Vol II: No C07. Oa streicne I, 3 f 1 The "r.ttznticn of hcucc.iccp ers is cclkd to our special pri ces for .10-4. 28:synaln St. Big Bargains; 10-4 Slieetings , j& Pilinw Casks tnllowcasings for this week. The mods offered are" of such well-es-toblished popularity that further remarks on our part are not nec essary. " T- fcr Y(J 10-4 Dover Sheeting Unbleached, 10-4 Dover Sheeting Bleached,. 10-4 Dallas Shooting Bleached, : 10-4 Utica .Sheeting : Bleached ; -9-4 Utica Sheeting Bleached, 8-4 Utica Sheeting Bleached 7-4 Utica Sheeting Bleached, , 6-4 Utica pillow-casing 5-4 Utica pilloT?-cas- -ing, ; : Ready-mailo Siisol 'jixob. Heavy Sheets, - . hemmed, , 45c 90x90 Heavy Sheets, ith hemmed, 50c 00x00 Heavy Sheets, hemmed ctiched, 60c ' These sheets were torn, not cut, nicely finished and 1 lronecL 6xi6 rilloT7 Cases, 6 1-2 36x45 "Defender" Pil- r i . m m 1 .. 1 W w V fu;j with di::gley He Were a Hat Th-t.7as Ctciaaped I Vota in t3 - ' - "London." " ' a rnuniciTio:; victory Cc-tli C-rclIaa Ilousa cf : ciie:::au:.: dp.k.gs suit Fcr In.cars.zc 3 ! lonzy r:dr Charts cf ah:r.ton, Feb. 3. Today's ccraacn ci ihe house - was - devoted' namfcaJly 'to tie cc'aaiic-nauon. or tee till making tha ap-trcrri2.tic-3 fcr -ctast defraces and fcrtiS- . r . . , . i tt : ... I ili.IICuaul 1 Cu I cations. The del was about i" ally di vided between it end the perennial eufcjMt I of returning prosperity.- , "' In, the course cf 'tia afternoon llr. Slaap- riepreccr.tctivcs C-'un'X S. C.-Fc'j. 3. la th.3 housa ci rep rc recitatives tclay & motion to strike out the enaetins clause in the Child's &b- i ' . U ' a W It r l am r 1 , y : trv -? ott-J o 7 of tt- rr salute pronibition. till, wis 'lest, ?y vote af 45 to 53. TtSa result cf .the vote caused Coramitte? Appointed to Con- ' " sider Auditorium. I son had fua .witi Jlr. Di'ngley for wearing I a great, atir. "The prciibitioniatB are mak a that stamped 'Landon,' wMcli was taken by -. Mm seriously. - Dlrgley explained, a- nuid jruuen laugbter, that this lab-el was. put I ia bats by (American rruanuifacturers, be cause many ""dudee' wouldn't weir a tile I that didsa't ipurport' to have teen, rnl3 ia ins an active sit." SII FZREOIIS KILLED ioc Ccrrccpcndence in Progress With Out uh-at city. t r "j TJre efEorts by New York oocgr3.a to OIUU l.tMllUI UwiU I U( 12 1-2 BY A secure 'approprlatiotas for Homer Stoxla and Fort Montgomery on Lake Chiamjaia.w-tre uaaviaaling. When the committee came to act under Che ' five- mimute ' rule, . air. Li vines ton ' of Georgia waxn"ed. the committee . that a re- auction from 'i'lDe department' estimates ma'efce. in Che "bill;: "would " not 'be. satisf aolory Tor Statistics Gathered astot&n Dusiness Enter- the country: , that the.peop:e dr &u- - ' - " '- - -t ttirheni over itlhft Triatiriff iforudltLonai and de- prices The Knights cf Pythias Hail ta be Ussd fcr Public fastings. - - " - SUPPOSEDLY INSANE , The Question to be Reopen:;! inCcngrcs: iCc S3VCr. 8W Hecra Elected 'to the Orgasizatm. 20C tBun'comb ia not'eji -far s aticd.l law CfUlits enl TA&hevila cc:nii tpi tie front i asaiin wtth ssveral. Ttrough ti3 attorneys, 5iufOTd & Ehuford and Locke Crziz, - A. Ebbaumjthe cloJhing ccerohiant on Court I Kiquare, j "has instituit-ed four suits 'which ! promise to be : lively before; their conclusion.