Am i 3 i,' on jj y i :: 0 As. we had ja big ' - - ' - " " ' rf nmiCrh orinrlc not get enough; goods BE Therefore I yvrbte to my;Northern huyersOthe situation arid they bought a tremendous stock of Clothing Overcoats- Flannel Shirts; Eta, at Bankrupt Sale. I have a jarge stock ; of these on. hahd and; have made' up my : mind that' Before; I will keep ; thesegobds over until next winter I will sell them at a discount 61 20 pier cent from first; cost in order to handle the mcney in my business; : : t:rv CLOTHIM; SEPAilTMENT Melton Overcoats, were $i2t. now- ; ,c Genuine Beaver Overcoats were $10, now -Fine Chinchilla Ulsters, were $12, now All Wool Cassimere Ulsters, were $6, now ; Diagonal Worsted Suits, were $6, now ; All Wool Cheviot, black, i : . ; Latest style Woolen Plaid, heavy weight -250 Diagonal French Worsted, frocks and sacks worth from $12 to $15, our price V Children's suits of all sizes and colors, 20 v per cent off.- All wool jeans pants at GETS'FUQjOE3lG.6flOi Sop fine flannel overshirts worth from $i oo t to $i5, our price 1 ' " T 1? s NegUgee Shirts, worth 75 cents, our price, v.- Woolen underwear at 50 cents .on the doUar. 3 pair socks for 10 cents, worth 10 cents eaclr , Hats 500 Derbys, brown and black, latest r styles for spring, worth O2.00; our price ' f $1 .550 Alpines, au coior&, au -our price; ' , A genuine calf skin shoe, . , pnee with a pair of socks DifiiG""Gc:i,3.7:;ancl csenr- of Mine no - i 0. v 9 :Northwest Court Store "No. 18 and 18 J 1 y in? 1 -i ' U iiii MI DTP I H t I 1 I Ml 11U to. uiiyi! rush Christmas "I'couId'Sr? omAfu " I - v - 'lV - All druggists 50c. and $1.00.' f - - fl CoftcAr fVia. rrU AscOTT & BOWNE. ChemUts, New'Vori, to satisfy the people. 6 50 4 50 . 4 50 a 00 ,25 5:50. - - - .v 7:50 - r - ' e US H 1 , 7 58C -3SC 00 t k sty ics, wyi lu .uu, . ' V." ., . 75C worth C2.oo,L;our 95C it , W W l.' . Square. Branch Norih " St. M Vj f X7kzrz tiiz l-oci Izzzs its biizzzz red totts Ifila and watery as in angrnra tligf e is i)- tf Cll, a fecfl of casrgy Vitality J j j and ths spirits dzpzzzzzd ' i i of Cod-liver Oil with Hvoo- 3! "phosphites of Ltmg and Soda H h fineness, enters the blood direct f v and feeds its every ccrpttidv I ! restoring: the natural color and j ; centres and add their strenth ? g - eninj ; and: ; beneficial ef !ect.; 1 5 , If the rcces ' have left . your H cheeks if i you are growing 5' r uim uu uuiausico irom over- n,..!. it - t S ft Arfe2? i ,to SCOTTSEnitt v.iicijiisi5, new 1 one V rrhe, wtajnmier iweathei' "whiah will, ijiqm-e with th'e aipproaMn'g spring -mioinlths elhoul'd 3nd you eLtrong exud in robueit health, .your WookJ pure taandn your appetite godd. OtHi erwlse you wllQ1 ipo 1m daager of erloua ill me(3s,. A PHJirify your-: iwood witih v." Hood's SaxsapariUa and Ithus "prepare tcr spr'inlff', This xnedtotoie 'xmaHces rich, red' hlod und gives yigor ind .vfitaU tyi -It wija guard you aga-uisit dUnger trom. thie Changes wh4ch will soori take plaxse. ., : ; - jr. ;- .,, y - Everybody bays Sc. " v Cascarets Candv Cathartic, the most woil , Serf ul wudical discovery of the age, pleas- ant and refreshing to the lasie, act pently and positively on kimjers.liver and bowels, cleansing the entire' s.vsto ta, dispel eolds, cure heailacbe, ferfr,: habitual constipation and biiionsnees. i Please bpy and:trv a box" of C. C C to-day; J . 2u f.