G"-x, . .. .if ;. : v-U k 531 (! ; Af Ay Ay, vyyAy 1 j. Vol II: No; 298. ASHEYILLE; N.: TUESDAY SIOEinNG, JANUAEY 25, 1898. Price 5 Cents. ii OestiiE 2S S. ST. TTT mJ I w c nave, 5umc ,uuu, auu ends, broken lots of differ ent lines , gathered ; during A rnr.k takinsr.k and nlaced on w r ;; : - f . . . sale to be .closed ; at ridicu lously low prices, , . , , ' Children!s . and Misses' Caps in price from 25 to 50c Choice 5ic. "' r 25c Ladies' Cloth Sailors 15c 48c " Walking Hats ; 29c 45c SaUor ' ". V 2?c 90cWattM " 50c Fur Collarettes- oniy a few.dn hand; ; choice $5 Furs at $3.75. Cloaks This department is' still prepared tbv supply some high-grade Gapesjor Jackets at surprisingly: low, prices. Children's : Wraps - N Nobby things at less than cost of material.. .OST 1 1 Somewhere between sunrise and sunset, one golden hour set with sixty diamond min utes. . No Reward Offered. Remember your, time is never lost when . lookin g through our large v and .well," selected -X stock pf groceries, i i- T 'A G. A. 6REER. MINCE PIESi Nearly everyone, likes mince pie makes the right sort of a wtodup to a good dinner,'. A good pie lies to, a, great extent in the mince meat. If the real flavor isn't there your pie will be 'flair no naatter now good the crust Is. And "above all, mince meat wiancs 10 oe cieeui b i:-iu'i!u.vv meat ithat we think will please anybody. It is made by one who knows- the art from beginning to end, every ingfedient which will improve It is- in it and'ifs Pm .& -wax. If you will only' try it we are quite ... .... .; -. - y; , sure you will like it. - 10c PER POUND. :.. . r jr.-. P. L. ' 9 PUEE FOOD "STOKE. 4. Phone 49 ; 19 Merrimon AVf T Good WytnglbnSnSr'le. ' W par- a COEiNBR STORE FOR RUNT. - APPLY TO' frw . .rf... .11..1 1 n ... nmnm -.v k mrnnit T. ' BAJNK buitxcNG. - - ' , ' Bvaru THE MAINE SEMT:: TO HAVANA r - - ' V - L J- " '- W. Does this Mean Intervention by United States? ' . ( 3 J ' 5 "tiff' S a-"4 Navy Department Says it is a -'."-"WiUlJ JttUfC. Kesultot Persistent Kequests rrom Generar Lee. President Acted When StateDenart ment Held Back. The Battleship is for ths ProtcCtioVof American Interests-Twa German Warships Now in the Cuban Port. V Washington, Jan. . 24. The f 'battleship : - . ' 1 .... Maine is under orders to proceed to H&va- na. . fcihe mil reach There in a day or two. probably sooner. There is a feeling that this new move of the adminisitrabion marks the beginning of 'the end of the conflict in Cuba. Many persons!; see in today's action another 'logical step In the chain of recent events wWch-seem'tQ"lead up to interven- tion by the . United "Staites.. . Significance is attached to, the fact thaf. the Maine, a large battleship is the one ordered to Cuba in-. stead of a cruiser.' " ( It was said at the state department that . . f ; the ordering of -the Maine to Havana' is .-, ' .v . ' - done with- entirely a friendly purpose, and t ;'.- 4 that this visit is to be taken as an indif cation that there is no longer any reason : - ' V .. - . for keeping American warships away from ... ': ,.. ... .1 --i ... that port, the relations beitween tbis - - . country and Spain being amicable. The secretary "of the , navy this afternoon issuedthe following statement: "Matters are. nbw in such -a condition that our ves sels are going to resume friendly calls at Cuban ports and go in and out just as ves sels of other'' nations do; ' The Maine will go on just such a visit.", f ' I fit is repoolted ,that when . the president ' .. j ""' " read this, morning Information Hthat two German warships were v in Cuban waters be -immediatelyv, called a conference of bis advisers, ' which Tesulbed in- & decision to send the Maine o Havana The German vessels arji' undoubtedly ' . the Stein . and Charlottev 'hich appeared off '-.Port. ' ai Prince .to baJck -up the demand of Germany for the tpayinenrol.tbe Indemnity to'lJuer deirs." They are' armed with fivo rapid fire euns and:bave five lncb rifles in the main batteries. r : New fYork - Jan." 24. A WorM. special ' from 4 Washington - . to-day . says: x ine adUftrtSrafaon decMea' to " V '-: : ' -; ' :t - to send the the" K re- " 1 Maine xo iuoa . wj ! suit of tbe pefsistence of Consul General 'Le'' who to-day ,eenlt ;'. personal ': - - T ' eram 1 io tbfe president - in - wblch be seated ttnaihe is tired of wasting lime t tc -'" j 4 ttT -hrt Atate departments . -He declared at the perpetual feeling of apprehension in Havana could be endured no, longer and ' repeated former statement tbat the situ- : aW ii cycloMcVna- t2iat' som , deflmti steps should.be takan for the -protection 01 J . ' ' ' s - - American interests. ) Tbe sdent basea Ms tep upon . the promise given Lee whn last in tMs city inat be would . be supported V im every way. ; It was only on thia prom- toe ; that General Xee ... returned 40 Cu!b. Finding, notMng could be acoompllsbed througih the rtate C department 'Lee - as a last resort appealed o Pregidenlt" McKln- ley and the obligation to provide suppork vnaa kept. : BLANCO LEAVES HAVANA. Havana Jani 24. In ancordaifce -with Ms plans Gen. Blanco left Havana this morn ing on a igpeoLal train , forBata1ano.; The greatest . precautions were taken ' to pre' venlt an' a-btack by 'the tnaurgents " The train was ' composed of seven cars,: three' armored4nd filled : wi'tlh troops.. The gor- ernor. general occupied one of 'the anmored ears with his taff "and escort. A pioneer locomoit5ve preceded Jthe train to examine 'the'trat$k and report any danger.' ' News of 'the irattlesMp Maine, has been received but the censor gave notice that the papers would not toe allowed to print it.V Gen. Congosito is In charge of ithe pal ace during Blanco's absence. ? - TO ' REMOVE TEE "BOCK" IMPOUTA NT IMPROVEMENTS HINGING ON A COURT CASE Supi erne Court to Pass on the Legisla tive Act Affecting the Smith Will in April-A Matter of Much Interest . It is (thought that the Smith property, embracing the old Buck ihOtel . on, . North Mala street and extending from North Main to- Spruce street end from CoUego north to a potot near Woodfin street,- will soon be placed on the market for sale. A case involving the constitutionality of an m wn' rA - W . ' i-U , - , - - session is now pending in the supream court?- v' .. . " .The i will of James : SmM, the f oner owner of the Drooertv., left Abe title to it in. such a shaoe thatrrthe oresent; owneri cannot sell .,it;'-' -The lost legislature at- j-, - 'tempted to remove this legal Impediment by passing an . act authorizing a commis u pBiiUK u,t uuiriiaiS w"1: sioner to oe appointed o cell , the lano and hold the fund realized from the sale upon the same terms as "the land is now held. " . . The commissioner appointed. C. H. Mil- ler,sold apor.Uonoftheland-and;tbe pur- Te, - w puiwy,..u.juw Biuuuua tuai uib. wrau- sioner ; coma not maxe a gooa tiue- to tne vuuiH u!B uuiuiiauwui :. wvu6 .uxc lui tne purcnase money. Juoge worwooa wno beard . tbe ease dided 'that 'the w aiwmr udi-u-er tu :ir reirreu w wuu a. BW: MUB.,wu U,vuiwwi pttaieu w uie; supreme jcouruT xae case was not reached at the, laat term of the .uiaaus.uwi.in.nu:iii..i pivua.uu9 be argued in April. , 3 i The decision of the supreme court in this case is awaited with interest, .not only by those who are directly, and financially in- teres ted. 