THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 20,1898. t man Carolma rf.HTCHELL COUNTY RAILROADS Important Connection Expected t- be ' .Vt - ' Made. 1 7 , ' Capt." W. . Copening, '-who with his brother, "Was tW. "contract' tor the touilding vf fnnrfocn miiM of railroad work In Mitchell county, iwill leave to-day tor TLe noir for the purpose of obtaining the award of the referee, 'Col. Bdimund Jones, who was appointed "by the, order of the court to settle all -claims' against:the IdnvillelRiver Ra'ilroaircompiany, which wad filed: some days ceo. ' The amount involved is in : the neighborhood of $10,000,' to 'toe divided among several creditors, of whfch 'amount there is duo the iborpening brothers $6,- C00. Caipt. Corpening,' who: sesm3 to be coaversant wi'th i:he -facts "connected with the proposed ibuildtfng of fifteen ; miles of "railroad through one of the finest timber - aitd (mineral portions of the state -giving a through tine from Johnson City, Tenn., to (Chester, S. C, "connecting and crossing the (Southern railway at Hickory, N, says the present -line has 'been , in operation for twenty years, (from Johnson City ;' to Cranberry. The fourteen miles aJbove spoken of run from Cranberry, to -a point on i;!he 'Linville river, Ttnown-a Fineola. The proje'ct is to extend the road, .'from IPineola to John' River Store, the "present terminus of the Caldwell Northern rail road. jWhen these courier ticns are made they will furnish the shortest and cheapest route to the mountains of Watauga and other -western counties. :. (The people of 'Mitchell county are taking much interest in (this enterprise, as its success will give them An outlet for their valuable timbers and ores, as well as in- . vitlng inducements to summer tourists. If this -teonn-etetion is (made it will give the shortest route f roto all points in South Carolina and other southern, states to one" of the most picturesque sections of Western North Carolina. - .t , BREVARD. ,,,It. ig, rumored in good authority that some of our citizens --will open, a (bank cut this place by February 1. ' J. Wiley Shook and E. A. Aiken wore In our city last week amd made several un- successful raids among supposed moon-, . s&iners to tibe county. , . -"Wedding bells continue "to ring in ihia community. The latest -was the marriages last Friday tof Mrs. Lankford, -widow' of Sf. C. Lankford, (to 'Squire E. B. Clayton. Dr. Dan Atkins, the Methodist presiding elder, officiated. ; . ' J. Wiley Shook lm'3r been ''trlggerinig" in mydtonibu -way wi'tb'the "faii'thful" in town for, some days amd it is .thought be expeclts 'to get a newspaper outfit from .-. them, but 'Whether it is to operaite here i or seek larger pastures is a matter of con - ... jec'ture. ' . . ': J. F. Hayes, manager of the Toxaway , Company was 'in town last week arid in terested some of our citizens In a proposi- : tion : to build 'a diireet? .well graded road from this pliace to Sapphire. It is to be , built by a s'tock comfpainy and will be a model road in every particular. 'As sudh a rioad ' would make easily accessible One of the most attractive spots- In the moun- tadiis,-which has already become very POP7 ular With the northemjourists, it is a mat--ter of general public toteres't and re Ihopje . our people wSll aid in fthe constructJgnxr. French Broad Hustler.' MURPHY. ' ; ". ; A slight wreck occured on the Atlanta, Knoxville amd Northern at Klusey ; five miles ouitaiwest of Murphy Saturday night. Some one Shad moved (Che switch, causiing ; 4he train. which was two hours late, toA , take the side track. The engine and one coach, jumped ' the track. Nearly aM the passengers' an'd crew were shook up con siderably. Conductor Garwood was. bunt lather badly, ouit nothing serious. "A re lief train , from Blue Ridge ' brought ; the 7 passengers to 'Murphy at 2 :30 a. m. Sun-; .day. . v - ": "The passenger . schedule of vthe Murphy 1ranch (of the A. K. & N. was changed yes terday. Trains now leave Murphy at 8 a. m. which gives a Jay over In Blue Ridge v tot, over four hours. We understana this is done in order to .accomodate tie f reight " . business from Blue Ridge to Marietta. 