( t ent s. Bold and guaranteed to cure by a II drui trits. -, ; 1 Z Pelham's Phajmacy.;: V , - r . - ; . J' ;!,, t - - kr - TThe bookkeeper may not hajve heeri horn to Tiuie, tut!he does 1't fust the aatme. ' Mr. P. C. Helhig, a proiaineat druggist of Lynohhurgr, Via.;, says: "One of our citizen's was cured of, rheumatia ji of two years' tetanding, by one ttoCtle of Chamber-Iain's-'Baim Balm. . This 'liniment famous for its cures of. rheumatism; '-thousandia have been delighted - with the prompt re lief which it taffords. ? For aie by Dr. : T. C. Smiiith. ', . '.' ' r' , Tine only charms eomfe - young anen tpos seaa are a'utiaiched to ithelr witt dhalma. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. ' The best ealve in the world, for ."Cuts, Burises, Sores; Ulcers,' Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, ; Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and air Skin' Eruptions, and posi tively cures "Piles or no pay : required. ? It la r guaranteed to give perfect -eatisf action or money- refunded. ; Prioe 25c. ' per box. For sale, by. C. Smith and s Pelham's Pharmacy. . - - . ' ; Some imieii are 'baTu great, same -achieve gT'atmess - aind others ' become imnmoris'ta. t r-7 : It is easyto catch . a ,. cold and just as easy to get rid of it if you commence early to use One Minute Cough. Cure' It cures coughs,' colds, bronchitis; pneumonlah and all throat and lung troubles. tIt is pleas and to take, safe 'to use and sure to cure. -C. A. Raysor, ,- " - -a ' . The oniam who' goes ito churdh 3ecause ;he fhaa ndtlniin'g else.lto--do is ni: idle worship- par. , Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge; O., .says: "After two doctors gave up my boy to die, I saved 'him from croup by -using One Minute Cough" Cure."1 It is the v quickest and most certain remedy for eotfghs; colds and 'all throat v and - lung troubles.- C.- A; Raysor. T ; ,'. . . , mhe anan 'in the.-hasemenJtoaor' always lumdiersell Jthe . competitor' on ithe floor, a-ibove..l- - BLADDER TROUBLES. r; sThe-'bliadider iwas created for one purpose, aamely, a receptocle for the. urine, and as sucn it is mot ueaobe xo any xorm oi jns-. tMiau tjxwi. u uuv oi 'two wayvs.- line nrai way 3s fram imtperf ect action of the ; kid' neysv? The second -way r is' from careless loxl;trm,tmmt',of-otth'er, diseases. :. . t QAIIPLB SE1TT FHEB. J ' - ' . v. i'" .- , -t (Unlheal'thy urine from' .unheal th i3d nieys is the chief cause of Madder troyJ)les. rt is comiforting to knWyt!aiait'-'Dr. Ki.imer's Siwatmp-'Roofc fulfills ; every wish .im quickly curiiBg bladder amd ; urinary tirouhles. It corrects frequent calls,, inaibllitrfc to Jhold urine and "eoalidtag or stiingi'ng, pain f in passlm'g. ft; or had' effects following use of Iiqruor,- wine or- heer,-- and eveaijome3 that unpleasant necessity of being compeJed o get up . mamy times' ;.durinig;;the nlghtto urinate. The mild amid extraord'inary ef fect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Risoitis,soon realized. It stands the highest for its womdierfu'l ; cures of .the moSi distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have 'the best. - At droggists .fifty, cents and one diollar. You may have a sample, bottle and .pampthlet, both sent free by mail. Mention the Asheville .Gazette, and send youir address to Dr.. Kiftner & Cor,-Bihg-. hamitioa; IN.' Y. The proprietors of this pa per -.Kurantee Uhe ' genuineness of this offer. , " ' - m r '-: - ft .. lAIZILUiZLY CUAH1 a , 7 ( .b anTf J te. rTer IX1 r.rr.rr.DT .... . t . f ' A ... k. 4 hi b '. y is peculiarly, aaaptea to correct f this conditioni Ths cod-liver oiL emulsified to an csatiisite H vCCCCCCCCCCC Ar.:o::a 'The vHCELi.Tzn. Eleven of the leading bicycle fae '. tories will turn out chainless wheels for 1893.