THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE, SATURDAY-MORNING, JANUARY 29, 1898. Western Carolina .THE SAPPHIRE ROAD. We are reliably 4nformea that the nev -oad to Toxaway-iad SappMre ta n -cored fact. Sufficient stock has been sub ; ; ibed In Brevard and , aJong th line ; to i warrant the (building of the road, and it is "mflprstood that work on it will begin at - ace. ' - - - - - - The r:u te is ho!; yet, establishedbut'. there ft talk of utilizing the lime gaps and thus gTvlng tourists the benefit of the beautiful eenery which lies contiguous to the river T&Uef, and I crossing the ; North Fork of French ; Broad river, near,G. H. Moore's. This would be an ideal route with eksp (fades, low gaps end -would take in much enerr which tourists up the valley never cnapect has am existence. : . j'-- "'''' - personally the i News? favors this, route, thougha; surveytfyt Come other cant be built cheaper. We are " fcformed that" the 'Surrey wia ba immedi ately begum, and it is expected that the oad will ibe completed ready for the sum- . aaer travel. .'. . ' ..The action, of Brevard people -in-. this natter is commendable. We could not af ford to -allow the Toxaway company to cpen conneotron. w-ith Walhalla and trans- - ter their railway! connection to that point. 11 With the" influence that the company have to, New York and other money centres. Otis town would be standing In its owr tight if it did not lend a helping hand to Bake Brevard their outlet., ; Our ibeaut'fu! Talley, with its rich farming and garden ing lands, will become better known t moneyed men as the terminus of the rail- ' road to Sapphire than .amy publicity . in reach "of Its' own Citizens, and no matter low much we may regret that the company ; dd not locate adjacent- to BrevaTd, wr amnot afford to antagonize what canno'. ow be mended. Let's give them a hei-p-bg hand, and if we cannot sit down at th . taible amd' get the entire bill of fare, wi can at least get the "crumbs which fal1 CTOm ue:Tica mail a i.u.c. as uau fcaf is better than no bread," it is wis- to. Brevard to extend a hand for even' the C&fnbs. Sylvan Valley News. . iJ POUC COUNTY STOCK LAW. . Monday, February 6, la the time at which e stock law goes into effect in Polk j jaunty. Henderson coutnty wEl have voted CSS the question by the time Jhis issue ap pears, the election occuTring on Tuesday, January' 25. 'Rutherford county will vote the ques tion Tuesday, February 1. . (Last week two or three of the opponents ,"-: the stook 'law appeared at the - clerk's office .for the purpose of .matoing the proper gapers "for, the obtaining of ' an injun-etVo-n Sut U'he ' county commisaloners put ini lLeJliaw tnto effect, nihey failed, however, 5 & furnish the proper "bondsj and the mat ter, was -dropped. . jWe und-erstand that they based their od - Action On the' illegal calling of the elec xioai,. claiming the petition did not have a sufficient muimiber of signatures. As to , this" Icest'ion' we do not know the 'tacts. We learn,' however, 'from those ; Who have had caseation to- look up the law upon a similar i iaesticKi, that the law recbgndzes the ex pression ! of the 'will - of uhe --people -even Cmulgh the. preliminary steps be somewhat fijegal.- If it could !be -proven that owing to aa ilkaM method of calling the election last (August, the vote at 'Jhait fcfcne Was no t -Che law vmight be set aside. We believe - fcoweverV that the people "did express their -- lEiihrand the law should "and vr.ll stand. iloreovef,' Should an'njuntstion -ba eervftf -t0'! would only meam expense to the county, foriasnother' ejection would doubtless : soon fee; called; for, and there would' be the in cipient expenses. 