V - - THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE, WEDNESDAY- MORNING JANUARY. 19,1898. 1 SBSIWHBBSBS Western WEAVERVlLLE.i: WeavervillV Jan. 18.Tr-There haa ; been ; . jv ; recently - much discussion Cand - criticism .feKreai)OutJn.:frd''to-'th'ireruMl.of;tli - cun'ty ; commissioners, at their last meet-r"- "ingV -'to order; a-road' laki'.offrilonigrthe " . outhernide of Hamburg anou-ntainto in- - "! ers'ect with, the town mountain road, two - : - miles and aialf east of Weayervllle. There - was only one" citizen, ttf oppose the road; - which a. goodly 4 number sA petitioners de-. ,i stredl ' Those who 1 urged the : absolute, ne- -cessity of the opening of the road are of l" the opinion that the commissioners shoull s 1 tare ordered it laid off and let the Jury -report whether there should be any dam j ages:' It 1s contended" that, no .reasonable ' VJuryiYWild assess any damages whatever. - f or the reason '.-that 'every land owner, y through whose land- the proposed road - would pass,, wbuldbe greatly benefitted, ' " rather than damaged Then it is urged foy those who are suffering for throad "that 1 f damages should 'be assessed - (a' result - by no -means likely) . then in that event, " those who need the road would stand ready , V?--.::o.. if Uie" damages he any thing. in the bounds ot reason, 'to pay, such amount as the Jury 1 would assess, and thus not tallow thecoun- ." ."ty to pay a dollar, of it. But all these ar ' giiments amount tono thing "wi th the honr. , " 'orable board, and so'i wntSmies to be the - --wf - casei;hat some 'citlzems have no7road to get out to mill or to church. . They" are bottled up'and can get no relief from the 'Ui officers - whose duty; it Is to Temedy such - " ' evils.' ' - ' " ' .-z -Several of .these citizens who arejae iZWprived of -their rttghts by the arbitrary ac.'s o-Lthe present board are very outspoken . .. in their comments on the situation. .Some 1 of them are life-long 'republicans, but say - that "they do not hope -for any action in i; the matter uatil a change oan be made by v ? the election of. a. new board. - One promi 'Bent republican, interested-in this matter, v has made the statement publicly, and often that in his Judgment the reptubliean party J 'i:iaow has "not county-officers to attend pub- Be business who have sense enough to run ' i-beef market. , - " -1 ---.,----,? -T 'Ncwr out this" way,- it may be said that PK Vvebody, botTbdemoorats and republi jiai, . fcave great Vespect 'for Tom Hale Weaver, , Eteq one of the-' present . board'. " But ;ne ; maiy , however Intel ligent, y upright and ree from prejudice; . can not be expected to control. ntter where iiere .-are two others .who ,make .up V , ia. nounber of "new students' ffona adjacent - couMieshave enfered Allege iwn u - lasl ?ew day.3," the spring, term of -Us T scholaristfc year paving lust, (begun. The school grows; steadily and many dt the 1 - -counties throughout the westernjse?tion.of the state are .well represented. .-The terms 1 -sit the presnt faciAty -will epiret the ap . preaching ; commencement. , The - 'trustees 'may likely increase the numlber ctf brces- sors 'at their annual meetinig In May.T Hle'Ww'erf'Bwitt'tlieeBld:. -The' intelligenlce lately contained In the papers to tChe effect thai-Marlon is soon " . likely -to toe .pla'ced in telephonic connectior - - - with Burnsvme an -: iBakersvflle has awakened some didoussfon liere as ,to the . desirability of the establishment of eUne - from here to 'Burnsville. This would givr 't' AshevSlle a large