'This schedule is very inconvenient for iBhe traveaing public and will not only hurt ( Murphy but the railroad as well, and we sfccus't that t!he , authorities will give us a Uter schedule. We certainly deserve y some consideration at 1 the hands of ttihis road. Wlhat a:bout that passenger train you promised us, Mr. McWilliams? t J. D. Murphy, Esq., of Asheville, ' who , owns some property near 'town was here last week. Scout . CRAB TREE. - - , Crabtree, Jan. 19. The , republicans of Peru have moved tihe posttoffice from a ::, democrat in the centre of the community . where it atecomodaited aM to one. side" of he right place by at least ithree-founths - of a mile in order to (get it ; in the hanjds p of one of the believers.,-. Many are wrouigb't up over the situation and a long petition , has been . sent up to have fit keplt'at the old Stand. v- It Is certainly a very pebty af tfadr, as it dont pay -more than $25 '' per emum. - The republican petition which, was en!t up aft' first consisted of five names, vjUhree of whom received ttheir mail at an other office.. , ' 1 - , t . . , , ' Tilessra J, ' C Bennett and O. A. Jarrett ctf Palm : h!ave gone , to WeavervMe' wihere ." they will .spend their time In scfhool till cjommejnoemenlt. 'v '' :F. B, NoblDfct of " Old Font has an inter esting school at Thiokety ; settlement hear Clyde. A He is a fine young man and ,0x0 0 doubt will make a success at bis work. , ' Another jf '' 'Norther?" ihaa-'' struck .our ycountryi arid ic - will be no I strangers In.'" ' The Y thing ln our ount din ; J. R. K V ON ONE DAY - ne Tablets. All If it fails tc 8 Lr. B. Q. on FUNDS. of ipuiblio in llowing impor- - - "9 fVOf vounjuy ;ard to or- 18S6 and 1 r I I I v -. -.News 1897i for public funds when; there-were' no funds due in the districts. ' " ' " , The committees had no authority to sign orders lor money when there was none due the school for which they gaye the "orders for school supplies, and the person or per sons accepting these orders did so at bis own risk.' T 5. . ; . ' The banks that. bought! such paper,or or ders, did so upon their pwn responsibility. I feel sorry f or -tbe banks,- Jbut I feel sorry for,: the children wnose 1 money is squan dered. - ' - v l' Some ' counties in' the - state been canyassed by agents who knew, there rwas no money due .he schools and the cotor' mittee3 knew they had no money to ipay tihe extravagant orders tney-were giving. v It is a shame to see the "hundreds of dol lars of orders given for money 'When there was none, , expecting . to gobble . up r the moneys 0 the children for this fiscal Tear. Do- ncc : .spend one cen tof .-; the - school money, due if rem July -, (1'897,, to June 30, 18SS, to pay ordfrs ' made Jby your pre decessors in office. ' - .. 'If there' was money: due the district for which' the goods were ibought at the time they were -bought, and for the school year in whiuh they- were 'bought, ithen of course such orders, must be .paid, otherwise do not- pay them., ' r ' - - , Yours very truly, , . ' - ; ' C. H. tMBBAiNE, tSupt. Public Instruction. : ; Caacarets stimulate the liver, kidneys ind bowels. Never : sicken, weaken . or ripe, 10c. at Pelham't Pharmacy. .,. -FOR MAID AND MATRON. Correspondence .t1 The (Landmark. If the girl born in May is named May, and the August girt is called tAugusta, then the boy1 who comes to town in Janu ary, should