VorH:"No.295. ASHEVffiLE, N;?C, FBIDAYrSIOENINK JAMTAEY 2l; 1898. Price 5 Cents.v ? 28 s.; immii Embrioderies A &dvanta- nnH 7, geous ...pur- White Goods. Wes us to offer you - better values in above goods than you are apt to get them after; the -sear son has advanced. T It is good advice to ask you to purchase now, asVwe are offering extra good val ues. Full line Hamburg " and Nainsook .Edgings and In senings in the newest arid daintiest dedgns and : pat terns; every piece at a bar- gam price. -4 7c 16c Linen at ; . 5c IOC i. t -- 15c 30C : These goods can, not ;be duplicated at the price. So "a word to the wise" etc- There are jid;':li 1 . ? ------rv Satisfactory : . 'Substitutes -FOR- fiMAPPH 5r Canned Goods., It is well" to ; xemem- ber thisV 6. A. A MURDERED MAN'S BODY rf; Found in a Trunk.lu a New Orleans ... Drainage Ditch New Orleans, J Jan. 10. An ; old negro found & trunk this morning & drainage ditch on Broad - street. He .pu-nd it out and was' iiorrified on.opendng it to discover the dead body of a man jammed closely in 4t. The body was oTa well -dressed Italian of about thirty -five yeara of age. who had teen murdered - by a blow on Ms head. His Hands were tied behind him and hi throat cut In two places. - -He bad been deadap-v parently for twenty-four; bours. There was nothing by which ho could toe f idontlned.: He nad a copy; o the" Cleveland Press in Ws pocket. ''- "v"", " UNIVERSITY BASE-BALL GAMES. Chainel HlU'.'-Jan.- 20. The following schedule oJf games" has" been arranged; .for the season: . - , iMarch 12 ' tBineham' School ' rats Chapel lJ?Tt OhrH.rirj.'wArFm ttlains : University . at Winston; (ApriL 12, university -of Pennsylvania at -' Winston ; iApril 13, UniversiiDy of Virginia at" Char lottesville; April 16, Harvard Unlversttyat CaTka1 RXiliT. tl.1 on rtV CO Mara. Tnatitll-t-ft at Chapel Hill ; April 23, University of Vir-. appointing. Martinez Campos eommander feihia at Chapel Hill;, April 11, Trinity Col-; -Jr 'tainfcs General Blan 'ege at Durham; April 29, .Wake Forest m caitl 13 - . . College at Chapel Hill. May 7, University 3 r-3Vxncr -sneral. . -- . of Virginia at Danvflle, Va, June 1, 'Alum- . - pi. at chapei Hiii. : v -m i;;cjr.cz?iT cjnr.z'iDEns. : " ON PATTON" AVTrCTI, 570. HICIITnmi - -u--a Jan, 20. Geeral Blzfco SS?STO rOP.T."::T. ArPLT TO ."..TIv; c--i s ni'-ter ton!3t that bank .buildu:-. - " :-- ' :z"-l x-tiC- CUBAN AFFAIRS McKanley Believes itCannot 'k. be ;Tostpphed; l: Naval Preparations foHPos- sible Emergency - Warships , Ordered- to Keep f: Near !" - r Cable Stations'. " :. De Lome is Much Worried by -These t Preyiarations." ' Fears That the ; Spanish: People Will do Some-i 5- thing Rash-HThe Speeches in the House? of, cKepres-ntatives He Thinks are like ly to Cause Wushington; Jan. 20, It was learned to- day on indisputable authority that the. pres ident 'believes a crisis In Cuban affairs' la approaching, and- oannot be . postponed by promises trotm, Spain.-' Accordingly, several ships, in addition ito . those, cpmposingthe North Atlantic quadron,: have been held at" places where they can be easily reached by -telegraph," notalbly . the commerce 'de- stroyers, Columbia and 'Minneapolis .. and the coast defence vessels -Miantonomah and the' monitor Puritan which, are at the :Nor. folk navy yard." The gun'boat Helena" has been ordered to LTbson from. Gibraltar, tn- stead of eontinuing jon her way. to. Join the Asiatic csquadron. She will remain at Lib son. uhtll. further, orders. ' The- cruiser Cin- Cfrinaitl and the gunboat' Cystine, now In outh "American, waters; have been ordered , j- - - -i- to keep near cable stations In preparation for a quick summons Iwwne." - Senor Deliome, the Spanish minister, has learned of these preparations and, in the eourse of a long call on Judge -Day;- as slstant. secretary of state, jrotested. Inti mating, - pretty .broadly,- It would be well for the initeresta 7 of Iboth ; Spain and the United States If nosignlflcani naval ?move- ments occurred at this time. His great lear r ia jfhat the" Spanish people will do something rash Jf they "get an lea that-this country" itf jnaking unusual-pTaparations of a war 'like character. He is concerned over the- personal position of Minister; Wood- ford believing that demonstr&tiono against the c- United .'JSbates 'may occur in ; . JAadrid,- and 'popular emnity against -Americahs be vented - against the ' United' (States iega- Vv,- .r.