territory to foe rea'ehed Jby . the long distance -Sphone. Interest in the , - matter is toeing manifested here; and as. the ' line would pass through a neavfly timbered -' section Tit Is said that the poles, one of the largest items df expense in, the undentak - ing, would foe procured at erceedinigly low rates. If the same interest should foe taken - in the "matter" in Burnsville and Asheville - m ,f found to exist here. It is (thought Aat the line will shortly be constructed. - " ; - 'i 1 " ESMERALDA.:- ' v: Esmerlda Im4" tHickory (Nut G-ajp, - Jan. :8.-7The annual turkey shooVoT Hickory -irday last. In the past. New Year's fla,y J "neas the'ajppointed time,' feut -owing -to the f'i unavoidable ; aibsence :of ; seventeen of the i Tbeet shots, who are in durance vile at Hendersonv'ille, in "(consequence of some-lit-rr tie - anisunderatanding.lthey had 'with" the Fvv? United States i revenue .authorities, It was k postponed without ayailfoowever,: so it "took place, without them."".. - - The -first men on 'the'ground were from the claiic hamlet, ott JBatjCavewho. came - - out in force. Shortly after :yells;wer6 heard - Ji'om" -the north side of the " Gap, which - i heralded the approach "of the sturdy anoun- taineer ifrom old IBald -. mountain, and ', a '.. rugged ' strong : looking- body of - men tJhey ,.Twere, mpst off fthem six tfeet high and over C Via their stotekings, and'all equlwyed with deer-skin shot poiiches, .ipowder norns and armed with the heanry old muzzle-loading ..rifles of their forefathers', and very pictur sqiue 'they , looked . with t!heir old slouch liats and garments of many patches. -' - The place where the maibch took place " was well worthy of 'the men, as It is ttu--ated aimong the wildest and most ptetfur tao; scenery on this continent,' about half a . mile below the .Esmeralda Inn,; and 'on; the v ank of Che . rushing Broad river,; with Its f Jiumlberless cascades. Chimney IRock and : the Phantom ;Arch towered 2,000 feet above ' their headai;, and Hickory 'Nut "Fall with -a sheer drop of 900 feet came; iplashing - -down from the mountain topr v , - ,- - :iAs the revenue men have Jbeen very of ' .cious in this locality lately', it was a very orderly assembla'gerand nhere seemed to be : . Wank; ignorance displayed as, to .where nv' a'timula.ti'nsr linimm "h fhaA - fhnt . .it Was observed that couples would: dlisap . ' ear occaslonally'foehind Col. Turner's saw nill,- and comefoak-with a "mild aroma . iianging foout .them. - - .. - -' ls shooting at' ithe bird ia against the - flaw in this staite a target was improvised Xiy drawing a turkey, on a soap box in - charcoal and hanging it on a chimney 200 "yards away. The shcotin'g -was good, and -'c the box had1 many noles in it. ; IThe'mag-' - nifitent pose' that most of the contestants made when taking aim sent may thoughts Tijack to the time when their sturdy anices ors fouprht at the 'battle of King's Moun- ' tain, which tcok place seme miles Ibelow There dn revolntionary times. . :- - .:- Cunnion HIuniley, of . Middle Fork, had tie El:ill znl luc'c to win the first turkeys Bill .Hudglns, of 'Bald mountain,, secured the other two. 7 : The 'other .- jontestancs unanimously, agreed .that it was arl dumb luck, which goes to prove. 1 that Hickory 'Nut Gap is . not exemptl from the fallings of the outer world. " v. - When the match terminated1 the party started -up the 3ap;to the .quoit or- rather horse " shoe", grounds, situated - in the voak orest adjoining. the Inn " and showed their -skill in pitching norse shoes."'