Oestreicliej? &. Go. 28 S. Main St. Big Bargains - . in 104 Sheetings fiKlloBfcsings The attention of housekeep ers is called to our special pri ces for. ' i 0-4 sheetings and pillowcasings' for this week. The goods offered are of such well-established popularity that further remarks on our part are ? hot lieo cssary.-. V,tJ K "X, ' - , ; Per, Yd 10-4 Dover Sheeting Un- Dieacnea, , 10-4 Dover : tiheeting Bleacn8a,v V-10-4 Dallas Sheeting .Bleached,:? iolJticaShsetihg ; Bleacned:ST 9-4 Utica Sheeting f iBleached; ; v; 8-4 Utica Shebtihg Bleached,' y " 7.4 Utfca Sheeting ; Bleached, . 6-4 Utica pillbvzrcas- " ih2-;;-v:-;;,:;r - r 12 1-2 V " -20C ( K V- "t w-" :iOc 10,1-2 12 1-2 5-4 Utica pillow-can-j r" . inff, .V ; v ioc 5 . Ready-made s Sheets i 81 zoo Heavy. Sheets, hemmed, :; . w 45c 00x00 Heavy Sheets, hemmed, 50c 00x00 Heavy Sheets, : .hemmed tiched, ; ' 60c These sheets were torn, iiot cut, nicely finished and ; ironed. - , aozro rillow Jases; o 1-2 t 36245 defender", fit . h low Cases. - ,v 12 i"2 1$G 45 UticJPiHoT7 "Rival? 36 inch -ioc;o Bleached Cotton, :y-7c "Fruit.of theXoomV'o inch ' Bleached ? Cot- ton, "-'--. ' 6 14 TfS ONLY. M t I jrOODS that arc "Just": T B mm 1 Vf ; as good as something- I utiteMttetiefrh.wtu fill w I ... rfU'jti''.' tii . . i ... - . :-,.--. a ..!- - T1 " t the bill, provided you are 1 t satisfied' with a second grade article. ' Oar ; f : - ': 4. of . goods stands without u peer No c!d : srecit, cf $ pedal iprice of COc per. ifissea for toreef oranges ehouLI "be f special ;t-t:r-t to eil lOTers of ,tbat delicious fruiL. Tl:y ore cbJuclK. f uH of Juice and oodsoesi wTii n 'the jiesky seed to contend! with, .wiioi aoaittes Enem very desirable 7 Indeed.; We .lhaye aoly five boxes to offer and at the 'tromely 'low" jprice wia Bat last Ions, so we advise 'you jo send 'your lorder early. the iway when, you' are giving ua yeur wter .for the oranges and (saving five cesits Awen, . "wtoy ' not touy ' youtr inert week's ; JKtxjeery Wirfrom: tia and we will -save you noney,oa tt also. 1 Will you 'try it? ' - ;pure:iood sioee Phone 49 . 19 !!crricion Ave 4-. 'x . ?5ly Sesd J. -n. Law's c J v.- ; 0 If not Recalled by Spain he Will be Given His Pass-; ; ' ports Today. ; - - 1 - , . - He Acknowledges the Antheri- ; ticijby of -the letter to; ' ."V"! , Canalejas. ; ; o y Gsn-Wcodford Directed to" Oeani His immediate' Recall. V k a. '-.-,- D3licni3 Twice Cabled Hi3 H?sigiia- tioa talladricl v Assistant Secretary Day Calls on the Envoy and is Told by DeLomeThstKajsihe Aithoroflhe Letter Criticising . President McKinley, but ; ; That He Wrote it in His Personal Capacity Waahtogton, Feb, 9.-The state depart- ment has demanded the recall of 'the Span - i&h aninisiter, Senor De Ijome, fof his vmlgar criticisms .of- Presiidjent McKlnley, ki the letter wrCeten -'to Oanalejas.' '' unless tthiis demand lias been- XHnpliedwith by to-mor- row the mindster wiil be- jhanded his. pass De Lome, when--called, oa officlaily .to explain) whether he ihad writteai the -letter. 1 - .