o:i:;ii;g, i-iIuahy c, iz-z. i - .... ! I Roya snakes the food pure, - wholesome and C&Hzlosts. Mi Absolutely. Pure ROVAL BAKING POWDER CO.. NEW VOMC STATE NEWS FROM RALEIGH Supreme Court to Op'enTo- r - morrow.' ; I - Urge Number ol Applicants for Law License.: University Law Students Jlrrive in Ral eigh-A Warrant of $500 Bent to the Guilford Battle Ground Assooia lonf 'Raleigh, Feb. 5:State AonJitor Ayer haa had a letter rotm a gentleman at Sbaawi? stard, Mian., whx waai"ts to.come.' to. & warmer clima'te amd toe tasks .to be- pult in oorresroaden'ce witih ame 'land company .in North 'Cafol'naa from; whom -he- ma. pux eluise a farm etfitable" if or gardening aad the nuirtiery busin'ess. ' ' v' . - The board of c&ty ifldenmen lield, "tlhelr regular mooithly smeettog ltt nights There were several elections to fill vacauoies. on th'e board wet w the pod'ice foroe. The report of lilhe street coamnHttee through its efficient chairman, Dir. DrewTy, was a fine one. The citizens generally are - wel'l pleased with this committee. - lA'pplttcants to ebacfd i examination, before the supreme oourt Mondiay-- for liceni&e to practice law llmve : ibegutn"'to -come in.' vA class of twea.T-thjee from iDr. Manining'B law school tat Clhapel : Hill are here; and twelve will- cwmte frma Watee 'Forest -earl? The young men of thej. -A and (M.. ool- J lege are to .give a german lin.ifchedwwn'g .noom of -the ark, 'Hoel; tonight ?Eays a will :be. Bathjn'g'eulji wll Je jnost. ap propmie as tae pipes m the building have bursted an!d toe dining room s flooded. - Ska'ung'has beea vtry good ihere ior sev eral idufs .-bu't yesierday a young. naaii well known he entruck a lhto pace nhe pond aod iJook a bath. y - ' -ZX.' .s: ': Interest swil increases tiere as to " what will- be the outcome of Che meeting of the A. and N; ; C- raolfoad.1 dLrecSatonight:. There is no ttedlmg wlilch, way 'tihe cat (Gov. 'Russell)1 wiil jump. Aa to She oustr ing of iHancoik from'!t2le presidancy" of :t3he road, he has been -givein plenty oftkne by his friend the -governor- tomake- a. good fight, but so far 'his evidence is flimsy. : The Wotman's 'Board of Foreign Uliss&ona of th'e lAieUhiodist cavurch "will IhoDd its an nual meeting in Greensboro the latter pant of IMay. It is composed' of the executive officers of t!he society and the corresp coding secretaries of 'Che forty-five conference o ewties. Thita Is he first time" theboard has ever m-eL to WorCh Caroltoa. ' , - v A party of twenty-five' Scandinavian wioars will pass through 'here on a eoruary ll. They will breakfast here, f They are on a Sout!hiern'touT. ' 7' The execntive cominrittee of thetinsaaie asylum wU'lil leave the selection of a first assistjainit plhysiclan to succeed i!he late : Dr. Thomas Mott, to the judgmeot of the su pertinitendent, Dr. Klrby.' "He wM protoaiWy select Dr. Koonce of Jones coumty. - There WuH mo dou'bt be marked out by the democraitia executive committee when It mleets on the 22nd - an early and cheated carnpan-gn,. Wheuher v 'Che con ventton ; will be caUed to meet -here witfli post experienc es of poor hotel aownwd&tdons . remains no he seen. , W. A. Gmttnie of iXirtiara, -the, populist nomitnee for governor to 1896., says he "be-, 'Pieves that free silver will be the supreme issufe ifn tihe state this year' Republicans 3b not agree withrtihat Mea and democrat my ihiait. state issues" will be made supreme: The subpoena on Mat). Wilson to appear before .the new commissioners -rwas "-not served on him umtiil this week