'but' bv the nubile leeneTallTV.' The 1 "Buck" as. it is cailed,, located in a cen- J tral portion of -the city, . has ibeen an eye- gore to the public for many years and any prospect ox its removal will be hailed with qsausi-aciion..' --.- - . . . . xne -tana empracea in -..cms iiu-gamon nas a frontage on North Main extending firoxc 'the - oorner in rear of the Gazette press .Iw'tffiSA! opposite tthe Jarmeirs?, warehouse. The en- tire tracttis as&esaed .for -taxation at fifty tire tract iS assessed .for taxation at fifty thousand dollars.- -Tbe original assessment was a greait deal more - bift was reduced by the equalization board. . - ownwninterest in. tbe'bronerrs informs the, Gazette 4that if vthe supremtf;cjti3rt'ns- tains the decision of Judge Norwood the ojd hotel will at once be removed and ibe bmflm anA tm.mni -hrJlr ImiIM- ings';" and tha-t other portions of , the prop- erty win be improved. ; ' . legal feature of -the Smith-Twill bave, pre vented the owners of . the property from- sellincr any portion of it or imorovi-nK. ft themselves 4An.fforiwaa ears ' ago ' to sell a 1 portion r of st tinder a proceeding 'ior partition: but the supreme court decided - tbatno sale-conid be made, hence - the- act, .the ' constitutionali ty of which wiir soonbei passed; upon and the matter, settled. .J.. V French Warships- depart. ' ! T. Paris, 'Jan. 24. The' Frenu;b waiships Brulx :?anA Jamban," eai ;for.;Ch-iDa to day f : Admiral iDe- Beaumont Who. ha3 been appoi-n&ed v .conmander'-.lncbier of i 4 the FTencb tuiadron In; the.-itar. ast, is i on board' tho Vauban.- - X - ' V " t - The rudx is a steel' vessel'' of 4;754 , tons displacement- andf.. 9,049, indieffitad borse- four inches thick, oarries two - 7.5-lain. guns, elxty 5.5-inob quick-firing guns, fOar - 2.C-i2cb suns, four. 1.8-inch, guns and six 34-ich rapio-ring guns Vnusia la a. teel vessel of 6.208 tons J 4,CC0 faicated borse-'power. , She an annored Mtjn tWto- Z- six 6.5-Sncb, -guns and twelve rid fiieKune. - " i bar YESTERDAY i CONGRESS Proposed Increase of Pen- sions Discussed v Amendment to Raise theMin- J imuiri Bate. Morgan Replies to fx-President K Cleveland To Prove T&at He Favored Hawaiian Annexation. Reprrsenta ive Simpson Ridicules the Report of the Committee That Investigated New York - Slums. . ' 4 , v y' .Washington, Jan: 24. Tlhere was no con flideration of the Hawaiian tre'a&y in the executive sesfiion;of the senajte 'today. - The wJiole question was reviewed in an elab orate epeech by Senator M,organ, the pur- ptee of w-hlch was to refute ex-Presfldent Cevekund's denial of the statemeint of t!he selttaJtor 'that Cleveland .had favored the anneration of Hawaii. , The . resolution declaring United States bdnds payable optionally In gold or silver was advocated by Senator Tunpie and went over without action. The remainder of the day's session was occupied in tiheoonslid erataon of the. pension bill appropriating over. $141,000,000. AaTamendment was off ered by Senator -Allen, raiding the mini mum rests -of pensions . from six . to ' eight dollars a month. Senator Perkins raised I ;Poi't order against the amendment J and Senator G'alHnger declared himse-lf un- alterably opposed to fL The committee on j pension had sent to the pension, bureau j for an estimate of wbat.the additional j rouW be and had not yet received an 1 answer. - f !You migtht as well send it," Allen ex- J claimed, "To Caeear or Emperor WilMamJ than the republican party. The' pension ,roll has ret re it ed