. . v : - - . - - '.'-"' -'1.. .-.;: .. ' , ' " , " - y y y y J " ''' " . : . - " " X j I i " t i ! j " , - , ' i. ,'V Vol III: No 314, . ASHETILLE, N. C, SATTJEDAY II(ffiUINTG, FEBEUAEY 12, 1G28. -Prica'o'Cbnfc. m 28 'S:jcln St. - f c v--,. "i-t-v. v-. -)i i-.; . .- .." - : -TV: - ' '..4 -i ' -' - '9 '-' .-- . . ' -- 1-f artfc9 e ave" still iniaiu-b a good assort- War ment of lar ' Bonnets r and Zeph3n" and Eiderdown : Saques "which must becloccd cut regard--less of value while they are yet seasonable and of use- 25c Cream Silk Emhroidered Caps 1 " . - 18c , - , ... . 4c Cream Silk Embroidered Caps-' ? : f 5c bream Silk Embroidered Gaps - 4J5c Cream Silk Embroidered Caps lOream Silk Embroidered Caps ' 69c , 4L75 India Silk Bonnets - ' $1.15 r ; ' 15c Infants' Fancy Caps - 35c Infants' Fancy Silk Caps v , 1 " ' t : ".. , We i-; ' v - ' 40c Infants' Fancy Silk Caps - v . , , SOc Infants Silk Bonn ets ' o ' ' - 65c '$ 40c Zephyr Sacques ; - H5c 60c Zephyr Sacqaes r COc Eiderdown Sacques 39c 75c Zephyr Sacques ;.'.-. 48c Trimmed in "White Pink pr Blue.f fOODS that are "Just Ur as good as something - a little bit better" will fill the' bill,' provided tyoa are. satisfied with a second grade article. Our : BRflNDV of goods stands without a 'jiccR'-'No old stock, all '97 pack. 'J:::J MONARCH r 03'C QiiQ644yZ'tlfmV !rtJW-ihiaLy md otftelal-' status '3 About ttiOran'c t i- "i.ffne iM-'Adfet!::d; Owing to the bi demand" we have just on0 boz left and we iear that they y ill doc last long p than noon today (Saturday ) So if your order is not filled you Will uhderstan d th at y ou h pat a good tiiing off too len PURE FOOD STOr Phone 49 ;19 Ilcrricc ; ', OLciAr.i2:a cur. J 'H. Law's el en. c:ccI v : N patpon ave:iui:, c:o. DV:'A The De Lome Incident is not Yet Closed; r -: - Authoritative Statement of; the iiMatter.-r; : Expecting a Cable Report From Gen- v, 1 . --" eral Woodford. , HptMng WiirtaDone UntUThat 1 ' ' Government Does not Intend the ; Matterto End 0 With 'Acceptance of -s Senor' De Lome's ' Res ..ignabon , .- . r f s '. J; k,... V.'-v ' Waslihrgton; Pet). 11. Surprise tnd di- appotntmenit Is felt f elt by tlhe adminlstira- tion over the failure of ,'thie Spanish 'min istry to make amendaf for the treprehen sive conduct of "Senor DeLonie. ' Not omly toas "the ministry neglected to 'disavow re eponadbility for :; the' sent imeists ezpresaed in the Canalejas letter, hut it (has made no attempt, so far aa .tlhls goverxuneiift' is a ware, to show any regret that (the embar rasing incident oocurred. - , Despite all sfcaiements to the contrary, incident will mot be closed. VTJuletsis some other action than tthe- acceptance of De4 Lome's resignation, -is taken- at Madrid, thia goverament c will undoubtedly ! make known its displeasure in an emphatic way, perhaps by recalling I General" iWoodford. our minister to. Spain.: .The situation up to date; was explained - this afternoon by ai official of the state department' with au-'j thority to speak for- t3ie government. TM4 is !hls statement in substamoe: '' i; fAa , he matiter itandsr, : the incident not closed. - General Woodford to-a-snot-been diTeated to requesit or demand a disavowal - from tie Spanish, government. A