- j- Whilo these suits are against different parties, they ail, grow -out of the fame grievance. One 'is against the Royal In suitoce . company of ' .Liverpool, and the j Ouher against-the Virginia Fire -and Ma rine company of .Richmond, Va.,"' and are 'bTOUght to recover the um of S775, which was asseused- as the amount of his dama- gear in consequence , of toe. tire , which; occurred da his "branch, store - on - North LVLain fttreet about two month ago - Tkes I comipaoiies refused -to nay the policies,, al- Terribla EutchryHn Arkansas -Bod- legiog ..t&a Determined to Keep Silv BaU Rolling. m ' -, - . ' "-I- - . - . A Bill to Provide fcr Ccinfo;; the -. -" ; ."'Sefenicrcrrs-". - Yet rozd. to -.tt store, remulttog .in the damage-., to I his goods, for which he claims insurance. I gai!S3t P. '"Ruifclodge and J. R. Patterson," the -New. Contests 16 1-2 15c 121:2 iccl S turbed over the existing oQdltLon and de mand' that the -defenceless"' ports in- the souith tee fortifi'ed. ; Opponents to Put .Themselves on Record as a: flatter of Good Politicsr- , k ' ' , RUSSELL-HARRISON'S. ROAD It Passes into the Hands of a Re ceiver. -" - - lt the ' mooting"" of -the, directors of the board: of 'trad yesterday, i.-PresIdent-.T.' S. Morrison, 'Messrs. T, W. Patton, A. "A, ! .. : I xa-iui ub. luu,, f'u. .-t-v. . icvc(m . - W Powell, W.-.'Eladr, W; B. William- appoliakd itonight' for, the MichMgii City step-mother. -who were- sitting hy . the fire. ! bilities are eetimated at $40,000.- .No-state ment haa bom made of the assets. - THE SPKISTERS son, h. 'B. 'Alexander and"S;retjaryjCh,arlsfli. street railway," owned by "Ruiisell: Harrison, Thfl mp-eiinsr wa I son ' of eac-Fresident jliarrison , The lia Weld in Capt. Patton's office. - T'hie r secretary reported r that $91.50 had been, collected as Initiation fees amd dues j 'from alsout sixty of he . members. ; He was instructed to call attetntion: to 5, the" fact th'at all dues- are' to ibe paid Ty the next meetiaig. wMdh will be on the The .tr aniaportiation - comm- . - - .. ,. .- - . ... ready for duty. Capt.i Pattom s tated that the committee j A ' Large arid - Appreciative Audience InsurajKe agents of the defendamt -.cornpa- hTUAc.kamaArBc;i -V 'O JiV. ,!; IT- : . iXTa tmrm ....WhJI I . . t . " -1 wn, -I I IV WWMVIMb WI.MtV WII'WI V'bll J W. V VV I.W.I hefe todar that last ndght; at a; point ev- Isteini, eiamuel Buvermain and Samuel Lifct :n ' u'1vi.T, man, on a like cnarga. .ime summonses couajty. Ark., . aix peopOe- met. a teorrtble j cojaplaiiit'- wlheo filed," as to the Insurance years" old, ' rushed tato-U touse' of his JSSSStSSS rJSXfc congress Are not satined with the denx. father, .who lived wear Ma on, and w5) bout j thiei ca.ruise cf the .companies not paying the cmstraitlou of their Strength in -the senate a word of wamlfig krueo a coy wno was m i piutnnn's lnsuTance ana iej:eiTpg mis ami-i ad , their lack' of It io the mouse e an- and then turned w ite father and Ity "to obtn . r sdock .v ... . . - - -v- Tpll' rpK retype muiu-uLt'u tuuii vApvui&i v.-. . . n .