mke the food r , ' ; wholes cw a tu 4 i f S 'F5VA- Absolutely ture 9 & i ROVAl BAtONO POWDEB CO.. NEW YORK. -n i. re CULTURE FOR LONDON-POOR passmore Edward's ; ; Settlement ' to be Opened Today.' r . London, 'Feb. . 11 Tine Piaissmore Edwards jettlemen't will ;be opened , ia " Tavlisstook place tomorrow .with ran interesting cere tony. Lord Poole. ;will maike an. address to the students and guests. Some surprise 1143 been expressed ; at , the establishment rf a settlement in a'ditrlot as swell as Btoomsbury. Butt 'it ia not generally, known Ijjat adjoimdng the great squares is a large vorkink-clasa population.. Even in .the neighborhood of (Russell a BKXuare ,thft pro portion of poverty, In Mr Booth's analysis, is 23.5. It is seven years sdnce a. settlement, wu Tie new settlement has features which eistiECTsis'h lit frona any other like ins'ti tutioa. . The -isTge ixll is a distinct gain. It is proposed .to (make a great feature of music, .land a choral society; Is already be ing formed by the new musical director; Music classes and lectures have been start ed. One of the objects of the new settle ment is to promote ithe study of the Bible, and of the history of religion an the light of -the ibest available results of criticism and research. P-AJewett "lectureuhip - has been, established,' having for Its first ob ject to secure the delivery of annual cours es of lectures on : ithese "subjects" by 'emi- nsnt Hnen. Yesterday's Fluctuations on ' the Exchange The New School Settlement, Bloombury, ' England, v. started din this : 3i8lg3iiboriood,la3elly b';; Ute Influence exercised by Mrs.' Humphrey Ward's "Robert Ellsmore." The Univer trty ball settlement in Gordon square has dome useful work. , In the early days not eren its most ardenlt supporters hoped to uee a development-bo important as.: ;that reprasenited today In tbe new bufildlng in Tavistock place, where the work of the old er settlement Ls tin on Hn-iid rhA Wxt- tlemeat" owes fits new building to a gift of 12,000 pounds from Mr.. Passmore Edwards, ad fct la now confidently hoped that it 91 provide a centre of educational and THE BOND QUESTIOTJ.- Editor of .the Gazeitte. ' 1 . ' Buncombe !has,,as;'l: understand.vgo'tten value received,, .full- value -revived, for her .bonds, and eihe oughit to pay; - tnem. Asnerille , and 'Buncombe county bave - a reputation'- thait .. Is not bordered by , eas, and ithe -conltinuance of this good name and fame depends for Its future growth yea for.dts exisfcenice, not,, on. tbeir,., inviting 'skies, tneir genilal and .'Invigorating air, their blue, engirdling, mountains, tut upon tlh jstturdy iategri'ty.of their coporate s' - lzenship. An individuai . who ,! gets goods under false pretences Is drawn up in court and, branded! -witlh ith badge of dtisihonor; in bow much, better light does, a town or county stand, which under ithe guise of ia sue of .bondsgeta- greait enterprises wltMn its limits, and then after j& lapse of twen ty-ftye years', enjoyment of ithe privileges and enTtidhments of these enterprises, or Lea but throug!h its jmblic offioers, VTherewas some little irregularity. ' REPUDIATION! REPUDIATION ! " And this tooMn the county : of ithe Woodfln, . CPattons,'" Vances, Ba'irds, Merrimons, ' Ran'Tdins, Rays, -' Mc- Dowellsv .Davidsons and, a long Dine beside of distinguiislhedi ' sons,- who :i (prided) t them selves on ithe 'land of their - biirtli and love. and boasted, tbeub ttihe ' green field of their county's . public --character !had rnever been stained "by amy act of perfidy, any deed of (Let ua abide dn tho Ihope tihat tkne v will bring ?all things