Western Carolina News- ' 'Swannanoa, ' N. C., Feb. 11. Swiamnamo Is one of the most beautiful little villas in the whole of Western North. Carolina. ' Jt is situated at ae foot of the Shall sur Toundtng one of the mast fertile-, hence, prosperous, farming regions in this part jot the state. Some hind of improvement la cone-trntly going on. Mr. George WMtson -tt jnt completed . Ms residence a Mm farm bougtlt of WiU and Andy Hemphill. The dry kiln andi : planning mills of , the - Wilkereon .Lumber company ' are in con stant operation. . A great deal of dumber Is toeing handled here." The company Isget ting their lumber from the slopes of Black .Mountain, and it is. the finest Queality. - ' The railroad authorities, have begun op erations for a new depot both at this place and at Black Mountain. Thy are to foe neat convenient ihouaes wi th ample waiting room . capacity, a model office and . ware- - house. " ' ' f ' r - - Mr. Foster Davidson, who lo-ft ibis nand a few days ago in an accident in (handling aw-JogsV ia getting along finely and x " pects to haul again In a few-days. : Rev, ; H. R. Overcasto !ha been secured toy flue Presbyterian congregation for the pastorate of Plney Grove churchl - Mr. Overcaslh Is a youmg man, and comes to us with Ms wife and one child. We feel that this la quite an addition to our elghibor--Jiood.'. r ! ; , " ,1 ' Farm work is in progress now. Onal " nio&t every farm .you i see ' "the two-nors -turners at work. ? (Look' out for Swannaa--oa melons next season: - , uwl county. lAt tL rate-this year starts jndi a proporlJiona'te increase per caaati Ji profits wM move .toward $10,000. KCCXSVILLE & KCOF.SVILLE R. R. OJvdl Engineer W. H. Wells went over lo Cleveland, 'Rowan 'coun-fcy, last nigh! to ook after the tMocksvH1e-Mooiiesviille road jals the Greensboro Record. . From lata it -was 'learned- thaiti the con- ... , - - . .. r- .... r- raotors are all- making fine progress 1 in grading. - - " ' x-ua veailher has been favorable, so much to float -the hands have been able to -work jeairly. every day" since the grading com--cjeoced. 'At least seven and a' half indies irerB graded! djuning iJhe moniLh of Janu iry. fllhlis ipaalt of the work :is imtare Chain half done andl Capt. Wells expects -'the ni-rV-laj'ing Oo begin abcut 5 the- first of Apri'L-' ' ' -' - x-s. ti9 believed that a majority of the con tractors 'Will make some money. -' .'. i HANCOCK SUIt REINSTATED. "New 'Berne, Nr C, Feb. ll.-QIr.. Abbott "has re-lnsMtnitted Iher.suiit against Hanecock, She was Induced to wiahdraw it by Rev. Luai'ley and' others 6: !the family connec- Htm," and now that the presswe is t- jnoved rihe has returned to her original f (purpose. Yesterday she adidresseld a mace to W. D. Mclver, asking him to see "the - other attorneys reltained by her to her suit against Robert Hancock lor $10,000, and - state to "Miem " thait she wished -the , cae proceeded .with. t -. ' K , .jMr. Mclver was out1 of the -cUty yester j day, but received the word from (Mrs. Ab-l- bott upon his Te'turn. - The: other attorneys, Clark and! Guton," and-D. I Ward were mo rtified o take urp the case again. ! The suit la to be proceeded wfth as it. would haive (been had no notice of t -withdrawal been ., made. - " v ' ,The clerk of the coudt, Mr. Watson, was notified, and! also the attorneys for the" de- . : " lence. SSmmons, Pou and Ward. 1 The i movement wall cause general surprise, -St is ; thoupM, 'as no cuch resuit has been italked of. , . - - . - ' , - THE EXPOSITION CAR. ; . Winston, 'Feto. lL-Several hundred pro pie Vlaitd ,'the exposition car . to-day The oar is said ifo be the handsomesy in the x-orVl being 'made tof INorth Carolina wood at a cost of $20,000. It ' will