sawyer's on Haywood - street and trah- acted the work assigned, ' - A-' - ON ipATTON AVDNUB, TSOZ ElOHTBEK CCfRlNER STORE FOR, RENT. APPLrYr TO w r. r!TTnniR?7rpyR. FIRST NATIONAL BAiNK BUILDING. - - INTI-SEfJIITIC V FEVER SPREAD Demonstrations Reported iri Many Cities of France A? Rowdy Processions and- At tacks on Shops of Jews. Office of a Newspaier That SujK Dorted Zola Attacked, . Occupants of Jeweler Stores in Mar- settles Insulted. v The French Government Deeply Concerned fer . the Developments From the Revival of lha Dreyfus Case. ' ' ParLs, Jan. 18. The anti-Jew Sever Is. t : spreading in the provinces. The govern-; ment is deeply concerned over the situa-v tion. Anti-Semitic demonatrations are re ported from Marseilles, Lyons, INante7 Bordeaux, (Rouen and elsewhere, laqcompa-1 nied rby rowdy processions and attack upon the shops of Jews. The police scajtered the demonstrator and made many arrests. At iNantes an$ Marseilles several thousand - assemble marlched to the shops and warehomses J8 "v cupled hy. Hebrews, hooting and shouting'- ' ''Down with the Jews." They shattered the windows of the newspaper La 'Peupto which supported Zola. In Marseilles,. " " windows bf Jewish Jewelers' shops were smashed and the occutpants insulOed. IIARYLAUD SEHATORSHIP. Annapolis, Md., Jan. la. The first ballot "- - of the Maryland legislature cereUnlte4 V -. States- senaiOTsSfp- resulted aa was, -expect: ; ed, In- no decision. It was by ;viva .yotee ' - T r vote eachanember nasning tils choice. Tea ; candidates were in the field, nine repuibli- v ' -cans and one democrat. Mr. Gorman, ithe ' v present incumbent, received forty three . - : votes in both pranches. This was nine votes in excess of the vote of Judge Mc Comas, the Western Maryland man, whena Governor Lowndes and Senator WeTlingtion, are backing. Governor Lowndes, who with- . y:i:', drew several weeks ago from the senator--' ' ship cemtest, received one vote. It was: '?;' given toy Senator Day of Howard, fresi- , .' dent" of the Senate Randall voted for Judge " ; M'dComas, as did eight others. . ; MciComas, having a majority of the entire v repirblican vote, it has been suggested by; -' his friends to arrange a caucus, a call for .: which will 'be circulated tonmorrow.'They will take advantage of the situation . ana will, it is said, either make their favorite senator, or cause a deadlock. Iemooratv will hardly vote for a republican senator, svf land unless the republicans agree on M"c- Comas, the probaJbilities. to-night are that -a deadlock wilt ensue. " . :' AN APRON PARTY. There was an apron party ait Mr. (Lee's on 'Bailey street Monday night, given -by : Misses Mat tie and .Lizzie Lee. Those present were : Misses Maud 'Bean, Bruda ix Andrews, Annie (Paul, Margie Leonard, Nettie Smith, -Callie Grey, iLula Paul, LoO. Loasy Messrs. Radgie Jones, (Willie James, Colan Lee, Adolphus Blackwood . Frank Lumbly, Kenneth. (Baird, 'Walter Steele, Jack Suggs; X. Lang, 'Ed Evans- Prizes were won by 'Radgie James asocl . Colan Lee for the best sewing. t: ' NORTH CAROLINA GEMS. ; The rare beauties of nature, so well I - - - - represented1 in Western North Carolina, " 1 v, are becoming better known every, day am people who are better educated in the for- mation and utility ot minerals have freai time to tome shown -their AmrecIation ot - these Gems by usine: them in U Mnds sf adornment. t We have decided., to close omt same " . of t3u&& gems and offer, them at 'prices that :: should make them all sell in a very few . - t- , - . days. ' - .' ' . . ' - " ' ' wWB OFFER: , - 'C j ; 'V"' One lot of 41 gems at 50 cents each. ; . . One lot'of 40 gems at 60 cents each.:- T: ' One lot of 169 gems at 75 cents each. One lot of 40 gems at $L00 each. One lot'of 32 gems alt JL25 each. , . One lot of 5 gems at $L50 each. ' 1 One lot of 'S gem at 2.00 each. ? -"' , One lot of 5 gems at $2.60 each. . t -: One lot of 3 geans at $4.00 ach.j ' One gem for-$6.00. -1" ! - . " , ' AHTHUR M.' FIELD, ; ' ' . - v M- ! " LEADING JEWELER . Church Street and Pa tton avenue Astfan , 'vil'le, N. C. :