its maxirnun yet. .The I V stf " . . . m . : . .. . .... - t Ml t. J - iL " I aavooattea of tne hoMers or govennment nds. iiave 'whipped the committee on ap proprla'tiions and the committee : on pen anions ana me commiuce on yra-s sions into line m nosoiiny , to tne oia soi- rtip.r Th Mnw win im 'vhen iJi.'Tea.t masses of the people will take possession of the government and then .the old soldier win Mivi i.ictJpe",-":V v J The discussion lasted Wo boure-and 'the senate adjourned without the point of or- Apt hpfne drtided - - - ' 5 utri uciuB uevmcu. . . IN THE HOUSE. Wasbtogton, Jan. ne nouse spenn most of today's eewsion in political debate, oairticinated in ' principally by-Jerry Simp- riv n!tld.i.- Binj WAatPirn mim.hftr.-- Simn. son ridtculed the report of the committee tbat investigated the condrtfon of the poor "TV- V. Tnn of m iNew xopk slums, me comnxnciee re- ,people 'Is due A& extiavagance, de- daring that the extravagance consisted m h buying beefsteak and bananas and urged 1 moanrr nf mnnmv th&t thev be taUlg3lit cheaper flood which bad more T,1,,t-imT, in 1 fhinn fTh 4ttnmKtm: - 1 In Kansas, Simpson declaring tbalt the wise 1 administration -had resltored --'p)spertty, i Qtb(fr speakers declared .the state bank- ni)!Mut .tA.niiT tj MMiratbim. . , The bouse adjoufmed witbout jaccom- nlluMTix- mimh imi t.h TnAlftn 'AmnronrtaJaon J -.ni - - . - ' - - .-. A at i nnn AniTTrmTmYnu A ItIHi WW It DUN !! UN m-T-k T-r,-, . , mTTTiriTiTn ,t niii tt i i t f i i t .. m i n n. rf. I iv t v iv i-i r , . . CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. TVnnciVJth wiWftftl.. Mnn To Consider the Report of the Mone :':;.. ' " ...' ,v !.: '.' r- 'i-- . tary Commission-May Affect Legislation ft- J . Indianaitplis,' Ind., ' Jaii. ' 24. The mone- I ta-ry-convention, will be called tov order at i hoU9e to-morrow by "Hugh LmJ wr j mlttee, Gbvernor.Tuesli-e (M. aw of Iowa; I 11 : j I . Govarnor Shaw, Pros & Officer, ; !, -will be permanent chairman. has'. A large number of:- defegajte . from ' g eiWer.lkl boaroof trade and - :,0001 Wb of the. United States lave " already arrived, and- the" attendance is far - 7Sh 1W1 -x.-; idm in excess of the meacing of business men which consider edNthe monetary question at Indianapolda last January;: - Among Zine .prominent' delegate? xpect edl are George -F,- Edmunda, , Vermont; Col. George E. Leigh tan, SL Louis, Mo.; J. Hajseu Rhodes, N. Y. ; (Prof . . James Laughlin, .Chicago, r 111. ; ,W, i B. Dean; St. Paul, Minn.; Charles S. Fairchdld. N. Y.; Judge iRobert S. Taylor, Fort Wayne, Ind.; William E. Dodge, N. CY.; T. tG. Bush, SL-elby, Ala.; Gtorge Foster, LN.' Y.; J.,W. Fries, amston, S.,C.f Louis A.rGarnett. Sam Fraaic isco, ' CaL ; C Stuart Patteiwon, Philadelphia, IPa.; "Leslie M. , Shaw. Des- Moines, la.; and (Henry Tea4)ody; Boston. The main work which 'will .come -up be fore this con vettition is the considenacion of the report of the manetary , , commission which was appinted last September and wb'lch.' held1 a -meeting in. , Waabington- in January. . r .1 , The commission, which met in the capi- tol, .represemted the best' scientific, politf- cal and connmercial thought and experience or this couotry. , It consisted of Sentator George' B. 