-;;fesf' fHE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE, FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY' 28, 1898. Western! Carolina COUNTERFEITER CAPTURED AT SALISBURY Three youS white men -whom the police t Tna.toa 'Hern-don, a negro,,, Jted in . Ring ' have diligently sought for several weeks, ,dam, nar Linooloflon, last Thursday of hy- t last behind thebars, says tne wm- . r-'-'.-rtlle Register, and on tomorrow two 01 ' -" - them will go -before United States, Commis ' j ' . loser' C. T.Barksdale for examination on ihe charge of .Issuing counterfeit coin. Eu , gene 'Mills, one 'of, the menTwas first ar-. ' '.rested over aweek ago, and now stands y-.V.-,,'-; indicted for circulating counterfeit , money. Over a -month ago' the community was - tgitated over, the presence of counterfeiit- A , era who worked off sevexal spunou3 iu . - old- pieces ;'on saloon keepers and others. - A brief account ' of the matter wasNpuo ' lished at the time, "but, on the request of ' ' V the authorities, further developments were with held - from : puibiication.' , .. , - : , r , ' ' . After the 'man Mills had once been cap tured and -released, " immediately on the ' ' 1 discovery of the counterfeiters" presence in "the city, and subsequent developments led ;.- t0 the belief that a blunder had been made , In .discharging the prisoner, active exer- ' tiQns iwere ait once. .made-to, effect.. his, re J' capture. Finally, information came that Mills was at Salisburyr Officer Hutson, , - who, with' the chief of police, seem to have fteen most determined in .their purpose to - fcag the counterfeiters, left for Salisbury n Sunday night, January 16. Arriving ir . the little North Carolina city .he learned ' ' ' that Mills had been there but had left. A due was followed by the Danville officer two miles into the country, where Miljs .-.-was found at the home of a preacher. He vas arrested and brought back to Salis ' - tury before midnight. ;; : . ' . KILLED W A MINE. Just as the light of day was fading into gloomy shadows around the Isenhour iruiiie- . tat-Friday evening a shriek, "iLord, havt ' mercy," from, a shaft went up above. Ii rfi.ij, v 3 terrible. In an Instant "Lewis Teck, an (x.ploye of 'tbiis mine, and a eon of Mi. jliawson 'Peick, a leadung citizen of as.ein v Cafcarrus, was dead. A lower and upp - " liorib was wrenched from his body by tht cruel machinery. News of Lbl3 awful death -was quickly borne to the father and mo.h 1 i r some six mJles away. From the sup-r i ' ; tabte the father rose to answer the call of : eome one "Your son "Lewis was killed this v evening" buirned its way to a pitteous ; qarOther' heart while uhe yet-sait at the table. "Oh, my "son! My wayward son!" " he moaned. Grcans, sobs' and prayers arose on the evening aiT.' But soon' she - - fully realized that her son was dead. Cries 1 save place to shrieks that were pitiful to bear. -.A moment later the terrible realizi . - 'tfion can-e to the father. Then it was that z1. tSa voice couCd'be heard' 'in pleadings for i the ' welfare of bis son's soul. Long dud he plead, !bu-t life had fled. Deaith had s.oire ii- : eiid fou-nd the son, young in years, unpre- pared. For -tihe past- three months he had not crossed the 'fchresliold of his once -fond r ' tome. Sfcill a. mother's love for her son ' Imrned "therein as brightly as ever. . The . cm must new return, 'but not as he ihd - " ' ever returned before. What a sad one this s'x " last meeting must be. Carolina'. Watoh- : i,- man.