0 ?r v.- 1- fly -V:- ;;.;- www Vol. U: No. . 301. "'rySP' ;;EfiIDAY , MOfiNIXGj ; JAKTrAiRY 28: 1898. frice 5 Cental 'I . - v - "o - - K-rr, K .k v - 1 , - HLJ . v i - J, , . . - , .. - , . 28 S. Airi STj 1' - We have soitte?. odd s and ends, broken4 lots of differ ent l nes- gathered during stock taking, and placed on sale to be ; closed mtiindicu lously low prices. f 1, Children's' ; and ; Misses' Caps in price from 25 to 50c Choice 15c.: 25c Laiies' Cloth Sailors 48c " Walking Hats 45c Sailor V ; ; ISc 29c 29 c 50 c Fur Collarettes Only, a few oh hand; choice Cloaks department is still Drepared to supply some Jiighgrade Cap at Mnsihgly Jiigh-scrade Capes or Jackets prices. Chilaren's Wraps Nbphy things at less than cost of material. v: A A A A. ,'iLm a 'a" a- a j. "i'i-t V a'a a a Alt Somewhere between sunrise and sunset, one golden . hour , set'with sixty .'diamond mm- utes. Remember your time is never lost " Twhen looking through " our: large - and well , selected stock of groceries. ; ; . . , !G. A; GREER. 4 4444. 44 An Alliance ; i Betiween your etomaob and ' the groceries you (buy a.t; i , , "- ' , v, ' - IP ,.;IPir(2" Will aidl fyour , digestion - and enable yo w nave more Diriiuai tin: youi ,ixe,.tJiue. Three items for - your cartful" wnsxlera tion, each ,one fit' for a. king., , , V- First.- Asparagus paoked im three-square tins. Brand Koyal iScarlet. Quality Nothing finer to be had. . ' J Second. ? Pine Applepackedi dn two tins. Brand -Royal Scarlet.: ' Quality Carefully (Peeled, eyed and ' cored so completely that each' slice "As a .ceui'tie euc '.".o a choice pine,-preserved in pure sugar syrup. rice, twenty-five cents per. tin. - ' ' Third. Sliced Lemon Cltog Peaches packed in tlhreei tins. ; BrandCobweb. Quality flaie Price twenty-five toents per can. t f; - f ' k . $ v P. t. BYARD'S PURE: 00B:: SXpEE... Phone 49 11 19 Merrimon Ave LOST! n n m4 Sin f lira t r ESTABLISHED. Good paying business for sale! For par-, culare address N. O. P., Gazette. K 1; : VJ PATPON AVENUE, NO. EIGHTEEN "paNBR STORE FOR RENT. APPLY-TO fci&JBESTER FIRST NATIONAL bank BirnjarNa. LEV MAKES A GOLD SPEECH At a Millionaires' - Banquet : ; ' in New York. An Unequivocal Defense ; of - the Single Standard. , The "People's. Purpose", - Must be Given Yita!ity6f Public, Law, TMs MoKinley Says is 3 "Plain and Commanding Dnty. The President Speaks defor a Sympathetic Au ; dietice of, 1,000 Banqueters Menu Card Bordered With Gold. ; ' New Yw4, Jan. 27. Preei'deat MksKlnly was the chief guest at the banquet At th Astbria. notell thds evening, given Hiy the ma-nufacturera' ' aiffsociaition. v It 'was the most brilliant gathering In years. Over one thousand! banker's, business men, brokers and manufacturers ' were preseot. The president's menu card was (beautiful in de sign, "bordered .with soilfid gold. He sat between ex-Senator Warner Miller, , who presided, and Theodore Search, presldtait of ithe association.. Senator Frye, Charles 'Emory Smith, ex-minister to Russia, ex Ju&ge Holland and President Search spake. The cthdef interest was, of course, in the-: president's speech, whl.h contained two thousands words or more. , Those who expected a declaration on tie . ...... ' ' I. ' ;i ... 86 Mr- 'Moioney made the prm-ci-pai ieaiture or nas aoxsress. He declared anew 1 his purpose ta maintain gold the standard, at all hazards. The noiable teature was the utter ansseace of anything in reference to internajtional bimetairism.. He said, among other things, after point r ing out what he called the evidence on all sides of returned prosiperity: - "The money of : the United States -must forever Ibe unquestioned and unassailable. df doubts remain, they must be Temoved Nothing, should ever tem'pc . ub npthlng ; - -. . j- ....... wail ever tempt us to scale down the sa- technicality.: CIn this he was evMendy re - -., fering to Senator Teller's resolution anafe- . . ' . 