be named William, for January is nothing it . not 'the month of (BillSi (An old woman once said, ?This has ibeen a mcst unheaithful season! People harve died tnis season who never -died. hefore." So in January bills come lin tha-t never came' foe EorejtlAside from the regular monthly ac counts, there' appear: upon the scene, wkh the certainty of death and taxation, the souvenirs of the physician, the dentia t, the 'milliner and the modiste. uii if we are frank, most of us will admit that, we get the 'full worth of our money Of course we must; make an exception of the money paid for servants', wages and ice! iA woman . who has passed her forty-seventh milestone and whose Ibeautiful fatce is perfectly free from wrinkles, 'toM the writer that the "secret of ibeau'ty'was the daily nap. Sum'mer and winter, no matter what her duties and engage-mewis may, be; this woman retires to her", room, Cocsens her hair, donisa- lounging-robe an takes a cap . Sometimes she . sleeps only ten mln utes,".iut she rises, greatly refreshed. Fa tigue is a great Joe to good looks indeed it: ranks-next tto worry as a wrinkle-producer; !but sleep is the antidote. -Let her who would keep "her cheeks firm and round ind her face -free from crow's feet, take plenty of sleep. ... - 1 ' YANCEY COUNTY AFFRAV. Yancey county furnishes another . sensa tional shooting affray in whicli one Mash- burn and Nat Briggs were ithe participants.. One of -the parties used a Colt's revolver, and the other a Winchester rifle. -Briggs received two wounds, .one in Jibe leg aid - the other in the tbody, the latter .Lhoutght to ibe faital. The .'difficulty oc- mrred near the Jine loetween North Caro iaa and Tennessee, at a place known, as -he. "FlagjPonds." fThe difficulty otcourred at the house of Lewis Cram, and grew" out of in old feud. IMashboirn has- not. yet (been Arrested. Tt is also reported 'that George MidCurry shot and! killeJd , another 5 man a few days ago. No particulars hasre been received. , y i Everybody Says Sc Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won derful medical discovery of vtbe age, pheas ant aud refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing- the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, lever, nabitual constipation and bi'ionsness. Please buy and try a box of C. C. C. to-dar ; H 25. RO cents. Sold ano guarnntecd to cure by all d racists. k ; ? ; Pelham's Pharmacy. WESTERN CAROLINA APPiES. ; The icrop of Western North Carolina ap ples is not yet exhausted. . Several wagon- loads came in yesterday and retailed readi ly ait from 60 -to 80c per busheL 7 The Ga zette is 'informed that quite ' a large quan tity of the choicest fruit is being held by growers for the spTing trade, when prices will be higher. ' O. W. O. Hardman, when sheriff of Ty ler county4W. Va., .was -at one time al most ..prostrated " with a cold. He used Obamberlain's Coug'h Remedy amd was - so much pleased - witlh the quick relief and cure it afforded him, that he gave the fol lowing, unsolicited, testimonial: "To all who may the Interested, I wish to say,' that I have, used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and" find It invaluable for coughs and colds. For sale by Jr, T. C. Smiths " - , WILLIAM J. BRYAN TODAY. ' ! t ' Washington 'Post Jan. 18. The attiempta'on the-part ,of .the gold organs to disaniss .'Hon. William J. ;Bryan as a:'"lback' pumper' "a dead issue," rand to relegate bim to the' Tmibo of' insignifi cant and forgotten derelicts, do'nmt sfrilrp us as being particularly happy .Whether they have "been linapired by honest-Ignorance of 'public sentiment "throughout the country or " are mere demonstrations 4of maijice ana , oeceit, . we do t not undertake to say, "-Perhaps we should accent- ihoth explanations 'with a geographical' division; attributing the ' ignorance to" the , east -and the detcei'WJul purpose to . tfhe west.