- BLOCKADERSUT TO FLIGHT. The citizens of the Bost Mill neighbor hood, Tin southeastern Cabarrus were sur prised the other day when they discovere.I the fact that a blockade still. had been op erated in their very midst for several months. Near Bost's Mill on the No. 10 side of the river is the home of Mr. John Joyner. He lives In an isolated section and all around him are deep and sheltered ra vines, ail covered in heavy- virgin forest. Mr. Joyner is too old to be out much, hence the blockaders were safe from discovery 60- far as he was concerned. In one of these ravines a distillery was found the ther day. It. had been operated.- for sev eral months and gave evidence that it had been there since last fall. The capacity of , the-etill was enough to supply the whole county and it seemed that the place had been' kept pretty busy. A party of hunters happened to find the place' but ' no one was present, at the still. The 'hunters reported the ma'tber and Mr. Tom Bost went to the place and tore tho distillery down and demolished the whole thing. Just who the thing belongs to is 6 matter Mr. rBost and others would like -to know. . i - . . , . BURKE. , Several car? loads of cattle have been Chipped- from Morgan ton recently- The aippointmen't of D. C. Pearson, as postmaster alt tMorganton has 'been con firmed. . . .. . Qhe , Farmers (Friend says: iBurglnars made an effort to break Into the store of T. IA. Seals at Brtdgewater a few .nighis ajgo, but were unsuocessful. There , were two locks on the door and one was broken. The other lock Ixaffled their 1 skill and they flef t wichout any ibooty. , OLD FORT SHOE FACTORY. The Old Fort correspondence of the Ma rriott "Messenger says : The . shoe .factory of . .which I wrote some weeks-ago, is mow an " assured fact as itflie" proprietor and owner, v. Mr J. J. Allred, .ha erected on the lot eouith and net , below tihe store of Mr. H. '. A. ,Western:an, a neat and comimodio'us v teel-roof building in .--which to begin the ,v work : of manufacturing shoes. The start" .wfll be on a moderate scale. . r ' TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY r 1 - Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AL druggists refund the money if it fails tr . cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. '' on each tsblt. . - Wholesale and mes Phone 72. c n 1 1 W: . J ' " -5 if t t ' : N e w. LINCOLN. August. , - " - i ' Ux train on the Carolina Central 4 was roiK-e'd near-Iron station a few di'ighs; ago, and t'he -ul.toaund C. & 'N. W train was lired ? inio near Lincoln ten 'the .niht - be, tore the .other occurred; , - h CALDWELL. ' - ' Measles, has . broken out' in ithe cotton iaotory at Granite Falls. . - T f i he GTanite xalis cotton factory -is' ruo-1 inlji'g a lull -iorce 01 hands nught and day J.,iM. c therri4! of 'i.ower 'Creek, h&&' been appointed posljmaster. 'at Paot&nsom. ' f i IREDELL. r liimes-Ddercury: , I I'he Fe'oruary term vof Iredell superior .curt' wull begm- on- 'ilonday, Jtebruaajr 7,v uudge Aijdver will preside. . i jJo.sn-c.ii elders are domg miisiomaryi work dfound Siatesviide. : : v-1 Just try a box of Cascarets, the finest iver and bowel regulator ever made. At 'elb&m's Pharmacy. ' ' t SEVERAL TOWNS. 1 A great qantity of -granite is now being Snipped from 'Kowan, county. " i - ' iRev. Thomas Neeham, the evangelist, vaa pTeseated a purse of $125 for hid ser vices at icatesvilie. . i The orphan's home at Barium Springs) aow has ninetiy-five Unmates, more than ev 2T -before in its history. S The Vil'kesboro Chronicle says George ohnson's fiif teen-years-old boy out on the iruisihies last week shot and killed a arge wild 'turkey gobbler weighing fif teen rounds. I . . . ; : The Salisbury -World says tie Southern aJlway shops at Spe-wcer are to be ccn siderably enlarged. It Is rumored that the outhern railway wiOI gairf control of the C. F. & Y. V. railway. . i- A'coorffimg to the Herald, Clerk of the ouift Patton of Burke county, ki'Md'a four 'een-iroabs-old hog one day last: week 'hat weighed 611 pounds. Clerk of the Jourt Brakley, of tMs countfy, on Monday killed, one t-h'irtee'n-m'ont'hs-old hog that weighed -923 pounds, net, says the Linecdn Journal. Basteimi Oaibarrus miiht well -be termed the "Klondike" of central 'North Carolina, .vrites a corresFonde'nt to the Carolina Watchman. The 'Lsenhour and Honeycuit minesare showing -up some fine ore. i There ire about 100 hands enurloyed at the for mer and a dozen at the lazier.