4ng .bonds payable in silver or gold at the option of the holder of the (bonds.) What- ver may oe cne language or tne -ooniracc, the United States will discharge all its v-- f , ,: , . oMagations in the currency recognized as the (best (throughout the civilized world at : " ' . . ae-nme..x "Nor- wild we ever consent v that ' the wages of labor, or its frugal savings, shall (be scaied. down by permlttdni payments la ; dollars of less values than dollars, accept- of itie earth.; '" "Under existing condutaons our citizens cannot be expected, if. they do not redouMe their efforts, to secure such financial , legis lation as will-place their" Jwraoraole inten liions. beyond dispute. AH 'those who rep- ,wul' s u w' wuavi V"VB. but.progressive-bu-sinessirterestsf the; country, pwe it not only to tnemseives, Dut- to the people to insist upn the -settlement of this great question now, or else, to face the aUtemative that it -must be again- sub ' mdUed for aTMtraj.tira at the polls: This is Atir i;-n,. u iu..uv v """" voters, who, fifteen months ago, won the great pontical JbaittTe on the Issue, among - take the risk of ascemung to tne top our others, - that "the "United States govern- ing, windy weather. "- ' V- c - 4" 1 -ju, j,' v--'" " Mr.-Jackson states, ifiat-not' one of the me&t ' wouttd .not, permit a; doubt to ex- . f. ,t , ale conditl(n. The Is?t anywhere concerning the" stability and w ' . ' ... xi --. - - t i 2 a. IB'tCiffnJty w jjls currency vr cue uviu,iaui.xLjf Ot its obligations of every kind. - "It will not- suffice for citizens nowadays " - , , . . . . k-rt. , . to say simiply 'that - they are in i favor of . - , - KJ : , . . , f , sound money. ..That is not enough. , The A PRAYING PRISONER. ' V; people's 'pn'rpose must beglven Lhe vital- .gnt eight Vclocka' t'eii- ity of public Jaw -Better an honest effort 'n05ie me&&ge. waa received. at police head with failure than the avoiding of-, so plain, cuartccrs that a man by the name of Taul- aid commanding aduty.- The dlSQteulties iA the pajth of reform, are, it must be ai- m-itted. - ne3.lb.er lew 1-n number' nor r slight in -degree; but progress cannot- fail, to, be wr!h st fait nA thmwiiW 'trial Viff ma'de with a lair a-ni! tnorougn tmi. (ad. honest attempt -will be the -best proof of sincerity- of urpose..( fHaif-heartedness never won - a batitle;' For us". present JaitoaeJaaa,UH constant enari; i s'pread XhetOr-M ia'ZosA .valuable ground, himon'hjs-, feettkand -proceede,.iheir prts Alreadv. on - '-end : praciUoaily no weaken 4 oner contouring his prayer as they walked th iffliWa rf jsound monev Jar -thear battles Of the future." J- ' . ' rJfh car stepped, ne arose from the eeat The' oresident'said'' that the St. If Louis- where heiwas kneeling and threw himself - . , ratmftfl before the door' of- the carand continued. platform, which .the people had ratified, ,His gam. aj was a acandate to the law-makers to carry iiure and he was securely kept and plae- cut tiat platform as regards placing' the ed in the cd'ty jpriioa. - ; - i ' - ' ' currency on a J'EOund "basiis." Ttemerdatts applause greeted every Jrefefenee 'to sound curreifcy. v ' - i i i- V ' f , r The preaMent a4so spoke of recrproca-. tion, tout only in' general terms." 1 t PROGRAM. FOR CAKE WALK TONIGHT. x, 1. lsAniinated Music - sheet "A ' Hot Time in iJhe OId-Towo.eleven voices. .-.4 2..Cotton fie":d feceiie--.'Ejise UP: You LaJty CoonB full chorus.; - 1 - - ;V-V - 3. dog Dance Joseph Wh'Jter''. : I '4. rSong'Che Pretty Day an -May. Thomaa yowlef. , 5. Aaheyilld'i " "Dark Infantry "Ckrai panyB." . . r. ' 6. Character Clog ; Danees-T-JToe Moore Joiwj Dockins, JQavfd Thmas Geo. Fos ter. - r ti j - ' , i ; 7. Grotesque it. Quarfette MAS1 Coorf Look Alike to Me."- - -' '. ' 8. (Muse Coon Character Sane Geo. Roh- 1 In-son and Jams Thompson; - . j ig ana K'tr t ZJan. oes Cttamie ClayUon and (Mamie BenEon. - ' 1 " ; lO.'-Duet "Whisper1 Tour Mother" Name.v ,. Kftt'ie Saxton and i.EIla Wright. 11. Pickanlsi'ig iEaiwsew and -Songvi-Ndri Clayton,- John MeDavis, .Ce'cil Kennedy sm CXareDJce SVttith. J . 12. f 4 intaticm "Quartet to-'tDown : Yomder in de Corn Field' ' - - . ,13. Each; and wing dance to b?tnjo aniuaLc 14. Blackberry faters--,B.a?k Mouclaih iParty." ' 'i v " - - - ; 'J'5. vGirand Prize Cako Walk Tjy - firwenty couples.'