caibJe message, was received from Ms last night wbidb! said that he Spanisih jniniater'a res ignation (had' been accepted before Gen erai 'Woodford presented the telegram of the state department! - He said tlhat tfhe first secretary ,of vthe 'legation in vWasMngfton would be placed n, cbarge of the ilegatkm and a ww minister appointed at. once. I He also said a full report would follow. ;TMa is nearly the exact .wording of Uhe dis patcfh; , , ' -. J , - v - ' , ; "We think .Woodford's report 'Will come by cable. 'Ndthing will ,v be done by this government untdl that report, ia received. Nothing ihas ,been done by.-tMs governmeiiit beyond ending instructions:: ito Woodford to represet o the Spanish bvernmeiilt Chat tfhe Immediate recall of the' Spanish, min iater (here "was -deemed necessary,'' t The acceptance: of the 'minister's " resdg--na.tion precludes the department f rom send ing bian passporlts ' un'less - they are asked for"' UntU tihe-. report' promised- iby Woodt ford (has been, received, the government wWl not' decide definitely '. what" course shall, be pursuiedr s - " ' , x This sstatemenJt sbowst ttrests . with the Spanish ministry to determinejeer tbe relations; between' Spain and i ifhe 'United States are, to "be further strained. ' A disavowal of ODeliomes criticism owiM close the' incident, VutJhls -..'govefnmenit does jtiot intend to allow' the matter o end witTvifhe acceptance t -the min4ster' res was the decision xeacneavby Htne-adimxnja tration An considering whether 1he could be handed "his passpwtsanddfismissed-fromi tlhe counitry af ter notice of ; the 'acceptance of b,H3 resignation ihad been , given to kbe elate departmenit. " Only 4 foreigners . of Official position can be'1 gtvew1 offMa4-V"PP0rt. guaranteeing them We conduct ; roan ;itbe country In which, 'they "have been repre senting their governments... .' .-J"' 'It witb the broader, qyestion; of the dignity of 'the' president and , the : govern ment of tth'e United States -that the admin istration (t,todeal, and-it intends to vtifbi it in a very positive xzzeT un ices S;aln shows a disposition to ana.!-: a meni3 fpr the action of Ins diplomatic rep-re-: ntative. ?:trii, reb.- 11. T. 5 Irrclale, refer ring to ih r.-:.-i:-i of Cer Dpuy B;lx:e, says: "Tie C3verr:rt wise ta irccfTt Eercr Crljc-e'g re-.: -nit: on. -His ,:rtti:a !-ic -y cccla--- tl rvern t vir -.t-'3 .j , r -1 T.-i .'a t t" - - ? 2 Vil3 . J--:t. 1 tzl " Taylor - ' Lo tie Cran- CI :- : in 3 c Isi ' goveramen't Ibiaa , requested the Clyda Bank sihiip building company to push tlte 1 . - . Spanisli - work." Tlie txraipaoiy yestmlayt is added, dispoitclicicl to Spain a hlsi ??sd torpedo crutaer, fully manjjed by , j aa- lards, an .addition," 1rwo .torpedo; boat d Ktroyera axe being completed .for Spain, tie crews ifor , wMdh liave a-rrlred ait Glasgtrw 1 r.:cr:ErFca fortificatic::s. j .Washington; Feb. The eaaite com mittee : on a.pproprla!tioDi3 (today completed consideration, of - tJie foTtlfleaStion approprS ajtJoa.bilL The committee recommended .In-1 creases wliich nearly double itbe Cgxires ot the aa it passed tie bouse. ' ' "r ' - Kiortiwdni- vcrcHi run o. u. r Wasliingtoiiy iFeb, 11. The , boiiae