- JNo newspapers in the" United States' have a poorer, unsderstandinfir of frwrnniar winjnn than the "great metropolitan dailies; ne vouwc uyuv are so cocKYsure of their own omniscienjce anfd - of the overshadowing importance of -the : community they ; rep resent. ' .To find, the true provincial,' the hooeleaslv-' narrrtw vi'aw- vf r a-m - must go to New York. ' Compared with iwat mig, iDumptiious ana complarcent ag gregation of- prigs,; ' Hogeye, - Texas, is a verita'ble tcosaiopolis.' WTe can easily be- Jieve fhat New Yorkers sipeaJk in perfect candor wben they say that :Mr. Bryan is -a their own verdict on - a nationals issue -as the yond appeal. ',' " r - ' - j v; But-.neither .conceit . nor- mtisrepresen.t)a tion . will avail ' to dispose of ?Mr. -Bryan, Every' intelligent,' and comprehensive ob server df public events knows - that he Is stronger with - the party to-day - than s he was a' year agp; that he. has lost none of Khe marvelous personal! - influence which ,'he exerted durinig the campaign- of' ' 1896 that the principles f or . which he' scands are as . ardemtly. esipoused iby . the demo cratic naases as , they were when Bryan proclaimed them with the 'fire of nis en thusiasm and the witidhery of his elo quence , (No one seed be deceived iby 'the circuimstances- of ;. thel- .'recnt- campaign- in Niw:York v City-'- The 'fact '-that TanAnany1 ignored, th.i; Chicago platform! - is of : no significance. IWe may admir that,' for the immediate J (piurpose of .that . particular s-truggle, and In order to recover control of munitlpal aff airs to 'rescue Greater New York, .- in ; facti iTTroml ' : the dispensation tff : an impudent and nypocritfcai .-tyranny the democratic masses, consented to the Croker-Whkney" - programme. .But tnat "proves nothing. indeed, - we vmay " say that, even-' if it 1 inivolved! " the permanent rejeiction r. elf . Mr. - Bryan ;and the Chicago declaration "try the New York organiza tion whsch it does not the fact would be of minor 1 consequence.' ,The : democrats of the- nation" are " not under New ' York Control. iThe millions' who voted for J Mr: Bryan in 1896, do not look in that direction for guidance and leadership. vfTney would not: : be' knoved' one hair's breadth from theirs purpose if N?w York; .were to threat en them with absolute secession. J JThey lost' JNew Y.ork in 18&6. r Tbey can 'afford to lose H in 1900. They have no cal'dula iions basel .upon New. York as an1 indtis- T r.sable factor in their- ch-me. . They i3ow vLbae - Mr.:iBryanf "and. fhe 'Chicago pJatforlai'. brou'ght out more yoLes," year be fore last, than 'any democratic candidate ever received rJbefore nearly a million more- than Mr. Cleveland had in 182 and fchey are 'contenii with that refsord and' the brilliant prospect it arens to th'em in the Let no one imine -that - JMr.' IBryan is M- dead issue. Tf a democratic ' conven tion1 were to asseimMe . to-day', he would be withou't a ..serious competitor. ' Unless all i politicals -conditions Ibe revolutionized meanwhile," "he will' ibe even stronger -two years 'hence. For fresh- meats, poultry and game, call on Hildebrand and Miller, City Market. - - " 292 "THE DAZZLER " ; Emttl Heusel, who ' will "be seen in , the part of the unf ortunate Wertzeniburger Ratz in-the ."'Dazzler! at ithe. Grand opera house on Monday, January 24, is a New York iboy, and one of a numiber, of ibright comedians tbat diwarid lHarrigain has fur--4 nished to -the stage. 