!A- -matfeh game "was gotr.up foetween Bat. SCaveand Ejimepalda, which 'created" great ',exiciite- ment: as . each 'party ' thought' themselves. foest.yU3ome close ipltehmg ensued, font. Es meralda, rcam , j ofT ? winner. ' TJmring . the game the foalanceof the party -went further up. the .hill and ereaed. some, targets " to hoot fora valu-alble-watch.lthe- property of Bunnion N HunHey It was put up at !10 cents a .shoot, fjlherewere' several- comles-; tants itor-it; and -the denonrment was - that ''Bunnionvhadt his watcb again as - well as nearly all,the money "of theparty.r s Mr; Barton, a guest a t the inn, hired sev eral o!";he bst shots to shoot for him,, but without-succe&s, tnd .Mr. iBearch,- another '-at the. guests, got his camera to workand. secured, a. fine group picture of the party. -i The shades of evening ' had d alien beifore the -gathering dis-persed-to their-mcam tain retrep.'s,aH satisule'd'with the day p'leas u-re. r - - v. . JT. T, vvCaacarets - stimulate the liver, kidneys rind : bowelsl ' Never, alckenj weakenj: ' or ripe, lOcat Pelham's Pharmacy, " - . " - Hendersonville, -Jan.' 18.- Revenue - Of ficer T C. Israel captured1 a Jblotokade still on Hooper's creek -last ISai:urday. - Ctfr. Israel, ;, refcurning - home,-, spent- the ' night with John. Russell,' three miles- from where j?he ".distillery: was captured, and during the eight his. saddle was stolen.. The thieves were tracked from Mr. Rius&eir arable for a mile, and were waught ln tthe still houses ' G.-F. Stradley is in - receipt of a letter rrom C. D. BtradleyTone 'tit the health" of-' ficers at Greenville, S. 'C!.,ta.ting than there were rtwemty-seven negroes' in tihe "pest -'house,' two miles " from town "with 3malI-poxT- and that "not a single fwhite per son had any symptoms of .the disease. . v ...The statement thatihas-lbeen circulated, from a circular issued last week iby . the town constable ithat it was a fine of $50.00 !or any visitor or stranger to come to Hendersonville, Is a mistake. The inten tion was to guard against, the negroes who migiht -be fleeing-from small-pox, towns or localities. . z Street Superlmcendent J. . iL.:: Orr has. greatly, improved the west side, of- QTain ?treet in front of the 'Cole block fby having he efcreet macadesmiz.ed .with rock and sand. 1 - - . i1A' phonagraph .party, was 'given iby" :Mr. ind GIrs. George 'F. Btradleytat their home on East iCJollege street last night. A num ber of their fiSenda werej. present, among :-v horn ' were Mr. and (Mrs. H. ,T. lOol lars, Tien (Brooks, Miss Ida SunefskyrMiss 'Nel 'le Eey. iMiss Ella fAldenK Hominy; Mr.tB. .Reeves, Hheville; Sheriff Btaton, Frank Barfoer.": ' ,w - . -' There are a great tiumiber of 'Citizens of hendersonville -who are afflicted, with sore inns' on account of vaccination. . - ""7 ::JX family, named 'Eatonof Chicago have taken. 'the Hunt house on College street for ihe -winter. -'"'':' ' G. F. 6. - JEvervfcody fcays Sc. t - . " : Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won-. erft:J medical discovery ot the age, pleas-, ' .f t and refreshing to" tlie taste, act gently f-ud positively on kidneys, liver -and bowels, nansing the entire system, dispel colds. Mire headache, fever, habitual constipation " mi biliousness.- Please buy and try a box f C. C. C. to-dayj 10, 2T, f0 cents, boidanc 3uarantced tocure byUrnrcriJits, .