-. deol'lned .to demy.' it.v authenticity, ..wh.ioli later (he axtoowledgexl'to , Aesi3tafnt. Sec- ..." ' Tary ", Day;, f -He - twice cabled, 34s Teslgns fttotr to- Madrid and bopes t wilt be ateceptr ed before the Unltied States cam' direct hiim to leave 'the country. - j ' Th'ls official statemeoit was made by As- sfertant -Secretary of ?Stite,-Mr. -Bay, o- ndght: iflntster Dtf Lome. does not deny the letter. . Th-is deparfiment has communl cated with General Woodford on. the eub lect Un.til ' that i pminnwi1cation ' Ihas reached lie. Spanish ovenrmetat it would not be proper "o "more -fully state the con- tents of the message to General Woodford. "After .conferring with the' president this morning, Assistant Secretary 1 Day wrote to 'Minister De Lome, a&ldng If the .better was authentic He lmmdaateay answered. decn-niaiLg ito deny, the iauthentloity. T!hi was -taken (by Day as 'a ooafession.' He prepared a d6spatdh to Woodford directing him to demand the Immediate recall of the Spamlsih envoy.. ' -,' , . " - o - -MeanwhMe ,t3se state 4department Jhad come 4nto possessioii of ithe original letter, WTitteB hy (De Lome to Oaxmlejas. It was furnished by the Cuban, juntas jA cooaparl eon with the autograph , coajTmunloations from De Lome at. the state ' departmen proved ltsi authenticity. ' To he fdoubly sure Mr, - Day adopted .oae usual course or can lng at the Spanish, legattoth. Senor De Lome- tranjify - acknowledged 42e - letter as genuine, but ? said- 5f was written la "ihJs personal .-capacity. Day .tneii , proauoea ine original 'letter ; which. the v minister , ac- kLnowledeed. Day pocketed ;?the letter and Md'afrlgid farewell.'- ' . , : r t ...... . -Realizing all was up De Lome sent an other' cable begging recall, General Woodford was directed in case an amswer to t!s demand .by" Jtitldnjlsht to-nlsht to tJafom the department, whereupon De. Lome v.ill be tan'i klz passports to-mor row. .,. v:a:jt3 A cjzl. ' Lexington,'' Ky., Feb. 9. A political sen satton Jis caused by the publication of a let ter from Col. Thomas E. Moore, of Bourbon county, a leading silver democrat, denounc ing TVh'a Ereckinridse. : "eon of,- .the tither," editor of the" Herald, tand suggest ing a duel to settle their differences. Co Moore is an ex-Confederate and la para lyzed tn ti3 riht arm; II? rJr3est3 tLa; h-T,fh iwft l-p.f t, arm The feeling between tie e:c3 v.as n-:rcrcl in. ti-j.-ErecLin ri-oS-Owen ocrresdcril cmtfst fotrr years - - rdai. i - TT,,, in, li. -'I, i - -!,. -. - ziUU pr:. -C3 '-;or - v : nisERf in Ireland. IfOoxlon, Feb.9. The debate cm the Bid dress In, reply .to the epeecb from the throne was re$mmed tn th (house : of com moos to-d'ay, Michael DaTitt mavlug o ameixliiient ; calling ten!tioo tor , the dis tress In Irelaitd aid the failure of the po- tatoC rop. The motion was seconded toy John P. Hayden wmA was supported Vhy oha Dillon, chainman " txt the Irish", piir-. iameabary party, who. eaJdi the misery !; In relan-d ?was a scandal to the eorernment. Mr. Dillon added that the dtetpees was'S1- giravaled by; tevf otkHis"lf -the starving;'.- and he called' upon 'the government for Imme diate icomprehJenrilve proposaJs for the re lief the sufferers. , in 'by:: 'Police Capftalnw. fitzipa-trlck aa;i , Pttirtf anmi V-aiis, arrested'c five, ; -ctfloreJ 'boys kbOLUt;iS thts (morning fo ;Stea!.Jag ,wwk from ?tte Jaew vwilldln being1. Tecte4 oai Fattioat 0. venue v opposite Kihe r ,postoiZ.c&. Each ibor luud this aisas.U'w7wl appresiet: Jed. -They were amestc c c-or Cham!bersK'a4old - Weaver, 5Jvery .s'ULlcs- crta i f . Vt'-Vi-' to ticr:2sxs. W.D. Gibbs and Christy GibLba, brothers. from the; forks 'of Ivy left ' yesterday : for SeattJ'e, Whence they will go to che Kloof dike.i; n -V- -f A; PPLICE5 LIEUTENANT ! AND ;';FOURIliEMEN KILLED jl' 4 Losses on the Buildings and Their Con tents Tbat Were Burning at Mid . night Estimated $2,000,000 . Pittsburg, " Feb. - 9. 