'He joined 'Harrigan's forces wthen but a young lad, and at that periodl in lHarrigain's career when he wak doing Ms sketches iwlth Tony (Hart ail the Comique in lower 'Broadway, 'New York. He was the leader of ibe Ibdys who marched in :tbe "Callant 6&th" in one of Harrigan's first skettohes, and. soon attracted the at tention of the pu'blic, and of Harrfean, by his wonderful dancing. ffiD& remained with. Harrigan & Hart for, eleven seasons, mov ing up town wi th them, ' an'd gradually as suming more and mcre imlportant roles in their productions. s -IHeitf a -German toy birth, and naturally portrays Cermain :haraicters 3n a most life ike and reiistic manner, -and as an ali -ound . clsanjcer he 'has no -superior on ithe fThere is hardly a farce comedy touring the country that does not contain one or more people who have learned their-dancing steps from him. ' . ' j NOT, AiLWAYS UNDERSTOOD. A fact often overlooked, or not always understood1, is tlhat- women suffer as much from distressing kidney and bladder troub les as the men. The womb is sltua'ted back f and very close to the Madder, and for hat reason any distress, disease jr incon venience manifested in the kidney, back iladder ; or urinary passage is -often, by mistake, attributed to lema'le weakness, or womb trouble of some sort. ': The error is easily made and may be as aasily avoided by setting urine aside for twenty -four hours; a sediment or settling is evidence that your kidneys and bladder aeed d::octoing., If you have pain or dull aching in . the back, pass . water too fre- luenlUy, or scanty supply, with smarting r burning these are also convincing proofs of kidney trouble. If you have doc tored without benefit, try Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, tihe great kidney remedy. The noild and the extraordinary effect will sur prise you. It stands the highest for Its wonderful cures. If you take a medicine you should take the best. . At . druggists. afty' cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle7 and pamphlet, both sent re by maffl. Men'iion the Gazette and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Sing hamton, N. Y. The proprietors of this pa per guarantee the genuineness of this of fer. :;; ' ..- ; ''My -ohlld is worth millions to me; yet I would . have, lostt her by croup 'had I not invested: twenty-five cents in a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure." It cures coughs. colds1 and all throat and lung troubles. CU A.. Raysor. . . - - BINGHAM SCHOOL PROMOTIONS. The .Ifollowin-g promotions are announced at nighaim school in ,order No. 1 : - iRe tired officers, (R. IS. iBynuta, first lieu tenant; R. It. Wilkins, first sepgeant: t To ibe first . lieuttenant Cadet Lieuten ant J.' B. McCatotlbell. Second litu tenant Sergeant Major C. L. Latham. - - - - " "Sergeant: major Sergeant V. E. Whit aker. . , ' .,..' , . ,fPirst sergeant Sergeant IA; C. Wilson. iSergeant-Corporal Dunn Houston. . !By order of OJJeu tenant Perry. T. Ham ilton lieu tenant amd ardjutamt. - Mrs."! Stark, Pleasant - Ridge;- O.,' says: "After two doctors gave up. my boy o die, I v savd him from ; croup by using" One "T- i - ' ' 1 '"? tj f One" Minute Cough Cure cures quickly, that's what you want! C. A. Raysor.- Great Values In Blankets and v ; v Cpmfortablbs. ; - S? 1 ' 4 " - 7" ' 1 ' 4 " H. REDWOOD & CO. - l " ; Sarsaparilla tires : -V Permanently Cures - r i Scroftsla, which is 'onevofv the worst afi flic tion 3 of the human race; and comes froimaipure; blood. j; -. -; 1 a "most offensive and Mn cpmfort : able aCeetion of tho.rskin, also ; due to impcre Llcdd. ' ' ii'-- a' toraieiii, to.tJio fie-h, a dis- figuremenj to the fct4;r; and a drain on the systsi", due to vifclated folcod, '' ' . -' - which so didligare tho'skin, and ' 'make the , human .ica , divine nnythir's but a thk) c. beauty, but w hich " are Naturs'b ad ver- tisemenf of foul blood. which Very often comes from aJ ciiruuiu aueuuma qi me circular tion, .