- w,.. ;-- The case win come tip toaay, provwea oiution,- and are rpreparing for a secon3 niifirk rf"ia.thpv da able to be out "which" is 1 i . dombtful j ' -r. 1 - " ' jtest. It i9-now a!ld to he their policy to HOME RULE IN HAWAII E'efcre they couM- raise a hand ia defence i he felled tlhem tothe fiocr. The, instru- mem t. used weus a (heavy irooi -poker -which fa took with, fahn fnito .the, -house. '"'V"' "When" aTrested Autry told the officers-he i had also kiMed Ms wife -Aad-'twior- iiialMtrea i JointItesolation:w.Introclticed:-Abi'.-tlie before ihe went to his father's house?, 'The I-, I - '"- - Senate. officers investigated, hut no traces of Mrs.- - witia; Feb. 3.-The nate,' after Xutry or the children. - ou3d - be ' found, gg ya rontSne-matters toda i teport a "bill, or joint resoluUotv.from-.'tbe.:'!- I senate" Unaiice committee,' providing , for the co image in- silver of the seignorage In ; the treasury. They know that thy can pa3 U'ch-a measure' ia the senate and also v that -it wSl i r !be - quickly , sbnangeld in tlbe I nnTf "TTT TriTTTCTTT . -TTXTT'TTT?- I TTiiArn lia nirv miinTl tllt Iflhat lift killed 1 : - " : - . ' - " .., ' ,.. I . ' .-- - i.i - m:.T.,Tm r- ' ' tthiem. and it is "believed thiat-'he "hid their I :,Z' h,. Ttr.v! A n.wj : .. " - - w - . - j I-""' j,- ' .lAlNAiiin . v t . . . - , : ,xr I trwiM'uuu - scuitti vai. j me aver oau roiling. - yas&j are uenguus! ittee,reporteu, , v..,- ... noa-Autiy wmim .- - fomia.. introduced the -following Join res- tn 2 - - . i ' - u : ' - : er reasoo thaiLthat he is insane Has joeen 's - . . - '.1 v.. -i --"'-.-r'-v " . '! . , . ; -oWiWQ.i . .. ,.- -1 SMmtfi aud house some im-Dediment by fore-' lov7 Caee: 12 1-2 ioa sibaitistics, had received .amswers ' to many of the blank circulars . seat out and was compiling a leiguhy report "to be sub- nitted later. I Ihe committeemen imimlgration reported , Xast Evening atthe Asheville , . - ". College. "Thlat of right it bekmge -wiholly to the peoJiCe -of i the Hawaiian islands f to es tabr lishd'iAakata'n-..t!beir'.x)wa. form: of gpv- Tlhe "chapel "at the AsheviJle. college was 30X45 UtlCa 1 lllOW , tLtat u ucUng correspondence wlU M41 of .spectators Jastevening to witness SJZ1 . !. CaSeS, - I3-M several manufactureiB relative to locating the 'open session of the,Spinisters- rcrt- ,-iavai" 30-ipcu iqs. . r-rcK., ' I -wstrum ii, .m Wm w? i ; H 6flr 1' I T-. tflM - .irr ,.,u um . I , . 4 Ul iv,u-u I mittea3, Mr. Carter presented the following maios. . nggea, oui. w BVi6wu 4cFmit Ol the LCOni 30 kn. T - costumes. The general make-up was ex- illCh Bleached Cot- - , IRclved;:.That in view of the great ne- ceptionally good and the changes wrought -O T-A cessity of the erection of an auritcrium m J statesvilSe " . rr - : ;- .-: v rRAsr.nXLioB.. even oy menos.-tuiiiiutw't. 3 ?Lty, a epeeiaa 'committee w uuw.w -."v ' . -- . . . - j.f.i.m.fAH. - .rf.nA rt.TOniiritfn.i -1 i .(.tiijK --'Lilts 1 ... - .. MAyfvlUWU'Vj -v.. tr. " -' . matter in charge and Tto . suggest at .the next mtee'ting of this hoard any measures ifrfrQ-frfrf'l thaic it may devise for its accomplisihmiehit. J,'-A. INicbo'lA, T. "Vi, Pa'tton, and B. I "Williamson were appointed.' ,"-.-' ; T.SVZ::UE COLLECTIOUS. Tt? reverue collection f or the moaih j exflmeajjt and domestic policy; that the Uni of J.-r-jary in this intirnai revenue qis- ftaa ought, in no wise, to interfere trict J as follows: Tol;- - - therewith, and -that -faEberventlon Un xthe ; . $125,513.21 1 politiicad -affairs of - those .islands by any i s - 42,819.81 j thier governmieiiit will -be. regarded as an act untolieJidly.;.1..l!ne..'