rtganaVithativBipfiombe coun'ty will yet prove to the world that she takes no stock In repudiation. - .v ;.:'.,: ; --ANowrsiDERoi -i--""j,f ','rr1: : ' " r- ' ' TOO XJOOD. . : ; ' Last week a gentleman calBed our atten taon to a suit (that be has worn already Itwo wtimters -and not - a break in It yet. v Says "tie .wlill wear ft yet anotlher year. " ; .That was one . of our $12.00 soiifts. t-You can get one now for $8.00. Th)att't(he,?troulble with our goods they wear Itoo long. - ; -- i AUE35ANDER & COUtRTNEY. f irji r i-- r-. r m m Ccttcn Breaks Away Fro ra its. Period of Sbsnaticn. -'" i; Quotations of the New York Money Market-Chicago -: Grain '-and Live Stock-Country Produce, y T 7s : , ' Special to the Gazette , . New.;York: Feb. il.-rThe cotton mamket has at, last' broken away" from its weari some period of eitagnaition and the trading thisweek has been-very animated." s Prices have enjoyed an; advance of about a. quar ter of a cent since last Saturday. 1 The rise" has occurred to the face of a volume of receipts cemparedito .which all .fonmer movements . at this time of year ; look 4n slgnificanli V ' : r I J-' , - -, . Today the .trading had plenty of vim and snap. - LiverpoQl declined two and one-half sixty-fourths, sand the opening -here was prvTOucaiiyugiJCngecu : jut.. ne scfttn . re ported ,.r no aackeningvin demands k;. there with jofferirigsmeagret Bnoouraged by thiia there "was- cpnsiderabie fresh buying,' .As a resulit, prices mdvanced elharplyf j h Heavy amd conitinuous selling by Liver-, pool ..during (the day caused .several ..set backs butHBtrrhe, end, the net .loss estab lished yesterday, had been recovered. : May openedat" 6.06, rallied -to. 6.10, leased to 6.05, shot to 6.15, again eased and closed at .to:6.lI, with the' tone of .-the market steady., T- . . , Tomorrow being a legal holiday,- thelex change will be closed. undeniable, that whether; warranted by the sl-tiuation or not,'L the market wears at the moment the undoubted ear marks ' of ' a bull market. The streigQi in the si tuatlou is furnished by' the fact that ,.tlhe demand for actual cot ton seems .to have Increased instead of re fusing to follow "the higher-'prices. " i: Having demonstrated its ability to ad tance, In spite of what now, seems to be the practical certainty ' .of an T- eleven , 'million bale' crop, the market has given the bulls great confidence,'" and ; wiU hereafter prob ably invite two-.speculaitlve'ibuyers on de clines; where formerly 4 there - was, but one Such being the case. It is possible. that the worst: of the depression is over,- tout a rise such as t3rts:-:4a8 teryi-.decreasedtlw 3. f-r a3 Lae it a: .ly ; it, if ccttoa ia a good thicg to huy at these prl- ces, it is also a good, thing to plant. "' The speculative buying fever may carry prices higher, but in our- opinion it will j take some accident to the n-ext crop to jus tify a big advance.- That, if it comes at all, I Is a long way off, and we are not inclined j to look favorably upon .the market - ( , , ; RIORDAN AND CO. r lAtlanlta; ;Feb. 10. -Eggs, ' 'lOllc.: But- ter. western-Ksreamery, 2023c; fancy Ten- nieesee,-Hi5c; cheJoe, . 1215c; Geor gia, lisc; diemanJi ligh-U L&ve ty,..-ltluikeys,, 10llct hens, -12 ,',' mis. ,, yjiunaueus, viTg&j . xoQ3 17 Wc; small, " 12 -14c; ducks, puddle, 1822t Peking, 0527c. ressed poul try, Jburkeya, 1214i2; hens, jL0llc; c4okhens,liiac; -geese,- S;, ducks. Xic;: oaish potatoes 9o?1.00 bu.; sweet pptoes, 7585c bu.; Honey, dull; strained 67c; m, the. comib, 78c. Cmions. ' neW orop 1.15L25 hu.;" ?3.003.2 bhl. ' , . . NEW YORK STOCKS, ' -W New York, Feb. 11. - - Following are clcteing prices of some lead Sugar,' 139? - Tobacco, 91i-'Buriinigton, 102; GeueralJEllectrle, " 38;, Manhattan," 116; Jersey Jenitral,- 95 J tlnioa Pacific, 84 . 