-; " - ' . . Australia will send a representative to the international chaapiomsiips of 1898, at Vienna. Michael, the : little "cycling wonder, rides -a bicycle with a 25-inch front wneel and 28-inch rear wheel. The bicycle bag-gage question was set- tied in Franr. RimrW W 4,5T,5ef j . .. . , . . J , . , ' v . uiuomics, uii cuim luciu to i ciuove irom tneir scneauies ana rates allj mention of bicycles. Some silly fellow, or else he is a joker, asserts that bicycle -.riders should al ways eat tomatoes after an exhausting ride. . A small piece, he says, acts like . magic, taking away the tired feeling al-' .most instantly. Nonsense Millions of people eat tomatoes habituallv. and no ;one yet discovered any rflagical ef fect therefrom. , -' " " '-' ,: - o bicvclinff. outfit is cbmnlete with- out the ammonia "squirt, which ef- fectually: disposes of ;the -aggressive J vautiucr luiiovvers on me roau, anving T - tne clogs , oS without senous .injury. Some German cyclists carry- bicycle bombs, small but extremely noisy ex P1(sies, wnich exercise a magical ef- feet pon the' troublesome curf. ; jvn eminent Italian phrsioian, curi- 4 "dden 32 mi the effect of fatigne on examined 24 jnen who miles in two hours and a ;quarter, and found that, with reference to the hearings, innearly every, case it was defective, though it became normal again after two or three hours' restl ' ABOUT; BEING GRACEFUL. , v Trifles continually gve us awayt ?The things wedb with intention,. we may do ;well, but the .involuntary acts betray our : limitations.! A ' perfectly graceful woman is graceful 'infevpry; move in the poise of her headr in her walk, the way she sits, and uses her hands. . ..As to sitting, some women fall; into their ' chairs, ; like badly ?' jointed and springless - dolls"; vAsensitivew graceful -woman ; sits gentl; Tinbending" with a smooth' motion ' until she has - setiled safely. ,She, can , also get up from her chair - and reach; the door without in dulging in anylof the jerky and awk- ward mistakes some women,make-i V 'If there-is. a turn in the walk stop with all the weight on the foot in ad vance, resting only the toe of the rear foot on the ground, thenTktrn smoothly around by" transferring the weight to the other foot, making the turn entirely upon th balls of the; feet with the heels scarcely touching, the floor. This i drn js rarely seen practiced, yet it 'is very 'easy and a few minutes, work at it will render one expert " : V " In getting up from a- chair 99 wtmr en out of 100 shift their weight from one foot 'to : the other and rise, with 'the ..weight, on. the. wrong foot. r The proper way is .;tb rest ? the weight on one foot while fiittihg; holding the other lightly fori 5 the -fTooV;"? Then press down, hard on , the foot which already bears the weigh t and rise, stand ing for an instant en the saraefoot to get the batnrce'be ferv nrti'v? off freely ariT J. . A' . "-v, THE DISCOVERY OF THE DAT, ' . Aug. J. . Bogel, the leading druggist of Shreveport; 1 La., says : ; "Dr. ; King's New Discovery is the only thing that cures my cough, and it Is the best seller I have.'