but' ihe will be wlitih thiem. , "'Z'' 1 The 'aaiditor (has sent out, tt'warrajft -for $500 to the " Guilford - Battleground asisooi artlon Whe appropriation made fry' the leg Sslatmre. - C'A The grand' secretary, of 'the OdcT Fellows notifies lodges 'that some impostoits are go iog about the state ; getting "money rom members of the order by gettttng their' ta Jorsemeni on votes and dtraftaw -JZ THE SPINSTERS.. Their Entertainment to" be Repeated -, at tle College., - C ' " On account of .the requests for a repetl Won of the delightful 'en'teTUlnmetnt;:,'The Spinsters' Club," which was given toy ama teurs Thursday evening a 'tho;chapel of the (Ash!eviaae''Cio3iLege, - it wM be 'repeated at the -same -pla-oe oext-Tuesday evening? The net proceeds for thid - kindergartens froni Thursday's perA)irm'ajce will be about M0RGAllOAPT0RED.;: I, Chief of Police R.-P;iMoTgBni," of Ch'ter, who escaped from he convipit xamp at wfoumd; January f l8.f(Morgan Is 4tl iregro of bad reputation Ihaving' served out three eptenice2 befoano this to 'tlhe . hlaiin. : gang; His last sentences was if or-laTcenyand he th4rtet moiietmoTBWa 'servfceH-e ' la oelieved m ood aothor8iy," to 1e the man "ho buitned he caanp t Flat CreeK" quite a Mle 'ago. vHis.tfapture wa made with tke ass-istiamce of Cearge CreetnJee by means or descriptive cirou-Iars tsent throughout the t-ountry. -. - n r- r n r n n r i ri r-? i r r1, - Mr. Ed. P. McKissdck, of "Ashevtflle, was In the city yesterday.-paxtanburg Her aid. - ' --- -J--- V " r,f -Alderman Samuel Kennedy "expected to arrive to-day. from the eastern part of II tn '2TZ l7 , ' It ?-"cc-alu De glad the state where lie ha been, visiting reia- see au ner customers at her new place." Come' and see t : tives for ten days. : -.- ; . ner.newstock whether you want to buy ornot - A very V 'ir-MJto'ni Brown, coving- 'it andsome line ol bed room suits; parlor suits, folding beds, ' Q ton, Ind., and Miss Bad Garland; of La- fayette, lnd.,are staying t Mrs. Harris's,, on Colleew! street. v?- - ; ' ' - S. f. Chapman has returned from ginta.-; r. jaisv uc wiikk os nere xrom luicaia- r ton, N.-C.7 visibing her 3ater Mrs. MarrlT r 1111 11 P Ihhl . shall, on Woodfia sftreetr r,U ''r " w a Msns. L. -Wtson rrived iTesterday ? from Otsego,' Mich., and will visit her eon, Ed- . ward' w&son.- . -. - ; -' " - ; . " 1 William Chalmers, of SUUwater,' Minn.; is ait the AshevUle.' ; - - G. S. Arthur, manager, of Biltmore truck farms,: went -to ' Hot - Springs yesterday to the Interest of his business.- ""- . - Emll - Oestreleher ' basrettOTied from' a business trip o Hickory and Lenoir. -" - TcEL S. . Kimball, who has Invested extend sively ";ln the - i ttannery : . business- Waynesrille, was in the city yesterday,!" ir- :" - : , 7 - -jc ' "T, E. 'Hellene wlio Is rerecthig- the new hotel at Tryon, arrived yesiterday. -Mrs. "W. ti. Ketchum left yesterday tor a week's visit -to 3iicago. f;J s--- V, X Mrs:.D. A. Miller, of Statesvllle, arrived yesieroay to', visit ier (brother, J. H.;Wood. -T- - 'C- " "'L' :'-j','f'.'.:-,.'--1 - "--i.t- :::-?. -iw- frx-.. tor.- . - , .1Jf. .rf-jv, -V- Miss W. B. Rolph, who has been .-visiting Mr?.- Cordtie- Wrigh,t1"returneo!'' yesterday ; to heriiome in Baltimore., " . - " Z. , . -. -j. ' " 1 -c - Mrs. Charles AV Moore and daughter have returned from Florida.,.. k'$ Mrs.: Walker Hill and Miss Hill are here to look after the welfare: of the Indian doc tor.. r-r r -t v ' P." S. -O'Rourk, Mrs. O'Rourk and boil W. S. O'Rourk; left yestarday1 to their pri vate car for Fort WayneT- . ' - . - . : Arthur Roberta went to Balfour .yester day. :- , -" '-R. D. "Gilmer "arrived yesterday from Waynesville. v- s - - v -X -r, I Zi " " " Dclgar E. Folk editor of the Baptist and Reflector, from j Nashville, j arrived ; yester-day.