jf i . i 1 the asiievillii gazettz, Sunday :.:c:i::i::g, b:xv.::y g, - - . - - i E s sssssn . . i i i i ' i " . . .. . . A-.rs-.:-..-?- J--. The Daily Gazette, foiiBiD mix rjsp iigi can iffiS GAZETTE PUT: . " , lMhing. CO up any . nVA; and in fact K the manufacturers of BAiWBRIDGE'S mm 4, SUBSCRIPTION BATES a-clbveh trig of goo in wrlbart of rfua. '- " Sfv 7 rys to th export trade. fSKidn ; -There mtevo relief iromje MjtlarU or nervous trouble..-we nkiorr and other troubles toctdent to over- eanre Myself right JJfg promotion said, "util country Eecic KWJJU Tbto, SSnSSto nsuta'adiT wnA enlarge, its tradeth jj Lnd Kidneys, is a blood purifier vm0eciit'':7-,:: ry nerve tonic. U res tipatk mo ei -.lrj Melancholy. It to purely vegetable, a markets on coarse cotron g mild laxative, and restores the system wi ii was la piogresa- in operatives 1 Tieor. Try Electric Bitters ofSwWaaiiivdc Frnm the Stock of Five DiU potTae'veted """7-" V'rf;,y T . , 1 01 TinanTa Pharmacy. ' - 1 m r..tnrnrarc r - - - Store tt - T7 A T7 T7 1 i 5 f 1- ARE THE BEST. they can produce. Che resuin oiu , y,, Pnarmay. W EnKlaod. It la coming, nwvvt. , ; . , - .-" Uewonin, ;MrrSif?5 oTt&Wiy fereut Manufacturers. 2.251 Tk.M. Ana YMf..MM miiV six' Months..... - '.f n are for-finer goodfc- ;.L , t v nesboro (Miss.) Times, haa in a great many Daily. Eleven Week. iMOae o wWdr-ite xowea lnstaB;8f relieved hersthy. f'; a , that no better medicine 4u;orc?, v . r.f- tn -hnttips. - There are . - many Weekly Gazette, six ; leracy na eoa&uns pw w"' - " Ueve J5TMrBL? IM ADVANCE. ' Alr Le .. came .from tihe fB SSut BuWription. will be charg I ai .payment for work wa a veity. --g always be depended Ste of 15 cents week tor Caterer time jBiaM-ained fo? their ,chdren . J preventitiye ' andjenre for tteyymn. J ; . ; ' -:onyti a "cSS" Tb' Cazetto-to 'deawred-ta Ashevllle, tflMM children, for eale.by Dr. .T, C Smith, Vtetoria and Bntmore hy, carr ai , - V Mhrary with 3,5pa vol- , , - M tn..,tPh coH and Jut .aa regular oer nbe oT! Itt erring the men can, to rid of It if you commence early man. vno , uvf-r-- s - ,. . ;, 1 em read tna www., v ,u" v . , . j -11-throat and lung irou mt.v. reserve amotiher room supplied wlUt litew-J and t0 uke safe to use and sure to cure. .ture tlhat .Is-entertaisiAng and helprui.. it w c.'A. Kaysor. . , . .millWions 4lkt aie:wk3ihg rJwevolu- - M. r? u ' boy 0 die," won- toward1 a better "edncaitd class of peo- 1 . . g.- him , from croup . by using Xne O s-'l -l tMh-w Drodwtlon-offtnerl Minute Cough Cure .'Mt-Is ,tne qtUaceBr , t i" T. " . : c '2. J and moat -certain remedy for coughe, colds earner. TBUBPHONB 202, : Day and Night. ' r RUDDER GOODS! wrrlTa, doubt that" in thi kepartment we out-distance any competi ttoa la Aheville Our. stock is probably larger, we buy closer, and quality eoneid- red, yre aeli cneaper. - 1 goods.' "RI2LIGTON AjNfD" POLITICS. and all throat and lung troubles. C. A. Rayeor.; some Oak Suits that , will surprise you. Don't think that you know whatthey are, you dont. We never saw anything like, it rtefore. SO South Main Street. If you are pleased witb the- liousea you traded 'with-last year you ought to b thankful, and If pleased with? their price you ought to be doubly -so J butsuppose yoa are not pleased? You certainly .ought to turn oyer a.- new leaf cash buying-! k-Andlf you already tdeal, with us you know that It la pnmtaioie to you; : If you hare never known of eur "Saving Prices," better, try us. Our gooda are far more-convincing .than thi3 ad. can poi- siblybeo.