-Untted:..Stiate THIS WEEli ONLY. I The 1 .-ii..r-t.''--":-.-- i Season x 1 is now here and goods on 4 moving rapidly, ' ' T 1 - - - . A, V I A 1 , . ... 1 4 1 11 ; . j Grape end Pc; :Ii ;'-. '''.. . ' " - - - TTTrnr" ' bU -:.' "'. .,-.'" 'i 560145 669 95 J170.S33.16 "j. $101,299.37 YZAS THE DOG HAD ? i . . : ticularlv well Dortrayed by Miss , Lydia .: iMiuB -'Jessie Alerrick (Rovilla- Abigal Mt.r'Atry 40.493.52 STEPS TAKEN TO FIND OTJT -FOR :ii;S95.i8 1 : 17,043.09 CERTAIN- Ing them to face the Issue involved in the - Teller iresoru.Uonr- They -think tthis - waa - very good .politics,'" amd they'tatend to try " .....,..; .'. .Wj - ... : -1. . ...... , '.. . - - . ft agaiin.. , , , . - . . ; The republican ' leaders pretend to say ' tltat the free isilver men are hanging them selves v with their own rope .by keeping up. the eilver agitaUoD.jtmis -they are unasy.-. nevertheless; at the prospect of another eil-: ver contest..:-? - " - -. ".A ccnsidemble:niuaniber of- the republican members of .tJhe house of represenitatives.' conf esathat- thie -vote on..'t!he- Teller re-. odufclon was. the result of party discipline rather than" conviction, 'and, 'another trial of tibe question may not show so united a front. ; On motion of Mr. fWilliamisani the pres- .:; -; .j'r::.- ; z - $170,833.16 The "collections for. January were Jarg- iOyDSj as eocreuarjr. w u.-. rml lled.ions , .i 1 I UOAiW H.- O one couia scarcely .qwik jut-r Kwuiiw i fWhSsiton office. Mass Ingersoll was the promoter -of : a Dr. Von Rack's Request to the; Sani - I tary Inspector-Letter Sent to' T T t c.. Pasteurl Institute- 4" DEATH OF JOHfl D. f.'ULLER. . CLAf:C0 RETURNS TO HAVANA. -Dr voin' Ruck has" asked Saofeiary Inspec- John ,D. :Muiler,.'the father of W. O. MuJler, died! yesterday morntog at six o' clock ait :itoe toome," rLtunhfer -16 , CharlOute (Street, after a "week's illness. . - - " - Mr. Muller-was born -in Germany eighty - I rwj'htf.n tn nn.PTui And . nlaived nihe role I Uw .5 a ; so n.nu-uiTl J (YkTmr. ITtiM Ol SIX tO J ...... v ,. -- " - i:.:' -1 ,- 1 .r solicit new memoers. -. . . . - . - - . . - At one -oncitrUon: m repyr , . , . , . -mo tho n f h-flrat I five years ago. but ha been, ia this coun. , . i .., .TY!irfowi-- .ntraee-d in ireeiy aim .tjacm m Havana uomioxraw. xjaoi-c uu.ii.uu . , i - ... - - onas or xne kieivu-jr . .T.Pvni' vonii were foii,, of m, U wmmspd .mad doei whicHi were re-1 try ever since he was a. young mian. were, then accept'ed' ceuUly killed, that an examination of the I ' He- was an accomplished- inusiciain' and The Knights of 'PyUuas extended tne 01- - . nUttnTjer of songs were': rendered- in -j--. a I .,i.o .w, .V.ni mIiiti mav be 5or several yeaira taught in the TAshevifle p 4,w von fm- ,ftraJ Ui rntiw trle and the original ers in-cne province 01 (muiuisu u. v,- " . - r - . - ' - - - - - ' .ui(;vv - , l . 5k : . .:-.i',.t:i;,.i'r,;fc- mo-i-ft' nef.tiain if th Attack was a true iwkj cowge. rf?- A 't, vmaT nt tr'arlp ia.t S3 00 tier i poem enxauea joiii, - uj j il ojjuumiu ukukw.i iw. , - - . meeting, which offer was accepted. - - - - f,vtrabte notlce. - - f . I ' . nr ' vm,-,knk bias written 'to rkr.