-,: ; - "4 - - Mrs.. A. L. Van Hornr of Otsego," Mich.; 4s here 'visi ting her, son, O. B. Van Horn, on Curn'oerland avenue, " - "S - , ' - ' " ' ' ' J.rB. Bostic leaves to-day tfor New York, He will retuim- Thursday or Friday wlth his brother, Plato. ". - . ' - Mrs. J. J. Hooker Is visiting to tAsheviKle. Webster Herald. , : f Mr,- H. C. Jones, of Asheville, who suc ceeded ito the Job of the lamented Col J-1 Wiley Shook In the internal revenue serv ice,': was In Sta'tesviMe Tuesday: .iglit. He came down to - look af ter the matber of an assessment against P. S. Hater, a distiller. He ' returned to 5 Ashevule ;. Wednesday morning. Statesvllle : Landmark. V : '' mmmr.'. ii--.- : . - r -. k k(ls ' HOTEL ARRIVALS. - 3 fil Philadelphia W. J Tucker, Norfolk; C. K Henry, New York; M. W. Lucy, Baltimore; J,, M. Nasits, New Orleans; S. G- Judd and wife, Stamford, Conn. ; - W" A. Wilson, Round Knob; .R.-E,Simpaoo, Rogersvill; Tenn. " OTEI -BERKELEY.S. .Rose, . Baiti- more; Thomas P. McKenna, Long "Branch; Harrv C Sbeinbach. Long Branch; O." I. Watts. Lynchburg; F. S. Holm; New York; W.-u. Jtwwaros, ueorgia.; o.dol. wwm, x-uu- adelpliia; Harry :ij. r Weisbaum, Chicago., TRANSPORTATION 0F:-.FREIGHT, Amendment Rnle Issued by the Rai!-f- - road Commission- - 'v .IRaleigli, Feb. 5. The railroadf "commis sion "has fe3ued the - oltowtog ramndm ent of rule NoS0 of'rulea governing the trak-sporttaiiaon of reigha:"' , r 1 (RuSe No. 30 of the rul3 governing tihe tnanspoptaitkm r of v freight -is amended, - to read as follows: "Wheuever any goods, or articles of freight of amy kind, sflall be re reived by any commoncarrer to.' Jii state, to be detti vered to aJoy. consignee -.4n-3 this sbaibe, and a pairtioin ofTsamersnalll not (have, tteen Teoetivedr ei& 'Ubia place of dttattoition, dhle ioarrjar eihail'l mat dtemaind any'; pairit of charges for freight or traaisportation due .for suchr portion of '.the su ipmenV as tiiaaiii' htot nave reached iche place Ldestlna iiloa. J iA.'nd in case of losdaiinaj or oyerr uharge of -sudh" reigiht"; if - the 'MJ-f118 presents "tas biH of lading and tihe original tnjvoioe -to tihe agent of title -xmpaaiy at place 'of -destination of ; such : goods, within jtolrty days after notice of 'UheJoss, damage or overcharges aind said compujiy tenia or J oegletita. no deflivr j tievcoaaignte the ciodis lost 7 or damaged ; to good order , or Refund' any - o)rchajifee '.w "-thirty days af -oer su-ufh-iiiotiioe,"" ich-en ; su' company suali b llabke for the vaiiuo of sudh gioods iosh. or dajuagtd or overHJnargid.-1 Ithe carrtdr attiaii be iequ'ired to deUTtr io tbe ocusigniee such Loitton of the -conisignmeovt as snail ihave oeen received; upon uhe payinnvor - tender of . f redghit chargied :du'-upon oxsdh. ' portiont as provided by copter 495,' Laws 1893. - -r . ' w i." , Messrs: -Alexander & Coutney are .receiv ing maaiy repti-es ; to ;:tiheir i advertiaeunenit wIMch, appears in the Gazette, among them, many letters from adJoindng.counties? One of , the tnosU unlq'uo answers is" In --verse a poem. Some of the uetters are comical, yet- sensible. Others " savor -of business Uhrongh and througn; clear, : "brief and - to the point. ' Of the many replies aftready re ceived,"theire isr'noine sO;good; that- it may not be beaten by another boy. -All.boys'in AshevlLe -are invdted to contest fox, the prize.. - - - -- tJ - - : , ij- --'V V .REAL ESTATE TRNSACT10NS -, PZ r)The following sales have been recorded :. ' ' '3. fft. Penlaind 't)o 'H. B. Jones, tract Of iand'in Leicester 'township, $50.