c. 3f .tie superior court, will l3 c;n 3ic -, - t t - i oefore tLa dcnoora'Ucs -cc a. c.zvtj- don, for clerk of the cCLe cf clrrk c: Oe siu.piricr 'courL A. A. 'FealSherston, Jr., will leav- to-day far Cleveland, county 'where ihe.i s !been appoanlted storekeeper tand gu'aer at the distillery of Jacob Sellers, ille will take charge Blouinday. ' W. ;R. Bam," of Grape Viae, Madron cowntyf is 811 t!h cilty with a drove of stock, consLs'ttoig of Shorses, miules anxl .caitCle.; Thiose not sold in lAsfoeVille w;ill be taken to South: Carolina by Air. Sam's to-day, ' Two revenue ofiScers darrinig an: absence of forty-eight Jhours from .this efty, cap tured and destroyed in Transylvunia and JidJ:kson counties seven, Mliiclit diistllleries. They rani 4ni : on some of the operators X Jt , mm I 1 1 VAL NT I WES I VALENTINES! i Everyone who has seen bur display of Valentines exclaims that it " ( , ' y W 'do next want imiich 'money, all :T" we ask is a fair profit. You can buy. . J v more with your money at AILLEN'S, . a- opposite thd postoffiee, than any- where else' in town. Reaneimber we. v(. TTTTvrTT!lltCTTC rvl TPPTTTTS ;' T OAJN5DIES," CIGARS. . TOBACCO, 2 T JSTATIONIBRY, !NDWS, ETC. . THE WEATHER. Washington, JFefb. " 11. 'Partly , , cloudy; The following temperatures prevailed at AshevIlle " ; .' .;. . W. .V;; . : . , -40 Fair J ' ftitmaivta - . Vf I . vr: : . .... . 62 Cloudy ; 'Botf Un , 38 Cloudy Chicago ' A ..'.,..",. A'...V.. .'- - 44 Stain, x Ci.mcSiomn.ti .; ."'. .'J - V'-3 Otov dy fR&Selsh. . . , ......... .; "40 COoud -'Jockaomrllle ' . . ". . . . 58 Fair : "NewYorfe .,,-.,.,.,.......:.,..: 38 Cloudy Washwag'tioini ..;....!..... 38 -Pair. . ITY NETTS IN BRIEF. 1Mrs. T, J. Hevell is quite ill at her home cia Cen'taal avemie.' -' "'"j, '1 V'W ' , , 4 rr v - - iWlll tAlfcen was Sout yesterday aftor, an. '. 'd'nidiaposrtion of several days, t f ' fs.; , ;"' . .Sr , ,. I'' i i ,. ;, v" ' , 'J.' R, Colemaa, of tb!e "sixty-'iB,Iit umfor umates," (leaves off lais dattiea ito-day. " ' ' rrhe window iaciing- cund other triraranitngs . of Uhe Patonet'to . "bulldlinig are ' , being re-1 '' palin'ted., - ' ' 1 ' . - T3ie olity polfce made eleven arrests yes terday, a Biuimiber 'of ; 'which - were ". for !. dTiuntoenmess. J ,- . ' ' ' . -1 -.' ColeAdtor "Harkins yesterday, signed 233 checks for storekeepers and guagers to tihe .amount of 8,662. , , t , , , (Mrs. P,'S. 'Banfels as ' quite illat liner 'home ; ont comer 'of Mapie and) ' Chiuam streets. ; - , 15 ."-' J. v Two stall "keepers to the market bouse presented bills to tihe aldermen for twenty dozen eggs broken by a dog. It was re " -ferred to tine market 3xouse coantmittiee. , "" iPassemger traino. 12, .from KnorrMe, wa decayed at he station' some time yes terday in order to replace a .broken break on one of tie coaches. - - - W. G. Reynolds, of Aslrevilk, jiaS ac : eepted a position wifih the Salisbury cotton minis, as card gTimkier. Spartanburg Her 4 aid. - - ' ' ..!, .. J, . v . .'Homer Oaittiey", f, Henderson county, gave a supper Tihiuirssdiay uigfet alt Paul's ' Caife, tacHapliSmiemklary (to Oapt. Lee's - oo- r i - asleep.'' " - " . r' , .Rev. Junius W. Ml Ward,, pastor- of Eu taiw "Place Baptist church,, Baatimore. tie leading , Baptist ohiuroh- of tlhat city,' will preacih at'. First' Baptist -iclhiuroh, to-smor-. row aBtomi'ng.' .iMr.' Millard is 'one' of tne most eloqoient and clhc'Iiajrly young preach ers of the south. c . ' , ' " Andrew Strudiricks was locked up yes terday for' trying to work a bluff game wi one of ' the slot m!a:lhines,, in a Pattoa aive nlue store. (He dropped a nickel , ia Uhe wihee'l and won a cigar. 