'By an explosion, -of 2,000 . 'barrels v of whisky during a fire ; at 11:30 Ao-night Police Lieutenant Terry and four fixemen. were buried .under , -tons of debris, and; tostaixtly JUHflLV yTheimmensei tfeloa storage warehouse. goods dslabomed. y:,'U i i..'r , About 'twenty persons - were -waunded ly flying bricks. 'ST 4i , Hoevelers waiieLaouse,i?o(ntaiinJng ; about $200,000 worth' oi 'furWture. caught fire at m'ldnighL Small,' houses 4at- the neighbor hood wereattacked (by thelflames. MTthe tenants moved out ; fi. It'to es'ttaated that the loss will be IX- 000,0(M on the buildings that were afire at midnight. PURE FLOUR DILL. ; WashiflLgton,. "FeijL,, '9. -rHae1 extensive mtniamj? i&dnietry of the 'Northwest Js or-' anrizlng to seoure favorable adtSon 'on the pure flour till rntrodtuoed ly .Hepresenua- Ctve (Pearce of Missouri. 'Represenitapve Tawney.of Minnesota today recelvied, a dls- pa'Wa vfirom. -'- some of the -millers stating their purpose to uree t!he tbu'i utd w come to Waahirngton at an early date for aihear- tag" before the .ways and means cnxninm tee. , lha measure Is on, ihe lines of the UilWilMtlWaiiXlV .JM'WUVlWWW " imDOfrtatfioo and requires packages of flour !to .be iconapdicuouHly mated so as to dte- Close tthe true -comtebts, 'weight, etc - v LDEIGERT 6DILTY- 4 .7- '"1 ?t i.t BUT HE ESCAPES "WITH LIE "1 IMPRISONMENT, a ; lina x 6.'tansase ixaKsrs Bewnuu; Vt , r , . it ' T. V7if0. Chicago, Tebv?. rl Jury ia rtc ease of Adolph Leutgert - reburned a verdict o- ndght of guilty, lieutgeft was sentenced to life Imprisonment. xt i " Thine fury was out but a short time. The" Judge's charge -was . unfavorable to - the prisoner. ' cc::::ittee kade r:o REPbaT. " r JRal?igh, 'Feb.. 9. The secretary of stats has received a refJULest from Washington, 'D. .C, for a- ireport of the comim'JdJee that was appoiai'tied by the legislature to xa vesti'sa'te tte chomges of fraud in the elec tion' of Senator fPri'tMhard. After an ex- amitaatlon of all 'the reports '.It-was found that no reports had been made. The house journal ehows that a decision, was adopted to the e fleet that unless a report Was mads by a cer'tai-n date In -February the com mlttee was to be discharged. v Tne com m'?ttee cf wlSch r Cena'tor tAtwdreT. was chairraa n al Jjw e J the tl rae to go by with 'rt. . : - . . 1 .. ..... - " t ... . - (Trailltca, Tcbf.- 9. Crdr3 t-re teen ect V 'Girt. "Crpsoa la. czzzzl Ll SiiQ::'": A... ... ... (. 1-.! VTith. a - Vehement Cuban - . ... x Speech in the Senate. -: Hile Says : the Resolution . is PanSierOlL u ".J ' . , -1 -1 yr i t i - ?. v' i if'j 5.-.; . - ; .Xhrtcsinj to lnvctva ths Country 1- . ...o, ifc -.y- ..- - -C' .' . -j-' - .' f .. .-miTIj . wl r . A- ? . -..v-j v iLIXr3 CT',V'. ; v i'-C '- "v . r,-f 'rf ' tiJt::ut.Cr.5 A. . erred to rcreirn Keuiions Com- - ' , , ' - tT," : i Car.Xa $ " Ecscch J a' Pdlshed and J i - -' ''," '--''.'!"" r,r,c!nciEU EfTort. . ,l. '-V! " '; .