- - - Miss ' Jenmie P.v Spear to . Mrs. -JLh-L. Starnies, a lot on East Cnmberlaod avenue, ?460. - - - - - ' ZS ' T. "S. 'vMorriiSon to R. ,F. Boyd, lot on .Central avenue, $2,500. vv- ''J: -rV-MARRIAGE LICENSES. I The' fol'lowing marriage- licenses have been issued; - ' s ' ' J. F. West aid U. E. 'BrookshiTe.y - Jas. Slagle and Dora White.- J. Wr Harris and Pheba Hill. - H. Woodruff and 'Mollie Roberts. -. i 'All tihe- persons are of "Buncombe. r '"-s- ' W Has moveH WNn iMU Tijfj; wuioue&,- cnairs,. stoves a V . With full line of vessels" for 8 , u r - y'O. ref.he ges herstomerf.lnfprices on goods. Price r -"".its here before buying.: . "--"---- W tt - jmm - li; x?opoocooooc6ooooooo6c9 -1 1. "r - ",-."xrFniaiT l, 1898. -r - - - The firm of H. "Redwood & Co.," AhevUl "v ---rlJ'V ?. 3., expires Uils day, by limitation. '- .v' :vEN,RY:;REmW0OD.V VH - r -r- v -xjLAiroius s. MiUiEaa,- - - - -r- ""-'- S ANNIE e; PRESLV: - r - vT 5 --JOHN j:''-- --- -.. -sf imderaigned have - ' iin'T co-Pa"nersmp, under style of H. Redwood .rVV - - II'T- for lhe transactioa of, a business in 'm i- - - 'ivfe " general merchandise In the 1 city of Ashe- " TH E SELLS ALL AtmiHACITE AfJD Xumpf $4V50 per Ton. r FU LL UE1GH5S Uptown Office Room 3? J-rnum0r omiOing.. " - , r AT; THE CHURCHES. Y. M. CC A. 6i'BVan JfforaJ secretary. - Rev.: R. V. Miller will conduct the gospel service a't 4:30.; Ladiea and gentlemen both invited. : Special musiic win be'furnished. " FIRST . BAPTIST. Dr.' J. & Feiixpas tor.:. Rev. E.' E. Folk,of Nashville, editor 3tt " 11 - WDEST ,END ; BAPTIST. (Rev." A? E. Brown" "pastor. . Services alt :-11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m; ' CENTIRAiLt METHODIST.-Dr. - Charles W. Byrd, pastor, wfll preach at 11" o'clock and at 7: 30.. Sunday school at 3:30. Ep worth League at 6:45. - " T HAYWQQD .'ST.- M. E.; SOUTH. Rev. H. L." Atkins, - pastor, will ipreach at It o'clock and 7: 30. , . j NORTH ASHEVTL-LE if. E. Rev. E. L. Bain, pastor. will preach at: 11 'o'clock and 7 : 30. Sunday school, ;v 9 : 30."; Devobional League'servlce t at' 3:30.' L . '- - - BETHEL M, E. ' SOUTH.' Rev. J.- R. Moose, pastor, will preach .at ll o'docik and 7:30. -Sunday 'school at 3 p. m.'7s ' - FTRST,'1 PREOTYTEJRIAN.Rev.tR.. P. CamDbell. nastor. will preach at 11 o'clock r and - .7: 30. Younk People's Society . of Cnristiaoi Bnaeavor, 6:45. - - - . r souTHSiDE.' : Presbyterian ReV. H. M, Parker, pastor, itev. Mr. Bassett will -preach at 11 a. m. , OAKLAND HEIGHTS.Rev; F. MFox, pastor, rServicea at 11. u m.- . t. - c CHRISTIAN , CHURCH; .Rev.' w. ;s. Cook, pastor. Prcaching.at 11 am theme, "God's Care,"and . 7 :30. Sunday school at 10 a. to. M3hrisll3Ji"Ehdeavorr "Wednes day eventogfat 7:45.. '. t " t . SEPTUAGESIMA SUNDAY; - -'. ST. "'' LAWRENCE " CATHOL.IC.-Father Marion; rector." Services t 11 a' m. and 730 p. m. .--V : : " -. s , TRINITY CHURCH.-ReT TMoNeely SXt Bose; rector, i -Morning. .prayer" and holy communion at 11a. mt Sunday school, 3:30 p. I r Evening grayer, .4 :0 p. wZ All seat free. y " y f ALL SOUIS'Biltmore.'-Rer; " R. R. Swope, D.D., rector-: Services at ,11 a. m. and 5 p.'mf; Sunday school!: 30 p. m.AH seats to the' church are free and the 'public is cordially: Invited to attendthe services.