exhibit ,,, in JreensiDoro to-morrow. The Salem- Bays school, "East tSaiem public school and a por tion of the West "End graded school Visited Jhecar in bodies. . IMr. Jep. Hester, of Kernersvaie, father of .i.he boy whT mutilate the exposition jar, came up xo v. winscon ' unis moinmg. Hi? son came Snt ithila afternoon and -the fa'ther; gave bom for the hoy's appearance at-- tnlaJ, whach w'as set -for hearing before Justttce Ijehunau at 11 o'clock to-morrow, roung 'Hester, denies the'eharge; t: - ?v f curjiriOCK cave kike. f: ? Chatham,- Feb. 11. The "coal mine at Outmnock, in this" counity is mows .befog worked on a more. extensive scale than at any previojua time to -lits 'history1. In "ad diitloo. to the force heretofore etmployed there, twenty-two ; skilled .. mdners from Pennisyivanlia arrived- las't week and were pub to fwork.T ' One hundred tons of - coal a ,day are now ein!g furnished1 ko the Seaboard Air 'Dine: system of raflroads f or thflr Io3onc.lves', besides ithe guantity fur nished 'other- l.ompanies . and Inddvi'diuals. , tID addi tiioo; to -the increased output ' of the Gucninodk mine much totterest Is being aroused In. the development of the other vatoahle deposfcs of coal in the valley of Pee-pTiver. - ; .'4 -,-,.-' :,y-f. , ONE OF THE NEW LAWYERS. jBurnsviUe, iN.' C, Feb. 1L Otfr. G. E. Gardner, of Yancey county, 'was- on Mon- day last, license? -by "the. supreme court at IRakUgh, 'to pnalotice law, in -the courts of - Uhe s-tate.' - - , tMr. ' Gardiner was highly complimented by the court upen the eua.essful ezamrna Ition he had; undergone,' several of the us "tices sta'iiing lilaat he was the best .pre pared - BtudenJt they had ever examined. f IMr. Giairdinier read- law for a year under Mr. W'aiteon, of fEurnsviHe, and finished his studies ninder Judge A. C Avery at Mor feanton. Mr Gardner , is a gentleman of enrgy, dntelliiigen'ce'arid fntegrity, and we ipredidt for hdm a 'brilliant -future In the (profession (which he has' chosen for his life work - ; . CONCORD., ' . r.. Concord, Feb. 11. The first meeting of the stockholders of the Wiscassett (Mills icompany, Uhe new company formed td bu"d ini-g 200,000 miill at Ulbemarre, wttld be t. theld here 'om the 17. ' , . ' . 'A defective flue came, very near; causing a serious (fire ait the County Home lait Sunday aJternoon'. ,. The fire was diiscov eirred 'in time, ainid a conflagration averted. .' All 'the bu&ldfinigs are of wood, and if fire had gotten beyond control . in. one, al. vt them 'would no doulbt have been consumed. ' 'Mr. J. IM. (Rdberts, iwho succeeded '(Mr. R. 3. iHarris, as deputy .collector to this tterratory, annived! dn 'Concord last week. 1Mr. 'Roberts has been tin the office at Ashe-villet.- Ool'lector Karkins htas put him dm & oewpositloni, and is mibcing up Ms men to -this- way aid over the district. : Thas Is vdone wtth tthe v4ew, no doubt, to force their resigna'tiions so, that- republicans - may . be appointed. -; ' J ';--l . ' .4-g'ua SUPERINTENDENT'S ACCOUNTS SHORT. ' (FayetteviUe, iFeb. -117 Last weik Ooyd iHorllngsworUh, the local superintendent of the Telephone company at th'is iplace, iwas found 'to he short n ls aocounlts same titag over $100. GIt. Hollingsworta Is m brfght and active boy and had a fine op portiunlty of making'' hlimeelf a namle in iMs v hu siness. y HI has ixmfessed 'his. gu lit and will iplead for the mercy of the court, iti is said. 1 . - - . , j' . The -'Cumberland coum ty idilspenisary cleared for the monith of. January over $600. ' , For the first six months the jxroifiits wers aboult. $2,400, divided equaliy between- town SALISBURY'S STREET CAR LINE., - Salisbury Feb. 11. Thfe survey of the street car Itaue'has commenced and when the work of surveying 3s completed every? thiing wlill' be to.