yr - : Jv:v 1 I I' ll r . 11 I '3, , 4 Vol II: No. 297.v ASHEYILLE, N; 0, SUNDAY MOKNING, JANUAEY 23, 1898. ; Price; 5 Cents. : x ' -J . ' . - - -. . , .. . 1 - .- -- - - r r v " - ' ' " - - - ' ' - ' h Oesireioler 28 8-rOAIU ST. We have some : odds and ends, broken lots of "differ- ent Hnes gathered during stock taking, and placed on sale to be : closed at ridicu lously low prices. " " n c - Children's and - Misses' CapSrin;price fron 25 to 50c Choice 5q. , 25c Ladies' Cloth Sailors 48c " Walking Hats 45c 'Sailor ' " 90c Walking -15c 29c 296 50c Fur Collarettes , ' ' -J. - S ' -t, " -" , .. "" 1 ' ' " Only a few on hand; choice $5 Furs at $2.75. Cloaks ; I This department is rstill prepared to supply some high-grade Capes or Jackets 4 at surprisingly low .prices. 3 Children's Wraps 4 Nobby thinjgs at less than cost of material -, . , THef e are no Satisfactory . Substitutes Canned Goods." It is well , to rememf ;ber this;? . ; 4 a. G.A. Busyas7B's.BSB?s " ?- ' ' i - t ' ; :..V.-f . --V :r --' "r--r " - My new -goods purchased while In ?the east last week hays arrived and being very anxious to have the larger part of them In shape for to-day's (Saturday) trade,, am compelled -to make this my first advertise ment in my new ihome and new store' a ... .- ... . v k'"-' 1 short one. ' The head line at the top gives the reason. -We are never too .busy, how ever, to show our J goods and 'quote' prices, in fact take pleasure in. doing so..':I am very anxious to-meet the trade of Asheville and vicinity,- andn extend a- hearty welcome to one and all if not 'to buy come Tn and briber us we like to be bothered, In fact we enjoy it, make a living' by it. , C A special for Saturday, January 22, and Monday, January, 24, only A California Lemon Cling , Peaoh,; good syrup and really "worth 20c per -can for '-these two days, 15c per can. - w ' P.';.LE5yai"crsf PURE FOOD - STOKE 1 Phone 49" , 1 '19 Merrimoa Ave.. .MARRIAGE LICENSES FOR . ' GREER ir, ' - . . ' t".( noo msh and 410,000 when the fighlt was KAeeun hare been.issued te.itomly MWjg.fc a,nd waa tou t0 jeof the following persons: - .r :over, accoruiiis w j v if! r . o.r, norta-T. -"TOatira of exchange notes wrtn oas. - age C. C- RnrtTiift Rpit'ha.-L.'Watkins.'of CBuncom-he , ' ' '- - T' ... I Tjr, tof,Bun- - - - I Page andi . 'Bell. Ducknerj YESTEtlDflY mv INMESS A Bill to jProvidetFor Pub lishingttie Pension List. 1 V Silver Eesolutibnsand Talk : : V -V in the Seriate. r: , TheJeller Resolution Simply, a Dec- laration of the Law. Query' is to Our, Payment of the s,i . Hawaiian' Debt What Was the Constitutional' Autriority For the Act?-rBfg Und Grant For an Alabama In dustrial School. - . - Washington, Jonii 22. Senatorr Stewart poke an ' hour and a half In tho senate to day lixn TeUers oonenrrent resolution de daring the governmenft bond ; payable in gold or Utot at i)be option of the govern- ment-i iHe said .the resoluftion was only, a declaration of iaw ' on itho isuibjeot;, which law ;was ito to adminds'tered, after the ad miniB'tiratio'n hod (repeatedly violajted it-1- An amendment", was offered by Senattor Nelson, a repufcliqan of Minnesota,, dedaT- ing it the duty of the gorerntoent to main- the parity of the two metate. Senator 'pooner. introduced a. resoluHaon decktring f orthe mamtainajice f tho gold standard tin tit an inrterationar -Agreement on ilver could be reached. The resolution wasv laid aside. ;-'"" The bill, increasing sthe pension of Genr eral Albert E. Pain to $50 was passed.' - A"lili afs passed granting 20,000 acres of land for.the use of the industrial school for girls of r Alabama : and of the Tuskegee Normiai antd Industrial institute, 'y .:; . "Senator Cannon , of Utah to-day Intro duced, a .biU .