-. " -' Peflham'ji Pharmacy. . ' ' SEVERAL TOWNS. r ' The Wilkes county bond suit; whlcli .was to hare ibeen - heard by Judge Starbuck at Winston Saturday, was postponed till the 28th. " -"AzZK Theailway'-cotamassiott has ordered 'the Western Union Telegraph company to show cause why it should not have atn -up-town office at IMorgan ton. -.'j . - '-u " - - ,1: " The .Shelby uroa is no more7 v- Its name to be changed to - the Southern Spindle and Loom and it will .be devoted largely 'to industrial ma titers. , v - - In Xdncoln county.ion the night of the Sth Bob Bess -shot and Mlled Elisba ess, bclth 5olored. The slayer ' is "in Jail." ' The killing resulted from a drunken row. !Mrs."' Peoples, of " Winston, has " been awarded 4450; damages against that town by a superior court Jury (because the reservoir- leaked and the-. water damaged ; her premises - l- 7- r : 1 - ' In Sambson: county a few "days ago'" John Parker; colored shot (Ann Butler,"a colored woman, because she refused to marry him The wound is serious ad may prove fatal: Parker escaped.' - "SVV y'.? - Demnis uinkeri a colored man" wholived near Mt.MourBe -received injuries iwnile trying'.rto gt off - the -passenger train, at thatjpomt Saturday evening jwhich resulted inhis deaith Sunday afternoon. - ' f r . r Jim .Blmkh, colored, iwas ..found ,deal in the road in tLincoln counity Monday of .last week. There, was no evidence of foul play, but it was in evidence that Jeemes had im- bibed rather freely of. conirabrand spiirits. ; - Monroe 'Enquirer:; 5 'A : prominen t business man df this counity nas fceen figuring on the cost; of raising cotton and finds that-at the preset Trfces of otton .but-. ten-cents per day has (been .realized by the cotton grower for his labor. .- . , - -r - (Mr. T. (Moore, -editor of .the Iredell iRecord, published at fMooresville, brought suit against Mr.jQ. Btarre'tte, formerly editor of the Mooresville Record, !now ed itor of the' China. Grove -Record, for libel. Mr. Oj."C' Caldwell Is Mr. Moore's counsel. SThe Boone emocraifc -says the fifiteen-year-old son of Mr Henry Townsend, of Banner Elk, -Watauga county, was ratobK hunting - -when - his gun was : aocidenitally discharged, the load entering his arm above the elbow and going through' his shoulder. He is expected to recoyerc , .;"-' ' .The Journal says' Mr." TDa-vid A". Coon o' Howard's Creek township, Oncoln county lias an Indian . game hen that is a curiosity.,- Beginning at the root of its , b5U land continuing to the tip of ; its tail, the feathers on one side are as ibTack as a crow while the -feathers on the' other side 'are yellow.. - - - : - . - - "--7 - ;-v . - , Jackson township hashree colored mag iarrates..; One of them, Alfred Hood, after enjoying fthe festivities of VmancLpation'i day at .,Waxhaw s tole a mule and -hit - the gfit, eays the 'Monroe Journal. ' The mule was recovered but the apnx3ntee of our STeat ButleT-iRusseH -legislature is Coing Ibmslness somewhere else. ! " " " " The contract has been let for building the litk of the Carolina and Northwestern nar rc v gu-ra xzilvi frcn Cir.'.cry t'a C'ct- ton, ten sniles Work" will begin at onte c and the Jink : will ::be finished - within five" inonths. Ihe road will tiea parallel to he jiine -i of : the- Western North 'Carolina; on which ihe Carolina and Northwestern now has a uhird rail. . ;- - :i 4- V'TheSaliebury Correspondent ,pf the Ohar Idiite OSbaerver says :the i county " comimia sioneTs "of -tBiavie -refused ' tqpay the Jan uary interest on the bonds : issued by that Kfounty some - years ago for -the construc tion of the "raflroad - from' -Winsttom to" Mocksville.