-GLbier. I2ibs country, died on January 23 his WrUi- !Mr. lifuller' wife, whom ihe married - to Remember there is HOT ONE can cf OLD GOODS . i - - . jii m , oar entire czcz:. in 97Pack. 1 . . . m r , i - - - . - - a M i mini' i vst v i u n lll iuuvu- wu.. --- Under the head ot eiecuon or new dd Irs Kimberley's song -was renocreu u : --v . 1 ' pJBfif dfMHfnto da-v. seven years ago. B, .Dr. G. W. Purelw. mW .t. . . , I '.W.ot L. Hackney, J. M. westaui, u. vi, ; - . th - . . - - ' friend have been, expecting .. t t -t, T n ' fPhrafn w " , nave-oocupivu iwiuiOB luu - rT". Li ia. --"- emigration rour jjs ciu-o p". Thh,rrrv f Oem. Blanco is were admitted. - O . - I .Miss Louise Branch, arrayeo. m an t i. reoorted that 'the -desired Steele" costume, -tcok the siae in ravers yery mucu wmuu u, stationery had been secured and presented j . . j , uiiuuwy ..... celknt-. - -? - Ihi.RnATiiiarda will avail themuelves of the the fc-llls for -the same which, were orertu QIr& Lon Miltchll argued from the oppo- x - ,f, - company, $8.65; site sfandpoint, -and so, impressive were oocuaion u forth. tnax cAe.vicwry jtme governor general. : Far a number -of" days Mr. , IMuller's ..,his:: death, It is very likely that alt examination will I whidh was due to pneumonia.- ' . - aieo: - uiuMo eti. t w;,; i i 'i ne services were conoucieo ai in liuict; direction of .JTr., von!Ruck, so that treat- I jj. afternoon at four o'clock by Dt. Chas. ment of the patients can. -do 'oegun au oiae i w Byrd, pastor of Central ai. E. church, ifiii cane the examiiaa'tion -shows a 7 true ease of rabies. - , - - n:c 'Asheville Printing, company,- s.oa. site Citizen, company $8:50 1 H. Taylor Rogers, ner reiiV w ?1.C0. ' 1 At -this point a general 'promenade was Tfl Tw!Tfl hen. laJdiourned to meet again lon-o-airtvi-in-- until, a -man. Prof. Renova nouncear ' wneiuiwu . PcAnbUti HAi.ltU Witb-hls new,' marvelous "Remodelo- scoce" he offered to restore youth and Congressional beauty to ' the "matured. maidens, ; to cum. cneiii iuw v.uuuo, i u. v , ? mTi: -in fact, anything they wiisnea THE COLLECTOR'S AXE IWIEL IT On the Ilepublican Conimittee. DECAPITATE ciTT TTTR OFFinE. Feb. tepresentative .Us- they were nuirrieu ui-w, u-i U, u.-hiTlPd into the invisible, the object '"'' ;. ,. . I ..v -ii,. tBic.Ti1 -irt lip. itiTnajnsformed d IPearson. of :Norttt uaronna, wa -.- T . Miss Emma Kal.ie-Gndger w3 the first f sir subject to be ground out, ana se la yered tb'e audience with an. excellent rec- T'ashlngtca, Richim named1 as. 'lie republican committeeman frc-n. that etateat tonir-t's caucu3 of the repu U ica n members- of cor sre-ss to - name the republican. co-ngreIo-al conini."tee. Till TCr.'.COO YIZLD. . nal estimates Busy Day Anion g the Clsrlis vto Have Been Transferred-J. Wilsy tr anUn'oScial Spectatcr- : 10 LT.1TE CJLVEPi FCT.CES. Chicago. ..'Feb. 3. Ex-Senator, . Dubois, j chtairman- of the "executive committee of Ulfc!e"xyational silver republicans,' is here on his way east wb'ere 'ih'e will confer with the DEMO- i silver leaders with a nff ox uniLing an uue silver fOTces. The senator stated that the decisive Vote in the -s-ms-te in .favor of the Teller resolution bad convinced the silver advocates that wiiih a close union all along the "line