-. Gold is al so found in other spots in thus section. Don't Tobaccii cjx; auj jsmoke "Sour Life Avay . It" yoa ant to quifc tobacco usiu easil in J forever, Deniade well, strong, magnetic u!i. of new life inid vigor, take jno-To-B;ic .he wonder-worker, inat makes weak mei r.rong. Many gain tn pounds in tenlays 3ver 400,000 cared. Buy No-To-Bao of you irucrglsu, under guarantee to cure, 50o o 51 .f,0. - Booklet and sample mailed free. Al JtevLng Kemeuy tJo..j lti.crr or Mevv York Pelham's- Pharmacy. Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge, O.J says: "After two doctors gave up my boy to die, I saved him from croup by . using One Minute Cough Cure." It is the quickest and most certain remedy for coughs, colds and all .throat and lung troubles. C. A. Raysor. "Moments are useless if trifled ta way,' and they are dangerously wasted if con sumed by delay in cases where a "want ad" inserted In the Gazette will bring you what you want Immediately. v . Thin Blood I (IS to ft ft ft 1 1 m ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft . TO juwjVw U1C 1(5 iff intense red grows thin and jjj watery, as in anemia, there is g a constant feelin? of cxhaus- w Scott's Emulsion I of Cod-liver Oil with Hvoo- S ft 15 ptiosphites of Lime and Soda to is peculiarly adapted to Correct this condition. The cod-liver j , oil, emulsified to &n exquisite j flj fineness, enters the blood direct: $ and feeds its every corpuscle, S fa WcfYv$nvfti i j-t4 35 to tormgr the natural COlor and $ jjj giving Vitality to the Whole W & System, TheJiypOphoSphiteS S . reach the. feraiA and nerve, f centres and add their strength- w m eningr and ; henefidal S If the roses have- left vour" J8 & cheeks if vmi nw r.rwJ- - cneeKs, it you are growing w w iiun ana exnausiea irom over-: work, or if age is beginning $ fa to t to to to 0. to tell, ; use SCJO l l'S limul- $ sion 't - ' j' . - Be sureyou get SCOTT'S Emulsion. W 'All druggists; 50c" and $i.oo. - '' SCOTT & BOWNE..Chemists. New York. -K 0 ticm, a lack OI energy Vitality K tlon-al bank would necessarily be made va kuv,ucprcacu : w result; names ; are being suggested as his lin&ailipio i Rbtjul Dealeks in Fine Imported and Domestic '"S ;., . . - - v . j.; r -'Vf Liq LI F.S 43;Soutji;Ma : j - P. A. A1A RQUARDT, Mannger. Woman Friend The . Great Abdidne ihat .dives v "'s Nerve f Strength .. ' ' Hood 'si 33 Blood Rich nrztf Pt:rs, Creates an Appetite and .Restores. HeaSth, Vigor and VItr.!t ty; : " "I feel thai I cUjbt to write a words in praiao -o Hood's : Caisaparilia, which has done gi'eat -things for me I, was in a delicalo cozudition trsd raa sick af iny storaacli az-iiVcc-aatipstcil. I tried remedies hij-l; r:; 1. fir i2zr.r.Io weakness;::, 11 ; r',.."