-v 77-"? .r,--.v ,ase&&' :hi srra gauenes no-cay no ittear ana applaud ttne speeches, ot Messrs. Ctonaon and. Mason, in (aTor-,:l!heNi TiesoiutSons offered A"by : them i yesSerday looking .'to" immediate reoognltlon ' the beliHgerency rights, of theJlnsurgeruts md ito taeikn)owledgeiment and maintenance of .Cuban, lindependaikcei " Cannon's epeecnwas; polished annf - rhiet- ori., 'lasoin'e forciible and vehement to fttch am, extent as to stirrup' ithB; galleries tniv' frequesiitr violation of the : proprieties of the occasion, with outbursts of applause; Lt the oloe xf esudh . peicili the Tealii- ttan to which it applied was,' on motion of Senator Hale," referred to the committee on foreign relations. reign relations, . , . . ,- - s . . . . j ce-presldent, - had assumed -' the . prest In rr-.kics the first of 'those motions, J dentcy.''' 'VV'"V ,-.". ; 1 t ' tton.favto aourse franghit with; darJ conflict with a now friendly natlon.", t vHe dddcot believe the" Amerrcan people wantted war and 4t was intolerable it shoudd . be driven Into wast a time wihea 4te to duetries wens reviving, ",. - . - Mason book nip these points andi disous them antmaftedly, assentiing ovter; akd nver again tfhat his Tesolutioii'did Senator Petus of Aialbama; presented (his taileW.tmS rn 'effect those of the majority of... the committee, againet. the seating of Corbett -of Oregon. mmvte jcnnofcifed;': t. 6:ock-ttie.sett? ate adjourned.'' . '- --X" SPAIN'S ATTITUDE. " Havana. Feb. 9. Despatches from Mad- rid to-day. eay that ; Premder Sagasta -de- ciared that the" greatest stoceriity zfasto'm 1iafrfi Wnoun na11 m,nirt thft TTntfl 6tatesr cne maoone navjaig. never, oeea-iw, friendly as now.' 'The premier added, how- ever, that if a 'Change should occur the cab- . . -. . . - ' ' . .'it- tk j toet would, energetically, maintain Spain rignics. "i i 4 .'..j - . -.it r -1., - '-5" ! " - ; , ; SPAUlSll VARSHIr UarJIfiU. r Madrid, FeU 5. The armored cruiser A1-, ftrom Havana she will v felt several ports 'X ? f "T" - aubmtitiiln'g Ito Spanish anthon.tyi,nas de - 'Cl,'km .if Amrim creased since the arrival of ja. American I DEATH YRDICT ACCEPTED No Appeal for the Murderer of Barlow GreJeinVHle, Aia., eb. 9. 'Atfcer anearly four days' derlberaUon. tthe Jury la the case of Joseph Cafford, . tri'edt for the . mumSer of Bariow -IJoyd, a well - known ; southern writer, retum'ed 'avveadiiot of gutKy at 1:45 this af fearajoan. and fixed the'pumishmenit at death." The" verrdlict is received! '.with ap proval.' There will be so appeaL ', ? : fo An i::co:.:e tax. - 'Washington, Feb. 9. In . the senate to-i day Butl-er cf ' North Oarclina, Jntroduoed 1 aa anaendmeat to-ttt'a coLastltu'tloii giving cc-ngress power to . lay.;;-and collect an iZ" --. : , . Pfetcili, rb. 9. IIrcuz:r is - been rv tlJcteJ'precI'cnt rf .the CoizLh African r- rawoa mTO iiang sta-ms, a ne,.aniLea-1 sumption, ixjf a.diejtatorshlp on the 'queM M was, he said, ;to drive the adnnlstra-; volvtion tot ;ye,.; SevJ TO EFID CUBAN WAR. Washin-gton, Feb. 9. A (memorial by New York bankers and merchants, asking the president to end the Cuban war, was piresenited-to the president to-dy. The memorial irepreseuts. that the war has al ready cost American commerce $300,000,009 nowug not less'tnan, $100,000;- jww a yean. - , - k This important petition. . 