? J. F. Campbell, merchant of Safford, Ariz., writes: "Dt. King's New Disvvery is all that is claimed for It; It never falls,' and Is : a : sure cure for ' Consumption, Cougbs and Colds. I cannot ; say eneugh- for: its merits." : Dr Kind's ? New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds Is not as experiment. - It has been -tried for a quar ter of a century, and, today stands at the head. ,- It' never . disappoints. v Free trial bottles at-T. C. , Smith's drug: store, and Pelham's Pharmacy. v ' It seems poraidoxtcal tSbbst . -thre IsnU siimgle person, ia-ta (room foil'l : of marrUed folks. V t -.. - r ' - RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY. "Mystic Cure for Rheumatism and' Neu ralgla radically cures In l to 3 days.". Its action -upon the system Is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once, the cause and the disease" immediately; disappears. The .first dose greatly benefits. - 75 cents. Sold by C. A. Raysor, Druggist, ; Asheville. A Keintuckian saya the luckiest .man ihe 'vir -knewwae drowned in a vat of wMs- 'key.. ; i J. A-JPerkins of v Antiquity 0., wai for thirty years needlessly tortured by phys Iciana for the : cure of eczema. He was quickly cuhed by using' DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, the famous healing salve for piles and skin diseases. -C. .A. Raysor. r. ;eJre'ir;'pro(babJyr hie no one in, heaven i.lhiat ja ; 'paccer thain the average anan 'thinks he !.; -1 ' - !Mlss ;Allie Hughes, Norfolk, " Vajwas frightfully burned on- the face and neck. Pain was, instantly, relieved by De Witt's Wftch . Hazed Salve,, which healed the in- Jury without leaving a scar, j.ltds the fa mous pile remedy. C' A.. Raysor. - . , - ' - - ' ' -Prosperity comes luckiest to the man I whose liver -is in good condition. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are famous little pills for constipation, bilousness, indigestion and all stomache and liver troubles. C. A. Raysor. ;- ... Some, tmen spend half iaheirtime fram tog: tproimdsea and ith'e other haltf 3n maki-o-o" eacniscs. . t. k Viv J- r iLUiJ fl - it t..' ai'aa. Cascarets are tl.el.'tl I.axs rrip or cripe,it rane ea:y Enteral r"f5ut3. L tO..Cl.!CE - .: --treal.f-. rr. -tT"1:. 3. in." it COLUMN. his c r.i.i.A Nctnj3 . FOCNI-A pocketbook containins semw . iizuomey; owner -caai ituave sane by -kLc?n wauier 'iNeisoa, over Blomberg's score. MA1RJ3 , 'IX)ST DisappearcxJ ia Ashevill, 9. Oolor, deep hay; rfgat liuid iioot . white; small wh!i.e spot on Side o neck; than mane. Three years old. . Known es utn Rogers. filly.-: r p. J.-JONES, - ' It.' Sandy Mush. rZ""7 ' ' ' ' '" lASNTED TO .BUY, House of 5 to 8 fotoana In good neighborhood, Price must oe Tason(bl. Party knows the value of tAishev-ille property, aaid will not pay JSaa oy prioe. - Address Box 710. . " ' - 311-4 BOAKD.Wanm, sunny room with hoard, 5752!?: 7- 23 iMONErY TO (LOAN We have "money to loan on unproved real estate in the city of AsheviHe. , Davidson & Jones, Attor-neya-atrlaw; Temiple court. 