!tlii3 brouglit cm other troubled vl rr.o go weak I coald not attend tc rsy household duties, and Ithen'dctcrjnia-oJ 'io.'ryood's Sar sarariiIa After I had tcl:en this medicine a snort tiiac I Ijcaza to a:a strength. I until I ra3 able1 to "rrorli all day without any incoETCnlenee. . I liave taken Hood's Pilia for constipJition," and I am better to day than, I h2.vo bscn for five years. Since taking Hood's Gar3aparilla and Hood's Pill3 I feel rested in the morning, I am lesa nervous and am sure I' have richer' and purer blood- I have always been bothered with scrofula, but now I am rid of ii. Be!oromy last chijdwas born i took Hood's Sar3aparilla, and my girl baby was fat and strong, while my other child we s not well and lived to be only two y old." ME3. E, F. DbaIj, Box 419, Hi jeiouri Valley, Iowa. ; 8 5 Sarsa- Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purifier. H rkH . a : O! 1 1 are pure,y vegetable, c:it SilUUU a a, l fully prepared. 25 ceuta. JUDGE EWARTS SUCCESSOR Morte Candidates Col. Lusk Prom inently Mentioned Who will be Judge Bwart's successor is the question uppermost Just now. Since Lhe Gazette announced Judge Ewart's ap- pointment almost every hour brings forth a 'new candidate for his place. Perhaps every county in the disitrict has one or more talented men who (would be glad to wear the judicial erniine. - Hendersonville, Judge Ewart's home, furnishes two candidates as will appear from ithe following extract from lhe Times: "The vacancy caused by the ap'pjiiiitment of Judge E wart to the federal bench wld make a contest among aspirants to the po sition of criminal .circuit judge now filled by him. As usual Buncombe county hat a large list of candidates. Henderson couMy republicans think the vacancy should be filled by a man from her borders as it is to fill out a term of one of ' her citizens. H. S. .Anderson and O. V. F. Blythe, Esqs., are oandidaites. ' It is conceded by. some that Col. V. S. Lusk will have -the inside track provided he wants the place, and a statement from him on the subject would be gladly re-j ceived by the several candidates. Col. Lusk -was seen in his office in the First National bank yesterday by a Gazozte rep resentative. The Colonel was apparently in a good humor and talked freely about the contest which resulted in his defeat. He was disappointed in failing to geit the appointme-nit and claimed that he was not responsible for his early birth. "My friends," said he, "were true to me throughout the battle and many whom I did not think my friends by their .conduct proved that I was mistaken." After a detailed account of the contest Col. Lusk was asked if he would apply for the criminal court judgeship to which in quiry he replied thait-at present he had nothing to say as Judge Ewart had not yet been confirmed and for that reason any expression from him now would 'be. prema ture. The Colonel said that on his trip to Washing-ton be did not get as much as a bad cold. When asked Ur he thought T5 wart would' be 'confirmed. -"he answered, "Yes," but that it was rumored that Doug las and' Mott would oppose him. Should Colonel Lusk toe appointed judge his Dosi.tion as receiver of the Piirst Na- successor, among whom axe Fred Hull, H. C. Hunt; Lamar -Gudger land others,: who would like to .have the soft snap of the receivership At "tie rnddest, salary f $1,200 a year. . . - v - The many advoca'tes of Judge E: D. Car- ter are conawenit or nis success, .out are not relentIns lri gorts la hia behaK' rheumatism cured in a day. i "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu- ralgia radically cuTes in 1 to 3 days Its aetibn upon "the system is remarkable and mySteri0B. It removes at once the cause a.nd the disease Immediately disappears. The flret d,ose Sre beneflUL 75-cents. a- A Ray8or' Drugslgt' Asheviile' j milk wanted.; spare, can materially' aid the hospital -by - fcelephon- Ins their wlllingmess to give . some. - The miatron wm KnA a boy !bucke,t for .the 'milk each day givem. - ' as long as It. can be tf ! Prosperity ; comes luckies t to , the ; man whose, liver is In good condition. a DeWitt's ''Little tearly Risers are famous little pills or constipation, bilousness,. indigestion ' and all stomache and liver, troubles. C. A. r Raysor.' , , ' , s , ' ' - - nil Li UJ? INCORPORATED and'Ol aLES . 