4s -signed - by many banlklng and commercial firms of .the highest standing tn. New York,' and is con aewd. of V668 August Belmont is' among the. signers, who exceed one hundred. , Greensborbv,'Feh. 9. The secretary. of State has granted letters patent to two sew corporations in Greensboro.- as follows: rTK ttlltAifl T.1 7 - - - - a capital stock of $9,000, with privilege of . i Kroreasmg no ne incorporaconi flare Joha JA.fHtodgi'n, S.tB, iHudson and James H. .Daris. The ; business proposed "ito fee , fSarrleil- oa Is'; eeneraf-mfJlhi' -Imerchaodlse business dealfaiff toall kjndi J01. Tala and grSaudins the same and pre 1 paring it for market. , v - 1 The Greensboro Novelty and Ma'nufaet 1 urhnac 'eodnaamrr -wl-Kh a.nltMl stfwlr vf lift - looo aud privileRe of taoreas'lnK to J25.K)0. rt the corporatioir l;to bur and .sell fur I nlbure, spring beds, ols, wire coops,-crates 1 proatnble. . r-K ' ; ,-; BARRIOS ASSASSI1IATED IX. THE NEWS RECEIVED IN WASH INGTON. 'HZ Result of the Enmity Excited Against ' OHimWhen He Assumed the Dicta ? torship in Guatemala. WaeMngton; Feb 9.-The Quatemalao. !'- i gatlon- received news this afternoon of the sstoatJori of President BarrtoSi. . .It was I said jbhat J3manuel Estrada Oabereda, first f- V-y rirrlr-exit following Ms fbeen'inade to kill t i-V r ' ' ' ' -r '-' - r ' L', . T THE BONO SUIT V i ' 1 , " " .' 'C. ' I - Ae .formerly rannoun-ced! ra the Gazette, e . tostltuJted; bT ttihe comnrissioiem of Sjanly county to rest the vaftdS-ty of the J tamly irxwinty bonds his.been carried into I the. federal' courts by the attorneys who represent;-the-'bonj4:UoWWB.- Th:-oase,wlU come j up cut. au eany : aaie ana n. w oe lieved that the dedisiiod ofthe :orth Caro t lina preme court will be sustained, as It K TLJi SSSt' J. ma federal ouesCion Is tnvolved: The sams J ltonieys who represented Stanly icounty J v . . . -1- , . t I- Mark W. iBTawn, -one of the county t- corneys- to tuae 'xruinxxmiDe noon suit was lslgmed! by. the; conxmissioners' was Intended to emhrace botib. the - state , anJ federal , w fnether-lthe attorneys would J on-Tyappear . for. the county - In he .slate "?S:J "LiilV'lii 1,1 ". I nmi,niHr hnwr. will anmu 4n 4nnr oflM - ' "JLJ..t,.b Ibe, fti-aMv'dreclaTed- void, adtiiin whatever WU:l eeesvea oj inem as wmpeneauon. ' Jt is "possJble that the bondhoMers will not proseoate the case any farther. should, the .M,u!cvi.w.iW'oiiwwri. - fc'ui - - iw I be adverse to 'them, I (Mr. Fred' iloore was- seen, and- indorsed ' wihat ha. fceen said toy Air. Brown. V U i EaSt caroiimi fair to te held- the -first rorwaiia. - , - The construction- of , a spacious tobacco 1 warehouse wHl begin here in a few weeks This. Will toe 'the secoHfJ:. of 'which New- bern tboasts, and ft looks as if the tobacco buislmiess 'Is on a htoom. Pin l:g:juv (L Are "a novelty even to epicures. They ere thai moct ddnty and deli-1 cioiib . piclile mzdo. i A I frcch cbipnbnt pet -re-; reived at I . . f cuiiU::;- ... : ZOLl'8 TREnn Disgraceful Scene in tho V Courtbom. " ' ' The Crbwd Siezcd With Sufl1 Driven Frcrn tha Room at th6 Pcia cf thb Bavonct. Swurcssioa cf Erorti to Eecrca tti y'-;;-;'Dreyft3;lIitter; - Former r Government . OfHals.sjct Century rVicted Soldier. -.V ' Paris, Feb. 9. Yesterday s rioting ou k- ride ihe palajf"of Juatlice wJiere the serfa- tlonal trial of Zola is .taking place,, was 't- day transfefrd to -the court rojm dtrcl!. Pandemonium reigBed." Spectators, law- . yers ; and officers of the court were seized wd-th. sudden fury and , fought "4ike lunxScs. ' Order twas not' restored umtil the 'rhOLl mass -of i Stmggling madmen were driven out at the prkat of the, bayonet. The scl& cause' of" the miserable; scene was, a reps- tltion of the government's resolve to wip press .the" truth' at all hazzarda Another proof of the impossilb'fl'ity cf zv?