-. ''V; -r- The speeches in the house of representa tives yesterday and today, Minister De- Lome feared, would, likely caitse trouble In Spain. He left Judge Dayery much wor- While. these reparations are Terjr' sig- niflcant,' hey do not mean 'that "the" presi dent 'bellerea war is imminenV or that it tras been decided to JntervenevI; - ; -n A The administration' hope war- jnay be avoided, ? , but it Is convinced1 f something must occur soon j to put an endto theun .happy; conditions existing in Cuba1 When r W''"''. . - - Vt--,. -- - .-jr-. -r.,- -.-. -T!.: "V5-'--'1- -"-"i TJiat time comes there may be;: and prob ta bom. .water,, or.ttat aa reach tie CAMPOS MAY BE SUMMONED " .Madrid, Jan. 20. t Is stated that the government is. considerimg the question of colonels,., three captains, five lieutenants and 110 soldiers ve'surrendered.; Parra, vthet: dispatch stated,"- was - related to Bartolome Masso, president T the Cut -ban TrepuSblic' nd one of -the mos t- conspic uous of theirebel leaders. ? Blancd "'says the gravity of the results that are sure io fol-: ows-thus surrender,I fully irecognized by the rebels. , Blanco caija v the l surrender 'a-solemn andfar roachaag acU".t; . ;:Ell6LMiD MID CMu. .- (London, Jan. io.VThe Central -News says that , the government has decided ,in view of the Chinese situation, to Increase the personnel of the navy by. 5,000 men, and that. 2,000 additional stokers" Jwill also he engaged, within the ourremt -quarter," (be- sides a -large-number of engine room arti- ficers,-.':urUieTaay9Athat':thenrsr-class battleship 'Hannibal,': now, in - reserve at Portsmouth, will 'be pufnhtoT?coanmlssion Immediately: In addMon . the v admiralty has . instructed the commandins officers of the home- stations- to be "prepared to molM-. lize their commands upon -receipt" Of tele graphic notice, f' . T'-'-WJ.- . P. I" Ml "5VJ . .-,- CLASS OFFICES CHOSEN? , The " gradmaJLing -laB of the. Orange Street; iHtgto . school. , met yesterday and elected the .following, officers:., President, Hertoert Xowe; . orator, Thomas Doe ; poet. utass JVIaryWard;' historian, T;iMi'sa;: Atxue Emanuel prophet, Miss Helen . 'Robinson ; giftonianfjF'red -Haskell J -' BIG WARSHIP LAOHGEED; ONE OF THE FLEET OF: JAPAN'S NEW NAVYAJ TheEasagi Afloat in the Delaware-- Japan's Ambition to be aNaval; " Power Philadelphia, Jan. 20.-rThe big Japanese warship,- tha- KasagU-.-wAtf - launched-at Cramp's ship-yard' at .12 T:02r this afternoon; Miss Helen Long,: daughter of the secretary of ., the" navy," xhritftenedl the"vessel. 'Ac cording to the Japanese "custom, as the vessel rglided; into the "water" of the : Dela-" ware Miss Long pronounced j; her, name while : loosening a silken- bag and releasing a -!hi te pigeoniAn" immense - crowd . wit ness Uhe launching. - " - ' v, The follcwtog description; of thewarshlp oomes trom C.vH Cramp, her tullder:'v...j';.;.'v; '.The Kasagi is aT protected twiaf screw cruiser or commerce destroyer of the latest and, monpproYed.; type and design lnr. her olassv She i is built 4nroughlout of i. znlld steel :of the .United . Slates standard,. ..Her model is ,calulated5 prtoartly for .higli S'peed; i the contract guarantees' being ;224 knots.' She is powered wi th two fooir-cyl- inder- vertical inverted direct' acting triple expansion' engines driving;; itwinT-screws. Steam a. supplied by 12 single -ended loyl' indrical boilers provided with the Str John grate and . bearer-, bar," and- the -maximunL caknilations'fcontemplate a maximum' col lective indicated horse power of about 17,- ber of r Bhtps ot various typexns and classei embracVd-4n;he new, naval ..programme of japanv- a sister anqj xo: ner is Duaiaing on ;the-.Paclfic;jcoast-and others of various classes up to 11,800-ton iattleshlpe In Eng land France, Germany or in Japan's own dockyard at-Yokosuka. It-is worthVwaile to cajl 'attention to the; fa( ,thateITisi a representative of the most marvelou'a ad faranidanie r naval f oeveiopment or xni agWi a development that is rapidly -bringing in? to the. front V rank-among vd viiized vtavil powers ' a' nation-th -ports, of. ,-wiiicK were first, openea to commerce xarougaM uie, iu struimentality of an American, nay!.