1 :Wherfe tbey seU. "GobdsV not ?TKe .mw - t - ii n i icmei Where they make a specialty' of first-class whiskey and ' : ; - - wines.'and defy 'competition in either qiialityt or price. ' - And T still claim toltmve th Jarirrtr stock of first-clasM goods of. any huse in th State, it i)iisetHs for riit to trv t name the iliffm-pnt br-mds o( goo U .I.kp in stock. A visit to mv place will conVim e ;u tnt I hath dnl.v firs -elss liquor hqse in' the State. ji , lWr;b'ttled.fteKli' vxery d iy ahl-deiiyereJ to any. part of :fhe city. Orders from a distance -joliciteL Boxinp aiid packing fr e. ;,- " , , ' - lv , . : v Phone 139. P. 0.; Box 372 , v : ,56 and 58 South Main Street. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE. Under arid by virtue of the power of sale in a deed of trut executed to the under signed, as trustee, by - A. ' B. Sheppard and wife Pi 'M. S'heppiard and :L. F. SEeppard and wife L. E. Sheppard, di ted the 1st day pf May . 1896, and registered on the 3rd day of May 1896, on pages . 20 et seq. of book No. '41 of mortgages and deeds of trust, in the office of the Register of-deed& of Buncombe county, North Carolina, de fault having been made in the payment of the moneys secured 'by said d.e1 in ttrust, as- well - as in other provisions contained in said deed Of trust, upon the application of the .persons entitled to the money secured to be paid by said deed in trusty the under signed will sell for cash at "public outcry; at Hie court house door to the Oily of Asheville, County of Buncombe and State of North ' Carolina, to the higbest b dder, on Saturday the 12th day of February A. D. 1S)8, the property conveyed im -sald deed ol trusts and which is described . therein as follows: "AM tho-se certain pieces parcels and tracts of land lying and being in the county aforesaid,' in Frtn h Broad -Tq wnship. on - the east side of the Frencn Broad river, and being designated .as lous No. eight (8), nine (9), and ten (10), on the east side of the river in- the survey of the lands of the latetA. M. Alexander, and In the record of a special, proceeding now pending in the Superior court of s-a d coun ty 'entitled Nannie J. Alexander and others, ex parte. , LOT . No. 8, beginning on. a post oak, Coleman's corner, runs S. 40 degrees 30 min. W., 75 poles to a stake: ,th nee S. 3;deg, 15 min. W. 13.72 to fs to. a white oak' near and on the north side of the old SaIem road; thence S. 29 dcg. 30 trr'n. E. 14, poles to a stake, two blck pie poin ters: thence S. 30 deg. 30 min. E. 20 poles to!a stake, white oak-pointers; thence S. 31 deg. E". 18 poles to a stake in the north side ,of an old road on top of the ridge, black pine pointers; tbence S. 3' deg. 45 min. E. 21 poles to a stake, white oak pointers; thence S.-38 deg. E. 7.2S poles to the walnut corner; thence N. 38 deg. E. 7.60 poles to a stake, black pine poin ter thence N. 28 deg. E. 21 pclrs to stake on bank of old road, black pine poin ters; thence N. 11 deg. E. 10 poies to a stake on road, black oak pointer; ;hence N. deg. E 8.88 poles to a"b'a pine; thenea N. 55 deg. 30- min. E. 12 p-les :o-a' black ine; thence N, 38 deg. 30 imin. E. 14 poles to a black pine; thence N.-76. deg. E, 12,16 ffdles -to a black pine, when the line leaves cue ro-aa; inence in. oi aeg. i pniea 10 a stake,: corner white oak and STtall wh't" pine pointers; tience N. 34 deg 30 min. W 76.36 poles to a stake. Spanish oak and white pine pointers; tben-ce N. 31 deg. 30 min. W, 12.80 joles to the beginning, con taining by calculation 41.48 acres. 1 LOT No-. 9,beglnning on a walnut- on ian old road on top of tfce ridge, corner of lots 8 and 10 and runs N". 