308-4 BUSINESS OTIPOKTUNITIBS The inven tor of a maohime to --greatly i facilitate 0 :mechanical operation in the production of an inddepensablie line of goods dally - and universally in demand, desires flnan ,ycM assistance to procure v patents and r place machine on market.'; For further : particulars aad address of 5-nTen.tor, ap w,. ply in person ito. 'Busineee office of : the 'Gazette'' , . s 306-tf IXST Lady's gold watch Wednesday fore- - u&n . nn . M An.rr aim . n l x v . - ' w" juvuw,m ; ic ueiwceu XM O. All and Haywood t. Finder will receive ' m i ..... . .. tJ . T '17! ".TtTTDTrL'U'TV 111 ir-i j ? AGENTS WANTED-For our neyr wall ; map of this state, 28 x. 42 inches In size, - five colors, on heavy paper, and with tdn l -it top and bottom. With index of towns on border showing looa'dion on map and ;popu-lation figure.'' Sella ' at a popular price. : Send 50 cents and get eaxnple and terms for county t agency. . ' Rand. . Mc- ' Nally & Co., Chicago, 111; t 305 WAlDBverybody to know : that the .bargains at Mrs. Thomas S FatK ,eoon "be gone. '.Winter and ' summer un , der wear, for 'ladies and children; baby " caps, 10c to 25c; stockings; best quality, , 2 pains for 25c; corsets below cost, Del arte corsets, ; ?"U50, , and , up. , Special .prices on ribbons, notions,'; linens, "em , . broideries and laces. . A beautiful doll 's given, with a $5.00 purchase. ' , 305-26t WANTED A posi tion as traveling or home i compamoji in a refined family, by 4a lady ; who epeaks French and English, and is i willing to make herself useful ; best of .(reierettcets.' ? tAdsdress L. M., care of Ga zette.- , ... t- 298-tf ROBERT BTl6UN3ky Surveyor and En 1 glneer. Office Daily Gazette. ; " 298-26 BIISS NORA WARE Pianist" and teacher r in stringed instruments. 291 College ' Street. , , - , - 211 -4mo FURNISHED ON "SHORT NOTICE.ttelp ; ior an Kinas oi worK. satisfaction guar- , anieea,. Appiy to Jonn Smith, 11 Pat i ton avenue.. -'---. . HELP WANTED, WA1NTETD IMMETJfLATEDDY-Eniloyiment will toe ifven "'to one, two or three good muen- for one - week -to work ior a ' -local business house for -good pay. (Thus la a gemruine offer," and,' none but good,; relia ; blie qnenmeed- apply. ' Call, to-day (toairT- - uirday, Feb. ,12,) or not later- t am (Mom --,day anorntog. -"XDINiB "WEEK," Gazette s Office. .?-"""-' : 1 - ' - s i r." " WAlNTEDalesman' to handle- our l-ubri-- eating ofila on . commiission Un AsheVx'lle and vicinity Liberal tiexms. The" Eoiclid -Oil Ootrapany 31evelandJ O." 315-3-Sun .WA(jnE?D EveryltxKly . to come" to . Thormias's, mexlc to Pelham', and get em tbroidiery si'Jk at 4c a efeeini 7 skeins for " 25c, ' 30 skt'ins for. 31.00, sewing sii'k 2 : fepoola 7c, table dc'Uh 25c- to ' 4Ci3; zephivr a:. 5c per. lap, 18c' four laps,-(Grunanitown 'Sc pervkeifn,' crochet cotlton 4c, YeiM'togs , 10c, " all - colors. iLadies!' and - chiMmea's r.' wiinter and sxim-iimer 'unrweajr'r 5c ,to 25c ribbon; sale, beginn'kig : to-day, for 4 one - week. - -LinHnig cnoaions, .below cost.v iBut- '.t-ens, Buttons -who wan.s bulttoas? SjoJk- ings, corse-ta and Delsarte corsets, 28 Patton Ave. A- .- vt -" i - 1 . . . i- ' : ENEKJGETIC SiAOJESOfAN. School : Sup- plies. Country work. 100 salary and liberal additional commissions. It. . O. Evams'&Oo., Chicago. - 307-12 W'AilE5I--ale6ladies and salesman to , canvass itown for : fancy article. Inquire this office. , , - ' WANTED By Old Established , House " High grade ' man or , woman, - good , church standing,- willing to learn our . 