- peditlonclearly within -the memory of jnen not yet pab middle-aged; -From." this point of -view - alone, ' her launching Je "an "event worm remembering in uw; uisioiy n- merlcanrshiD5uildlng.1i:" When the-fleet of. .which Kasagl!ia an Smportafit "fa'clof shall 3a completed 1 an event - not more than - two years off at tne farthesti.Japanwillrrank as.the foremost naval power Jn the Pacific ocean and, gen erally .peaklngr nearly : if not' quite ...third in ranlfcamong the"." naval powers of the world. - She will certainly outrank- in " all around sense all but England, "France and Russia 'and so far: as "The Pacific ocean-is concerned,, will !be far superior to all except perhaps England and it is doutoHful 'if even Ensland coula,-without .regard to net; re-. quirements in her own : waters or inthe Mediterranean and the defence of her c'om merce. pare naval-force enough "for -con centration 4n. the jPaciflc :to equal ..In that ocean ' the new- Japanese' navy v of j vwhlch "Kasagi"-is a-factor. .-This superiority is due not so much to'' the mere nunater:- of the vessels Japan is Ui'lding'aa. to the fact uhat they are o carefully selected types, perfectly elaborated, designs - and. wisely distributed classes: all of the 4 most ap proved construction and highest attainable efficiency.' - "-' . The menlwho operate' the material of th5s forte' hare- demonstrated , by liheircbft havior -In the late warand-as evdefced hy ihe-professional skiil'and abUttythey dis Stayed in the workrof supervising'.vessels undeTTConstructlon, tnat- t'tey have no odas to-a&k: in that? respect .ofthe naval officers cf any 'power. . - . - -:In short, "the "whole naval policy of Japan as Ttgresented to Americans Tay the :oTjeet lesson of -the ,Kasagt' is one which na tions far, older" In the 'arts of wes'tern civ ilization would do well to emulate. Fail ure; :o enulate or keeip up with it may In the n-'ost distant future bring seme-of THE HOUSE IN AFi UPROAR BaUeRaises:the Question of Yearacity. With Reed. Eepubliean Tactics to Squelch a Vote on CubaV f " The SpeakerRuIed the . Belligerency Questioa Out of OrderJ " ; This Position - Sustained hy-the'Re- PDreseniative CTarkMalces a lively Speech on Our Attitude Towards. Cuba Sharp Words for .wcMDiey. -, Washington," JaL'20. The house was in an. uproar this afternoon over the .action of Representative Baitey, leader of the mi nority, ln,raisitng the question of" veracfty with Speaker Reed; (Representtative Hitt . - . - had moved the'r previous -question on - the consular and dlplomatds appropriation bill; and the debate." closed.-; Bailey then offered an amendment'' recommitting the bill to the foreign 'affairs committee with instructions to report -the Cuban belligerency . resolu-: tian. Hitt made thelpoint that the amend ment was not germane, and," the thair sus tained the pointy ... iBadley thereupon in the moat" solemn tones charged that tho.J. democrats:'- had beea tricked .into" -the' fallacy that. the biil would be brought to, vote by a direct prom iseofjth!e republican leaders that they would bje permitted to have "a yea and nay vote and thus put the .house on record on the Cuban question... .v; - - ' " . ' mtithT; great , heat,-; repudiated , the alleged arrangements w'Mclt.ihfeasaid .he.had never heard of before.' - - ' y " ' Thls 'oaused the - greatest excitement. Both sides. "gathes-.about-theirrespeotiv,e leaders,. ".Bailey, standing in ' the midst-of his party