com-' mittee.on comimerce today decided ito rd4 portMinfavorably the senate bill rto-permit the state of . Soutai "Caroli-aa"" to eoaMtirol quor Jbrougiht into - the state' in wlginal packages K" " - NEW KN0XVILLE P0STASTER. I " " - Washin'gtom tPabr 11. iTbe txreBident o-i day sent the ifoTlo'W'inig nomtoations to HihT seniaite: -aTeaswy-uoseoli W. Burke. i- ibto ,of outstotms, dasalct of ' (Mobile,. Alai tFOstmuastera: Tenaiaeeee 'William . Trentj.Kinoxivulle; ; A, VFafctom, : SouCh .tj-lix-:.i i.. ..... (State? MEdlwiin. S. Ouiinin'gha'm, of Ten- nessee,; consul at Aden, Analbta. - ' . THE ALDERIIEU . ru (: . . THE MACA D AMIZING OF FRENCH :'. ! fJi BROAp AVENUE.4 ; i''' An Experiment to be Made of the Work New Sidewalks-Light tTowers to J. - V-: r : Jbrf Put in Order , "l The aldermen anet last night,and Mr Jones, representing the. audHtorium conw mitteev reported advenaely on tlheprospep- 'tive'NeHIe Parkplan; because xf 4he city's lack of fundst. ,4,--'V v , ,;' .' -Mr. , Burnetii stated " tihatT tthe flremensT gloves asked for ilast meeting were iieed4 ed. They were ordered pxu;ch!aised; as was ..-..-4, i , the 'firemena' bedding, recen-tly accideiitly riMayor- Ranking (reported ifchat Mr. Grd- J wood HaJd examined 4tne eledtrsc ligntrtow ers, and -Uhalt rthey ,v would, soon (be. put in good siape -V'w;--- ' Upon moUoxf, he rAsbeville" Street rail way company was reqiuesbed to remove its superfluous switcH iait tihe o4 car sihed m Souith Maintreetl'' - ' " ?- '- Mt. Locke Onaig imade xxxnplaSnt, of 4be trolley poles, which, being in the sidewalk, obstruct .the way from - the graded : school building to West " Chestnut - Btrett. ; They will be removed upont order of ?tho board. 2Jtoenee to conduct a restaiuraaitt on Wal mnat street , was, luipom; reqtuest, transferred'. 7 Cfliarlesi A. Webb, rm behalf of his neigh boM,.'ap.pealeid1 for a sidewalk. v-.- Seney street from.' IMerrimon.-iaven'ue - Bast street. IT!he amajt'ter, -was referred p to" the street comtmiittee. ' - .-v'. v -' ' .x lA;;.pettltio!ni: signed by inost of the cttti-; sens on Frendh Braaxi avenue offering 'to .pay their tax for ' , 'the - following year, aJmountinig to nearly $1,500, .in aldvarace, if Une cuity -wouUdi aicoept 'the 'proposition . of feredi iby Mr. Collins, lands appropriate the money to aniacadamdzin!g their streec, was presented. 'J.1. M. uidiger anld (Mr, CoHdns gave ito t!he 'board nuimerous reasons .wlhy 'tihe work should .-be done. , It was declided to experkment with twenty tons of crushed atone, beginning at Patton . avenue. Should tflnis prove a :t euocess, ! the r work,,. wili be extended on 'to Depot stfreet. , 0 s . " A torick sidewalk was ordered from (Main to lMarket streets.-' ,--'v v ' -.:'. The matter of placing sewerage oa West Chestnut Street; near Cwamberlandt' avemte, was referred ito the sewer-and water com-' miUtees With power to aoU ; f' . J. M. (Lortck-wanted to bnow who was to pay -for -the; oysters ; deTiivered by ... loted outside the' muarket TiouiserrwMch he. claims were carried off by Mne, tiaish:. wagoju jaie femred! to the -anartj-et house commi ttee.Wi 1 IMayor (Riankitt and! several; meaaberaiof t!t board; ccIilmented-? hanisome wmA, ijearance of fthe oew cfty 'CoJeCie work of the (Asheville Printting comppy "amd the Gazette's iTersenithaler-: C'cilnes.Th Ihour- for meeting of the al'MJrimen was chan-ged vfrom,' t clOciL ,fLxir 7:30 p. m. . -- The following bKls ' were, : ordered paidi i Tir. B..B. Glenin. $5.50; lAsheviHe Supply and foundry 3o., $21.30 r oonjpdhs; $50.00; J. S Mosseiaerr'50Kj; Ashevdlle' Hardlware Co..' $2.10; Gazette PuJo.? Co., $8.75; J.