-It is believed that this, means that an attempt 'will le made to invalidate the-bonds - -- -t'v ' :iThe murder trial jbx the superior court at Wadesboro -of Wilf and A.be ,'Redfern and Jake -Rivers was called up on last Thursday and was in. process of trial Thursday, -Friday and .until Saturday- afternoon; and wag given to the-Jury. aboutP3 o'clock. The jury did not render . iM . verdict vi.untiISunday morolng"at10 o'clock-, when Jlhe following ryefdict was rendered: "That Will, and lAoe Redfern.were guilty of imurder in the secocsl degTee and that Jake Silvers waa innocent- of lhecharge-brought: against.him 2 iae'eessory to the-" murder. " xWill and ATze -were s'eint f.o - the l penitentlary' . for twenty-one and five "years respectively." ... . ; i-..v -. ... .. .. .7. Btatesville ILan'dmark: - WhMe the North Carolina erposltion- car was at the depot last Thursday nighta- portionof theexte- rior of the -car,- on .;. which :was '. painted a nt;triber of handsome advertisements ot va rious industries in the state,- waaNdePaced Iby some person with 'a sharp" pointed -.in - stru'ment. ' (Mr. Monroe, one of Jthe t propri etors of-.the 'car, caught a.'young iboyV who ;he. thoug"hit was engaged in the work and the, boy -was identined by Mr;-W... fLi Hear as Corum Cochrane. 'Next morning Corun.: was arrest' ed and Mr. Moore returned here from Mooresville to attend the trial whicK took ipla'ce 'before' Justice Mills. "Mr. L. C CaldwelUrepresented the plalnitiff and. Mr R.-B.- McLaugh'Hn - the defendant. "On the testimony of IMessrs.i Moore and Head the justice adjudged the defendant guilty- and fired hlan $5.00 arid costs...', v - "" - - - r --r - : Gastonia. .Gazette JA -s tran'ge -' lookln f caravan, struck !-town early Monday morns ing. ' There were two covered .wagons, on drawn by a jpalr cf -little mules,, and th " other by a pair of little ponies. The sevex in the company had come Iby wagon from Dallas; Texas, since the 3rd day of Novem ber v o In' answer to inquiries it -was found that- :they. -were :a family y 'the name of Wilson, who lfved near IComsord,-whither they" were returning. .Two or three years ago they leiflt the Tar Heel' state- and cas ' their lots in Texas,; .They didn't like it as they:7 thought -they . would, and resolved-to getkack to their iNorth Carolina home once more. ' They didn't have money enough to buy railroad tickets," nor could :. they seTl their stuff for ' money necessary to - Mbuy transportation by rail; So they packed up their belongings -and ; started home on uhe 3rd of last 'November in wagons along the road.- - They wen' first to CMemrpfhisr- There they crossed the Mississippi river : on '- a steamer' Thelongest trip covered In a day by their" plucky- lifctle- teams .was thirty miles, the shortest twelve miles. JAt this rate they had trareled aibout 1,400 mrles , NOT AJLWATS UNDDRSTOOO. . :-.---'., -v-- . - r -- A fact often overlooked, or not always understood, is that women suffer as much from distressing kidney and "bladder troub les, as the. men. The womb is situated .back of and - very close-to: thevbUadder,- and for ihat reason any. distress disease or incon venience manifested in the - kidney, , back bladder or urinary t passage Is . of tern, by mistake, attrUbuted to lemale weakness or womb trouhle(of some sortr ,K v ; The error is' easily' made and may be as easily avoided by setting urine aside for twenty-four houTa; a sediment or settling is jeridence , that your kidneys and bladder need doctoring; If you have pain or "dull aching in . the back, pass water- too fre quenftly or .scanty supply, -with smarting or . burning these are ; also- convincing proofs of kidney trouble. - If you bare doc tored .