supporters, -then exonerated HI tt firomjall ; knowledge' of -the ..arr angement, and ; announced that the arrangement,r,had been 'made --with:. Reed. - This added to- the eicitemenUV" -. " . . - -1 ; All ,eye were turned on the spaker, wht stood , with a Jook' of t: amagftmenton his face. Ho brought1 the gavel .down.wtthja crack. thatP starred . ihehouse, unequlvocaDy -.z arod unqualifiedly Bailey, s Btatehieflit.":'5'- v - - ---- yxifae speaker announced, ail debate put o order. ; and saiC that the chair aesured to band squarely upon the. tjatement'amd de aided the alleged- arrangement: - Reed .re peated ;with .pale-face and- flashing .eye ttoat ho desi-red -tit "matter ' to rest .entire ly npon.jys8t)atment totheaouse.; As -he said this, he looked directly at uaiiey.. Bailey "appealedr from " Reed's1 decision that "the proposed amendment .-was-- out lot order. The -house sustained,? the speaker 161 -to-114,-and -the .excitement endedr- t-, ; Thirinff- the debate on the hill preceding this incident,, - Representative Clark, of Missouri, toads ..a 1 ringing rspeech,-;inth- course .of which he said v, --..-1 - "In these- days of .McHannaism our fort eign potticy 4s so teele so orjnging; o eow ardlv that 'even old and decrepit Spain in- suit- our - flag;- maltreats ouriCltizeos ana searches our ships -with-; perf eet- .4mpunity and. President MeKinXey,r Instead of send ine men-of-war to protect our honor, as sert Our' supremacy -and steaoh the insolent nd lmnotenl dona a lesson they; would nev fer Jorget,- passes f tho Jhat around ; and tor vrbes .the- American .people to contrro-uie alnis f or starving-and 'dying .Cubans.--,; -'"rW Cuban' oase "4s"this: Far threq vears the Cubans have fought. with a cour ageJ 'and buffered "with a fortitude that Tmanmje-PM" the- admiration of the-world save and except the, -McRinley' adniinistra- tion:, Three or. four hundred. tnousana peoples-some- papTaSay -600,000--4j!avev died, men women and children, as much.-martyrs to the cause of Mberty as was Warren nk4ti"Mw:teni 'wiiA rlifid 'taiat we inSisht be f ree-and yet the McKlnleyadmlntetra-- Hon Hf ta not its .flnweir to stay, the siaugnx er,v and can thmk' of nothing more-effective for -their relief .than to pose as a big beg-; , "We demwrats-and populists' stand nter radv to" remove- from .America ' her.great reprcachi W We, ron 'thiazide, -wiH contribute - K2 v&fv&It only 27 republicans will "break the yokeidefy their taskmaster and. Join "s dn- this noble work,- before the un seta this day we. will send the glad tidings a rininir "roumd-: the -world . 'that '-Cuba" I fre ' Tnaiiar find. bv the act of .the Amer - A JACK THE RIPPER CRIME?.: Mutilated Body of a "Woman Found in . - yi - London r , . ; - . London, Jan. 20.:: The mrutilated fcody cf a womanlwas found In- the Tear-of a church in Shcrcditch.- The bodyw"a3 inclosed in a sackj? and 4oth -legswere missing, t There is.no clue to .the' identity "of the dead .wo aaan .or - the -circumstances of herjdeath. The-Ea&t End-is in -great commotion over the resemblance of the case to many, mur ders committed by the mysterious Jack the Ripper.- v "' " IIA.tllllTlftll,,- - ; .-WasMnston, Jan. ID. The president to day nominated .'Revert -..'Euller- ITahon cf Vir-l-' c- 1 t Lire I IZsx. THE MARYLAND CONTEST Three More . Jnettectnal . B allots "for Senator. ' Annapolis, Md-i Jan.. 20.-Three ineffect ual ballots were taken in the house of del egates today -for senator and he Joint ses sion .adjourned until tomorrow... The Mal- ster and MteComas men are-apparently. as far apart as 7ever,and a lonftght Is probable. .--s- ' - :. - Nashville, Tenn.;Jan. 20. Fifteen ibal- lots. for; United Sta'tes senator were taken -bv the dmofrratift ca.tAua tonS-hlf- nn I - yy-- r rT " - w .. r I nomination being made, the caucus ad- Joumed until ; to-morrow ;night ; C!hanges j in the vote were 'Unimportant. - The out-1 look for a long fight Is promising. - '-:-J COUNTRY MAIL DELIVERY. v, ' Washington, ; Jan. 20". The nouse com mittee on pos tpfBces has ma.de a favorable report on the Sperry. bill for rural free de. livery. 