- readiness for -the track. The 'laying, of fthe fcraefc will begin not later than (March. 1, and the line wil' he completed wii'thiin a few tmonths .-'hTward. -.-The promoters' of Hhe line will have it comple'ted several months before the ltoiH arJoweid' th-emi fat the franchise. - ; : This will be good news to SaWsburi'ans 'S ' it means ((hie ceritain materillzaliiion . of the car lace pTojetft. v - -y ' ; SUSPICION,. OF F0UC PLAY, ; . A runner came ta Saturday morning tJof llhe coron'r, announcing .. the deatth 'of 'a younig colored man, LdndseyMcEntlre, at thsla ihome eta -Broad; river Jiear the Polk county; Jinte,' says theiRutherfordton. Vin d'insior. IHis htody was found on his door step,, a shot gun by Ms .side; which had been discharged,' -the charge entering un der 'dhe jaw and passing up into his head. Soiiarii'clon of f ou3' play ds entertainicai, but the partliou'lars -were not iearned. ", He had a wife and' onexshlild,5 who were at a neigh bor's. ' - EPVY0RTH LEAGUE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL. -The centtrail committee appointed" by the last W'N. iC. coniCerence to selecit: a place and program for (the nert joint conferenice of Epworth Leagues ' and' Sunday schools tmet in Salisbury last week. ?The stewards of Church Streett (Methodist church, south, semt to an toVitatdon to ithe comm8tiee to have the next Joint conferen'ce' held In Salisbury. - The tovdtattton was accepted, and date fixed for (May 26 and 29. Thds to- cluides the fifth Sunday in the anonth,. ! ' k- WAYNESYILLE. . fWaynesviille;"- Feb.c 11. The Waynesville Dramatic xpluib has been reorganized and is rehieaisHnig a new play -which -will, be ain nounced liaiber. , 1 The Souuhern- railway is heautifvine ats depot yard Iby planting shade trees, ebc. Mr. Frank iMay; the Date proprietor of tht iRichiand hotel, has " given , up the house, sold hlis fumrture, eltc, and will remove to Aiken, &.C . - : . " . ' ; COUNTERFEIT NICKELS. - ' The -Record! of 'last week says Quite numtoer of . caumiterfeifti nickels have Ibeea afloat at .tJhtoa Grove. Asa albtempt was made to exchange one for some coppers at C. J., Deal's store by a young boy. mfe merchants .should keep their eyes open as these coins seem to be iplentdfuk - fThey are easily detected by letting lUheni fall. -: several joyrisT Several hundred Lexington people vlBt ed 'the 'North Oarorina car, .whitoh exhsSbl Bed at this place lat tFrlday, eays the Davidsoa Dlapatch. The car - 4s the handsomes in the worM, heilt:'3"(cir-src--tred cf CJorth Carolina wood at a cct c v3,0CD, and con- tin3 -tu-ir- jc; exL' Its cl 'tis : .surces cf 4.1i3 stale. TL joh: ;ra e: 3 cic-. .r, ccur teous centl . .nen. and avl -v. Id vi Itedjthe c!ar while Lsre were favor. 'ly iLrpre;cd arid realized m'cre tl.a ever .fccrcre that North Carolina is a-great,v grand old place, abouindling da rercurces not to be surpassed by any state ia Uhe . Union.- - -' - Capt. John A. lameay, state engineer and agent, recently received a le'f'T .-t. a party- da PhiiladelphSa wanting 100,000 acres of good agricultural land to a foMv in the eastern part of the state to loo.