'As the .clerk turned to et it, -he reached' .aroonnd. be nind' .the machinei got 'his nickei and drcippedi Tt to again, this time five cigars was the result, tout, none -for 'Andy, ; , ; . Just - try & box of Ca sea rets, the - finest liver and bowel regulator ever made. At Pelham'i Pharmacy. , ' . , : I is the finest selection they have ever seen. "r '" , '.Rogers9 BooiY Store, ' ' , : zr 22 South Main .Street. if desired as a sachet to T clothing, gloves,v4etc.'- V -,I ingi edlents . of Which tt is 4 be- ring I T W WWWWWW i Colgate & Co's i t yipris Toilet Soap i The WOLET-ORiRTS Perfume of X "i thda'Soap 'is an entirely - new dJa- ! ,'coveiiy; la the art of fPerfumery. T Wblle Its pexfiuime is very refined ' 4 "anki. delicate,, it la remarks Jly last- Ingand clings e toxmg time to Che T ekin after lite. , T Vioris Toilet Soap t -, . Has the" peculiarity of Impartsiing its odor to other: objeots, end "may be used . -v scent The composed are chemically tested fore anainuf&cturing, thus assuirieg the prcihaser of absolute purity. Ii 'is therefore apparent that no Toi- let Soap can surpass it for the com; plexiion of: ladies or the delicate skim of children. ' ' - 4s f;: To obtain the most agreeable re- ulrts from the use of VIORIS Soap, y wet xda soap ana pud ft nearly ory, i or vasffl a thick, mtber 1 X If possible do mot allow. amain wet,' as its perfume T preserved it kept dry. ' '"--., K". ?T T ' - We barve just received a fresh . T 4. supply of 'this delicious soap X ' five cents ; for small . and . fifteen . a Y ' cents for large cakes. - - w,' AT - . I J. B, ST.lclNTdSH, I i - 8UCUE8POR to . X I The White G- Smith Drug Co. $ nearly dry, j Is . formed. ' T v.. It to re-, Z le Is oeftter We wish it understood;; : that the Si I 1 are 'not merely "good bicy-1 . S5 : cles for i Sso'V but that thev? are absolutely the very best - - 1W '- -bicvcles 'We can rjroduce in"'-' sssi' V f ' - ,.-ir- large quantities and carry in E- - i.- . stock for immediate delivery. v ttJcr - . This means that, the" Eagle Bicycle vMfg Co., vwjtrrall the facilities - an up-to-date factory affords, and the, helplfthe , most skilled workmen cannot, build better. ' . - There is Also a $35 Eagle. ADE3EUILLE'6VGlLI;.6Br.PriCVJi ' : r ugene C. -Sawyer, . Mgr. Telephone 228. ; : x ; . 47. Patton Avenue; J , The liadies Missionary society of Cen tral MettaxBIst "Chniroh, are - maBjing taf rangements for at prospeotive . Klondike party to be , given TQiursday evening in tlhe Johnstont toulMiing on Haywood sr-eet; Quite a novel' program has 'been gotten up. - lAaii- admission) fee of 25 cents will be ciharged, wMca'wilil entitle one to a stoked claim in. he so-called Klondilke fields, landj tij refreshments.:-The entertainment, will ibe wholly social. " i U. green, grocer is one who trusts the famtily tthat has Jusj moved 4n tlhe neigh bor hood. - .- " -." - . . v,;v - 1 1 ; The troulble .with some girls iis that ;they are gididiy when -flhey think 'they : are gay; "" !AL womiaia can tell what lanother woman (has on as far as, a man warn smell fried; onions., , 0 - ' ". "-, ' ' , ' . i T ;3is . y i - - Saerificinq Profit fo fJiaie; Sales ! This is' a sale :that will set the -clothing' world agog; a sale ; that will secure wide recogriitsori and an enormous patronage by ; .sheer force of merit.- Every dollar invested now will be worth : .two in service to the : glad wearer. V;, Our reason for :this great sale, which will lose so much money for, us. is short. It's con1 trary to our business principles to cury over stock from one sea son to the next. ; We change each season. Our spring stock will; soon come in. ; We haven't room for it no sale. The superb stock of fall and winter good's now: on hand in . men's, boys? and cMldren's Wts, "overcoats "and ulsters, reefers, etc., made specially for us for thisV. winter's trade, in' idl wool cheviots; worsteds, chinchilla, melton; beaver, Irish frcize, as trachan &c &c., we. purpose selling at the greatest sacrifice yet : oifered. They must go, and that at oncoJ . r v ; Men's Department V , All 20.00 aod 18.00 Suits amdl Over - boat ab . ... V . , , , . ,'$14.00 ' ' -AM 116.50 am'd! .5.00 Suits, Overcoaits -' ; ; and-Ulstersa:..;-..U."f;.. lioo,; . T s i All .112.00 and $10X0 Sudtsl OvwteottU ' . i . I11 listers 'at I 8,00 s -. t; A ,ew.9.0O Overcoats to close W.. . 