1 This project differs from "the gen eral rural free delivery proposition in that i t -: depends on liheJ petitioning - of 'one ; or more-persons for each town or place where there -is. now: no free delivery, and the com pensation of the carrieror collector r is to be - derived from private agreement be tween them and "the citizens served., :. The scheme Is-subs taffltiallT like, the-: old penny post sjfctem. - - . CENSORSHIP. . , ; Havana, Jan. 20. 'In accordance with the latest advice off Blanco" reeardinis the Tress. newspapers from the' United States which arrived by last mail nave not been deliv ered, Ibecause the press censor is examin- j editorials obnoxious to.- thev Spanish gov ernment. fc , ... - . BOARD OF TRADE- - ( A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF V DIRECTORS." " ' Commute Appoir ted and Charles I Ra-svis Elected Secretary-A I $500 Bond. t The directors of the Board of Trade metl n the afflce of CapUT. W.Patton,yester- day afternoon aMo'dopk, all members oe- i ng present: except messra.vpman pointed secretary pro tern. The . election- of; a; secretary.J was . first brought: before, : the boad,- and, the qualifi cations that a man" should possess in or, der to give L most Satisfaction ; were ; dis- oussed." Frank Carter, nominated Charles Rawls, .and he was unanimously elected, to! serve a until -July. EVTe-iion- was made of j several. other lamia Irat theyr were-not pUd.iik;nomination,The,salary of the pfficeTwas discussed, but it was-decided to 1 postpone 'the naming-of 'any, amount untJ.. 41. -,...',.,., . . ' the duties of the office and the monthly n- come, of -the .board, could be' thoroughly as certained. names.of the various committees -which he had made out, and.-they-were duly elected,! iuo oiiat .uAuic- iucuuuucu-uj. coimiwi i in uxt- tee iretog' the chairman. - - liamson.-J. E. Utankin andW. JSlayden. , Committee- on transportation W. Ajcellent, and.' were ' well . received. - Miss ciair, ,w. 'jyiason ana mourns. - Grants '- - - -; v. Committee" oms'tatlstica-E. W. Patton, president;, -A A Jonesr and 'J.:. m' Al at.Hi T 'F. (Davidson and J. iA-. Nicholsirt - : , Committee;con ImmigrationGeorge r S. Powell,; Dr. John Hey Williams -and Kerr. - r - - ..H Mrr Morrison said; that he hoped the: va rious committeemen and officers would not thuikv their paacea merely nominal . and without responsibility: "If we attam sue- cess," -said he,,: each and "every": one? nas a j du ty : to perform.?- Everything ought to be noted ;and. ; the- members'' should .. consult each other and talk-matters over.4!! - He spoke of the failure of a large -en terprise "to-come here on account of -the lack, of "good -railroad rates, and thought that all such matters : should be -looked into by the board. - i " A discussion -was then engaged in rela tive to the amount of the bonds to be fur nlshed ibjl the secretary atwT the treasurer. amount. 'All - correspondence , of the-varK rr- -lnnwSfT, Wir rrt, - the hoard and for-fhpse varioug'.commlt- tees was left wholly to- the -president and secretary. -7 " of the board of directors was'discus'sed and upon an Invitation -from Oapt.; Patton to use Ms office the board moved to 'accept it. I those: gems and. offer them at prices that -'. , Here they will meet tthe first Thursday inf.' ';.sr- 7 --.-f.C February: at 4 p. ;m.: vAt this meetme he salary: of the secretary will be fixed, the matter of a charter? wilt be discussed,? and which .convenes on the zna iTiesaay lai u eoruary , ax o ciock. p. m. rwm ioe.ue- j -S? "tJ-- s -1- :lOne.lot of 41 gems at 60 cents each.' - TherToll 'of. membership was.-ordered r - ,. . , - ,. placed'in the hands of the secretary, who is to proceed at once to collect ane miuationi fee of fLOO from" each "member, and he will be required to report a; tne nextt meeting. B1METALUC, UNION .Washin'gtont ;.Jan20.-:The r executive committee; of 15he ibrmetallic .union 'jnet in their office on F street.