-directing. the publication of a. list of pensioners in pamphlet form be fore-January 1 next, and thereafter, as often as -congress may. prescribe. A list of- each sCateH-is 'o, ibe publislhe4' a, volume, by useii ana isgxo contain xne names cne-rein arranged - in ' alphabetical order ' , together "ith " post office addresses and full details regarding - the rate paid, ' increase" Df any. character, of wounds of each .. pensioner with history of each case, -manner of ster mination of servitee, etc. r One copy of. each state list is to be .mailed each newspaper published in -that srtate.- , y IN THE HOUSE. WaShingtion, - Jan. 22. iReprresenta'tive ! Hitt, - chaiman, of the foreign affairs com- '"mibtee, submitted a privileged report from his committee in . ithe house tonlay xecom mending the passage of a resolution of in quiry, requesting the state department, if not incompatfble 'wi th the 'public Interest, to transmit to the house tl "the informa 'tion in Its-pbsseesion. relative to the mili tary exeoution f Coi.v 'Ruiz a.Spanish en voy to the insurgents. - The resolution was adopted. J ' - Vi.. .,"".." MrJ Hitt also reported back, with an un favorable" recomnjesidatilonj the :lewl9 res olirtloir calling, on the state department for a draft o the Hawaiian annexation treaty, and . for - inf ormatlon as ,to what oonstitU' tional authority , the president has, to con tract for the payment of a Hawaiian debt of $4,000,000 -ouit of ihe, public 'treasury. Mr. HI tit explained that the5resolution had been offered at: thi lat sessioni and as, the treaty had. Ibeen made pu'blic there . was no necessity for its passage; - i v ' ' THE OHIO BRIBERY - f i r - 1 SOME PERTINENT ?TEST?IMO NY J SIJBMITTE h YESTERDAY, y Alleged I Conversations Relating to the - Scheme of the Hanna Manager s to Buy Otis.' Vote. , Cincinnati; Jan." 22.re'comniittee' from i the .Ohio : senate. appointed to' -investlgaito f the charges of .an alleged attempt of een ator Hanna "supporters , to . bribe Repre sentative Otia held a session today. The principal 'testimony - today jwaa-' given . by Allen O. Myers, Jr.i key clerk of theGib on house. :' He" swore that .on January 6 HL Hi Boyce registered ait the Gibson house and talked by long ' distance telephone to Hanna headquarters at , Columbus. Myers swore that he ; was at another "telephone and heard the entire conversation. : Boyce wnA talfcini: to a. ' man I (he "called Major. Boyce said he 'could get x Dtis's vote for exchan-g ( Several convers'ations'. ensued between RftvrP Ad the -headquarters at CkjlumbusH.C.OHBDESTPERi: .FIRST NATIONAL,. Boyce fdeasn5 d e. tele; gajoc .BUILDING. - x , T , - , - . -. - - phooe Ty Mis Jacofca, a. stenograplter, Tflto took down trie conversation. ' , - .ClerK Rylaaid testified thatBoyc left pacfcage ut.tilie hotel.--It vas in a big wlbite envelope and thick. He left' it wi'Ui Ryland lor safe keeping' r and'., remarked that there was "more than .$5 in it.'';. Detective .MUler testified that ' he waa employed to shadow: Boyce and H. H. Hol- enbeck,; s He heard conversation between me two over xne teiepnone. uollen-oecK said to Boyce, "I Ihave Otla hene at tfte miu ramjiwa nwnf an uke evening u necessary..1;- He eays Drostte and iTane will I" vw lor xiiamna . i ,xoinK l. can g'et some thing -on "Otis before infornlng, and if we get ihim we "will "be but one vote short." ' HONORS TO JtO .E Plans Tor) His Reception in' Chicago - ' . v ' ard Washington " Washingitan.i J.aa. ; 22. The, war depart ment is makin preparations for a notaJble reception . to".:PreideTit Dole tiponvhis ar rival in ; Washing-ton. " Orders have, been