3 n 'New-York,' Feb. 11. The stock market showed a continuance, of strength -at fthe opening , ia ithe special 'stocks, which have recently been 1 prominent. v. Metropolitan sbreet-railway r jumped': three .D0tinttaJ .Peo pies' Gas advanced Immediately aljter the opening 1,4 and Pullman) vwa.;up 1. Consolidated' Gas rose a point. - The rail way list generally -was a isractlon higher. the internationals leading in v. sympathy witn nigner quotations from London. -' ;r Money on call -nominally 11- per centi v i-nme mercantwei paper, "34 per cenit t Sterling exchange firm with actual busi nes in bahkers , Wis at ?4.854.85 v for demand and at :$4.834.83; for f sixty daysuposted 'rates, $4.84 and ?4.854.86; commercial Dijls, $4.82. t , . popooppep SU M;MEK:S :; ri: SPEGlAlilSATyESl Just what 6a have,. been looting foK High-class' goods at cut price?. NojTrasK Bargains in every Hue. ; FOR FRIDAY MORNING, and : until ; every piece and yard are sold, these prices will rule.t -Don't delay getting youirsupply at once., ; 'MnsHn Underwear. . Our cntiire stock goes ' for almtost half the regular, price. 7 . - . Gowns, madie of elegante cloth, handsome ly trimimed. . Pribe; $3.50; redluced to $1.88 Each ' : : Gowns, made'of elegamt oldth', handfeome- ly trinnimed." tPriice, $1.75; reduced, to- r $1.00 Each " Gowns, madie of elegarat'tfloiifli, handsome ly teimmedu - IPrioe, $1.25; rednaoetT to "'.' , l - '75c EachJf 7 t: SHrirts; 5 good : as&ortment,K: the , $2.25 and ; $2.50 kind go ror. $1.50 Each Skirts, v"good assortnn'ent, ' 'the $1.75 anid $2.00 kind go for ; y ,-':v . : : '' 'i . , ' $1.15 Each , , -. . Bkiirtsrgooai assortanient, the- $1.00 ' kind go for ' t " : - v 64c Each 5 : i Other garments aft the 'same" low rate. .-See them at onoe. " r - m v 'j - ' i, Embroii'dieirtes, , th largest sale ' in ' many i months; the cause of this can be uruder stood, JWe are salltog 15c, 18c, 20c and 25c Emibroid'eTlies - - ; . , , - WadS on another itable you iwill find: big assortmenit: raduced from 18c, 20c, 25c up . to 45c yard. ; IChoiiae j :r. - r 14c Yard V - Table Idnen amid Dasntask tsale, prices uu approached anywhere. t i . $1.15 ; quality 72-lnch Sat'ln ; Damask; special, prtce. . ' ; . 81c Yard $1.25 quality 72-inch Satin Damask, special price. ? , . - N -. ::i;-:::- 91c Yard ' $1.90 quality 72-inchv Ca'tin 'Damask ex- - tra fine Scotch good's; xpdclal price , i-r v $1.36 YcrJ ' , 56-iooh ialli JIAnen Unbleached Sootci 23c ycrJ , l .1 . ,' TaJWle "Napkliins Compare goods; compare -; prices' !:;.r;y1,iy'"' --'tf: 36,dozen of. bur $1.25k quality (full 'Size - Liinen INapkihsr reduced price , " ; , . $1.00 Doz o o o o o o -' ; 10 dozen. of. our $1.75 . quality, full , size fine Linen Napkins; redtuced price " , v, : . $i.29 d6z . ( 10 dozen of our $1.75 quality extra mice Linen (Napkins, full Size? reduced price -. ' 15 "dozen of our $3.00 quality extra heavy , " j.Lmem NapMns,.fu!ll size; reduced price ; vy v r j52.29 Doz ' - , 5 dozen of our $3.25 -qual'ilty , superior J v grade, -large Size iNapkins; reduced price - . i.1. These goods cant "be mlattehed for. the price anywhere in the city. . -' ' - " V - ' It certainly a golden opportunity to r suppBy your table w"ith rtJhe best of linens"" -Z at a1 genuine sacrifice.' . t " Vr V -10-4 eheeiflng beat grad'e, 'Tepperill t' - v'v!.:- 5c yard')"x 7." ' " 94'Sheetinig, best grade," 'Tepperlh" - ' r , r : 16c yard t l S 1; ) , ryiarHj-wIdie ' "(New York . fMais"; and ' ; "Wiaimauitta" - . " :;" ",. J, " - ' , . 