- . Judges Hon. W S. Cocke, J. M, Camp "bell .03"d H. E. Heinitsih- The judge will occupy box A. The cake will be -placed on exhiMtion in Heiirltst &. (Reagan's drwg store today. ' ' " BIG SWINDLER CAUGHT HEAD OF A GANG OF FORGRB AND COUNTERFEITERS- Alleged to Have Made Millions of Dol lars la the Sale of Bogus T-ottery Tickets Cl'-veland, 0., : Jan. 27. United States officers and representatives of the Hondu ras lottery company, successors ' to the , Louisiana lotterv todav arrested Thma.ji Doland leader of a gang of swindlers num- bering "ereiiUen, who have been operating , rtn 1 flvtnllK aoola wffT linimi lvff&i-vr t nr- ete in everv bisr nitv in f.he wvimtw h meAns' ot tovged Usts o lottery dra(Wina Aua' cuiui4.-trieit--iou.ery... lach-ets. iney rn ft'i4v -ii.000 -to iK.000 for aliid .MPkt tor Dig prises. - - c ' " . This gang has been working successfully for ten years and in that time it is esti mated has made from $3,000,000 to $5,000, 000. Their headquarters were here. De tectives got into Doland's confidence, joined tne gang and for two months op erated with him, finally landing him today with an extensive plant for the manufact ure of bogus tickets, slips, etc. The gang also made bogu s r money and a plant for this was also seized. ' DO THEY AGREE? Secretary Gage before; . the Traders League at, Philadelphia on Tuesday night ;ald. In answering f Mr. Bryam cVJBesides, i bis enemies, if he means the republican I narfv ttiA nvf Krwi o,f 1 tvo fWo t- th tt voita Kiir led bimetallism. They . proclaim , them- ; Belveg iUr 1:- y ipAflA' their .' platform. ' The political head,,of that, pay ! has -'been active to secure under the on.y -.: conditions by which 'it can be jnaintained namely ihtemaitional agreement, with open . mints to both silver and gold.,, .In his ef- forta to inaugurate such a method the president., heartily supports- the principles of his party's plaitform, and in his efforts (he has the support of all the memibers of M official family, -tauenflos and. declara- . tions from various sources to, the contrary . notwithstanding. Until it can be secured this rational manner i.we propose to maintain the kind of bimetallism we have nw, under which $500,000,000 or more o SAYS TOWERS ARE UNSAFE Reason Qiven for Lowering City Elec- ' tricLIghts ' w. ru: Jackson who is , in X charge : of the citv liKhtine. says that all the tower lights have been or will be'lowered" to from tMrty tQ forty fe aboVe groilna 4nd ar. affortillg a- much-better -lighting servr Jce ffom the topa ot t toweT& ' iowerhig of the lights,Mr. Jackson says, ' became 'necessary on- account" of the un- safe condition of the towers. The one on Court Square, ne.says, is springing and u In such a Jdanfterous condition that neither he nor'his workmen are willing to - ', jointg are rusty and have not been painted . - tt at, - 4. t V A Itfa m. six. ye&ra. xxe 4jr&,uiw ij. uu iiuw on' the-Dublic square- were ten feet' higher ilk Vavim am fWn nA,iit nmiai ALrvtlr Jmilrl ton,., near the 'old .depot,'. was attemtping . PoHwiMB TayloT. boarded car and rpTiitvta the house where Daulton. ltve. They., fouind , him .searching-, through the 'trPIliKS, in -JB?ai;u, ts ue Jsa.m,.Aor . uwi. t" w.,- runf. ton was taken in ,charge. I'On-the wiy -tor; the street car line he reauested the officers to halt a ' moiceae. .As tNxm as the stop -said, "Let Us pray,' and began a fervent Sprayer : The oftHcers wrth difficulty, .got . .. m ' t, A t..- ; until the square was reached. Just .before BARBECUE EfilDiS-IN RIOT f 1 - "' " ' - , - Wild Scene , in Denver's V Union tbclr Yards. : Thirty; Thousaiid Peoplej ; Thrown 'into Disorder. anyTra!mpedro.n5in a Mad Rush foe the fables; ; Police Charge the Rioters fui Are " Overwered, Pelted With the Eatables Tab es Smashed ard ? Stock Yard Fences Torn Down Many Persons 1 Ynjurd. irienver, Col., Jan. 27. The" national stock growers' association in comveutgon here 'itoday; gave a g-rand. ' barbecue this ,.