given Jo have all .the troops stationed in the city and vlcrnity assemMed at the sta tion under command of Col. Sumner and a fine parade will mark the trip of the vis itor from the train to Jxia hotel, where ih will be .called upon by the bigh 'officials of the government, w It is probable that President iMcKinfley will exchange : vMU; with Pr&sldeiDt Dole. ' ' " ; - Chicago, Jaoi 22. President Bole of Ha wail will arrive in Chicago tomorrow from first Gold Was: found--Great Display Of War Francisco, Mayor Harrison .wlU'wel ; - -- . . , San F'wi'nofAnoi.,',1 Miavrvr come 'the' ; distinguished visitor at the de- j pot,: and with (The tpepresentauves oi cue Dole and Ms party ifco the" AuditoTium. A reoepUon-wm be tendered President Dole and wife Monday afternoon at th Union .League , Club. The" reception com- mittee will Include Mayor Carter H..Har- rison.and wife. Federal Judge' Grosscup and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B." Bryan, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. McMUlan-and others, CUBAN DISCIPLINE Vnm Tm.n nv rttrrder- : . - ''"- Gomez Put to Derath the Chief of His 1 Squadron Because the Chief Intend ed to A coept Autonomy- . Washington, Jan. 22. The "Spanish lega UOn today received! ihe following jfrom the secretary ' general of ;ICu!ba;; - 'The. dmsup gent officer, Augustine (Roman, .. and five men" of the squadron . of . Maximo 'Gomez have, surrendered af Mapas. XSThey declare tt-thihSef ,dt Jheir squadToneslar (Alvarez, . was killed by Gomez becauise. he Intended, to surrender and aocept'jauitonomy and thafi for. the .same reason . Andrels. Al varez and twenty , (men were- imprisoned iy j. orders of 'Gomez. (Roman and the men with ; him-ask authority-; to avenge the 'death of Jj of their captain. The secretary general also said that Juan Ma-Eso.-'Uhe "insurgent leader,- with his bra gade surrendered, ; and, sending greetings to Blanco, accepted autonomy and recog nize. the sovereignty of ISpain, offerin'g at tne same time to aM in the work of, pa- missed from the Cuban army .some time ago. - ' , ' L0NGSTREET COMMISSIONER His ' Nomination Confirmed by the Senate Yesterdav t m-. " asiiernoon, , connrmea xne ' nomination ot ...(- J - Gen. 'James -Xongstreet of Georgia, to be commissioner of railroads, and 'Robert But-. I ler Mahone of Virginia, to be consul at Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. General TLongstreefi and his- 'youthful bride have been here some' time awaiting the disposition of hia nomdnatlon -and were reiy: happy r today over the senate's .. oc tion. : ' - XongstreeE'a oomination was only ; con1 firmed by a yea and nay rote, afters. harp discussion' Ifeatsting -r an hourr and . a halt Vest made the principal speech opposi tion, his anak objeotionj 'being ibased'upon Longtreet1 -record during the. reconstruc tion; period. BenaLors Caffery and Berry, al so opposea tne. cpnurma'tponv ; The vote 'was 38 yeas against 1$ nays, i ' - ilCi ; ; f : 60LD FIND IN ROWAN. -, Mr. J. A. Bane who lives four miles from town and about one mle from the county home, was in town today wi th several large chunks of gold ore "which were pronounced bv mlninsr exnerte to be of a sunerior aual - fty. - Mr. Bane, dug the precious ore up from, a tract of dand near his home yes- terday. i He v discovered ijsome &ld om his UnA rt-bnmt. ,fwo wk itrut .iihimltted it to 'mining -experts for. examinaition. They pronounced it -very rich ore, though a ma nnmM 'vilth t-h oruimi which Mr.Bane had in town' today. -It lis likely:-that: the -lucky possessor of the ' find -wSll shortly-' haive it , actively worked : and' if , it. pans out with. any de gree-of richness near to