-'G. uckett,v i $10.00 ; IL 'E. : Clevenger, $10.00 ; Stanidardl Oil and Gasord-ne Co., $3.25, P.H. iHaigh-es", $8.00; . Southern Railway, $22.25; jyr. t. C. Smith. $SS.O0; elle" Baimsey and W. C. iPatton; $3.60 ; Mrs.' V. J. Ball, $26,20 ; water pay . roll, -$36.33; Street ; pay ;roii, $2S6.50; sanitary ipay roll,' $79.65. .- . J."tt " ' CASH STATmrDNT, t , - 'RHonrPTS. r. iltfi, on bind' 'Feb. 5.. 3,704.75 Collected' by J. A. Campbell, T. C : 1,277.43 E. iRoberts, water. ' 444.09 W. iA. James, finea. ........ 28.25 W. IT. 'Bird. jfnltsaTy ! . 46.70 Geo.'H, Crn'es, soaks. 22.24 p.f w !TJr.rhi(irh?fn . sundries. . 43.3o Total :.$3.5CS.81 "FaiJ street !:r rt-;n.b. - 158.28 61.23 Prli T--t:r C-7 rl:t.. , - . C34.57 1C3.S4 149.83 . 2"7.C5 r S3S3 645.03 0.00 2.CC3.63 l-raiJ. -mis:- " 'Ps-'-i City lr-11 d--.':ziectv. F.'..l s'il3rls3 ( pi:i street HiLin IT!. J-i 1 t ""T S o. . CUi3h on fcanl.'. , r - res 7 fir n n - If'!' - . j 1 f ' f ) JJlLMlLiiyii S' T DliTIOH AsSc3n by ths Bradstreet :4 "2 Agency. . , Activity in the Iron and Steel J Market ; And at Last an Advance in the Price : of Raw Cotton. IrwartirT a ChccrM Tens io South- Quiet ; Improvement in w the Distributive Trade :' vlowRess of the Spring Trade to Develop in Castern Citfes'A: - " v ; . " -:i " ' Ilfew-Yqrk Feb. . lLBradeitreet tomor iw will say?,. "A number- of favorable circumstances and events : present tihem. selves this week. , The- prospectar of the mosi notable, of these arethe: renewed ac-; tivity and 9onfidnce in , -the iron and steel market accompanied by prompt ' and 'even rapid advances" in several grades of crude pig, iron and '.steel and an advance in iprice of raw 'cotton,' long predicted,' but unreal i Ized wastil tJhte presemt week.. - " ', ?'W4 mlgh;t be remarked a minor fea- two ltts.t3ie biisineee situatkm-.-tehouigh at the r same- time conyeyiajg - mucb that Is bxfpef lil Ito the interests' involved, is a quiet general Smproyement . in3 the , distribution trade and demand in the oemtral "west'and to ", the fflouth, 'Wbere the spring trade . is reported opening in good eihape, 1 "TJj less favorable featuresTof fthe week .rt? .toe slowness oi synng ireuo iu, xy goods to devolop at ? New York and other eastern centres, except Boston and ,s. t!he mild; weather ia the northwest, rendering ttkelythat:Tetai3ens'. tcks -carried over wilioe larger tban- was earlier expected. 