6.00 Bos'-' &ACh)ldireris'hcpt3 All $7.00 'anidi' 6.00 Suits Overcoats audi ( Ulsters bjC.".". ' 4.50 - JAM , $5.60 , and , $5.00 SWits, : Overcoats U l"- 1 Uls'tera ankJ (Reefers tttJ,;,..'.';'C.v.v':St75 ; , AW $4.50 and) $4.00 grades .at......,,..'. 3.00 tUl $30 andl $3.00, grades lat. .. : 1 .U . . , 2.50 - IU1 $2.50 ana $2.00 grades at ". :l , J'.50 " 5 t epiendM line, of 'Boys'. Cape' r. Coats sat saimie big cult - . ' 4 lAll' 50c IBoys' iPants, . . . . ' ! . . 38c; i for 75c" (All 75c 'Boys' Panits at. All $4.00 fShoes for;..;. :50c ...... $3.00 ' Other merchants retail ;tMs Shoe at $5.00. '- t n it W e use no deceptive methods. Our goods are all marked in plain figures. A chitd can deal with U3 do safely as the adult. : ; We guarantee caticfacticn, We coll for cash; to all alike, ; - ; 00 Patton Avenue. Drhutnor Block. BAR MEETING CALLED.- - I ;A't the -IDeoenoSber- term of ,.the; sujperJ!or Jcourt for this county Judge 'Norwocd imade an order that the tmemhers ofs the bar should' hoM a meeting for the fpurpose of preparing a endiair of causes to .be tried on the third Saturday "before the first day of each term at 3:30 p, m: in. the clerk's office, "?';.C -vvjf 4y': 'fyilf ' The toem-berslof IJhe Ashevhleb. are notfned' that in accordance with this order of Judge Norwood a meeting Will" be held to Olerk Oa'they's Sce Saturday afterncon. CThruary 26, to .prepare a calendar for. the Dlardh term. - , " , TMs order of the iuidge was made "tthat every attorney might know of the time and pta-ce of the meeWng of , the' calendar com miL'ttee, - and thus ''have no -excuse for : an applioatHaa forcontiniu'ance on.tlhe ground that -;they had no notlicv of the meeting.'! J U --Lj -J Dcn't try to do your own laundry work. Don't have anything to do with it. Don't go to a laundry where you have to tell them" how. to. do r your. .work. That's al co&t as much bother 3 dclng It yourself. Send your clothes to U3, and you shall have them just as you like ciexn, just when you want thesL We use no. Injurious chem icals. "We don't tear the. fabrl : 4 ' .V ':. -n - ' .-'! 1 x Aqheyille' Steam Laundry, ; Phone S5. 43 , 7est College street. 7ashington Died From the ;;;-,;ct8of:A,Chili thai developed" into a fatal "Lar he had toasted himself before such :-tt as our coal makes, he would probably lived to a green old age. - Our coal ia 1! " grade and emllts more heat to the show ful than, any coal . usedT for heatinl iff iTa.f; - -k 34 PATTOIT AVENUE. .f.AWYi!i:rPresi4ent. v .',- ', J.K.BAKKIW. it..m &''.4:.? Oa,ltal!.Steolc - -;.-:.'.".'l6o.ooo Superior Facilities for Doing a General Banking Business, : ; I ' CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ' SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOB BEHT J; WJjKorwood, President P Jit . r v 4 E. .R, Lucas, Cashier. s he ft; 5110- :J y.z!coz!s price. i - r s,w. (U. VUwJl : t' f . HAS A "MAD ST0NE.r, , W. . R. Sams, of IMadlson county 4s in the ci'tyandl eays thiit he is in- possessloini of a genuine "m(ad sitone," which was hanldied down ' to Mm from ancestors through sev-eiair-generations.' Olr. iaamssays that"-he has 'been-- tn possession of the Stone for several years, tandi that about one year ago he, had the sftone examined under a'.mdJcax scope by -Dr. Baard, of JMa'dison, who pror nounced it a reai "mad stone." The st.wne wefghs labouit one ounce and is of a dork grey coCorv, - The -stone' has been id' the family for over 100 years and is mow Jociced tup in the safe of 'Mr. Sams at Grape Vine. " The liynchburgMVa.) News says of OJn Sherwood; who gives a' recital at the 'Ashe vilie.tCJollege to-ni'ght: As a piaoist, Mr. Sh-erwocd is' universaEly regarded as one of .the. leaders' iia iAmterica.