'Edimundis, statesman and law yer, who for a quarter of a century sat in the United Srtatea senate. Prof. J. -Law renoe Laai-ghiin, of the Chicago University, the i noted economic and1 finamcial wTit&r, who debated the silver question . , with Coin" Harvey; Charles S. .Fairchild, CJlevela!nd''e' secretary of the - treasury, presidentof a. large (New York trust com pany and itihe camdiidate for comptroller of the Citizens' Union in the last munlci pal campaign ; "Louis !A. Garaett, repreien-t-1 tag the Pacific coast, a noted writer and ftaiajicier, who suggested- the creation of the minit bureau of the United States; Stuyve- sant 'Fitsh, a railroad' president and an au fhonity on trannsportatton; T. G.jBu,h, one of , the leading busdness men of the south Kobeirt S. Taylor, of Indiana, a prominent Jurist of that sitate; J. W. Fries, a North Chairman Hugh H. Hanna. Caro'l-iraa (business man, and C. Stuart Pat terson, an eminent lawyer of Philadelphia. ,lbe uotmmisaion rniet at' the lArliagton hotel on January 3 and submitted a report rn riixuo.iaYJin.il mo Anrrnmj.rTA0 .zir mm TTmnw imtt w.v-w..r..v convention, wno naauii power xo receive rdeav;r to -secure the adoption of the plan of MnwiKV T.fnT.m tEVi-i-h 1r err !KrvfliivJ Th Ireport as -a.whole.ajS"- BigSied' bjriall 'the nuenvbeirs of thv commission except 'ixuisi A. Gamet.t, who did,' not accept the provi- w..M - 1 imu6 wvM,(vvi,J..y:ivwT. I -utea' Issued' .hereon,' jmd.;PTof.-. Lugh . l4V.rSiOjjMHtoopwwedfof enypowtertog the ' tbe treasury to issue United St'ates.not-in the purchase of bonds. rort-of itbe commission, will be thorongbly -d-swusted at this convention. It demamda -the preservation of the present standard and all obligations, for .the payment of money to be in conformity with .(his -standiarcL It adTise the discontlntu ,aJlce coinage of silver dollars, except j .-or sirKawiiarv duo-doscs. Tbe coanaiiission r , Vrtmmf r,i, tv- .C" .tt,. o - i, - J treasury which hall have charge of the! I igSue and redemption of notes, : certificates i aad bank no:es and the exonanige or com TZZJ,X T, r"C. '.h"" ,bere in session will be received with ocnsiiderable- interest by the banking com- mi.t tee of the boui-te of representatives, as thAt in vibe consideration of legislation until the I rwr- f tv TnnAfn.rv -lymrmissioTi! was! (Hugh H. Hantoa, a prominent manuXac- rturer.:of' ..Tndfianapoi-Ss,.. ba done mucn tn the last few moths to bring about this con- I wtn.Ho-n. -. As hairmia;n of the execuitive comimittee he naa iDeen nara aiti wotk make the oresent meeting a success. J . .- ' I OnlUtnT IIMV to I luAMUIM , result. The changes in -the vote were un- aence 1 ''lTi!Ti'n,i. O.. Jan. 24. 'At tuie senaite in- ri. , v , . . I it,,-fin W u Wo-nna hrxrr- Ah-nrjt todav the manager of the Western Union leiegrapn oince -saia xuaui. m uiapaicucn j which -the investigators called for bad mys ously disappeared. , Allen O. Meyers - ,and detectives testified regarding the r movements of the mysterious Boyce- who Is supposea ,to nave wnoea Kepresenitaxive Otis.- The eashier and - officials of the Union savines bank refused ito tesJtffly re garding cash said to have been deposited witnxnem oy tianna or jus agents or whom ithe money,;if any, was pald-t ' - BIG FIRE AT VERSAILLES. , Lexing'ton,, Ky., Jan. 24. Fire broke out V. a.'. - - , . - - in the 1 post office at Versailles: at 9 : 30 odock tonight. At this late hour the town is : threatened With destruction.. The post offlce'and a number of business houses and The .toss at midnight wao S40,000. ' - DALLAS C01T0N SWINDLERS the cotton swindling- gang in Xais, Texas, buyer; and one of the conspiraiiors, secured Iinlly $200,000 -floor iNew xorK cotton. oroK ;j j era. The operations of the swindlers went on for a peraoa oi.ien yeana.