azines! on the comer of (East and Senley streets to XiOn cviiicxreii 01 xviKuruie. ; wiw wnt iuj,. . ndsh - it for Texxt also .six aereS in Staraoth fcoA. S. tflelton.. the prices toeing ? 1,500" and . V $800 cash respectively. .,-,, ., 'Manager - iPlummer of the .Gramd . Opera House -ta arra-nghig a unique (performance 7 for 'January 28: "The Jen fcertainanenlf con- ; sists of a ; cake alk; introducing a: Trarlety Does Your Husband Buy your Magazines; Newsr ; papers; etc;, at: ,- ALLEN'S, Opposite P. tO. Wear Slijrts? o o o jef vrlginal-.sjyE'ilaflttes.i The first, rehearsal was -held' last evening. , ' ,'- 1 1 . L US Fnanik: O'Xkxnnell of thi -cilty is in re ceipt of a. package by imail with no address, other, than. 'Franik O'DonaieU; -19 North, 'Main.' The package was mailedi in1 New, 1 We dicfn't know whether he does or not as he hasn't been 1 -'in to see "our line of Cosmopolitan r-fances. that wearesell': HEADQUARTERS .York anB came (promptly' tnrougn wimoux ; !. :ing at just half . priced, All $1:50 Shirts, 75c.; and-all $hooif the name of city, county or water . lag 8 Y 4 f)r Fruits, Candies,Tigars, Tobacco Pipes, Stationery, News, Magazines, etc.; , Try Our Tenny 's. Brittle at 10c. THE, WEATHER. By Telegraph to the Gazette. , Washington, Jan.' 2r. Fair, followed by , increasing oloudllness and light rains. Sat-: dou'theafiterly ; The following temperatures prevailed ait 8 p. m. ' ' Ashevtlle .... Atlanta 'Bostoa; . .'... Chicago -. . . . . Cincinnati Raleigh Jacksonville'.. New Tork . Washington . . ' . 37 Fair - . . 36 Cloudy . 42 Cloudy i mmAnl " '. . . ; . 40 Cloudy ' ',"." 40 wiair 1 e ciAiiAv ? 42 Cloudy . . " 1 44' Fair" ernment weather bureau at the Winyah, reported at 9 o'clock : last night ' the following-weather condition ' prevailing - in Asheville: Maximum temperature for the -day.... 6.1 ,a:X,L rZlZ 17 Minimum temperature for the day..'.: 32 fsts assembled and made merrjT, lndulg iumiuiuiu icmiioi : . . ; 4 mg in games, . music and other social pas Average temperature for the day .;47 ing tie eVning -refreshments 1BI To 1 97oi"BVi-n Barometer at 9 p. m 27.91. Rising. - .CITY 'Stirs - IN -BK1EF. . A business meeting of the. A. L. I. was held last night to the armory. s ,-i nomas now, twuii,, ; r sold 60 acres on -Hominy to Clyde Alex- . ander for $700. , i "''Z h 1 ' g, M. Stonerhasrece-nUy madea num!ber of notable im.provements at the well known Racket Store. -. ' . L ' The Asheville post office , yesterday re- Rt. Rev. T. iM. Dudley, D. (D.. will preach ' at Sl .Matthias BDiscaDal church Sunday a 11, The Mountainj Park taotel at Hot Springs Th ? Ajveu. f '51 .vV .t, r . tv, n,,0-df 9.9ft There was no meeting of the Ste tall Clerlra' union, last night oa account of the revival services at Oenltral church. . A' meeting of St. iMary's Guild) -will be . held thos afternoon at4 3 o'otoak at the res idence of Mrs. Mitchell, Spruce, s't'reet. .. . ' . A meetinier of the tSninsters cluih will (So "2ield'1"cMs altermoon ; at 4 o'clock at the usual place. A full attendaince i desired as Important business will come before the club. . , - ;c ".' ' - , H. S. Harkins advertises for sale on VJanuarv 31 at 12 m . t th irovernnt ' building 78 1-2 gallons of apple bramdy, . 2 ' copper stills, caps; Worans and coniiiec- tlons. '- Terms cash. 4 ' . Miss A. .JR.- Howaird, am anxnt of Mr. W. M. Davles. Miss B. D. Bigger and -Mrs. Dr.- notices and blanks" to thiree hundred. mer Ii. iPetierson of St." lxrals, died' iii this city chants in' Buncombe coumty. The 'time has oa .Wednesdajy last and , was buried oa o.tviw a n ' -ico v Tharsday afternoon. ? She wa 92 years of - ma - : . The bank fixtures were 'yesterday moved rrom :cne Dutiaing occupied by the National Bank of ; Asheville to the banlrrng rooms up stairs and , to room on Souirh Main street, except the safe which1 was talkenr to r J. M. lorick's office. The IPaMoIogy Olub will meet Tuesday af NxtTiooni at 4 p. m: In Dr. Caimpbeirs study, v The feature of the af ternoont wlll ' be tne address by dr. J.' A. Watsoa wpon the 'theme, "Physical ills growing out oi school life.' 