'And even should the ob factors' sv stain, their point and" carry the fiSond-' election; - then; if Hehderaon : and Eutherford , vote stock law, Polk county wovpM, according to' the recen t ' decision, -. tiefore referred to, iave . f ctaoei'" to build -casting sererai thousand do-Hars. - JNo, gentlemen, dp not let sttpposed pri vate - interests "tot-erfere w-Bilh the ; public ftfod and the expreiiscd wieih of the -people. .H you deem the action for bhe publi; good b.n l-rtk, at the ouestiom earduPy. and see Cf Tou are not mistaken in your fdeas, and; the ipeople are right. Polk Co'jnt.y -News. TO CTJRE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Al druggists refund the money if it fails t cnlre. : 25c. :' The genuine has L. B. Q. oi - each 'tablet. r - - . - GRAPEVINE. ' Grape Vina, -"N. C, Jan. 23 Jonah Ham ey, a fprominefnt yoking -citizen of this -county, died Wednesday after a lingering The lumber ; comtpany at the -mouth of Icaurol creek is v doinig an extensive busi ness. This company has -every necessary equipment" for , the ktging "bufines3 and is hipping sawed lumber, in "great quantities north. , ., , . The - people of . this county are well pleased; with the appointment of John Jar-'- reit who succeeds -Sheriff Ramsey as sheriff. Th newt? appointee-, has jBled hs lad an-d taken charge of the office.' The retlfing sheriff will be the keeper of the :. mi. ' Baxter -Shelton is still at large and hi3 sw&iereajbouts is nc. known. . ' r CPUFRjl TniAMC; ... : - - A scaffold on which a number of brick layers were at work collapsed In Charlotte Wednesday afternoon and four of them : 'ivb tinmen jLtiiw sevetsiy, j . "WaltE Miller, rn-'orfl -arhn vni , ti. , Carson, also co ored, in Mecklenburg coun- ty tn lS6,twas arrested in Salisbury, last .week and Is now dn Charlotte Jail.' Mil Ier. has been at large since the murder. , Whol-esale and 43 South Phone 72. ; Wi New In addition to the two Mormon elders who are -camvasslaig Statesville,"; there arc two others in the coun ty, say3 the Land mark.51 They 1 hoive operated quite ' exJien sively In the ShLIoh country; but' have re cently le-t there. , . . . V r A 'correspondent ' of the Lexington Dis patch ays -Mr. Ed MoCarty while hunting in the neighborhood bf Jackson . Hill, Da vidson county,' was shot through the, hand by , the accidental discharge of. his 'gun. His hand was so badly, mangled, that am putation was necessary. ' 1 " -v There will (be an educational mass -meeting at Cullowhee high schcol Saturday i' January 29, 1S98; at 10 a. m.; for the pur cse of criganizing en Biucat.'oniil assccia iion for Jacksom county, rn aosordance wjCh. &a' order of the. board of education. -Webster HeTald. -, , 1 " ; C - - - 1 1 ' ' - Americus Luker, the "boy .from Way back," and Miss ; Amanda Fowler, whose mother lives near Nicholson's , mill, were married-at the -residence of Larkin MoGa ha;Monday afternoon. SqaiireE, T. Hem-' 3in-g pronounced the magic words. Sylvan Valley News. . . rJ -The Lexington Dispatch says An Davids 30n coumty, Wednesday of last week, Mr. David H. Tysinger, who was subject to epi leptic fitsC -was -attacked by one ;and while 'n that coddi tion his clothing caught on Ire and his lower limbs from his body to his feety 'were .burned to a solid crisp. He died the following Friday. . r i .-V."., "The Brevard Banking company are rap 'dly completing arpan-gements to open for b-usimess about February 1 says the Syl van Valley News. The fixtures are being .apddly put" in position athe building oc cupied by N. 