-isv. a constant- offense to one's 8 elf and all his frienaa. - which all authorities now attri bute to various acidities in the - v . blood, which this great blood purifier of the a?e, Hood's Sar Baparilla, corrects. i Hood's SarsapariiSa Is sold by all druggists. $1 ; six for $5. Pre pared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Alass. FInrirl c Of i ic are the est after-dinner 1 IUUU 5 riI12 piusaid digestion. 26c THE SALE OF WITNESS TICKETS Chairman Brown and Clerk Wilson on 7..- ' Abuse. ' ' Chairman Brown and Clerk Wilson are; both of the opinion that some etepy should be taken to protect . witnesses" from the impositions that are being practiced upon the ignorant in regard to the purchase of claims allowed 'for an Inadequate sum. Clerk Wilson Is outspoken r ih- hSs views. On the subject.' He says that the board of commissioners should make an order that no claim allowed be 'issued to any one other thaii the ciaimhnt' himself and, upon his endorsement. " '. a ' - Chairman Brown . says that he realizes the fact that abuses exSst along this Hue and that he is in favor of suoh action'' beling taken by the board as will remedy the evil complained of, and will call the attention Of the 'board to the subject at its next reg ular session. Both officers approved of the Gazette's notlice ' of the matter. PRIMROSE AND WEST. . Primrose and West's Minstrels drew a crowded house at the Grand last night in spite of the bad weather. There were no vacant seats. H-The, 'entertainment--was firsil class sparkHingly brttght . throughout with not a feature that; dragged or failed to please. There was just enough spicy fun, good music and; feats, of acrobatic and athletic skill to gratify everybody. George Wilston was seen, at his- besit, and that is the' best; that, the modern .Minstrel stage can produce. " :- J ' -jL-L . V ... Ttlddern Treatment of I Oonsumpiion f-- The latest wbrk on the treatment of diseases written by forty eminent American physicians,; says s ; Cod-liver oil has done more for the con sumptive than all other reme dies put togetherJT It-also "says : ? kThe hypophosphitcs of lime and soda are regarded by many iglish observers as specifics for consumption." , Scott's Emulsion contains the best cod-liver oil In a partially digested form, ! combined itK the Jpqpfio$r phUes of Lime and Soda. This remedy, a : standard ? for! a arter)ipf ajcenturyyt: is, in exact accord with the latest views of the medical profession; Be Sttrefyott get & SCXTTS 7; ; - All druggists ; co&' and Si.oo. " ' : SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists,1 New York. 1 I i." . i -,7 , , .. . . . ... v ,. " , ' j .v ). i! , , Work Executed on Premises. -. Monumental Marble, Granite and" -; " v 1" Stone -.Works:" ; : . : 163-Patton Ave., Asheville N.:C. x MECHANIC'S BUEEAU FOE ALL'TBA DEHBll PEEOblCAL TICKET NEWS. - f . , .. " - - ' Bolow i3- a ' correct list of the merchants ... .. . T:; ;. V, ".vr-'ris.'-'vi fit. .' . . with whom you can leave. periodical Tick7 etat -r - r Hr f ' J - ' -1 ' ' -Art Needle, Wd k Airs. BD. Jones. ; -Bakery J. il'. lleston. '-w - X ' Books H. Kogefs.' " ' K ' . 1 Boots and Sho.s J. Spangenberg. ' :K Carpets v. and t FurttitUTe-Williamson & . Candy Kitchen L. M. Theobold. '-y ClothmWhdtlock Clothing House. . - Clothing Alexander & Courtney. - . Erugs Heinitsh & 'Reagan. Drugs Dr. Smltlu. '" t' - i Dairy, Raseland J. B. Morris.: ' Dry Goods. Eon Manehe. ' -Engraving Miss A. (M.Cole. - Florists Idlewild Floral -Co. Fresh Oysters Asheville Fish Co'. Fruits W.rE. Allen.' ' "Groceries A. D. Cooper. ' 'i Groceries Cowan & Stradley. . - . Groceries A. F. Cook. , HardwareBrown, Northup & Co; Job' Printing lAsheville Printing Co. -a. Jeweler-pB. H. 