what tbe spec! mens on exhibition this; morning Indicate, Mr. :i Bane . will vreap . little., nnantfjat Harv est out 'of his ;mine Salisbury: World. . - ' DFil ; CCT1W TOIU(irTIAMC The following real estaite transfers have Kami npftord'pAr - - John. iW- jStames to W. C. and J. IH. Mc Conneli; lot oh water street, $975.00. " - ' iR. G. Sanders to tL. B. McCanl-ess, lot on Vance street, $1,600.00 l-.v. -n. ESTABLISHED.' ' Good payiug business for sale. . -For par ticulars Jeddrss O. P. Gazette. ' , , ON. PATTDN. AVENUE, NO. EIGHTEEN r? CALIFORNIA'S GOLD JUBILEE 1 r ' t- , . IVeieDrateCl DV- JfafieantS OU , ' . - V ; v , Land and Sea. Festivities in Which AU the Coiintry Participates." The Notable Event to ave Its Be- ; ginning Tomorrow; v SseietThat Recall the Great Discov- c ery jr Fifteen Years Ago. , Rproductionof Sutter.'s Mill Near Which the Ships-r$50,000 to beSpent HI Celebration. 1 of California's" Gold Jubilee will beeln on . ' . " ' ... y-. " " r commemorate the fiftieth, lanniversary of t..! - . Jjjr- ; - - . Vi Jaiuaucui OUL- j fcer Mill. Governor Budd has" aninouniced l ' MM ' ' and the ceMbratkm will be 'opened with" a - grand (pagoanit .: to t which stepresentatrves hfram.al! organi,zaitioas of : a civic, military ?a,aernat 7 rucipate I ins loixowing societies will oe seen n he prooesBioa: umvea taoee -oopa; Goyemer 1 IBnidd amd staff: 'California Pioneers.; St GOVEtRNOR JOSEPIH Hi BUDD. Aindirews Society; Hegents Of the State Uni ; vraitv- Vmriin- ir.,n- :Mn Tt.iii Carabiioieri; League of the Cros Ca- jdets; Young Men's 'Institute; 'Native Sons of -the oCdeni West; .Deutcher ; Krieger Verein; Hannovenaner Verein, Tumverein, San FrauciBGO Saecker verein; San-Fran I Cisco Commercial Travelers' .Association; I ishermns' tBenevolen't Society - aadi: iAii I n n w.. . fTt I i ii ! f - -The nainade will b an rmrosintr one, and i - . ,M w th rr .r A yMfc UTV MWWU) VU-VWW VMW mwmvYtM gaiaizations, representing historical inci " CAPTAOEN (MARSHALL :- (Who first 'ddscovered gold "in CaliforMiaL) J dente and charac&ers. Great preparations 1 have also been'-made by the Jubilee XPa- rade committee, -who have 4en ftoats:;They 1 are typljcal of the history1 of the state 'from time of the. aborigines to the present. day.. a- leading feature o: xn-a pag&amc win w a calvalcuds - of aids; to Grand" MarshaJ 'Morse consisting of five humdred represen- lative citizens, selected by the well known organization. 'The Wative Sons. ' -, i fThe Chinese residents of .California have ' ' " j . ' , -'T :1 ' . .- - jLWtANCISCO IN 1848,-.WHE3 ' " - ' ' 51 , - . - WHEN made"- grec "prepamtions to have a gor gou Orie&tal deanonstration and display in the parade, and the Chinese division "of the pageant: will foe one; of the interesting features of the day. (Among those who wil participate in the -procession, are four pion eers ,who ' Witnessed ithe discovery of gold by.Marehall. ,.JAnionig these is Henry 'Fowl er, who crossed the plains and wen t to Ore gon in 1843 and -the following., year came down the coast toy the old Oregon "and Sac- remento trail, settling in apa Valley., Most I of the other Linrhi-e nLaneerw came over- I land to Calirornia, making a prolonged and flatiftrvii(t IftiLnnov .