- - ... ..... - - -. . afternoon At the Union stock yards. At- . ,"... ' . rangements were made for feeding fifteen thousand persons. ' Ten steers., bears, elk; antelope, sheep and mutton and a thous and Joaves ,of bread had ibeen prepared. Thirty thousand attended, lining thirty deep in front of the tables . The crush of this multitude to reafch the talbles began i ': - - -' - , as soon as nine food was begmm to be served. 1 1 . - . The Toughest element of the city's pop ulation and many cattlemen from outside Were in the crowd. ' -..iA large force of police and city troops were unable to control this mass of peo . . .--, ;;. . . " pie amd. a wEid ecramble resulted; ' ' - Thousands charged the 'tables, upsetting them and trampling down .weaker persons who were dn their way. The police charged the mob and clubbed many, (but were overpowered' and pelted with brea ch ranks of beeT and' other- mis- . . . ; - - ...... x siles. The tables were smashed amd fences fixrn'down.' '" Mainywomen--fainted and were iborne away. One man. was serious- Ij wounded and nmny4njuredtoy ibeing trampledpon or bytt'he anlssttes that were lifrown fcy the' rioters , U ' - ...... . Nine-tenths ot ithe. eatatolesr-were- de stroyed ; and- maayv tratac. loads ot people were taken back- to the., city -wnen. the of- ficlals saw flie ugly moodi of ib crow. f (An onknown anas -was brought to from -. .j .. ... . ...... . . the scene of the riot this evening with his (Skull fractured. -He died shortly sifter his arrival at the city hospiitai. Many others have oeen brought to the 'hosprtal seriously injured , - ; ; - ROBBERY ON ORANGE STREET. vOn the -night before, last s thief broke into, the basement: of the. dwelling occu pied by B. W. Morris on Orange street and carrledi pffa tSSde.of meat weighing fifty- five pounds .The thief effected an entrance by. drarwing the lock;and prying, open the door.. Tne basement . contained . a : large amount of, other, meats which were undis turbed. , - The ; liberality : of the ' thief Is doubtless due to .the. fact that the missing piece ; vwas as much as. ne. could safely handle at one time.. " - - ,: GAGE TO SPEAK AGAIN. v Baatimore, . Md.,' Jan. 2T. Invftations have 4eem- accepted .'by" Lyman J., Gage; secretary of the treasury i James A. Gary, postmaster - general, and '.Wenster,, Davis, assistant secretary of -the 'inlterior, to at tend the annual banqueit of the Merchants and Manufacturers'. association at the Hotel 'Rennert February 3. - Secretary Gage will speak on. "The Relation of .Business, to Government 'Finances . ., - . -' , WANG ,t . - i. ; ' .- .'' . i. ... l , ? "Wang" in all Its royal magnificence, a3- solutely, new. and accurate - costumes and scenery is coming nest; Wednesday, at the touu-iui ws j6w . ."6 nn it fini trmr 'ni fhia-pnMffPTnnt wtii positively he the farewell visit of that , fa- ; mous opera in our. city..; The part of -Wang, the regent of Slam, could hardly oe better filled than by Dan Packard, who. achieved great success in. that part last season. JUDGE EWART NOMINATED. iWashtngtbn, Jan. 27.-The nomination; of TTSitm.fiw ftwart'fnr th . , - . , . -. . -i . rt, western- district., of North Carolina was sent-, to the senate today,.. t 1 U One Minute "Cough Cure cures quickly, That's ti hat you want! C.- A. Raysor. ;- CRHTENTON MEETJNG CLOSED v - A Large Audience Last Night at Cen- ' ; tral Churchi . . ' - - - '"' v A : large ' congregation-. assembled last night In Central MrE.. church to hear the last of .DrCrittenton's series of sermons.' ' Every seat in the church was filled "and chairs were placed Cn the aisles.' All the seats in tihe gallery were taken and many persons were standing. ine subject of Dr. Cribtenton's ddscu:sioa was Revelationtl:18, "i am he that liveth ano: was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore" Dr.'Crittenton spoke earnestlv and feel ingly on the blessings of Christianity, the rewar a ana promises as contained in the book of Reverations and the invitation ex- tenaea to all men, to accept God's word. Rev. 22; 17, "And the spirit and the, bride say, come, and let him that heareth say, come, v Arid let