'Although 'the advance in v cotton;- h has oeen coaamea to ie ooo rapia, w . aae xm- parted ; a much - anore, cheerful tone fto southern business BituationSj ahd with the advance M Iron, and teel has dane. much to add to the confidence- wiUhs which , the trade outlook. for '1898 is remaTkalble. " Advances in . prices haye not 'been lim fted to ' iron and raw -cotton'.' Corn and oats are -higher, .partly , on "speculation;- as v Men's ''wear goods ares' lightly "higher; Firmness is a feature in ithe price k of flouronv copper and prints, whilei some other makes ; of - coton'i goods are. affected by ;$ttxi strike restricting production,. - and are 'snore firmly held X in ' sympathy ; -wiith foreign markets. Raw wool is quifeer. BIG FIRE I1MIEW YORK - i LOSS OF' - HALF A MILLION - DOLLARS LAST EVENING. Seven Stories of th Tall ;Tanderbllt fex Building in Nassau Street New' .Ycrk; Feb. 11. Shortly -toefore ' 7 o'clock "tonight, fire" iras discovered in the basement' of . the"'btdldlng known 1 as ' the Nissan CShaihersCTte fiaines epread ' so rapidly -within an hour, that five -big buiM in were abl. anA-it , looked as if the entire1 block, bounded: by Nassau, Beek- xttao, Vllliatn and ? Aim rtreeW . woud - be destroyed-; ;Air the buildinga-. are ; high ones; v " ; - - ' k ' A' strong, wind carried away-big chunks of burning timber and.- strewed the -flam ing torches . on ghbortng roofs!:. J t ' i, ? c Nearly all the firemen sta'tioned south of ' Fifty-Ninth "street were sent- scurrying f ' ; ' i - i f " I '' , down town. J - ' , ' - a., ; - " ; . s Seven of the fourteen floors of the Van- derbilt building were gustted. Several smaler buildings .were, badly damaged. Half a dozen scrubwomen ; were .-, rescued from burning buildings , , . r 1 The loss 4s about half a anillion.- s nor..iriATioNS co::fir:.ied Daacy Collector s-t "W ilnintoa-IIich cog- Amscridcr ' nVashington, Feb. 11. Among the nomi r Ttion " coniren t f ly - 'were : Thcr: -j - ; . . , -fr-.-. L- - ' ..." IlltcicocX cf llrcuri, t.'irzzzzZsr to R"-i tli; Owen L. W. XIJi. cf IT-.'l'j Circ'.a, mlrlrter t3 LitcrU; ATnzo C. Tc'tea, cf Varciulo, a Patrcs, Creec?; Jc'inC. Darcy, collacicr of customs, Y7iliritan, N. C. i . A AL J V . . - ' - 9 - r - ' Fcr fir- 81 . ticular3 N. O. P., Casctta. OFF FORTHrl KLONDIKE W,'A-Boyceand'W.L. Eetchum Wili . Leave on the 16th- ! . , sj W.,A. Boyce and W L. Keltchum. wilt eave on the 16 th instant for ttke gold fields of Alaska. - Mr. Boyce ame- to AsheviUe fourteen years ago, and began busdnesa as a1 mem ber of .the fUm of Rich and Beyce, After- wards the firm was ' Ballard, Rich and Boyce, and (he is now a' member of he firm of Boyce end Rich. ' - In conversation ' witlh a'3a'aette reporter yesterday, af ternooh : Mr. "Boyce said that' he1 would leave Me family in Asheville for the, present. He will . go direct from. !here to Seattle and take ftfce first' eteainsbip pos sible for i the Klondike regkxn. : " " Mr. Boyce stated that fee bad not severed his coninectil'oh with Ihls firm, and that dur ing Jhie ahigenicelhis interest will be repre- sen ted, ty J. I Wagoner and J. I. Rich. Q0ARAIITI11E C01IEliTI01I A NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF 'I PUBLIC HEALTH." ' n V Congress to be Asked to Provide for it - r-A Conference at Atlanta in . ' &Ltfy April.:;' Mobile,' Ala.. Feb. lL-At the third day quaramUce comrention todayt Clarke's 'a mended substitute 1 passed. " It provides that congress "he requested to "arrange 'for a department of public health as taoon as practicable; to provide for an. effideat anar- itime