- a colony. The letter was first adidressed to State Superintendent of Irrs'truction t&Ie bane at Raleigh,- and readdressed to Capt. Ramsay for his ElJtentioo -. lie has also re ceived a letter from a gentleman in xyw York, through Mr. Cy. Thompson, secreta ry of state, inquiring. about the purchase of lantf in North Carolina. (ETIQUETTE of .the DESEEBT. ; Social etiquette among the Arabs is a factor-in life to be considered seriously if you wish to five tonong them without friction. Its obligations , are fiot; to be -completely 'mastered to a few months. . Sometimes when. I . have- had" companions with jne preeunaatoly '.horoughly , au fait with all things 'Mohamedanj the harmony of the 'pe caslon has been eeriousiy endangered ' by some thouightlessiess or Ignorance on their part, which! ltd the Moslem could appear only, as a contemptuous iwant of considera uon Thus, no greater insult couild .be, of fered to an Arab. than a friendly inquiry as to the -welfare of hi 'wife. to us a oaini rol .civfi'iy, Nbu)t to : tstm a "gross imperti n'?ncot b'x'Dterly resented.. ' On, one occasion I nearly made a" eknfiar y blunder. ; I was aniylted: by a; neighboring sheik Ito go over to see him, and was m .the point of riding uip to Ms tent door and dismouniting there. Fortunaitely, however, I recollected In.tDme that etlquetl.e demanded that I should halt flflty yards off, and' call in a lo'iid . voice : "Have 1 your.permissSon , to approach?' This gives time to bundle off any of ttheir womankind who may. be. about, 'prepara tory to the admission' of a stranger, "it is furtious, also, to notice that dn spite of the real . affection existinig (between - f aJther . and son, the sense, of respect domtoates 1 all other feelings,' and .ithe sons -will never sit at meat with -their father in the presence of a gueist, but will wait upon both until the fal;her, rising, afltows them the oppor tunity of breaking tread wttJh theiir.visiltor. (Provided, . however, that you recognize their social cusitxrans, my experience .has proved the Bedouin to be gemrine, warm hearted friends ; and . they really become greatly attached to those whom they joww and who know : them. ('TMy , 'Bedouin, Friends,' hy TL TalboW Kelly, In. the' Feb ruary Century. , . t. , h ,yi CURED OF BLOOD POISON AFTER Vttf r 'TT-TWO DOCTORS FAILED.-'-'' Blood (Balm Co.; Atlanta Ga." ' ' 1 "V ' Gentlemen: In 1872 a small pimple broke out on my leg. It began eating and in four months I was treated by a phys ician of Talladega county, Ala., where I lived eighteen years. He relived it for a short , while. In six weeks it broke . out again ' in both legs, also on my shoulder. Two small bones were taken out. It con tinued until 1876. In this time I had twelve different, physicians. They told me the on ly remedy . was amputation ;Nthat It could never! be cured. - For sir months I could not walk a step. I went to Mineral Wells, Texas spent $300.00; came home; went to Hot Springs, ' Ark., stayed nine months all failed to cure me. In 1887 I came hick to Birmingham, Ala. I, .was advised -f to write you, which I . did. ' You wrote me that B.. B. B. would cure me, and, I could get the medicine from Nabors 4b: Morrow, druggists, of out city.. I bought ten hot-" ties and before I had finished my fifth hot-, tie my legs began to heal, and In less than two months I was sound and welL -That has been nearly two years ago and no sign of its return yet. I have spent In cash over $400.00, and B. B. B. done the work that all; the rest failed to do. Tou . have my permission to publish this. I have traveled so much trying to get well that my cure is well . known. . Fifty-two doctors have treated me in the last seventeen " years. AH they did was to take what money I had, and done me no good. I am now a 'well man. PROF V C. H. RANGER. . : . For sale at Pelham's Pharmacy, Ashe viiie, n; a ;.- s . ' Price 75 cents per large bottle. - . (Birds of a feather flock Jtogether uniJil they get on ithe ladies' high, hats; then they are scattered all over the theatre. ' TO OUR CUSTOMERS. ; ; Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ?s the best cough syrup We -have ever used ourselves or in our families. . W. H. King, Isaac P. King and: many others in- vr this . vlotaity, have aisq pronounced it the best. All we want 'is for people, to try 4t and they, will be convinced. . Upon honor, there ib no bet ter that we have ever tried, and we have used many; kinds. R. A. Blake and ' Son, General Merchants; Big Tunnel, Va. : Sold by Dr. Tr.C. Smith. : , " "A lady- wri'ter says' the comings woman will have her own bank accoumt . We' have " heeni waiting - for her for several years. - i " Don't Tobacco Cpife and Smoks toxa Lifa Avay. . If yoa tvant to quit tobacco using easily and forever, bemada wellrstrong, magnetic, mil of new life aud vigor, take No-To-Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days. Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bae of your :Jruurgist,t under guarantee to cure, 50c or $1.()0. Booklet and sample mailed free. Ad, Sterling Remedy Cor, Cbicacro or New York, r, Pelham's , Pharmacy. , A woman never sees' a baby without wanting to rum to it, and a man never sees one " iwalChout wanttog to run from Oysters any style. Dairy Lunch, 38 Patton ave. ' : ; SOO-of - r ro t) t) o u t) ) o zd the Y7h: 71r1: TIE W1I7E RAW'S BAR. here tkoy malio a cpccinlty of firct-c!zc3 rliic-cy and 1123, and defy competition in cither quality cr price.' ; - Anrl T o-i-ill nlntmf a .ottoTio IfkTfrif fit noli nf fiTfit n.ffln OTinflfl nf i n 17 linn'' in fllfl Cfn. 0 Beer bottled fresh every day and delivered to anv part of the city - Orders from Ja, di& tance Solicited. BoxiDg and packing fne. Cpm"(pizlitjt Hot C-ratity" b Uy Ilotto. H : JAMES tt LOTJGHRAN, Proprietor-- . V t y ; Phone 139. P. O Box 372 . 56 and 58 South Llain Street. , - - . PREI! PILLS. -, Semi your" address to H. . E. Bucklen & Co.; Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life PiUa. A trial , will convince you of theirmerits. - The pills are easy ' in action and particularly effec tive in - the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troub hn va twten - n roved : invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectely free .from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable.; They tto1 no; vreaKen by their action, but by giving tone to the stomach and bowels greatly Invigorate the system. Regular size 25 cents per Txx. Sold by T. C. Smith and Pelham's Phar macy. ' , " . - - - - J . .. . MILK WANTED. ' . - Housekeepers having milk to spare, can materially ' aid the hospital ? by telephon ing their willingness to give some.-. The matron will ' send a boy and bucket for the milk each-dayt as . long as it can be given. - .V" ' tt - - ,1 - t . - - - '' j. Mrs. M B. Ford, Ruddell's, IlLv suffered for -eigt years from dyspepsia and. chronic constipation, and was finally cured by us ing DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the fa mous little, pills for" all. stomach and liver troub,l.-j-C, A; v Raysor. , . - . ........ . .... .'. t The tle hoysL aawi girls who .play, to gether eeem to like 4t the betterasithey grow older. ; , ' -, , ' --: r-3 I 1 Tn.rvn- n r ! - ill : I ' 1 i 1 u L ' V. J W U tm , J hi U Vfc, J P. 0. BOX 140. ' PE0IIE72. TALK IS CHEAP, but a visit to our store , . will convince you that we have the finest - and iargest stock of Pure old "Wines and .Liquors of any house in the south. - . v , We call especial attention of those who - want only the best and purest of Liquors for Medicinal' or Family use. TTe have Wine3 Liiors from many lands, and guarantee Acs, Purity and "Strength in all "goods we ell. Ca'tttUd Eecr we reccncadt ; - 1 ' C?sr tLat C!zl3 :::iraukee Tsnous, - ;;;; -3 Pcrtrcr's "llzTzri" Cesr, unrivaled f:r tilla "ure. TO CURE A COLp IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists . refund ; the money if : to fails to cure. 25c . The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet . - ' Z ., The five o'clock -tea would- probably be more popular wth women if4t was mark ed down to 4:57. . ' HE. WHOLE ; system feels the B effect of llood8 Sarsaparilla-H5toin- ftcn, liver, kianeys, heart, nerves are strengthened and SUSTA I N E D. A eoodi reouttlaitdon 'is eom-e'tlmes useful as a parachute to the man who -rises rap idly to the world. , J r. . V 1 Cascarets - stimulate the ' liver, kJdneys and bowels. : Never sicken, weaken or gripe, 10c, at Pelham's Pharmacy, v A steel band onay :be stronger than' : a brass 'band, but , '.Oxe Taittter is more success - ful, in holding a crowd, 'together. One Minute Cough Cure cures quickly. That's what you wantlC; A. Raysor. - NORTH CAROLINA', ' - ; ; - : ". , In the "Supsraor Court. BUNiCOMBE COUNTY.;, - . Wdngo Ettlett A Cruimp Co., . , - i vs. ' - . - Notice. . , 'J. B. Insfle.- . ' . ' By virtue of an execution is-sued to the umdersigined; sheriiff of (Buncombe county; from the soKpertor court of said -county, in the above entitled adiiion, ; returnable .-. to March term, 1S98. of said court, I will sell at pUblie aidcftan, to the higihest bidder. for cash, at the court house door dn the said counfty of 'Buncombe, on -Monday, -the 14th day of Manch; 1898, all '.Che .rligh title and dnuerest of the defendant J. B. .Ingle,' in the" following lot of iadd and premises. situated Jn 'the 'said county of - (Buncombe, In Lower Hominy township, and more par - tiou'larly described as follows: tBeginaiang on 5 a stake, he northeasft corner of :. Lot No. 4, the centre of the Bear creek road. and runs ;with said road north 11 degrees. west 50 feet to a stake, : thence south 89 degrees west 104 feet., to a ' sttake : on the bank of the road, thence . wi th the saw road south 52' degrees wesSt 54 feet to a stake in Lot No. 4; thence north. 89.2 de-r grees 132 feet tt the beginning, containing twenty-one roua, being the lot -of lana on w.hrft the store Onouse formerlv olcufDled by the said J. CB. Ingle amd more recently occupied by 'E. J. TRhoades, situatea, ana being 'the same lot of 1 and conveyed to the said J. .'Ingle by G.' W Ballard and wife iby deed dated the llth day of April, 1892, and registered in ' Book No. 82 at page of the records of deeds1 of Ithe said county of -Buncomlbe. " 1 " ' ' r il Thia ithe-ll'thi day wf 'Pebruary, 1898. V; : i "'' " Sheriff of Bmncombe County iledia Academy, FOR TOTOO'IIIIII AIID BOTO. ' A High Grade College . Filing ani SBui- Mk,.-.- Dess Preparatory ,6choolr,' - - 'Careful ankiiVidual Abtenfflon. 'Pleasant and1 heaithiful location. Ex cellent (table tenld home aomforts. s Disci -pjihe firm, - hut iktod. Well 1 selected 11 brary Chemical . and physical ) laiboratory. Athletic field,- swlmimTng pool. r A - - inustratedf circular . ma'Steld free, upon application, to thle Prtncipal,- 1 - CHARLES ,!W. SPUAKTI', itf. " Media, Pa."' The Smith Promicr Tpyewriteri3 endcrssd by the U. S. ovrn:rerit. "7hat mora do yon want, tl:2 e-rtb? If yon know anything at all s.1 :ut it, you know it's the best. "THE LIGHT OF THE UORLD ; - 4. on v;. t.. -OUR SAVIOUR in ART" v Cost over $1 00.000 to publish. Contains nearly 200 full-pose engravings ot our Saviour, by the great masters. - Every pic ture "is reproduced from : some famous painting.' Agents are taking from three to twenty orders a day. ' The book is so .beau tiful that when people see it they warn it. The "Hermitage, Prado, , Ufarf, Pittl, Louvre, Vatican, . National of London, National of Berl in, Belvidere and other celebrated Eu ropean galleries have placed : their . greatest and rarest treasures at our disposal that thev might be " engraved for. - this superb work." "FIRST GLANCE AT tTHE 3 PIC TURES , BROUGHT TEARS. TO , MY EYES," says one. ; ''Cleared :$150 first week . work with one book,' says another. -"Some high grade man or woman should secure the agency here at once," says every editor, "as $500 can soon be made taking orders for it." Nearly $10,000 expended now on new plates for edition coming from press., "Also a man or woman of .good church standing, can secure , position of manager and correspondent' of ' this terri tory to devote all his time to employing and drilling agents and corresponding w4th them, t Address for ; full - particulars A. P. T. ELDER, Publisher, 278 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, I1L ,- ' News arid Opinions OF National Importance Ti'l CONTAINS BOTH, i Daily, by mail $6 a year Daily & S nnd ay by mail, $8 a year Sunday Sun is the jrrea tt et hiind avVNewtjpa- -j " - ' - , per in the woTldJ Prica; 5o a copy. By mail, $2 a year -1 Addrera THK KITN, Nw York. - t -i1 01';'. 0) . f- I: h V-, , ,,. " ' ' , ' Jt ' 1 V p 3 : - ASHEVILLE, N. a . UR GRAIID OFFER ri i i "try To keep our great factory. busy, and introduce early our splen did 98 models we have concluded to make a marvelous offer direct to the rider. For 3o days we will sell samples of our y swell T93 bicycles at net cost to manuf ac- r ture and will ship, C O. I. on approval ' to any address on receipt of the nominal sum of $i.oo (if west of Denver, $5). This-A O deposit is merely to show good faith on purchaser's ; part; if y ottdon't want to send money in advance, send your express agent's guaranty for charges one way and ' we will pay them the other if you don't want the wheel. f BFPTfl M 'Highest grada, embodying every late improve r r- t ment of value, 1 inch imported tubing, fio joints; improved two-piece cranks, arch crown, large detstchible ( sptockats, handsomest finish "and decorations, Morgan Jk Wright, qnic&repairtires,8mgleoram M ment. Special price on sample..... ;'..... ..J,. 4)V.W. Q" Asplendid machine, equal to any for service and easy ronning. Bestir ineh IIiJm seamless tubing, two pieoe cranks, arch crown, detatchable sprocketB, finely finished and decorated, Morgan & Wrightqk repair tires, single cr doable tiibe, - high grade equipment. Our special samplal prieey.. vf-i 4.$24X(K . 1 t crown, dust-proof bearfcss, ball retainers, best Indiana or New n M -, - Brunswick tires, Blandard equipment Special NOTE. Choice cf Cclcr, 5ty Is, Kjijtt cf FsjJ Ccic. Felly Guaranteed. Ton will be surprised at the appearance and 'utlity cf tliese wheels.r -ont wait order -: now while this oner is open. Prices will be much higher soon. ,You can T"fa Bi Meoey : v s oar Agreirt, selling for as. We give oar areata choice cf atsX the free use of ssmpb ?. wheel, or ct cf a wheel, according to work c3se.,f';''''.'-''-',:'''""- --nnHM.- - - ;'p& You Want Chqap 'Whekl IVe have numbers of 1SSS and 1237 model wheels of various makes and o M ttf tiA . styles, some a little shop-worn, but all new.... ; $lXJ 10 lO.W C3X3 to $12.00. Vfcsels Subtly rUssd, McderqLTyrHV ; (, It Our business and. reputation are known throughout tha' country. Beferenoes, any of the ' v express companies, or any bank in Chicago. Art Catalogue free. Secure agency at once. The J. L. Mead Cycle Co., Chicago. Live 100 Years Drink Pure .Water aereated wi terilized air the- only 'absolutely ture wiUr and you may.' Tv Tiie Sanitary Still fcr fazi"r csa distills Dure water. ITiia cr c:r?er, lined with bloci tli; c:.i cleaned; simple aa ' -'t!;; C :Vj tsy eis, oilccpal frc3d ttave. Four, styles $10-w trl v--.7a.r3. Write for booklet. Cuprijraph Co. IC3 ITcrti Creen Ct. n n h u H h n U ! ' H H j H U U H U 1 1 H ! H 1 H t H U I H H f t H U 1 M ? CHICAGO, ILLS I tmt t.t L.t,,,,,,.. j I til'f V J I . J . 3