-without benefit," .try .Dr Kilmer's swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy. The mild and the extraordinary effect -will sur prise you. - It stands the higheslt for its wonderful 'cures. - If you . take - a medicine you . should take the - best. A t druggists, nfty cents and one dollar. Youi may have a sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent iree by mail. Mention the Gazette and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., ing haznton N. Y.- The proprietors of this pa per guarantee the genuineness of this of fer. , , 1 . , ;'Xmmedlat.-AssIsteaoe . !Mr. Grumpy, said the chronio bor- rower, "I'm financially :: embarrassed to- day. Can you-help me outf " ' Cheerfully, -. Then - Grumpy kicked his caller through .two offices and a lonr hallway. Detroit Free Press.' TO CURB A, COLD IN ONE DAY. e Take Laxatlve'Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it falls to cure. 25c. The genuine, has L, B. Q. on each tablets -.v. -;..-r- J 1 1. -.J. A." Perkins , of . Antiquity, O.was for. thlrty: years -needlessly -. tortured iby.phys--iciane for the cure of eczema. He ' waa quickly cubed by 'using ; DeWUt's "Witch Haxel Salve, the: famous healing salve for piles and skin diseases. C..A. Raysor. Minute Cough dure." It. is the quickest and most certain remedy for coughs colds and all throat. and4ung troubles. O A. Raysor. : r , " .r " - . , r -ri . V- Mrs. 'Stark,-Pleasant RidgeO., saysV "After two doctors gave up my boy !to die, I saved 'him. from . croup by using One '. One Minute Cough Cure curea quickly. That's what you want! C. :A." Raysor.' : -1 A. --r.- 'v:- 'T---sr ... uicm values in Blankets -7 sri H.: 3" 'Sf.- - ? - 'r' , : ''.v,rJ' v;' .' ' v. TfieLrPedpIei Believe I; - t, 1r-. '." " J -.. What irfaeyiRead About IIood Sarsaparilla; ;t ; C Their Faith! in This Medicine J: 'J: Grouhdsdon Merit They. Know ltf Absolutely Cures ".: When Other KSedicInes FaH-'-V " y - - . r---- . 1. Hood's Sarsaparilla is not merely a sim ple preparation, of 'Barsaparillar. Dock, Stillingia ai d a little Iodide of l?o.assium: Jt-r Besides these excellent alcerative3, it also contains those great anti bilious and :Iliver remedies, MandrakeTand D-iudelionr. -It al?o contains those great kidney reme' f dies,:-Dva Ur3i, -JTuaipsr - Berries, and Pipsissewa.''.;-- ';;',-.r-.'; -: s V. .Nor are. these all: Other ve-y valuable curative :agent3 aro-harmbruoasly com? bined in Hood's Gar3aparilln, and it' iz carefully prepared "under' the ; persona supervision of a regularly educated phar- macistri ".'i :,, Knowing these facts, i3 tlMrabiding-faith the people have in HoodTa Sarsapar i I Ia;a matter -of surprise? You can see why Hood's . Sarsaparilla cure v when other r medicines totally, absolutely J aiLv :j?'My"-';littIe:.R;wa-'anlicted;ith eczema and suffered for sevenears 'Sht was attended 'by physicians - and ;. tried many different kinds of 'medicine 'with out relief.; After taking a few bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla she vaa cured." Mss. Emma Fbankijn, Honeoye, New York. 5 " Sarsfl- parilla Is the Bestfn fact the One True Blood Purifier. $1 ; six for S5 C I. Hood & Co Iowell, Mass. H ArwJ "n: I tii eof liver Ills aawu o IT 1119 easy to operate. 