quarsinitlne, tunif orm and dimpartial in its application to the' different commer- cial ports of this country, to be enforced by state, and, 'municipal quarantine , or health boards, leaving aW'to the states the power : to prescribe and enforce addi tlonal realaonable saf eguardts of health : of their oommunitles, provided that .such state action shall vnot" ainreasonably- obstruot comemrce. ' t asks that'congTea leave ex clusively to thestaitee the regulation of their internal commerce. ;c ' ! the: fir et.TuedayJUx ApriiU'of the-South At laoitlc and Gulf states, to "formulate a code of quarantine regulations. ' ' TALK WITH JUDGE EWART Regarding Hjs; Nomination for:1? the n , : Federal Oourt "Judge H.',C' Ewart' is in "the city, stop ping alt the Battery Park.- iHe was felter viewed last evening by a Gazette reporter on -tne supject or. tne judgesiUp,-and tin re sponse to several inquiries saidr : t- ' I my nomination is not confirmed Mon- day, I will on that day open, count at Mar- shal. .. It may be that my confirmation, will be delayed .'another, week, 'but that delay will be the final- one. ;; Ruitler is' the only senator who Is opposing me, and. I can't say' that he is : really against me he only , ' wants time.- v Judge Ewart franMy 4 stated 'that '.' , Col. Luk wouM' have been -appoinited but for his age , and : expressed his appreciation of the support' of Senator Pri tchard and Rep resenltative Pearson after lit, 'was f decided that Lrusk was not elegible. -; - Judge Ewart will return, to Henderson- vllle 'today; and in the absence of any fur ther devetopments; wiM open court at Mar shall on Monday. - ' " CUBAN INFORMATION. ?Wauhingtonr, Feb," 11. The house com mittee on foreign aff airs, reported favorably the .Williams resolution callimg upon,' 'the s'taige department for the imf ormatia in 4ts possession concerning the ' presents candi- tion of the reconcentradoes- in Cuba, - -1- ' 11 V '5 ; Arc a novelty even I epicures. Thoy are tlisl 2 most'- ddnty and deli- I cicus pickle made." A I irc:n c:npni2nt juzx rcrf o reived ai ; - -. ' - o o o o o 0 6 Cc. rt T7. ire; Frcr.t. o T3E:UniTIfJG A Sensational Incident in Zola's Trial, Letters of the Count .iristak-, j , enforDrejfas-:.- ;; Colonel Picquart tells of His, . Inves tigation.. First ; Touch : on tie Question of Preyfas'Guiltr.-r:?:' The Secret - Enquiry In" the Esterhazy Case-- r EffLct of the Evidence on Public Opinion. -. , Claris, . Feb. , 11 If 4the estknon isirren. by. Col. Picquart In the assize court to-day ' oe;: oeHevea, Zola's 7 terrible i charges- - against offlcers of the' Frenidh army to his famous iAcouse'f .dooinnent, euro J oosb pletelar, Justified. ; lpicquart,': whose iscov-" ery of the compromising: telegram ad dressed to Count Esterhazy, first led htad 'to suspect the latter'a gudlt, told a plain , stradghtforward story ito-day of hisinves- ' titgatlon inlto thVEaterhazy case,' -which was made with the approval of the haghest ot- ficdals of the iwar department," untir evidence- was found connecting-the supecltcd ' omcer wfth ithe crime ifor -which Dreyfus, was coridemned. He said: : 1 " ' ' 1 . "I submitted several of 'Esterhazy 's lei-' ' ters, conteealiing their , origin, to Bertllltex and: LWJor Paty IDe Clam. 