10c yard r,,, - j , 1" - Yard-wide 'Lonnsdale'j: Cambrtc; ' ; r. '-" V - - 14 Yards for $1 00 T ; V' '.vO Engllsh "long cloith." "tvTA boTtV 4 -.V ' O ; Fcr0!.25 ;Yvv-0 - 18c quality fine Cambrtc' lluslm' for"'--,-' ? 13c Yard , r .f?j,;;0 " " 25c' quality fine Cambric Muslin f or r v. ; iso Yard . -;?'-: :o . 18c "quality English Nainsook for) " ' ; I V; T : : 13c Yard , "; ' -; v:." - : 0 ' 25c quality' :Eagllih 'Nainsook, ecf t finish, ' 1 1Cs Yard If you failed to rot a pair of our Kid Gbves at our Cut Pries Sale you certainly y uussed;the gve I you wantdon't dchy baying it 'or thoy o in c hurry.- ' 'v New, Wash Good?, Black Goods and Silks arriving daily. Tha prico is rcascrble. ( JS y : ' : ' 11 : IPnCCoa - Avon IzMen'suits, GHndren's.suits, Overcoats extra pants.: ; We offer goods atbout half their yalue to CDHcG3 ; QDui' I3attiiro WttboCr. : . The prices ; are so low that evervr " body can 'affordrto dress well. ; V v ; - : ; : - .-l 'i- -. i-.'mv,, :.' .,(.-'". biIl;-SBl-0 .V - 1. jr ,--3? - ' ; grain: - Chicago, Feb. ' 11: Wheat" - opened very strong today at c ' over yesterday3 closing prices,' May-at' 9797c. The feature of yesterday's late sham advances the movement eastward of a slaree amount of the Lelter;aroldlng!s wa again- the big cum mouve todays " it" wais stated that con tracts had already, been ; let .for shlDtrin e 2,000,000 bushels; by rati sit. once, and there was talk, of aditional heavy shipments ; be mg contraotea lor. : ; In adidati'on Liyerpoo exhibted an advance xf ,id.'- . - Close: Wheat Cash and February, $1.00; May,f 9797c,. July, 85; September. ', " PERSONAL AND SOCIAL IM'issfElI. Broadhurst. of Ashe-villa 3a to the city- vlisi.fcim'g Mr, and .!Mrs.p W.. S. Weatherspoon. on (Asheboro - .stjepiL Greensboro Tetegmam. .... .. -v , , - fW T?. Herri tage. 'representing tha Ashe- vilief aMly tazecie,- was here. in 4lae inter- sto of that-paper,, th'ia week. ..Uuss Aita ttvaglandi hias tofcea : Visii'ting ia Ashevulle Since ; last weejc'.'.iHon.-. iieorge A. u fordf and: Col, V. B.; 'Lutsk were here from AshevUte AM.ondiay on: busne'ss. ttvrevurd ; J, Li Graves, of Ashevflle. the traveling agent of the American Ohinawiaire company, was in the ctty luesday ; .Sam' Kenntdy, of Ashevil'.e,- onue a 7 popular 'salesman ' in tne buuidung - now : occupied tor The Vindi cator, was a" visitor last "week "to our towwRoiitherf ord t Vlnddcator. -Mrs. 'B. L. IBaln and dhlMxen have eone to Salisbury' -amd Cordonsvllle. "Va.. n tl?. It friends .and jelaittYes, ' n v -" . alanager. T. D GneenT'of the hotel at Hot Springs,-was -dm town yesterday. -1 - Thomas . D. : Johnston reiturned. " frriim Spariainibung yestoidlay. ;v " - gestjour prices Jjefdre :6u; buy. . ; During;, thi;;.. . special: sale. we , sell ten dozen fancy ; ' trimmed bicycle r hats ; for ladies, misses and chiidren-atsceacli:':" .Fifty .dozen neckties : ' " all shapes;, at V 2 5 c;;:former;: prjeef 50c.1 7 Ten , . : . ddzea'Sc fqrm; er: price tx 6of,;dpzien fancy.- shirts in latest desigrisr including t woolen ovefshirts, , fohthelow: priee of $1 bo. each a rare bar-? gain.- 24 wool top 'mackintosh; 1 o vercoats at; $4. 50 each; former? price $6.00. ;0 '-'i ;-. X1 irfiiBi C 1 p t Ji in fl i?H 0 u s b , : Mr. and iMrs. O. D. IRevell have returned from Vlhelr trlp to (Palm Beach, Fla. ' . 'CUrS.-W. B. TYvy-and daughiter; Qliss Thomas and Oldss 'MdAllnin came dosm from Balfour,yesterday to a'ttecd tiweoncert to- -Judge'ln the city.! . ! .V ' i, Mrs.. M.' H. Fktcher and oM'JJdren went to Fletcher's yesterday to visit. -? - ' v Tom RoMns -was '- in' town'yesiberday; on his return from Spartanburg. - J . , ; 'Frank Darby Is back from Round Knob. JMador W.5 "W. 