'business - then' to act as - manager and ' state correspondent here,' Silarv J900. Kr-JBSajolose self -addressed stamped envelope to a. iv liaaer uenerai aianager, ;Box , care Daily Gazettte.' 277-2m WANTED. Upright and faithful gentle- . iueaOT laaies co travel for reanonaih; , , escaoiisnea nouse - in North Carolina. - Monthly $65.00 and expenses. :. Position steady, i References. Enclose self-ad - dressed stamped envelope The Domin ion Company, Dept. IL, Chicago. - - WANTED Young, or middle-ased man to . travel in this and . adjoining - counties, , permanent position; salary $50 a month ' and expenses; good' chance-for advance- ment.. Address Shepp Company, - 1020 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa.'. WANTED, Raw furs and skins' euch as skunk, musk-rat, - otter mink, raccoon; ' opossum, etc., by the Providence Fur company. Providence, : R. I. Buying agents wanted. - v , 271-3mos WANTED Agents for ''Queen ' Victoria. Her Reign and Diamond Jubilee." Over sowing with latest and richest pictures. Contains the endorsed biography of Her Majesty, ' with authentic history of - her remarkable reign, and full account cf the Diamond Jubilee." 'Only, $LE0. Dij book. Tremendous demand. , Bonanza for agents. Commission 50 per . , cent Credit given. Frei-lt paid. . . OutZt free. Write quick fcr cutfit and terri tory. TlIU DOMINION J30IIPANY, Lcjt. 7, S3 S Dearborn ftrtst, Ciicago. EOOII3 ASD COAKD. BOARDING Two rleacat rocna In tri- vats farily near 1L3 Cuxre. , ' DMf - . ' . - 23 Fc-zlzzi zt. WAimiD. Loard :rs, at No. 13 Urr;3 avesua, elevated and beautiful, locatlcz. Clean apartments, dellhiful board. . . - -, . - . , -,- .. - - BOARD. -A few select boarders can ta accommodated in a private family la which there are no children. . Large lot, sunny rooms, good fare. Jas. a. Du Pose, 33 Pine street. ' 237-tf WANTED.Boarders--Within a feu yards oi me ceieDratea wmiamston liiner&I Spring, whose healing, w&ten trizs health and visor to the most feeble; al so quite near tne G. and C. depot. I throw open my doors to those seeking a genial climate for the winter, and to all seeking health, as our climate Is de lightful, and our mineral water unsur passed for dyspepsia and general up building. Large,, comfortable rooms, splendid fare and polite service await all who make my house their noma. Board ranging from $10.00 to 315.00 per month. For particulars address Mrs. M. A. Wal lace, Williamston, S. C, 2341tf ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED Persons naving rooms to let or desiring boarders can procure them by an advertisement la ; these columns, or in , the columns de voted to hotels and boarding houses. An advertisement in either place lor one "week (cost 75 cents will hrrnlntTr nf ' applications. ' , - FOB KE3TT. ROOMS FOR RENT. Four nice, frarsre. turnisned or unfurnished rooms, number 60 Bailey street. " Apply at number 74 Bailey SL DlcDonald. - 313-6 FOR RENT OR StALE 1 7-roOiu house; 163 College street; 5 lots on Vance trreet; lots on Oak street. , W. li. WU- y& t.. -- . .. f M. . untuDsoa, vwurc. quarev . uj stairs over QUorgatfs Bookstore. . . v. - v 312 -g FOR1" RIENT. Three nicely . furnJshe rooms, wtth or. without boa;d. - Northern. cooking, v Terma reasonab.e.l ; Chest v nut street. -:; . 