38 deg. E. 60 poles' to a stake, black pine pointers, thence N. 28 deg. E. 21 po'es to a stake on bank - of road, ' black pine po'n-tws; thenceN. 11 deg. E. 0 po'es to a stake, black"' oak pointer; thence N. 23 deg. E. 8.88 poles to a black pine: thence N. 55 deg. .30 min. E. 12 pol-?s 'to a black pine; thence N. 38 deg. 30 min. E. 14 ples to a 'black pine; thence N. 76 deg. E. 12.16 polej to a black pine," when the line leaves the old road; thence N. 81 deg. E. 7 poles to a stake, white oak and small white pine point tepar thence. S. 38 deg. E. 14.80 io-es to a stakOj Coleahan's .corner; thence E. 22.56 jRles ' to a stake, black pine pointers; thence S. 3 -deg. W. 45.68 poles to a stake black . pine pointers; . thgnce S. 6 deg. 15 min. W, 16.56 poles to a, stake, blark pine pointer; thence S. 1 deg. W. 15.40 poles to. a stake, black pine pointer; thence S. 3 deg. W. 20.84 po'es to a dogwood, Mingo Weaver's corner;.. thence west 24.68 poles to Weaver and Peter's hickory corner; thence N. 45 deg. W, 33.64 poles to a blabk oak; Sam" Peter's i. corner thence N. 60 deg. W. 42.76 poles to the beginning, containing by calculation 40.41 acres. ' Lot No. 10: Beginning on a walnut cor ner of lots 8 and 9, and runs N. 38 deg. W' 7.28 poles to a stake,-wMte oak point ers ; thence N. 31 degj 45 min. W. 21 poles to a stake; black pine pointer; thence N. 31, -deg. W. 18 poles to a stake, white oak pointer; thence N. 30 deg. 30 min. W. 20. poles to a stake,: black -pine pointer; thence N. 29 deg. 30 min. W. 14-poles to a . white oa,K on me norm sine ox.tne ota saiem road; thence Twi-th the branch -S. 47 deg. 30: min. W; 26 poles to a stake in the ford of- the 'branch, small! dogwood pointers; thence 3. 23 deg. W. 20 poles" to a stake in the braach; two walnuts ma ked as pointT- ers, thence S. 49 deg. W. 18 poles to a stake, white oak poin'cers; the rise S. 56 deg. W. 20 poles to' a stake above a large ledge of .rook," black pine- and black oak poinrers; thence S. 54 deg. W. 17 poles to a stake on the river at the mouth of the branch, thence up the river S.21 ; deg. E. 37 poles to an. iron wood' on bank of .river;' thence S. 9 deg. 30 min. E. 29 pcles to a syca more on the bank of tihe 'river ; thence S. 2 deg. W. 48.28 poles to a bunch of wh;te thorns, . one rod sou th of the' mouth of Reetm's creek; then-ce up the creek 'on the south side S."58 deg. 45 min. E. 67 .poles to a spruce pine 1 in the bend of the - c: eek , thence N. 71 deg. 30 min. E. 18 poes to a, oucumiber; tience If.' 46 deg.-E. 16.60 poles toa butternut or white v wilrut ; thence N.' 12 deg.' E,J8 poles to'an ash near - the creek ; and ippos: te ? Sa m Pet', r's spril-ce pine corner; thence crossing the creek "N. -38 . deg. 30 min. W. 4.60 poles to said spruce pine . corner; .thence N. 44 poles to a' stake4 in , the old mill road; I thence with said road, and Peter's line N. 20 deg. 30 min. E. 6 poles to a stake, black pine and white pine. corners? thence N.' ll deg; IS minV W.. 10.32 poles to stake black pine pointer; . thence N. v43 deg. 30. min. -w.:i3 poles to a white oak on -the bank: of 'the roadr thence N. 22 deg. 30 min: W. 5.36 poles to a stake: N. 3 deg. W- 16 po'es to a black "cak; thence N. 17 deg. -E 21.24 poles to "the begincing, containing by calculatiro ;98.'i5'acres.f - - ine tn iar ? of-. Janitiarv. A. Ti.. 1898.- j -.