him that is athirst come. And whosoever, will, let him take of the waiter of life freely.". , - - The speaker Bpoke of the triumph of the gospel and the fulfilled prophecies. ' Hj gave many scriptural quotations' of-the prophecies revealed to St John; the apos tle, in the Isle of Patmos,- of 'the coming of Christ and the end of the world. Rev. 14:2, "And they sung as it were a new song."t - Dr. Crlttenton dwelt briefly on the fall of m'an and -the curse, and of the- serpent. i will put enmity between tlhee and the woman." Gen. 3:15. He spoke of the prophesy of Isaiah of the coming of the Messiah as contained in the 6th verses &th chapiter and how it had been fulfilled, "For unto us a child is bom, unto us a son is given; and the gov ernment shall be, upon iis shoulders; and his name shall be called Wonderful Coun sellor, The Mighty 'God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." "These oM prophets," said Dr.; Cribten- ton," wrote with the telescope . of faith. We -find Job amidst his afflictions singing praise to God and declaring that his Re deemer liveth. "God has - fulfilled the promises as con tained in ibis precious truths He sent an gels who winged their .flight over Bethle hem's -plains and cried aloud, 'Fear not, for I bring you good tidings.; " .; At the conclusion many, persons went forward for prayer. . ARANGDREK killed HIS BODY EXHIBITED IN THE MORGUE AT HAVANA- "W as Shot in a Battle Yesterday- One of Gomez's Best Generals-Ex plosive Bullets. Havana, Jan. 27. The. insurgent general Nestro lAranguren, who executed Colonel Ruiz, 'the Spanish commissioner, who pro posed! peace to him, was slain today in '3an Joaquim, Havana province. He fell during a battle with. Spanish batallions in a fierce engagement. The body was brought here - and exposed to public gaze at the morgue . . . . Aranguren was shot, through the right side, three times.- His. adjutant, .was killed alii his side.:; The sensation-caused by the exhibition of Ms. body here is imnnense , In the battle today the insurgents . used explosive bullets. 'Araaiguren was ' only rwBtythreyar4dJHe;looto like a mere' boy, btrf wawr-one of Gomez's best generals. '. . " . , ADVOCATED LYNCHING Criticismsjof Miss HvECRivssV Book Cause Illness- ? NeWf ;Yorfe, : Jan. 21. -HatUe Ermine Rivesi cousio of the ' authoress Amelie Rives, and (herself (a noted writer, is ill with "nervous prostration in the Brooklyn sanitarium.' Her latest work is ."Smoking Flax," which.; dealt, with lynching in the South for a certain crime .with a freedom that attracted wide attention and caused a sensation all over the country. . She in dorsed strongly the lynching of 'negroes. The northem. press condemned the . book scathingly and this, criticism caused the young writer so much worry that she final ly broke down.- Her early recovery is pre dicted. ' LINDSAY ASKED TO RESIGN Because His Hostile Attitude Towared "- Silver. ' ' . . Frankfort, ' Ky., ' "Jan. , 27-The "lower house today passed a resolution demanding the immediate resignation, of Senator Lind say for his nostile attitude in the senate toward silver. Some of the more positive of the silver, advocates called him traitor and ingrate. - . ' - v DISTURBANCE ON SOUTH MAIN STREET Aboult icen o'cQook - last, night , the; atten- -tllon of the poAce was' attracted; by several 'Captain- Lee and Patrolman .Taylor; hasten ed totthe scene. William S. Wilson, Julius Mace ind . Jobe , Drandley, who were ; sup posed to be the guilty parties, : were over taken and captured on Southside avenue, and af eir some . diffkuflty were arrested. Captain Lee had a grand scuffie-with Mace and after subduing him took "from 'his per son a long - knife. Taylor secured Wilson and took from his person two pistjols. All three were locked up.. It was reported that the party shot .into a house ear the old dub House. AH three of them; were drinking. - . " ' - ., SINGING SCHOOL jRev. Mr. Bassett IsTconducting a very auccessfuli singing school - at..' Ajlexanders chapel. .' The class numbers about seventy five pupils who. are making rapid "progress. Mr. Bassett has the reputation of being a first class singing J master and' his patrons are well pleased -with his tutorship. - ... YESTERDAY IN CONGRESS Still Discussing' the Counr try's uPr6sperity.n V Indian Appropriation " Bill Passed by the House, ; ; f The Republican Attitude on CubV Denounced. ' Heated Debate on the Teller Bond Resolution. - Vote to be Taken This AfternoonBelief That the Resolution Will Pass the Senate F ; - , '-.Mr V MaH Delivery, . ; , V- Washington, Jan. 27,The indlan ippey priation bill was passed by 4lies house today having been the' nominal business sincJf Monday. But little Attention was paid " J -. the bill, the discussion running to the ge-! eral condition of the, country whether r " not prosperity 4s with us. The bill havinjg. been disposed of, the District of Columbia appropriation bill was taken up and tin debate went on Just the same with con tending arguments that unprecedented d- " pression prevailed throughout the. country and that prosperity had gained a sure ahS ' lasting foothold. ' . Representative Hartman of Montaxoi i made a bitter attack on Grover Cleveland : as an "incubus - o'&,:'t&e';ody; poUtic'ianll predicting the triumphant election of Bry an in 1900. . ' it . Representative De Armond made a bitter" attack on the attitude of the republicans) ' toward Cuba., - . IN THE SENATE. , - - - Washington.. Jan. 27-. The senate induljp- ' ' ad in a heated dtibate today, on Ithe Teller resolution, finally agreeing to-take a void ' jn it tomorrow afternoon. Senaions Daniel, ; odlge, Lindsay, Aldrteh, Stewam. . ani jocikreli made' fepeeohes on it. The general . uelief is that the '"reaoltidon. will -pass. SEA COST DEFENSES Washington, Jan.27.--4lasJ.;'.Gen.-i'MlIeA has. been before .thehouse committee' oa appropriations for the last two days dis cussing the plans for seaqpast defences an covered' in the fortification bill. The. da- sire of thf commJtttee was to learn where the cuts in the1 estimates could -be inadB pling to the service. The original estlmala . called for about eleven millions, but Uu' " indications are that 'the bill, will carry ngft J , more than the . usual amoun t of three vr ' four millions. ? s . , ' RURAL MAIL DELIVERY. . v ; Washington, Jan. 27. Senartor Sutler t . North Carolina offered an amendment. t the post office appropriation bill providing for an extension-of rural free delivery ta every state and terriitory of the Union anff.; to as many sections of those states and territories as possible. , The amendment appropriates $250,000 to cover the expense of (the proposed extension, - - ' " ' RELIEF SHIP STORMBOUND, WasMngtoa, . Jan. 27,? The .war depacfr. 'y meat's advices from Norway are that th-- 1 steamship Man! toban. which has been cha- " tered to carry the reindeer to New York, ., lies stormbound at Trondjelnu. : . ."-;-; v ' r NORTH CAROLINA GEMS, ; " The rare beauties of nature, so watt represented1 in Western , North Caroliai. are becoming be tter known every ' day : as , people who are better educated ia ihe for-"' . ; ma tion and utility of minerals hare f resa U y : . 5.-r 'r'mM'-t tfane to time' shown their apprtoUtios sf these Gems by using them in U kinds el adornment. . .1 - - ' " I - w - We have decided ' to close out some - sf - . -Ji-'.v -'v.; these gems and offer them at prices tkai - - - , r should make them all sell in a' very few days.-,'. . " , -." ' ' , , - . WE OFFER: -One lot of -41 gems at 50 cents each. One lot of 40 gems at 60; cents each. One lot of 169 genxs at 75 cents each. , One lot of 40 gems at $1.00 each. - , One lot of .32 gems at JL25 each. Sold. - .- - ... .' ; i s ' '. . ' -is r One lot of 5 gems at $1.50 each. - " L" ', :. : -V-" .'fl' f-, One lot of 3. gems at $2.00 each. ' :? , One lot of 5 gems at $2.50 each- Sold. ; One lot of, 3 gems at $44 each. t .v . i . 1 w Ons ftn for $6.00. , ' - r ARTHUR 1L. FIELD, - ; ' t' LEADING JBWELE2. Churoh Street 'and1 fatten: avenue, Asis- "" ' TiUs, N. C ' . '. - - " '' t . -' .t' i. I 4 . 1 V 4t ' , . .. .

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