- The meeting was called for the purpose of disposing .of an accumulation cf .routine business and for consultation regarding the future work of the union. -- Since - the currency .. reform question has been brought prominently be fore the country, the committee feels that it must be promptly. met and 'What they mm r 11 ft n .A'S TV l t (T4Va f A fl by Secretary. Cage and the monetary con- n'slon will be pointed out in literature t3 te frrr-rei frr Vzli rrtcul ctj::t. FIRST CONCERT -CBORAUSOClEfY T a e Wl trfif c v?trof a A" ; - t111 S Vnta, tran . - r " , -..SUCCCSB.;- V ''J -J-; . - . ' ; v; v. - , ' EvefV Chail- ID. llft CollPffft - . , , Hall Filled., A Varied Program of; the Most Excel lent:MusfcV' - r-Z Pleasant Social Features of the No- t , . table Occasion, -: d is.' i. y- Seauly and Richness of the ToiletsHHany Num ; r'r.,.'---...--:,--.- -'-"-'- 1. f : ' bers of the Program Encored, With Generous Responses-rTheSodety.. ; i The first concert of 'the Choral Society Ltff Seville, held-last evening at .the Asheville College, was a (brilliant success in every 8enge oZ th6 word. iA, charming program perfectly rendered, f the Jfinest audience tchat lAshevflle - could ' ' - produce, and enthusiastic and appreciative f applause marked the occasion' as -a musical r and social-event in the hfstory of theity: u This society, as : ihe-prospeetus an . -nounced, was formed in October, iby a tev . : :: lovers of goodmusic.Twho expressed their - 7. ' purpose in Jihe constitution: of the society " as follows: 1 ' The ; object of the 1 society . shall -be the promotion of musical culture s: jni social ensjoyment in the city of Ashe'. ''' ville.". : ,The society :1s modelled; closely after the famous Mendelssohn Glee Club ol ' .' - - . ' - - - . ' ; - - . w't,- not onlv lomV atHpleasure and U the mem- '; , . - . vnAurlni .Hmnin.' 7 ni ties. in which they have existed.. CAt-th'is, its first" concert every" chair 'in """, -l I the.' haM was filled. The reauesb of the J'n- - '. Uitou.tm full dress was', universally . compll6d ricine - M - . v,--,ia. . . - ; . , ' t,i riJl . , ' everyone o en1ov ft ta-tte"--? - '' - - -nn.ln,tv1d'Knrj the more modern part-songs were rendered ., " " in fine time. and with a distinct "enunCia-?--S;: . tion, that showed careful'r trainings' tMr;- I & conductor, his calm- ; ness, alertness and" artistle feeling for i 'xii'uaivai cucci were mus-L appuctivu '-r ii uw J.rvtnnn arfiftnn Mmnpiaiiv th favoritta mm. www iawiuiy v- -i. . J. - 'l'.' J yL ' A. . iT- "M tBings solos were charmingrrand the.audi z liinuu suug JLiviu 'Xjuxieugi iu., cov aui ,-ajr I voice, was finely givenand enthusiaitlcally. I received. In. (fact, many numbers of he Program wera encorea,. ana tne periorm-- 1 era were generous - la responding enner i with repedtlon. or; in several cases, with - 1 other ; equally pleasing selections.-, Tno - performers and .the audience. werOw de-,: I cidedly : in .touch and the ; whole entertain j meni, illustrated the theory. that the better. 1 class - of musical s composition : if properly j , xt;r (Continued on Eighth Page.) NORTH CAROLINA GEMS. -The rare beauties of . nature, so welJ -. V:. ".- r J ; ""." represented . 4n Western" North Carolina,- J - --"1 v are becoming better knows every day' & - . . -' - -r" people who are better educated in the for-" - m0.1 utility. eff mtoerals hays frem Uim o toe -shown their appreciation of these Cems by using them in U kinds of adornmenL' 7 We have - decided to .close ou!t; same...af- 1 should makes them all sell - in a very- lew . j days. T-.Z - ;. Tjlf "WEOFFERJ- i One lot of '40 gems at 60 cents" each. .f- ,-.-!..-' -" f - - One lot of 469 gemvs at 75 cents eacSu" bne lot of 40 gemsi at $1.00 each, ;t -i , One lot of 32 gems at $1.25 each. .u.. "3- 5 3 eaX - . r -v , - - . One lot of 3 genai at ?2.00 eaoh.-. " C Z one lot "of 5 gems at f20 each. - -"--..'' - - ' - -Z . i00 Iot L- a'r..i One gem for$$.W.-- ' - ARTHUR IL FIELD, - - - LADrrro jeweler,- rvrfi, F,trpt and "Pstton avenus. Atls' . r vr.. ir. C.