- K -"" ; ; "Seeing i bejleving, you kaow. We heartily and sincerely thank our tomers ; for i their continued loyalty and faithlulnessfor theyave helped us year by year-rto -grow;-to enlarge, to develop : ;THB CASH BUSINESS 7; y-'At No. 50 South. Main Street. We are always watching the interest of our ghosts . of t customers Always ready to correct an error always instilling honest ; businesa pririciplea. -s We haVe -lUSt -'received has. ;No short comers--w quick turn- no oeceiu , - - - Help us and we, will help you. Those who bought .most, bought wisely, i lnr the near future we will have a big ; Make your arrangement Tor this abovt 11th February. - - , We Receiver .... .... , - ' .v-.- :Every Day. Theew Yor Sun tlks the religious tpCONOMY in tatiliff Hind's Bar. UeX aiSO UUTlCUU ucuiicw, uxauu..- w. . WiWl ? "r sapariua, oecause y xw uupc ujjcj ";rt.:---"T!- !".-- --l. .--' . I 1 Y I I 1J 4 11 XJLI.VJ vMnlnfe and that its decline dates nnom tho-tfane reltgiou papers "began Jo dollar' is peculiar to and true only-of take - -haind in poMtics.' iAre" politic and the One .True- DLOOD iuriJier. ttTTTr-- reMiion.WeoWipod.al that.no' editor . - . - i'Smi'jJSm on aT U'it.h ibOtSh.' II SO wwi'u. HOT WATER BAGS ! 0 that kbe timea are 'strangely out of . joint. -: i - .: .. j - .tia-vitntrv and tae I 11 June -govi iimwiM. "'. 1 ; reMgiooJjoi tihe'counitry have : nothing j comimoa'tfhere must' be eham or trickery sn one? orDotm and either religious -editors .not fit loo deal with politics or politics J 2 quart No. 1. paper box ........... " ftft Whichever la 'the case 'there i something -No2. tMLDer box p.oo nJwre' - Cr 5 pink rubber .4,...-:;. 'to be r!T?fr .7 Jrt, t, j - " V pink rubbers. is the editor tnat savwuvw ' 4 '. " comlbication, paper box'-... i-s "&ace of overawnen." - then -it " would " : --conciWnatton, paper box ?L50 eem:tihat he-wereflt to deal with ' ':Thi la-only -in part; our' rubber 'goods portttl,tw3 matters of-; mam's -ffertng. Call end inspect our aieck and iribual ernmentu-' .it politics are too jrare cash. , ' Viir iW ' bad a good eniaa and a wise editor to PELHAM S rHAKAlAOl , meddae.with; then, to fcpeak paradoxically, ' . - - 24 ' F ATTON. A V JS ; T " -", we should say he more ie and "nis kind s i'T PSLdinS Cut-Rnte Dfvg Stofe" meddled with them ttve ibetiter (Mgkn . s - ' - -j !, f ,fiht,n Mhnwr-of JtextB. hvmns TO be reail - ir muat be Vaienxmes Hekutiful Effects inlWf - orated Celuloid and Satin low in.pricef -". -mtr r 4 iWilliamsosi 16 PATTON AVENUE. &: Go. "I At 50 Cents Per Gallon In lots of . five or more gallons - - J' C- ADDRESS THE PACOLET GRAPE JUICE CO. 0 Valentines Ic. Up. Thonsands of Komic Valentines. ; RaV's'BooktStbre; cbmneieXneTof '5 n!4T-t: . - v V Madjei Felt Slippers This.Date In .History fb. 6. fiaod ciwixc'h. going. nrnriica: We susDect 4!hat:if any religioua 186S-Prmcess Anne, and later Qneen Anne, . frfd tanotwrh meddling in - daughter of James H, born; cUea 1714. - - . ?1778-PrancaomcialIy acknowledged independ politics it has- silfPered eoause it was not -r ? ence of United States, and , promised an pricaiiy religious and did not appeal to "V irtrTrtl vrto . t -and of amity and commerce signed imhis divMed up int compaTttmeats, one Jabelied date the French government bad secretly r.i2ffin"-' another -"politics," ; another " encouraged the colonies in theirwfir f or - tfcer ' 'Wisement" and so - -freedom by furnishing them- arms- and - ousme-, t. . ' Btores, without which successful war would onrfoie1s ono, and' religion) to be -prac- : have been Impossible, Lafayette had el- tijaj ,be t inspiring mo- rived in the Delaware In the'v-fiiegfi isf law ' code of the tfld Heibrew;inaUaon. ;The ! Yorktown ST French, ships took part; i 14 Rte is pratfffoail rule' of action ' lfflWilliam. Maxwell Evarte, . distinguished 1 for individuate and nations. - American lawyer, uorn m jsuetuu Kodak finishing v T r . r J vC nn fii iiaiv? Ladies-Black Felt Button Shoes $i-50 aipaif Ladies' Warm Lined Leather Shoes2t $ 2 We.are giving bargains in Men's Pointed; toed Shoes in : sizes K to 10. f' z ''C" a ;--7r ; v; ; :'!V:' 1S54 General Jacob Ammen, a prominent ITn : - ion ..veteran, died at' Yorkland, O. ; born 1806. -- -' - . JS96 General John Gibbon, ,U, B. A, retired, - -- i noted veteran of the civil war, died In Bal w timoro; born 1828. : 1 POSTSCBIPTS. aaoniuel L. Olemens . (Mark Twaln) haa written a coanedr entitled "Is He 5 Dead f It wi'll 4e sdnwirtjaneously produced in Xon,- don and Nfew Xork. -- - r33 . iBjJisr,3? ;.,n " j." V- -V t, 3SkA.fT0N AVENUE, -"iNow'is th'a 'time, :, ' ; v ' ' fWhen: the cadh,you eaved in euanimer Tajla the coffer of the plumber, tr Voiir toomse Is not- well .pl-umbed. , not succeeded In obtatniaig- a tflngie con- vertt and are meeting -witih' general srostii- ' J 4v.-Wi;Mi, aan,wayinm tty." -They, endeavored ' to -rent nans -in . ur.-von ' 1 17 JTTr7 whkh to preach their faith.lut In-this, - aa taken very conxmemdaible action) in pre- t!hey ;wera nnsuccessfua. ' -' : Serving the carcaes of a dog which a few . , i - - dlaiys ago bit' sevenaa childreoi, and, it la .air JFrom Ctum-Khlng in Se-Ohuen," Chdna, j : ' leged, our or five dogs iaind in writing to come detlls of ttoe terrible -ravages of black rufre If, in case tihe carcaa is shlFped to mortallty !bai tihe survivors couM not tluean hey will make the meoeseary , tests supply cofltos .and Ktm toodks of the "dead m.. if a normal WJ) flffHftd With I WPIPft t3lTICtWn to t'h tBOg. 'JTlllS 43 aDOUl The Wtnyajh jxtty&ician ArabythLW Blest' : is celetb!rated?fW it Coffees and Spices, and we are celebrated for selling them in a hiirh state orDerfection at prices which are i. ffTatrtow frvr" RPVttnal weeks en-1 acRnowieogea 10 w jLirouiw at deavorfimg -to make convens io ine rw5 r,, . - , r . - - t ftt- , estotolishted by Joseph Smitlh., They nave .iThe .tricbs of the tef JWa-J CL! Hpyt Best T Two Mormon, .elders have been wockr in faivor-- of the seller. : We ; have learned ! several tricks about buying.,. SrajaOperHouse : ; Yedesday,' Feb. 9.- S . , ', i A. Great Big Show A Milk .rabies - -ilhey could make these 4eta, but ;wleh . less certain; results, or! alt least witih more:de-. . tay. than- wocJd: occur If they were, made tjy ihose who are specialists In thla work' ; and they Btyronig'ly leooimimeaded v that ; the v . fp&vk. i be "done" ; by .Dr. Gibicr. - There ,vlt t: be;;?oim!e expeas;. involved to ;"'i the est- at New Yxrk, and as' It will be in -tihe' 3 Merest .-of pubttc safety, . -' ftt ouid1 ' be ' morne ' , by :t the authori- ties of the cikly. It seems to us tihe impera ' tlve diuity of the 'boaird of heal,to inves- itigaite the' matter, ifull so that" if -j Is '."proved that the case was one of hydro pho ; bia itlhe proper precautloois . may .be imme- iHately. taken to 'preventr ihirtber communi -, - cation of the diseased T" - 1,200 miles up the,Yangtee River ' . ;,L,it is' repopted' at 'Pittsburg;thwt IL C. Prick of -tJhe.'Caraegie ;teeJ -comipany., has purchased in Tairis the patatinigCbirist .."at 000 or- $m,000.XvAa: the pahitimg which is 22Ie?t long aa IWt mign, s tod large 'or. Mr., Frick'a private gallery, it is be- ieved he will ' present fit to the Carnegie Gallery. ' Mr. Trick lias already presenxea to - it pali.ilng . of .Andrew uamegie ana Presidenit MoKtoley. " V - - ' JENKINS 45' South Main Street. Ph6ne 125. : :IF(Dir IKeim"il " t v r . ..f . Vj The Carroll House furnished,' if "taken at once.. Two other furnished houses,; well located. Two small unfurnished nouses. J.TII; Weaver ; 8ox 244 W raw artnaa. pnoiduced flax' tlhe saane maniner' ,a. at ittnrot'a Mvfta.ter. New Tork. with all ; ita weaMi of gcenery, gorgeous coswutnes nu pretty girls.