'McMinn's. drug store, and al though I not as - expensive or:, commodious :s. the corner , occupied by the Bank of Brevard, will doubtless -satisfy both de positors .and borrowers until the , town tows and the demands of business ' are fore exacting. The bank is assured and he business men are encouraged. Just ' try a box, of Cascanets. ; the .fines vr a nd howef regulator ever made. At Pelham's Pharmacy. i THE SCHOOL AT GRAPE VINE iW. R. Sams, of -"Madison county, was in the 9ity yesterday "with toba-ccond cat tle for sale, and fouad. good- sales for both on the Ashevi'lle market. OJr. Sam gives a very favorable account of the -progress of the school at Grape Vine, whi;?h nov h s an enrollirent of 0Q scholars and kn aver age attendance of So pupils. 'Many of the students of this flourishing institution are from East Tennessee:, and, various parts of NorSh.Cfolina.. ,:' MR. BURDICK'S LECTURE, An Earnest Temperance Appeal at th Baptist Church Mr. W. T. Bundick,' inhis lecture last night,, fully sustained his reputation as an orator of extrabrdinary qualiffoations Mr. Bundick took the ground that no argu ment is necessary; to prove-that the "rum traffic" 13 a curse; that theoretically all men are temperance men, even- to the sa loon keeper himself.' He does not want his son to be a drunkard or his wife to become the wife of a drunkard, neither will he em-; ploy a drunken clerk, nor does he employ an intoxicated-lawyer to attends to , his business. Mr. Bun-dick averred that the same-is true of . all men everywhere and holds good, not. only In the departments of business, but in. the affairs of state and na tion as well; but practically the balance of influence and power is on the jside of the "archfiend," who slays his army of vic tims of one hundred j thousand strong each year. ' ' , Mr. Bundick expressed only pity for the drunkard who -impersonates "the wreck and ruin of God's nobles EVork,' nor -did he unduly censure the dealer, but forcefully demonstrated the fact that the trouble a rises from legalizing this" "modern Mo-' loch,'rand earnestly appeals, to Saw-makers ind voters to draw the line upon the side of the right. Figures showing the rayages of runi Were quoted from statisticians follow ed by a resume of many of the sorrows that break' the hearts of the innocent and drive haple-ss victims to despair and death. : In conclusion Mr. Bundick made a sol emn appeal to the women of the' audience to rise to a sense of their responsibility as mothers and refuse to offer, the cup of poison to other mother's sons; ' ' ' " j Mr. Bundicksaid that twenty-five years ago he was a victim, enchained, And was loosed "by th epower of God," in gratitude for which -he had determined to spend the remainder of his life fighting this mighty enemy of souls. Mr. Bundick leaves this morning for Atlanta. . i - " ENTRE-NOUS CLUB Election of Officers and New Members . . , Received. - ' , The Entre-Nous club was charmingly en tertained last evening by Mis3 Sawyer, Haywood street. - , . In the absence of the president and vice president, the secretary, Mr. 7 James .,A, Gwyn, presided at the business meeting. Three new members were received. Miss Janle Cartmell,; Miss' Cora Dickson and Miss Bertha Mason. , These - three young ladies "bring the membership -up to 'the maximum number therefore no more mem bers will be admitted unles a vacancy oc curs. ' ! - An election of officers :wras held with the following result:- l ' " . - Presiden t Mr. A. S. Barnard." "' " ' Vice-president MiS3 Jeanne Brown. -t' Secretary Mr. W. Edwin . Davidson. TreasureT.Miss Gene Smith. . ,v Executive . committee Miss - Jessie Mer- Wine and Liquor Co Retail Disalters-in Fine Imported and Domestic 'Maiii St.,; Asheville, rlSTifO- : ? ;;; . ".'If .:Ar' 1A B-QUA:RPT;,.ahag6r When you take noodts PIIls.r :Thti big, oM-fash-loned, sugar-coated pills, which tear-you all to pieces, are not in It with Hood's. lasy to iaka JL and easy to operate, is true ; f ox Hood's Pills, which are I 5 up to date in every respect Safe r certain and sure. All ' drnggists. 