-' , '"I up to literary, exercises In Woodward's pa- six hundred ipeople. In the evenlne there will be k series of tableaux and living pic-1 tures representing the. mythological, histo ry of the state. ' ' - - ' -. Tuesday, Jam. 25, will be given up to the 'INative (Daughters of the Golden West," who wllt cfeiM Tt.psnlirm at: :TJ 5! tfV W. hall, aaid in the evening they will hold an immense iubile ball. :! (Phursdiay wil be sent apart for the dis play of warships on the bay. ' All available warships on the Pacific coasfo will assemble l m the hartbor; during the celebration. ' Saturday .;will be given to a celeibration I of -the ehool children! who wm, assemble in golden; uate park. I .iThe cel-ebratioia will come to an end by I the opening of a mining fair in the (Mechan I ba's .pavilion, where the visitor, will obtain i an .ifhAJL kf tTift Ttii.'nP'rB.l' rftSAHTVMo tvf the. Pa- cmc states. . , , a.. . i. . .. . ... t.T ...i ot rer wood' logs erected on-'Market street, j is attracting constderaible attention. - ' The discovery of gold! .by Marshall at! Coloma in January, 184S, marked the be- ? A 1 ... 1 i i velomnent of the tate of CaMfonnla. Cal- ifornia soon- developed her- mineral wealth, J " " . -, " - . especially hergold, of which she poured j over $1-5,000,000 into the. channels of trade and commerce. Since that time the states J of SAtaska and the slope have been devel- I oped and the vast regions which' at one seat of tcommerce and huiman activity. Vlicntitaw Whn hiva AnirrtA TiAna ' if a ma.Tf pate, for the finance committee, In expend-1 f.vtrv f Via anm Vf A AAA "has JtTm JBATAMrflt f-M v to -fittlnslr entertain? its gtrests. - ALARllIST- YIEWS Oil CfllllA -It 'i - - V THE ENGLISH-RUSSIAN DEAD t n'ntr Trxr-RW otrir-Kr ucptiwxx ui u ui i ituuiug -'Grave Forbodings in Yesterdayfs Lond on:' Journals. London, Jan. 22. Alarmist views on .the isiWation'-iU''the farfetare the ffe Tathef tha-it the 'exception ' in Condon today. ; The deaa0a"Jc between. Great .Britain, and Rus- sia at iPekin is apparently un'broken and a compromise ".is impossible. It is a question of the one or tihe oth'er yielding or a fight.' X .LLC pxCVtUllli'g 1iUlVU, LUUtt UVlLS&Ottl Willi jrleW when she is convinced of the grim re- aiity or Kir iMicnaei HicKS-Beacn s decla- ration' mkde the othe? dav. The' most wholesome and" refreshing fea- The chambers did not jreach a vote on ture of "the'situa-ttonj la-the eager and unan- the Interpellation of Cavaignac, which de imous welcome which all Great 'Britain has rnanded the discussion of the semi-official given to -the virile and1 yigorina policy to which the .Salisbury, government has com- nutted itself. No .dclaraitxon. of a minis- try nas ever eenveceivea win sucn saws- Uemk and;.so unanimousily. The country has witnessed, dn the past few, days; won- deriul revival of self-respect, whuch has acted like a tonic and inspiration -.to the -i. , .fcailk about war has -exited little alarm or appreheniaion- in the -country at large and the grave forebodings in today's journals only servejo'inspire popular enthusiasm. tihe moras support of the Uniitcd States' is everywhere considered in discussing the situation, -rnus xne ssaturoay weview - to - nnrwrf r ' jar ttt,.!n.a Ah.tM "and the strength of either of tihese powers, addled to Rn'e'la'nd;. in Itha iPaciflc. nuts re- sd&tance on tne part ox 'Russia, Germany and franco,' singly or in comJbi'nation, out of the- questionv. . Perhaps the enthusiasm with which-t!h9 (American- newspapers have . W T M- applauded the,declaration"of' the chamcel- lor of the exchequer arises from the fa6t that he has' .vdrtuariy : proclaimed the'iMon- roe fljoctrine lor xne iar east.- - " YELLOW FEVER IN MISSISSIPPI. 'Mobile Ala. . Jan-. S3. Surgeon Carter, pr'-thet'United' Sbates hospLtjal service, -left this city last Thursday and "yesterday tele- graphed from Meridian, Kiss.'i for a special train to take him to Bdwards, (Miss, where he said 'six' cases of yellow- fever are : re ported. y. J fj..