'Cosby. " Laundry iAshville Steam Laundry, r LiveryChambers" & "Weaver. - Meats," Game, etc. W. !M. TK1L-& Co. Music Depot Houigh & Dunham. . , 'Men's Outfitter M. Marcus. ' Newspaper 'Daily Gazette. ' Paints and" Paper F. B. Miller. Photograph T. H-. Lindsey. . Vegetables R. L. Ownbey. We pay "CASH" premiums. Ticket book Supplied gratis "at the office, room 33, 51 Pat ton avenue. . v .. ... HENDERSON VII.LE AND BREVARD VL. R. . ' - - T. J. RICKMAN, Mahager; In Effect Sunday, Dec. 5, 1897. (Standard Eastern . Time.) SO. 2, Daily (.10 pm Lv . 1.40 pm Lv . 1.45 pm Lv i 1.53 pm Lv,,. 5.03 pm Lv . 3. 1 3 pm Lv ... 5.25 pm Lv . 5.40 pm Ar . Stations. NO. 1, Daily. . Henderson ville.'. Ar 12.30 pm . . .Horse Shoei . . " Ar 12.10 pm .....Cannon . Ar 11.55 am .....Money....... Ar 11.47 am ..Fodderstack... Ar 11.37 am ....Penrose.,... Ar 11.27 am Davidson River. Ar 11.15 am . . , .Brevard. . . . . Lv 11.00 am T. S. BOSWELL, Supt. The Smith Pre mier Fpyewriter is endorsed by the U. S. government.. What more do yoa want, he earth? If you know any tin n gat all ihoutit, you know it's the best. : L. B. ALEXANDER, Agl, 50 Patton Ave. Ball Sheppard. 6 Patton Ave. Practical Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters. REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY Done on Short Notice. PHONE 88. "Swapping Dollars." Being so often accused of the d.:: d : a- above we are led to believe that we are selling goods dadty tor- less money than 'others, are willing to take for them. : Now we do not mind such criti cisms. Really they are our best advertisements; i Three oars Flour and Feed , this week with another arrival Monday. ' Come right along for while- the dollar swapping - goes on we save you. money. H. C. JOHNSON-CO. j 36 & 38 Kortb Main. 3 7 '' ' - 777 $i 2-3000 BICYCLES mast be closed out' at once. Standard '97, Models, gusr anteedv $14 to $30. 96 Models CI" to"$20r,. nd hard wheels $& to 15. Shipped to Any .V r. One s6n ' approval without advance deposit.- Great "factory clearfng-; sale. EARN' At BICYCLE by el pin advertise lis. We will.give . one agrent in each town FREE USE of a sample wheel to in trodnce them. Write at once for onr special offer. i - r 7. 8. Llead Cycle Co., "Wabash Ave,, Chicago, UK ewg and;;Opinio National Importance : CONTAINS BOTH. Daily, bj mail 1 - . a ve51r Daily & Sunday by mail, $8 a y ar Sun id the greatest Sund ay Newspa- N, , per, m the world. Price 5c a copy. By mail, $2 a year Addreng THE SUN, Nw York. PICTURE FRAMING New1 stock of mouldings, frames and mati coming in daily.. In a few days w will be prepared to do all kinds of framing at lowest prices. Artists Supplies Full line of Oil Paints, Water Colors Canvas, Stretchers, Placques, Charcoal, Sketch Books, Sketching Boards, etc., at reasonable, prices. : Everything needed by amateur photog raphers. . All kinds of expert developing and fin. ishing for amateur photographers. RAY'S BIG TOY STORE, is North Court Square. it 1 - i... ASHEYILLE. JST. 0, WdLVES'iVAtJTEO. We willl nav SlfLOO -eafth for two or three' wolves" and $10.00" each "for two or three Canadian, lynx the big, tuft-eared. light colored cati not the ordinary wild cat When you; get one" remove" entrails imme diately, stuff Some" dry hay or straw Into the body and. ship, at once,, by express, to State Museum; Raleigh N.k C, and money will ibe seat you' by return mail. - ' r -'H.-H.' BRIMLET, 1 ' Curator, State Museum. A New Year's Offering in srleh coafeotlons, put tip da fancy baa kets, boxes, and Is most pleasing to the yousog liadles, and are gifts' that can be properly, received, and every moxeI " crunched under their isweet tooth with una tubus pleasure and gratitude." Our de Hciou . tock is most tempting. : Asheville : Candy Kitchen, LM. Theobold." Prop. , ; ?phone no; Sunday 1 Iff1 if 1