-DeiOTe ue-wsc- tiom They worked their game by means of bogus 'drafts and checks, wbteb .when re- turned and protested jwouid and the swtna lers anHssing. . , - A NEGRO CANDIDATE; Parker Johnston, the wlored' Janttor. Jthe court house requests tne Gazette the t ftate that he will ibecandidate ; w he nam of. lZ if oT IS l OTkred man is 'not nominated the-blacks VwiU" ran a .ticket of their own.-" - THE RIOTING : IN ALGIERS Report. That the City is in Flames And That 100 Jews Have Been Murdered. This Sensational News lacks Con- firmatioru ' The Known State .of Affairs Are Bad Enonii. the Governor Genera! Narrowly Escapes Serious Injury in Trying to Check the Disorders More Troops Sent to the City. Algiers,. Jan. 24. The anti-Semitic, dis 3TdT were renewed this morning, the nobs plundering and burning shops owned by the Jews. Governor General Lepine tn deavored' to check be rioters. One of the mob threw a chunk of burning wood at the' governor, who narrowly escaped injury. His appeals had little effect. The rioters are mainly bent upon plunder. They bru tally beat prominent Jewish merchants.' Many arrests have been made. Paris, Jan. 24. OIL. JauTes, one of the so- cialist leaders in . the chamber of deputies. received to-day a despaitoh from 'Algiers', saying that riots of a most serious charac ter bave occurred there. The houses' of Jews wand others have been pillaged, and 100 Jews massacred, and many others badly injured. The town was set on Are and when the message was sent the fire was burning -fiercely. v. .5. - (No oemflranatdon has been received here of the despatch received by Jaures-report- ng the mass acre of Jews In Algiers.'1' Tner Iast pitches stated -that the town wa Uamoaratively quiet. " Additional -troops i . h i nave oeen sent I I , Q 1 1 1,1 1 V Kl I K 1 1 P.I .1 1 1 1 A S I VUV WWW V 11.. UVVVJUUV Y- I , , : . r. ti. t -v IS NOT LED. Four Votes Short of an . Election ( - ' : , Twenty Futile Ballots at : N ashyille- - - - Anna-poris, . M4, Jan.. 24. AiSfier. three hours session to-night the reoublicaai'.can- cus by a vote of 46 dacided to support judge MoComas for -United States senator. C MolMkan. of the Eastern Shore, re- oewed .7 votes. JMcCom-as was afterwards made the unanimous choice of tthe caucus. Fifty-tbree were present. This is four the -necessarv number to elect. None of the bolters -were present. It 1s cot believed, .'that the eenatonshio I will be seittled to-morrow, altihowh some . I of those on the outside expressed a purpose to a'Dioe oy tne caucus. a coalition. ioe- tween democrats and bol tens, in favor of I another candidate. . As stronelv epokenT"of 101 to-mgnt. 5 fN-aahvllle, Jan. 24. Twenty ballots were I taken by the democratic caucus- of the gen- eial assembly for senator to-night without: I adjourned till Wednesday. NORTH CAROLINA GEMS. The rare beauties of nature, so well represented in Western North CaroUaa, -v- I heoomln- better known everr dav as I neonla who are better educated in the fsr- - ... :, '., j jjaation and utility of minerals bars frflsn - 10 1 r 7. tm, tn time shown their aooreoiatlon M these Gems by usyig them In U kinds of I adornment. We have decided : to close out some af these gems and offer them at prices that should; make them all sell in a very fe ' WE OFFER; - - One lot of 41 gems at 50 cents each. I 4? 8em at 60 wnt Vr - ; j one' lot of 40 gems at $1.00 each' j j One lot of 32 genw at L2 each. Sold. - . One lot, of 5 gemt l-0 each. v 1 , 'ZZJim-j r2 00 ' . - : - y" w - , .77 ' -1 One lot of 5 gems at J2.50 each. 80M. On lot of 4. gem at S4.00 of P11 ff?"'- W' to r - BTBUB U. riZXrfJ. - : - . - - . - . I . ' .. O - J r ... - , Cbureb Street aafd Psltoo avenue, ijtie- 1 a ; -i 1 f j; . - - 3- -1 i j ' r - 4 ?

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