2!5c C. K-nood & Co., Lowell. Mass." She only Pills to take-with Hood's Sarsapariila. rick, Miss Carrie Reynolds, Mr. Eugene M. Bearden I L '' v . ' ' " The retiring officers are: -President, Mr. T. D. Green: vice-president, MiS3 Grace Rankin; secretary, Mr. James A. Gwyn; treasurer, Miss Gene Smith; executive com mittee Miss Merrick, ' MIs3 Reynolds, Mt. Bearden. - ' The new officers were installed and Pres ident Barnard madea brief speech, thank ing the club for the honor conferred upon himv - fcevenral committees were appointed, who will make reports', at ."the next meeting. After the adjournment of tha business ses sion, delightful refreshments were served. 1 The ckib will be entertained at its next meeting by Miss Nina. Johnson, 76 Liberty street.,. MRS; GEOFGE WEBSTER'S DIVCRCE The fol-lowln-g" i:l!ippingr concerning the divorce of Mrs. George Barry Webs ter, as mentioned recently In the Gazette, is taken from ,a St.. Louis. paper:: i - Thirteen minut'es after Mrs. Lill'ie S. Weibster entered the circuit t:punt room at Dayton she was a free woman. : it took Judge Hilrze-1 just that long to conclude that she was dl'l-mated lao George 3. Webster 'and to enlter upon his books a decree. . divorce; theareby breaking a:i standing records for dispatch" ,ln such cases.. lihe proceedings before Judge IHirze1! had a two-fold intea-est, Mts. Weibster, as Miss Lillle S. Wagner of West Moiigan street, -as and is still, well known 'in tche fash ionable drawing rcons of the West End. .ihe is iMonde,' handsome and stately, and "oefore she waswood?and won by a young 3t. Loui3 barrister, in 1892, there had been xony sua tors for her -hand. LVlr.-Webs-ter is the son of ex-State Sen ator 'Be-njaain F. Weibster, the foremast jMzen of Webster Groves. He is asso ciated with his a.'fher 4n this city and lives at the St. Nicholas hotel. He is inow-n in exclusive soJial circlts and the 3Kng o-f a -petiti'O'n for -divorce, on Ds-cem-ber 4, naming him as a defendant, created no little surprise in society. The second poinij of interest lies in "the charges. Mrs. Webster claimed that her iutfoand manifested a lack of affection for 'ier and treated her with coldn&ss and 4n liffereaice;. that he stayed away from her -x gireater part of the 'dime, remaining out "ntltt .l-l.e; that when at home he occupied himself almost wholly with books a:d newspaipers, refused' to help entertain ruests and refrained from paying any at tention it-o the plaintiff. . Attorney Charles W. iHoltcamp, for Mr. Webster, filed a general denial of !;ihe alle-ijati-ons, but d'M not contesit the suit. In-view of no deferse Ibeting presen-tPd, Judge Hlrzelt after recalling, each witness and ascertaining that there was no hope tt ,a. rejon-ciliation, entered ihe decree as prayed -for. in the petit-ion. ; Mrs. Webster will reside for a time with her husband's parents at "Webster Groves. For many seasons the people of Asheville have been deprived of the opportunity of -seeing on the boards of this city's stage the foremost young dramatic genius of the times. This fact lays special stress on the forthcoming appearance of James Young, and there is doubtless great public cur osity to see him." He will make his first P re One of America's most fa- w mous physicians says; Scrof-r $ ttla is external consumption." ! Scrofulous cHildren are often I beautiful cnildrtn but ther H lack nerve force, strong bones, j $ stout muscles and power, to w resist -disease. For delicate i children there 3s no remedy equal to Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo- $ N phosphites of lime and Soda I It fills out the skin by putting $ J ood flesh beneath it. It makes the cheeks red by making rich $ blood. It creates an appetite Jj .for food and gives 1 ttc body g power enough to digest it. JBe w ft sure you get SCOTT'S Emul- S sion. - - ' ' - - , , fk - t 6 ( - ' 50c. and $1.00 ; n drnggists. . $ SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New Yort ' 2C 71 (Z) (q UTOOOS 0 I i it IKGOEPORATED Gig airs Where they sell 4f Goods'not Tke? Mms Wine Where they wines.