- A Grand Productiori--40 People in the Cast. ;!Pr1iriaa. 25. 60. 75 cento, $1.00 and: $1.50. fta'tri tmv sale Mcodiary at : Hefiinitdhr ? & S4.00 WONDER! The New EUREKA . Camera, a geirala Kodak, made by the Eastman company; It holda sl glass plates; by 3 inehe in slaeT It; has a' fine1 JenvTtakea spleadid picture and those sold' are delighting ths purchasers. ' ' B. H COSB -l The Reliable Jeweler, . . ; 27 PATTON AVENTJ S. (Succesaor to Cameron A Cushman.) y; 5 ' '". .. , ; ' $x$sx A: ; -t- ;!.1 '; It costs but a few cents to adver-; tise in. the People's Column of the Gazette,, and Jf you advertise any - thing ;anybodV;f,f;i.' : " - f WANTS; ; " ' The retuma are sure to be ; large; If you; havej Rooma ;;RentA House'to liet or to Seil; or: if ; you desire a boarding place, or rooms, or a house to suit yourancy, try a, "Want", in the Gazette. Situation wanted, Half Price. " ". -' . " " J" - gS8 , . - lank 3v. 17 Paragon Building. Corner of Patton avenue and Haywood St. : ALL. KINDS OF REAL EST ATS TO SELL. AND TO RENT. FURNISHED HOUSES. I OLD PAPERS 1 FOR SALE. ..... . : Parties wishing old papers can be supplied byj calling at the busineta office of The Ga- ' ZETTE at . -;; : ' " '.. IOC. PER HUNDRED. B . " tnhe BaLtimore Sun recen tly published an Interview with. Captadin E. A Smyth, pres idenit of the Pelzer !Maan!aotnriing cocnpainy Of Pelzer, ;S.". C.$' the ' largeetrtcotton mill fa tihe South.' . Oapt. Smytli 'uook a very dif- feneint view of tihe cotton manufasturlng 'OUftlook from that ordinarily takeni ;.i Speak- - Ing "of ; the effect of Southern competition tsa the New England :sxatioii1''i.te';''ex'j. pressed the opinion that for the present the '. tnanufacturers of fine cotton-goods in- New - ykr?rtA "have but fittle competition from the South. ' ". 4'Fall CRiver with two mil Lion spin dee," sald -Capt Smyh,'"has only, about ' fcOTjdred ibousand spindles ; In the Jjoaitlt -oompetln0 - for -tihe class of goods ': they turn out.- . (New. Bedford has no: com- tetition from toe SooiUi as yet for the prod-tod.- of its malls. It .will-take emother E&aeratioa before the Bouth Will offer com-j tet2tki sufacientiy strong ta make any ap precialWe inroads upon the markets which are controlled by tt!he Slew .Eo-gland m'ill. Tibe competl'tJioa of eouthera anills is talked - of more - to 1 iasfluence ; legislation . in New 'CnglamS'-'lfiian -from' any : real feeling of tile declared t!hiat overproductiiom. of cot ' tpa-gwdis Quad suspended, the cocstruotion cf new mills in the South and-the question tf i.rll-t i.-p'crtas'ce to the Southern ' BUCKLEN'S ARNICA r SALVE ; V Th best' sal v"ln the" world, for Cuts, hurises. Soces. Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns;- and : all- Skin - Eruptions, ana posi tively cures-Piles or no. pay required. It is guaranteed: to give perfect satisfaction or monev reranaea. -iTiee ; aoc. i yer uo. For' sale by x TV C emttn ana: reinam-s Pharmacy. T ; . v." The buanatt race- today. 'Mumber 1,620,- 000.000. and increases 8 per cent every: iu yearat accordling?to the recent report of the lnibernaitipiial ti&citioaii mstinue. ; milk wanted." ? Housekeepers having milk to-spare, can materially aid-the: hospital .by telephon 1 n s their willingness - to give ' some.: ' The matron' will send a boy. and oucket for the milk each day as long as it, can be "W.VW. Havward who was conaiectsed with ohe def uaot daiiy-. Tribuoe at Raleigh . will organize a srtxck compainy. and; buy , . the Rockinelhaim "Index; conductiing it as a re- Dubliican paper. The Index has heretofore been, independent,;.- "V J-' - , v z. ' mn rrrro-r & OrtT.TI TN DAT Tv Tative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Alt Iruggists refund the money 11 -it iaiia w ure. 25c The genuine has L..B. Q. o each Ublet. ' , - ; : " - ."Mlss'Allie Hughesr Norfolk, Va., was frightfully burned on the face and neck. Pain 'was instantly relieved by DeWitfs Witch HazeS Salve! which healed the in jury without leaving a scar.-"; It is: the fa nous pile remedy. C. A. Raysor. . : .i. , lJ. A. Perkins of Antiquity, O., was for thirty years needlessly? tortured by: phys ir'ians for the cure of eczema. He was nnJnlclv cuhed bv usins DeWitt's Witch S1ve.- the famous healing salve for piles and skin diseases. C. A. RayicT. ! ; "r rl " ' I 'I - -S .. 1 fits ;: -1 ' f -riff? 'af 06. V : ' - - DEALERS IN ' - Stoires, Tinware and Housi ' : WUng :6oods, : ; : Sanitary Plumbing, Steam aiid hot water fit- v ting, hoiair ftirnaces, tin and slate rooting ana gal vanized iron:cbrnice." ra 45 College Street i ooks - North Carolina -"Buncombe County. The undersigned having qualified as ad ministrator of r Mrs. Mabtie J ' Cook, de ceased, hereby gives notfee to all persons having claims against the said estate ts present them to the undersigned' for pay men, within one year from this date; or this notice will be pleaded In bar ' of their re covery. - v J. T. COOK, . - -1 V; iAaatoiartor. -Tai Jan..l$.' 1898. - ; ' iERFECT rJlANHOOP ha vnrM Ailmlvefl til OerfCKt UaaS tfC Tetepboae! 133. From the " smallest Mem. to the 1000 Page Full Bound Demv Ledger. Journals Days, Cah. K.vorff noannnrinn nf ; hinninff I rt. --a itmM tit ncrfcrt ni it 1. r i. li li I Brure. dienltv.ormaicalar development stoae. We Will Sell any K1UU Ol a UiaUK. SutthatsmbUe and waew tores kBowsa book at fa.yery. close margin; SEXUAL" VinTALlTV f rhfl.ntH WnillH df WPlI til r e t,i.i ian a&nliootf. the prldo o4 amine our-stockbefore making eaV?ai0l SBbMO, inatterea nerve. vuu Kjti power wno can 00 curcu uj vw 1 I I ai v ant JLlJJm .ajW. -iW W 5 ; ff I hA wiah in Mm here, if we tall to care. We hare no free prescription, free cure or CO J. bavetmooo capital and guarantee to cure every case we treat or re fend every dollar yon pay. Mnshat .Inna1fi1 In tn bank tO DO OSia when a enre I s effected, Write for fall panics'"! their selections.,: BOOK STOBE.; MIMED THE CHEAPEST 19 North rAain St. and T W. College St.; Asheyille, N; C. h Wiies of a dohbtfiil qaality when yWcinWHOirS Jrs price or chap-r? . Your physician will tell yon that llnyt'a VVinesare purb... He - . IRA niJ Why bu y Clareh 4. -k!c, o, 4-1. niafa . - Wo an Sin'fl Aa-ftntS IOT Ho Vt 8 WinS. - - -nnr r O. xtqtxtq tv . m t Alfti and Pnrtpr on draught. Ball antme s Bottled XXX Canada Malt Ale. - Ballantirie's Bottled, Extra India Eal. Bairantine's B ictiel Brown Stone cOAIdEALEKS. For Sale Through Try them. Imported Alea and Porter ; Saratoga Excelsior Water, , made Saiatoa famous. ; We are- theleaderrf-in all th(TUiOst popular brands of Imported' and Do- -J, - , , ::;AN;; me3tic Whiskies arid" Wines. - : - Respectfully,:--- ; , "y r - ; ; ' F rank O D o n n e 1 1 j ; ; ; ' ; piiOPMETdn. . ; PHON E 152. r Cfrco Delivery in the City and Vicinity. ALIit GROCERY STORES vhich hare a fphone. hi