25 cents. THE ALPHABET. " The letter F, while old, is obscure in or igin and history ' - . l ; .. According to Blair, the -.first alphabet was invented by Memnon, king of Kgyptv about 1822 B. a- . , --.v,. t - r . It is said by Chinese scholars that the language has a separate character for every word, hence the extraordinary difficulty in masterlng written Chinese. --' ' x-'- ' In a number of languages no characters ezist ;f ox 'the .v vowel .sounds, : consonants only - being ' expressed 'and -; the vowels in dicated by a modification of theletter. -v. - It is a curious fact that in the northern parts of Ireland and Scotland alphabetical characters closely resembling those of the Saxon were in common useiuntil the end of the sixteenth century. ' - -The oldest Jewish alphabet is supposed by some scholars to have been an ndapta ( tlon of tbe Egyptlan ideographs. Its earli est use in a monument is supposed to be the Siloam inscription at Jerusalem. - ? iH was tow'a crcssmark, andr though a respectable ancient letter, indicates by its simplicity that - names among its-makers had probably Become 'scarce when they were driven to so simple an expedient. . -, L in Phoenician and Hebrew was larned; the ox goad, and from its close resemblance to that instrument or to a thrashing flail, both of which were made "alike in shape, it-is no doubt the "lineal descendant of a picture of one ox the othexjof those objects. A cotjgfti which 'sums td hkn? on in sprtc of all the remedies which you i hare applied, certainly .: needs energetic ana sensible treatment. For twenty-five years that stand ard preparation of cod-Hver 0 has proved its effectiveness in cur ino; the tryin'gfaffections of the throat and lungs, and this is the reason why x the cod-liver oiV par tfafly.-idigestecV:' strengthens-rand I vitalizes the whole sys tem; the hypophosnhites act as . a tonic " .to the -mind and nerves and the glycerine soothes and heals the irritation. Can . you think of : any comhi nation so effective as this? Be sure you'get .SCOTT'S Einulkoa. . See that the man and fish are pn the wrapper. --"- - - - S06 and loo H druggists. r. JVV SCOTT 1& BOWNEChemfeta; New York. -; -rr i-er . -J-.' V " "' . and : i rJi-- -",1 r s lnJO0;S Comfortables. j i ' . "Zi REDWOOD & CO- ' '- : "Work' Executed on Premises, -" ? "w v .IJonumental'LIafblei Granite arid" -: , 1 , " StoneWorks." i ' : 103 Pattern." Ave,, - - - - . - Asheville N. C. nrcnAinc'S btjksau oi; ail xr.A rrj urw. PERODICAL TICKET NE7S. - B-iow is correct list of the merchants wifli "whom yotf can leave Periodical Tickr ets: -'Art Needle Wo k- Mrs. B.D,, Jones.!-' ' Bakery. Icston: 1 f Books H 'T.r J-ogers.":--' ",;. : rinh ni f3ho s -J. SDansrenberg, :?dpetsEnd urMtureWillIaa;&f .'-Cny Kltcflieii-L." M. Theoboia. - ClothingAlexaiulei1 & Oourtney. j Drugs HeLoitsh' & jReagan. i - -y. Druga-Dr. "sini tlu" r-f",';" -- DafryrifcpilanJ.B.JJMorria. V"y' Dry' Goods--Boir Manelie. , ; EIngravImg Miss A. M. Cole -PlorSt&---IdlewiiaPIoral ,Co.i:-C ; f.;. Fresh sOysters-Aslieville jWOoC ;i r "sFrui'ts--W;lE. Allen., f -t 5 Groceries AriT.Cooper. V ."; i, -;- Groceries Cowan '& Stradlejr. . - i--," -"GroceriesA.' F. XJook. :1-, . ' V ' Hardwarej-'Brown, orthup -&;Co. Job .PTtatins-sneTnie- IintlQg Co.; 'Jeweler-B.H. Cosby T - laundry TAsheviJle Steam. Laundry. Xavery Cumbers & Weaver. - - Mears; 6am( etc. W. jMr"Hilt A Co. Music 'Depot-tHomga' & Dunliain.; Men's "Outfitter-M. MmcurV1 . , - Newspapei" (Pally Gaze tte:- ' Paints and Paper F. B. Miller. , Photograpn Tr H." Lindsey -:Vegtab-lea R.'.l Owabey.'" . We pay "CAECH". premiums. Ticket book) supplied gratis I at tbe onl)ce,oom 33; 51 Patton avenue HENDEKSONVILLE AND BKEVARD B. B. - ; , ' T.- RICKMAN, Manager., ?v s ; "In Effect Sunday, Dec. 5, 1897. - ' ' -. (Standard Eastern Time.) NO. 2, Dally , Stations. --NOl. Dally.' 