-ahd - U And is iiselesi will convinc ; bottled iwbh pvery solicited. Boxing: and packing Phone' 139.' P. 0; Box 372 appearance tn his famous role of David rcjrrif!k Frfdav p.v&ni-n Pebruarv 4. and on Saturday evening will present his elab orate production or Hamlet. : mere wij-db no increase in' the .price. , ' : CascaretsCandv CiitVartic, tlie tnostf won ieiiiil medical ukscov ery of tl.o ugop'caa iiit and refivshmff 1o the tuf lehct peully md TositiwIy on kluijevg. liver and bowels,' vitalising lbo entire tysP "tn, dispel colds, cute lieat)nete, tavrr, liaHtnal imf tination and !i ionpnees. v Please buy ami tr.rn box of C. (1 C. tn-va v; 10. . f()euif. Bold and guaranteed to cure liy hH Hui riffs. i Pelham'a Pharmacy. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE. Under and by virtue of a power of sale in a deed in trust, executed to the under signed, as trustee, by T. C. Starnes and Sarah M. Starnes, his wife, dated the 3st day of Augnst, 1S92, and registered on the Irst day af September, 1892, on. pages 538 et seq.', of book SOof the record of mort gages and deeds of trusit in the offlce of the register of deeds of Buncombe 'comnty, North , Carolina, and by virtue of the said ieed in trust, default, having been' made in -the terms and "provisions contained in said deed in trust whereby the power of 3aler contained Uherein :b:ame operative, the undersigned will'sell for cash, at pub 'ic auetion, at the' court house door in the city t of Asheville, county of Bun'ombe, md state of North Carolina, to the highest bidder, on Saturday, 'tbe 1 9th day of Feb ruary, A. D. 1898, the property conveyed n said -deed in trust and which is described therein as follows, viz: VThe following de scribed piece -and; parcel of land, situate" lying and being in the county of "Buncaxfce. jtate oif North 'Carolina, and In the city t Asheville, on the south side of Shames av enue, it being lot number 7 on a p'at of the land of George H. 'Starnes and T. F. "Lames, -which saM plat, is- registrred in he ofE'ce of the register of deed3 in book o deeds of trust No. 70, page 494, Beginning at a stake In 'the south margin of Starne avenue. Daye Robertson's northesst cor ner, and ; runs south' thirty-four degrees and twenty-four minutes east (S. 34 deg. 14 min. E.) one hundred -and twenty feet to a stake in ltft'No. 9 on said plat, said Rob ertson's southeast corner; thence north 8f-. ty-sevendegrees east (N. 57 deg. E.) sixty eet to a stake In the western marrin of lot 'No. 5 on . said plat; theilce north thirty- our degrees -west (N. 34 deg. W.) one hun dred and twenty( J20) feet to a "stake in lhe southern margin o.f Starnes avenue; thence with the southern 'margin of said Starnes ave. south fifty-seven degrees" west IS. 57 deg. W.) sixty feet to the beginning; it being one of the lots .tfr land coneved to the said T. C S-tarnes by,T. F. Starnes ind Annie L. Starnes, his wife, and Geo. H. Starnes by deed dated May 26th, A. p.: '890, and recorded in the office of -the reg !ster of deeds of Bun-combe county in 'book of deeds 'No. 70, ipage 520, et seq, refrren-se to which is hereby expressly and soeciSe tlly made for a more full and perfect de 3crittion of tie land herein conveyed " "Paid sale will be made for the benefit of the person entitled to the money secured by said deed in trust, default having been nvade in the tersrs and conditions contain ed in said, deed in tmst. :; , " - . .. - -; ' THOMAS A. JONES, This January 21 st, 1898, . '' - Truslee. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE. Under and by virtue of a power of sale in a deed in trust, executed to the under signed, -as itrus-tee, ;by T. ;C Starnes . and "arah M..jStarns, his wife, dated the 3-s' cfay of August, 1892; and registered on the first day of ept ember, "1892, on pages 541, et seq, oif book 30 of -the record of mort gages and deeds of trust in the office of the register h of deeds of Buncombe coainUy. North Carolina, and by "virtue of said deed in trust;, default 'having ''been- made in tte terrrs and -provisions contained in said, deed in trust . whereby the power of .s-ale contained therein became operative, , the "undersigned M 'will -sell for - cash, at public auction, at the nourt house -door in the city of Asheville, county of .Buncombe and state of North "Carolina, -to the highest bidder,. on Satur day, the 19th day' of February. A. 'D-T189S the property conveyed in said deed in Trust and. which is des-cribed therein as -follows, viz: "alMheir interest,-said interest b?ing n one undlviijed one-third (1-3) in and to the following described pie:e 'or parcel of land, lying and being in the city of Ashe-: ville. county of Buncombe and state of North Carolina, on the west, side of Water street,' and more particularly described as follows: Beginning-at the southeist cone of the lot- conveyed T. F. Starnes, T. C. Starnes a nd Ceo. H.. Starnes to Geo. Hen derson, by deed -dated June 7th,. 18P0, and resorded in 'the office or the, register of deeds in book of deeds No. 71, page 224. said corner -being in the western margin of Water street, ' and runs thence with Hen derson's south line south fifty-four degrees forty-five minutes wesK one hundred and five feet to' &i stake at said Henderson's southwest corner in the line of a lot con veyed by G-eoA H. Starnes" to S. Hammer shlag; thenee -with the eastern line of 'said last named' lot (viz: Hamimershlag's -lot) one hundred, and ; fifty-six : and .one-' bird '?eet to the margin of Hiawasse s-treet, or Hiawasse Pla-ce; thence with the margin or Hiawasse street' south forty-four degrees east one hundred and fifty fee: to a, stake in - the' margin .of said . Hiawasse street; thence with the margin : of said street east wardly fifty feet to a stake at the Inirerse: tion; of . said ; Hiawasse street - with ; water street; thence with the western margin o Waiter street northerly two hundred and ninety-four feet to the beginning, the' said lot hereby- conveyed being that lot of land bounded on the north by the let of George Henderson, on-the east by Water 'stree:, 4n,the south by Hia-wasse street and ot the -West by 'Hiawasse street and the S. Ham rershlag lot -and also being a portion of the lot f land roftverd to T.- C., T. F. and Geo. : H. Starnes .by A. S. ' Merrtmoa and wife by deed dated Apr:l 7th, lP87,-and recorded in-the -office of tte register of eeds of "Bnncoirhe 'county, in " book of deeds No. 58,,pge 329, et seq.? - - -r- . Paid sale -wiU t made ror; th e Jbenefl t of the perscn entitled-to the money' s ecu rpd Ty said deed in 'trust, define having ten made in the terms and conditions contained in. said deed. In trust.' . 