- Z ST. MATTHIAS.ReV. . H.,:S.' :Mcpuffy, rector, Morning prayer and sermon, 11 a. m.;-evenj?ngprayer and sermon, "4, p. m.; Sunday, school at &:30 m.'s j - GRAXm OHU'RCH.JRev. ' W.-v F. , Rice, minister" to' charge. -- (Morning prayer at. 11 a. nuj evening service t 7:30., Sunday school aLJO a. m. - hr - Prosperity, comes luckiest - to - the man whose . liver-Is 'to good condition. DeWItt's Little : Early Risers are famous little pills for" constipation, , bilousness, -: . indigestion and all stomache and liver troubles---C; A; Rayeor. , r.,- ' - ' - -- - - 7 ,T " ; 1 Men who ' patronize . bucket . shops . -aw little dipper. . - -'- y - "v . - -. - .....,..-... - - ;JL "V '.l-. . - TT - good No. 7 cooking stove W - cashr ; Will at,. Jf--.:. s - ',"""'1J'a Juu W O uuri 1 .Main iireet x W. -NDELY:' , February 11898.- - i'CT this day formed a - " HENRY TUEDWOOD,. ' 7 CUAUDIUS H. MTLLJSR. , I JOHN W. NEBLT.- . S'CO GRADES OF - GITUL1IIJ0U3 GOAL Jit i. AL CO. 1 Domestic Nut, $4.00 pet Ton. GUARANTEED.! 'Phone,. - A Yard 'Phone, 33. 1 V ' Work Executed, on Premises, t - - Monumental Marble. Granite and : . '.V V- -' t ... " . ' . w . - . ... S. - - Stone; Works. V V - r.xo3,Fatton:Ave S"-?.'- Asheville, KrC: -MECBANICS BUREAU FOB ALL TRADESMEN. - . - - SEND YOUR STONE orders: ; All Kinds Furnished, f Crtished Stone .for sale. and deli vered at Asheville Depot at reasonable charges. BALFOUR, Nv-p. "rBelng"- so 'of ten" accused of the ' aTwvewe are; led -to believe that we d -re- selling '.'goods." daily -for less 9 : inonethaa - others :ara ..wintog to , take; for themx: " d V4; Now. -we. do noti mind such crltl- cisms. ?rReallytly rsjre-r rbest d advertisements. Threec 3 and z Feed "this week with another arrival-Monday. ' Z.Z - J. :.Com rlghft along.r for whiles the s dollar swapptogi goes-on? we save Olyoufc'money--. .".?, .4 C Jt I H, G?J0HNS0N C0:r I A -1 - 86 S Worth Maia. .. 4t '9 ATmonthiy magazine devoted to etttof forth the true position and teachings of the Catholic church 'Offered toj xum-Catli-olies at the nominal Ipriee of 10 cents per uinum.: Address REV,- THOS. F. PRICE, RalelghV ' . ,;V : SOUVENIR SKETCHES.'..,.. J SOUVENIR SKETCHES...... - ' 7 V " -(In Water Color.) - " rf r- ' , s,T Scenery and Character " - Ctudies. -x - , Room 13, .Temple Ooarti -z r f- - . Patton AveiHia. J I leave Asheville 5y the last of February. All parties wishing phoiographs mus t have :hem madeby the 20th, as I will not agree to make negatives after that date. ' r ": " .HARRY SHARTLE,"' 303-tf'- '59 South Main Street.' - TO n?"R"Tr,i iaifour rrnTnTTTrni "ItJs Better to Have 1 " v . - - , - t Loved And LoH " - X " W i -- lhan never to have loved "at all.M It I better,' a good deal," for the i oonfectiocier andMor tha florist Pleasing the ; womaa; you love is the detire of every man in iOTe uung. ner dox or our dainty marsh malkrws; delicious rrat and cream choco lates),. the beat war to be rare of doing it. r r Asheville Candy -Kitchen, : tTM, Theobold; Prop; 1 - . TPHONE 110. i 7 J CABS PASS -S-f' THE JHIOB . z- . Central v Te Berkeley Is an up-to-date hotel. , Bas all the comforts of modern hoas - andlsEqu'allj Desirable for TainlHes ssd Ttantlent Guests, r - : ,1 - . PBAnKioTJOHRAN, Proprietor ; OAK s no ASHEVILLE. N. C Everything New 1 . Table First-Class , After closing- for two months in order irappvement8, THIS OAKS opened January 1, 1808, for business. Five nrfn. uvco naiaiiuui iuc square uu &vreeu car , SAMUEL. H. REED, Prop. SWANNANGA TrTE The popularity of The Swannanoa is due to its central location. Its home -...