-' pressing tliis great "scandal was given when- the cabinet minister who held office at tL time i'Dreyfus was condemned affirmed tl latter's. gulllt but refusedhhis reasons for the sta!bement, -and hiis former ac.::dl"2, who was at theAead nfthe departjcnt tl Justice, ' with, equal ; posltlveniessirirr:: 3, Dreytus 4nraxnea 'rhe "presMen t c ! '11 court nevertheless calmly -repeated 1 .$ i- luJtml' ito aliow the qiiesLLca f. tio guilt to be rcpeaei clthoush tt.i J.e sooe $ue unaeruying tnas so-caii&a tncj. zoia ,'msacfe o- secreo or nf xpecKiic3f' that he will be condemned, -f . . The police to-day. .smuggled Zola ut of t . " I . ' . - " - ' " , , trance. . .There Was a great crowd in front of tne pudding waitttng to repeat ; y ester?; aays ansuiit, nut tney . were OTsappTrnieau . as. they did not see. Zola,. " ' - , t, , i. . . . ',i - 'irnnTtn- nnimnn '. . Washington, Feb. 9.-rW. F. Ald.ich, wht i j. ' 1 wis ia. ',,r's "a. ran ' ior congress xa uue - r ourui AisuKuuia. -dlatridt -was seated to-day for tte second time ia'the house, on a; strict party vote,' the democrats, populists" and silve-H tfce snik-1 poritlng Thomas H Plowman, y die .sitting . member. ;r Before the election case was tak? .; en upthe house passed' a bill appropriating ' Jurors' fees In the United States courts, ; to y.r. 1 -a.-1l ... . . - " SHERWC0D CC"CERTt CC?AKY.: Three 1u mired Hlcke'ts.sre now c3 sate' at Helnitsh and Reagan's for the Sherwood concert to tbe( given at the Asheville lege on February -12. Hetjuiests from vai, of town, are already coming in asking -Chat seats be reserved. The cranner of tackewL, , however, wffl be limited to 300. ; . . . ;-A HORTH CAROLINA GEK3. . ' v, ".'.'.',.f,)1.tf' :? t The , rare beauties , of. nature, so well repres'ehted,,.!!! Western North CSarcla, ' ".; r ; ' n. ' ' - are; becoming- better known erery day peoplefwho are tetter educated in the far-. Tnauon ana uauqr - imuenus imtv xvr time to time shown their ' appreeiitlca ci these Gems by using them fa U kinds cf adornment, v ' .-' We have. decided to close out some af.. - - ; . , these gems' and offer, them at prices that should make them . all sell In a very f days. ' , ' 'WD OFFE3: One lot of 11 gems at 50, cent each.' "' One lot of 40 gems at 60 cents each., 4 r One lot of 169 genu at 75 cents each, : One lot of 40 gems at $1.C0 each. One-lotxf S2 ccra It tin eic-CcI3.' One lot of & gems at J1X3 each." Onel?tfcf -3 c--"5 at ?2.C0 eci.' . Ons Vctf o c' ti c'ita. C:!i One let cf 3 at ti.CD cich. , - - - ' . , - y. ' '.- -., .. Or? c-a 1 ' - - . ., , . - " s - wt-v T r Trr - ,.' ' ,..7. -v: -v.v-'i." - , . . - .- m ir s its ""H hlw WM . W p S. 4 . ( It to A n .1. .... VJ " f -.3 " !n ta 1.3 v ::i t: . "i .At!, '"z s r-a'rcu c!f Krv' V. '- y i ', : V i W PATIXXTJ AV BANK BUILD-;- -v-rrr's .rrti 1. r tl 3 cf t $ Z I l:aa in. a fe'v c-'- x . i ..I rcJirn 1 v 'w' 3 s. - i s tla Et:rt3 t.jC.'.i.;:L