1 ... , v THOMAS " A. ' JONES,' -' This January 21st, 1898. Trustee. andXItioiior , il , r - THE UMITS AVAN'S BAR; make a specialty of fifstrclass whiskey and defy competition in (either quality, or price. day and delivered to any part of the city. t Urdrs from a distance fr e ; .r j f,ti (k 4 J . "t ; 1 : - , :t .r -isanS? South Main Street. News and Opinions National Importance ALONE ; CONTAINS BOTH. Oaily, by mail - - - $6 a year DMly & Sdndtiy by mail, $8 a yi a i Sunday Sun is the greatest Sunday; Newspa . ,. jer,iu the wot Jd. , i Price-5o a copy By, mail, $2 a year HEJiDEItfONTILLK AKD BREVABD : ": B. it.' " ' ". ' v.; -T. J. RICKMAN, Manager. 1 In Effect Sunday Dec. 5, 1897. (Standard Eastern Time.) NO. 2, Dally 4.10 pm liv .. Stations. NO. I. Daily Henderson vile.. Ar 12 3') pm . . Horse Shoe ... Ar IJ.10 pni . . . .Cannon. .... Ar 1 1. -5 am 4.40 pm Lv . 4.45 pm Lv . 4.53 pm Lv AH nm T tt Money:..... Ar 11.47 dm i.Fodderstack... Ar 11.37 am ....Penrose..... Ar ll.i'7 am Davidson River. Ar 11 15 am 5.13 pm Lv 5.25 pm Lv 5.40 pm Ar . . . . Brevard . . i . . Lv Il.u0 am. T. S. BOS WELL, Supt The Smith Pre mier Tpye writer is endorsed by the U. S uverTimert. What more do you want, the earth? If you know any thing' at aji about it, you know it's the best. L B. ALEXANDER, At , 50 Patton Ave. Ball & SKcppard. 6 Patton Ave. Practical Plumbersi Gas and Steam Fitters. REPAIR WuliK A SPECIAL!! , Done od hort Notice. PHONE 88. 4 " Swapping Dollars." , Being I so often accused of the above we are led to believe that we are selling goods . dally for less money than others are -willing . to take for them.' : , ' Now we do not mind such criti cisms. Really they, are , our best advertisements. Three oars Flour and Feed this week with another arrival Moaday. - Come" right along for while the dollar swapping goes on we save you money. : H. C. JOHNSON CO., -a ' 36 & 38 N ovtb Main. "it isrtfetter to Have Loved And Lost ahan neTer to have loved at all.", It is : better,: a good deal for the confectione and :r for the . florit- ? Plp-aain-ar tha vw youdove Is the desire of every man in 'love f ' and takingher a box oi our dainty ma. sh- miaiiows, delicious n-ur and cream cho.o- Utes,' fa the best way .to be sure of doing-T it. v- Asheville ? Candy Kitchen; -L. M.Theobold, Prop. V. w iTHONE lib. a V S1 2-3000 BIOYCLKS mnst b r loped out at onr.' 8tndflrd 97 Mode's paar anteed U th fSO. '9fl Mdels CTrV 20 2i.d hand " vi hpp Is $5 t o 15. Sbipped I o A ny V One : on - a pprval rithoijjti sdi-nrce dt) fi.1t. : Great' factory. clriir le. EAKN A BKTCLK by elr irr pdvertious will gire one pent in earK town FllEK L'SK of a sample wliefl to In troduce them. .Wrfte at once for our ppecial offer. ; 1 T7. S. Head Cycle Co., "Wabash At., Chicago, 211. Labels", is Finishing; Eo rv -A. .'Alt.-' Amateur Photographs. , "We make a specialty of developing and finlshlng-for amateurs. We are well pre paredfor doing it, have two workmen with nothing to do' but make good pktuies. It's not a side' issue with us, bv.t a business in, itself. We work quickly end well. Make films a study and know hew to get the' best possible results. We sell every thing needed by a camera, or by na ama teur. Pictures of Buildings, Groups and Inte riors made on short notice. Views of Biltmore and local scenery far sale. Cameras to rent and for sale. . Picture frames at reasonable prices. sMi : t 1- n i n - j i. i . : pLes. Uay's Fook Store, , 8 North Court S'qunre 3 '-5 x , ASHEVILLE, N. Q. . WOLVES WANTED. .We will pay' $15.00 each for two or three wolves and $10.00 each for two or three f Canadian 4ynx, thes big, tuft-eared, light colored cat, not the ordinary wild cat. When you get 6nev remove entrails imme diately, stuff some dry hay or straw into the body and ship at once, by express, to State Museum, Raleigh, N. C, and money wijl be sent you' by return mail. " ; ' H. H. jBRIMLEY, .- Curator, State Museum. I h ( - 0 -A life- - Jl III ;

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