victory in 1833 and 1S000 U cer tain. '-. - ' ' Jbere ;. being ; no -..ipiaistor . of . the Lutheran cbuirch. of w.hkth, (Mr- Muller was a mem ber, iia tlie city r - " The Interment occurred at iRiver&ide. nOHTH CAROLINA GELIS. ; The -.rare beauties of nature, so well represented- in Western North Carolina, are beoamins better known every Cxj t.z people who are better educated in the fcr- matlon and utility of minerals have froa time to. time shown -their apprtciatlca ct tl .3 Unl That is strictly : - . --r-F - .-- A- --- '? and cnl; : 'per. W.ellr-tca, r,b, 3. The t" "'co1 prcuUwj. 11. iiu. 433,-The C tales fcr 1 d. . .-tr:nt, rU:e the total yield a P-- j at .cuntei t? CS 1,743 vali 1TP r !l.LlV..ca C. - - -i f rrcdvee"! a crc; -"-.j f .i $l,c:3,c::, viz: Iletuchy ires. :.-.-th crc::ra i:,i.v-. Vir- - ; T: 3 ;:,i:i,c:c, ci'i r-4:yU:''i ?1,2:V12, Ccnnecti- Lta'tion,' - - . With the next turn came 'Rhea Fcailher stone, ' a ; little dancing girl. 'The .next, a "Tr.'r.criY'ia.i turn." a revolution in niirmouy, atH: ifiirabam. who rendfired a vocal ' solo A.--r' i-" r ..-- - - . I Halifax, 'N. S., Feb. S.-he uritisn T3verv-tliin ' waa astir at tne coiecu i scnoonier XJauy iuFtiiia., -ia w. iwuu. iiia nHneu efi - f - tfru - rttrsciai i cemtmiA rinvft Tvwifoii n.ci Lana. . it. was 10l I We have decided to -clcs out- seme. . . . . . ..... 1 3 omf'fs eieru'iy. i3t'oia - i .i. - , - clerks, who have been transferred to po- in Tuesday's great storm. these Gems by 'using .them in U kindi c! cf that elicited continued applause and an-en cere. . - ' ,A - walking stick and 'dictionary, turned cut, and following -item" Mr. . were George Cc'll-s. who tad.aa appropriate sons 'A very suitable recitation was renv. The 'lurt cf ihe f iir dan'sete was to3 great a strain 'on tie -machiiie and rtsulted In a general explossion, condudit's tHie evening's BY 3 T. -, puiffi : Phone 49 rr1- F-Irsters were: :.:rs.. Kim Deny, ,r, !-'-plT.r."id. Mrs.' fc'arinhc'.t. . Mrs. Lon ;.litrvclL r:-;:s Cauie, CarLer, Lcul: Gera Caiith, Evelyn-u rove, j ,zzx rrr,tt. IT:.ttie 'Ccc-tL Carria r.?y rv.-la .Ic.-Tick, Cara Crawford, ;na 'ITrown,' Ir-crcIL' Crirch, fa: s i Lions a 1 i ision depu ties, . w ei w uajuuo preparaiiora to icive " cf labor. J. Wiley hook was "On hand, ,rj.t-sxw no green' fields,-even afar o". iered Mrj Hudirs accepted Li assignment as division deputy at JNewton, as did J. Roberts for Cczccrd. Ecth left in the ev- - . .... i. - - P ftTTT emLig tor tnevr new ujl3 oi -u-u.. t t Pr.Vrvi --?. r.ot vet rtsirned " i does rot propcee to dj eo a't present. sc3 ax tl3 dk yexrday, apparently ,...1. r..-, rr.-i j, if r- T-evclutlcn. were m crcTrets in the ofTics. . - Ct enly tl5 c::r!-3 in tha counter's cf- supposed to have gor down. cheiie gems and o2er them. at prices thai should make them all ssll in a very few Eci r: days. One lot of 41 e 0ns lot c! 43 Y.'E OPFEU: at 53 cent3 eacs. at C3 cents each. ths ah'alr is d"a3 t :'-r. C "I", ths pr:-r:L.r cf V. i e-t :e are en .the cai t I . ,ea. C::r:3 c Lvr. i 5 C ' t c :f c! i t' cf t f-:-'"1 -:-'-3 -r-"7 f:r f c: :h cf ::;3- C -ar.- -at rr J-e lot cf 1C3 c- at 7: c:-u c - : Cna lot cf 4D c:-J t ,1- " - - Cs lot cf ZZ f : t Cas lot c: ia c. c ca;s: C- Ut cl 2 L On lot cf 5 L Cas l.t t! C : -t r Good paT'.: -