- TechnQoally -".and artisticoilly he ds a master. His music is Tike a finlished poem, exqu:isite,'in "detail aai'dr perfect im eemtiment." r If you. jwomt . your clothes to lookv heat senkS tiemf to Jthe "Ashevllle Tailoring Co!., Na5 'Eat Court Square and, have thent pressedV' They will press you -4 suits or 8 pair of pants for $1.00 per mionth. - W tt V ; MOOOY MiAjRQXJIAIRDT, Prop. - SOUVENIR SKETCHES. . . .'. 1 -SOUVENIR SKETCHES. ..... - (d Water Oder.) ' Local Scenery and Cixracter l-t ...... J-L., f. - ,rfl ti..J 1... .1 I : DEUTIST, rcrrrcrly d8-.:tratcr cf ceratira dezt lstry at.Penna;College of . Dental Surgery, Philadelphia. . , ' . . . . . Nltrpus 0x129 cas ad2i!sltcrea.. 1 .. Drhuciar Zlcz"zf -s ' ; t Zlcom 9, Phcna r 50: Patton Avennel 'Dole's GOD:; LIVER OI A Perfect and Tasteless Preparation of the Extract of Ccd Liver Oil. V ::: B I P f a r- I it - u . J L J I . o . ' ( Blue Ridge National Bank of: A8HBvn.LE.-p feC?: .." Guarantees to air customers PromptnessV Accuracy and Absolute Se cunvWe ;respectfully solicit .ypur business; and will grant every accommodation, consistent with Sound Banking, :j .SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT; . W, J. SLAYDBN; ' JAS.AJBUBROUGHSr v E. DAVID, . V J. W. -NORWOOD. 'S.P.ilcDlViTr. ERWIN SLUDER'Teiler. ,1 HOUSTON MERBJMOKi Book-Keepef. Gift 't V Distribution Begins on Monday, February 7, 998: ; ; -'.With each roll on my Fairest Wheels the customer gets a ticket and a coupon attached to 'it .with ;a corresponding number ;Trie-one holding ,the luckynuinber- will get .."Swapping Dote." a , prize. F'or the first week the prize will be one box of 1 5a, Blomberg Spcto;Cigm or any leading ' Five Cent Cigars' I keep in. stock. All who will have suc tickets bringt them with' you the "following -Monday when- the drawing will take place,- v :r; ; : ;L-BLOilBERG;;: Leading Cigar Store, 17 Pat. Ave. - "Free r.eading room in fear. : Ball cr SEieppard. J: 6;Pattoa Ave;J c j Practical Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters. I REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY ' i, J)one on Short Notice, i PHOW3 88. ' ; Being so often accused of. the above we are led to believe that we yore selling goods daily for less money than, others are willing to take for them.' , Now we do not mind such criU- ' , oisms; . Eeally , they. are our best advertisements.- Three cars Flour ' and Feed this week: with another ,-' arrival : Monday., , j . 5 ; , ,, Come right: along for .while the dollar swapping goes on we save f - you money. I . H. C. JOHNSON CO., 36 & 38 North Main. DR. GEO. THRASH, STJE6ERT' AND, MEDICINE. Office and Residence, Phone 21i: ; ' . 424 South Main St. UOWLAKE -,V ' , t.Miwi .Kv'vf" NORTH ARHTI&yTTJ.F. 4 ( iff BSB h-T . - '.. . --V 1 Vie Do Jot Cave lb Tell M 1 ! ' V '1 1 x r i $ 1 Tea t y fairy tIa rrrt cr crzl tilt you cjy C3 it3 t-:.;.r citlci. ' I-' 3 your f .3 sl it Trill r-;ii, f-- it-i. Eurri- It zUnZi Lie A r!ctrs trl L; L. a vc".c:z3 c :.I it I3 c!:aa trl I: is 11 tl:re. Qrpceriess v VeetaWes, Pish ;:k? ana-Oysters. , pnoiip 209. Only licit Uarhct in Doubleday. ff P" wj. "Jnlc:: lino's Day we Lc7? r:;: lr ui many "new - far 1 -r---'- iDrco vs-B,'BaB t a7 tirxo c : -.. 3 t.1 cI for your soildJ ea, EJ it t-m with such Pf; ! f -l-a c-.i eolor woo it, 3 1 L " I tpen your ciirt front- :! Si2am Laundry 1 1 I 1 . . fc C iiitircli ..'St' en T'lh 3 jBB 13 .-.j. 0 Church Street Si. - 1--. if-.