-j-.fi; . T, S. MOaRISONj: -; , -- Trustee. E GUR "you get" what you want Whetl yoa -ask for JTrWIfi Am l,a--...CTveqaallea in Men t:.Snles; Giires; lherc s na sabstitnte nV.KOOD'S," Try our peanut brittle made fresh every day.r-The Alcazar, 82 Patton avenue. and THE WHITE m-AN'S BAR.L iNews and Opinion OF National Importance THE SON ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. Uailyy by mail' - - $6 a yeai Daily & Sunday by mail, $8 a yar. : Sunday 's the greatest Sunday Newspa per in the wot Id. ' Price 5c a copy; By mail, $2 a year HENDERSONVILLE ASD BREVARD R. R. T. J. RICK'MAN, Manager. In Effect Sunday, Dec. 5, 1897. (Standard Eastern Time.) NO. 2, Daily Stations. NO. I. Daily 4.10 pm Lv ... Henderson vi le.. Ar 12 30 pm 4.40 pm Lv ...Horse Shoe... Ar 12.10 pm 4.45 pm Lv Cannon Ar 1 1..5 am 4.53 pm Lv ... Money Ar 11.47 am 5.03 pm. Lv ...Fodderstack... Ar 11.37 am 5.13 pm Lv Penrose..... Ar 11.27 am 5.25 pm Lv .Davidson River. Ar 11 15 am 5.40 pm Ar Brevard Lv 11.00 am T. S. BOSWELL, Supt The Smith Premiej Tpyewriter is endorsed by the IT. S government. What more do you want, the earth? If you know anything at all about it, you know it's the best. L. B. ALEXANDER, At , 50 Walton Ave. Ball & Sheppard. - 6 Patton. Ave. Practical Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters. REPAIR WUhK A SPECIA LT1 Done od bort Notice. i PHONE 88. " Swapping Dollars." I - - v Being so often accused of the above we are led to believe that we are selling goods daily fpr less money than others are willing to take for them. J Now we do not mind such crlti- cisms. Really they are our best advertisements Three oars. Flour and Feed . this" week with another 1 arrival Monday. - ; -. - Come right along for -while the dollar swapping goes: on . we save you money. , ' , i j t; ; H. C. J0HNS0K CO., , 36 & 38 North Main It Is Belter to Have Loved And Lost ittban never to . have loved 'at all." ' It ' is better, a good deal, for' . the confectioner and for the; florigt. Flea&in-g the woman ' jou love is the d-esire of every man in love, ajid taking her a box of our dainty marsh mallows, delicious nut and. cream -oho.o-lates, is- the "best way to foe sure of doing' it. ' , I." tF . f ii c Asheville Candy Kitchen, ' - 'a - i -Tr f -"1 " L. M." THEOBOLDProp. . " ( ' ' .x , PHONE 110. , ; ' Sun : i:sS12-3000 BIOYOLKS; - must fioped "out- at one. - 8tndard 97 Mode's, nar-ante-d, $14 to S0I V'W Mfefs C I J Vo ?20' 2r.d hand s whfplp $5 to 15, Chipped lo Auy One on - approval ; w it h lit ; d vfl tce on w.t; , Great: fact or v rclt-R ri ti ir- fa le. EiM?N !A BK TCLK i'&2tm j "vrtr ajfpin in. eacn mwn f tinx l Wit ol a sample wiit-eJ toiD troauce tnem. write T. S. Mead "XabeJs" is; louse. Finishing For Amateur Photographs. ' We make a specialty of JeeIoping and; finishing' for amateurs. We are well pre pared for doing it, have two workmen with nothing to do but make .good pictures. It's not a side issue with us, bv. t a business in .'itseUf. - We work quickly end well. Make films a study and know how to get the best possible results. We sell every thing needed by a camera, or by an ama teur. ' V" , Pictures of Buildings, Groups and Inte riors made on short notice. Views of Biltmore and local scenery for sale. - Oamerasi to rent and for sale. Picture .frames at reasonable prices. Oil paints, water colors and artists' sup plies. Kay's Book Store, ; - 8 Northi Court Squme TTIie v:Hazet(e. ASHEVILLE; N. C. WaLVSgAfJTED. We . will pay . $15.00 each for two or three wolves and $10.00 each for two or three Canadian1 lynx, the big, tuft-eared, light colored cat, not the ordinary wild cat When you get one remove entrails imme diately, stuff some dry hay or straw Into the body and ship at once, by express, to State Museum, Raleigh, N. C., and money will be sent you by return mail. H. H. BRIMLEY, I ' Curator, State Museum, by i elvivg pdvrtije usMV will give at once for -our, special oiler, ' D I ' " Q i 1 . ' if .. . . ' ... ; in '""IJIfjl Cycle Co., V7abaEh Aye;Chlaso,kaii:-

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