'Rollins has itrned from Marshall -E.:' Frank. 7of Cinciin.imJtl. 'i7i -tlwi! ltv vlsltfflpig -friends., .v.i i , v- , John CMiederthi.wjbAJhas.bee 'A.- Q. iBay's 4nJRaymoth.:for sdxj.or eight months,' left yesterday for; his home, CVli- J.' A. .iNluhois Is back" from Barnard ' ; -'iDr. Mttieinlton aeft 'lastinilghl'foTrChato ttaxtooga, where- he --will' conduct ia ertes of meeUings." , - - OL'',W.-vWoffogrdv'WpiomlnesA tousi aess man of IHendersonviTle, spent -Thuirs- day and . Friday, In the city; Cam - - tof- rord was a distinguished Confederate sol- diiet dniring the late war.w from Spartan- burg, a.'C. - . - f, " - f -1 v ; , iroTEL Ar.r.ivALS. : : t: ASHUVILLC! ? HOTEL.KJ.! - S. Martin. Chelsea, .lilich.; W. A. Charping, -Missis-iPipi-.G, C. Devault, Bristol.. r SmlNTNlAINOlAs'HOTDL. F. -P. Carver, Port Royal, S. C; P. S. CiaySeld, Rdch mon; M: W ILevy, IBaJtimore; J. P. Rick mam, HenHersoniville; C. G. IHH,. 'North Carolina; J. H, Stapler,. Lexington ; A. W. Cfc&houu, -Atlanta, , ; . ' v. . - ' .'HOTCL cnitliniUY.I. C. Tate, T Y13- boro,.N.-C; Jcihn -II. iZller.- Winston; C. ? M."j Lewis, New York; Ai C. Johusoa, Eidh mond Spencer James, - Lou3av!il"e; , W. T. Dunlop, -- tPhiJadelphJa ; ; George r V. Denny, Richmond; 0. B. Coward, KnoxviRe; W. II. CJox, 'Ricfhrnond. ' , , ', 41 rPattOn Ave; KmnifHnmimmmmnimtmHninnnni ?T :Has moved to No:27 North Mtiri street and will be glad SS,.; v to see' all her customers at her new place. Come, and see 2 her new stock' whether you want to ' buy-or' not. v A-very : - handsome line of bedroom suits, parlor suits, folding beds, ; 3 tZ . wardrobes, ' chairs v stoves a good No.' 7 cooking stove. rS3 J '- ' with full line of .vessels for 8 , cash.. Will always give you : 3 ' ' , S: a little better bargain than any one'else.: What she saves "-S3 : , in reit she gives her customers in prices on gqods. " Price 3 r gr : -here before buyihg.; W "'-V ;. .''-". 3, ;Phdn6.l66r;': : iiiitiiiiuuiiiimusuiiuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiimiiiiiimiHmtutiiiiM f . ' ' ; ' - . . ; V " - ' " 'February 1' 1898. ' - - V : ' . "The firm of H. Redwood & Co., Asheville. 1 " I J 7 N. C. expires this day by limitation. - - '-' : i- v claudius e.. miller,,- ; . ; , A- -5 .f . .'.iVC.. ANINIE C. PRESLY. i X ., ; r . j. St JOHN Wt NDELY. The undersigned have this day formed a' : co-partnership, ;under style of H. Redwood " . v -j," A & Co., for the transaction of a business in ; t " V, ." - - ; general 'merchandise in the city of Ashe- 7 -',..' .-V.V- ville, N. C. - " - - - , , 5 . ,r - wr? "1.1" r ; ' ' . - o henry redwood 1 - - f v- ' , . :VV:' V- r-' ' CLAUDIUS H. MILLER.' V"V'- T f 2L? CITIIEBIS' COAL CO. -1 .v. : : V f. : SELLS ALL GRADES OF - ' . A3DAG3G' AQ0 'blTDbcODO : GDi Anthracite) 09.00 per Ton. - ; -V. :' Lump, Q4.D0 per Ton. y ; ;; , Domestic Nut; 04.00 per Ton. FC!LL WEIGHSS GUARANTEED.! UptoT7n. Oliico Rcom - v1 K ' . ' 'Phone, 238. 3, Drhumor Building. . cvJ . . Yard-'Phons 33. Ctcilca Cloach, 'tie sen of John Roach, the - famous ' ship-bull er,' is- -v visiitlng . in Georgia, icjzI it i3 rTI tlat the has an die of ".establishing a thip-yard at same point r fax:' the .'south.'- SlXe'tas been "talli'lzg 'with ' stxu'iitrn 'imea. C3 ta tia- relative merits cf , v. 4 Craswicli, lll-hila ci New Orleans.-.. :. 1 Work executed on Pri3ises. , ; - I.Ionumontal Ilarbb, Grcnito cr.! . Stcno V.rcrc. . 1 103 Patton Ave,, - -- - , Asheville, II. C. ; irccuAKici cirr.riAU rcn all tadz: