1 4 Tiie Ml; -T, f w llJ i-.J ii-xl J ac:it:villii. it. c. A.SI11LVILLE GAZETTE PUB LJSIIIKG C01IPANY. JAIULs E. HOSTOS. rresideut. ,.; riillb A. JOHNSON, Secretary.' UZ fir -j t? 1 3 tl? real t3 L1 their and tzz'.L i-is t3 ..Uj f..s protects an citea evt.i jjp'uiea v.... acter cf the road surface, wtere-3 li? hjut row tires cut to place 3 and of ter ruia it EVTthoimww.. if. mtv be said that the 1 .7 e.lu- tD I V . 3 ftn . e: recent improvemenits in - tie maaui)(,un . gers. of -wagon --wheels have greatly reduced the expense of mating the change frora narrow to wide tires.: There axe several concerns manufacturing - Wide- tires, which 4t is claimed may be easily mad-e to fit over, the narrow tire, but I do not feel certaia that recltel "I W- fsctlve isijyla. ... ' : 'Wta icza ! 'tie CpiciT3 v,as ia ts proc3cfJuvZ3iJl:a. lia prasror'a cxb '.nr'iTriii ta-;d tiie .naatin;? 'had- a sud- 1 ;i v. Eleven Weeks . . . IZiilr. One Month ......... r;ttv. One Week 7eekly Gazette, One Year. . . . 'Weekly Gazette, Six Months.., 't.:.ttr-- tf.' rarxTmacce. "Claxence .Ray icdi a pLoZecrcph of the by a flasa l.lit. - -x . . :.-'...-.:.., ; PASCCLCliY. (At the me;tirs cf the Faidycsy club yes-tetrday afternoon the auestioa cf the baruet was nLjussed; and it was decided tkiic-it would be given ca February 22, v ,jswAn'i h!p;.hda.T.--". at the home of - - W .... I II J ti Wfl W H . - .r Tkiv iy'm 'V. Rr-hiTcaan. on- Davidson street. .40 - . Ilt will be excu'iusii'y for-the imtmbers. or in ton, Ohio, the Electric Wheel company nd " Y, - , - 1.00 ttWEmDlre "Wheel company of Quincy, 111., ji4s3 Hairger Ttad tan eajceKeat. st'lectioa tin pp.TiTPTTOIT JRATE3 JLC;) thl3 .woul4 prove satisfactory.- There are, r.-i; TSftii 2.25 however, other establishment: like the . Uly, Six iiontas..... , . -. " . ... fmm i.vipsi. fviuiooK-on: L'ao om iwu and dou3Usseverai ---- - f&Lowed by the usu rT,0 mriiippfl rates are for subscriptions which manufacture wide-tire Iron and eel Lf-C6nera;1 discussion..- . - - .. -ild POSITIVELY IN ADVANoi. . ai. wheels, which can be obtained to fit credit subscriptions will be clurged at the wM-rrr whda r RC.7 Ar.:CNG KEGRCES. ; Chcy. may run. . - - - can in -this way be sub&Utu ted for the a'liere was a cmwen row amuus The Cazecttf - is "delivered la Ashevllle, narrow tire wheels without change 01 wag- -pajrtddiiiiiB--' received a- djngerotxs. ifT.?a an(i RHtmftrp hv carriers at the 1 n - - - - muim-ft rm th' hwsl. "News of the Xlisturb om." Victoria and Biltm6re by carriers at the regular subscription rates. Within these "limits -of ten.vory the paper may oe or- rroi. noimwi w w. iney at once wei to me oen : Air dered by letter, pos.tal.card or telephone, been adopted in different states to enforce Laoey telephoned ibe Gazett-e last nigh and the subscription price paid to the ; -- tibJ: th ajty (hurt was tihought'ty Dt News of the xusturb " - " ' , t. ". an-ce was UC'eplhoned to the city and Bepu'y Prof. Holma reviews the plans tiatbJave- -a,t OQCe weaJ t0 .t.he s,ea 7 MrT "-4 - - J. - 1 4 1 A A -I .- - kJ I fcrait i lcnufcciarcrs. . 2 lLCsiidi -uDl,.- carrier. TEXEPIIOIIE 202 Day aud Night. nODD'ELl G00DO! tii t.iiflr rtv hurt .was tihoueht r y D-r. "mii-ih flf i.eir a riven date. two . or -three Ths .na.rf-i.f s -n.'ho mde.- the assault" mad.3 years ia advance, makes It a misdemeanor I 'their ewape before Ch-e arrival of tf-ot- for anyperson to use a wagon with tires of less thani a given " width--say ioujf inches for a -wagon pulled by two horses, and five or I OAKCY NOMINATED. 'r . ; Washington, Feb. S. The president to Tier is scarcely a doubt that la this v-nrtment we out-distance any competi- Can. la Aehevllle. . , Our stock is probably this impose a fine of say $5.00 per annum. . ""e v ' --,.... day nominated John C. Dancy oolotor of - - v . , . . ; customa at Wilmington, N. C. . ,2 horses. Or whait would be equivalent toi - - - - r 1 ASHEVILLE CLU3 DANCES. , nroWi :tfam rtf width less thasa the above. l hwn tMfar' -Easter::' Une first - - of as a police regulation, for the proteotioa of wloWi jwM probably be givca nest week. the roads. - , - -- I - -, m - "Second A plan adopted, ia.eeveral states J H . j jL jTTL Q H 0 is to allow a rebate in taxes to all persona using' wideJttred "wagona. In somereaises this rebate is equivalent , to rhat would Lfttherwise 'be the tax om the" -wagon. -r In ffTfrvm' T ArVT?t BAP CT'l other oases it is equivalent to one-half ibe MXJl YV Al itC liAbb J . t - m - t- Mca would otlier. 2 cuorta Nol 1. paper box . .-. .'. 75c f 'i nia hv oersons Uitine the -wide- No. 2, paperbox 51.03 . , fv' a pink rubber ..- $1.25 wagouB, ma w X. ,y " pmk rubber ............. $1.50 juise the narrow, tires. z , " comoinaixon, rarer ooi ..... r- - - ,- . - . : v 3 combination, paper box $10 -TMrd. Anoiner wu ux. - "-.J . JadoDted if not prohibited by .the spirit of Luis i oniy in part vur ru.uur;r gwus 1 - . . ... , . cdTertng.', Call and inspect our stock "and the -constitution or. existiag egl5MJtWn, gpCraoash. . " - , . ------ - Lm',m -hAthsiif. after a certaia date, the sole PP. I .TT A IPS PTT A m A (1 Y -- of narrow-tired vehicles in the state fKui iaiivxi ; - . M V51f - .Hn w An this Leading LUt-Mate JJrVg MOW ' ksioa of .the South Carolina legislature but the people la that state are cioused jn Beautiful Effects in Dec- : oratod Celuloid aud iSatiu low iu-price.. Valentines Ic.Up.- Thousands -of Komic. v ; - Valenti nes. , . ; ' . Ray's Book Store. i 'iVV'W Supplies Finishing : ?4yS, on rie Square9 This Date In. Historyr-Peb. 9. 1587 Henrj- Stuart (Lord - V r Darnley ) , husband of Mary, r queen of Scots, father of - James I if England. mur -.' dered: born 1548. - X773 General -William Henry . Harrison, ninth president j cS the United States, born in Charks - City county, Va.; died in - Washington city 184L - , 1 ' 8am nel Jonea Tilden. : statesman, bora ia New Lebaaoa, N. Y. ' " AoA ins L 1XifL ' - ' ?fft Rnmnol Rnwlpq nntpj "Mow tTncrlnnfl nnr r: naliat, bom in; Springfield, - Mass. j ditxi the 4fubect-aad the Soii'th Oaxoliaa.-Good 1 Roads association does jnotjpropose , to let i the matter res't. 8AHUEI. BOWLES.- 'Valenitine's day, vex Moaday;, Wasaiag- ton's birthday, a.veik from next Tuesday; Ash Wednesday," the beginning of Lent, on the 23rd. - - rV-, 5,'. THE SPINSTERS LAST NIGHT. '.The second open session of the Ahe- iiaUat, born in, Springfield, Mass. ditxi ; : gters Fortnightly - club in the 1878: he edited the Springfield Republican Tl.He bpdttS r 5 - X-GenerfJ Winfleld Scott; Hancock, distin bv teace nearly filling the Aniohcwi I nmn . ixanrioi . rimI rr -i-rkTrciTirvTa i -. ... - -: . hall, ana tae prooeaimga wti o nwkuu.'m w'irtih "more" ' initeresft; ' a " good deal. than '' a eetesfioo. of the United .States senate. Josephine Jane Green (Mrs. v . - . Marlme dn Camp, a noted French author, , ciea at far is; Dorn vsm. RUN THE. EYE Frances I over : the line-of : Canned Goods, . Fruits, Peaiihieritonv) pxes.ded wi-oi digai ty , latro- over -hcle sack of Groceries ia wir duoing amusing and original parliamentary -store amd you woaU find an inferior, brand methods la preeervlag order, wmca- wouia ,Doan.t pay to "keep anything but the have made Speaker - Reed green wita envy. 1 .has 1-aw Doesn't pay you t to use- amy JENKINS BROS. Spot Cash,Store. . -.. ; 45 South. Main Street " 'Pbone 125. t: 3 i IFirirr IHI nn H o '-llo Deceive." . ' : '' Jew S,uics .' ? ; . ; -Every :Day. We have just received , -some Oali Suits -that "will " surprise you. Don't think that your IriioT7.7nat they are, ybu dont. "We never, saw; anything like it -"before. Get also our r prices oh Carpets, Mattings and Linoleums. i 16 pAtton avenue.; fiif :!'-..UH- r-j-j -arb maMngi extremely . low small f numbers. - We can save you money if Jyou will come to see us; K-ix ; rV: ,t.s- .. - , . r - ? - ! -- - ONE PRICE TO ALL. A ...r..:";. ; . A" V 39 PATT0H AVEIIUE. & do. Hoyt Best T Box 244i i No. 45 Pattoa aVtaat. BROAD TIRES FOR WAGONS. ' Prof. J. A.r; Holmes, secretary Ncrth Oar dtiva Good Roada league, and. itate geolo gist fori North Carolina writes the Colum fia State, cottsrratulatine South ' Oaralina I : Th onenlnfir exercises consisted of the cm; the attention that ?ide tires for wag-1 offering of seniti'meiJbs toy .members of 'the I v . - cms is abbractlng in .that tate, 'He g"ive3 club ted the singing ia concert oi ,tne -yong tx Ms letter-facts and susrffestiona that are K'No: one to' Love. Nome to Caress.''; Some - . I - - - ' : aually -..valuable in North Carolina." where I of the seatimenita werfr- very- comptimea .. i - ea yet unfortunately; the good roads que-s- I tary " to the sterner sex. While some of tloa (hois mot taken jas definite form as in J them iad'icated a degree of .acidi;y ... that Couth Carolina. - Among other things Prof . was Lbnormal cauatry, but the highest type of ireedMn is unique Items'to receflpts and expaaditxtres. at once..' Two other furnished houses, well If all our Dubtic roads were thorougflilv I u Ka ttrwnt n"-wairnt!Liic&-Tlie. mO'ti-ci .wa;- . ... . . . ' . I w w- w - . - . craded and imocademiized, even then they 1 unainimouly carried amid great giee. : ie ivould Ibe far better preserved it we used J report of "the committee on an appeal , to rlla tires . but !tt will be maay .years be- j congress was read toy the chairman, Rachel Care we will be able to reach that condition. I Rohnwn RTnort fGrace Insrersol.) It urged rrai in the' meantime we. will be dependent! rvrn& x Ao somet2iins to make .times a the ordinary earth roads, and no matter 1 better financially so -that the matrimonial Caw thoroughly we may grade these earth J market " might toprovev The report . . was r-Ls the narrow wagon tires will - cut nrtTefl. - --. tL:n .to -pieces every winter, an 1 sio moaey j " ,The report on the etaite of th aratri- labor expended by our people ia the moaLal market miade the ears of several Ir provment of earth road-s wiil.be largely I 0f the rxpular young men of the-city " to x s iar as me winier oravei as con- 1 angle. c?r-i. Hence I regaa-d It as vitally dm-I Tifttsv .Robblt sans "To-day lvAm Sirty- zit that laws should be 'enacted pro-1 t'wo wa t!h reat acceptaince, -i "llri for and "compelling a early change j " portla Olivia - 'Bennett (Miss -Lou'jse :n the narrow to the wide tire system Brnih,) dreised very much tike a dashing ll vrasons to be used a public roads, young maJi,,advocted-dre33 reform and-a tires when : from four to six : inches 1 uniform like" 'the suit he .wore.; Peniope 1 pack the' road surface instead of J Gertrude Dcollttle ; CMT3. - Loa Mitchell,) '.''. . ; i ..... .... - to pieces j ; and experimeats made j, advocated the model attire of the clinging r of differenl states "durins: the f f mtfn vf -Hie old tvle. The judgeis rs show that on all roads, even I, iciiied in favor of the dress reform Ideas adaralzed roods, heavier load . part'la " Bemn-eitt. : : -Be'Lsy Babbitt --(Ml3 Soule.) -recited -an" original ' poem, "O, Josiai." Patience Desire llamn (Mrs. mm berly.) sang wi'th fee effect,- "Yhy Don't the Men Propose? After this sons Prefers ar Kecova Make- drand: Qpsra House ; Mesday, Feb. ? . S 3 ry A Great Big Show Produced 4a 't!he same v maaaer t as al Hoyfs theater. New : York; withlall Its weaS-h of soeaery, gorgeous costomes and pretty girls.' ' - A Grand Production--40 V - People m the Cast. - Prices 25 50, 75 cents, $1.00 and $L50. Seats on sale . Monday , at . Heinitsh & Reason's. - " 1 v - -r ; Urt PcRIIERSOIl .a CLARIt r : - DBALES3 111 , Stores, Tinuarc and Hcose ; ;f TnrnlhiM:: Gccds, . . Sanitary Plumbing, Steam and hot water fit- tine, hot air furnaces, tin vand slate rcofinrr and rral- vanized iron cornice. .45 Colleao Street 1 " Tt4vbttiiK 133 . . --;,V ' "Itcosts but a few cents to adver-;-'-tlse ia the People's Column of the si Gazette, and if you advertise any :? a -J thing anybody -" - - "! WANTS4 .7 The returns "are1 sure ' to be Jarge. vIf you 1 have- Rooms to Rent, a' 1 House to'Let or to Sell, or. If you ' i-desire a boarding': place or roomsT or a house to suit your fancy, try a , Waat" in the Gazette. Situations " . 'wanted Half Prioe.'' -; - v - " r$x$x , - - -r. r - $x$x - - v- . -, " -; - ' . ' - !, : : xS : . --";-. - - 4x$-s " - n ' From the smallest Mem to the 1000.Paj2e. Full Bound Demv Ledger. ;c., J ournals, Pays, Cash. Every description - of . binding We will sell any kind ot a blank DOOK at a very close margin Merchants would do well to ex amine our stockbefore making BOOK STOIU!. ' :1 by the same team oa wagons "3 tires than oa wagon? with na.r- best illuetrated from the which is compiled "from experiments recently :ale In Miasouri, ehoWing 1" "5) that can te t'auled 1 wide-tired v:aor; ' .Broad Tires. .2,518:153. .2,4S21t3. xbs. 2.CC r f r ' aai wis v,-cmly wdssmei by the fcp.n- sters. . . . O-e -ty one' ti-3 r-i-sters were put into rrcLc-cT's c:i 2et, a cran was iwu- ... l . - 4 - -n-jrrd rr e, t.-cuna ir:y --1 . re." cur ia a' fsvv h?:zls, grouna. over ,s ... -. ... r.a ,. ...... j! ti t i O. I .r; - t . r.;-:, waj ::r 1 b'V j:v:j r:a a c:ull T- I-.1 -1 vc-"-rfv.Hy 111:2 Gfcr?c c-- - wsn fza vci-ie, -'Lcok in a reeltstlca, '"A Lit - - -" -3 fiv;a very ac- -'c -- r -.'2, a rc--? " - -. r rr-i , 'y 1 1 I ' i! 1 1 ": If If i 77 il-.-l! 1 1 nn SO Soulli Llain Street. ; r Ashcvillei You should see ourrchildrMi'e rubbers, that vve are,cIosing out at 10 and 1 5 cts. No rubbers will last .child long. : You know that. rWe want all our friends tn on hand: Feb. I ithwhen we will have our white goods sale! - jLn inis -saie we wui t otter the following white goods r! T' ; ' ' -Nainsook, plain and - lace stripe. weit cora. . - : . . Lace lawn; - - 1 " ;-" - f ? Marseilles, - r",r - White dimityj - -r Curtam swiss, -. v -:- 5 v. Extra . ' q uality plain v white lawn Cross-barred and striped muslin,. Plain dress lawns, A Satin striped lawns;'- White brocaded,sateen dress goods very handsome. . I-1 , All these gfoods will be. offered under value; and we make this sale so ladies can make-up. thdr summer - wear ' before, summer comes. - "At this" 'time,' Feb, iitliwe will open our , - !. . - " . . Corset Parlor and Dress- : mailing Department. Mrs. Alice-. Catlett -Vance and v:Miss Glara Norton--... - . will have charge of. this Iepart- ment; - - ;,A ,- .Jin this.-, department will be found all the leading makes' of cor sets .andwaists and the special fea ture of - this new enterprises is that the ladies in cnarge expect to make the -corsets ? fit any form, bycutting them, to shape desired. t Theses ladies have dress-making down, to a fine art and will please all who j favor: tnem with' their work . "'Zr 3";Er-SirEJIEIE 5v 7, At 50 Cents Per Gallon ; -; In lots 1 jof five or more j gallons ZJT- ";."."" ADDRESS THE 'y -X PACOIET 6KAPE JUIGE CO. : ma-yoisr,. 3, c. - 200' : WONDERf The New EUREKA Camera, a. genuine Kodak, made- by -. the Eastman company. It holds, six glass plates," 3 by J inebes la size. ; It has a fine' lens, takes spleodii picture and those sold are dehghtlog th purchasers. - " " , . B. II. COSBY, The Reliable Jeweler f " 27 PATTON AVBNTO Walter SCushman, (Successor to Cameron & Cushmaa.) Real EstateBroker, 17 Paragon Building. Comer of Pat ton avenue and Haywoed ft - ALtLt KIND3 OP REAL EST ATS - . TO SELL. AND TO RENT. - PUliNlbHED HOUSES. ' North Carolina; -' Buncombe County. - . . r' v.. The undersigned having qualified at ad ministrator of Mrs. Mabtie J. Cook", de ceased, hereby gives notrce to all person having claims against . the said estate present them to the unders'gned for pay men within one year from . this date, or this notice will be pleaded ia bar of their re covery. . J.T.COOK, Administrator.) Til3 Jan. 13, 1S33. ' - ; Gl3EAPEST f- 19 North Alain St. and 7 IV. Colleoc St., AshcviHc, U. C. -Why huvHaVvt Win Of a doubtful qualiry when you can p;et "HOYT'C HnGADHID" pure wines for th hmmim pri n or rhi p-r ? Your ph siciMri vill tell you that Hoyta Viue3 aro pure. He cau nr na. ftii for miv ot!ur -lartx. We are So'e Anto for Iloyt'o Win 3. Ballantine 6 Sonsk' NVwark, N. J; and Porter on drvht. Ullr'iti-a'a Bottled XTX inmbt Mult Ah- Biillnntiny's lttll Extra India 11 AI,-. Cr.ll-r.ti::: liottbd Brown Zxwii Vry th in. Imp iI aihhiii TortfT ZiTziz I'ncclhfr u.tT on dr.inrlit iLa .-atcr i!it mndw Sn, MtnL'M f.Mnous. We nro the lendm - in -ull tho popukir brand "5 cf liapcrtcd rM miotic VhiskuMnnd Winr.;. ' Brz-ccifuUv, , : .-, : '3' HQ U - W J u LI Lj ' - ..... ... .. : .... ...... -,j.i.h..-.v.'.x'. t . k - For Gala Through ALL COAL DEALERS" -- '-'- K " - ' ; "' " .. ... . i-. ' ALL GHOCEfiy STORES ' I " I: I:r.T3 a 'phone.

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