4.10 pm Ly . .Hendersonville. : Ar .12.39 pm 4.40 pm Ly . i. Horse Snoe..'. Ar 12.10 pm 4.45 pm. JLv- Cannon . ... ,: . Ar 11.55 am 4.53 pm Lv ... Money. ;.;..-Ar 11.47 am 5.03 pm Ly ..,Fodderstaek..Ar 11.37 am 5.13 pm Lv Penrose...".- ArllJ27 am 5.25 pm Lv i Davidson Rivera r Ar -11.15 am 5.4ft pm Ar ; ....Brevard., .v. Lv ll.00 Am - - ' C- . T.'S. BOSWELU, Supt. Tlie Smith Pre mier Tpye writer is . endorsed ' by theU.x S. government. yhat more do yoa want, the earth?-'lf you know any thing at all about it, you know i ts the bes t. 4 : L B. ALEXANDEffr Agt-, 50 PattonAvfe: ; Ball & Sheppard; f ... . J , r6 Patton Ave : : l Practical Pluinbersv'Gas -and Steam Fitters; J . , - J I 1 - - -., REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY - ? JJone on Short notice. PHONE 88. Swapping Dollars;1': 3 -. -; iJeong j,so oicen accused i ox tne - ; above we are led to believe that we are selling goods daily for - less money than others' are willing ' to -HEafce for. them. - - & -Now we do not mind such criti- ' clams. Reallv ther -are. our -tvMH: fiv adverUsements. " Three ;r oars" ' Flout i and Feed this week with another arrival MoadayU . v. - rC, d-Ooine right along fof: while! the 9 dollar swapp4rg goes on we save you monev. -. , . ." , , Jr.., ,36 38 Koxth main . i.'.'. i '- '4 I : i$l 23000 BICYCLES mnst be cjosed- out at one;' Standard 97 Models, pnar- iA anteed, $14 to $30. .'96 Model? rr to $20 ;.2nd band W'l wheela$5 to J5. Chipped toAny 1 . One ion .approval without advance deposit.' Great-factory clearinsr f,e EARN A BICYCLE by elpinV advertise us We will gie ?ne aent in each town FREE USE of a sample wheel to in troduce them. Write at once for our special offer.:' . 7. C. II: -a Cjclr Co., Wabash Ave,, Chicago, 111- -11 2 News and Opinion OF National Importance : ; alone V CONTAINS BOTH. Daily, by.mail f - - $6 a vear Daily &Sbnday by maii,$8 a vtar Sun is the greatest Sunday New8Pa. V : :3 per: in the world. Wee 5o a jpjy-fy mail, $2 a year 2 - Address THE 81TN, New York. PICTURE FRAMING -: New etock -of mouldings, frames an mala joining dn daily. In a few days will prepared to do all kinds of framing at lowest prices :Artlstsl(SupplIes Full line .of .Oil Paints, Water Colors Canvas; -Stretchers, Placques, Charcoal Sketch vBiokv Sketching Boards, etc., at reasonabla prices. . '.r- '"'' My."' .-.-.'-- - Everything needed by amateur photog. rapihers.. . " . Alt kinda of expert developing and fin. ishing for amateur photographers. KAY'S BIG TOY STORE, " ' '. 8 North Court Square. '"WW?? El 0 SPlh. Hazette5 r i ASHEVILLE, N. C. IVOLVES VANTED. e -wnh pay $1500- each for two or three wolves and $10.00 each for two or threo; Canadian.5 lynxrthe big, tuft-eared, light corored. ca& hot the1 ordinary wild cat When! you -get one. remove entrails imme diately,; stuff some dry hay or straw into the - body , and ship, at -once, by express, to StateHMueeumj h-Raleigh, N. C, and money will, be -sent-you hy return mail. "H. S. BRIMLEY, ; - -1- , Curator, Staite Museum. V 4 'NewzYeair's' Offering in ricli jconleotioms, put ud In fancy ha" -.';- - .. . . . - - MKia, ooxes. ana la most pleasing to m youtng 4adies-f;nd are - gifts that can be properly received. and every morsel crunched; under thir wet tooth with nne rtuous pleasure y and gratitude. Our de- ; . liclous etock ia- most tempting. -Asheville : Candy? Kitchen, ' L; ;M rTwEQBQLD,' Prop. v-i - ll'nioins 110. Sunday Q 0

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