-. . ...... .. - like" atmosphere, the excellence of its cu- sine and its very moderate price. - Steam -heat, gas and electric lints. Large sam ple rooma , -"' . . The itJ rand View Hotel Newport, Tennessee, for Sale, Lease w , Or Exchange. ' This property will be sold with or without furniture. This elegant i house, huilt in '92, has ; every ' modern luxury that the fastidious' public, requires, is . heated by steam . lighted by electricity, has billard and bowling : alleys, stable cottage for help. Any extensive notice of the delightful situation is entirely unnecessary. This estate is owned by a party from the fiorth who" has given instructions to sell or lease. For Hotd Men this is ah opportunity that presents itself but once in ' a lifetimes As slZ Sanatorium its situation is one of the most' healthgiving in the5 ; American Continent Don't wait till It is disposed of and then say" I ? meant to have secured it. ' Edward T Harrington or Col. F. A. Lincoln v at the Swannanoa; Asheville N. C, will tell you how a fortune can be made, THE BLOCKER HOME, ; O. H. BLOCKER, Proprietor.. . Gtood Board 5 per week; 1.50 per day. - OIX POJEcT, C- : Do you wamt a Summer and' Wtobsr Home in tihe Land of the Sky? Cool to Summer-' and mountaln-'iociked ito .the Nortih with Southern exposure for Winter. .Fine water, " . dry air 2,000 to 3,000 : elevaition. Now is the time,, while property- is low, and this '''" the place." Double cry-trains on through SouttJhem Railway. "Beautify scenery and' -tihe finest hh alfiitude Wlnoer country to tbe world, attracting atitention the world . over. r , - .-. HOTEL FLEM I NG r Marion, n. c. ' :. GKCBER CONCERT CO., Proprietors. HewEnglandHome A-TT OlST AVE2SJ UE. Board S3.50 to S5 Tvt Week. - - : TUXEDO, , , - 76 Haywood 8tV New ' lwuse, "new., furnltureveleotrle lights; furnace heat or open, firesvhot and cold baths.- Roo en suits " or- '-stogie. Rates reasonables. Speelal, rates to resi dents and business people.' On oar line. No one 'wrth advanced case oC lung" trouble taken. Mrs. O. ll Nevflle.: , ,-r' ilt-2$ KENILWORTH PARK ;-;Private Board. ; ? 'A. delightful place with "home comfort Pleasant,' furnished rooms with open first; first class" northern cooktog.2:: Near - DSl -nrore street car line. Rates from five to at dollars per week. ; - ' Iilrs. A. ZrCooley. 1' - Biltmors Milk and Cream, fresh every morning. Dairy Iancn, 33 Patton ave.: - r 1 ilnl,"'. - - HzA ' . . " Tfe v ' v 4n I.I A J .; - Appointments Locationrl - Steam Heat WOO Ft. Porches to furnish the house and mak ottoer uoe. - .,. .. Lincoln & LaBarbe, Asheville, N- 0-5 - t Pfoprt'tors, Main' jStreet--On Car Line.r' ' ' ' ' THe National Hotel " ' Has recentlv, changed , j haods. and is now un- ."- der management of 4 MES.i GEORGE E., MIGHT. Special attention to- Transient Guests. Table? strictly' First claas. ; Bates reasonable., : yaynesvmeN S i ABOARD. 4w ;-Tr STARNE3 " AVENUE. Faraiaalnga almost entirely pMV XsZl supplied wit,the best. ' ; : :iJrs. Mary S,, Sevier.; 7 - - TH E :GnOVE HOUSE; ' r mks. EcrrELrjEROB, r . - r " - V : Jl Grove street, AshevUle; N. C, House' nicely papered 'and - furabbea throughout; Halls well heated. Bats, hot and cold- water. " Modem conveniences. Northen .cooking.. Near street car Una. BOARD. Deslratls rooms with board may be had. at lira. A. CL RaTs, P.trwty v If C ' . , , - ,f j. tf : PEL. 1 ? hi : " ' -

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