'Mr..: J. . 'B. "Bostlc received! a telegram yes terday from. Dr. Weaver stattnfir that Plato jBostic nAa undergone me surgical ooera- uon.' ana, was ooing well, bemigwholly con .ecioue, 'He will however, have1 to remain Ithere several -weeks. ' 1 , . ..The citieni on "College sbeet are com i plaining that the streets have been torn : up for sorre time amid' that there eeems Ut be mo tnclinajtloa oa the part of those fn I authori'ty to hasten the work of renaMm? the defective places. ' ... 1 J. B. Bostic has sold an eight room bouse o c3 Q: is P4S s r o 0' - - J I f o -a co o ' 'Cbas. Eivans has sold the stocfe of goods of the Alcazar 'om fPattott -aivemie to Mesisrs. Cardnff aind CiO., aad itjwill hereafJear be( under the aictual management of .iMr'W!., flE.--CaTidufE. : A -n ewspapir, reposi'tory- w ill ? te'ciae f,the features of the new .'firm, a, i ,i. F. Sorrels and family hdve returned ta their hcime in Brevard after an extended visi in-Asiheville, 'vMr.' Sorrels informs us", that he iii'a purchased a meat "business inv BHtmore, Tyut will leave his family IvBrej vard for the (present. Sylvan Valle N'es!,(J , FjjQ P-Qfi vC 4 v. -The Blue Hidge (National Bankt,'Wir'"oci eupy tee Durramg usea oy,vne o.a wtsieru carolir-a iBamk. 'Tester Jay the old' brnk-'t w'ill !te erct'eir'ait once. handsoms sign, sixilair to the oDe which a-dborrs the Southern railway office 'will tfce constructed. Mr. -Lucas, the "cashie'r, will arrive eorly aext week - "v . - - ., R. L. Garner of Chicago who i reis tered a t the ISwamnanoa will I lie iremem 'bered as the man who some years ag' SO- went to .Africa to .study the languaige and: - habits oil monteeys. . To accomplish this . I .Itn. V nl 1 J.J Minn . ifVt.A - end'jhe placed himself l;dm ca'ge-in the midst of the forests.:. At 'the tiime, the New York papers were full of accounts of his adventures The':home of Miss Flora Fain,' Olontford avenue wais" the , scene ' last ; evening of a constetihg; of fruits- and candies -were, vAt R late W tbe ,merry adjourned milch pleased with the charm in'? manner in which Miss - 'Fain - enter tained. - " vV ' v iRev: -A. S. Beaman of AshevilIe, who has ! charge of the. Asheville 'M-E. ircuft'and a.l,Ort TkaiotHr tt i.hiOi haipK lprro- raja a 1.t towtt from Wed'ttesd-ay till : Friday of last: iwi, wr .stuto an;! manvi ifrieijids weTe glad to nce-s-t him asain, and;! turned out' in goad numbers to hear him fl Wednesday and Thursday evenl lTlg9 Wedofesday- eveomg- he addressed himself particularly to the students and; gave an initerestin g and : practical talk on ! Si. - !w -jpm r,,nw i m'o";.: " V . J' " . inw, en'r.eB ine.Musmess. arena, or Asne vilUe mnder most favoraible condftlons; Mr. Byard' is a 'business maa of large expert' (brings with- him the v unqualified' endorse - '"ireM of the best kusfnees men, of the town has the endorsement of -wholesale dealers wTh wbcni he had business tramsact ions'. ( Mr. Bya rd is flttin-g his .store with ais team- t jlete -a line Of family groceries as tejto be 14J"U1U 111 - : Xw wm remain wiiu. uviir. ayaira wut;rw uts win be pleased to see all his old customers. MERCHANPS TAX Only 188 Out wf 300 .Stnre . Keepers , Have Mad Returns. . Section 22 of the revenue act of 1897 re- quiTes all, merchants to file -with the reg- a uu t- lster deds 031 or before the 10th of Jan" uary statement 4imder oaltb of all goods wares and , merchandise 'purchased by them either in or out of the state., The register of deeds in compliance with the law mailed .' , . - , , ; . turns vere received. The Iht has been made up -with over one .hundred delin- ouents. . .The law makes it a misdemeanorto fail to make returns and those 4who have not yet made them should ".give itbe matter their immediate attention. - The tax on the purchasers thus far returned .twill' amount .'!bou.t $2,000, the rate being one-tenth o one .per oen.t on, the hundred. This does not include tobacco, cigars an4 cheroots, Pon which the tax Is five per cent oa the " The returns of merchandise exclusive of tobacco and cigars amounts ito about $400,- fjl ..I..VV . HI 1 i.V . . M0 wnJc Fill be increased . several ,hun uri inousana wnenaii returns are in. ! TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAT , Take (Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. AM druggists' refund the money If it fails to cure.- 25c. The genuine has Li. B. Q. os eaca xaDiex. Mrs. i Stark. Pleasant msrt n "After two doctors 1 saved Mm from crouo bv usine On 'Attend1 the Aiitirtn n mAffln 'hold goods at 12:30 to-day on S. fE.' Court square.: . -, r lt Camoarets stimulate the liver' 7 VMnm and bowels,. Never sickeny s weaken . er gnpe, iucy at PeLham's Pharmacy. t We Do Hot Have to Tell : You any fairy tale about our coal that you may see its superior qualities, "i Make your "fire and it .wilt speak for?: itself. Burning, it stands out like a picture and heats like a volcano and it is dean and it is all there. ' , ' Avo ' Phono ro. - father brotheror best fellow; ALEXANDER , jr. - , . , . - c 3c - - - " - CLOTHING SHOES 4 -i r PKRIODICAI' and INDVSTRIAIi" TICKETS TAKEN.'; ' J 500COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOb ; . fr-- 1 ,, i wr Points of Excellence are sticking out all over the '98 EAGLES and those points are covered with the most beautiful enamel and nickel ever niit on a fiirvrlft ant you know ' 'EAGLES' ' have only the finest possible material under that beautiful finish.: The finish hides no defective or poor; : urrifi .1... ASHEVIUE CYCLE CdUPAKY, ' . . .'. . '. .''... j o ,.' . ' . ,.. .!;..' Eugene C. Sawyer! Mgr., ' 4; Telephone 228. 47 Patton Avenue. m FOR RENT. UN IHDNDERSONVIIJLE N.. C, ONE BRf OK STOREROOM, WITH. -FIVE ROOMS IN OA1GJK. AND ' FIVE ROOMS UP STAIRS. ON MAIN OTRBJET. OPPO SITE GIXJBE HOTEL; X3O0D SITDA- 1 TION FOR .HESTAURiANT OR BOARD ING HOUSE. TERMS $2.50 PER MONTH APPLTV TO iJ. M. ' WALD.ROP, HBNTING AGENT, , -58 iM'AIN STREET 'HBNDER SONVIDDEN. 3. ' 292-6 (D)5riI(DJE. The National Bank of Asheville. located at Asheville, in the State o North i Carolina; is ?. closing up its affairs All . note-holders and others creditors of said Associa tionV are therefore hereby notified! to present the notes and other claim-; against the Association for payment. -. . . ,' - W. WILLIAMSON, Trustee PRIVATE SANATORIUM, 64 Haywood Street -Nervous and' Surgical Cases a specialty.' Trained Nurses. No tuberculous patients admitted. ' .We' Make a Specialty of . Teas and Try our Blended, Teas. An Excellent Grade t 6oc. ; lb. Something ; better at $i : .' : i ;,0ur Leaders in Coffee: Royal Bleiid" 'Joy Every Drop a Drop of r V ' ;Comfort," ; Cotoii : & Stradley, 16 N. Court Place. VTLOIZZZ 47. Coffees klorning about them they may want & GOURTNEY; HATS FUfRNISHJNGS.' ' V ' - . . , Drhumor Block. Office ; Sat ionery ' should be as good as money can ttuy. ( "-"Cheap stationery speaks of a cheap ibusl . ness goo'd stationery of a prosperous one. V We tan . give you good- stationery at imod ' eraie prices. - - 1 , v' - -f t ' -. "- rnfhe letter files Hhe "Rogers File" A. i stands away aJbove. any other - and' is only : ; 25 cents each. The Shannon ile. used to ; i sell: for $1.50 fonljoard and arch', we 'now sell them Ifor 75 cemts each'. . . r 4 - , Rogers' . Book '.-'Store, 22 SOUTH MAIN STREET.1 '45 material, never on an Fresh Meats Poultry and Ganie, ' -CALL OH- ". " . -'-V - .v : .-:'': 1 HILDEBRAND & MILLER; .. , . .. -. CLlfl MAHKET. DR. FISCHER. : DENTIST, Formerly demonstrator of operative dent istry at ; Penna College of Dental Surgery Phllsdelphia. . Nitrous oxide gas 'administered. Drhupior Block, ; Room , 9, Phone 349. . . 50 Patton Ayenue. DR. GEO. THRASH, .! SUEGBKY vAND MEDLINE. Office and Residence. ; ' ' Phone 2X1. 24 South Main St. Heinitsh ; Heagan ' . , t' " ' X - t Druggists, ; t Church St and Patton Ave. OfJ'TDOiT; 2 ? Don't try ; to do your; own laundry work. Dont have anything to -do 'withl.- Dont go to a laundry w!heTe you have to tell them thow. to -do your "wiork.. That's al most as much bother as doing it yourself. Send your clothes to us, and you 'shall have them Just as you! like tfcenv lust when you want them. .We use no -injurious "chem icals. We don't 4 tear the fabric. r ' - Asheville Steam Laiindrvi Phone 95. " 43 West College street. JAB.: SAWYE&; President. Qaplta.1 r Stpcfe . iSuperior Facilities Banking BatteryPark CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT J. W. Norwood, President. BLUE RIDGE NATIONAL BANK, ASHEVILLE. N. C. f -Expects to begin business Monday, January 31st, 1898, at banking house ionnerly occupied by' Western Carolina Bank. We solicit' accounts and guarantee every custom er Safety, Accuracy, Courtesy, and Promptness. Liberal Loan? Will be Made on Approved Security at Minimum Rates. : W.J. SLAYDEN", JAS. A. E. R LUCAS, ERWIN SLUDER, Teller. ROLL THE Fairest And get the choicest brands of Cigars, Chewing or Smoking To bacco The chances are for you. You can't lose anything. You can have your choice to select your brands and I won't tell you that I haven't the brand that you might ask, but . HAVE THEM ALWAYS. My stock consists of 40 LEADING BRANDS of v Cigars, and About 7 5 brands of Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, which you , will find alT ways fresh not dried out, as some not fit to smoke or chew. L. BLOMBERG, Prop., Leading Cigar Store, 17 Pat! Ave. Free reading room in rear. NORTH A BHEVTTJJ K -a L XV. EdEarket. Groceries, Vesretables,; Pish ; ' , and. Oysters. . S3 I PHONE 209. : 1 Only Meat Market in 'Ddnbleday. A 81 fe.der lOT 5flC POSO?PATD. We are tired of sell Ving to' dealers and waiting 90 days 'for " our - money; so we "- will sell to -housed keepers at jobbers' prices. V Send 50 CENTS and we wiU inai' ypu postpaidone of our best. " C.; Bay State Raisin Seeders " guaranteed ito seed one v pound of raisms in five minutes inipl to operate ajad easy, to clean; ; - EASTOH SPECIALTY UFG CO r 1 Cm.iwI wktiu.l, L.vkvn - km rT jl 5 SI JUSTi ONE SAMPLE Will prove the "superiority of our v TH'ilAiCITiE COA1L and COKE. V .One reasons is because we ivandip n, one quality the best. ni -The other is that we kept it in cxw Wefltllfirj ; SlWh t if arJi 1,1 f e ..... lni)l ran : nnlF lha iFmntuI i lur rtra, iui Caring viHe.- . As AsheYille Ice and Coal Company , . 34 . PATTON AVENUE. ' , 'raOlSTE 40. , J. E..BANKIN, Cashier. Bank, rl$io6,ooo. tot:;Doibg a General Business E. R. Lucas, Cashier I rHEi BURROUGHS, J. E. DAVID, J. W. NORWOOD. HOUSTON"' MERRIM02S', Book-Keeper. A New Line just re ceiyed, every .pair of which are V WARRANTED. Asheville 'Hardware Company. .Good borne; good rehicle. Safe and aa wscommodatlnr drlyer. Prices down. Be fore making other arrangementa aak tot LarUn Owyn'a earrlage on Ckmrt Square, r oall Telepbona W AN EXTRA LIVERY Inducements we alway offer to those who fa-vor: nrf wltJij their patronage In the u ferior manner tht w launder their linen, and the careful way in which we handla It. sending it home at all times In as good condition, aa we received K. Our, prices, too are eminently satisfactory. ' r.:odol .Steam ; Laundry Church Street A .. . . . . -i . - . . - '.-.. 'vv:: . t .. .... v . . - - . 1 . T'i.'?.- .-".V.-.,''' ..:

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