-s . . e' , - - HANNIS.; TAYLOR.. FOR;:C0N6RES5 .Mobile, lAla., Jan. Z-At. a' dinner given tonight i; in : honorc of Hasnhis Taylor; ex ministerlro Spain,: Mr... Taylor announced his candidacy - for - congress ;from ( this dis- GOJ.O WAS FI1RST iDISCOVER'ED. LIVELY SPAT IN GAY PARIS Chamber of T)ftTI1ltlAQ TToo' a . ; .... Prncic rk-f Tlt,. ...... - t 1 : vwn W1 kUn iiri vrs. i lDrP.vfnii Span rial irr' rt ' -A jxtaj uauao Fall of the Ministry. iComntft rfft Rprni? Won C;n J r vu gu.ii ?the face !; " ' " " tj. t 1Q ti." ii . m ' ' - '"-, ''' Hea,71s Ani IriDHIie 110 Cuffs ' a 0 . , .: COCiailSIL. men me uiamrjer breaks Out in 'Rtn,i ' ...viivmi. Uproar," and ISuspends to Give the ConLs tants a Chance to Cool off . . ' J 22. To-days sitting of -the 1 1 ' " . V 1 ' . . v: ... chamber of deputies), at which the rwv-' f ' . - . - fus brought up, terminated in' the most violent scene ever witnessed in j the bamber. The excitemenlt In Paris to-- night; is- likened to that during the Com- J niune. ., Demonstrations of a serious char- I - . . . . o" vluv' of France. The ministry Is' likely to fall. t - ' ; Af ter ' V1 Minister -Meline had ex plained that the government for Judicial v.'i r""118 make ar regard no xme idle talk concerning Drey fus, Cavaignac withdrew ihls interpellation' wMtfr tad tup ,the subject M. : I Jnres, one a tne socialist leaders,-, then took up the matter. The Compte De Bex nls,, a memiber , of the iRight, made a ve.- hemeat .protest agailndt revival of. th- question, .. whereupon . M. Jaures called hint a wretch and .. eoward."'' Compte De Ber-' nis retorted hotly at which . M. Geratilt : " . . -v- broke away if rom Gerauli;';; diehard and leaped into the tribune where Jaures-'was' 4 standin'g. ;He slapped: Jaures .in 'the ace and in an amsbant every member was on -y - his fee1:- f. Uproar became general, and , L'UC? 'IWlUVirb WOiB LWJWt?l iTOC LW 9lOP 1 Lv B4 ,trlbune was evacualted and the sHtlin I I . n0lfce in wnicn the govermment declined to ; make public the alleged confession made by ex-Captain Dreyfus to Captain Renaud. M Meline ln .answering Cavaignac assert- ed tihs existence of ' Captain Lehrtnr Re- nau'a report containing a - denial of the' confession. Paris is all agog over the excitement in the chamber. Special editions of the even- ps papers published -the story of the scene with scare heads such as "Battle,' ln the rthnmW. 100 .DermitieK Enraeed." .The d rassemllee decided, in'.view of 1 the Intense excitement, not H reopen its J sitting.. This action was taken in order to t avoia further violence. The police were massed about the cham- j ber after seven o'clock to-night,' fearing a - I i-emonraH h fl!orrtr. v :. " J 1 ft VUV 1 A fBW - - NORTH CAROLINA GEMS. The' rare' beauties of nature, so well , r. - : , - ; .-..- ; represented in Western' North . Carolis - are becomSnar better known every day pepple who are better '"duoated in (the fsV-'.'' . matlon An4 utility .of - mdnentlg have, frsai tea& shown their appreciation at . m.lv, . , j these Gems by using them in U kinds ef , adornment. . . , , e f We have decided to close out . some tbe&e gems and offer them .at prices that should make them all sell in a very fe days. . ' r- " - 4 WE OFFER: , One, lot of :4L gems at 50 cents each.".. , One lot of 40 gems at 60 cents each. -One lot "of 169 gema at 75. cents each.r( ., . - , , '-' One lot of 40 ems at $L00 each. ; One" lot of 32 gems at $1.25 each.- Sold.' .. One lot of 5 gems at $1.50 esdLjt.". One lot of S gems a $2.00 each. , One lot of 5 gems at $150 ea'ch.--' Sold, f One lot of 3 gems at $4.00 saoh. l ' J ,V f f . - rJ One gem for $6.00 : V ... V. ARTHUR' M. FIELD, " ,' . LEADING JEWBLE3L, ; Church J Street and .Fatton. avsnut, .Ache 1 a.'

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