'it is in ah hapidwritihig of Dreyfus,' cried Bertdllon, ' but is later than 1894.'- (He added, aston ished:' The Jew nrust have striven to im- ' ftate .the handwriting of Mta-Jor Esterhazy. ( vxeiw ionze inaftrudted me not ,to touch . the Dreyfus affair, but ito pursue the 'Ea terhazy enquiry. . J. . U f'But 4f 'Bordiequex 'was Esterhazy,' thn wotsld dt. pot? prove that Dreyfus .was Ja- , nocent? iHe was asked. , V1'' ",v ."Yes,'ovt 1, ifailed to comprehead the real meaniing of .any contmdictory -Inscructioiu! " he replied.. - jf . ..v -r . The "witness declined to reveal the woo- ' tentis of the coimfpromiisin'g , telegram ud-," ' ' dressed to Esterhazy. lt is impossible to ' estimate : iai.jucrately' .- the effect of ,th 1 : 'Plquart , itestamoniy -oni ' .piilbliic opinion ." in 1 -Framce, but .popular prejudice Is too siirons 1 ' for1 any rad'Jcal ohamgi of attitude. ' Every resource of officialdom will .be "used to con- -trovert 'thertoporbant. evidence - given to--' 5 day.-,. .' . 1 Gen. Pellieux testified that Gen. Saussier, former military governor of Paris, desired a public : trial lor. Major Esterhazy,'' but Gen.: BUlot,. minister of war, ord'CTed the : 'trial - to -.be-. secreJt;.vNeveirthe4es-Jtaxe wit- ' nesa added,.. the- courttmartlal refused ; to ' : keep the entire proceedings'' secret, there- 4 fore,vJt was" im possible to contend that Ma jor Eisterhazy was acquitted by order of the" authorities1. T"'. ' ' ... ' ' USE FOR CHICAMAUGA PARK. , Washiin'gitan, iFeb. ; ll.-The house ooanT miittee on. appropriation has a sitalement - fromjthe chairman of 5 the -CM-dkamaiusga tPark commission as to the use of the park as a-place of army refuge from yellow fe ver, it was to the effect that ad of the garrisons-. now stationed , on the south iAV, . lantJc atr4Juilf portsy: or -which are likely 1 to be stationed Lthere when." all toast forti- -ficationa are completed, could be cncamiped ,! ln the: park" without damage and that all exceptr the Galveston .force, . wh4ch .wouIJ 7 require twenty-our hours, could reach the , , tpark In a night's travel.;. ; . 7A NOHTH CAROLINA GEMS: ; - The 'rare beaiuties of , cature, ' so jwell' represented in , Western - North Carolina, , are becoming better known every day ai ; , people who are better educated in the for- - mation and utility of mtoerala' have f ran r ";??', i . --'M i,:; ,.''; .', time: to", time ' shown their appreciation of ' these Gems by using them in U kinds cl ' adornment. - V-. - 5-'- ' , ; We' have decided to close out some- of these . gems and offer them'at prices that should imake them all sell 'in a very -few t days.- WE OFFER: One lot of 41 genu; at 50 cents each. ; One lot of 40 gems at 60 cents each. 1 , ,-"'. , i ', One lot of 163 genu at 75 cents each. - . r - ', One lot of 40 gems at ?L00 each. . - : One lot cf 22 gems at $1.25 each. Cold. One lot of 5 gems at 1X5. each, ,k One lot of S gems at J2.C3 each. -Ons i3t cf S t $.2.0 each. One lot cf.3 gams at I4.C3 each.- ' -One gem for ?1C 3. . t . ' . , AUTIIUr. IL II1L.D, , Church Street en 3 Pattsn avesu?, Aria vllle, N..C 1 ,JV BUILDING.

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