310-6 - ..i " A. ' -. -"i i- FOR RENT 'Furnished and unfurnished ' houses of . nearlry all sizes "and i prices. a Several houses for sale at great bargains. , 309-6 - - 4V,- . H. C. HUNT. . FOR R!EW.-Oomrfortia(biy f urnisbed 1 00ms (Persona with lung troulbLe not desilred. r,- Apply ! at east cornier . Fiiint) and Cherry . streets. ,-' - . r .307-tt, FOR iRrENT Three furnished rooms, Witf-u : tor. without-board, one and one-half miles out on Lookout Mountain eireet railroad; ? 'splendid location. Enquire of C S. Cop- ', 39 6; Main QL ' . - - . ; 302-tf ' FOR RENT. Five room brick house; bath4 -and water closet; ' $18.00 per month, f Five room frame cottage; city water and water closet ; $10.00 permonth. Apply to - L. 'A. Farinholt. Real Estate Broke. ' Room 24, 49 ' Patton Avenue Aeheville, N; a 297-tf FOR SAUE We-keep on hand both'1 Irish - and . sweet ; potatoes for . jobbin-g at rea - soniable prices. C S. 'Cooper, 39 S. Main ' St Telephone 67. ' k - 302-tf A STORE . IN 4 TEMPLE COURT FOR . rent. Wan. Johnston, jr., 20 - Temple Court, Asheville, N. C - ONE DESIRABLE office, In Temple Court; - zor rent. wm. Johnston, Jr., or Geo. W. Tllson, Temple Court. ' ' ' PXJRCH1ASIDR--Wishes a nice cottage;' . , . iiixuvb tuoxgiuu, 111 giwa conoiLion anax - location; offer , quick.','; Cottagea : for "rent . Rooms s ingle and en sui te, f urn 'shed and J3 - . , 1J L ! ' , M . - M - . uiuiuiuisMvua'.' lAuvautrus -tor ... inaia loans. sood mvllfliAral " and fltrwnn , vf - .' fered. W. "M.,Clarke, 16 Church St., Tel - ephone 292. . '( " -. ! FOK SALE. FOR SA1LE One bicycle 'as cod as new. ?: iNever .been. rMden: r. Wjlll well xi a bar-gain-.. lAddress 'tW'.Gatzefate. FOR 9ADE. A good, large, gentle,' faaniiy s, horse . with 4uckboarrd. and hamS3 V A harzain. tH. CJ Htmt. " 1 811-a : l-V- - i --,-: . .i - .- i: 'V ...... for sale. Apply to the Biltmorw Office. FOR SAiDE-White: Holland - thoroughbred turkeys. . medium wllite beans, 'dried an- - ptes pure lear iara. Apply to - J. 'W. Jeudwlne, Bowman's Bluff, N. C. 294-tf FOR e SALE One '.7-room cottage, and 8-, . i- TVUlim hrviia nm if"k5in!ff.o t Ana :, pt.ff rA v-m v" : -wmw -wm. . .wV : A ? V. . WVUtl U .': Flint St. Either of these houses can be . soia at a toargain. several smau lots - suitable for cottages. No trouble to show .you. J. H. Weaver, Agt.; 45 Patton Ave. '"Asheville, N-!.' - " FOR ' SALE -A - judgment " in my", favor against W. J. Cocke, administrator of ;his father, William M. Cocke, Jr.; for' i eleven hundred and -fifty-seven dollars . "bearing 87 per cent. Interest from .March"' ... in., i am t . ii ir. .i , h: i larvim . t. w XvOV-vmA To ali Persons : Interested in the Perodical Ticket s j - Please notice the following extract' from the contract 'signed by all merchants re ceivinl: "the Periodical Tickets " ' r s r - ' "We agree' to receive the Periodical . tickets for a "period of one yearfrom all our customers who may present them, -' the rate of one. for every ten cents' id osjf f ' expended at our -place of business for goo k' at lowest retail prices. , i . " ''This does not apply to . goods sold at : wholesale or on time." ' ' , The jnanager will be greatly obliged to they ,will assist the-merchants in comply ing strictly with the above contract. It is to the interest of all that It should not he violated. , rilSS COLE; Coca 33 Te-;'3 CcuTt, ever 51 ratt:3 Avs.

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